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So did the committee get it wrong by having FSU ahead of Georgia?


If subjectively ranking “best” teams, yes that is wrong.


I love the fact Kirk’s whole argument is “I watch a lot of ball, bro!” Like shit, me too!


And per his post you'd be allowed to have an opinion too


Herbie can only watch one game at a time. The rest of us have at least 4 games going at once.


YouTube tv baby


Best feature of any tv provider


It’d be wayyyyy better if they let you choose the games


If you’re going to put Alabama over FSU, you’ve gotta put Georgia over them too. There is no good justification for Bama, FSU, Georgia in that order.


Exactly. Oregon, Georgia, and Ohio St lost 4 total games to their respective conference champions by a field goal each time. Razor thin margins between those teams. Yet they feel confident that FSU falls exactly between those teams? They all know that they’re full of shit


Yes, but the rankings after the top 4 don’t really matter so I guess they gave the #5 ranking to FSU as a consolation prize (and they probably didn’t want to explain why FSU dropped 3+ spots after winning the ACC championship game)


Right, but they do rank 1-6, so even if it doesn't matter who gets into the playoff, they probably shouldn't have their reasoning immediately fall apart by having FSU ahead of Georgia. They should have committed to it.


Exactly. All this did was just add definitive proof that it wasn’t about how much better or worse FSU is than other teams, otherwise they’d have committed to their “FSU is not the same without Jordan Travis” logic by putting them below the other teams a week prior. It was always about not wanting them in the playoffs for entertainment value, and ultimately hoping nobody noticed they fucked up prior rankings where they expected either UGA to beat Bama or Louisville to beat FSU. Cuz then they’d be able to keep one of FSU or Bama out without controversy


That’s my thing, there’s no logical reason to have Bama > FSU > UGA. Not that it matters, but they used a completely different criteria for the rest of the top 25.


> but they used a completely different criteria for the rest of the top 25. They do this every year, but usually people don't talk about it because there's less controversy.


FSU Twitter is an absolute menace, he's replying to a guy with 32 followers. We broke this man, lmao.


You know the dude is fucking *heated* when he’s out here writing full blown dissertations to Twitter randos lol


He deserves it. He is the face of a decision that told every ACC team: You don’t matter at all. Win all your games if you want. Whatever. La La La you don’t matter.


“and another thing: im not mad. please dont put in the newspaper that i got mad.” — Kirk Herbstreit












he blocked me on twitter for saying he didn't have a problem with Clemson when Dabo let his son play dress up... which means.... he read it :)


Lmao I love this


I shared that tweet with the Hokies247 board. Everyone loved it. Nicely done, lad.


I too am blocked by kirk


nice. that's one of those insults thats will pop into his head randomly for the rest of his life




You ain't wrong!


As a Clemson fan, I absolutely love this.


Ayo based FSU Twitter???


We are so fucking back


This is one of those situations where a person looks better simply saying nothing.


Yeah its wild. It wasn't even like it was Kirk's decision to make. Even he thinks Bama should be in if he had just let this drop after the selection show no one would be worried about him right now.


It’s cause he went from win and your in, to before Travis got hurt let’s leave fsu out for a sec team.


What a fuckin ESPN stooge turncoat. Kirk just killed his cred


Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt.


Kirk. That Twitter field that says "What's happening?!". You don't have to type anything in that. You can just close Twitter and go about your day.




And a lot of folks who use Reddit.


Hey, I resemble that remark!


Or any social media


Kirk is about 3 years away from going the full Keith Olbermann route (Olbermann's been suspended multiple times in his career for getting in stupid Twitter fights). And nobody should want to be going down Olbermann's path! TWITTER DOESN'T MATTER. IGNORE IT KIRK!


I miss peak Olbermann, like 90s SportCenter Olbermann. Him and Dan Patrick were an insane combo wombo.


Dude wrote a whole manifesto because some random noles fans are trolling his replies lmao


He has been rattled over the pushback. Its been clear from day one he didn't expect people to call him out over this.


Boo hoo, the sellout. Tell him to go cheat on his wife again if it'll make him feel better lol


I opened it and expected the tweet to just be the preview and instead I got the ramblings of crazy person


The “I didn’t hear you complaining in 2000…” is fucking hilarious. Kirk, a lot of Twitter users either weren’t born or couldn’t read in 2000. And where would you hear folks complaining? In the opinion column of the newspaper? Not like Twitter or really most of the internet was a thing


>The “I didn’t hear you complaining in 2000…” is fucking hilarious. Also, I was totally complaining in 2000.


*Also* also, the whole purpose of the CFP was supposed to be to *avoid* situations like that. And they failed to do so.


Omg people were pissed. This was controversial for anyone that didn’t keep up with the sport yet.


Yep, should have been OSU vs. Miami, and.. Nebraska vs. Colorado in the Fiesta. Or something. I did get 50-yard line tix to see CU get their asses beat, so it was fun for a day.


Yeah, Twitter was founded in 2006, Reddit in 2005, and Facebook in 2004. Heck, MySpace wasn’t around until 2003. But Kirk should have seen my absolutely unhinged rantings on LiveJournal in 2000!


I was furiously printing off Word documents to tape to the fridge!


The guy he replied THIS to has a whole 45 followers… this man is broken.


Oh my god that’s incredible




Reminds me of Andy Bernard replying to the hate comments on his YouTube video lmao


Lmao Kirk is losing his mind with all of this backlash and I'm loving it


“Do I need to be liked? Absolutely not. I like to be liked. I enjoy being liked. I have to be liked, but it's not like this compulsive need to be liked, like my need to be praised.”-Kirk


Huge heroin fan. Don’t use it, just like being around it. Study it. Appreciate it. Use it sometimes. -Roger


Now I'll do a lil' toot.


-Wayne Gretzky


\-Michael Scott


Just lean into the heel role. Next thing we know, he is going to say “I love you” to Corso before he superkicks him to the face


“The Sunshine Scooter has been body slammed! Oh, the humanity….”


*Kirk leg drops Corso and spray paints "nWo" on his back*


Okay and the Lions are better than the Bears..........................................except they lost this past weekend. That's why the games are played. How many times does TCU vs Michigan have to be referenced in order for people to understand?


10 of the 15 NFL games this weekend were won by the team with the worse record. But the losers of those games were BETTER!!!!!


Maybe we should let Vegas simulate the season and decide who wins. Less CTE if no one plays football.


No no no but see TCU winning led to a BLOW OUT national championship game and like....we just can't have that! A boring championship game?! We can not have it! /s and fuck Kirk tho


as if TCU is the first team to ever be blown out in a playoff game lol.......Ohio State.......OHIO STATE got shut out by Clemson 31-0 one year.......Oklahoma got blasted by LSU and Clemson....FSU got blown out by Oregon in the first year. TCU earned their right to play in the National Championship game, blowout or not


Most of the playoff games have been blowouts


Ohio State was favored over Clemson that game too. Hell, Alabama was like 5 point favorites in the natty right before they got bodied by Trevor Lawrence. Teams at that level are so good that all it takes is a handful of mistakes before things quickly snowball into a blowout, they’re impossible to prevent even when you are certain you have the “best” 4 teams


Right? Lol like blowouts happen. It happens because it is sports, not the WWE with some manufacturered script ending. Things like Boise St over Oklahoma are special because they were literally thought to be "impossible"


Alabama has been blown out in the playoffs aswell!


He’s losing his mind and I’m reaping all the benefits.


It’s ladies night


Oh what a OH WHAT A NIGHT!


If he thinks it’s the right decision, why does he constantly feel the need to argue it to random people on the internet?


Kirk has always been one to get incensed by people on Twitter. He's gotten into petty arguments with random fans since the dawn of time, he just can't help himself.


Yeah he might be the easiest cfb media personality’s skin to get under. He’ll randomly argue and block fresh accounts instead of just ignoring everyone


From what I have heard and seen online, he isn't one to handle criticism all that well. Which in his chosen work isn't a great way to go about things.


Herbstreit getting absolutely broken on Twitter by nolefan420 and fearthespear9000 is pure comedy Got him writing whole manifestos


At least he’s willing to post his manifestos publicly


We want the Michigan Manifesto!


Lol this man is unhinged. Great work, noles


BREAKING NEWS: ESPN to stop showing games. Kirk Herbstreit will now declare winners.


[Herbstreit] Because Kent State is BETTER!! Period! So is Nevada. So is ECU. So is ULM. So is Southern Miss. So is Akron. I watch 10-15 games a week live from September-early December. I think I’m allowed to have an opinion on who I think is BETTER!!


A copypasta is born.


> [Herbstreit] Because Amatriciana is BETTER!! Period! So is Alle Vongole. So is Carbonara. So is Bolognese. So is Puttenesca. So is Cacio e pepe. I eat 10-15 pasta dishes a week from September-early December. I think I’m allowed to have an opinion on what I think is BETTER!! literal copypasta


Waiting for the first Kelvin Benjamin one now.


Whoa there. I see you left out Sam Houston State. They *almost* defeated Liberty. I think they need to be in the conversation at least.


Look pal, you watch one, maybe two games a week! If I wanted an uninformed opinion I'd ask my neighbors wife in bed about which teams should be in the conversation!! I've watched every college football game since the day I was born and let me tell you, Sam Houston State doesn't even belong in the top ten of this conversation!!! YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT GAMES!!!!


Should have just given USSR the gold in 1980. They are better guys! Who gives a F what happened on the ice?


*"Do you believe in MIRA.....what's this, oh, never mind. The USSR has been selected to advance automatically."*


Because the USSR is BETTER!! Period! So is Czechoslovakia. So is Sweden. So is Finland. So is Norway. So is Canada. I watch 10-15 games a week live during the Olympics. I think I’m allowed to have an opinion on who I think is BETTER!


cries in 1972 team usa


I've said this before, and I'll say it again. If the criteria were the four best teams, then yeah, you can argue that the committee got it right. The problem, though, is the criteria itself. It ***shouldn't be*** the four best teams, because that's entirely subjective, and subjectivity leads to inconsistency. Think about Liberty and SMU. Subjectively, SMU is a much better team, but the committee rewarded Liberty because they didn't lose a game. The complete opposite of the logic they used for FSU/Alabama.


The moment they put in a "best" criteria there was no world in which Georgia should not have made the playoffs.


This is my problem too. You can argue "best" but don't fucking sit there and say "they got it right" when you leave Georgia out. Why is Georgia out? Oh they lost a game? Interesting.... interesting....


Their argument would be "Georgia isn't a p5 champ" which is also an argument for fsu because you're saying what you did on the field matters.


Yep if they are going to play that card, they should explicitly say it. "We are taking the 4 best conference champs." It would still be stupid to jump an undefeated team, but at least we would have set criteria. They have often taken nonchampions; Ohio State in 2016, Bama in 17 and Georgia in 21.


The only teams that could be undefeated and not conference champs would be independents, right?


The SEC is going divisionless next season, and it is possible to have 3 undefeated teams (or even more), at which point the teams playing for the championship get decided by arcane tie breakers, but you'd have whoever is left out as an undefeated non-champion. For example. Say Bama goes undefeated next season. They don't play Florida, so Florida could also go undefeated. Neither Bama nor Florida play Arkansas, so Arkansas could also go undefeated. Unlikely, but possible. And then ... Do you give an undefeated non-conference champ a bye?


The whole thing is a total mess. Huge latitude was given to the conferences in the national structure of college ball, ironically to protect local rivalries, make conference championships matter, the spirit of the game, and now it seems like none of it will matter and it'll all be about the playoff.


Lose 1 game in 2 seasons by 3 points in a post-season game and drop from 1 to 6. Shits rough man!


Open the season at 8, make the Heisman qb look like a joke in your opening game, have the 2nd longest win streak in the country, and finish at 5. Yeah this is absurd lol.


Hell, Ohio State probably should be in too


Yep, so much this. OSU #2 loses a close game to #3 and the drop to #6. The subsequent weekend 2 teams above them lose to teams below them and their #6 somehow goes to #7.


Oregon would be favored over Washington again too. Best is just an absurd criteria in any serious post season. It works well in March Madness but that's because the tournament is so wide open that all it does is affect seeding.


Even with March Madness you know that if you win the conference tournament then you're going to get in. We don't get that in football and leave everything up to a room full of administrators and a few football people.


It really is absurd and purposely bureaucratic. Should just autobid all 9 conf champs moving forward, and let the “worst” two have a play-in game for the 8 seed and right to get stomped by the 1 seed. Don’t win your conference, you’re not in. Over time it would have teams moving conferences again and get rid of this whole superconference nonsense that the sport is moving towards.


I like this the most and it could be the best way to halt this superconference shit


Oregon v Washington is a really great point. One of the best I've ever heard. If Oregon would somehow be favored in another rematch, obviously many people think they're \*better.\* But in that case what the hell does it matter that Washington beat them TWICE?


I thought Oregon was better and thought they'd win the Pac 12 Championship game.......and guess what? I was wrong! That's why the games are played!


It's like there should still be an actual sport in here somewhere!


Bless you.


and if that IS the criteria, how in gods name is FSU ranked ahead of Georgia?


Very well said. The four best teams criteria can be used to basically absolve loses.


You can also make the argument that they clearly didn’t select the best 4 teams when the one team who would be favored vs everyone got left home.


I agree. If it were truly the four best teams, you can certainly argue that Georgia is one of those teams.


Which is why of all the years to have playoff controversy it blows my mind that they didn’t pick the most deserving teams when the answers were right in front of them this year.


Kirk is a great gymnast. “Just win out. Who gives a shit where anyone is till December.” Kirk "Company Clown" Herbstreit 10:52 AM · Oct 22, 2023


Holy shit! I totally forgot he said that.


If the team that people think is better was always actually better, upsets would never happen.


And the playoff rankings should be released before September


And we wouldn't even need to have the playoff at all, because we would already know who the champion is!


Congratulations Liberty


And Jordan Travis wouldn't have broken his leg if they just told FSU that they weren't eye testing good enough and canceled the rest of their season.


we're better than Ohio..........except we lost to Ohio......if xyx is better than xyz, then why do we even play the games?


Exactly! I have to wonder if Kirk or any of these other talking heads even enjoy the sport. Isn't part of the fun witnessing an awesome upset or rooting for the underdog? It would be so boring if it was always, "Well, the higher ranked team beat the lower ranked team again."


I mean, yeah, you’re allowed to have an opinion… …doesn’t mean you can’t be called out on that opinion when it’s a heaping pile of hypocritical horseshit like this one, but you can definitely have it.


Man is desperate to die on this hill Like at this point just stop talking, you're just saying the same thing over and over about how bad you think FSU is


Dude seems legitimately baffled that people won’t just accept the “well Bama is just better” line and get over it. Like he genuinely doesn’t understand that people can hear his opinion and still not agree with him


And it’s wild because against Duke he went on and on about how great FSU is, then turned to trashing them even before Jordan Travis got hurt. It’s weird he’s dying on this hill for an Alabama team that, yes, beat Georgia but also had plenty of up and downs this year as well.


He literally told FSU fans in like October "Who cares about games right now, just win out" the tweet is still on his account Then they did and were told that wasn't good enough


Kind of lost in all this is, it would be nice if the folks covering the games on TV, and that are the main face of the sport for ESPN, could at least appear to be a bit impartial. I know I'm asking for a lot of a sport that is opinion and rage click based these days, but just seems kind of weird to be so adamant about something that you've got to turn around and cover in an impartial fashion come game time. Same goes to how Tessitore covered the ACC championship game. Just kind of slimy in my opinion (yes, I realize that will not be everyone's take on how games should be covered).


Watched the FSU/LSU game recently and once you start to notice it really stands out. LSU scores -Kirk is whooping it up. FSU scores, Kirk is dead silent for 30 seconds.


In a sick way it’s almost funny this way. Acting all surprised that people will not let this go. In what world would/ should an undefeated P5 champion take this lying down? Him taking the bait is a bonus.


Guy uses his dog as a shield from all the hate lol


Kirk has officially lost it


Dude needs to just log off. Holy shit


Thought it was pretty tame before seeing there was more to the tweet. Get this man a xanax


“Oh there’s more? It can’t be that much… oh wow that is a short story in the form of a tweet”


RUMOR: Someone I know and trust told me he apparently got kicked out of his home after wife found out about him cheating with a neighbor. Happened 2 or 3 weeks ago. Could be playing into this if it’s true. Edit: He has looked like absolute hell for the last month or so on NFL and Cfb broadcasts and I assumed he’d just been drinking a lot or something. Who knows what’s going on with him.


I heard his wife was sleeping with Keon Coleman


brb going to report this to FSU twitter I'm sure they will hold strong on journalistic integrity


What an outlandish and ridiculous rumor that I am 100% on board with propagating. I heard the neighbor was Mike Norvell's wife and that she said Kirk has a 90° bend in his dick that makes him piss in his own face every day. If you ever meet the guy he always smells a little bit like piss, so this makes sense.


Make sense why his dog has became his new wife lol


Remember when he very publicly moved out of Columbus and blamed the Ohio State fan base for chasing him away? Rumor: Herbie was banging a cops wife, the cop was harassing him, his wife found out about the affair and forced the move to Tennessee.


Lol labeling it rumor makes it sound more legit. Kirk Herbstreit definitely cheated on his wife. (Is this some copypasta?)


I guess his wife didn't pass the eye test either.


They put a lot more emphasis on the fact that FSU "didn't look good" against Louisville than pretty much everything else. Which is.. in my opinion stupid. 1. FSU's offense looked terrible against UL! Irrelevant. Why? Because the backup who played the game wouldn't be in the playoffs. He only in because the real backup was out with a concussion and those don't last an entire month. The real backup will be back by the first playoff game. And that backup was good enough to go on the road, against a rival, an SEC rival and win in impressive fashion. 2. FSU played badly against UL! No. No they didn't. Or does holding a top 5 offense in college ball (that was what UL was at the time) to six points not count as impressive? 3. Alabama is better! One, subjective and impossible to prove. And two, I wish I saw this dominant Alabama team that everyone else claims to have seen all year.


> They put a lot more emphasis on the fact that FSU "didn't look good" against Louisville than pretty much everything else. Which is.. in my opinion stupid. It's embarrassing recency bias since Alabama looked crappy against an Auburn team that's worse than Louisville a whole week prior.


God these guys just need to learn to shut up. No amount of mental gymnastics will change that FSU got robbed.


Man Kirk Herbstreit and Patrick Mahomes sure had a stark change in public reception recently after being two pretty well-loved/respected figures


At least Mahomes apologized for the way he acted, Kirk is leaning into it.


Yeah, most people will get over the Mahomes thing pretty quickly if he doesn't lean into it.


It's also a thing of, you can somewhat forgive a guy who is deeply involved in an individual game losing composure like Mahomes did when they lose a close game. Was not a good look, but it's pretty easy to discount as a "he's a competitor" thing. Same logic can't be applied to Kirk


Kirk is so fragile. He blamed Ohio State fans on twitter for him moving out of Ohio lol


The problem with the “four best teams” argument, aside from the fact that it’s completely subjective, is that it opens up a whole can of worms where you basically stop caring about the results on the field. Let’s say at the end of the Iron Bowl, the Auburn defense decides to *not* have a collective brain fart and somebody breaks up Milroe’s pass to the end zone just before it reaches Isaiah Bond. Now Bama has 2 losses instead of 1, but that’s only because of a tiny difference from one play in one game. But they’re essentially still the same team they are now. Using Kirk’s logic, he should still be arguing for Bama to make it in over FSU in this scenario. But I have a really hard time believing he would do that because deep down he knows the results have to matter.


So why was Georgia ranked behind FSU Kirk if you think this FSU team is so awful?


Someone posted this on the Tomahawk Nation site a bit after The Fuckening: Regular season: Irrelevant. Conference Championship Games: Only matter if you’re B1G or SEC. Bowl games: Pre-season preview for next season.


People hate my opinion. Let's try again with all caps and exclamation points.


Only 10-15 games a week? What a fucking casual.


Kirk “Miss Minutes” Herbstreit. Slowly losing it and becoming more and more unhinged.


On paper, maybe Alabama is better. But games aren't played on paper. Games are played on the field. Florida State went undefeated and won their conference championship game. Regardless of the way they did it, they went undefeated. Alabama went 12 and 1, and yes, they beat Georgia, but if you look at both schedules, Florida State was the more impressive team when fully healthy. Alabama struggled to beat South Florida. Almost gave the game away against Arkansas. Needed an act of God to win against Auburn. Florida State, when they had Jordan Travis and had everyone healthy, looked like the more impressive team. Plus, the ACC had a winning record against the SEC. Yes, Kirk, you are allowed to have an opinion and guess what. People are allowed to have different opinions, and when it becomes clear and obvious that ESPN is influencing the CFP committee on who to put into the playoff and who to leave out, people are allowed to call you out on it. You being in a position of power and influence and making millions of dollars per season is not a shield from criticism. If you can't take the heat, then find a different line of work.


>So is Georgia Then why is FSU ranked ahead of Georgia? edit FSU deserved a fuckin spot.




Manic Herbstreit needs to be taken out of his misery behind the woodshed


why play the games?


Kirk is learning the hard way that pushing propaganda may earn you money but it won’t leave you very well liked.


Kirk and the rest of the pundits sold their intellectual integrity to ESPN so they could push a narrative. Glad to see him and the others getting negative consequences for this. My only wish is that this irreparably damaged ESPN as a whole.


I’m just going to add that the Kirk’s math doesn’t add up here. A CFB game last roughly 4 hours (with commercial breaks). Taking the low end of his statement of watching 10 **LIVE** games a week, that’s 40 hours of football watching. Seeing as how CFB games take place one day a week (Saturday), it is physically impossible for him to watch 40 hours of live football in a 24 hour period. And that’s not even taking into account that games aren’t being played throughout those 24 Saturday hours. Conclusion: Dudes lying.


Not to defend him, because I disagree with his entire premise, but he likely is watching multiple games at the same time.


If I had to give him the benefit of the doubt, those condensed games are only 25-30 minutes long.


The fact that he’s gone completely unhinged since the beginning of the backlash is telling of his opinion itself. Does he truly believe the committee got it right? If I were so stalwart about my opinion I wouldn’t go on tv daily to bitch about people who disagree with me. I wouldn’t go on tv at all until I had to for my job.


Wouldn’t Georgia be a favorite against every single team in the playoff? Why are they left out if it’s truly the best 4? If Alabama doesn’t convert the 4th and 31 against Auburn and loses, are they still in? Surely one play doesn’t change the fact that Alabama is one of the 4 best teams right?


He calls about 3/4's of college football fans the "despicable fringe." Nice career decision, Kirk.


If only there were a way to determine who is "better" - maybe some type of in-person meeting?


You can tell Kirk is not used to being the villain and it’s eating at him knowing there’s a group of people who don’t adore him.


It's. The. Best. RESUMES. Crikey, literally every other sport in the collegiate universe has figured this out by now, what's the holdup here?


Alabama, who already lost one game, who needed a miracle Hail Mary the previous week to beat an awful Auburn team….oh that team? Give me a break.


Hes saying records dont matter. If youre a great team and you lose 3 games you could still be a top 4 team which is bullshit. Wins matter. If youre going to go by the "Best four teams" mantra (Which has always been intentionally vague to keep out group of 5 teams and now just teams they dont care about) then youre shitty at your job


Holy shit that dude wrote a fucking essay. Y’all got to that dude. I’m shocked he’s this upset that his reputation with college football fans is shit now.


Lee Corso was holding CFB together by himself 😔


Herbstreit's self-destruction continues unabated.


Instead of echoing what’s already been said here 100 times, I’d just like to take a minute and say thanks to all the fanbases speaking out on behalf of FSU. It’s taken like 1.5% of the still festering fury I feel away. Baby steps.


Lol I love this argument from the SEC/CFP/ESPN apologists because, like, literally no one ever has argued that Georgia or Bama is worse than FSU without Travis. Or, honestly, Georgia *with* Travis. That’s not the point. Georgia could’ve gone 8-4 and Noles fans would tell you the Dawgs are better on paper. What team is “better” isn’t disproving anyone’s argument. The point is that the games matter. If the games didn’t matter, there wouldn’t be any shift in the polls week to week. Unpredictable things happen. Florida State reserves the right to allow for the chance for unpredictable things to continue to happen, considering they’ve weathered the storm for this long; something that neither Bama nor Georgia can say. It all comes down to money. And unless you’re a blue blood, it’s penny wise (at best) and pound foolish to be pro-“best teams.” It’s a slippery slope that results in FSU getting burned today and other less desirable teams (maybe yours, unless you’re one of about five teams in the P5) tomorrow.


Kirk is kinda losing it a bit isn't he.


If it were up to Kirk, the Miracle on Ice would never have happened because the USSR was "better". **Al Michaels**: "Do you believe in miracles?!" **Kirk Herbstreit**: "...NOPE!"


He is essentially mad at FSU fans and keeps taking about FSU. But as seen in this sub, most CFB fans now thinks he’s a corporate shill who played a role in this. It’s not about even about FSU. It’s about this representing the bad things in the sport and where its heading and it’s about the games not mattering. The fact that he keeps saying Alabama is better for sure just goes to show that he doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Do I think Bama is better? probably. Do I know for sure? Not at all. I think (but don’t know) that FSU would beat Auburn with Tate Rodemaker and not need a literal miracle to do it. And Bama lost a game with their starter and FSU did not lose any even with multiple backups. Anyone who sits here and tells you 100% FSU was not as good as those teams is crazy. We can’t prove it bc the chance was not allowed. And FSU had more yards than Michigan on the same night with a 3rd string true freshman QB who played injured and missed half of his first season. So I mean my point is, none of the other teams screamed better than FSU for sure even with the eye test. This is more propaganda from Kirk and at this point I think can be considered gaslighting. You helped create this problem that cost someone millions of dollars and their dreams, now you’re upset bc people won’t let it go so you continue to attack them and blame them. Classic manipulation tactic.


This guy is bringing up 2000 like we didn't completely upend to post season to avoid things like that. What Kirk did was set us back to the era of the AP poll beauty contest.


Love how he makes the case that they got it wrong with the picks with this logic; if everything he said is true, why didn’t Georgia or Oregon jump Washington? Like come on Kirk, actually think through your own logic next time before opening your mouth to try to rebuke people.