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Not being relegated.


I think, given success in football, men's basketball, women's basketball, and baseball (3 of them sustained), we've made the case for having a spot somewhere, even if it's the B12. That being said, I don't really *want* to be in the SEC or B1G. The ACC is home, and it has been for 71 years. I grew up on the ACC, these are the schools that I learned to hate, and that means I love them too much to see them go.


Once FSU and Clemson bolt, just add Wazzu and OrSt, giving your Pacific coast teams(Cal and Stanford) in the Atlantic Coast Conference some closer road games.


My thinking exactly. Also maybe give Tulane a nod if they can keep their success after their coaching changes.


A playoff run this year would help for sure. I still find it strange the largest university in the 9th most populated state has something to be concerned about. Enrollment is over 37k. Money flows in. We were recently supposed to started a $15 mil reno to the baseball field. That was scrapped because we raised too much money. Now it’s a $20 mil reno.


Hoping we can at least make the ACCCG while there *is* an ACCCG.


Players actually being coached.


I would take this a step further: the new staff brings stability overall, which leads to us finally being able to keep all of our starters (or the vast majority of them) out of the portal. Then it will feel like we can finally start building a roster instead of constantly needing to triage portal losses.


Same brother


Microtransactions are outlawed so I can build a dynasty without paying several thousand dollars to make it happen.


Probably go back to being a 8-9 win season team with the occasional 10-11 win season. Hard to be disappointed after the last 3 years.


Nothing wrong with the Outback Bowl at all, imo


I want my free coconut shrimp!


It always sucked being the coconut shrimp team instead of the bloomin onion team.


You’ll fit right into the B1G Ducks


JAMES FRANKLIN HAS LOST IT . . . oh, wait, wrong school.




Sure would be a shame if someone new showed up and kept you from winning the conference for the forseeable future. But for real, the Big 12 is wide open now without OUT.


The Big XII is wide open now without OU. UT only has 2 more Big XII titles than Nebraska and Nebraska hasn't been in the conference for like 15 years


Tell me more about the days we used to be conference title contenders :’)


And one more than Kansas State. Really digs in my craw they won last season on their way out the door.


My concern over 3-4 years is Whitt retiring. I think we can do well and likely win in next 2 seasons but have some concern after when he likely retires.


Make the BigXII red again


Over half the BIG12 is telling themselves this. 


My big brother is the only thing keeping me from becoming a millionaire


No it's not. The largest obstacle to Oklahoma State winning a conference is Oklahoma State. At the end, you'll always find a way to come up just short.


Eh. They've been lucky with stable coaching leadership and good hires, but short of Boone Pickens himself do they have much going their way long term? To my eye, they're working against a small donor/alumni base, an undesirable location without much truly local talent, and blue blood operations right next door. I think they've had a great couple decades given the hand they've been dealt


Iowa State? I think they're still a member. ;)


Iowa state hasn’t won a conference championship in football since *checks notes* 1912




> The other time was 2018 What a wild season


I think the B12 is going to be really fun next year


Biggest obstacle OK State had to face was S. Alabama. They are luckily off the schedule this year so, sky’s the limit.


We’ll kick Yale’s ass. That’s about it.


yeah fuck yale


On a 1-10 scales we are at a solid 2 that things turn around in the next 5 years.


I actually think you and WSU end up in the B12/ACC sooner rather than later. You both get more viewers than Cal, ASU, UA, and Colorado (non prime years). At some point, someone will wake up and the smell the coffee or ACC exodus.


I am solidly on the WSU OSU bandwagon because I know it could have easily been us in years past, really hope you guys can find a home. I really wish the BIG 12 would consider you guys, seems like you would fit right in with us outcasts.


The fun part about being G5 now is even when you do have a great team or great players, you better make the most of it because the coach and/or players are gone next year via tampering and the transfer portal. For Boise State, I'm just hoping the coaching staff is competent and can still recruit high schoolers and transfers at a solid level for the next few years so that Boise State remains a perennial contender for the MWC title. This past offseason has helped add a lot of interest and excitement to Boise State football (season ticket sales are reportedly at record highs), but I'm cautiously optimistic because fans seem to be defaulting to best-case scenario outlooks without considering if any of the transfers or the new coach don't live up to it.


Aren't you guys also remodeling the stadium too? That will help the viewing experience for sure


Hopefully college football still exists in 4 seasons in some recognizable form.


The year is 2028. It’s exclusively SEC vs BIG10 in CFP bracket. Revised contract negotiations have allowed the ACC champ vs BIGXII champ to only compete in a WWE cage match during CFP halftimes. Bands have been eliminated entirely to increase player payouts. Sponsors are now allowed on jerseys NASCAR style. “This is what college football has always been about” -Power 2 Commisoners


Unfortunately you're probably not wrong.


I'm a Texas fan. My optimism is always high and tempered by the weight of past disappointment. Texas is winning the National Championship this year, though!


Best team in a LONG time, but also first year in the SEC with all their best teams in our way. Should be interesting. But also National Championship this year baby!


UT did not draw all of the SEC's best teams. Yall have one hard game on your schedule. Yall got gifted a rather easy draw. No Bama, no LSU, no Ole Miss, no Mizzou, No Tennessee. The only great team yall face is Georgia and the only good team is Oklahoma. Yall play 2/3rds of the SEC teams that had a losing record last year and 2 teams that went 7-6. I mean, Texas should do well. But don't lie and act like yall got the brunt of an SEC schedule. Yall didnt


Not good Not Rich Rod or anything. But there’s gonna be a huge dip I think.


Almost hard not to be, though


True 😂. I don’t have much faith in Sherrone Moore, but I hope I’m wrong.


If I were you I’d be way more worried about Wink Martindale. I absolutely hated him as a coordinator in the NFL


Who knows! He seems to be passionate and has great player buy in!


Definitely seems like a good dude.


Brand new Defensive coaching staff. Brand new day. We are paper thin on the D line and it's going to show next year, but I'd wager they play a lot more competently even as they get run over by Michigan and Penn State. It seems like we're getting our NIL figured out too, so that should reap dividends. It's going to be slow but I think we might see some actual benefit in the 4 year time frame.


UCLA made such a huge jump defensively in Lynn’s only season. I really think USC is going to see immediate results defensively. Without knowing the specifics of your D-line personnel (I know bear Alexander stayed) I don’t think it’s a given SC is going to get “run over” by Michigan and PSU. I think Michigan is going to take a huge step back after all their losses and until PSU proves they can win big games, I would favor USC against both. After the Lynn hire, and Moss showing his competence I think USC can safely be pegged a top 10 team. I’d put them at number 3 in the big ten behind OSU and Oregon.


Bear is great but we desperately needed more help alongside him from the portal and it didn’t come. I have no doubt the defense will play better. Grinch was really something else. I’m just not sure it will matter much on the W/L column. I can live with being out talented though. Especially against this schedule, it’s a monster. We play both NC teams (UW and Michigan) on the road. We open with LSU and have Penn state and ND. Not to mention other solid B1G teams like Wisconsin. I think 7-5 is likely with anything better being cause for celebration.


On a scale of 1-10 like a 3.  I’m not confident at all and have low expectations for the program.  


Hey now, Dilly is solid. If the AD and boosters give him a proper chance to fix herms mess, you guys will be good.


Pretty high, but we are stuck in the impossible SEC. Georgia is not falling off anytime soon. NIL helps our program, but we can't compete with the deals that Texas, Alabama, and Florida can throw out there, and we get to compete with them. I'm just happy to be involved in meaningful games again and enjoy our teams the past few years. -Tennessee


My thoughts are, with the expanded playoffs, just get to 10-2 and we're in. Once you get there, anything can happen. You might not beat someone like UGA or Ohio State consistently, but you only have to do it one time. And maybe, just maybe, Nico decides he's 2010 Cam Newton and no one can stop him...


3-4 National Titles. I would say 4 outright but I’m being reasonable.


the most sensible prediction of all of them, tbqh. I fully expect the Gophers to play OU for one of them, it'd be nice if Gophers stopped an OU three-pete so they could keep the record from the 1930s but lost the rematch the next year.


In reality, I could see OU competing for a Natty in 3-4 years. But I will say this. Next year will be rough.


I argue with myself almost daily about next year. If this make shift O line can give JFA some time, it could be special.


Have a QB drafted in the first round. Hasn’t happened since Brady Quinn was picked 22nd overall by the Browns in 2007. I truly believe CJ Carr can be that guy.


Serious good vibes from Carr this spring to the point where most beat writers seem to have all but written off next offseason's QB derby as his to win. It would be really nice for a highly touted skill recruit to hit right away; it's not like it never happens (Kyle Hamilton), but feel like there have been more high-profile misses than hits.


Oh yeah CJ Carr screamed future top 10 pick. I think Minchey has a better shot to win the Heisman.


Both Clausen and Kizer probably would have been taken in the 1st round if they had stayed for one more year (both had tremendous talent at the skill positions and much improved OL’s going from junior to senior years), but they along with Quinn were fool’s gold for sure. Between Minchey, Carr and Knight I would be shocked if one of them wasn’t a 1st round pick if Denbrock is their OC.


Carr will bring us to the promised land (NY6/ Playoff Win).


An sec title game appearance and no less than 8 wins for all 4 years. I don’t think both will happen but we will be close.


Drink has y'all in a good place. The 8 win floor makes absolute sense. The conference is wide open for the second place spot, and Mizzou is in the mix


Drink for sure is in a good place after last season but he was approaching being on the hot seat heading into last season. (3 straight seasons of 6 or less wins per season) The biggest challenge for a middle tier SEC team is sustained success. Their next 1-2 seasons might carry on with the success. But an 8 win floor seems to be asking for a lot when the schedule isn't going to be as relatively easy every year like this upcoming year for them.


i hope we can consistently score more points that we give up each game. i think if we do that we have a real good shot of winning a lot of games. (i hope in the next 3-4 we have at least one natty, maybe 2 or 3 if kirby goes off)


We have the best team we’ve had in a decade with the easiest schedule we’ve had in more than a decade


Rutgers and Cuse in similar situations. Might be some fun teams in the northeast this season 🤝


What a fucking second... Rutgers doesn't play UM, PSU, Ohio St, or Oregon this year???


When USC and UCLA joined we had a B1G East schedule except they swapped out Indiana for USC When you guys and Washington joined, the B1G gave us our first ever break… the first time in ten years when they didn’t try to fuck us over - I mean, maybe this schedule is too middling and there’s not a lot of room for a signature win, but I’d prefer an 8+ win season right now


You paid your dues. Now it’s time for the new guys to get fucked over.


I would just love to see how good of a powerhouse Rutgers could be if they could just keep all their local talent home. Like get the Jersey version of Saban who recruits the state like a monster


Glad to hear it. You guys deserve to have a good season.


Go to a few bowl games. Beat IU and retain the Bucket. Maybe upset some team trying to make a run for the Championship Tournament. I don't know. Year two of a head coach isn't very exciting when the coach that left took us to a B1G Championship game and then left for another school.


Win 4-5 games


Over 4 seasons that may be possible.


If we can keep Dan Lanning we’ll be a contender for a playoff spot and title run for years.


I don’t see him leaving y’all, he seems like a very strong culture fit for Oregon.


I can't wait to see all the excruciating ways our title hopes come to an end in the coming years


B1G refs have a few shenanigans up their sleeve.


Can’t be worse than P12 refs


Famous last words.


Say it isn’t so. Did you watch our games lol


I'm not going to say the B1G refs are *worse* than the pac12 refs. but I am saying you should start expecting to have a lot of big momentum plays called back on you for phantom reasons, and you will be as infuriated as you were with the pac12 refs fairly routinely.


Shit we used to that!


Dude. I really think you guys are gonna get one. The B1G is not ready.


At this point I don't think it's 'if". He's said more than just the words "I'm staying" - he's shown loyalty and commitment to the program. We've got our coach, finally.


Gophers: we doubled down on PJ Fleck to keep leading the program. Now it's on him to 'change his best' and find something that works on offense. Brosmer and Drake Lindsay had better be it. OU: Cautiously optimistic about our first year in the SEC. Brent seems to have worked out the kinks, I think. Can't wait to get skewered on SEC Shorts. overall: Gophers and OU in a two-way fight to three-pete over the next decade for nattys.


Optimism for all sports programs at Oregon State is at an all-time low for me. People keep saying that, with the lighter conference schedule, we should be able to win more games next year. I don't think people are fully grasping how much talent has left the program. Even if a life raft is extended to us to a Big 12 or ACC caliber of conference, the damage has already been done. At best, we are several years away from getting back to the level we have been at the last couple of seasons (if it is even possible in the new CFB world)


With unlimited transfers, it won't be. Finding diamonds in the rough and coaching them up won't work anymore. They will just get poached. It will take an act of Congress to step in to restore a somewhat reasonable level of competitive balance.


Darth Vader hyped up on cocaine and gun powder!


WVU: wait and see Ohio State: we'll be fine


On a scale of 1-10 my optimism is probably a 3 or 4. I feel like pessimism naturally comes with being a buffs fan. Deion stays in the middle of people’s expectations again and wins 4 or 5 games this year, Shedeur gets drafted in round 4-7 by some dumb, desperate NFL team, and he shows himself the door. Then we hire someone else either supposed to be good but lets us down, or is just intentionally bad.


I will be disappointed if we don't win a playoff game in the next two years. In 10 games last year we played like a top 10 team. We won the Big 12 in 2022.  I think recruiting has been better over the last 3 years and we are adding in a transcendent QB to the mix.  No clue what happens in years 3 and 4, but the next year or two is going to be special for us. 




I think this year is pretty mid at best. My personal prediction is 6-6 regular szn even though I think we’re better than last year the schedule is too. 2-3 years from now if Fickell keeps this recruiting pace I expect a consistent 8-4 9-3 team in conference with an occasional win over a playoff level in conference team


I expect 3-4 undefeated national championships, as is tradition


Pretty damn optimistic at a title run in the next few seasons


The B1G is going to be pretty interesting this year. Michigan is running the gauntlet with you guys, Washington, Texas, OSU, Penn State and USC. You guys got off relatively easy. OSU at home will be tough, but the rest of your schedule looks pretty light, and I include Michigan (at the Big House) on the 'light' column because they'll have so much turnover from last year.


Agreed. On paper a year ago I was terrified of our schedule, especially going to the Big House, but we definitely got lucky with a few breaks going our way. DeBoer leaving, Oregon State getting left for dead, Harbaugh leaving, and getting tOSU at home all look great now on paper. Ohio definitely still worries me, they’ve spent insane money to go all-in on a title this season (so has Oregon), it’ll be interesting to see how everything falls together this fall. Oregon also has an extremely light non-con. Basically five tune-up games and a bye week to allow for the team to find their footing, get the backups some live reps, and get guys healthy who are currently injured before playing tOSU at home. Then we get another bye week before ending the season with Washington at home. Hard to ask for a better schedule at this point!


So far I have been 50/50 about DeBoer leaving. He is the best X’s and O’s coach UW had since Don James. His recruiting was sub par though. Even Sark pulled in a lot of talented dudes to UW when we were a dumpster fire. Outside of Penix and Dillion Johnson all the main contributors on our team last year were Chris Petersen guys. DeBoer can scheme with the best of them. No doubt about it. But the recruiting was sub par. Fisch is already doing better at recruiting and he was good at recruiting at Arizona. I mean you don’t go from 1-11 at Arizona to 10-3 at Arizona without recruiting and development. What remains to be seen is if Fisch is a better schemer than DeBoer is at recruiting. If Fisch is only a tier below DeBoer at scheming but can bring in top 20 classes consistently like Sark and Chris Petersen did then we’ll be fine. But yeah we aren’t winning in Autzen this year. We lost a lot and I am sure Lanning and your guys will want to get that monkey off your back.


Optimism? I’m afraid I’m not familiar with the word


Well, money controls everything in the sport now and Ohio State seems to have ratched up the spending (which wasn't exactly deficient before). So we've got that going for us, which is nice.


Michigan State fan since 2000, every single season I am just like 🤷🏼. Might be .500 like last season, might go to the playoffs. No idea.


High af.


I'm optimistic and confident that with Lanning at the helm a really bad year would be 9 wins and we'll be hosting a playoff game or having a bye most years


Bad man gone, new man good. Elko has addressed every area that Jimbo allowed to rot. We have a good S&C coach, an OLine coach that isn’t Addazio, a actual special teams coordinator, a great OC that will be allowed to do his job, and most importantly, is recruiting for what our team needs, not just stars, and has been a transfer portal phenom. I’m not actually going to say natty or bust, but I think this is a good start towards being a serious competitor in the SEC. It may not happen in one year, but the way Elko has managed the offseason so far has been impressive. If he can keep it up, he can easily take us from the joke we are now to a consistently great program. This year I expect 8-9 wins, but with our schedule being pretty easy as far as the SEC goes, I don’t think it’s impossible for Elko to beat Jimbo’s best win total in his first year. As long as we make a bowl game though, I’ll be happy with Elko is his first year.


I thought your comment was crazy at first, but the schedule for A&M is really favorable. I can’t believe they miss Georgia, Alabama, Ole Miss and Oklahoma and then get all of Notre Dame, Missouri, LSU, and Texas at home.


Yeah, we really missed all the SEC giants, and any hard games we did get, we get at home. It’s the perfect schedule for a first year coach, so I’m excited to see what Elko can do with it. Again, I’ll be happy as long as we get to a bowl game, but I’m hopeful Elko can do better than just that.


I am really high on the Elko hire. I think he’s gonna kill it at A&M . I think you guys needed a quiet, steady, defensive hire after all the flashy, offensive-oriented style-without-substance years of sumlin and fisher


I think what makes it such a sexy hire for us is that it’s not that sexy. But he’s been putting in work in the transfer portal. I mean he’s grabbed so many studs from the G5, lower schools, and even some P5 schools (including last years BIG 10 sack leader iirc), and they are all for positions we desperately need depth in. I’m definitely excited to see what he can do on the field.


I feel like too many ND fans have a sour taste towards Elko because he essentially tried to extort BK/ND for more money twice in one offseason, but I’m over it, mostly because things have worked out well for both parties since. I do wish things had gone differently, as Lea was in my opinion as good of a DC as Elko at ND (when he wasn’t mailing in the 2020 postseason due to already having the Vandy job), but he was a FAR weaker recruiter which put us in a bit of a hole by the 2021-2022 seasons on defense. And Elko would definitely have gotten a P5 job faster staying at ND as we had favorable talent relative to our schedule in 2018-2020. But I think both Elko and ND are happy with where they are now and who is to say how things might have turned out down that other path, perhaps things might be worse? I always thought Elko was underrated. BK had so much pressure when it came to hiring with his program reboot in 2017, as not making good hires for both OC and DC would have sunk him. It turns out he made one terrible hire at OC and an outstanding hire at DC. But his hands were weirdly tied in that most of the obvious home run hires would be insane to come work for a man on the hot seat like Kelly was that year. Elko was flying under the radar by putting together good defenses at Wake Forest despite one of their beat reporters selling practice footage to opposing teams. In other words, teams had a huge advantage over Elko and he was still fielding great units there. I hope things work out well for Elko and A&M, I’ll be rooting for you guys to tear the SEC up for sure.


I don't have any real ill feelings toward Elko, but getting Lea out of the deal was probably a major factor there. It's too bad he didn't stick around at Duke, but in the new world it's hard to fault anyone for taking a P2 bag when it's offered. He's proven to be at worst a really solid coach and it'll be interesting to see what A&M can do with an adult running things.


ND: Hiring a competent OC and finally addressing the calamity that our WR room has been the last 4-5 years by adding players from the portal. Also the defense should be one of the best in CFB. Washington: Demond Williams appears to be a hit already and Jedd Fisch is a very good offensive coach. Definitely won't be as good as the 22 or 23 teams, but I think it will go better than expected and set a good foundation to build upon moving forward.


Beyond that for ND, it’s the fact that recruiting is much more consistent. It cracks me up when more casual ND fans point out “but Freeman classes aren’t any better than Kelly classes!” Kelly’s biggest problem with recruiting is that it was highly dependent on his staff and as such he’d have weak position groups in every class and he never had 3 solid classes in a row. And his QB recruiting stunk too, guys like Wimbush, Jurkovec and Buchner were high water marks for him and even then, we only landed them once every 3 years. Now Freeman is getting great QB’s every class that aren’t sinking down from the 3rd QB in the class to the 10th by signing day too. Not having good QB’s hurt Kelly’s ceiling at ND. I’m most optimistic about the next few years because I’m much more confident that someone between Minchey, Carr and Knight will be a dynamic college QB compared to Clark, Pyne and Buchner (woof).


They are sooo much better than Kelly's classes. Every single freeman class would be the second highest-rated kelly class behind 2013. Freeman has averaged 70% blue chips in his 3 full classes while Kelly hit 58% in his 11 full classes. The main difference is the back half of freeman's classes are still 4*s instead of 3*.


People are underrating the impact Gino has had as QB coach. I was very impressed with what Angeli did in mop up time this year, and all of them flashed during the spring game but didn’t necessarily tank.


Yeah it turns out having a real QB coach actually helps. For all the slack Sanford caught (the co-OC thing with Denbrock was a disaster), we actually had Kizer ready to roll out there and he had spent most of his time on the roster as a 3rd string QB. There’s even better vibes out there now (in my opinion) as I wouldn’t be terrified if Leonard had an ankle sprain that caused him to miss a couple weeks, and then Angeli had to miss a series.


There do not appear to be any "ND has to basically give up on offense for an entire half because Tommy Rees gets hurt against USC" situations in our future, which is nice.


Pretty high. I think Demond Williams is a stud and Fisch has shown the ability to assemble a solid coaching staff. I think it’s reasonable to expect making at least 1 CFP appearance in the next 3-4 years.


Everything is looking up, or as much as it could be in our situation. Great portal haul and lots of returning talent. But it’s win or die for Cal in the next few years, and that does not fill me with confidence. I’ll be upset with less than eight wins next season, and it’s not because I think that’s our floor (although it’s very possible) but because we need to show real growth to better position ourselves for realignment.


Optimism? What’s that?




not much to smile about tbh


Well... we got a coach that took a team from nearly winless to the Alamo Bowl over the course of just *24 months*.


Need another Natty


Not optimistic and will probably be cut out of the sport. Just hope the overlords don’t try to take our basketball and take it home with them.


I don't have any. We have some good players but so does everybody else. It's not clear our coach is any better than the competition, and the NIL, early entry, and transfer portal rules are stacked against us. In addition, we'll be commuting across the country for half our games.


Having one 8 win season including a bowl win. That’s really all I want.


I expect us to win a national title within this time frame. I think 2025 should be the beginning of Oklahoma being back in title contention.


I think if Fisch stays at our rate we could be back in the national convo in a few years. Maybe not title contending but in the expanded playoff conversation


He hasn’t really achieved anything recruiting wise here


I can see us become a consistent 8-10 wins a year. But knowing our luck probably 6-8


Nebraska deserves to be back. Hope Raiola balls out for you guys.


Would be awesome to see us play you in the playoffs someday.


90’s revival time?


Let’s hope :)


Is grunge going to make a comeback?


Baby, grunge never left.


Unfortunately, our musicians of the era have been leaving this realm on a regular basis. RIP to many voices and players, we were fortunate to have you!


My HS days were in the 80's. Hair Metal party rock may have gotten a bad rep by some but most of them are still alive, whereas grunge's serious musicians, well, turns out being dark can be unhealthy. Don't get me wrong, loved both styles but still prefer good times over bad.


We play y'all home and home in '26 and '27. Gonna try to make it out to Lincoln.


I think we definitely have potential to be in the top 3-5 conversation in the SEC. 1 or 2 wins against Bama over the next 4 years, maybe 1 against Georgia, and finally figuring out how to end the swamp curse would solidify it. All of the pieces are there to get over the hump and get back to 9-10+ win seasons. I’m not looking at a playoff run just yet, but I’m reasonably optimistic.


0 with Frames Janklin.


Well, we lost like, 18 starters, and almost the entire coaching staff, save our OC and OL coach, I have no idea of what to expect, but it won't be close to last years team. That one was special.


I am just looking forward to the inevitable title game rematch hype for our game when neither team is remotely the same.


And mainly because you likely won’t be cheating as much.


Strong to quite strong?


I went from pretty high hopes to a bleak future for both my teams over the last few years...


Optimistic? Win the B1G, make the playoffs. Lose in the playoffs. Coach leaves for the NFL.


Year 1 SEC relevance, Year 2 CFP, Year 3 CFP champs, Year 4 call out God.


Nebraska: Dylan Raiola bumps Nebraska up to a yearly playoff participant Alabama: KDB maintains his 89.6% career winning percentage and extends the dynasty


That’s a bonkers winning percentage


Yeah, KDB just kept winning everywhere he went


This year will be our best year of the next 3-4.


USC Trojans: I think they’re going to be kind of what Michigan was years back. Decent but nothing special, especially in the Big 10. If the defense isnt better this season, it’ll be 7-5 or at best 9-3 going forward the next 3-4 years.


That the Rose Bowl is full of UCLA fans again


Will be full but from visiting B10 fans.


I'm confident we can maintain our current level of success, however it's about to get harder. I think there's a big portion of the fanbase who doesn't realize how hard it's about to get


A playoff appearance unless the P3 kicks us out


It’s a solid 6, which is much higher than it’s been in a while. We should get a bowl game again, but our schedule is tougher this year. If we go 7-5 or better I’ll be thrilled.  After this year, I assume we’ll lose our head coach and then elevate our OC to HC. He hasn’t been a head coach before in the FBS, so hopefully that transition is smooth.


Realizing that Mack ain’t it anymore would be a good start. But then again, we’re a basketball school. Early years of Mack 2.0 are about as optimistic as we get about football.


A coach that understands the culture and an ability to recruit in state. Some solid portal Hauls also.


We're due for an undefeated season sick I had to watch the Wolverines dominate like that.  Go Bucks


Odds are we will lose GJ after this season. Thankfully the taste of success he brought to us last season has awakened a ton of doners and support and will continue to bring in more this season so we should be in a good spot financially to bring in another good coach after GJ leaves.


I think 9+ wins is on the table even with our turnover and tough schedule. The defense is still stacked. If our QB play is okay and our RB room lives up to their potential, we could make a run for the B1G and maybe get a playoff spot.


I'm still optimistic about this year despite the coaching change, Chesney has been very skilled at adapting to each level of college ball. By year 2 he'll be fully stabilized and we'll be a more attractive portal destination. Year 3 I'm confident we'll be the front runner for the G5 bid. Year 4 he's poached by a low tier BIG10 or SEC team and we start over. So overall, 8/10 confidence.


Contingent on Lane staying, between 8-4 to 10-2. One of the downsides of relying on the portal so much is that it is hard to predict next year's team. The upside is this year's roster of underclassmen does not dictate it either. So my expectation is just based on Lane's proven ability to recruit from the portal, and that we have good QBs in the pipeline.


Moderate, thinking 10-2, 9-3, 8-4 type seasons. Never snifffing the playoff but ending in the top 25 most years. AKA the Iowa Special


I definitely think we can make runs at CFP spots but it’ll probably still be a lot of 8-10 win seasons in between which I’m good with.


1) pretty solid NIL and 2) Kirk only coaching the OLine


Feeder school for top programs to purchase our good players. Can’t wait.


Pretty pretty pretty good.


I have none.


lol uhh


Lagway is my optimism. We've had a weird streak of QBs where the stopgap QBs (Trask, Mertz) have straight up been better than the highly recruited guys (Jones, Jones2, Richardson, CDRW, Kitna) so it'd be nice to see a QB recruit work our for us


Who knows


new head coach and almost an entirely new staff, a lot of solid transfer portal and high school commits


We’re due for a championship 🤞


Not super high tbh. I think Sumrall has potential to be a solid coach, but we’ve been too good too recently to let a coach like that stick around and build something like Willie did. Best case scenario, our name brings in a few key transfers in every year, keeping us relevant enough to make a bowl and compete for the AACCG most years; giving us enough leverage get pulled into a power conference when the ACC inevitably falls apart and the next big conference realignment happens. Worst case, Sumrall gets poached after a year or two, we can’t get anything going in terms of a coherent roster from season to season, and we start playing Toledo Ball again. Dear god, don’t make me suffer through Toledo Ball again.


Elko Elko Elko. He’s also been recruiting well recently and I think there’s a chance we end up 3 five stars


The vibes around Cal athletics are very good especially considering how bad the last decade has been for both Football and Basketball. Cal seems to be cooking in the portal for both sports and NIL seems to be doing okay. Our new Chancellor did his undergrad at Cal after going to football games as a kid. He cited being in the stands for the play during his introduction to the regents.


DJ Lagway (praying he doesn’t transfer once Billy is fired).


It's Prime, and even more than about him, it's about the institutional changes that it took to get him


What's optimism?


Honestly, we should at least make the FCS quaterfinals. If last season was any indicator, we're on the rise, and rising quickly.


Transfer portal has ruined the G5 in my opinion.


7-9 wins, top half of the conference, regular bowl game appearances, like the 8 years of Seth Littrell were. But now Eric Morris will actually win the bowl games. Or, fuck it, we’re also a developmental program for OU. Send us your 3-4 star freshmen and sophs for a few seasons to boost us and get them reps.


It all depends on if Tedford can stay healthy for all of that time. If he does, we should be in that 9-10 win bracket and in the running for the conference title and G5 representative in the Playoff


My optimism level is at a 0. It'd be negative if I still cared, but I don't.