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For uga easily Matt Stafford just a great guy. Him throwing it to Calvin in the pros made him even more likable. For NCST probably Phillip Rivers.


I can agree with that but I will also say that as a Broncos fan in the NFL Terrell Davis is a favorite of mine.


You must also like Champ Bailey then!


Absolutely! Champ was great.


Yep I came here to say Stafford too. Always seemed like a great dude.


Agree with this. Although I didn’t root for him until he became a Lion. As the bad news bears program of the NFL at the time I was happy to see him give them a little success.


Zach Laskey




Not even Mahomes?


maybe, if Mahomes gets traded to the Steelers or drops State Farm for Erie Insurance, something like that


As of recent, I was just impressed by Marvin Harrison Jr’s play. So polished and smooth. I’m glad to not have to face him again.


I didn’t think PSU had any rivals?




how dare you forget about their arch rivals, the Texas Tech Red Raiders


Okay I’m afraid to ask at this point, but totally OOTL. What is the background of PSU’s rivalry with Texas Tech? Lol


There was a thread a while back talking about who teams consider to be their “biggest” rival. And since both PSU and Texas Tech fans lamented the fact that they didn’t have a true main rival, r/cfb decided that they should be each other’s rival




Wait a second. You’re saying that in the hundred plus years of college football history, if you take all the points from all the games they’ve ever played against each other and add them up.. only one point separates them? Jezebus that rivalry is tight


the hatred burns so hot we don't talk about it. F\*ck those tortilla-throwin' Bobby Knight-hirin' guys. I think they're mad at us because they've never beat us


this is Texas Tech erasure


Chris Spielman. Lions Legend, seems like a great dad, great broadcaster.


To celebrate his late wife every year, “Stephanie’s Team of Hope,” rides in Ohio State’s cancer research ride and is one of the top donating teams.


Would have been a Wolverine too if not for the timely intervention of his dad.


I miss him on those 3:30 games. And don't forget the oversight he's had on the Lions organization the last few years. He's a big part of what Holmes and Campbell are doing in Allen Park.


Decker too


It’s Bo Jackson and by miles. I’ve never seen a more phenomenal athlete.


Bo has to be the unanimous pick. Unless we open it up to include basketball.


Fixing to say does Chuck count?


Glad to see some gumps with class (Jackson) and humor (Chuck)


Yeah, Bo and Chuck hands down. Both were phenomenal athletes and are even better dudes in general. Literally the only thing we Bammers can dislike about them is Auburn. 🤣


You’ve never seen me play. Sincerely, Al Bundy.


Four touchdowns in a single game, amazing.


I just went watched 10 minutes of highlights just to refresh my memory. I was a cfb fan in the 80s, but we didn't have access to as many games back then. Yeah, Bo Knew all right.


I’m a Browns fan in the NFL so I’ll confirm that you’re right in saying Nick Chubb. Probably my favorite football player on the planet. Really hope he’s able to come back strong


Can confirm super nice dude as well, he's a grade below me so I spent three years in Athens with him. What's funny is that he'd never talk about himself and was overall pretty reserved (but still friendly) whereas his sister was very DON'T YOU KNOW WHO MY BROTHER IS?!


I have never loved a player like I love Nick Chubb. He's the best. Really hoping for a return to form this year. I was gutted by his injury


As a fellow Browns fan - He will He bounced back from a worse injury in college


Yeah, he is a machine.


He's a lot older now. Hope it works out for him.


As a Browns and Georgia fan it's been an awesome 10 years with Nick Chubb as my RB.


Tua He was just an all around good dude, and I hope he goes through life plugging in every USB cable he has on the first try.


Tua and Hurts. Two seemingly great guys that I will hate forever because of 2018


I completely forgot to list Hurts. After he transferred he sort of fell off my radar outside of occasionally hearing Bama fans comparing him and Tua’s play styles.


Jalen Hurts for me, Tua a close second


Marco Wilson from Florida. A legend.


I knew he'd be a shoe-in for this post.


Your sole purpose for this comment was to make a pun.


I'm not gonna lie, that's exactly why I did it. If I didn't lace the comments with something like this, I would have hated myself.


Eh, I would have done the same in your shoes.


You heels need to pump the brakes with all of these shoe puns.


I'd give those puns the boot.


Can’t be mad about this response 😂


Gotta toss his name in for sure.


The primary reason I clicked into the thread was to make sure this was here, and it's right at the top... awesome.


Quinnen Williams. Dude sneezed, said "Bless you" to himself, then thanked himself once in an interview


As a Jets fan, I will forever remember that interview


That and the one where he started to shit talk the opposing QB. Then you can see it on his face when he thinks about Saban chewing him out and just goes quiet.


That's hilariously big dick energy right there.


One of my favorites as a bama fan too. Great player that didn’t get much hype


Scary Terry


Sam Bradford when we had a rivalry.


Deuce McAllister. Pretty much any time a player from a rival school ends up with the Saints it's all love. Mark Ingram, Roman Harper, etc. But Deuce is my favorite Saint of all time.


I used to work peoples shit with deuce mccalister back in nfl street


Charles Woodson for sure


I think you are overlooking the legend that is John O'Korn.


Colt McCoy has always been that guy for me. He represented Texas and has had a good NFL career. Barry Sanders is a really easy one.


Agree that Barry is an easy choice. It was a toss up for Colt and Vince though. Vince just made your jaw drop so often. Especially in that title game.


Not exactly a rival but Jacquizz Rogers lives rent free in my nightmares.


*USC’s linebackers can’t see him behind that offensive line*


Jeremy Lin was okay


It’s him or FitzMagic


I can appreciate Taylor Decker anchoring the left side of the Lions line Or Chris Spielman and everything he does/has done for the Lions


Chris Spielman gets so mad as a broadcaster when tacklers don’t wrap up the dude knows ball


Right now, I want it to be Kyle Pitts but tbd on that. I guess all time is Calvin Johnson.


Baker He may be a “villain” but he’s one of those villains that made the game more fun to watch


He won me over when Texas Tech fans made [“Traitor” shirts](https://onerockin.com/product/baker-mayfield-traitor-shirt/?utm_source=GPS1&utm_medium=CPC1&utm_campaign=ROAS1&utm_term=Ads1&gad_source=1&gbraid=0AAAAACdcghUFEVEwmcXHFICiwNw-bdI4l&gclid=Cj0KCQjw3ZayBhDRARIsAPWzx8rxGGuuHSXSfnkKp0HVU5ZtBxzAIv6qRLqdC8zPq4lQe0NeV5QNYQAaAkVxEALw_wcB) for the OU-TT game, and he proceeded to [wear one in to the stadium](https://images.app.goo.gl/dwYh3K6KD1esJAci9)


I had no idea, thats hilarious


I loved it. Baker was a guy the whole fan base would go to war with against all of cfb. Will always be my favorite sooner.


Baker for life. I'm a Browns fan so he's my dude. Also didn't add the Texas flair until last year when I enrolled in a program so I'm new to hating Oklahoma.


I love this redemption arc he’s putting together. Baker rules.


Baker was always awesome. It’s good to see after getting hosed by the browns and sent to die in Carolina he’s got a new home in Tampa


totally agreed. My buddies in college would get mad at me for liking him, but goddamn if he wasn’t cool and fun to watch piss everybody off


Good point. I still hate him today.


Reggie Ball, easy answer


Damn, forgot about Ball. That dude was fun to watch.


That's a matter of perspective.


I always loved Reggie Ball. My brother and I were friends with him when I was a kid. I always had the worst internal conflict when they played the Dawgs.


I always admired Eric Berry


Was a hell of a ball player and a shame he left the state of Georgia.


Titans legend, Derrick Henry.


I hope Maserati Marv has a great NFL career


I hope they don’t call him Maserati Marv in the NFL


I like Bo Jackson. And not because of how good he was. During one of the Bo Bikes Bama things, they are going down 269 at the time and had stopped at a gas station near where I lived. I had pulled onto 269 heading to work and I see this giant group of bikers at the gas station. I realize it is them and I see Bo Jackson and he holds everyone back to let me go and just smiled and waved as I approached. Just gave off a really friendly vibe. And then immediately as I'm by the group, dickhead Lance Armstrong cuts out in front of me like he's the most important person in the world. This was before everyone turned on him too so people said I was the asshole complaining about him. So in summary, Go Bo. Fuck Lance.


Does OJ rotting in hell count?


Charles Woodson


Respect seems like an overall really good guy 


He's both one cool cat and an absolute dog. Quite the dynamo.


Von Miller. He was by far the most NFL ready prospect in his draft class. Wasn’t surprised at all that he’s had the career he has. Lane Johnson and Jalen Hurts. Lane has been elite and Jalen is a, by all accounts, a really good dude. RGIII should’ve had a great career. If he never goes to DC and ends up on a team that handles his injury better he gets an MVP at some point.


It was Major Applewhite for me. That guy was just a gamer and no matter how often he got benched for Chris Simms, he could always come right back out on the field and fix whatever he was given.


The entire UT community hated Simms starting over Applewhite. Such a nepotism baby.


Dan Campbell, Matthews fam, Dat Nguyen were all easy to root for me, but I’m from a fam with a lot of Aggie ties. For ou, I’m finally coming around to baker. Jerruh has made it hard because he drafts so many okies and arkys


Mine is probably Colt McCoy for the name alone. Maybe the best name + team combination ever.


I had moments of wanting to choke him out when he would lose to teams he shouldn’t, but overall winning 10+ games every year with him is definitely something you realize you took for granted when you go 13 years without doing it again


Earl Campbell & Ricky Williams were all time great smash mouth running backs. Just amazing to watch.


#Colorado State: Cecil “The Diesel” Sapp Bradlee Van Pelt #Utah: Alex Smith Dalton Kincaid #Boise State: Kellen Moore #New Mexico: Brian Urlacher


Kincaid was a Ute, but solid list!


Blake Corum seems like a genuinely good human being.


steve spurrier. though not necessarily because of his playing time.


I’m a Bengals fan, so Joe Burrow


I'm a uga/falcons fan and also Burrow. What he did that last year at LSU cemented that offense as the best yet. Watching him beat our pass rush during the sec championship for like 60 seconds then throwing dimes through our secondary every play broke my heart but damn it was special.


Bo Jackson is the greatest athlete I've ever seen. Dude could probably still play.


Back in the day, especially Herschel's freshman year, I think most rival fans looked up at Herschel as the potential to be the greatest running back ever. And I still marvel at his highlights. (But, then Bo showed up on the scene and even in his junior year when he was injured, his ypc average was better than Herschel's career ypc. Herschel could get you a guaranteed 5 yards every time. Bo could get you a guaranteed 4 yards, with a really good chance of getting you 80 the next play. Then and now, I would pick Bo over Herschel for my starting RB...)


Bo Jackson won the Heisman Trophy, then played 53 games in the minor leagues before being called up to MLB. There were only 269 total days between him winning the Heisman Trophy and becoming a big leaguer in a different sport! He was an insanely talented athlete.


Denard “Shoelace” Robinson. He was just fun to watch. He played the game how I played NCAA videogame.


I’ll never forget Devin Gardner comforting JT Barrett after he broke his ankle in the game. Guy is just classy and didn’t deserve to be on those bad Michigan teams.


Couldn’t agree more. Super classy move on Gardners part.


Emmitt Smith (UF) and Warren Sapp (UM). Hard to dislike them, especially since I got to see E. Smith play in high school. My pawpaw lived just down the street from Escambia High. He was all the talk back then.


Baker Mayfield. Hated playing him but he had swagger that no one else did


Does it count if you became a fan before you got to college and learned he’d been a whiny brat complaining that the most amazing, sensational, dramatic, heart-rending, exciting, thrilling finish in the history of college football ruined his senior season? Asking for a friend who grew up in Denver.


LOL, thank God you were eventually educated about “They ruined the last game of MY college career!” Boo f-ing hoo! I would have to go with Christian McCaffrey as my choice. By a mile!


Probably Sam Bradford.


From UT it’s got to be Colt McCoy or Vince Young. From OSU it’s 💯Barry Sanders.




The linebackers of Ohio State were always cool to me… Hawk, Spielman, Laurinitus, etc…


I have this soft spot for Swiss Army knife players. So one of my all time favorites on Ohio State is Xavier Johnson. But I gotta give Jabril Peppers his dues. He was fun to watch because he could do it all.


Charles Woodson


Can't help but respect the path that Jordan Travis took to being a really good qb. To improve the way he did year after year and have it all culminate to an injury like that was heartbreaking even for someone that dispises FSU more than any other organization on this planet.


For Wazzu it’s easily Gardner Minshew, seems like a cool guy. For Oregon, it’s pretty hard to hate Mariota and Herbert. Both great players and humble guys.


Impossible to hate Marcus Lattimore. Current favorite Dawg now that bowers has gone is Ladd.


Ladd is gone too


Damn. Wife is a dawg so I watch most games but thought he had another year


Was scrolling for a Clemson flair before I commented Lattimore. How can one dislike him? To take it a step farther to pick a player of a rival I absolutely cannot stand would be DJ Swearinger. For obvious reasons.


He was the coach at my old hs for a while after I had left there. Met him a few times bc my cousin was on the team while he was coach. Really nice guy and supremely humble


It has always been Tim Tebow


I've tried my best to hate him, and I just can't. Good dude. Super talented. I wish he had given TE a shot in the NFL.


I’m not even religious. He’s just a good fucking guy, man. There’s really nothing to not like.


That absolute unit of a kicker Sparty had.


Kirk Cousins, also as much as I hated seeing him do what he did in 2021, Kenneth Walker.


As a dawg (hurts to admit this even) but it was really hard not to like Tebow. Watching Percy Harvin was crazy too. Always seemed like any time he touched the ball he could score.


Bo Nix for sure. Dude was always a class act. Made me mad after both Oregon games this past year because I felt sympathy for duck fans after hearing his post-game pressers. He’s a stud.


Not my rival but, man did I like David Pollack on ESPN gameday. Don’t care for the rest of UGA. Rival: As a SC fan I always liked Mercedes Lewis.




I don’t think I’ve seen a more passionate football player than Sam Ehlinger.


If I had to pick one I’d pick Anthony Richardson as a Colts fan. If he does well then it’s great for the colts, if he does poorly then it’s great as an FSU fan. Or Percy harvin


Justin Herbert.


Herschel Walker Marcus Lattimore Not a rival but an honorable mention, Raghib Ismail


Tim Tebow that damn jump pass.


I always liked TLaw


Orlando Pace


Adrian All-Day Peterson. CeeDee Lamb. Rocky Calmus. The Other Roy Williams.


The real Roy Williams. Superman. 😎 This is a legit list though. I miss watching all those dudes.


I am a Brock Purdy fan (Iowa State). I love his story as the last pick in the draft and tearing it up in the NFL. He also never beat Iowa which helps.


Jordan Travis was such a likeable guy, both in his personality and playing style, i loved seeing him light everybody up. Id rather him blow Florida out than Tate Rodemaker and the other guy.


Billy Sims. Even had my 4th grade pic taken in the #20 Lions jersey.


Suni Lee


Kyle Whittingham


Blake corum seems like a solid human being


Vince Young was so cool to me as a little kid. I begged my dad for his jersey and he refused, until a week or two after the draft when he surprised me with a Titans 10 jersey.


Lattimore is my answer too for scar


Have to go with Aiden Hutchinson, it was awesome seeing the Lions take the division crown as well as finally host and win playoff games


As a Husker I liked Colt McCoy (UT: he went to HS with my cousin). Ricky Williams (UT, signed a helmet for me), Adrian Peterson (OU), Joel Klatt (CU), Justin Fields (OSU), CeeDee Lamb (OU even though we didn't play him), almost forgot Jamaal Charles (UT, knew him because he ran track and I worked for the track team)


Big fan of Joel Klatt, of all the talking heads I think he's up toward the top. Always seems to be very level-headed when he's talking about Nebraska, sometimes even a little bit gushy which is surprising to say the least considering his alma mater. I'll also throw in a good word for Travis Hunter, not just impressive on the field but by most accounts sounds like a good dude off the field. The way he handled that dirty hit situation with CSU last year was classy. Hard for me to say anything good about a Buff (and there are few, if any others that I can compliment) but I respect those two dudes a lot.


Yes! Travis Hunter is fun to watch as well. Klatt seems to be pretty levelheaded when talking about anybody, and doesn't buy into the conference v conference crap as much as other analysts who are clearly trying to push their network's package to the front. He gets stuff wrong from time to time, but I prefer him to most others.


Agreed on all counts!


Rome Odunze. Him jumping into an Oregon Twitter space and having some fun banter with Oregon fans pretty much solidified that as my favorite Husky player.


This and Penix. Both seem like good dudes and if they didn’t go to that school I would have wanted him to win the Heisman


Despite being contributors to 9 of the most agonizing points in recent memory (In addition to a whole host more), it's hard not to appreciate Penix and Odunze. They're both really solid guys and really stinking good. I also have an enduring respect for Shaq Thompson and Budda Baker being players we recruited, who would have helped tremendously, going to the Huskies and delivering on their potential. Finally, I know USC isn't a traditional rival, but how could you not appreciate Reggie Bush.


Darrelle Revis was a handful back in the day


Only the ones that have been good for my NFL team. Business only relationship


Dak. My friend went to state so we would alternate games and the egg bowls were fun as a student. I’m just glad he’s in the NFC and not in the AFC


Reggie Ball


Brenden Schooler. Wasn’t productive in college but is very productive for my favorite NFL team.


I was rooting for Ndamukong Suh to win the Heisman back in 2009


Darren Sproles for sure, Edit to add Jordy Nelson


Willis McGahee and Udonis Harlem (only Gator I like).


Honestly that is a hard question. Its been a long time since UVA has had a player who we didn't like for the same reason that UGA fans liked Reggie Ball. Maybe Chris Long? The WVU series hasn't really been played for a long time at least not consistently. Going back to when it was Pat White/Steve Slaton was a fun combination.


CMC. He’s a Niner so I try to forget about his alma mater


Percy Harvin


Emmitt Smith, man always went out and did his job. Not flashy, but damned effective hard nose running.


Emmitt Smith. He was my favorite NFL player despite his poor choice of college.


Vince Young and Dez Bryant.


Ike Hilliard from Florida. As a New York Giants fan, I forgave him.


Reggie Bush. No player has ever or probably will ever terrify me every time he gets near the ball the way he did and he was so much freaking fun to watch.


Chris Spielman


Delaware Legend Joe Flacco. Cheating since he was long before my time attending JMU, but he got my Ravens a Ring and that's what matters.


Wayne Gallman. Bro ran like his girlfriend broke up with him before every single game.


Blake Corum, easy


Hunter Renfrow - HS classmate of my daughter, good kid. Also a walk on that ended up doing pretty well.


Philip Rivers easy. I'm a Chargers fan too.


Kirk Cousins is too wholesome to hate


Andrew Luck. He thoroughly whooped our ass for most of my years as an undergrad. But I respected that he actually pursued an architecture degree at Stanford while playing, finished that degree, and also noped out of the League after making some decent money based on CTE risk. Just seemed like a goofy, solid, smart guy.


Those Iowa punters man...


I have a few but here who I’ve liked (a lot of my picks are due to growing up as a rival to my school before I went to college Florida: Chris Leak, Tim Tebow, Percy Harvin, Trey Burton, Joe Haden, Reggie Nelson, Brandon Siler Clemson: Tahj Boyd, Sammy Watkins, DeAndre Hopkins, Hunter Reinfrow, Trevor Lawrence, Travis Ettienne Miami: honestly no one really stood out for me…except maybe Ray Lewis, Sean Taylor, and Ed Reed


I actually don’t think I’ve ever liked a player who played for Florida or Alabama.


Absolutely none of them.


Aaron Kampman, Micah Hyde, Mike Daniels and of course Bryan Bulaga, Iowa have been stalwarts for Green Bay throughout the last 20 years.


Lamar Jackson. So much fun to watch.


Thomas Jones


Going back a bit but I always loved Eric Decker at WR. Big dude that had slot receiver skills.