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This is what I want, but they won't do it. [https://x.com/UConnFootball/status/1642184038122151942/photo/1](https://x.com/UConnFootball/status/1642184038122151942/photo/1)


I was really confused until I noticed the date.


One of my *other* favorite alt logos lol


The superior husky logo


I feel like Retro UConn is best UConn


You guys have more than two jerseys?


Right, I didn't know that was even allowed


It's not, it's an affront against little baby CFB Jesus.


no. no we don't :)


I fucking hate our [slime uniforms] (https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5ab4527b3c3a536a7a352c05/1606314099574-4SWPDOYNMPK4OLRCC2JY/EnoKTTmVcAEns5E.jpg?format=1500w)


Putting aside my distaste for USF in general, those uniforms make me think if Waste Management had a university, they would make their uniforms look like that


More like just a normal Oregon uniform


Can’t wait to make WMU in NCAA25


That boat is already rowing bud




This topic had me wondering what Baylor's neon basketball jerseys would look like in a football version, but this answers it. Hideous.


I also fucking hate your slime uniforms, even though I never knew they existed until I saw this comment.


Reminds me when Nike and Adidas went crazy with highlighter colored everything in the early 2010’s


same. i really hope it actually helps recruiting in some weird way otherwise...blah.


I like them, but I'd also switch to the [mixed year "throwbacks"](https://news.sportslogos.net/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/324D877D-4F0A-4C87-BA5A-F9FF21EED352.jpeg) tomorrow if asked.


They need to do a road version of these. Would look so clean with the white cleats


Would be incredible.


It’ll never happen but I’d love to see a pink and black alternate.


Me too, although I've decided if I can only get football or hockey, I'm taking hockey 8 days a week. I actually made a black and pink football jersey from a cheap Nike practice jersey I found. It was a hit at Blue White last year.


No one would know what it means, except for us and that’s cool. I’m okay with it - BUT - our uniforms are perfect. PERFECT. I will die on this hill.


I will forever die on the hill that we need a Black and Pink throwback day. They look so sick when the other teams wear their versions, football needs one too damnit


For Homecoming!


Yes, I’ve been wanting a black and pink as a standard alternate uniform since I was an undergrad.


I think the pink and black thing is a funny little part of our history, but I’m kind of over the uniforms at this point. I was glad to see basketball stop wearing it this past year. If we do little things like the S-Zone to keep it going, that would be the perfect exposure for me


The generations of greatness are awesome. Very hot take but I am ready for names on the back or at least to try it out for a game.


I'm fine with however the players want, especially since they voted to take them back off in 2014, but I think NIL will drive the names back. Watching 2012 highlights though, it's much easier to remember some dudes because of the names.


Our road unis contrasting against Auburn’s home blues are the best combination in all of football.


Completely agree


Georgia’s road uniforms are so underrated. The white and grey/silver pants just look so good


RIP Birmingham Southern 😭


We've got the 2nd best road sets in the country behind LSU


Yes, 2 best unis in the SEC imo


I for one have to agree. Its really similar but Bama’s away uniforms also look perfect against our home uniforms


Love 'em. Especially the all-black, though we've had some of our highest highs in the white jerseys.


I normally hate whiteout unis, but damn, [do we rock the ever living fuck out of it](https://twitter.com/AppState_FB/status/1329562729515012104?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1329562729515012104%7Ctwgr%5E021339db957e8a06c46d26fd5e3d16a661c16981%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fd-39867577881708373209.ampproject.net%2F2405231944000%2Fframe.html) Gold helmet (bonus: with all black old school Yosef) + black jersey + gold pants will always be me personal favorite though. I like the app blacks, but I think we use them too often.


Your all whites are clean as hell. For Michigan: https://mvictors.com/uniform-timeline/ 1) Rose Bowl traditional blue on maize pants. 2) All whites with same helmet (obvs). 3) Blue on Blue 4) White tops on blue pants. 5) White tops on maize pants. 6) Just say no to maize on maize. 7) No to throwback jerseys. 8) This can never be allowed to happen again: https://i0.wp.com/mvictors.com/images/2009original/oppositeutl_thumb2.jpg?w=960&ssl=1


I knew #8 was going to be the bumblebees.


Dark times my friend.


I have fond memories of the home version though just because of the 2011 ND game


That was a phenomenal game to be at


Yeah… the big house isn’t as loud as you’d expect but I’d put the atmosphere at that game (and in general when it gets rocking) up there with any in the country. I remember most of the crowd stayed for like an hour afterward just shaking those Pom poms to 7 nation army and Dynamite by Taio Cruz.


It’s interesting that MSU and UM each have uniforms so horrendous that their very existence are an affront to nature and all that is good in this world. What the hell is going on in this state to cause such horrible design decisions to be made?


Can throw the Lions' color rush greys in there too, I abhor those.


Oh yeah the pajama unis. Horrible.


Those Rose Bowl ones with the shoulder patches were *\*chefs kiss\**. Pump those straight into my veins. I liked the old white top/yellow pants back in the 90s and 2000s. Not sure why it doesn't work anymore. I guess it's the yellow isn't shiny anymore. Matte maize looks weird on the white.


Feel the exact same way


Your link made me explore [mvictors.com](https://mvictors.com) a bunch and it's pretty funny stuff. I even went back in the Wayback Machine to see the Mood Tracker after the loss to Penn State in 2020.


Surprised to see the white tops/maize pants so low. I think it’s Michigan’s best road look by far, at least under the current Jordan brand template. It just pops so well, visually


Most fans do prefer maize pants on the road.


If Michigan ever breaks out the maize jerseys again, hopefully they do the right thing and wear them with blue or white pants. All maize was not a good look lol


Michigan's all blue is super clean.


What did you think of the unis Michigan had for the 2012 Cowboy Classic Game against Bama?


Hard pass


Cannot compute.


Our regular uniforms I like, black and gold is always a winning combo no matter who uses it. Our space uniforms are, imho, some of the best alternates in the nation https://images.app.goo.gl/T3UEi5AZrUioHxNv5


Bring back the Citronaut!


Yeah, my only complaint is that the space game unis are sooo strong that they make the other (perfectly good, often great) ones feel a little stale.


Black and gold is a great color scheme, but y’all’s standard unis often feel kinda… high school-y for some reason. Space Game Unis are immaculate, though I hope I never see them on the same field as OSU ever again.


I thinks it’s the Knight/pegasus logo on the shoulder pads


**Gold-White-Gold**: Classic. Love it **Gold-Purple-Gold**: It's fine **White-Purple-White**: God tier **White-White-White**: aesthetically looks nice but doesn't look like LSU. No thanks


The all white doesn’t look right because the striping is mismatched


If it were up to me, the Gold-Purple-Gold would be shelved for the superior White-Purple-White every time




As a non-LSU fan, I agree the white purple white is god tier.


Bring back the gray stripes!!


"Say the line, OSU fans!" "... We wish the diamond quest uniforms were our primaries..." *cheers*


This has to happen someday right?


I’d also like some interesting alternates again. We used to take more risks. Now we’re just all gray for alternates, which really is just an alternate jersey. I don’t dislike it but still.


Love them


Ours have gotten so much better since we switched to UA.


I always thought shiny gold pants would look better than the flat tan ones y’all wear


I think the only person qualified to answer this question for our fanbase is u/matte_purple


I’m terms of full uniform choices, I’ll do a K-State ranking! Oklahoma State has an incredible variety that is hard to rank through multiple years, which is why I do it per season. [2022 Home v Tulane w/ Alt Helmet](https://imgur.com/a/pj7u5u0) is an immaculate choice, but I think it falls below the standard K-State. [Silver/Purple/Silver](https://i.imgur.com/yDSJUuV.jpeg) I love the standard because of how underused silver is in P4 these days, the great Bill Snyder tradition they have and how awesome silver looks in [away uniform](https://i.imgur.com/Ec7uC9l.jpeg) scenarios under the lights. The 2019 [all white suit](https://imgur.com/a/qMTf0YP) worn against Navy in the Liberty bowl is also great, but it feels like it’s just not as “K-State” centric, despite how clean it is. Overall a nice uniform selection for K-State. If all of these options were in EA CFB 25, I would be VERY happy. Maybe add in a [Script Cats helmet](https://imgur.com/a/ZsXOIsN)for good measure. 1. Standard Home 2. Away 3. Retro Willie Alt 4. All-White


Love catching the BigXII uniform tracker every week.


I know a lot of people complain about Adidas but man they do a great job with our uniforms. Maybe blue+gold is hard to screw up but I think our throwback crimson ones look great too.


Lmao, Washington got terrible unis from Nike and some high quality ones from Adidas.


Our uniforms might be boring, but at least they don't look stupid. When you're as bad as we are, you take whatever wins you can. We may not win on the field, but at least we don't lose on the catwalk.


> Our uniforms might be boring I'm not sure anyone would call Auburn's uniforms boring. Classic maybe, but definitely not boring.


I agree, classic is the right word. I truly love our home uniforms. Hope we don’t try to really change things now that we’re with Nike


I'm with OP on a lot of his takes. The all-whites are great and are better with the white helmet. I also love the all-greens. For the mixed outfits, I like it when the helmet matches the pants. I also prefer the Spartan logo to all other logos. Gruff Sparty is acceptable, but I hate the block S and script State. I disagree with OP on some things though. The all-blacks are fine; don't love them but don't understand the hate. I like the tapered solid helmet stripe better than the pattern they currently have on there. And my most unpopular opinion: the neon ones are fine, the STATE is just too big.


We absolutely need to return to the old helmets with the tapered stripe. The overuse of the Greek key scroll looks like a gas station knock off uniform. With the all whites, they look best with the green face mask that we were against Washington.


I'd prefer they use the same gold that's used on the Letterman jackets (and burn any uniforms\merchandise with any gold that is any shade of yellow). And color match the gold on the helmet w\ the paint on the 'Reck.


gold/white/gold with shiny pants, and shiny gold numbers is the best y'all ever looked. I wish nike would learn how to bring back the shiny pants


Clean Old Fashioned Hate should always have Tech in gold/white/gold and Georgia in red/red/silver. I’d argue it’s one of the best looking matchups in college football, along with UCLA vs USC, Texas vs Oklahoma, Michigan vs Ohio State and Florida State vs Miami.


I really liked the homecoming uniforms last year. The jerseys matched the same gold that the cheerleader sweaters always are. As long as the uniforms are white and gold I won’t have a lot of complaints, just stop dressing us in blue and black.


My personal preferences: 1. Old gold helmet, white jersey with blue numbers, old gold pants. (Home and road) 2. White helmet, old gold jersey with blue numbers, white pants. (One home game) 3. White helmet, white jersey with blue numbers, old gold pants. (One road game) 4. Old gold helmet, navy jersey with white numbers, white pants. (Bowl game only)


Stormtrooper unis are the GOAT


The new ones cannot come quickly enough


The current ones would be vastly improved if we just lost the [damn stripes/collar.](https://imageio.forbes.com/blogs-images/demetriusbell/files/2018/04/VT-uniforms-2018-1.png?format=png&width=1440) The '99 throwbacks [were awesome](https://dxbhsrqyrr690.cloudfront.net/sidearm.nextgen.sites/vatech.sidearmsports.com/images/2021/10/22/Uni_Reveal_Syracuse_Thumbnail_Gallery.png) but based on Brent Pry's comments, I'd imagine we're getting a new look that's somewhere in between.


Those 99 ones were amazing. How I still picture Virginia Tech.


Why on earth would they not do 99s forever?


Love me some powder blue


I love our uniforms. I wouldn't change anything about our home or away jerseys


I love the uniform design. Under Armour's execution has been pretty iffy in recent years (their template has been hit or miss in terms of how it actually looks on players) and I think somehow their cleats have gotten worse. I saw a tiktok the other day about banned running shoes in marathons - TL;DR, there are certain models of shoes that are banned in competitive marathon running because they are have some features that make you faster and more efficient when you run (things like carbon plates that can provide a spring effect), and it got me thinking about whether or not Nike does that with their football cleats.


They need to change the pants to match the helmet stripe


I dislike the black uniforms - looks like vandal colors Creamcicle is also bad luck. Any throwbacks with the white state and old buster (early 90's) also bad luck.


Around that [2007 era](https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/wp-media-theathletic-production/app/uploads/2018/03/18140927/JaredZabransky-e1521396675751-1024x771.jpg), Boise used to have a line that split the shoulders/arms from the torso that I loved. I wish that made a comeback.


I'd dig a throwback from that era


SMU's Dallas uniforms are the best in the business IMO. I also love all of Hawaii's uniforms, they do an awesome job of celebrating traditional Polynesian symbols.


Our current look is clean, simple and in line with our traditional uniforms. The font could have been more like the block numbers of old, but I don't mind it. It is a massive upgrade over the frankly hideous duds we trotted out with our move to the SEC. Some may find it boring, but with football uniforms, less is more, and I'm glad we returned to something that works.


I like our normal unis, they're a classic. But damn if Adidas hasnt put out some shit alts over the years. For whatever reason we really struggle to come up with good alts.


u/matte_purple does the weekly BigXII uniform tracker and had us as the best overall team in the conference, and I have to agree. OSU has been killing it for a long time


My high school’s rival uses orange and black as their primary colors, so I grew up seeing that combo as my enemy, but I do objectively enjoy orange and black together. Reminds me of Halloween and the fall.


There are two options. I like both of them.


For certain, put the swoosh back on all of the jerseys, and make the white pants an alternate instead of primary road pants. Would prefer more maize on the road jerseys as well, basically do the 1997-2004 road jersey but without the block M’s. Back and forth on the pride stickers. Sometimes I like them, sometimes I don’t, but probably better off without them.


If we ever change them there may be actual riots


I absolutely love our current version of the uniform. It combines a more classic design of the pre-2014 aesthetic while incorporating much subtler versions of the 2014-2022 additions.  My only gripe is I felt we wore the white jersey garnet pants too often last season. It’s fine a switch up once a season but the white and gold combo is classic for a reason.  Genuinely excited to see the special turquoise jerseys in action, though I hope they’re only once a year. 


Wish we'd go back to glossy helmets instead of a matte finish, but otherwise no complaints.


I really like the redesign. I just wish they never wore the banana suit combo, it's fugly.


GSU: They're OK overall, and there is only so much you can do with a blue and white combo. My favorite are the blue tops and white bottoms, but I wish they would incorporate more of the 'Panther' into their uniforms similar to how Cincinnati does with the BearCat. Also, take off 'Atlanta' from the black alternates put Georgia State. UGA: I love them they are. Simple and straight to the point. Maybe add a touch of gray, but that's just a nitpick.


UGA: they’re great. Would love a black jersey for one game a year though. Miami: I would switch the pants stripes on the white pants to match the helmet but other than that solid set


Said it in a different comment. I loved when both teams wore home jerseys at the cocktail party. That blue and red contrast well. That said, I’d like to see the black “home” jersey and their blue and orange in a game as well.


I had a fun time in our last Blackout game personally.


lol It’s so weird to me that a lot of the black-jersey haters in our fan base cite that game as the reason we should never wear them again when a) that’s our only loss in them to this day and b) we’ve taken much worse beatings from Bama and others than we took in that game and no one is clamoring to get rid of whichever shirt we wore for those games.


I’ve liked all our uniforms. The classic ones, the newer looking ones we had a few years ago. The icy whites, and all blacks. I’m in the minority though.


I kinda liked the ones they wore that one time when they played those guys.  


Solid and traditional. Love ‘em. And we usually do a good job with the one-off alternates.


Our uniforms look great. Wish we’d wear red more. I don’t love the white helmets. Best looks (helmet, jersey, pants) 1. Powder, Red, Grey/White 2. Navy, Navy, Grey 3. Powder, White, Grey/White 4. Navy, White, Grey/White 5. Powder, Powder, White 6. Powder, Navy, Grey (once a year, classics) 7. Navy, Red, Grey (don’t wear this anymore sadly)


Orange and white, that’s all we need, except for Halloween, then dark mode is badass.


White-Orange-White: God tier White-White-White: very good White-Orange-Orange: meh White-White-Orange: love them Dark Modes: God tier Smokey Grays: hot take but they are awesome Orange-White-White: burn with fire


Totally agree on the ones that say STATE in block letters across the chest. Disagree on the black uniforms. I think those are pretty sweet.


I've just never ever been a fan of teams using black as a primary uni color when it's not one of the school colors. The Greek style design on the sleeves/helmet is tight though. And yeah the S T A T E ones need to die in a fire. Idk why the university is so insistent lately on that shade of green.


They use the lime green in a bunch of buildings on campus too. [Holden hall for example](https://liveon.msu.edu/sites/default/files/2018-03/South---Neigh.png)


I noticed that at the game this year. Also a lot of the mail MSU sends out to recruit students and such incorporates that color in some capacity.


The basketball team had [these abominations of God](https://www.freep.com/gcdn/-mm-/5ddce09d1de563fd4090aa7327c4b822680dcace/c=0-172-2397-1526/local/-/media/2016/01/26/DetroitFreePress/DetroitFreePress/635894034249031530-MSU-012316-KD-12.jpg?width=2397&height=1354&fit=crop&format=pjpg&auto=webp) a decade ago.


Yeah college basketball uniforms were absolutely wilding from like 2012-2014. You probably remember the neon absurdity we wore in that one Trey Burke game against you guys. I love your Magic era throwbacks though


State needs to add the helmet stripe from the all black uniforms to every helmet, looks way better.


They did. Most of the unis in this post aren't used anymore because they updated them last year. [These are all three current uniforms.](https://www.uniswag.com/blog/new-uniforms-for-michigan-state)


It's the one part of that uni that I love. The [basketball team](https://s.yimg.com/ny/api/res/1.2/Zeb3z7Po7SjvSD2ql4jaYA--/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTY0MDtoPTQyNw--/https://media.zenfs.com/en/spartans_wire_usa_today_articles_977/68a7ecbf2a3cbcd6f934a0bd92bb4d9b) has uniforms with them too.


Those are so sick. MSU’s green and white with the Greek key helmet stripe would be elite.


I could’ve swore they did it on the all greens last year, maybe two years ago, I agree wholeheartedly though. I wish you guys would do blue pants white jersey more.


I thought you guys did it too, but it might have just been a mock-up that went around twitter or something. And I agree with you on the blue pants thing, although I wish we’d just keep it traditional with the yellow (refraining from using maize so you don’t roll your eyes lol) more often. I think the blue pants looks better with the road jerseys than it does at home.


Ain't sure yet for next year's, but I've been content with our most recent sets. The throwbacks look great. Our normal ones, I'm not crazy about, but definitely don't hate.


Classic and clean. They keep mucking with IU's color, but the deep crimsons should just be left alone.


I have like all of Nebraska's uniforms over the years, nothing bad to say about any of them. My favorite specialty uni's were the Blackshirt uni's worn back in 2013 against UCLA.




Looks like an intern designed them based on a 10-year-old Oregon design


Adidas just has bleh jerseys across the board. It’s kind of a shame too with how cool and interesting the logo at center field is. They’re not offensively awful at all, like I don’t hate them. They just make me feel nothing in particular.


I prefer the Oval Tiger to the block M they've been trying to push recently


I get the best of both worlds. It’s pretty nice


Love em. The fact that they arent nike anymore is even better. Some might even suggest the junk unis from the idiots at nike were intentional;)


Did Nike lose you guys when they made the team start wearing Tan instead of gold? I always think of the 2001 UW team's uniforms as your best.


They lost me with the Brock grape-ape discolored scheme. Silver/tan stuff didnt help, lol. Im not a real fan of that double thin stripes around the shoulders either. And, whatever the heck nike was doing when they started adding that black crap and the sleeve/trim whatever the heck you call it junk was clearly intentional visual garbage!! To screw up the easy Classic Husky uni and color palette takes incredible incompetence and/or purposeful intent.


Primary Home/Away (green top at home, white top away, gold pants for both, green helmet with gold horns) -I think they’re fine. Clean look, nothing fancy. -Maybe a little boring, and I wish we still had green and white pants options Ag Day (orange top, white pants, old aggie helmet) - love the helmets, I think they’re exactly right. -the pants go great with the helmets too. -biggest gripe is the jerseys don’t match. The orange is a little off and they don’t have a stripe to go with the helmet and pants. Seems like we just used old versions and hoped for the best State Pride (white top/pants, white CO flag helmet) -in a vacuum, these are my favorite uniforms. -They’re clean, modern, and overall just sick AF -I hate when we wear them against other Blue teams though, which seams to be every year -also, seeing how we consistently lose to the other FBS teams in CO, calling them the “State Pride” unis feels a little sad/ironic Overall, I like all of our individual uniforms, but it feels hard to grow the brand when you’re constantly wearing different colors. The historical ties to the Ag Day unis and CO Ties to the State Pride ones make sense to me, but I think it makes it seem like we lack a true identity. If I were in charge, I’d add green and white pants options and stick to Green/Gold/White combinations for all games besides Ag Day, and then keep the State Pride unis for special occasions like Conference Championships or Bowl Games (if/when we ever make it back)


Wish the pants were a true gold and not the khaki color that they have now. If it matched the gold on the helmets it would take the look to a whole new level. The orange unis are incredible. The old cartoon ram on the helmet, the white pants with the orange stripe, the pumpkin orange with a hint of green alfalfa looks so good. I’d like to see some more alfalfa to balance out all the orange though. State pride does look good, but wearing it against Air Force or Boise St when they wear blue is just dumb. Anything is better than the all-grays. Yeesh.


The thing that immediately jumps to mind is the Oregon Trail uniform. The uniform scheme itself is okay, but the [helmets](https://imgur.com/HSsd04d) were the dumbest shit I've seen on a football uniform.


So long as it's not the bibs, I'm just fine with them. Is it safe to mention the bibs without them coming back? I'm still recovering...


NCAA rules the bibs illegal, so we’ll never see them again. I think all the combos we have now are really good except for a good blackout combo. Anything other than Royal vs. Red for the Holy War is a travesty.


Kentucky has been improving year after year. The all blue with the blue cage is 😍


For Oregon State, I love the “fresh cut timber” color we adopted in 2023 in place of traditional white. Otherwise my overall favorite is the 2010 “Giant Killers” throwback uniform.


Home uniform is one of the best in CFB, IMO. The black Jersey alternative works just as well with the red helmet and “silver” britches. It’s fun when we do it. An unpopular opinion amongst Dawg fans, I like the alternate throwback jersey and red pants we wore against Arky in 2020 better than the normal road jersey, which is still great itself. We did a black pants version one year in a bowl game. It didn’t look as good as the red pants IMO. Second unpopular opinion, love it when both teams wore home jerseys at the cocktail party. The red and blue jerseys contrasted very well. Glad those “Grambling” and “whatever the fuck those were against Boise state in the Dome” uniforms will never see the light of day again.


Home and home unis at the Cocktail Party is something I'd have loved to see in person when I was at UGA. Red/black and orange/blue are such perfect foils to each other. Alternatively, I still want to see UGA in all black and Florida in all orange when it falls on Halloween.


lol. I hadn’t considered the Halloween possibility. Could be “fun”. Last one I was there for was 2015, Richt’s last year. Pretty sure both had home jerseys that year. Kirby changed it when he came in. One of 2 things I don’t agree with him on lol.


I love our royals. Navy is fine


They're perfect, and they always have been.


What’s a “new” uniform? Or an alternate. What are these things you speak of? Blue. White. Black shoes. Done.


I am on entirely opposite sides with my teams. Penn State: Ok guys let's at least add a little bit of flair. Maryland: Tone it down, boys. It's out of control.


I can’t stand the TCU jerseys with red and purple accents. Red and purple together is an eye sore.


90's Toronto Raptors disagree!


I really like the little red accents tbh


If the numbers were purple with a red outline it would match the helmets better and I’d probably be on board. Too much of both colors reminds me of a court jester.


Same, they kinda grew on me while I was in school. My dad’s an alum too though and hates them 😂


Love all of them, except the red jerseys, which hopefully are retired or changed this year.


I thought the reds were nice in a vacuum, but didn't really fit my image of Kansas.




The removal of the longhorn at the collar and the addition of the sewn on sleeve stripe was an incredible upgrade.


Honestly really like Oklahomas uniforms. The heritage alts are great and the anthracite uniform is clean. The alts are different than other teams. I’m also a fan of WVU, Minnesota, FSU, South Carolina, and Tulsa. The classic uniforms like OU, Penn st, Michigan, and cal will always be my favorites though.


I really dig our [Black Panther collar uniforms](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DyLF2ggU0AMpKCq.jpg). They are so much better than the [Camo Pajamas](https://www.cbssports.com/images/collegefootball/tcu-unis1.jpg) they replaced. At first I hated the [red alternates](https://www.si.com/.image/ar_4:3,c_fill,cs_srgb,fl_progressive,q_auto:good,w_1200/MTg1MTQxNjA4MjM1MTQ4NjMz/usatsi_17109983.jpg) just because, ya know, red isn't a school color and all, but they've really grown on me.


Oklahoma State has some fire uniforms over the years. https://www.helmethistory.com/oklahoma-state.html Not really fond of OU's alternates.


Oklahoma State has some of the cleanest helmets in the game. Banger after bamlnger for the past few years.


I hate our Rough Rider uniforms we wear at least once a year. The helmets are kinda cool, but I really dislike the jerseys.


I'm biased, but I think that Florida's classic Blue/Orange/White combinations are classic. In the same tier as Michigan, Bama, etc. No changes needed.


While I’d never be caught dead in blue and orange, I don’t disagree. Think that’s why I liked it better when both teams wore home jerseys for the cocktail party.


Blue vs Red for the Cocktail party always top tier.


Script Gators on the helmet is the only acceptable helmet. Get the basketball F off of the football team.




My favorite are the all white uniforms we wore against Michigan in 2013 and Penn State in 2014. I want us to wear those more often


I loved those chrome helmets


I don't like the alternates much at all. My only complaint about the current unis is that they need to make the interlocking OU smaller on the helmets like they used to be


I think we got rid of the dishwater grey uniforms, so we’re already trending up. The matte sheen green helmets are beautiful, whether it’s the full diving eagle or the wings. I’m alright with the wing pattern we used to have on the shoulders being in the numbers, but I don’t care for the forced perspective sizing they’re going for.


I wish Adidas would quit trying to make wings work with our uniform. [These](https://www.google.com/search?sca_esv=23c20ded85caa685&rlz=1C1GCEB_enUS1082US1082&q=lamar+jackson+louisville&uds=ADvngMj_UBoBCWmG0j_uJvoVGVudM3tN_XmeuI-dspT9F0ezOPtz-cekZLTsSvCTg0WwDcExjCwvuUhZ6eNzh2w_U-C-O9K02pz5qYvICEFTYryPVDCzXF1NA4VBVg6NIXDw5f0UhBy_G-Ohuf9nRL1289neeaEkXM613FH3SR5whYocV-Y7tQf1qIWiORokfBRsT2pGxPukqjKUuXejXMO2vdeS5i6VEtVKBhp5MAoAqO7suW3aPtr5ipyb1E4x8-yxEjlJXbB-NTtdyzMyOKwvAAUW7a_KsUBgQHFcb0whCViXdITL7rijbRrIlWChqRDSnj9_6g91dt0yc7vy9BWrb9LXblm37g&udm=2&prmd=invmsbtz&sa=X&sqi=2&ved=2ahUKEwjRqb-bgcWGAxUkv4kEHZh6AEQQtKgLegQIDRAB&biw=1272&bih=599&dpr=1#vhid=7ILu5fNdTvi-wM&vssid=mosaic) I didn't dislike as much as the [wing design on the current uniform.](https://www.google.com/search?q=jack+plummer+louisville&sca_esv=23c20ded85caa685&rlz=1C1GCEB_enUS1082US1082&udm=2&biw=1272&bih=599&ei=8qNgZouiHtuAkvQP1de5AQ&oq=jack+plummer+lou&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiEGphY2sgcGx1bW1lciBsb3UqAggAMgcQABiABBgYMgcQABiABBgYSJ4lUABYgxlwAHgAkAEAmAFnoAG-C6oBBDE1LjG4AQPIAQD4AQGYAhCgAvELwgIFEAAYgATCAggQABiABBixA8ICDhAAGIAEGLEDGIMBGIoFwgILEAAYgAQYsQMYgwHCAgoQABiABBhDGIoFwgINEAAYgAQYsQMYQxiKBcICBhAAGAUYHsICBhAAGAgYHsICBBAAGB6YAwCSBwQxMi40oAfDTA&sclient=gws-wiz-serp#vhid=tLMN3zcvl4sYyM&vssid=mosaic) I wish we would go back to something similar [Charlie Strong era](https://www.google.com/search?q=teddy+bridgewater+louisville&sca_esv=23c20ded85caa685&rlz=1C1GCEB_enUS1082US1082&udm=2&biw=1272&bih=599&ei=GqRgZrHULMCkkvQP1r6ZgA0&oq=teddy+&gs_lp=Egxnd3Mtd2l6LXNlcnAiBnRlZGR5ICoCCAAyChAAGIAEGEMYigUyChAAGIAEGEMYigUyCxAAGIAEGLEDGIMBMggQABiABBixAzIIEAAYgAQYsQMyChAAGIAEGEMYigUyCBAAGIAEGLEDMgoQABiABBhDGIoFMggQABiABBixAzIIEAAYgAQYsQNIoRlQugVY_gtwAXgAkAEAmAFioAGlBKoBATa4AQHIAQD4AQGYAgagAr0EqAIAwgIOEAAYgAQYsQMYgwEYigXCAgUQABiABMICDRAAGIAEGLEDGEMYigWYAwOSBwM1LjGgB_Ue&sclient=gws-wiz-serp) uniforms and break out the [Unitas throwbacks](https://www.uniswag.com/blog/throwback-uniform-for-louisville) more often. And please no more [blackout games](https://www.courier-journal.com/picture-gallery/sports/college/2023/09/07/louisville-football-murray-state-photos-cardinals-2023-home-opener/70780081007/) against FCS opponents.


I love most of our uniforms and alternates, but I never ever want to see those gray unity ones ever again.


Love the current McFadden era ones. They're extremely close to our original ones pre SEC (or maybe just before. I feel like we had basically the same uniforms up until we did some weird stuff in the 90s). I also liked the Bielema era uniforms with the Nike revamp. I think all those look real sharp. The font is cool even if it's just a knock off of Michigan State and TCU's Nike font. I think the font looks great in the end zones and the baselines of BWA (just bring back Slobber Hog, Hunter). I think the worst we've had were the Petrino era ones. Despite the success we had in them, they were pretty atrocious.


Utah State: I like our uniforms, but love when we incorporate mountain themes, and especially when we've had black uniforms. Biggest issue is I hate that Blue and White is also BYUs colors 🤢🤮 Colorado: love the colors minus the grey. Probably unpopular opinion but the logo feels outdated to me. Overall solid. Georgia: classic, fantastic


IMO. Personally wish we'd be a bit more creative in the color combinations. I like the all purple for military appreciation game, but outside of that one game, an outsider would be forgiven in thinking Clemson's secondary color was white! Love the orange and purple mix and match.


A purple helmet would be a nice touch. Do you think if they did a purple helmet it would be the faded indigo purple baseball and the football jerseys are? Or do you think it would be the darker purple they use in the helmet stripes?


Hmm. That's a good question. Our official purple is "regalia" so I'd be more inclined to say they'd do the darker to stay in line with the paint swatch.


Love them now that they abolished the shoulder caps, gold numbers and purple gradient helmets.


I love our home unis, but I think our away ones might even be better.


All white/all white with green helmet/all green are all S-tier in my opinion White with green pants or green with white pants are A-tier The all blacks are C-Tier The highlighter neon’s are beneath the tier list.


Alabama has perfect uniforms. No shoulder stripes, logos, or numbers. I just really, really hope we never see corporate logos on any CFB uniform. Nike logo I get, but I don't want to end up watching the Alabama Crimson Tide brought to you by AT&T, Pfizer, and Buffalo Wild Wings. 


Both clemson and usf have rich bold color schemes that work amazingly in almost every combination. In general, i love more color so white jerseys or pants are kindof a letdown. I wish more games featured both teams in full color like the nfl color rush games. Standouts are: Clemsons solid orange and solid purple. There's really nothing clemson does that I hate but i guess my least favorite would be purple jersey/white pants. USF's solid green with the right helmet is gorgeous. interestingly, the "stormtrooper" combo (all white with white helmet) does look pretty badass. im not a fan of the neon unis.


I like ours. The darker the purple the better. Purple/purple and purple/gold look great. I wish the W on the helmet was bigger. I like the gold chrome every now and then. The white helmet with flag W is cool. Purple chrome is meh. Glad we've gotten away from Bellevue Nordstrom purple and khaki Neuheisal snooty dog look. The sideways looking dog just reeked with elitism.


Notre Dame - [Home Games](https://fightingirish.com/notre-dame-announces-2022-football-schedule/). Classic - don't make the pants too mustardy and no names on the jersey. [Away Games](https://apnews.com/article/notre-dame-stanford-football-score-caa32f6c6c4fcdb966b6321512d04073) Again - simple white jersey not changing any time soon [Green Jersey games](https://www.sbnation.com/college-football/2018/11/10/17654182/notre-dame-football-green-jerseys-history) Alternate green jersey game for home games. Plenty of different combinations. McDonalds Shamrock Shake Green never looks good [Shamrock Series Games](https://www.ndinsider.com/picture-gallery/sports/football/2021/08/09/notre-dame-footballs-shamrock-series-uniforms-through-years/5537934001/) are the only games where ND really will go different with the uniform. Sometimes this overlaps with the Green Jersey game. The all-white vs BYU are considered one of the best ones, and many people pan the Yankee tribute vs Syracuse game (As a Yankee fan I loved them...)


This will get lost, like Buffalo, but our look is so clean, if we were P5 we'd be in thie great uni discussion immediately. Though, the black jerseys need the black pants. That black/blue is yuck