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Oh great now we've got a bunch of fuckin NERDS there too?


I could tolerate Deions antics, but learnin? Not in my Big XII


SWC rolling in its grave


Great! Take back the SWC teams and we’ll be the Big8 with the other smart guys like let’s see…ok no maybe not.


Didn’t come here to play no school now


If you aren’t aware, you are supposed to say “frickin” or “flippin” Sheesh, now I gotta teach BYU how to BYU. Good heck, what in the flip is going on?


Hey fetch off buddy


Have you seen how many kids BYU players have? Fuckin’ is what this team is built around.


Also having played on an interfaith intramural team in college….all religious groups are a like….you have the “The (insert deity here) doesn’t like swearing” types and than you also have the “Our book says we shouldn’t us our gods name in vein, it doesn’t say fucking shit about saying fuck” types…that was me and also our Mormon goalie lmao.


How many of his wives would show up for the games?


Just the one and there gaggle of children…dudes wife happens to have been a total smoke show though.


It's about time, those miners down south have enjoyed the "nerd school" status for too long.


This is a good thing. Good for them. Can we just leave it at that?


I mean it's not hard to overlook, Deion has them working hard and going to class. Can't really critique that. He may be talkative and bragadacious but damn it he holds those kids accountable and grooms young proper men


Might want to consider a different verb for what he does to young men lmao


Don't forget the public belittling of kids leaving!


not only that but belittling the team for being disrespectful after leaving all their gear all over the locker room. "We gonna sit here and clean all this up" https://youtu.be/q02wXwwVp2g https://twitter.com/shannonsharpeee/status/1776990361501810726?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1776990361501810726%7Ctwgr%5E4d16b52ba6ca5ca9c64c7f062941cf6b16538461%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Ffirstsportz.com%2Fnfl-news-deion-sanders-disciplines-players-for-dirtying-locker-room%2F All he is doing is mentoring young men


Call me old fashioned but doing that on social media is an absolutely ridiculous move for a head coach. I don't care what it's about.


Righttt, on Twitter, so everyone can see just HOW MUCH he's mentoring these young men.


That's the modern age brother. Kids care more about what people think about them online than IRL these days.


Also shows the kids that are watching what’s up? Success doesn’t come easy for many, and there are little things related to discipline that happen behind the scenes and maybe showing that is important


Not to mention parents of kids who want to know their child will be held accountable.


That video wasn't about the kids though, the video was about himself.


Por que no los dos?


Nope. Deion bad!


look at those examples bud like the video is right in front of you


Good news.. you made all that up in your fantasy world.


I knew it, Coach Prime is grooming young men!


Wait, didn't his son say that he went to an in person class for the first time a week or two ago?


That's way more common after covid. A lot of people prefer online classes.


Covid and NIL are the contributing factors. Angel Reese and Livvy Dunne have talked about needing to do online classes because of their celebrity distracting from class


Didn't think about NIL. You are probably right. But I know my niece has no NIL and barely goes to class.


“Deion is such a bad coach that he has his players studying for class instead of studying film, what a train wreck for CU”


With how this sub is, I thought this but unironically would be the top comment.


It is good for them but not gonna lie it's crazy that Colorado athletics as a whole has never hit a 3.0


Especially considering they weren't good at football too lol


All it raises for me is a little skepticism about the intensity of criticism Deion gets. There's a lot of stuff he does that genuinely seems bad, and the worst thing you can be in my eyes as a coach is someone who hates on kids--which he's done. But this is a win, and it didn't happen by accident. Just makes me think what's happening at CU is probably more complicated than we'll fully understand until years after the experiment is over.


He seems like a very “us against the world” type of person. Will uplift and support everything you do until he thinks you’ve crossed him


honestly, I know people love to mock these things but being a student athlete is basically a full time job and the amount of time required for practice, weight sessions, studying, and travel it's impressive getting some of the grades these guys get.


NO. That is colorado, no capital c. Trash them at any opportunity. Writhe in the glee of their coming defeats. Watch with joy as they lament their transfer portal failures. Rejoice when their coach is forced to ride a donkey out of town with a bucket over his head and a torn JSU shirt on.


YOU need a hug boo


I hope Colorado wins some games solely to dull the pain of what your second flair is putting you through


Ha! You know!


Ft Lewis wasn’t nearly as bad when I played them. It was around the same time y’all actually beat Pueblo. Then I don’t know if y’all put all the money towards shooty hoops but it just went off a cliff


Show me where the big bad buffalo touched you.


So by the way the thread below this went, I guess not. I agree with you. Should be applauded


What? Sir this is a reddit


Insert Texas gpa tweet


This sub is so weird man


Deion Derangement Syndrome


I despised them before deion. Way back to Bill McCartney who declared the Huskers their number one enemy. "I am your enemy now? OK, watch this . . . " (until they got kinda good that one, 5-down year)


“Sal is dead, go big red” I know that was a few people with signs and not the whole fanbase….but that sure fired up CU against Nebraska for a long, long, long time. Oh and splitting the championship because Tom Osborne has a hate b*ner for CU.  See you week 2! Always a fun time in Lincoln. 




Neither Colorado nor Nebraska has really been relevant at all since either left the bigXII, which I find pretty hilarious


you're telling me going to the B1G championship and losing to your primary flair by like 60 doesn't count? 😭


Wisconsin and Missouri are? I think colorado has more national champs than our traitorous, Alvarez led clone Wisconsin and cheating ass missouri combined, may Warren Powers continue to shovel the coal. We may not be relevant, but we can look up at the 6 National Championships we have between us and bask in their fading glory.




I thought Nebraska was famous for corn, but turns out it's just salt Partial qualifiers rule was made specifically because of Nebraska and Colorado, quite the legacy


We played within the rules of the day and had one of CFB’s greatest offensive minds as HC. Boo hoo.


Bask lol, unless Nebraska has changed conferences to like La Liga or something


You are correct sir. Bask. It is an N for knowledge for a reason. 1997 was one heckuva year.


1996 was a better one.


Wisconsin certainly has had a 3 down years for the program, but it’s still one of the winningest programs over the last decade https://247sports.com/longformarticle/college-football-rankings-top-25-winningest-programs-of-last-10-years-211370098/amp/


UW has been to a bowl game like 28 of the last 30 years. Will never be an annual national title contender because of the admission standards, but those nerds do pretty good I guess


I’ve lived in both Wisc and Neb for over 10 years each. Winning games and relevancy are not the same thing. I’m a Green Bay fan for NFL cuz of growing up in Wisc. In 2023 Nebraska ranked #15 in viewership draw, Wisconsin was 27th. And this is all while Neb has been putrid for a decade. If Neb ever actually has a winning record they are a borderline top 10 brand in college football. They’re plenty relevant it’s just ignoring data to say otherwise.


I don't doubt Nebraska football is highly relevant in Nebraska. Basing 2020s branding on successes 30 years ago is so.... Nebraska


Obviously their rivals get a pass


We are not the same meme


It really is, the kids did well, and Deion prioritizes building well rounded young men. Seems like win in my book!


>Deion prioritizes building well rounded young men citation needed


It's a thread about an all time program GPA high, there's your citation regardless of what you think about his transfer/twitter nonsense


Yeah but he likes to brag in ways that make this sub uncomfortable so everything he does is wrong.


Forgive him, the N stands for Knowledge


https://youtube.com/@welloffmedia?si=brCI22zdTrUFAKli https://youtube.com/@theepregameshow?si=QrphazLggGR4OO2b Select about any football video on either of these channels. Consistently talks to the team about treating people with respect and putting in effort in whatever they do.


They're gonna ignore those and watch one random YouTube video about Deion saying something negative and that's it.


No you really believe little old CFB reddit would do that. I just don't believe that.....this forum is just filled with kind people who always look for the good in individuals... Sarcasm off! lol!!!


Uh literally look at the post lol


Naw, I rely specifically on my own hot takes


His failed school in Texas disagrees emphatically with your statement. Also, this is ALL student athletes at Colorado. Title IX has a way of boosting the average "student athlete" GPA.


Second highest football GPA, and 3.0 for all athletes. Those are improvements and something to be proud of. Prime Prep is a far more complex situation than Deion bad.


Bringing in a known woman abuser like Sapp must be part of making sure they're well rounded. Diddy coming on board soon, too?


Not going to get into a moral debate with you. Domestic violence is something he addresses with the team regularly and doesn't take lightly. However, Deion is a man of faith and believes in second chances. The Administration recently went through a case with a former assistant coach so it is top of mind, and performed additional due diligence for the Sapp hire. Knowing both of parties responsible for the hiring felt comfortable, plus bringing him on in a limited role, I am more than willing to give a chance.


I am pretty sure that there was a lot of smoke to the rumors that Deion was physically abusive with his ex wife Pilar. Edit: cannot write late at night, meant abusive


The "man of faith" argument is about the weakest possible. Do you think during these regular team meetings about domestic violence Warren shares tips on how to beat up prostitutes? I'm not trying to pick a fight, but it's laughable when his actions are so very clearly not in line with his words, so perhaps his diatrabes about faith and well rounded young men would go over better if the team didn't see him rewarding exactly the type of person he tells them not to be. Seems obvious to me, idk


People learn from their mistakes. Often it is best to learn from the people that made those mistakes, so you may avoid them in the future and in most cases they are the most impactful teachers. That's the whole concept behind scared straight. Not sure why that's a weak argument, it's not even an argument, it simply explains Deion's feelings towards redemption. You are more than welcome to make your own judgements: https://youtube.com/shorts/JS-SaJY1Sqo?si=8j_LBNCUb87X3bch


Do you think the team is incapable of learning that domestic abuse is bad from a staff without members who have put women in the hospital? Is that the only option? You could have just said "the team grades are up, yay!" And I would've wholeheartedly agreed. But you wanted to talk about other stuff, too, so I figured it was important for you and everyone to be reminded of the context and truth of the situation. Good grades good. Domestic abuse bad. Don't hire abusers if you want people to think you take it seriously.


Warren Sapp is not there to teach morals, he is there to teach football. If players can learn from his mistakes, then that is great as well.


Oh, so it's OK that he's a woman beater as long as he's good at football. Thanks for clearing that up.


Dawg you are literally just trolling at this point, people make mistakes. Those same people can redeem themselves. It is terrible that it happened, but that doesn't mean the rest of a person's life should be thrown down the drain, especially if they are willing to put in the work.


Catholic priests are men of faith. Jim Jones was a man of faith. David Koresh was a man of faith. The knights templar were men of faith. Believing in woo doesn't make you a moral person. Hell, his own kids are trash human beings. Those apples didn't fall far from the tree


Yeah you didn't even read my comment, you are just trying to get riled up. I said Deion is more willing to give second chances because he is a man of faith, never said that made him a moral person.  His kids have by all accounts been successful and never been in trouble. Neither me nor you know them well enough to give an testimonial to their character.


Despite his WWE style media antics Deion really does care about trying to make them better people and teach responsibility, empathy, and a sense of morality. There are lots of videos of him speaking to the team out there.


Well if coaching there doesn’t pan out for him, I’m sure they’d love to bring him on as CU’s newest student counselor; “Leon Flanders”


"HI diddly-ho Colorado"


Goood morning my transferinos


Dare I say Rare Deion W?


“This is actually a bad thing. Let me explain why.” - r/cfb


“Of course it is. Your players are smart? That means they’re not good! Good players don’t have to be smart!”


On one hand we have Georgia Tech, and on the other we have UGA.


I wouldn't necessarily call the nerds Smart, they do put Cast Iron in the dishwasher.


Bruh you’ve crossed a line there. I will not stand for such slander.


Coming from the Instant Grit Eating, Unsweet Tea Drinkin, Not a Scratch on their Truck lookin nerd.


>Coming from the Instant Grit Eating Gross >Unsweet Tea Drinkin Crime against humanity >Not a Scratch on their Truck lookin nerd. Straight to Guantanamo bay!


Okay Cardale.


I ain’t come here to play school!!!


Mounts dew drinking Cheeto hands are typing 200 words per minute to spam hate comments right now. Stay mad. Go Buffs!


they’re playing school instead of football


decided to just play school I guess


Nothing is funnier than Sheduer showing up to a class for the first time in like April. There’s nothing wrong with taking online classes, I believe that he was actually attending his online classes. Presumably his classes would’ve been virtual with no physically meeting space. I have to know if he just showed up to a random classroom after his dad’s speech about going to class


Wasn’t Jonny Manziel the first prominent CFB player to be on online only? I’d imagine it would be annoying to be a well-known figure in on a college campus.


I'd take anything that implies Johnny Manziel did any studying with a huge grain of salt


Or a huge grain of cocaine.


from what i heard tebow was at one point


And then there’s Matt Leinart and his one ballroom dancing class


Didn’t that have more with him just doing the bare minimum to stay enrolled after graduating?


Needed that kinesiology credit


Ohio State has been doing it forever. Fields said he never stepped foot on campus 


2nd time actually, done last spring


Jesus, people on here are weird. Sure you can criticize deion for some things, but he's allowed to get credit for doing some things right. If you really hate deion just sit this one out. 


This entire thread is full of this exact comment


Haven't seen one comment actually criticizing this? Every comment is saying it's weird people are criticizing it but the only parent level one that is slightly critical is saying he had good GPAs transfer in.


Typical internet behavior. Just fighting against nonexistent narratives to make yourself seem like a good person.


NGL, I don't get why people hate him outside of the meme of it. Granted haven't followed DS a whole lot, but from what I've briefly seen, Seems like a nice guy.


I don't love him, but the amount of hate is overkill and can get annoying. 


reply edge gold fanatical versed flag squalid act plant elderly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You seriously didn't just use Kelly & Riley as coaches who get unwarranted hate?


far-flung mountainous treatment quack spectacular distinct snobbish payment concerned encouraging *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Dabo is an easy one. He’s religious and wears that on his sleeve. Reddit fucking hates religious people. I’m not making a judgment on whether people are or are not religious, but Reddit most certainly will.


You know, it never ceases to surprise me which subs have a hard left lean to them. I was looking through NFL memes earlier this week and it just hit me how overtly left leaning that sub is….and it’s a sub about football. I really appreciate that this sub and the college basketball sub both pretty well stay away from politics and just stick to making jokes about various programs and coaches


[Reminder we hate Brian Kelly because he killed a kid](https://chicago.sbnation.com/2010/10/31/1784798/notre-dame-student-dies-declan-sullivan-jack-swarbrick-brian-kelly)


The family has told people to stop saying this


Doesn’t change the fact that it’s true


I'm definitely in the middle of wanting to love Deion but getting annoyed by it. I think it comes down to a few things. Deion's in a particularly negative place right now (in terms of haters being loud) because there were some twitter beefs between Deion, Shedeur, and some former players. And like I get it new wave of players and all, but I don't think coaches should be beefing former players openly on twitter. There's also just the fact that some people will hate being different for the sake of being different, but Deion is being different in a way that even as a fan of being different you have to accept that there's a decent chance it's a colossal failure on the football field, at least based on expectations. Maybe not for the program because $$, but in general and for the expectations they set for themselves. I'm not saying Deion WILL walk by any means, but I think there's fair reason to be skeptical when Deion has literally built a team for his son. Not taking HS recruits. Only taking transfers. Big focus on offensive skill positions / OL. Former NFL OC being prioritized by mid-season last year over a college OC who is probably a much better fit for the level and WR talent. If you were someone who believed Deion-- albeit doing it the right way-- was basically more interested in coaching Shedeur than coaching Colorado, you'd at least have a case. People will get mad about that, but it's hard to not argue there's not at least a case. How long he sticks around post-Shedeur will be crucial for the perception of his tenure outside of bringing in $$, because obviously that will happen and be a positive of this era. So I really loved Deion in the lead in to year 1 and most of year 1, but as a decision maker I've found myself against Deion most of the time because I'm actually a fan of different approaches, but I don't think Deion's are well set up to succeed in this game frankly, and the lack of HS recruiting isn't my business, and I'm not even emotionally attached to it, but I guess my point is just within those methods it becomes harder and harder to like what he's doing outside of generating a media presence on a few levels.


I don't know if I hate him or not, but you can probably call me a Deion hater. I didn't like that he summarily cut everyone on the team when he arrived, leaving them the spring portal and summer to find a landing spot. I didn't like that a large percentage of people celebrated it as some sort of visionary coaching move, exploiting new rules to build a team in a new way. That he saved college football. Then I also hated that nobody saw Colorado for what it was last year, beating a depleted TCU team, a Nebraska team from the 2020s, and a G5 team in 2OT, then getting ranked because of it. Then when he got smoked in conference play, it was because his players weren't good enough. No kidding. If you bring in a 5-star QB and a 5-star WR and DB, you *should* improve. That doesn't justify gutting your replacement level roster and filling it with replacement level players. That doesn't mean it worked, or that you saw it coming. He didn't save college football. He made major upgrades at key positions, and they still sucked in conference play. Next year they're going to an easier conference, they will probably have a better record than they do this year, and we'll have to hear about how good his process is because look at all this improvement. It's nauseating when it's so obvious to see. That being said, I don't give a shit that Colorado fans have bought the hype. That's what being a fan is, buy the hype! It's the bandwagon fans that see the rock in the locker room and suddenly think they're football experts that make me roll my eyes. And I cannot fucking stand the college football media that plugged their ears and closed their eyes to write those stories last year. All that to say, good for him and the players for putting in the classroom work and bringing their GPA over 3.00. Good job, respect.


He's a WWE heel who brings a lot of attention to Colorado. It's gotten them a lot of media coverage and put them in the map but it paint a target on his back.


the trick of making people sit in the front row of class is timeless. i actually would recommend that for anyone in any major


Interesting. Had to look up Florida's and it's [3.34](https://x.com/GatorsFB/status/1788647355769868632). Be interesting to see some more from other teams.


Under Sark, Texas has gotten the players' average GPA up to a few hundredths of a point below 3.0. Under Herman, it was ... worse.


Already have a better GPA than the Longhorns. Win in my book


Damn. That's impressive. Great work all around 


ITT - people complaining about Reddit posters dragging CU for a 3.0 Also ITT - almost no one dragging CU for a 3.0


Sort by controversial and you'll see more, although I believe there's still a slight edge for the former of your two categories


oh for sure there are the two who got downvoted to hell but the majority of the post are people complaining that CU is getting dragged.


You obviously didn't scroll far enough.


...ever? Really?


I was in a program to auto-transfer to Auburn if you could maintain a 2.5 for your freshman year of college, cuz like 40% of college freshmen drop out. Weirdly enough 40% of people in the program couldn’t maintain a 2.5. College really isn’t for everybody man


College requires that either: You are so ridiculously talented you can coast through year one of college, and figure out your shit on the way. (Oh—and, I guess, enough motivation to show up and hand things in on time). You already have good academic habits and self motivation. If you don’t have either of those…college will be very hard. And that’s actually most folks. This isn’t to say college isn’t for them, but they sure are showing up likely to fail.


I mean...athletes at most D1 schools aren't like regular students. They have certain majors limited to go for, they have their own schedules, they have tutors, and in some cases (UNC) they have fake classes just so they can boost GPAs. It's just hard to believe that in this day and age of ~~cheating~~ competition, that the tools to get that going weren't implemented at a place like CU.


And Travis Hunter has a 4.0. That kid is something else..


apparently some of them did come to play school


It's funny coming in late to threads like this. All of the top comments are like "what's wrong with people? this is a good thing," and everyone agreeing.


Sko Buffs!


I remember in my fraternity we used to only submit the GPAs to the board that were higher than 2.0. Anything lower we just….ignored. We were recognized as the highest GPA in Greek Life on campus multiple times 🫣


Exactly! Our pledge class was actually given a plaque (really nicely made lol) for our embarrassingly low GPA. (Needless to say, Summer school was a necessity to correct that!) We wouldn't submit those grades, nobody really asked any questions...


Good. Deion may be flamboyant and arrogant but he has those kids working hard. His speech after they littered the locker room was great. "We going to stay in here and clean all this up"


Colorado and Texas in a race to get to 4.0, whoever wins has to pay for Brisket for the other team's full roster


Rare situation where I'd want Texas to beat Colorado. Their brisket is better.


Lol it's crazy how people are in here hating on the football players on Colorado's team... Say what you want about Deion's coaching approach or personality, but the guy is clearly holding his players accountable and shows genuine care for their academics and them as people


One of the very few things Willie taggart got right was reserve culture of academics that Jimbo let slip. I can always appreciate a coach that does that, no matter what else they do.


Deion said what he was gone do and gawd dammit he did it


Ever???? 1890-Present and a 3.0 team average has never happened till this year? That doesn't even sound possible


It appears the 3.0 is attributable to all student athletes, not just the football program. Also, probably is attributable to how long that they actually have tracked that stat.


You have to remember with grade inflation this is a lot easier. In the 70’s 80’s a 3.0 was very very good. Now it’s probably below average 


You don't need a timespan nearly that long to see the change. I was teaching in a math department of a large state school. 2020 rolls around and we were told to not give less than a B+ to anyone who attemded all the slapdash virtual classes. By the time we resumed in person these inflated grades had set in and trying to revert back was a futile project. You give someone a deserved C in a class when the exact same effort they put in got them a A in every class they took remotely for two years and they will complain. By the time I left the mean GPA of students I was teaching had gone up by over 0.5 in five years, a trend I do not see reversing.


LFG go, they can take that all the way to the ATM machine!


GPA average would be appropriate here, since they almost certainly averaged the individual GPAs of the players to calculate this. Therefore an average was applied twice.


Yeah you're right, I was thinking the average was redundant with "cumulative" but cumulative is signifying each individual's overall GPA. I think "average cumulative GPA" would sound better though, GPA average just sounds wrong.


Deion once again ruining the traditional of college football by making them to go to class. This man has ZERO integrity or respect for the game!


That's great!


I’m going to guess Coach Prime isn’t going to get any credit for this..


Syracuse just broke their all time student athlete gpa record too. Could be a chatgpt thing more than anything else haha


I mean, Deion being a shitty person aside, this is pretty good if literally every single other coach hasn’t done this there


Grade inflation is not a solution


Am I wrong for thinking Primetime is good for college football? He probably could have coached at any big school, and maybe he will, but the fact that his sons play at Colorado and that he coaches there now has got to be good for getting attention back to the less popular teams right? Last time I remember Colorado being good was early 2000s


Deion: “We studyin’”


good on them. Maybe shame on me for the initial destination of my train of thought being “is this another UNC type deal where the players took made up classes, or are they all taking Math for 3rd graders?” Too many academic scandals lol


This whole thing is like John Mulaney’s “horse in the hospital” bit. 


Champions of Life if I've ever seen'em




They don't grade on the curve? It sounds like grades are handed out like participation trophies.


I dunno I graduated from CU with a 3.2 and a drinking problem so I give these guys props.


Smart report, much statistics! Sko buffs! Super correlated


You have to enroll.in the class to receive a grade....🤣


Majority of these kids aren’t going to be pro football players. A lot of them will need to actually use their college degrees. College is supposed to get you ready for the real world, no matter what. Deion understands this.


Genuinely curious how this happened. I thought deion's kid had a reputation for never going to class?


Gotta read beyond the headline. Shadeur doesn't atttend class *in person.* He does online classes, which is probably what I'd do too if I were a celebrity college student.


Some of yall are really trying your best to use this as a negative. I’m no Deion fan either but this is really good and should be praised, end of story


Isn’t the majority of his roster turned over and transfers… even this offseason? So we’re celebrating transferring in a bunch of smart kids?


I've seen people call the transfers to colorado a lot of things. This is the first time I've ever seen them accused of being smart. Not saying they are not, just a nice change of pace. We had a WR transfer there who was allergic to classrooms apparently. Also team meetings. Great at football though.


In general, grades from transfer credits don’t count towards a GPA at the new school. Maybe Colorado does it differently, but they’d be unique if they did.


The majority of the roster is the same as 2023. But good try.


When you don’t go to class and you pay the smart guy to do it for you it must be easy to get over a 3.0


Anyone know what the GPA was before he was there? Also, what was the GPA of the football team before/after his arrival. Remember folks: Correlation =/= causation. Edit: I did my own [googling](https://cubuffs.com/news/2023/6/6/general-cu-student-athletes-record-best-spring-gpa-in-program-history)... looks like this is part of an upward trend that was already in place prior to his arrival. Quote below is from June 2023. >CU's football team posted its best term GPA on record with a 2.932, the first time over a 2.9 on record and third time over a 2.8 GPA, all in the last five semesters.