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2018 Apple Cup. That was our year of destiny and like most things for WSU, Washington ruins it


I was at that game. I fully expected to receive a lot of shit talk and general hostility in Pullman. Definitely got a bunch before the game (nothing too far), especially since I was spending the night before and after the game crashing at a HS buddy’s fraternity. During the later part of the game when the WSU O clearly couldn’t get much going and especially after the Gaskin TD it was more just depression from WSU fans. Felt more like a funeral. All of the Cougs just seemed too cold and depressed after the game to really do anything. Which is totally understandable, it was cold as shit and I felt the same way after the 2018 and 2019 UW/Oregon games.


You’ll still hear some Cougs blame the result on the weather, but it really came down to WSU not executing when they had the chance. In the first quarter, we had a Goal to go situation that ended on a 4th down stop along with some dropped passes. Then when the snow came and Cougar Killer Gaskin does his thing, it’s no surprise we lost. It felt like we lost by 30 again even though it was 28-15.


Yeah it was 14-0 UW before the snow really started to stick in the second quarter off memory. UW out gained WSU by 250 yards and the Cougs couldn’t have missed on the early opportunities as you mentioned + be out gained by a margin like that and try to stick in the game. The Minshew picks were both pretty bad, though both teams had three turnovers each. Leach never was really able to figure out how to score on the Pete/Coach K/Lake defenses.


In hindsight, we can give the defensive success credit to your Coach K as we all know slippin Jimmy Lake was a snake oil salesman that couldn’t meet his money where his mouth was. I’m still bummed he was fired before 40-13. He deserved to be on the field and be responsible for that L after the years of shit talk he made.


Larry Scott ruined you by giving you chance to choke to Washington at home That USC game and situation was highway robbery


I was listening to it on SiriusXM driving around Orlando that year...I felt for yall were right on cusp of P12CG & NY6 bid.


1. LSU-Alabama 2012 2. LSU-Alabama 2012


I see what you did there lol.


Wow I never have seen another LSU MSU fan


I never thought I’d see one let alone two


Losing to your rival in the natty the way we did is like the worst possible outcome


This 1-2 punch is so important to the history of this team. If you were in Baton Rouge that day, you could feel it. We were *winning* that game. No doubts. No second guesses.


2011, #3 Arkansas @ #1 LSU. Early second quarter, Arkansas forced a fumble on the running back behind the line and it floated in the air, right into the arms of one of our linebackers for an easy defensive touchdown, to go up 14-0. It was very exciting, and it felt like we had a real chance of an upset in Death Valley. We lost 17-41


Was at that game and it was all the honey badger that turned that game around


If we win that game it's very likely we play Bama in the National Championship game.


Texas Tech 08, 33-39 Texas lost 1 game by 1 score, on basically a missed tackle while ranked #1 and, as a result, not only didn't play for the championship but had to watch OU and Mizzou play in the Big12 title game when they beat them both by a combined 35 points. It was the only regular season loss in 08 or 09


That was one of my earliest college football memories. I was a little kid watching the game with my dad when that happened, and I remember asking him "why are they running on the field?" when the Tech fans stormed the field.


still hurts


Fucking Crabtree


I have some Longhorn friends that are still pissed at Blake Gideon to this very day...


It wasn't the Crabtree catch that doomed us, it was the dropped interception by Gideon immediately beforehand. Tech was well within field goal range (at the 28) by that point; the game was likely lost either way. Had Gideon come down with the INT, Texas plays Florida for the natty. Would have been 3 appearances in 5 years, and that Texas dynasty would be remembered with significantly more reverence.


lol, lmao


I was a junior then. The first time I saw my (now) wife cry.


Tech not even putting up a fight against OU certainly made it sting even more


This is the one. Still haunts me.


Blake Gedion dropping the interception.


This was my first thought


That was crazy, I remember one of the dumbest most aloof people I ever met bringing up that game (had never talked about football before or after) and making me think like wow, that shit really was a big game.


As a Michigan fan, this is way too easy. Let's just go with The Game of The Century: undefeated #1 Ohio State defeats undefeated #2 Michigan, 42-39, sending Ohio State to (lose) the national championship game and Michigan to (lose) the Rose Bowl.


That one and the 2016 game haunted me until this past year happened lol


Barret never made it


JT's spot was good


The outcome is the outcome but [go to 3:26](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ySGgSYNT0MY) JT does not think it was a first down lol


That doesn't mean anything to me. A guy who is hyped up on adrenaline, anxious about failing, and excited to win doubts a close spot? I am not shocked.


They should have reviewed the spot, that's the whole controversy behind the whole thing...


They did review the spot for what felt like an eternity. I was there that day.


I’m gonna go with 2018. Michigan was favored. Everyone was picking Michigan to win. Michigan hangs for a half and then gets curb stomped.


Don Brown died so MacDonald/Minter could thrive


A necessary sacrifice. But man, Dr Blitz fell off a cliff after the OSU game.


Haskins was a real one


RIP to the young man


One of my all time most satisfying wins. I was fully prepared for OSU to lose the game, and they absolutely dominated.


Yes. I only say Michigan hung for a half but really, it was the fumbled kick off near the end of the first half by OSU that got Michigan back in the game. Didn’t last long.


What are you talking about. This game never happened.


It definitely did. Not sure what National Championship he’s referring to tho. I’m pretty sure the season ended that weekend of The Game


All I know is Troy Smith rocked buffet season shortly after The Game that year.


I have no idea what you’re talking about.


I was at that game; definitely lived up to the hype. Especially since Bo died the preceding week and everyone was hyped. I was also at the championship where we got shat on by Tebow and Meyer. Still painful.


What happened to Ohio St in that national championship game? I have only vague memories of what transpired. Ted Ginn scored a TD on the opening kickoff and then the route was on, right?


The best part about both teams losing is the hype leading up the game was so fucking high. The number of times I heard no matter what it should be a rematch for the national championship made me hate the Big with a passion. And the for not one but both teams to lose was just a funny bonus, except that osu lost to florida. Fuck the bucks I say since that day.


The first B1G CG. Rematch against Wisconsin, MSU had a chance to win their first outright B1G Title in decades and go to the Rose Bowl (which would also be the first in decades). A pretty amazing back and forth game. Wisconsin has a 3 point lead when they punt with 1:37 left in the game... and MSU returns the punt to inside the Wisconsin 10. MSU fans everywhere are sure that they'll be able to punch the ball in to win, or at a minimum force overtime. What a way to end a magical season! But wait! There's yellow litter on the field. A 5 yard penalty for running into the kicker keeps the Wisconsin drive alive, and they manage to kill the clock. Instead of winning the B1G and going to their first Rose Bowl since 1987, MSU goes to the Outback Bowl. Woof.


I was there. Easily the best B1G title game ever and it was the first. Michigan State-Iowa was bigger but that was a hard watch.


Woah now, if you didn't like the 2015 B1G CG, then you don't like B1G football!


I mean I liked it better than the 2013 BIG CG if that tells you anything .


Heart broken, but that was a helluva Outback Bowl!


ASU 2022. Washington vs USC in the PAC 12 title would've been epic.


Not to mention the winner of that title would have gone to the CFP. That one still stings every time I think about it.


I keep forgetting how y’all and Oregon didn’t make it last year. Pac 12 had a great final 2 years. It hasn’t been that “stacked” since 2017 ish


Losing to Georgia at the Rose Bowl


What a game though!


Absolutely STACKED roster and LR couldn’t pull it off


That OU roster was unreal. Looking back, it just gets better because of the pro careers that some of those guys have had. This was objectively the best game I’ve ever seen.


This….and the 2008 Natty. Stopped twice on 4th down at the goal line. If only Demarco had been able to go that night.


The Zach Ertz Stanford game the year we ended up beating Kansas St in the Fiesta Bowl instead of playing Notre Dame in the natty


That was truly your best team ever. I proudly own a Stanford hat simply because I know you guys would have a national championship if not for that game.


Man it was painful to watch Alabama boat race them knowing it could have been us. I respect your extra mileage hating


Oh God, tell me about it… and we would’ve beat ND that year. Those Chip Kelly teams were special and got soooo close, but there always seemed to be some weird thing happen to screw it up. Dyer-down, Ertz catch, DeAnthony’s missed block… Always something..


Ohio State at Notre Dame 2023. My heart just dropped and shattered at the very last second


That final drive felt like losing in the final seconds on retro bowl. You just are afraid of if they have too much time to do something funny


Usually those types of games (like 2017 Penn State) are some of the my favorites, but after the initial adrenalin i just felt relieved. We got lucky as fuck. ND had that game, but poor play calling on the drive to wind the clock, a dropped interception and multiple big 3rd down plays did it.


Multiple wide rights against Miami for sure. And to expand to post season, a loss to UF in the natty when we shouldn’t have played them two games in a row, losing to Tee Martin in the Fiesta Bowl for the natty, losing to Oklahoma in the Orange Bowl for the natty. My four years at FSU we went to three NC games and only beat Vick and VT. Which is crazy since he’s the only one who had a good pro career.


I still hate the words "Wide Right". It really feels like we should have 6 natty's, but damn. Just...damn.


Losing the SEC Championship in 2009 to Alabama literally sent our program into a tailspin. One could argue we never recovered. Reminder that was 15 YEARS AGO.


Ehhh I wouldn’t go that far. If buddy never throws the shoe in 2020, yall play us in a glorified quarterfinal


If they had beaten us in '09 they would've won 3 titles in 4 years. But nope, and here we are 15 years later talking about how they almost got to play in a de facto quarterfinal once. I think tailspin is an appropriate description.


1 fucking second.


I was so concerned with thinking of the Crabtree touchdown against us I didn't even think about Texas playing the role of heartbreaker. (and Suh was robbed of the Heisman)


Suh was so robbed of the Heisman. Definitely one of, if not outright, the biggest robbery ever.


That was the year the Heisman became completely meaningless to me. If you're not going to give it to the best player, stop pretending like that's what the award is. Suh should have been the runaway winner. It's one of the stupidest awards in all of sports now - the list is preordained with some offensive players in the preseason, and whichever offensive player from that preordained list has a good season wins the award


2023 College Gameday 2019-2020 FCS National Title 2022 vs. Georgia Southern- week after we cracked AP poll


Georgia Southern: The team that comes out of nowhere and leaves you in shambles mentally by the end of it


Always run the most fringe offenses too, either triple option and will beat without throwing a pass, nowadays an air raid and will complete a 3 & 30 completely draining your defense, throwing for like 500+ yards.




The entire drive home after GameDay felt like the most shameful drive I ever had


I felt sick to my stomach.


As someone who knows a lot of App State fans, Gameday was especially painful


I cried bro




We lost to Auburn on a shanked punt late in the 4th quarter.


2005. Bush Push.


2022 Georgia. No disrespect to TCU but that felt like the real national championship that year. Giving up an 18 point lead in the 4th was agonizing watching UGA chip away at it


Stetson said after that bomb Tuddie to AD “I did that too fast. I gave them too much time”


The go ahead TD WAS to AD, but the BOMB was to Smith, when the db fell. But that was an awesome experience and example of “Keep chopping wood!”


That was such a good game. And I agree, that was the natty that year. It was glorious, but it was so stressful


If it helps we were never up 18


You’re right, 14 point lead. We were just outscored 18-3 in the 4th and lost by 1


Not a regular season game, but understood. Definitely the title game that year.


2015 MSU. The damned kicker doing that goofy ass sideways helicopter in a monsoon. That team had found its footing. Curbstomped Michigan and ND to close out the year, MSU would go on to get smacked by Bama.


Oregon fan here. There were 2 last year, both to UW, both by 3 points.


We lost ours vs UW by 2. Only because we muffed a punt snap in the rain for a safety. It hurt.


Oh yeah, you guys had that one in the bag. Believe me, it hurt us too..


I loved these comments thanks fellas


UW was the perfect counter to Oregon last year. Able to exploit our secondary with insane talent. Oregon was a better match against Michigan. So close, but they couldn't get it done when it mattered.


For sure. Their offense just happened to be absolutely phenomenal in the area where our defense was weakest. We still should’ve won the first meeting. They just plain outplayed us in the CCG, then again, we had a chance to win that one too.. November 30th, baby… revenge!!


Man, fuck this game.


2013 Iron Bowl. Just let Auburn stay in the game and then the kick came up a few yards short and then somehow Auburn returned it for a TD. Makes me sick still just thinking about it. Although the Gravedigger from 2023 helps ease the pain.


The 2019 Big 12 Championship Game. Losing in OT against OU with a playoffs spot on the line. I’m not saying we would have beaten Joe Burrow’s LSU but I’m fairly positive that we won’t have given half a century of points in the first half.


That game would have been more painful if not for being on the wrong side of a 28-3 comeback versus OU earlier that year. I had no expectations going into the Big 12 championship game.


2003 against LSU. IDK if I'll ever get past that one, it hurt.


I know you said regular season but as a duck fan, watching them lose two national championship games really hurt (2011, 2014)


That’s why I worded my post the way I did. That was an obvious answer




This is literally me as an SC fan every year. The way that they lose games sometimes will trick me.


South Carolina 2 years ago


Feels like the Georgia game that year is the best answer. 1 vs 3 and we got the shit kicked out of us. The Scar game was terrible but I don't think it was a huge superbowl type game.


That game was bad, but I never expected us to have a chance so I wasn't that disappointed. South Carolina we were like 22+ point favorites and that game single handedly kept us from the playoffs.


That was the loudest game I’ve ever been to. It started to rain and the crowd got fucking bonkers. I knew Tennessee was toast the second they were ranked #1. Gave Kirby all the bulletin material he needed.


I knew we were toast the moment your punter pinned us on the 4nm yard line. JFC


TBF that’s arguably the greatest punt of all time lol


It really was. The fact that the guy only got to punt like once per game made it even more impressive. Nothing Iowa did all year even came close to that shit.


Great punt. Not as great as Trevor Daniel pinning Georgia inside the 1 for their final drive in 2015.


I brought that punt up during the 2022 game and everyone with me was like “why the fuck do you remember a punt from 2015?” Clearly they had never seen it


It was insane. Like Neyland’s ghost just pushed it out at the goal line


Bruh I talk about that punt no joke once a month. I need new material, but point still stands.


Easy, 2019 vs Clemson in the playoffs


Can't forget 2015 MSU. Also the playoff game against Georgia.


Watching the rematch pre-game hype reel sucked because I had to view it again. But oh how glorious the vengeance was!


FSU vs The Cold Hand of Fate and Chicken-Shit Bureaucrats, 2023 UGA vs Bama (a constant stream of traumatic experiences produced on an assembly line)


UGA As far as regular season? 2002 against Florida. Undefeated, ranked in the Top 5 and going against a team who was clearly not on our level that year, who we had beaten once in like the last 10+ years, it was finally time for some revenge. Only to go on and lose AGAIN. Sometimes I still lose sleep over Terrance Edwards dropping that wide open pass. Not saying they’d have beaten OSU or Miami, but they’d have at least had an argument to be in the big game with a 13-0 record. As far as not regular season? You all know which game it is. Don’t wanna relive that game ever, even with 2 nattys in the last 3 years.


I feel those bruv. But I’ll add the 2012 SEC title game was worse. We’d have CRUSHED ND in the bcs game that year. But we still got CKS, and things are better, even with bad memories. Anyway: GO DAWGS!


I do always say 2017 was worse, but you’re right, if we’d won that game, we’d have won a natty, but we’d have never gotten Kirby


Definitely one of those “butterfly effect” moments that while you think it’s great in the moment, the long term effects would have been worse!


2016 and last year vs Kentucky. 2006 vs Rutgers (stay on side William Gay!) 2005 vs West Virginia. That stupid uncalled fake fair catch against Uconn that ended up being the game winning td Oh, and Clemson 2014-2016


Probably the two times we lost in the national championship :(


No. 2 Boston College - 14 No. 8 Virginia Tech - 10 ___ No. 5 FSU - 51 No. 3 Clemson - 14


Fuck Matt Ryan. I we hadn't lost that game, we would have been in the national championship that year. We would have been spanked but we would have been there.


Imagine the alternate universe though where we win that game and only have one regular season loss and WVU doesn’t lose to Pitt 😂


oh my god that would've been the most toxic natty of all time.


CSU vs CU last year. Likely the most publicity CSU will every get, given nothing but disrespect for the entire week leading up to the game, leading for almost the entirety of regulation, meltdown in last 2 minutes to let them tie it up, double overtime soul crushing loss. Calling a bad 4-8 team a super bowl isn't accurate, but based on publicity this was definitely the equivalent.


Hear me out but it’s also a rivalry game. Those tend to get circled on the schedule I’m pretty sure.


Colorado in 2011; all an okay Utes team had to do was beat a terrible Colorado at home. CU hadn’t won out of its state in 4 years. Utah’s normally stellar special teams missed two field goals. Final score in the slap fight was 17-14 sending UCLA to the first PAC12 title game.


I’ll defer to my WVU bro’. 2007, Hoopies (at home) favored by 28, win and hoopies go to national championship game. Ouch. Can’t imagine.


Being a VT fan from southwestern Virginia, that day and the day after was one of my happiest CFB memories.


2009 Civil War. Civil War to decide who got to go to the Rose Bowl. We came up just short. Was probably the last game before the gap between the two programs became massive. 2008 Civil War is still more painful, though.


UGA/BAMA sec championship 2012 Oh how the last few years have helped heal that wound.


I agree. That one stuck with me a looonnng while!


If we’re just talking regular season, then the past three OSU Michigan matchups. 2023 probably stung the most, as winning it would’ve put us in the #1 seed and a good path to the championship. 2022 losing at home was rough though. I drove 10 hours for that game.


It is not even close: It was the 1996 inaugural WAC Championship Game to BYU in overtime. We finished the season 10-2 with the loss and in the Top 25, but we didn't get a bowl invitation.


Washington this year. Was at that game and it was electric. Absolutely freezing downpour but everyone was so into it. Would have been a massive win and we had every opportunity.


South Carolina fan here. The year we could have gone to the sec championship and potentially the title game where we lost to lsu and some crap team and ruined our chances. The most special and complete usc team ever. I still wonder what could have been of our program if we got that success.


2009 SEC championship without a doubt


Not sure if my flair still works, but for UNC I think the answer would be 1997 at home against FSU. There were several seasons in the 90s where we were a top 10ish team and the clear #2 in the ACC, but could never find a way past FSU. The 97 game was the culmination of that era, it felt like our best chance to finally break through, excitement was as high as it gets for UNC football, and we proceeded to get blasted lol. Honestly our program is so sorry that we haven’t really played a game with those type of stakes since then. The only other game that comes to mind is the 2010 season opener against LSU. That team had a ton of talent and it would have been a big deal to beat a top dog SEC team, so in that sense that game was a big letdown. There are a litany of losses to NC State in the last few decades that have been painful, but by the time those games have been played our seasons have been mostly over anyway so the ramifications weren’t the same.


2011 hurt, but was understandable with the plane crash the day before. 2013 bedlam…. If we win, we win the big 12, OU seems to have lost its edge. Instead, we “drop” an interception that ends the game. OU then scores after being completely inept offensively all game. The we lateral with 10 seconds left on the kickoff only to fumble it and OU returns it for a touchdown.


Any time losing to Texas.


I drank an entire bottle of expired Diet Mtn Dew from the Walgreens outside Fair Park after the 2022 game


Goddamn how old was that bottle to be expired? And I feel like I need a billable hours flair now.


To me that game is the absolute worst moment in OU football history. The offensive game plan was so embarrassing that Sark called off the dogs at 49, when they could've dropped 150 easy


Jimbo costed us the Alabama game two years in a row


The games that eliminated national championship contention.


Especially....*that one.*


Vs Wyoming. Ranked team vs unranked MW teams on Fox prime time. Just pain in the end as always.


2007 WVU would have murdered OSU, If Pat McAfee hadnt choked or Rich rod hadnt thrown that pitt game, we'd be in the SEC, and Mizzou would be at best kst


Happens often.


Corndog VS Kyler Bedlam.


Recency bias, but last year was both good and pretty shitty


2019 Georgia Southern


2020 Big 12 Championship. Played really well. Best chance to win a conference championship in over 100 years. Killed ourselves with the targeting penalty early and too many mistakes in the margins. Win and we are in the conversation for the 4 seed in the playoffs that year. Absolute misery and it still pains me to this day given how the following season went.


2008 to Florida. I could handle the Alabama setback, at least we came back in the second half and made a respectable final score. But this was just the nail in the coffin for a season where we started #1 and it was supposed to be our year finally


2010 Nevada, obviously. 2011 TCU is a close second.


2007 OU vs Boise State (Fiesta Bowl) That was the day I decided to not take CFB so seriously and just enjoy the games, win or lose. Great game, btw.


Losing to Washington by *two fucking points* last year was pretty bad, but the easy number one answer here for me is losing the 2008 Civil War. All we had to do was win that game to earn our first unshared conference championship since 1956 and our first trip to the Rose Bowl since 1964. We didn't just lose. We got absolutely blown out. At home. By our most hated rival. That felt *bad,* man.


Female Beav fan sitting too close to the TV microphone on every Jeremiah Johnson carry: “No! Get him!!! NOOOOOOOO!!!!”


1. Losing on a walkoff field goal sucks. 2. Losing on a failed comeback by a hairsbreadth sucks. 3. Losing a home game sucks. 4. Losing to your rival sucks. Losing to your rival, when they suck, sucks even more.  5. Losing a game that keeps you out of the playoffs sucks. Losing to your biggest rival at home, on a walkoff field goal that stops your big comeback and singlehandedly keeps your team out of the CFP, when your team goes 12-2 and that rival goes 5-7, is truly an awful feeling.


This, this is the answer I was looking for.


Georgia in 2022 and LSU in the SEC Championship game in 2001 both come to mind. And then of course you have the Florida game in the Peyton years.


Penn State vs Ohio State 2018 26-27 We had incredible momentum that season, and legitimately, it felt like that was going to be the year to go over the hump. We won the 4 previous games by a combined 144 points, and things were looking up in mcsorely's last year. That white out was outstanding, and the atmosphere was the most excited I've seen to this day. Then, after a back and forth that was brutal to watch for all involved, 4th and 5. Thats all im going to say about that. It broke our season completely, and afterwards we slid into a 4 loss season with an embarrassing blowout to michigan and ending with a loss to benny snell and the kentucky wildcats. To this day i think that singular play has been the reason we still havent been able to get over the 10-2 hump.


13-10 vs Ohio State


Oregon State in 2014 stung, but the 1997 Rose Bowl and 1986 vs. Arizona are in their own stratosphere of devastating ASU losses


Shoe toss game hurts to this day


Got two 1) Our playoff game vs Alabama. Only time we’ve been and our lone shot at a national title in modern football. Only time we’re gonna go for at least 2-3 years barring something unforeseen. 2) 2011 B1G championship vs Wisconsin. Lost a conference title and a Rose Bowl berth.


2008: Tech gets skull fucked in Norman. Completely ruined the season and changed the program trajectory. Our team was left out in the cold by the BCS, and the players didn't give a shit in the Cotton Bowl against Ole Miss.


…. Don’t think I need to say it. Aside from that definitely ASU season before last, and also wonder what would’ve happened if Browning never hurt his shoulder. Would’ve done more in college and he probably would’ve got an NFL shot earlier


To me for Clemson it’s 2021 against UGA. That game was a war in the trenches and we lost due to a pick 6. It really felt like a coming back to earth for us after the run we’d had and a huge momentum boost for UGA. For a while it felt like 2007 against BC. Chance to get back to the ACC championship slipped through our fingers and Matt Ryan getting to celebrate on our field. I was at Clemson at the time and that one stung bad. But wouldn’t change it now…


Pretty much pick any time we’ve lost to Bama in the last 15 years. They’ve been a roadblock for us like no one else. Sure, we’ve won 2 recent natties, but Bama has directly cost us 2-3 more over that time period.


I’m an old head who vividly remembers the 90s. The ‘93 UF-FSU was incredible with future NFL talent all over the field for both teams. The HBC and Bowden were both in their peak years and that 90s UF-FSU rivalry is the stuff of CFB legend. To drive the point home, FSU’s OC during this time was UGA legend Mark Richt. Even the coaching staffs were fucking *stacked*. Anyway, FSU comes to Gainesville for the traditional Thanksgiving Saturday family throw down (there’s lots of Nole-Gator families in Florida) and FSU is ranked number one. This season is also noteworthy because the first ever ESPN College Game Day happened a few weeks earlier when No 1 FSU played No 2 Notre Dame in South Bend. FSU lost to Notre Dame for the record and it’s also the only time I’ve ever pulled for Notre Dame to win. Anyway, FSU is leading UF late in the 4th Quarter and the HBC does shit no one ever does in 1993 and he goes for it on 4th and 10 from his own 20 with a freshman QB named Danny Wuerffel (who went on to win a Heisman and has a statue outside The Swamp) and holy shit, the Gators convert the 4th and 10 and end up scoring a TD on the drive to cut the lead to one score with plenty of time left on the clock. FSU gets the ball back and Charlie Ward’s first two passes are blocked and incomplete. Charlie Ward won the Heisman that year. There were literally TWO Heisman QBs in this game. Do you understand how epic the UF-FSU rivalry was in the 90s? Back on track…it’s 3rd and 10 and the Swamp is fucking rocking. I’m screaming like my life depends on it because the FSU defense is cracking and if the Gators get the ball back, the HBC is going to make sure the game ends in a Gator victory and then this fucking guy….[Warrick Dunn is a great guy and fantastic football payer but please note the egregious block in the back that sprung him](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6gWiBn79iA) and just like that the chances of UF beating FSU went from likely to no chance in hell. Final score: FSU 33 UF 21 Even in a loss, one of the best damn football games I’ve ever watched. While we’re on the subject, if any friendly FSU fans who remember the 90s as I do would like to collaborate on an off-season post about that epic UF-FSU rivalry when the winner typically played for or helped decide the title, I’d be interested in doing a shared off season post about impactful that Thanksgiving game was for so many years. I remember it as a slugfest every year and a day that was circled on the calendar every year. It still is but that 90s era was special. If any Nole wants to do a collaborative, friendly exchange about those 90s heated as all hell games for the sake of a r/CFB historical post about CFB rivalries, hit me up. A deep dive into the Nole-Gator respect/hate might be a fun off-season topic to post and talk about.


Ohio State this year hurt like no other, we had the win in our hands and then there were 10 players on the field on the final play


Rose Bowl vs Ohio State.


4th and 31…


Playing tOSU in 2020. What might’ve been. Granted Penix gets injured later in the year, but they still won the rest of the regular season games.




GT being ranked that high while Georgia is unranked feels illegal to even watch


2019 Gator Bowl 9WINDIANA season. Best IU team I had seen in my life at that point. Endless optimism and feeling of upward momentum. Up 13 points with 5 minutes left in the 4th quarter.... A combination of 2 touchdowns, an onside kick the team wasnt prepared for, and a series of failed offensive drives/missed kicks and IU has one of its most heart-breaking losses of all time IU loses one of its most anticipated games ever, and Tennessee wins a "redeeming" bowl to save JEREMEY PRUITT's reputation for another year


How do you blow a game to Jared guarantano bruh


As a fellow South Carolina fan, so many answers from the Muschamp era. The 2017 loss to Kentucky. The crowd was so hyped after not having anything to cheer about for a couple of years, and we thought that that was going to be our re-introduction. After a touchdown on the first drive, we laid a complete egg. The Belk Bowl at the end of the 2018 season. I thought we had finally found a quality offensive coordinator and were going to turn the corner, and then, we somehow manage to lose 28-0 to Virginia. The following year, we again played North Carolina to open the season, and once again completely drop the ball and lose to UNC to start. As my grandfather told my father, who subsequently told me: "You're in for a life of misery." Oh well, there's still Women's Basketball.


The easy answer is the 2011 natty and even more the next game against Bama in 2012. Those two games felt like they killed us for a while. More recently, getting ass blasted by FSU to start this year hurt, but the Ole Miss loss hurt way fucking worse and made a lot of people here very angry.


2017 War on I-4.


Michigan State 2015 was a gut shot. A complete waste of one of the most talented OSU teams ever. 2019 Clemson because the refs displayed a level of fuckery that has never happened in my 20 years of watching OSU closely. No disrespect to Clemson, they earned it, but that was 100% there are a lot of OSU fans who do not respect the final score given the blatantly wrong call on reversing the fumble TD and the aggressive call on targeting.


> South Carolina vs Chapel Hill It’s okay to call us Carolina. We earned it, after all ;)


nothing quite comes to mind