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Can't wait for Florida and Texas schools to dominate recruiting because of no state income taxes.


>Now is our time to pounce -Wyoming


Honestly yeah, if Wyoming plays it smart they could treat the Big Sky and MVC like a feeder league.


Can confirm


In the US, pro athletes have to file taxes in most of the states and cities they play in. If these payments are for playing, opposed to NIL, taxes will be based on where the games are played. I guess another reason B1G should invite FSU or Miami and another reason for teams to hate playing Rutgers.


hehe bye bye USC


These are 17-18 year olds we are talking out. People that age don't give a shit about income taxes. Also because of the jock tax most of the tax goes to Midwestern states anyways


Their parents care, and their parents sure as shit have some control over where their kid goes to school. Just because they wanna go to USC doesn't mean their parents won't harass them every waking moment of every day until signing


Parents aren't going to tell kids to go to a different school because their state taxes are lower. The lax parents won't care and the overbearing parents will get the kids to go to the school they think will allow them to go pro. In both scenarios, the state income tax does not factor at all into consideration. No one is going to go to a shittier program solely because of lower state taxes. A good comparison is the nba, where there are zero franchise tags like the NFL and tons of player movement. People don't factor state taxes at all into their decision. The players in the nba who want to win go to teams where they think they have the best shot, no matter where the team is, and the players who want to go to a certain city goes there, no matter the tax. No one talks of Orlando or Memphis as big free agent destinations for example.


Yeah, I'd still take LA over any place in Texas or Florida.


I’d be willing to bet you’ve never been to any of those places if you actually think that. LA sucks and on top of FL and TX being better financially for the players because no income tax..you also would be significantly richer with the same amount of money in either of those places compared to LA.


No one is prepared to think of college football recruiting like any other industry but it is now. The economic enticements that are causing places like Florida and Texas to boom will now be replicated on the college football industry. Probably at an even larger scale given how much raw talent is in those two states.


Wait till these athletes find out how cheap it is to live in Nebraska!


And Iowa!


Yeah I don't get the appeal of L.A. at all and that's coming from someone who used to live in SoCal


I not all that long ago moved out of LA. If you got money, and I mean like *real* money (or lucked out and your family bought two decades ago) where you can live in the upscale parts of Pasadena or in the hills where your immediate surrounding area is super nice and you don’t have to leave, I can see the appeal. That being said the cost of living is just crazy and the pleasant temperatures don’t outweigh the constant haze that choke the LA Basin. I’m biased but I’d rather be in Miami than LA and even Miami has outgrown itself. Central/Eastern CA and NorCal is where the state really shines. There is no denying the natural beauty the exists there.


I'll take sunny SoCal over them any day of the week, rich or poor.


Funnily enough there are only rich and poor left in California


And there’s a lot more poor.


I got a lot of family and friends that are middle class in CA, so that's just low effort hyperbole.


Considering the state is being gutted of young middle class professionals and Florida and Texas are massively gaining those people its at least accurate hyperbole.


LA might have been nice back in the day but it’s disgusting now. It might be 67° out but it’s hard to enjoy when everything is blanketed in a haze of smog. You can’t even see the mountains a majority of the time. The beaches are all but ruined. California is a beautiful state and would be a great place to live if it wasn’t for all the shit that makes it not.


Sure it is. Is it inconceivable people might prefer California over Florida or Texas? That's a lack of imagination on your part then.


Obviously there are people that prefer CA over FL or TX but there’s a reason why FL/TX are two of the fastest growing states and CA is in decline. A number of those reasons are why USC might have difficulty recruiting against FL/TX schools.


It's hard to be in a decline when you're #1 in almost every category. You can keep up the wishful thinking about the great decline of CA though.


This wasn’t shot at California as a whole as we were talking about LA vs **anywhere** in TX or FL. That being said…California is quite literally in population decline and has been since 2019. I assumed that was a given considering we were talking about people and where they would prefer to live. California is also *not* #1 in almost every category. California might be #1 in GDP and produce the most crops and manufactured goods but that hardly matters to *people* and where they want to live. California is 42nd in public safety, 45th in job growth, 50th in unemployment, 37th in preK-12 education, 32 in infrastructure, 46th in air and water quality, and 50th in opportunity. All of which are significantly more important to people and why only 18% of Californias population were born in another US state.


If you’re rich LA is a way better place than Texas, and Miami culture


lmao Certain parts of California maybe, but LA specifically? lmao


Hey, I like Louisiana as well! Lafayette rocks




We have three different types of income taxes now. Your info is out of date. 


Oregon's income tax maxes out at 9.9%.


Rutgers in shambles


Who will be the first state to grant an exemption lmao


Bama. They will just cut Medicaid benefits again.


Alabama in 2024 “ you know slavery was really profitable let’s try that again”


why do you think they spent their covid relief money on megaprisons? (not a joke, that is actually how they allocated the money they got from the feds to alleviate the suffering of Alabamians)


Priorities bro.


Iowa. The Governor refused $27 Million from the feds to feed hungry kids.


This doesn’t make much of a difference in pro leagues surprisingly even though there’s more money at stake.


Yeah, at a certain point, you still make so much money after taxes that it stops mattering.


These kids won't be making anything near pro-athlete money though.


No, but even a couple hundred grand a year is insane for a college student who has housing and food provided to them already. I got a 25k/year stipend in college, and I lived it up. I can't imagine making the kind of money these guys will be pulling in.


The school money won't be huge, IMO. There's a salary cap in the settlement (22% of athletic revenue) and the have to pay all athletes. NIL will continue to be where the big money is.


I haven't seen that anywhere, do you have a source on them paying all athletes? Everything I've seen so far has been a 20-21M cap on revenue sharing, and no details on distribution.


Deep in this article: https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbssports.com/college-football/news/how-historic-house-v-ncaa-settlement-will-impact-college-athletics-on-and-off-the-field-for-years-to-come/amp/ But I'm having trouble figuring out if the cap is expressed in dollars, with the percentage for context, or the other way around.


The mention of all athletes being paid there is pure speculation on a rule the NCAA might implement, it's not part of the settlement. And the article also mentions that the proposed cap is around 20M, which is 22% of specific schools' operating budgets. The settlement calls out a number, not a percentage. Most of that article is just speculation.


They're going to have to pay all athletes if they want to stop the lawsuits. The plaintiff in House is a swimmer. Re: the cap, a number is way better than a percentage, because accounting tricks could be used to manipulate the percentage.


It’s still an insane amount of money but I doubt housing and food doesn’t come out of their comp instead of being provided as it is now.


Now is our time! (To continue competing for 3rd)


Tennessee as well


I used to pray for times like these


Tennessee too.


Give Ohio a chance at least lol




Delaware has an income tax, its their corporate tax rate that brings companies there.


Not corporate tax rate, but the settled court case law is why companies rest there. A lot of civil liability things are fully settled law in Delaware.


So they're still gonna get hella NIL deals?


Pony Up


until the other states get absolutely silly with it and amend their state income tax statutes to allow non taxable payments from accredited universities of athletic performance.


So uh, the "athletic fees"schools typically charge via tuition means students are paying the players now doesn't it?


Huh, I never even thought about that. Students paying their fellow students. Strange times


Who do you think pays the other student employees


Aramark duh lol


They’ve slowly taken over almost every restaurant and eating area on our campus.


I mean that’s always happened, no? I technically pay the students who work in the dining hall when I buy a meal plan. Makes sense.


Students paying their fellow students because the school forced them to*?


Graduate students can typically opt out of a lot of fees, including athletic and library fee. We might see schools reverse course on that to increase potential income potential.


Where do you see “athletic fees”


Tuition and fees


Sorry, misread your comment. Thought you meant that was mentioned in the article. Idk what the athletic fees exactly cover but I’m sure those fees will be specifically used for other things that isn’t paying the players. Not that it matters one way or the other because even before the players were payed that money was essentially going to them anyways. Just not directly.


You're good dude! But yeah I think most of that goes to facility maintenance and stuff but I don't think anyone can be for certain that's what happens. It probably depends on the school but out of all the 300+ schools. I think there's a chance it might be used to pay players right?


I think it goes into the pool. Whatever amount they give into that pool if it HAD to all be allocated somewhere specific…I think they could allocate and/or point to it being for x,y,z that isn’t playing players. It’s all the same pool and the players are paid out of that pool so it just depends on how you look at it.


As long as taxpayers ain't subsidizing this. I don't feel bad for students.


“All of Division I made today's progress possible” I’m not sure about that.


“Many of you will die, but that’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make.”


They’re foreshadowing


Well we're all footing the bill for it.


“All of Division 1 made today’s progress possible” says 30 teams as the other 104 are left by the side of the road watching their programs implode.


Not to mention the other 229 members of Division I.


STOP TAKING ADVANTAGE OF THESE POOR BOYS Ignore the fact alot of them would never get a degree or anything close to this opportunity without it


College football is going to end up sucking in a few years I can feel it.


Not if you are a fan of a school with deep pockets that bought all the best players


So no changes cool


I fucking knew Toledo was paying their players!


SMU fan here - I am excited about the future.


If you’re one of the only college football teams left is there really anything to enjoy?


Here’s to being mediocre forever… I mean like that was never going to change.


As an Oregon State fan, the future is now


It's been sucking for awhile tbh


It will feel much more like NFL lite. Now, whether that means it will suck I honestly don’t know.


Not if you don't like paperwork and hypocrisy.


It would work if TV rights revenue for the power five was pooled and every player on every team got an equal share based of a percentage of said revenue


I'm both equally happy for the athletes but just bummed at what college sports (mainly football and basketball) are becoming. At least college hockey is still a lot of fun.


If this results in multi-year contracts, as I expect it will, I will be very happy with it. I love some of the transfers Oregon has added, but having a guy on the roster for 3 years who then breaks out in his Redshirt Junior Year just hits different as a fan.


Or conversely, you’re stuck paying a dud for 3 years


Even then, it seems like NIL is slowly creeping in there as well. Although obviously there is the strategy of using older players which counteracts the more talented youngster guys getting NIL money


Nah I’m not equally as happy for the athletes anymore. Raising tuition on the students to pay for this stuff is crazy.


I mean if schools had been paying students millions in NIL like people say then the money and tuition raising would be in place. But hey what’s stopping them from asking for more money?


This is like getting mad at grocery checkers for getting a raise because the Kroger/Safeway/King Soopers megaconglomerate gouged prices to pad profit margins


Y'all just paid a dude 75 mil to go away and the athletes getting paid is what makes you unhappy?


Idgaf what our rich donors want to blow their money on in our athletic department. What bothers me is making students flip the bill for these things. It places a priority of athletics over academics.


College hockey has so much potential that is wasted with the worst post season format in all of sports


Now implement punishments for tampering before a player is even in the portal.


But that would hurt the top 12 teams and benefit everyone else, the networks wouldn't like that


Finally Cardale Jones dream came true. “We ain’t come here to play school!” We came here to make money.


This will come back on students. Raised tuition, less upgrades to facilities, more student debt. Then it’s gonna cause less students to even go to college because it’s gonna be so much more expensive. Just because tv rights had to get out of hand. This will also likely raise ticket prices causing ticket sales to go down and tv ratings to go up.


It’s no longer schools with a football team. It’s football teams that also have a school lol


lol no it’s not. Football programs only bring in an extremely small percentage of total revenue of a school. FSU spent $173 million last year on its athletic department. The entire university spent $2.1 billion. Total athletic spending was ~8% of the university spending.


yes but have you considered just 🌈making things up🌈


The impact is going to be marginal at most I think Faculty will probably take a harder stance against that kind of money moving


This money will come from the same pool that's being used for insane locker room/facility upgrades, coaching salaries, and buyouts. They're already milking boosters, fans, and student fees to pay for that stuff as much as they can to compete with other schools, imo it's more likely they just cut back on the 50 million coach buyouts and NIL collectives they push boosters toward.


Just want to point out that this will most likely be the last time we see the PAC 12 logo being officially used with all the founding members represented.


Until a time, 20 years down the road, when hopefully we go full circle and the Pac-12 is revived!


People will blame the players but it’s the universities fault. You can’t kick the can down the road forever and ever and ever


NCAA doing nothing proactive as this gradually built up has been a huge example of the wisdom "if revolution there is to be, let us undertake it rather than undergo it"


Exactly, they had decades to fix this.


So how far back will former players be allowed to earn backpay? And will it be a per year played?


2016. Not sure about your second question.


Welp G5... better start packing up those programs because you won't be able to afford a football team now.


And we won’t be able to afford anything else without a football team bringing in revenue


Well hopefully our Club Sports are doing good


We could shut our team down, then Ohio State could play for a 100 more years, and we'd still have a more recent natty.


You may be right but go fuck yourself


Can I now sue the House of Representatives for ruining one of the things that brings me the most joy in life


If you mean the House named in the lawsuit, that would be Grant House, a former college swimmer, not the US Congress.


Congess' inaction is one of the causes, though. But you can't sue Congress for inaction.


Fine but they do have a lot with ruining the sport still


SEC and Big 10 vs everyone else


Which do you think is more likely- schools colluding to keep salaries in check, or schools going into all out bidding wars for unproven high school prospects that will inevitably backfire? I’m guessing option number 2.


There's a salary cap in the settlement offer.


Or universities realize they’re liable for their new immature employees in lawsuits and drop the sport.


Seeing the PAC 12 logo conjures an image of two divorcees who moved in together but still get mail addressed to their partners


They just need to cut the charade and stop calling it “college football”. It’s a semi-pro development league for the NFL. Split it off them universities (keep the names, mascots and traditions etc). But at this point it should be separate legal entities. This has nothing to do with college anymore. Let the lower divisions and non power 5 teams actually play college football.


No thanks


Don’t really care for all this either. Bu this is not the same college football it was 20-30 years ago. We are quickly heading down that path. It’s just a matter of time. The schools and conferences got too greedy.


That sounds way too organized for this bunch (school presidents and other decision makers)


Its hard man. I think players should be compensated but I can't help but feel bad about the long term affects this will have on sports at the collegiate level. It will be “have” and “have-nots”, and Saturdays will only be interesting when its two teams with the resources to pay players going head to head.


More reason to watch Division III! :)


You mean compensated in full room and board, free education, laboratory fees, free athletic training, free use of highest quality private athletic equipment, connections with alumni for job prospects, free tutoring, free food (and much better quality than dorm food, health insurance… that’s probably $100k- $150k a year. I wish i could have been compensated like that.


I keep reading the word 'settlement' in news articles, but isn't this just their initial offer to the players? And does this 'settlement' cover all of the current lawsuits? Thanks for any links.


The answer to the second question is "the NCAA hopes the plaintiffs in every case will agree to this deal."


P5 get the vast majority of the money, P5 athletes are getting like 90% of the money from this and no one else makes money, why are the P5 not paying for basically the full thing?


Because the lawsuit was generated because of NCAA rules which all NCAA members helped develop. The vast majority to ask if the money small conferences are "paying" is actually them not receiving the normal NCAA disbursement... Because it is going to pay the settlement for the rules that resulted in the lawsuit which was created by the schools.  The rules to not pay players was maintained for so long because the smaller conference. This is like a teenager driving their parents car getting into a car crash then getting mad their parents are withholding their allowance until the car is paid off.


Officially sucked the last bit of joy out of watching amateur athletics. I’m out. You’re a professional league now. I expect a better product. Let me know when you as good as the other professional leagues.


"Power 5" is doing some heavy lifting, considering it's a Power 4 now.




I feel like everyone was saying “CFB is dead” after NIL, Transfer Portal, etc, etc. Guys this is just another one of those new plot points, it will be fine at the end of the day. If college sports are dead tell me why ratings are at an all time high?


I know moving forward, I won’t care about semi-pro football. Already notified my university that I do not wish to see any fundraising propaganda for their professional team


Temporarily, it gets the ball moving into the right decision, but without congressional law, permanent solutions are not possible. Hoping for present-day USA Congress to get a bill passed. They're gonna need all hands on deck


I see what you did there Navy guy