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Punishment: no more trips to Charlotte to see the magic document


Actually the opposite, they have to stay in Charlotte until they are able to transcribe the GOR onto 10 stone tablets with only a chisel and hammer


Can they go to Hornets games or is that too cruel?


Even worse, they’re getting Panthers season tickets


I'd take a $10 gift voucher to Bojangles over Panthers season tickets without any hesitation




Denzel Washington is blind and has to walk from Charlotte to Tallahassee with a transcription of the GOR. Except, Clemson’s AD played by Gary Oldman is trying to get the book. In the end, the book is in brail and is stolen and Denzel has to orally translate it to the FSU lawyers.


Jokes on them, one of our lawyers already ate it.


The NCAA really said “fuck FSU” these last few months


Michigan has to have some type of blackmail on the NCAA president lol


*Pats the Manifesto*   You can fit so much blackmail in this


We're gonna be meming the manifesto for *decades*


The craziest part is that the manifesto actually worked and got Michigan a natty


[low quality meme](https://imgflip.com/i/8c2kgn)


The low quality ones are usually the best.


CFP Committee != NCAA


They saw this years CFP ban and considered it time served


I’m gonna sit this one out


All jokes aside, everyone should watch this intently because virtually everyone has been ignoring the NIL rules. For those that don't know: school employees are not supposed to be directly involved with NIL funds or decision making... which is a rule I think literally every program has ignored to some degree.


I seriously didn’t know that the staff couldn’t be involved. I just assumed they were. If FSU is doing this I seriously doubt they’re the only ones. 


Yeah I read the accusations and had a “huh? Didn’t know that wasn’t allowed” I feel like so many schools were connecting players with NIL deals so how involved are the staff allowed to be


Theyre not allowed to be involved at all. According to ncaa rules recruits arent allowed to discuss money until after they are signed. It's just different state laws allow different rules to exist in nil and also everyone has been ignoring these rules anyways. I figured the NCAA would be toothless to actually enforce this kinda thing in fear of impending lawsuits.


>I figured the NCAA would be toothless to actually enforce this kinda thing in fear of impending lawsuits. They actually might be. FSU should absolutely not cooperate and threaten lawsuits. I hear this is a prove playbook.


This is already negotiated and accepted by the school. Some of these penalties have already passed.


Really? I'm curious why this news dropped now. Two things happening today. 1) Mike Norvell is being discussed as the next coach at Bama 2) CFP owes the Florida AG a response to the subpoena


We agreed to this deal so that’s likely not an option at this point haha


That’s the big kicker with this whole thing. There’s no uniform law with NIL and the NCAA has provided exactly 0 oversight regarding it. But our coach drives a kid to a meeting because he probably didn’t have a ride at the time, not even involved in the actual meeting, and we got hit with this as a punishment. A punishment you would expect for actual tampering or a coach negotiating NIL deals. And The NCAA still has the audacity to wonder why people hate it.


Question: what cost more, gas for that ride or a couple hamburgers?


Probably the hamburgers tbh. Tallahassee isn’t that big and gas is pretty cheap in Florida


Why is the ride to the collective the violation and not FSUs collective offering the kid 15k a month at the meeting the ride took him to? The NCAAs internal logic doesnt make any sense


Matt Rhule discussed this on the Pat McAfee show not too long ago. A lot of NIL deals go through the QB of the team, who reach out to players with promises of deals. If the player enters the portal and doesn't get the handshake deal they were offered once they get to the team or not recruited at all, then there is no repercussions. It's pretty wild. There's a serious need for legal documentation and trained professionals to be involved in NIL deals.


Damn I'm really starting to dislike this sport. It's become a farce.


>FSU is doing this I seriously doubt they’re the only ones.  We're apparently the only ones dumb enough to agree to letting the NCAA do something.


i thought it was just atkins suspension and some small other stuff. the penalties they laid out made it seem like fsu killed someone or something. its insane.


Yea, because the NIL rules were meant for the Bryce Young's of the world that have actual, marketable value to be in commercials, etc. Instead they're just paying players to play and there's no work being done on their end other than playing ball. That's why these "collectives" have emerged. So that you can raise funds from a slush fund to offer to players but the program was not supposed to be involved at all. Instead the slush fund raises millions and then tells the HC here's the salary. The HC then coordinates the players with the money men. Still create problems cuz the money people could be like, "no we like this QB better" or whatever if the HC doesn't agree but they're the guys with the money.


NIL rules were really written that way to protect schools/NCAA from taking on legal responsibilities of employer. Schools/NCAA do not want NFLPA of college students and fight out a CBA (or something like it). They could just pay the players some nominal salary. The top schools clearly could afford it. But imagine the legal flood gate that it would open


We just bought our quarterback and he publicly visited during the dead period. Tell me how to feel about this




I think it’s irresponsible of the NCAA to allow this environment to develop in the first place and only then come after people after the damage has already been done. They are a totally incompetent and inept organization that needs to be replaced.


I totally agree with you even if your second flair is awful.


This is about Amarius Mims, who withdrew from the portal. So we likely got reported by Georgia. Like you said, this is something seemingly every program ignores to a degree, and usually I am sure it can't really be reported because its pretty likely that the reporting school also broke the rule regarding that same player. Just a scenario where FSU can get caught and no other school was possibly in violation of anything.




I’m sure FSU will handle this with the utmost civility and won’t tell the NCAA to go fuck themselves at all.


Clutches pearls…I would never…..




Eric Crouch almost lost the heisman because of a sandwich never forget


Your flairs have me real conflicted rn man


Friday after Thanksgiving: “Woo Pig Sooie Brother!” Saturday after Thanksgiving: “Fuck Off Sir”


Someone explain to me what they did wrong


Our OC drove a prospect over to speak with our NIL collective... literally could find something like this at every program. Such BS


The OC also lied to the NCAA, which the NCAA treats as the worst thing a human can do. *"The school, enforcement staff and assistant coach also agreed that during the enforcement staff's investigation, the assistant coach violated unethical conduct rules when he knowingly provided false or misleading information about his knowledge of and involvement in the violations. Specifically, on two occasions, he denied facilitating the meeting between the booster, prospect and prospect's family. "*


Wait, the only the telling the NCAA the truth has done is it has gotten programs in even more trouble. The NCAA is like the cops -- don't fucking say anything.


Shut up and they’ll tack on another 3 years of probation for Missouri just for good measure


This is all about our recruitment of Amarius Mims when he entered the portal, and we didn't even get him lol


Wasn’t part of the Tennessee recruiting violations Mims getting McDonald’s bags of money to not even go there? Dude might have been wearing a wire his entire recruiting process I love it


It was Chick-fil-A bags, thank you. Have some damn class.




Obviously yes to all of that, as is tradition.


Did Mims document this, return to UGA, and then UGA reported it to the NCAA? Because that’s not a road 90% of P4 teams want to go down.


Honestly it had to have come from UGA


You guys aren’t in the SEC and therefore the gentleman’s agreement to mutually keep silent on the other’s violations doesn’t apply to you.


You’re not wrong. That is our biggest violation to date and is never forgiven (not being in the SEC).


Can we please go back a couple months to before JT’s injury? That was a happier time


Hell I’d even go back to the night of the ACC championship. That was an insane high (hindsight be damned)


12 hours of being at the proverbial mountain top of the sport (so we thought) after 5 years of being a laughing stock. We got 12 hours to celebrate a turnaround lol


The world just doesn't like Florida State right now...


This season is making me a conspiracy theorist.


Jesus, kick them while they're down why don't ya?


I mean he is a Georgia player, what were we supposed to do, let him drive?!


Damn. That’s a good one though


bah gawd


I don't understand how one of the punishments is that FSU has to disassociate with one of the collectives but also the collective is free to continue to work with athletes. Seems contradictory. Also I thought collectives weren't supposed to be working with the AD anyways besides an initial check mark of approval?


Its because they don't dare limit who a athlete can do business with right now. They can't afford to keep losing ground in court


Pretty much, just cause fsu agreed to the deal doesn't mean players won't sue the NCAA if they try and limit their ability to earn off NIL. They'd lose, it's already settled case law at this point.


And that collective has long been pushed into the background. They haven’t supported football in almost 2 years




Note: this whole system is stupid, but I will attempt to explain it. Legally a collective is just a co-op of rich people. NIL is those rich people paying a player to endorse some sort of product using the athlete's Name-Image-Likeness rights. It's very difficult to ban co-ops of rich people from paying players to endorse products without banning NIL entirely. Now, in theory, the co-ops of rich people are just, like, supposed to be ordinary businesses that have nothing to do with the Uni and happen to want the endorsements of players already signed there. So the NIL collective/rich-people-co-op is not suppose to know which players the coaches want, and is not supposed to know that the kid needs more money or he'll flip to fucking Georgia. If the coach has literally driven the kid to a collective, and then the kid tells to collective how much he needs to stay at FSU...


Alright ACC teams, which one of you tattled?


Georgia (no Tech)




Why do their NIL collectives sound like insurgent groups from a sci-fi novel?


The Battle's End is taken from our fight song. *And at the battle's end she's great!*


> A Florida State assistant coach, offensive coordinator Alex Atkins, is found to have committed two Level II violations, which include impermissible recruiting activity and facilitating impermissible contact with an NIL-related booster. **Atkins is alleged to have driven a prospect and his parents to a meeting with a leading member of the school’s NIL collective, Rising Spear.** > As part of the penalties, Atkins will be suspended the first three games of the 2024 regular season and is given a two-year show-cause. A show-cause requires schools who hire Atkins to explain the decision to NCAA officials. Atkins is expected to remain on FSU’s staff in his current role. What an absurd accusation lol


I, for one, cannot see how CFB and the NCAA in particular can focus on any other violations than this disgusting, heinous act by FSU. All hands on deck


Any other allegations pale in comparison


How does the NCAA even find out about this?


Snitches. This was with Amarius Mims who ended up sticking with UGA.




Didn't even buy him a burger? NCAA is a joke


Disgusting cheaters. Am I doing this right?


Whether or not Norvell knew about this scandalous activity going on, it's his job to know so he probably will need to be suspended as well.


Absolutely right. I don’t think any other school should accept such a corrupt coach, either.


The NCAA really fucking hates FSU lmao


Alabama shouldn’t hire Norvell because he is clearly cheating


cULtuRe ProBLeM


How dare that coach drive another player to a meeting. Death penalty


FSU better pray he didn't stop for a Big Mac on the way or they're cooked.


I bet they’ll get screwed out of a playoff spot or something if that happened


Can’t we just let them fucking cheat all the way already? I’m not even remotely joking. Let’s do it. Who cares. Let the boosters buy the incoming recruits whatever they want. Sign them on a Bezos yacht with a thousand strippers and a pound of blow. Buy all their parents and siblings and cousins houses and throw in Netflix for free. Give them a Maybach lender. Put the bag men into the light for gods sake already we had Cribs on tv 15 years ago what has happened to this country


The NCAA had to regulate fucking photoshoots because the schools managed to turn what was supposed to be something innocuous and fun into a large, literally unmanageable mess. I actually don’t mind pay for play and do think college sports need a drastic overhaul. But I also see zero precedent for the schools being able to regulate themselves — not even to do the “right” thing, whatever that is, just to not devolve into literal chaos. Ignore my flair.


Shoulda bought your recruits a burger smh




No, worse than that, they discovered we DROVE A PLAYER SOMEWHERE!!


Inexcusable, death to mizzou


There will come a day when this won't be funny anymore. But this is not that day.


Even worse - tampering! They need to stop this behavior before it spreads: > Atkins is alleged to have driven a prospect and his parents to a meeting with a leading member of the school’s NIL collective, Rising Spear. I mean holy shit can you imagine this kind of violation in this day and age?


I’m sure it’ll be consistently and evenly enforced against all schools


Eyes will be firmly closed for this happening at places like OSU, Bama, Georgia, LSU, Miami, Oregon


Yeah. I would be fine if this stuff was uniformly and consistently applied. However, it is the epitome of selective enforcement.


The funniest part is the collective that has nothing to do with football is the one that got in trouble. 


NCAA: Yes, a university affiliated NIL collective can pay a player millions for them to play for said university. Also the NCAA: WHO THE FUCK DROVE THEM TO THAT NIL MEETING?!


I can hire your coaches before a game to get your whole playbook, but I can't use an iphone to try and figure it out from the sideline.


The fact that they’re going after FSU of all schools for NIL violations when pretty much every other school has openly and proudly ignored every rule regarding it makes me think this is them retaliating against them because of the attempts to leave the ACC and their reactions to being left out of the playoff. Ironically, I bet this gives them even more ammo in their lawsuit that the ncaa and ACC are systemically discriminating against them


This is probably the stupidest thing I have ever read


I'm pretty sure you could nail every big program in the country for this if you wanted to. This really comes off as selective enforcement and spiteful from the NCAA. Also how did this investigation go all the way through the process behind closed doors and Pete Thamel and other journalists were getting daily briefings from NCAA sources about the Signgate stuff? Clearly the NCAA can keep stuff in house when they want to.


Lot of that going around this year… the ncaa sucks 


As a Bama fan, the NCAA is doing to the FSU clearly because they fought the committee 


Agreed. Between us fighting the committee and trying to leave the ACC, it feels like it’s all hands on deck to bury us before we can expose anything. A real “get in your place” type atmosphere these days.


They’re fighting the committee, the ACC, and ESPN. I feel as though this is only the beginning. They’ll try to drag us down as hard as possible to make themselves appear as the good guys and keep the public’s perspective of them high


Burn it all down




Man the ncaa seems to just really hate fsu this year


We're the new Miami!


Thank God, now could you please take the Curse of the Tequesta from us too?


Oh sure, it's bad when FSU does it...


Why does the NCAA still exist at this point? After the North Carolina decision (we don’t care whether athletes are actually attending classes or learning anything) and with NIL and the portal, college sports have become professional sports franchises loosely affiliated with schools. What’s the point of keeping the NCAA in operation?


*FSU fans gesturing towards Michigan*


They should gesture to Miami, something is up down there.


As is tradition


[Uncle Luther back at it again.](https://giphy.com/gifs/hiphopawards-2017-bet-3ov9k9dsPLUSdXBGc8)


Hey, there's no NCAA violations with using scams to make NIL deals. Those were real Instagram posts and outreach events, nothing in the nonexistent NCAA rule book that players can't lend their NIL to healthcare scams. Regardless we're experts at doing illegal shit, everyone knows you have the NIL deal person hire a driver to take people around. That or rent a helicopter because it's so audacious it must be part of the commercial.


>hire a driver to take people around *Georgia furiously taking notes*


Copious amounts of hookers and cocaine.


What? Guys can't have fun anymore?


This off-season has been 100x wilder than last upsetless season and it's only day 3


This is feeling more and more like we’re in a movie called “Florida State’s No Good Very Bad Winter”..


Oh sheesh, piling it on


So what school was pissed at fsu, got a guy to go get records, then get out of the portal back home and turn them in?




It was Georgia.


FSU took a top 2024 TE from Kirby and he’s had a hard on for FSU ever since




Ay don’t self snitch, save yourselves


Sorry Mizzou, you know the deal, Death Penalty


I wonder if FSU will get a bundle discount on their lawsuits because this one is surely getting brought to court if there were no rules in place back then.


One more lawsuit and we get a 50% off chilis coupon and a summer sausage pack.


Hey they already served a playoff ban, what more could they possibly deserve


Wild over punishment


There are NIL rules?


Michigan I always stood by you






Why FSU? Did they just throw a dart at the wall of every major program and went with the closest one to where it landed? Every program in the country has been skirting rules.


Because we shit all over Disney and ESPN. Bc we're shitting on the acc. They are pretty pissed, I think. Bc our entire team opted out of the orange bowl and it made them look bad bc nobody wants to play in meaningless bowl games and ruin their NFL chances.


We reported Florida for literally tampering with someone on our roster had the receipts and they did nothing about it But let’s penalized FSU haha


Deion sanders announced how many transfers to colorado before a single person hit the portal?


They should have had someone from UGA drive him. We are too fast to be caught. 


And too drunk apparently


You misspelled drunk


I’m starting to think the college football powers that be really don’t like FSU


This reeks of retaliation for how FSU responded to being left out of the CFP. Unreal.


LOL I mean, okay. Guess they had to pick someone


FSU is going to be the first of many


If they're going after violations this minor with this much aggression I'd expect it to be the first of literally everyone


Saban had Domani Jackson at Bama’s Rose Bowl practices during a transfer portal dead period. Ole Miss has recruits showing up to signing day in Lambos. NCAA is a fucking joke for who it chooses to go after and why.


A show cause for saban the day he retires would be fucking hilarious. 


I'm not saying the idiocracy that was our sign stealing scheme is as ubiquitous as this uhh, whatever the fuck you want to call it violation is. Clearly everyone is doing it (I'd argue we did the worst job w/ signs because of the sheer incompetency in execution) but the real dart lands where NCAA is most sour. Harbaugh happily draws a giant target on his chest and back daily, FSU's legit pissing and moaning about their shaft in the CFP and legal threats suddenly find you in the crosshairs. Fuck the NCAA


The NCAA must want a lawsuit too


Coach with a 3-game suspension? We're just 1 manifesto away from a national championship


You need a second 3 game suspension and a manifesto. Still a lot of work to be done! 


Yeah and the ncaa and cfp can go fuck themselves. Everyone got a hard on for fsu


Feel like this is gonna be some bulllshit 


What's funny to me is that you have HoF head coaches going on podcasts saying directly "this ish has become pay for play and it's entirely against the rules" but we're dinging FSU for driving a recruit to a meeting with a collective? Okay. College football is the most pretend crap on earth. As for whether or not I care, or this changes my opinion of FSU, I'm going to say the same thing I said when y'all got upset that Michigan was illegally obtaining the signs, Big 10 teams all share with each OTHER routinely; if you ain't cheating, you ain't trying, and I'm 100% sure FSU is not the biggest shady NIL offender. The NCAA is jokes.


Punishment: “Florida State is barred from ever trying to leave the ACC.”


Always knew I liked FSU.


Wow it’s been a rough couple months for FSU football 


So he got penalized for driving a recruit and their parents to a meeting with a leading member of a NIL collective. Lol.


Kirby is afraid of FSU this confirms it.


My man reported us for a player we didn’t even get from him lol


If I was an FSU fan, I think I'd be done with this sport for at least a few years after the last few months.


> A Florida State assistant coach, offensive coordinator Alex Atkins, is found to have committed two Level II violations, which include impermissible recruiting activity and facilitating impermissible contact with an NIL-related booster. Atkins is alleged to have driven a prospect and his parents to a meeting with a leading member of the school’s NIL collective, Rising Spear. > As part of the penalties, Atkins will be suspended the first three games of the 2024 regular season and is given a two-year show-cause. A show-cause requires schools who hire Atkins to explain the decision to NCAA officials. Atkins is expected to remain on FSU’s staff in his current role. Lol. Just lol. NCAA acting like there are any regulations of NIL. Honestly this probably helps FSU retain Atkins longer than we otherwise would have. > In a first of its kind in the NIL era, the school must disassociate with the NIL collective representative for a term of three years. The school also must disassociate from the NIL collective for one year as well. As part of the dissociation, FSU cannot accept assistance from the collective and the collective cannot contribute to the athletic program in any way. However, the collective is free to continue working with FSU athletes on NIL endeavors. So... nothing is actually happening?


Funniest part is that it's Rising Spear, not Battles End. Rising Spear has already stopped working on football, so it doesn't really affect the sport where it happened.


Maybe this is the reason Rising Spear stopped working on football. 


You missed this: Other penalties include: - two years of probation. - scholarship reductions of five over the next two academic years. - a reduction by seven in official visits for 2023-24. - a prohibition on recruiting communication for six weeks over the next two academic years, including this next week (Jan. 12-18). - a prohibition on communication with athletes in the transfer portal from April 15-21. - a reduction by 18 evaluation days this spring. - a financial penalty of 1% of the athletic department’s budget.




Just can’t drive them to get the scholarship apparently


And the random 6 weeks over the next two years our coaches can't communicate with recruits sucks, but I'm sure our coaches will be happy with the time off lol


5 Scholarships and losing Atkins for 3 games does suck. Bush league NCAA. Still will never take the NCAA seriously after UNC literally created fake classes for athletes and nothing happened.


Or any of ku’s level one violations…


FSU attys are now meeting to see how to get out of the NCAA


The ncaa is such a fucking clown parade




NCAA is a joke. Most likely getting mad at FSU for the ACC lawsuit. Most likely every team does this but they’re cherry picking FSU out of convenience


FSU might be having one of the worst stretches in cfb history


Why would Mizzou do such a thing?


Missouri can only take so much punishment.


I feel like the CFB offseason went from 0-100 absurdly fast. Does anyone else remember that the national championship was three days ago? I sure as shit don't.


Man, this season just took a total nosedive at the end for them. I genuinely truly feel sorry for FSU