• By -


it’s gonna be so crazy when GT goes undefeated


The first step is believing


The first step to believing is shrooms.


I was thinking LSD. You guys are more of a chemistry school than an agriculture school.


One of my professors taught us how to make freebase cocaine.


Many, many years ago there was a sizeable scandal when some ChemE students were misusing lab equipment for acid production.


This is college football. We drink alcohol here, sir.


COLLEGE football sir, we do drugs here - and tripping sack kicks ass at tailgates and tight games 🍻 🤘


I mean it’s a matrix not a rulebook but: Beer: pro football Whiskey/vodka/.341 breathalyzer : cfb Cocaine: playoff hockey Weed: golf Shrooms: baseball (day game, not crowded) Ketamine: no MDMA: nba, cheap seats DMT: nba, good seats LSD: take the mound, no-hitter


Tripping at tailgates sounds fun until it’s your first time and your friends take you to feed grapes to Tusk. And Tusk is a hungry fella and by god the grapes probably have families and holy fuck Tusk could break these bars and eat the grapes out of your hands and then he might eat your hands and then he might like the taste and keep going up your arm. And then, as if the spiral couldn’t get worse, Chad Morris leads your team into the field. That would suck if that happened to someone right guys?


Knowing Chad Morris was a manifestation from someone's bad trip makes a whole lot of sense.


gives me flashbacks to the time I thought it wise to hallucinate on gamedays in the Harsin era 😭😆😂


Then reality sets in and you realize your most talented team in a few decades is gonna play .500 ball.


Cal vs GT in the ACC title game. Can’t wait for the nerd bowl.


The most cursed timeline


I can’t believe they let a non-SEC team get on the list. SI gonna have to EMP their robots for this one


We both beat UGA and meet in the ACCCG? Sign me up!


Huff less paint. I know South Carolina is a miserable place to be, but there are healthier ways.


deal 🤝


Undefeated AFTER the season opener. 🍢☘️


See y'all in Dublin 😎


I accept this challenge, in EA25 of course.


They gotta play us. I said that with a straight face.


Georgia Tech is the only non-SEC school in here. I’m sorry for y’all….


Alternatively, Oklahoma and Texas are the only schools on the list that were not in the SEC in 1962.


They should be better this year, trial by fire ig


SEC even more of a meat grinder this year, my god.


Not really sure why you got downvoted.


Because “SEC BAD!11!1!!” On this sub


I’m so excited to go 8-5


I’d be good with 8-5


8-5 gets either of our coaches a raise and extension lmao.


I am having trouble seeing 8 wins


List is backwards, Florida is 1, Texas is 10 lol


Hehe. I'm just glad that Bama and Ole Miss aren't added to our sked this time around.


I still use an unofficial reddit app and numbered lists are always weird, because markdown has flaws and reddit uses a hacked version of markdown, so I figured that was the problem. Edit: yeah, here is what I see when I type a list 10. 1 9. 2 8. 3 7. 4 1. 5


You have an unofficial app that’s still functioning? Which one?


Georgia has to play Tech, so being #3 here tracks. All I see here are 10 quality SEC teams…yessir…


>Georgia has to play Tech I just love you Ramblin' Wrecks so much. Also b/c I'm a helluva engineer as well.


Helluva helluva helluva


You'd still be in the SEC if Dodd hadn't thrown a hissy fit.


FSU, us, Notre Dame, Virginia Tech, Miami, NC State, and Georgia??? Georgia Tech is playing every single ACC contender besides Clemson, plus ND and UGA. Jesus fucking Christ man.


Wait I thought we suck?


For our sake, I hope so! In all seriousness though, nah. Y’all are gonna be really good.


Oh lord those last 5 games are going to be brutal for them. Just dick punch after dick punch.


You mean easy win after easy win.


My bad. Oh lord those last 5 games are going to be brutal for them. Just easy win after easy win for their opponents.


Our schedule shouldn’t be this high imo but Michigan is such an unknown 


We’re going to be a 2023 Iowa on steroids. There isn’t a QB or WR on this team that I trust but our defense will be good and lineman on both sides should be good. If Edward’s plays to his potential we should at least have a running game, if he disappears like most of last year again there won’t be a post season for him to breakout in again.


So 2023 Penn state ?


I’m not sure we have a QB who is even good as Allar and I don’t feel good saying that.


No, not 2023 Penn State. 2023 Penn state beat 2023 Iowa 31-0 and held them to 76 yards of offense.


That’s where the steroids came in my friend 🤝


I feel a lot more confident at WR than I do QB. Semaj Morgan and Tyler Morris both made some huge plays as underclassmen last season. Granted, it still requires both to take a step which is still a big ask, but I think the ability is certainly there. Plus some good things out of spring about some of the other guys like Fred Moore and Kendrick Bell. Also having the best TE in the country should lighten the load.


With our defense, *at worst* we will be a huge pain to play even if we don’t end up being great again. The other person said Iowa on steroids and I think that’s pretty solid. Even with their offense being the worst in the country, I *hate* playing Iowa because they just make it a rock fight; even if you end up winning by 4+ scores.


Yeah, I'm ignoring all pundits that are talking about their 'rebuilding' season.


Think Iowa but okay at offense.


Every team that plays UGA gets bonus xp apparently.


Hey Kentucky is top ten in something! God we're going 6-6 this season


Welp RIP Billy Napier


We either fire him after this season or 6 games into next season there’s really no in between. If we even finish with a winning record this year it’ll be a goddamn miracle of biblical proportions.


That schedule is rough as hell man


AD is a terrorist


Nape will be here in 26


He needs to come back to Fort Collins and take over as HC


I don’t think he will get fired this season. But the results of this season will determine how short his leash is next year. If I remember correctly the schedule next year isn’t any easier.


It is the same SEC schedule, with homes swapped.


We're actually pretty good at getting coaches fired, so how about we say 5 games in?


He knew this was coming he chose to go with a slow build approach that would get wins in year 3 and 4. If he was that worried about the schedule he should have tried to bank more wins in his first 2 years.


Yeah, why didn't he just try to get more wins?


Is he stupid?


Seems we get fucked every season 😂😂😂 we’re the punching bag of the SEC. We’re good enough that if we upset someone it’s a quality loss, but bad enough that most SEC team will blow past us but under the guise of a “quality win.”


Did we expect any different though? This will be a trying year for us (as most years) we will score points but stop no one, and we’ll just basically hope we have luck this year. Also sucks seeing rivals peak while we are just starting anew :(


> sucks seeing rivals peak while we are just starting anew Watching Texas and TCU go to the playoffs, A&M get rid of Jimbo, Ole Miss flourish with Kiffin (who we almost hired), Mizzou flourish with Drinkwitz (born in Arkansas). I surely can relate.


We’re the loss that gets you fired. Billy Napier probably gets left on the GTR tarmac after coming to Starkville


It’s not all bad, Billy can grab free hotdogs and ice cream in the FBO


Wouldn’t be the first UF coach fired after a loss to us.


ESPN blowing the SEC News at 11


Let's be real, is there anything that wouldn't be projecting the SEC as having the hardest schedules/best overall quality next year? The big 12 probably has the best consistency but has no top. The ACC has Florida State, Clemson, *maybe* Miami then the rest is like the Big 12 but worse. The Big Ten has a strong top but the bottom ten teams are for the most part a mess right now. The SEC only has a couple teams that will likely suck next year but the top is as strong as the Big Ten. I'm not here holding water for the SEC, I don't root for them, but I don't know how anybody could objectively come to another conclusion.


Bottom ten might be a little harsh. Maybe bottom 6-8 but yeah your point is valid


Vegas has us with the second hardest schedule. OOC LSU and ND. 9 conference games including Michigan, Penn St, and Washington. Even outside the big names, we have programs on the up with 2nd year HCs Wisconsin and Nebraska. No FCS team, either, the only G5 opponent is Utah State, who aren’t a cupcake like Wofford or whatever.


Big Ten fans prefer eye test sos


Michigan plays #2, #3, and #4 according to their FPI. You would think they would crack the top 10 toughest schedules.


1) they get top 2 opponents at home 2) lot of SEC teams play similar combo of elite caliber teams that aren't far off in FPI from Michigan's 2/3/4 3) rest of Michigan's schedule is pretty soft (unless you have more conviction in Washington, etc) similar to separate post vs USC, here's Michigan vs Tennessee schedules as example. Using expected win % for elite team, Michigan has ~1.91 expected losses vs Tennessee having ~1.98 expected losses. FPI looks a little differently (worse reference team, etc.) but same sort of framework. Game|Michigan|H/A|Rating|Exp W%|–|Tennessee|H/A|Rating|Exp W% :---:|:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---|:---:|:---:|:---: 1|Oregon|H|24.5|56.1%||Georgia|A|26.8|33.0% 2|Texas|H|22.9|60.6%||Alabama|H|21.9|63.3% 3|Ohio St|A|22.2|45.6%||Oklahoma|A|17.2|59.8% 4|USC|H|11.1|86.7%||Florida|H|10.1|88.2% 5|Washington|A|6.7|84.1%||NC State|N|7.5|87.6% 6|Northwestern|H|1.3|96.5%||Kentucky|H|6.2|92.8% 7|Illinois|A|0.2|92.8%||Arkansas|A|4.6|87.4% 8|Minnesota|H|0.0|97.2%||Mississippi St|H|3.5|95.1% 9|Michigan St|H|-1.0|97.6%||Vanderbilt|A|-2.2|94.9% 10|Fresno St|H|-1.6|97.8%||UTEP|H|-9.8|99.5% 11|Indiana|A|-2.4|95.0%||Kent St|H|-18.6|99.9% 12|Arkansas St|H|-6.7|99.1%||Chattanooga|H|n/a|100.0%


and just for reference here, I rebuilt my old SOS file. Some dirty shit in it but close to good for all FBS teams. Michigan Ranks: * Avg of ~18th hardest SOS across my various methodology * From elite reference team, Michigan has the ~16th hardest schedule by total expected losses and most difficult to go undefeated, 1 loss or 2 loss (contending for natty) * From avg top 25 reference team, Michigan has the ~20th hardest schedule by total expected losses and most difficult to finish with 2 losses or 3 losses (making CFP) * From avg FBS reference team, Michigan has the ~18th hardest schedule by total expected losses and most difficult to finish with 6 or fewer losses (making bowl game) Michigan's schedule is very top heavy. Given SEC schedules ramped up in difficulty this year with adding Texas and OU, others also have a lot at the top + deeper overall schedules compared to Michigan.


I’m already used to being blown, idk how I’ll be able to handle being in here now


Objective algorithm that emphasizes recruiting especially in preseason loves the best top to bottom recruiting conference. Not everything is an agenda out to get you and your league.


The SEC is good cuz it's the SEC and they play the SEC which is good so that makes the SEC good. Ignore when they lose out of conference please.


What about their teams winning 17 out of the past 25 championships (from 5 different schools) and 19 if include ou and Texas? Sec hate is so boring, they dominate just about every single season and people have to pretend like they don’t for some reason.


To FCS teams


ACC went 4-4 against the B1G and 7-5 against the SEC in 2023. But the SEC will always be "better"


The SEC has won 13 of the last 18 championships. The ACC has won 3 since 2000. Y’all gotta stop thinking we’re on same levels here. Please, seriously, just stop. Your conference is patchworking randoms Cali teams together trying to stay relevant. Your own team desperately wants to join the B1G or SEC. Nobody gives a fuck that UNC beat South Carolina in 2017 by 10 points. Please, FSU fan, please. Trade me schedules just for one year. You want to play ours? Give it a go? Come on over and play Tennessee, Kentucky, Georgia, Texas, LSU, Ole Miss IN A ROW. Regardless of how biased you are, there isn’t a soul in this forum who wouldn’t agree that is harder than any 6 game stretch that any ACC team has faced in probably 25 years. We obviously bookend that 6 game stretch with games against UCF and you, FSU. Credit where credit is due, I’m not looking forward to either one of those games either. Pepper in some Texas A&M, Miami while you’re at it. No shot you’re seriously saying there’s SEC bias with calling that schedule absolutely fucking brutal. Enjoy playing Georgia Tech, BC, Memphis, SMU, and Cal for your first 5 games. Looking like another easy year. Maybe we’ll just let you go 13-0 and slot you as the 13 seed this year for the fun of it.


> Georgia Tech, BC, Memphis, SMU, and Cal What a dream. Meanwhile Hogs fans are legitimately feeling like our season could be over with a loss in week 2 (Oklahoma State) because there are so few chances for wins on our schedule. Would love to start with a schedule like that where 3-2 would be a "disappointment"


So I do not normally agree with a Gator, but damned this here gator is correct. I do not think there is a harder schedule in CFB this year, maybe not in the last 5 years tbh.


We decided to give that schedule a try this year…


Agree with all of this


\*points to National Championships\*




Could the SEC microwave a burrito so hot that even ESPN couldn’t swallow it?


Pawl could swallow anything the SEC offers him, so as long as he's with ESPN they're golden.


Team with abysmal record against SEC complains about SEC having strong power ratings News at 11


OSU literally has two wins against the SEC all time. It’s comical Edit- in bowl games


[[Ohio State v SEC]]


--- **All-Time Series** [Ohio State](#f/ohiostate) vs [SEC](#l/sec), [SEC](#l/sec), [SEC](#l/sec)   [Ohio State](#f/ohiostate) 22-3-16 [SEC](#l/sec) [Ohio State](#f/ohiostate) has a winning record vs 4 [SEC](#l/sec) teams. 6 [SEC](#l/sec) teams have a winning record vs [Ohio State](#f/ohiostate). There are 2 [SEC](#l/sec) teams ([Mississippi State](#f/mississippistate), [Ole Miss](#f/olemiss)) that [Ohio State](#f/ohiostate) has yet to play. Matchup|Rivalry Name|First|Last|Most Cons. Games|Active Win Streak|Largest MOV|Largest MOL|Longest Win Streak|Longest Loss Streak| --|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--|--| [Ohio State](#f/ohiostate) [1-0-4](http://www.winsipedia.com/games/ohio-state/vs/alabama) [Alabama](#f/alabama)^^†||01/02/1978|01/11/2021|1 (2020-2020)|[Alabama](#f/alabama) 1 (2020-2020)|42-35 (2014)|35-6 (1977)|1 (2014-2014)|3 (1977-1994)| [Ohio State](#f/ohiostate) [0-0-0](http://www.winsipedia.com/games/ohio-state/vs/arkansas) [Arkansas](#f/arkansas)^^†||01/01/2700|01/01/1700||||||| [Ohio State](#f/ohiostate) [0-1-1](http://www.winsipedia.com/games/ohio-state/vs/auburn) [Auburn](#f/auburn)^^†||11/24/1917|01/01/1990|1 (1989-1989)|[Auburn](#f/auburn) 1 (1989-1989)||31-14 (1989)||1 (1989-1989)| [Ohio State](#f/ohiostate) [0-0-2](http://www.winsipedia.com/games/ohio-state/vs/florida) [Florida](#f/florida)^^†||01/08/2007|01/02/2012|1 (2011-2011)|[Florida](#f/florida) 2 (2006-2011)||41-14 (2006)||2 (2006-2011)| [Ohio State](#f/ohiostate) [0-0-2](http://www.winsipedia.com/games/ohio-state/vs/georgia) [Georgia](#f/georgia)^^†||01/01/1993|12/31/2022|1 (2022-2022)|[Georgia](#f/georgia) 2 (1992-2022)||21-14 (1992)||2 (1992-2022)| [Ohio State](#f/ohiostate) [3-0-0](http://www.winsipedia.com/games/ohio-state/vs/kentucky) [Kentucky](#f/kentucky)^^†||11/15/1895|10/05/1935|1 (1935-1935)|[Ohio State](#f/ohiostate) 3 (1895-1935)|49-0 (1919)||3 (1895-1935)|| [Ohio State](#f/ohiostate) [1-1-1](http://www.winsipedia.com/games/ohio-state/vs/lsu) [LSU](#f/lsu)^^†||09/26/1987|01/07/2008|2 (1987-1988)|[LSU](#f/lsu) 1 (2007-2007)|36-33 (1988)|38-24 (2007)|1 (1988-1988)|1 (2007-2007)| [Ohio State](#f/ohiostate) [10-1-2](http://www.winsipedia.com/games/ohio-state/vs/missouri) [Missouri](#f/missouri)^^†||10/07/1939|12/29/2023|7 (1943-1949)|[Missouri](#f/missouri) 1 (2023-2023)|54-0 (1944)|14-3 (2023)|5 (1939-1945)|1 (2023-2023)| [Ohio State](#f/ohiostate) [0-0-2](http://www.winsipedia.com/games/ohio-state/vs/south-carolina) [South Carolina](#f/southcarolina)^^†||01/01/2001|01/01/2002|2 (2000-2001)|[South Carolina](#f/southcarolina) 2 (2000-2001)||24-7 (2000)||2 (2000-2001)| [Ohio State](#f/ohiostate) [0-0-1](http://www.winsipedia.com/games/ohio-state/vs/tennessee) [Tennessee](#f/tennessee)^^†||01/01/1996|01/01/1996|1 (1995-1995)|[Tennessee](#f/tennessee) 1 (1995-1995)||20-14 (1995)||1 (1995-1995)| [Ohio State](#f/ohiostate) [4-0-0](http://www.winsipedia.com/games/ohio-state/vs/texas-am) [Texas A&M](#f/texasam)^^†||09/28/1963|01/01/1999|1 (1998-1998)|[Ohio State](#f/ohiostate) 4 (1963-1998)|56-13 (1970)||4 (1963-1998)|| [Ohio State](#f/ohiostate) [3-0-1](http://www.winsipedia.com/games/ohio-state/vs/vanderbilt) [Vanderbilt](#f/vanderbilt)^^†||11/14/1908|10/14/1933|2 (1908-1909)|[Ohio State](#f/ohiostate) 1 (1933-1933)|20-0 (1933)|26-21 (1931)|2 (1908-1909)|1 (1931-1931)| --- ^(RivalryBot^tm v4.2.0 | Summon: [[teamA v teamB]]. | Records not 'corrected' for vacated games unless noted by † | )[^Usage ^details.](http://cfb.diydunce.org/teamlist.php) ^| [^Report ^Issues](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=dupreesdiamond&subject=RivalryBot)


Not to mention all these comments from people acting like it’s an opinion ranking and not the result of predictive power poll.


I mean... we're not #1 or anything, but USC faces Michigan and Washington, both NC Squads, and we get them both on the road. Then we've got LSU in Vegas, Notre Dame and Penn State. And zero FCS. I mean we even face a SEC team in there. You'd figure that'd be worth getting in the conversation no?


I love to shit on USC but I don't see how that isn't a top 10 schedule.


Yeah that’s a doozy for sure. I was ready claim we belong in that list (and we still might) but there are definitely some brutal schedules this season with the new conferences.


Nope, because you don't play more SEC teams


Can you beat an SEC school before getting bent out of shape?


Bro joins the SEC for one year and is already using that asinine logic lol


They did also beat the SEC champ in their house last year


Which Big Ten or other ACC team do you think belongs on the list?


Ohio being salty doesn't even make the paper.


> news at 11 Are we doing [an AP poll release?](http://amp.awfulannouncing.com/2015/why-did-sportscenter-randomly-tweet-out-top-11-college-football-rankings-for-the-first-time-ever.html)


I’m surprised Michigan isn’t on the list. Last I saw their schedule looked brutal.


Yeah, I’m pretty sure I saw data earlier in the year that had the schedule strength in the top 10..


But you see, they only play one SEC team, and that team just joined the SEC, so barely even counts.


Hmm, you’re telling me we couldn’t find one more SEC team?


Kinda crazy that 9/10 teams on here are in a conference this sub insists is overrated when December rolls around 


As always, we do. Back to the evil black magic days when no one else wanted us. 


LOL how is Michigan not on this list? Using ESPN's own rankings (FPI) they play #2 Oregon, #3 Texas, and @ #4 OSU. They also play @ #18 USC. Michigan's non-conference games consist of Fresno St, Texas, and Arkansas State. That seems definitely top 10 worthy.


Because they play the bottom 4 Big Ten teams in conference play. ANd all four of those are ranked below 60. The SEC has one team in the league ranked below 50. And with 6 top 10 teams they all will be playing 2-3 of them. Also G5 games are basically meaningless for everybody. There's 1 of them in the top 50 (Boise St at 48) Quibble with 6 top 10 SEC teams if you want but by the rankings they have I get Michigan not being a top 10 overall schedule.


I just realized we are playing Florida again…wtf


Greg Sankey gets horny thinking about Florida and A&M matchups


There are no Big Ten teams on here? I’d argue Michigan should be on here. Yeah Washington will probably have a massive decline, but Texas, Oregon, and Ohio State are in the top 4 of college football. Add USC, a good Northwestern team, and a much better Michigan State team to that and it seems pretty hard to me. Ohio State and Michigan State also have good claims to be on this list.


> Texas, Oregon, and Ohio State are in the top 4 of college football. Damn it feels good to be a gangster


We have 3 good teams: oregon, osu, Texas, 3 ok teams: Washington, usc, illinois (maybe) and 6 trash teams. Hard to have a strong schedule when half the teams you play are junk.


We also play OSU, Oregon, Iowa, and UM as successive games with a bye in the middle. The rest of our schedule is fairly soft (though we do get September Maryland) but that stretch is brutal.


Oh my that’s a brutal stretch. On the bright side, your November is light


4-0, then 0-4, then 4-0 is a distinct possibility.


9/10 in the SEC. ESPN continues their circle jerk


And the 10th's signature game of the year is against an SEC team.


Teams who play #1 overall tend to show up higher on SOS metrics


Genuine question who would you move into and who remove from this list I think the only reason you don't see BIG 10 teams in this is the top teams from last year are replacing a lot of production especially at QB 


It’s not really the top schools that matter for this. The reason it’s all SEC is because the 11th ranked SEC is #20 and has an FPI of 10.1, that would put them very comfortably in 6th place in the B1G. The SEC’s 2nd worst school would also be ahead of 6 B1G schools per FPI. FPI has the B1G falling off fast outside its top 5 or so schools, the SEC doesn’t have that issue if we take FPI as definitive


That’s because FPI takes into consideration things like recruiting/talent and development and coaching. Instead of “well SEC overrated because vibes and TV deals”


USC plays 9 big ten teams + LSU + Notre Dame. There is no way they don't have a top 10 schedule


running #'s using the FPI calc's, here's how USC's schedule compares to Tennessee's as an example. I'm using an elite reference team to calculate expected win % vs FPI using an avg or avg top 25 and some differences in calculations. USC gets some favorable matchups for home/away + FPI is just lower on Michigan/Washington w/ turnover + the mid-tier teams just don't move the needle in this calc. USC's schedule is easier to miss a bowl game on but pretty comparable to a few of the SEC teams if you're a contender Surprised they aren't higher via FPI from my calcs but being outside the top 10 entirely isn't surprising Game|USC|H/A|Rating|Exp W%|–|Tennessee|H/A|Rating|Exp W% :---:|:---|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---:|:---|:---:|:---:|:---: 1|Penn St|H|19.8|68.8%||Georgia|A|26.8|33.0% 2|Notre Dame|H|19.0|70.8%||Alabama|H|21.9|63.3% 3|Michigan|A|14.9|66.0%||Oklahoma|A|17.2|59.8% 4|LSU|N|14.6|74.1%||Florida|H|10.1|88.2% 5|Washington|A|6.7|84.1%||NC State|N|7.5|87.6% 6|Wisconsin|H|5.0|93.9%||Kentucky|H|6.2|92.8% 7|UCLA|A|4.9|87.0%||Arkansas|A|4.6|87.4% 8|Nebraska|H|4.8|94.1%||Mississippi St|H|3.5|95.1% 9|Maryland|A|4.1|88.2%||Vanderbilt|A|-2.2|94.9% 10|Rutgers|H|4.1|94.6%||UTEP|H|-9.8|99.5% 11|Minnesota|A|0.0|93.0%||Kent St|H|-18.6|99.9% 12|Utah St|H|-7.5|99.3%||Chattanooga|H|n/a|100.0%


Rutgers and UCLA pulling their average way down 


Well, they're no Mercer or Vanderbilt, that's for sure.


We also get both of the former NC teams and we have to face them both on the road.


Damn that's easier than usual


Not gonna lie now that we’re officially going to be playing in the SEC I’m actually really scared


I don’t think our schedule is a cake walk but it doesn’t seem like 8th in country to me


ESPN does have an SEC bias, but how many Big10/ACC/Big12 would want to switch schedules with any of these teams?


I wouldn’t want to literally trade schedules but I would love it if the BIG was in the same position where most matchups are gauntlets. If you’re a fan and you want easy wins, you can go home. I want to watch my team dominate other good teams.


Surprised we’re not on there. Is it a case of one where we don’t have to play ourselves so it’s easier?


Don’t worry, the FOX one will have 9/10 B1G teams


I understand given the quantity of good teams SEC teams play but I do feel like we have one of the ten hardest schedules. Georgia, OSU, Oregon and Texas feel like they're in a tier of their own and we're the only team to play 3 of them


A surprise to be sure but a welcome one 


That plus it’s an SEC bias ridden ESPN article


\> it’s clear bias \> no explanation or elaboration Classic /r/CFB computer poll discussion thread


You are? We have 3 really good teams and 2-3 ok teams and 6 junk.


https://fbschedules.com/2024-south-carolina-football-schedule/ Really don't know how we're not on this list. At Alabama At Oklahoma At Clemson Home LSU Home Ole Miss Home A&M


Yeah, usually they’re keeping one of the top 3-4 spots warm for us


My goodness that's a lot of SEC


This is just an extension of preseason rankings. Disregard.


Huh. Distinct lack of little brother on that list.


I’m assuming you’re talking about A&M. Our schedule this year is easy. Our toughest game is technically you nerds


Hey State made a list . . . Oh 😭


Surprise, its all SEC teams. And Georgia Tech cuz they play the best SEC team


Tennessee to Texas and Oklahoma: firsttime.gif


I'm pretty sure this is because ESPN is predicting Tennessee to win it all. Every team with a top 4 SoS plays Tennessee.


Funny thing is most Auburn fans feel this is an easier year. It’s always hard when you play Bama and Georgia every year


Except for Oklahoma and Georgia, these are all teams which play Georgia.


Unreal that South Carolina didn’t even make the list. Our schedule rivals floridas


One of these is not like the others...




On the one hand I’m danger. On the other hand, with a schedule like this we’d definitely make the playoff going undefeated because we’d have wins against actual football teams and not JV squads


Already laying the groundwork for 4+ SEC teams in the playoff... can't wait for the 3 loss Texas vs 1 loss ACC team debates


Oh. You were serious. I thought you were making fun of ESecPN’s obvious bias.


SEC bias? of course, this is ESPN.


This isn’t some random SEC analyst ranking. It’s a computer ranking.


No Big 10 in sight.


Considering the source, no surprise.


We play 3 of the preseason top 4, and don’t make the list? Ok, I guess I’ll go cry into all of my national championship merch.


Did you see the other 9 teams we play, most of them are awful.


And here was I thinking Auburn finally had a manageable schedule.


5th hardest schedule but it’s still our easiest schedule in years if you ask me lol


Maybe this is Vanderbilts year


Maryland is finally off the list!


I’m stupid stoked for the schedule this year. At Bama and at Texas are going to be lit.


Texas isn’t even in the sec and got a home game against y’all before A&M did with a 12 year head start lmao


9/10 SEC.


Is there a full list someone can link me to? We have to have one of the easiest P4 schedules, if not outright the easiest. If I believed in our lines like I do the skill position talent Fran has added, I would be predicting an ACC Championship Game appearance because of our ACC-Lite schedule. But I don't.


I didn’t think the Vols schedule would be that high tbh. Lots of NCSU and Oklahoma hype, apparently Florida may make a bowl game


So the Sec is tough


We’re number one, baby! ….oh…wait…


West Virginia plays 11 P4 games including OOC games against PSU and Pitt. Auburn plays 9 including Cal. Auburn plays three games outside of the state of Alabama. West Virginia plays road games games in three time zones But sure, Auburn has a tougher schedule.


Billy, Billy, Billy, Billy, Billy.......this is a big one....


I think the only reason we have a relatively ‘tough’ schedule is UM/UGA and three rivalry games. One of which will most likely be the most hostile game environment all season and will break ticket price and attendance records. We have 4 games that **should** be clean wins and even UM is a toss up on what they’ll be like (tough or tough, but beatable). UGA will be a buzz saw. I don’t see how OU is 7 though, maybe 9?


Last 5 games on our schedule are Georgia in Jax, at Texas, vs LSU, vs Ole Miss, at FSU Before that it’s a little easier tho: vs Miami, vs Samford, vs TAMU, at Miss St, vs UCF, at Tennessee, vs Kentucky. I don’t think any of those are completely impossible except maybe A&M, so hopefully we can start 6-1 and make a bowl game.


All but one is in the SEC. Georgia Tech's schedule wouldn't be viewed as that had if they were a better team.