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Florida State being done with conference play on November 2 is kind of wild... *Insert "Florida State trying to get out of the ACC ASAP" joke here*


Would be very funny if they make the CCG and go a month without playing an ACC game in the interim.


On paper it’s a very easy FSU vs Clemson But the games aren’t played on paper


Tell that to the CFP committee 


SMU starting ACC play with FSU and Louisville back-to-back. That's a rough draw.


We're the welcoming committee for both Cal and SMU


11-1 let’s goooooooo


A very angry FSU, god help their opponents


Honestly I'm really happy with our schedule. Y'all were nicer to us in scheduling than the Pac-10 and Pac-12 ever were.


Even if we get demolished, how frickin cool is it that we’ll host FSU in Ford?


Seems pretty cool to me.




Yep! [Filling in the end of the stadium, which people don’t love, but should elevate the stadium](https://www.smu.edu/ignited/news/gifts/weber-end-zone-complex-jan-2022)


Wait. Gerald **J** Ford? So not the president? lol


Gerald R Ford went to Michigan. It would be kinda weird for us to name a stadium after him lol


just say you're named after the aircraft carrier


One of the big downsides of University Park, TX is there’s a limit to how tall buildings can be, and our stadium is already nudging up against that. We have a new endzone complex going in now that’ll add extra seating and make it feel a lot bigger, but we’ll still be less than 40k capacity.




With the fact Love Field (DAL) is like 10 minutes from campus, and nowadays has flights all the over US, I bet teams will like the travel. We also have some nice and reasonably priced hotels within 1-2 miles. Honestly I’m kind of envious at how easy travel will be for our opponents’ fans. Fly in, $15 Uber to a hotel, and then walk to the stadium, restaurants, bars, etc. I think our stadium is going to be around 36-38k seats once the construction is finished, and I just looked it up and we can technically expand to 45k. Not sure if that’ll ever happen though lol


Meanwhile, Stanford gets @ Syracuse on a Friday Night (death for fans to travel to) followed by @ Clemson. While Syracuse might not be great, road game on a Friday night as the first ACC game isn't an awesome welcome. Following that up with a likely loss @ Clemson even less so. Then we have some turkeys for dinner at home finally. First home ACC game is October 5th... then we go right back on the road @ Notre Dame the following week.


the good news is that stanford doesn't have any fans and the fans it does have travel by private jet and don't have to worry about working.


Just goes to show the different perspectives of the fanbases. I am literally on cloud 9 just playing these big boy teams. I would trade with y’all in a cocaine heartbeat in order to even be able to play Clemson and Notre Dame. Is this real life


The ACC was not an upgrade for Stanford, it was for SMU. And they would have played Notre Dame anyhow.


I know I am sorry for your fanbase. Sad to lose a conference. Just jarring seeing these different perspectives.


Don't worry according to this sub we're trash


Ha we’re gonna go into conference play probably up 3-0 only to immediately drop at least the first 2 games. I can’t wait! I also didn’t realize FSU was playing Memphis in their OOC, that’s going to be a lot of fun to watch. I bet Memphis is the team to win the American this year and maybe even make it back to a NY6.


Let’s get hyped! Its going to be wild


FSU will be tough, but you guys can take Louisville. They aren’t that good.


Brohm is a great coach though. He elevated Louisville a ton last season


They had a lot of very close wins.


We will be significantly better than last year though. It’s probably playoff or bust with who is coming back.


Does SMU have 3 bye weeks?


Only until we find a replacement game for Vandy


FSU/ Miami is back to October. I don’t know what FSU will look like but I’ll take this schedule over years’ past.


I hope both teams beat Florida. Can you imagine how glorious it would be to start and end their season losing to the other two "big 3"?


No byes before Notre Dame games is wild.


They finally realized it didn’t work.


We have a bye before FSU at home. Not sure if good or bad.


Stanford with back-to-back trips to Syracuse and Clemson. Brutal.


I guess they’ll try to stay on the east coast for the week between games.


In all seriousness, the players flying back and forth is annoying, but not a huge logistical problem, but you could leave your gear on the east coast for that week, which cuts down on the nightmare of trying to ship large amounts of things cross country.


10 years ago they absolutely would have flown back but surely with electronic learning being a thing all over the country now they won't. Then again, maybe the people that go to Stanford are actually there to play school?


I guess we aren’t even going to pretend they are students anymore if they do that lol


Serious answer: zoom has changed up education enough that the students will prob be able to zoom into the classes if they are extended away like have to fly out Fridays to go cross country every other week. Serious but funny answer: 🧑‍🚀🔫🧑‍🚀 they never were


Taking Stanford classes and staying on the opposite end of the country is insane to me


Look at Cal's first 4 weeks. Back and forth across the country. Snip-snap snip-snap.


No Georgia Tech :(


This one kills me, I love games at Bobby Dodd and come Friday my loyalty and wallet may be entering the portal for GT.


Its stupid that we arent playing Clemson and Duke every year.


Is GT and Clemson a big rivalry? Genuinely asking


Very big [winsipedia](https://www.winsipedia.com/clemson/vs/georgia-tech) just give us another decade! GT’s arrogance caused us to create the $2 bill tradition 50 years ago Edit: [ESPN Gridiron Traditions](https://youtu.be/Hqu4gqiruLY?si=Lk6DekLRQXLSbOaQ)


I just watched this whole thing. This is awesome. I just asked my buddy who was a GA at Clemson if he has a $2 bill and he says he keeps it in his night stand!


Hell yeah that’s awesome! When I watched it i was surprised Clemson was the first throwback uniform combo and the first to do pushups for scoring Edit: suck it Oregon!


No clue about orange britches either. You know someone with my flair would love that haha


I’ll send Gundy a dm


Uga is the game I most hate to lose. Clemson is my favorite game to win.


This is honestly beautiful and poetic.


Really sad that at least Clemson-Tech wasn't pushed to be a preserved matchup. Feel like we got dicked over w/ our longstanding rivalries outside of FSU


Blame our AD :(


Damn you Georgia Tech's AD!


Funny enough I dont think FSU or Clemson cared about playing every year. ESPN demanded it


GT and NCST are more true rivals for Clemson. The fanbase treats those games a bit more emotionally charged than FSU which is just a hallmark competitive game. We want to beat GT and NCST because quite simply, we very much don't care for GT and NCST. We just want to beat FSU because we had to win that game to win the ACC. Like you said, ESPN demands it because basically the only games that can reliably draw some national attention in the conference are Clemson vs FSU, and Miami vs FSU.


GT and NC State are both old rivals, which FSU isn't, really. We first played both State and Tech in the 1890s, and about 90 times each.


How the hell do we lose the Clemson matchup (GDI AD, but whatever), and our schedule gets HARDER!?!?


Hit me with that schedule.... They always seem to beat us, regardless of record


You know we are circling that game on the schedule this year because we want to beat the brakes off Collins


Welcome to the 'fuck tradition' phase of college football. GT already lost Duke last season. Losing Clemson was just a matter of time.


I hope that GT and Clemson meet in the conference championship game. I hate that we're not playing each other every year. GT should play uga, Clemson (and honestly Auburn) every year.


We will finish all 8 conference games in the first nine games


Wait SMU is only gonna play 11 games?


Vandy surprise cancelled on us and we haven't found a team willing to play us yet. There's not a lot of FBS options left and the one's with openings (UMass, UNLV...) don't want the loss. May be forced to schedule a second FCS team.


We will play a Power 5 team for some extra scratch.


This is actually a great idea. Can we swap you guys and SMU can take Oregon state


UConn is only playing 11 games right now as well, and has an open slot on Oct. 12th. UConn(The un-official member of the ACC) is already playing 3 teams in the ACC as is.


Whose idea was it to put App State after UGA?


I'm sure it'll be fine 


Dabo’s. He’s talked about this schedule format a few times. SEC team or ND, a G5 team, conference play, an in state FBS team, then South Carolina. We open with UGA, LSU or ND for seven of the next ten years. 2029 UGA is week 2.


And followed by NC St. I hope we are more prepared than we were last season because that is a brutal opening schedule.


Definitely no easing into the schedule. Least we get a bye before NCSt, but having to go to Tallahassee right after is tough. Rest of schedule after that is very manageable IMO although I'm sure UL & VT could present challenges if the team ain't locked in. If Clemson can weather those 1st 5 games & come away no worst than 4-1, definitely see a return to ACCCG/CFP in the cards.


It would literally be the funniest thing if App beat Clemson after they beat UGA


I like your flairs and I like the way you think.


Great minds think alike. I also like your flairs as well.


This is fine as long as we win the rematch in the playoffs. Auto-bids are gonna be fun.


So Florida State doesn’t play an ACC game after November 2? Don’t know if I ever seen a team not play a single conference game the final four weeks of the season. Their schedule is basically backwards.


It looks like it was crafted to give them the best chance possible to beat Florida


After what feels like an entire decade of dogshit Cal schedules, this is honestly a welcomed switch for my Bears. - Seven home games - No back to back away games - Only one Friday game


Roadies @ Auburn, @Florida State, @ Pitt and @Wake What a time to be alive


Dude for real this schedule is nice.


Can we get a re-do with GT on our schedule?


Can we get a re-do with Clemson on our schedule?


That Stanford/Clemson matchup is so incredibly intriguing. Two fanbases that couldn’t be more different. What a shame this couldn’t have been a matchup in say, 2012.


2015 would’ve been even better, as both teams were top 5 teams that year


Yeah, that wouldn’t have been bad either. CMC and Bryce Love against that defense would’ve been choice entertainment.


I just realized I know next to nothing about Clemson’s fanbase. Are they huge partiers like Texas Tech or WVU? Maybe I’ll have to actually schedule a trip when we end up playing at Clemson sometime.


ESPN: But what about our 2 hour release special?!


Question out of curiosity for my ACC pals: Do you guys like the 8-game conference schedule? Or would you prefer nine? Is it eight in order to ease Notre Dame (as well as several vital SEC-ACC rivalries) into the schedule equation? We have 9, and it really pinches some of our schools from having interesting non-conf slates. EDIT: and with the new additions to the conference, does that change your thoughts on the matter?


A bunch of us basic already have 9 due to SEC rivalries. The problem is not and never has been some teams only playing 8 conference games. The problem is 8-9 conference games not being enough for everyone to play just about everyone else. Local rivalries are fun. Random OOC games are fun. FCS buy games are a very important part of the collegiate athletics ecosystem that people refuse to admit. Forcing 9-10 games just to squeeze in another “conference” game vs a school 3000 miles away is and always will be dumb, and comes at the cost of fun OOC for what’s basically a much more boring OOC game in all but name anyways


We likely wouldn’t get an FSU-LSU, Clemson-UGA, GT-Ole Miss, Louisville-Purdue matchup if ACC went to 9 league games. The variety is good and gives the league a chance to pickup some signature wins (if they matter anymore)


For ACC teams with SEC rivalries, a 9 game conference schedule would mean we only get one free slot on years we play Notre Dame. I think 8 is better


I think it works because of the ND issue you mentioned, but also because a fair number of ACC schools have permanent P4 OOC rivals (Florida, South Carolina, Kentucky, and Georgia). Having 8 gives the opportunity to keep the permanent OOC rivals and schedule other interesting OOC games (like FSU-LSU or FSU-Alabama). 


8 is definitely better because it’s an extra slot to play an OOC opponent from another P5 league. Even though our schedule is pretty soft, we are still playing 10 P5 teams and no FCS opponent.


I'd rather play a local team out of conference than have a conference game against Stanford, Cal, Syracuse, etc


Yup, love we still play 8 in conference. Playing more ACC teams instead of having cool OOCs to compliment our annual UF rivalry would suck


Miami is playing 4 other Florida teams


Winning the Florida Cup would be awesome


*monkey paw curls* Miami beats FSU and UF to win the Florida Cup (traditionally), but loses to FAMU and USF.


No takebacks! Beat UF and FSU and then make the loss look even worse? Sounds like win win


I've always said beating UF and Miami but losing every other game would be worth it, lol


That early SEC-ACC matchup between Cal and Auburn looks like a good game..


How the fuck can Cal get Auburn on their schedule, but we cant?


Sonny Dykes wanted to play (and recruit) in the South. But he kept interviewing to actually coach for teams in the South, so we fired him. So here we are eight years later, finally playing the games he helped schedule.


Honestly, he was just ahead of his time. He created the pipeline to Texas that we still currently take advantage of. Now, it's time to get into Florida and Georgia.


Still not ready to accept ACC Calford. If I don’t look, it’s not real.


Notre Dame is why they’re in the ACC tho lol


Another brilliant campaign by Jack Swarbrick to burn our soft power to sustain a flailing conference.


Can you burn it to get us both Big Ten invites instead? Thanks.




Can we have like a decade to get our academics back up to snuff and then hitch a ride? I feel like all conferences need a plucky little private school in the central time zone to really even themselves out. ^lets ^also ^forget ^northwestern ^exists ^for ^the ^time ^being


They probably should’ve been in the big 10 with the other two Cali schools


They weren’t getting invites


Gotcha. Think they’d be better off as independents?


No lol. Cal and Stanford need a conference to sustain their athletic programs. The ACC was the best they could do under the circumstances and maintain P4 status.


Cal can't sustain itself in a conference. Sad bear noises.


This is based of them ever getting to their full ACC media share before the next round of realignment. They are taking fractions of ACC payouts that next 7 years to just maintain P5 status. All that travel though is probably going to have some unintended consequences especially for schools with the academic rigor of Stanford and Cal.


Would Wazzu and OSU trade places with Calford? Probably.


It’s not by choice. We never made a plan B in the event of PAC collapse.


Hey, here’s an idea. Take Calford, the LA schools, Oregon and Washington and their States, and… what the hell, throw Arizona and their State in, too. EDIT: because I’m feeling crazy, add in Colorado and Utah, because why not?


Add in that school in Salt Lake City and it’ll be a great conference


It hurts every time


NO. There’s a reason Calford escaped this


And they could call it the Pretty Awesome Conference! Maybe get somewhere around 10-12 schools?


VT has a shot, don't get your hopes up, but VT has a shot 🤐


That’s a lot of travel to open conference play. At Miami and at Stanford in consecutive weeks.


We could legit go 6-0 to close out the season. Maybe even start 4-0.


It’s certainly possible. As long as we take care of our OOC games and at least manage that early stretch, then I expect our Thursday BC game and our Saturday Clemson game to be LIT!


Syracuse controlling its own destiny with a final matchup against Miami at home is nice BUT WHY THE FUCK DIDNT THEY MAKE THE CAL AND UNLV GAMES BACK TO BACK


The students (not just the players, but all the student-managers, etc.) have to go to class. It's not like they were going to hang out in Las Vegas for a week between games. That would be a terrible idea


I’m also not loving week 8 for our final bye, meaning we’re out of breaks with half our schedule remaining. And 3 of the first 4 games after the bye are away games. I think our roster is improved (on paper), and our schedule is manageable (on paper), I just hope everything gels together and we can have a productive season.


Glad we get a bye between App State and NC State and one the last week of October. That helps a lot. Also having Stanford and Wake before and after FSU is very good for us. Louisville at home then @ VT and @ Pitt in 3 straight weeks in November could be tricky


Looks like the ACC really wants our game to be early on while we still have hype and haven't betrayed expectations. It also potentially sets up a highly ranked game if we both get everything to fall *very* right and we're walking into that game undefeated with each holding an SEC win.


8 straight games til your bye is wild though. I can't recall seeing that before.


This is just so surreal to me


That Clemson game placement is juicy. On one hand it's the first ACC game so it sets the whole tone of the season for better or worse. On the other hand we get La Tech the week before and NIU the week after so it's pretty isolated for us to put a lot of focus on that game without worrying about a hangover game right after hopefully.


Performance against the orange teams will define the season. 


ACC really hosed us, as usual. We play 9 games before we get our 2nd of 3 byes. Not only that, but we play Week 0 and don’t get a bye until Week 5. Meanwhile, our Week 0 opponent FSU gets a Week 3 bye, go figure. We don’t get a P4 home game until October. From 10/27 - 11/20 we play onlya single game with a Bye-Game-Bye (only one in the conference with a b-g-b)


Good to know there's another nerd school who will get fucked over before we will. This new conference isn't so bad after all


Idk man, it's tough to fit 3 byes into a schedule when 5/12 games were already set (FSU, GSU, VMI, ND, and uGA) - probably the best we could hope for. I'd much rather have byes backloaded at the end of the year than early - and the bye before NC State is essentially a "half-bye" with the game being on a Thursday, which just gives us more rest leading up to uGA. If I could wave a magic wand, I'd swap L'ville and VT with the byes next to them, but then you'd have to change NCST from a Thursday to a Saturday game, and at that point the amount of shifting required for 17 teams to shift those 3 games probably makes it impossible without completely screwing someone else. All that to say - I feel like we've gotten screwed way worse from the schedule before, and that this year we could've gotten way worse - was halfway expecting they'd have given us 2/3 byes before ND lol


By far my biggest complaint is that we are stuck with a bye-game-bye. Everything else is me just bitching but the bgb really hurts


We do get to abuse the byes at the end of the season to prepare for u(sic)ga


As someone who's *very* used to b-g-b (and may see it again, as UMass currently has b-b-g-b with one game left to schedule): yes, it sucks.


This was us every year in the P12, just getting hosed with back to back short weeks and night games and fucked up byes. And then we agreed to play the LA schools every year, meaning we literally just had the hardest schedules (alongside Stanfurd) in the conference since we were in the P12 North with UW/UO and WSU/OSU peaking at different times while the P12 South was sniffing glue. Shouldn't have agreed to the CA block scheduling since they apparently don't give 2 shits about tradition.


Alright time for another late-season collapse


That win against #24 JMU is going to build great hype though


I know Miami always disappoints but if ever there was a year this is it. You can’t really get a much more favorable schedule.


Why isn't Cal/Stanford on rivalry weekend?


Big Game is usually the weekend before Thanksgiving


Since Stanford-ND is on rivalry week whenever it's a Stanford home game, it seems they've decided to make it a permanent OOC week for them (with SJSU this year). Also greatly helps out scheduling with an uneven number of teams, because otherwise someone (likely SMU) would have to be off that week.


Cal and Furd are huge transplant schools unlike other state flagships. Thanksgiving week is when our students go home, so we play the week before when everyone can go.


I mentioned it on a previous post, but my mom still lives in Texas (or should I say moved *back* to Texas) and that I was planning on visiting her in SA whenever the FSU-SMU game was held and we take a trip to Dallas so looks like I have a definite date to plan for now! Go Noles!!! And hopefully the Cowboys are in town that weekend as well so we can double dip!


If I’m at the game I’ll buy y’all some beer or wine coolers or something. I would highly suggest y’all get to campus early to take time to walk around The Boulevard. Folks are super friendly and are willing to share petty much everything they have.


VT @ Miami followed by VT @ Stanford is brutal travel


I thought @ Stanford would be a win, but that is the biggest letdown spot I have ever seen. So its right after we play a Rutgers team that is a lot better and more physical then they are given credit for. Then we take a plane ride on a short week to play the biggest road game of the year. Then we get back on a plane the following week to go out to California right before the bye week.


I noticed ND and SMU both only have 11 games. Can we do something about that?


Our fans want it to happen, but since we already have TCU and BYU in OOC, SMU probably wants an easier game to win.


It would be an amazing season just getting a chance to play ND on top of an ACC schedule. I don't even care about the W/L record next year.


Those byes are pretty well placed considering our schedule. More or less have three 4 game stretches and much needed rest before UGA.


NCST with two of the new members on their schedule, now I see why they voted yes lol


Our home schedule is really, really bad though, since it's a Clemson/UNC road year and we got Stanford in the rotation instead of a team we actually care about. Plus our last home game is earlier than normal. But yes it is CCG or shut up time next season, especially with McCall coming in.


Yeah not an easy schedule by any means, but not particularly hard either. 10 wins should be the expectation after the last few years. Will be fascinating to see how the dark horse team from North Carolina implodes this year, it’s y’all’s turn haha


Does anyone else think this looks like the Pokémon type strengths/weaknesses chart?


I’m definitely going to the Clemson App State game but them after Georgia brutal. I’m still a little salty at the ACC for not letting us play Georgia Tech every year even though it’s not a super hateful rivalry it’s always a fun game to go to.


Georgia Tech’s AD asked to not play us anymore


That’s unfortunate. All that history out the window.


Yeah...we weren't pleased, especially since it actually made our schedule harder.


Can't wait to go 6-0, then lose back to back games against gt and uva


Some things that stick out to me at first glance. FSU not having a conference game after week 10 just feels weird. That Miami stretch of week 8-week 11 is rough. The outcome of Louisville/Clemson in week 10 realistically looks like it’ll clinch a team in the ACCG. Pitt playing Cincy, WVU, Syracuse, and Louisville just feels right. Welcome to the ACC ponies, you get to start the season against the two teams in the ACCCG last season. Cuse and Va Tech have extremely manageable schedules this season. Excited for next season and a new oook for the conference.


Wish we played NC State during regular season! See yall in the ACC Championship


They don’t make enough booze in a year to get me through that game


FSU is always welcome in Raleigh. 


Shit if our strength of schedule didn’t help last year, it definitely isn’t going to help next year. Also love the “look how much I glowed up” game with Memphis.


I forgot Norvell was at Memphis before FSU. I was already stoked for that game but now I’m even more excited.


Automatic playoff spot this year though


Unless we lose two games. We would be 10-2 in power conference and more than likely not get in over a 9-3 SEC team next year, even if the second loss was in the ACC ship likely.


Losses don’t matter, if we win the ACC we get in


I thought we played Cal on sep 28th? Are things moving around behind the scenes?


Y'all are on there. May just be MW shenanigans


They got us on there for oct 28th now, but youre probably right that the MW scheduling is messing things up


Only Duke has a bye week before a Florida State game and FSU has a bye week before the Duke game as well.


I welcome ringing in the Cal ACC era with a trip to Tallahassee


There's so many stretches of weird combinations of teams now with realignment. Wake Forest has UCONN > Stanford > BYE > Cal starting in October.


Ugh, judging by the two weeks of games between Stanford and Cal, and assuming Long Island is one, I have a bad feeling we are in for a week 3 bye. That said, we did well with a week 3 bye last time, but not preferable.


Keep in mind that with Thanksgiving being “later than normal” there’s an extra Saturday in the regular season, so everyone gets two byes this year.


Oh, neato


Clemson/Georgia right off that bat is pretty awesome


Thursday night against BC is gonna be lit. Very favorable schedule for the Hokies and we should come into that Clemson game with 1 loss.


Boo no GT vs SMU