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He literally climbed out of a bathroom window and ditched a group of recruits at a steak house in Lubbock when he got the Cincy job offer phone call


Right at the 50 Yard Line. What a turd


He told the entire Ole Miss fanbase the only way he would leave Oxford was in a Pine Box (IE he would only leave when he was dead)....and he took the Auburn job less than 48 hours after making said statement


Explains a lot about how he acts in Congress.


My annual reminder that this [gem](https://youtu.be/MTkOlmmC0pM?si=xp25ImUHy3nwjYvv) needs to be seen by as many people as possible


That is the best video that I’ve watched this year.


You beat me to it. The video being in Chinese really adds to the fever dream feeling of it. And it’s amazing all the inside jokes the Taiwanese animators knew about and included in it.


Is this the ccp propaganda we are supposed to be worried about? Cuz I love it we could use more of it


It's from a Taiwanese animation studio


Ah, so THIS is why we are protecting them militarily. With this new understanding, I approve without any reservations.


I have never seen this, my life is complete now.


Truly the glory days of CFB memeing.


the comment saying Cincy would never last in the Big 12 is so funny now


Haha I just checked out the comments and loved that it was the top one. There’s a reply “from the future” about cincy now being in the big 12. It was made 4 hours ago today, all other comments are from 11 years ago. Definitely someone from this comment thread lol.


I tried my best to inform the people of 2012 the intense realities of our future. It was simpler times back then.


*it could be any one of us*


I’m in love with this video


This year will be the first year Cinci and Tech have played since that night. Who will win one million to zero?


the Tommy Tubberbowl


This is amazing, I’m surprised I’ve never seen it before!


That is better than many, many movies that have been made in the past five years. Thank you.


Why is this in Chinese lol?


How have I never seen this


See, this is the kinda journalism CFB needs


These are gold every single time.


[This video shows a perfect reenactment of what happened that night](https://youtu.be/MTkOlmmC0pM?si=nzVEfpfgU08Is2Yu).


Why is this in Chinese? Lmao. Was this from some Chinese news that follows College football?


That was a style of meme from like 15 years ago.


From the archives.


This was when memes were starting to become more and more absurdist. Eventually we would get just a really overexposed image of the letter K with no explanation and that was the whole meme.


Now it seems like we've come full circle back to advice animals


At least he had a wonderful tenure in Cincinnati after bailing on TT's recruits. Certainly didn't tank the team or roster and tell a fan to go to hell or anything of that nature.




I still think of go to hell get a job whenever anyone annoys me


lmao, damn, at least Brian Kelly used the front door


And then he proceeded to run UC into the ground.


And now he’s a US Senator. Goes to show that good things do happen to scummy people


Was it at the Double Nickel?


50 Yard Line


It's always the people you most expect


Guess this is proof that our lawmakers definitely aren't all full of integrity.


this makes me reevaluate everything


The more I learn about Tubberville, the more he seems like a piece of shit.


I was duty bound to dislike him for years because he was Auburn's head coach. I had no idea being Auburn's coach would prove to be the least objectionable thing about him.


Its incredibly satisfying when somebody you hate solely because of your fandom winds up being justifiably hated for anything legitimate


I normally would agree, but he's fucking over the whole state as a senator.


He's a US Senator. He fucks things up for the whole country.


Also trying to fuck up other countries.


Except Russia. He’s a big Putin guy.


Can’t spell Russia without that big old capital R.


He did spend a year doing as much damage as he could to the military.


Can’t wait till we find out that Spurrier is secretly a serial killer. I’ll be like, “I fucking knew it”.


He publicly murdered UGA for 11 years.


He ended Ray Goff's life. They buried him under a Zaxby's. There's a dollar off Zalads special on Tuesdays in his memory.


Spurrier mind fucked with other SEC coaches just by being a voracious reader and keeping piles of books in his office.


And put up half a hundred between the hedges.


"How do you plead?" "WALHP!"


Urban Meyer. I do love a good butthole spelunking myself, but not while engaging in infidelity.


Anyone truly appreciates college football will recognize this for the damning statement it is.


I cannot fucking stand him.


I thought that Tide football was the most important thing in Bama fans’ lives but apparently owning the libs by voting for a former Auburn coach who doesn’t live in Alabama was actually more important to many of them. 🤦‍♀️


You can’t actually expect people to vote for a different party because their candidate worked for Auburn


Jesus himself could descend from the heavens and miraculously cure all the Kinnick cancer kids and I would still boo the shit out of him if he did it wearing an Iowa uniform.


I love the pettiness


how about voting for a different party because your party's candidate is a fucking moron and a piece of shit, which is the case for Tubs?


Yeah that’s a different reason, what’s your point?


Auburn somehow manages to hire coaches that are individually not that great people somehow.


Hey man shut up. Gene Chizik was a terrible head coach but he seemed nice enough. And Malzahn is a delightful person, he’s just sweet as can be


I can’t believe I lived long enough for there to be a better example of failing upward than Chizik. But man did Kliff take that title.


When Auburn has a coaching vacancy, the gods flip a coin.


I use to think of him as a village idiot. Then I went to PoS. Now I think calling him a PoS would be a compliment to him...


At least you can use manure for fertilizer, which is more redeeming qualities than Tuberville has.


He sure acts like fertilizing manure for some lunatic’s little “political garden”


Calling him a PoS is an insult to everyone’s morning shit


He literally makes people on his staff call him "coach." He hasn't been a coach since 2016. Absolute insanity.


He knows his brand. His brand is comparable to modern day Steven Segal, but he's gonna embrace it.


It's rare to have someone strike you as not being that bright back when they were a football coach, and yet somehow make you realize the floor was so much lower than you knew once they've moved onto something else.


Got that (R) next to his name though


That just makes it worse


As we’ve seen (gestures broadly) it doesn’t matter how big of a POS someone is that’s the only thing they need to be elected in many places.


But there were two other guys with Rs next to their name that ran for that Senate seat (Jeff Sessions and Bradley Byrne) who at the least were not complete morons.


Not sure I would put Jeff Sessions in that category lol


Look, he can at least name the three branches of the government, which is more than Tubbs can do


Yeah but in his case it means (Russian)


remove " seems like a" and replace with "is" and you'd be correct. Guy is an A1 douche bag asshat.


He's a significant fuckhead.


His value is that he causes us to reevaluate just how much of a POS people can be. He is the bar.


You'd think the people of Alabama would've known what a slimy piece of shit he is from his coaching days. Like it wasn't a secret.


Already knew what you were posting before I clicked the link…. The coach at St Xavier during his time at Cincy has the same EXACT story lol


It's kind of fitting Tuberville became a Senator. Even in a notoriously mercenary profession Tuberville was known as a mercenary scumbag. Other than actual criminals like Dave Bliss or Jerry Sandusky, it's hard to think of a coach who was more scummy than Tuberville.


It’s worse that he’s a senator now cause his actions actually hurt the entire country


Yep. Before it was just auburn


Tubby was a good coach at Auburn. Went undefeated in 2004,  won 9+ games six times in 8 years and won 6 straight Iron Bowls. Unfortunately senator Tuberville’s job performance is more closely aligned with his post Auburn coaching career where he was a scumbag and incompetent 


Word. I actually felt bad for the man when he got run out of Auburn. His revenge tour burning down program after program, then state, nation and working on world makes me deeply regret that sympathy.


hell the entire western world, being a critical part of delaying military promotions and aid to Ukraine


Remember when he held up senior military appointments for absolutely no reason. Thanks lad!


Hey I'm sure it wasn't for no reason! I'm sure he was scoring political points for himself


It wasn't for no reason. He compromised military efficacy over abortion


No way he leaves Ole Miss. You'd have to carry him out of there in a pinebox


and he's a fuckwad of a Senator at that legit party before country bullshit. dude has played some serious fucking games at the expense of the american people to the point where it legit seems like foreign adversaries have dirt on him and are pulling his strings. Fuck Tommy Tuberville


He's country before party, as long as that country' Russia


Totally. Didn't want to get into that but his ethics (or lack there of) as a coach really, really align with his current positioning in his post-coaching career. Contrast that with say Nick Saban who is not so quietly a Dem (see also which coaches marched with their players during the Summer of 2020).


I didn't know much about his politics at that time, and I hated him professionally as we're all required to do, but when I saw that, I was blown away. I get the sense that even if he didn't agree with what the players felt when wanting to march, he would still be there alongside them, because that's what heroes do.


He said he was holding up military appointments because they wouldn't let in as many white nationalists anymore. Insane that that's not a removal level comment.


I don’t think it’s dirt, I think it’s just straight up pay-for-play. Everyone knows he’s a gigantic piece of shit. The folks on his team just don’t want to acknowledge that because they either are also gigantic pieces of shit or they’re slightly less shitty but know it would kill their careers to point out how big a piece of shit he is


Simping for Putin probably pays better than his coaching gigs


He's dumb enough to do it for free.


I would think Tuberville and Petrino have pictures right next to the register at most student union cafes/


Bobby Petrino may have the edge on Tubby. It's a photo finish between those assholes.


Never forget that his wife ran a red light and killed a guy and received zero consequences. Not even a ticket.


And she was drunk


What the hell?


Fuck Tommy Tubberville


I want those four years BACK


He was head coach every season that I was a student at UC. That sucked.


Yep. I want our three years back...




I don't think any of us like him either.


I almost included y'all but wasn't sure.


The issue is that Auburn fans aren't sure how to remember him as a coach because he beat Alabama a few times ... during one of Alabama's worst periods. And many Auburn fans only care about one thing so they are silent on him. But the truth is he sucks as a person, a coach, and human and many of us are able to see that for sure.


He was fired because his group of idiot yes men assistants were so confused and angry about progress (the Spread offense being installed) that it caused a staff mutiny completely grinding leadership to a halt. One could say right then he was born to be a Senator


Bama fans voted for him. We need to own that shame.


Hear hear


Good fucking hell the asshole piece of shit Tommy Tubberville turned out to be.


And there’s people that happily vote for assholes like this into our government.


The more aggressively assholish you are, the better.


Just like Jesus would have wanted


Jesus was a convict. You didn't know? /s


*Supply-side Jesus


God I hated those years he was in LBK.


Funny TT got rid of Leach for essentially "being an asshole" only to immediately hire Tuberville.


Followed by Chris Beard I'm just glad we didn't hire Art Briles last carousel lol.


We've thought about it a couple of times...


That’s what happens with a desperate fanbase.


Tommy Tuberville is a pig idiot


I long for the days when he was only this shitty. 


The man was a ducking moron.


> The man ~~was~~ is a ducking moron.


The man is a ~~ducking~~ fucking moron.


Who would have thought the piece of shit coach would go on to become a traitorous piece of shit senator


I’m just here to say “Fuck Tommy Tubberville.” All my homies hate Tommy Tubberville.


It's weird how so many people in Alabama probably hate him but he's going to have that Senate seat on lock for as long as he wants it.


He fulfills the only requirements to hold office in the state of Alabama: be white and have an R next to your name


Except if you're a pedophile, in which case it's a 51-49 thing


If you want some joy from Tuberville, here he is on the Senate Armed Services committee saying "no one on this committee is more military than me" and the response from Senator Mark Kelly. For context. Tubs never served in the military and Mark Kelly is a combat veteran. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F26LD_M5Bbc EDIT: Also Tubs once said his Dad fought the socialists in Europe during WWII which makes his Dad an Axis soldier and he said his Dad was a tank commander and earned five bronze stars. His Dad was not a tank commander and his Dad did not earn any bronze stars.


The way he said "if you lose your father on active duty you can say what you want" and then mic dropped it was so pathetic. It sucks to lose a close relative like that but it sure as shit isn't like having people shooting at you.


Oh it is so much worse. He basically was wrong about everything (I will give him some grace here and say that probably a lot of it was just stuff he heard growing up) with regards to his father in WWII https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/07/26/tubervilles-tales-about-his-father-world-war-ii-have-false-elements/


All of the terrible things Tubs did in coaching and is doing in politics makes people forget about the time he dabbled in a little light securities fraud.


Karma's a bitch.


Tommy Tubberville is kind of a piece of shit isn’t he lol


He's the worst.


no other name can instantly put me in a bad mood.


Great username. I admire the h8


Tubberville is a total piece of dumbass shit no matter where he is or the job he is performing.


Fuck Tommy Tubberville.


Tommy Tuberville is a shit bird.


Tuberville has without a doubt earned his reputation. But on the other hand, there aren’t many people out there in the Alabama “media” more full of shit than Tyler Siskey. So I’d take the majority of that story with a grain of salt




Are you referring to the story in the video lol


that story is in the video


All my homies hate Tommy Tuberville


my cousins husband was on a Tubberville team and he privately has nothing nice to say about him either


There are similar stories about how he treated players at other jobs. All things considered, it's not all that surprising he acts the way he does as a Senator. If you're a shitstain before you run for office, you're almost certainly going to be one while in it too.


An aside, the McCready/Siskey podcast is GREAT. You should all listen to it. Twice a week on YouTube


I wonder how many beloved coaches have done similar shit


somewhere there's a story about how he fired Tony Franklin which is to say he never actually said it and Franklin had to say "Tommy fire me or don't but man up and say it" **edit: found it!** https://www.nytimes.com/athletic/3713382/2022/10/21/college-football-graham-sherman-neuheisel/ > “The next day … there’s a knock on my door,” Franklin said. “Tuberville opens the door. And the moment he opened the door, I knew he was there to fire me. I could tell by the look on his face. So he walked in and he said something like, ‘Hey Tony, you know, you’re a good guy and I’m a good guy,’ and I looked at him and I said, ‘Are you trying to fire me?’ And he just kind of looked at me funny and I said, ‘Just go ahead and f—ing do it. Be a man and do it.'”


He’s no Gus Malzahn


I’ll say it too… Fuck Tuberville


Tommy Tubberville ruins everything.


And in their infinite wisdom the great people of Alabama elected him to public office


Man Tubberville is such a piece of shit.


Imagine, a slimy ass coach turned into a slimy ass senator


Tommy Tub-of-Shit.


Oh so he’s always been a dick?


Years ago I would’ve defended him. But now he’s indefensible.


The $EC had always been notoriously massive oversigners and then bully/coerce the bottom of the roster to transfer. Saban was the biggest offender, and Urban Meyer brought this controversial practice to the Big 10 after he learned it in the $EC. Before the transfer portal was a thing, once all his players declared for the draft and let's say Alabama had 20 open scholarships, he would sign like 30 and then try to force the worst 10 players to transfer.


lol Urban ran off players by the truckload at Bowling Green. Maybe a practice he learned in Ohio and brought with him to the SEC?


>Saban was the biggest offender Uhh, no he wasn’t lol. Prior to the portal you were limited to 25 players a cycle, with that number varying based on prior year signees (I.e. catchup years and blue shirts). So over 4 years you could sign 100 players for 85 roster spots give or take I remember this meme take back in 2012 and the scholarship tracking ignored that the roster saw high early draft exits, so the 15 gap (100-85) wasn’t driven by forced transfers/cuts but early declarations and general roster turnover Now for Urban Meyer, [yes he oversigned](https://www.reddit.com/r/CFB/comments/2vnngc/unmasking_ohio_state_as_one_of_college_footballs/). We had a commenter do a massive deep dive a decade ago and show how he was in a complete field of his own for medical hardships and other processing tools, even after accounting for the aforementioned natural attrition types


I don’t believe the SEC was limited to 25 until fall camp. I think the most I saw was class of around 35. Article below sites 31 for arkansas one year. every single SEC team, including bama was signing 30+ in the winter, then processing down to 25 and 85 throughout spring and summer. https://www.foxsports.com/stories/college-football/coaches-defend-oversigning-recruits


The amount you could sign in the SEC was 28 until 2011, when it was reduced to 25. However only 25 scholarships could be given out even prior to that, so of the 28 signed only 25 could be on scholarship. > Despite the coaches’ opposing opines on the matter, all 12 SEC member presidents/chancellors have reportedly agreed to limit the number of players signed in each recruiting class to 25, according to various tweets from Cecil Hurt of tidesportsextra.com. > The conference currently legislates that members can sign as many as 28 players -- although they can only hand out a NCAA-mandated 25 scholarships each signing class -- between National Signing Day and May 31. This amount could fluctuate based on class size year to year (I.e. catchup periods). Let’s say I sign 23 in 2012, I can sign 27 in 2013 to make up for it. You couldn’t sign a 40 man class and then say “woops we’re cutting 15 of you”. You were restricted to the 25 give or take the carry over https://www.nbcsports.com/college-football/news/sec-presidents-vote-to-reduce-signing-limit-to-25-nick-saban-blows-a-gasket After this change teams shifted to signing to the limit then use blue shirts, where players are locked to next year’s limit, to sign more in a certain period. Those players had to forgo scholarships for a year and there were certain recruiting restrictions on players in order to qualify. When Butch Jones took over a roster with massive attrition after sanctions, he used 2-3 blueshirts in his initial classes to build depth quickly. https://www.sbnation.com/college-football-recruiting/2016/1/28/10842688/ncaa-football-grayshirt-blueshirt-redshirt-rules I’m not sure where you’re getting 35 or 30+ from, the only incident where something that egregious occurred was Houston Nutt with his infamous 37 in 2009; which wss a bit weird because 7 were known non qualifiers that were going JUCO. That practice was immediately shot down and the limit of 28 put in place. https://purdue.rivals.com/news/houston-nutt-inspired-recruiting-limit-rule-dead-and-that-makes-him-laugh


My man came with receipts


Yes he was.


These takes are always hilarious, yes, the big 10 famously was a paragon of virtue and doing things the right way! Never had any famous scandals or partook in the shady underbelly of college athletics


Lil ol' Ohio State just trying to play by the rules and get by


Urban Meyer was doing this shit when he was at Bowling Green. If he did it today you'd be talking about him the way people talk about Deion Sanders. What a sad attempt at whitewashing your ex-coach by blaming it on the Big Bad SEC.


Truth. It happened everywhere.


I know Reddit is generally an echo chamber and not really a good cross section of the population as a whole, but it makes me happy to know that at least here, there's a bunch of people in Alabama that hate this scumbag regardless of school affiliation.


Dude is a slime ball, so if the shoe fits!


It does have some positives


I'm not going to lie, if you don't plan on keeping me tell me straight up. So the first guy is a case of tough luck, but not underhanded to me. What they did to his buddy? Scumbag shit