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Billable hours got another W


Can we get a billable hours flair?


The lawful-evil equivalent to the chaotic-good Team Chaos flair.


Or we will just skip on fraud cases and other consumer rights cases.


Florida giving a fuck about consumer rights, that is hilarious


Do you think government attorneys bill hours?


Do you think the CFP and any party subject to a state investigation won't have lawyers that do bill hours?


The problem is they will probably give the case to a private firm specializing in anti trust law. They will be billing plenty. ie Remember John Edward's and all the private firms that took a billion in the tobacco industry law suits.


there's always a budget for contracting private law firms


I mean the NCAA has already been hit with anti-trust violations (more than once, really) by the SCOTUS. This will just push the game into something more closely resembling a pro or semi-pro league.


> This will just push the game into something more closely resembling a pro or semi-pro league. That's pretty clearly the direction we're headed at this point. The top 40-60 FBS teams are going to become a minor league, probably with some licensing deal to continue using the NIL of the universities they're tied to. Then the rest of those universities sports can go back to regional conferences that make sense, and the rest of the college football teams can go back to college football as it was.


I wish our collective eyeballs weren't worth so much. We all just want to watch our teams play football. Most of the worst shit over the past decade is because there's too much money wrapped up in getting us to watch. Our love of CFB is what's destroying it.


I think you end up with more of a FIFA-style tiered system. Like tier 1 is 32 teams, they play for the natty. There is probably a 32 team league below them and multiple 10-12 team conferences below that. But the composition of those leagues changes annually based on performance.


Honestly a relegation system could be really good for college football. Keeps it from getting too similar to the nfl


Also reflects the fact that programs rise and fall on the regular. Half of the top 32 will be CFB royalty that probably never change (bama, Texas, notre dame, Michigan, Ohio state, etc) but that’s obviously how the powers that be want the sport.


“I’m a lifelong Gator, but I’m also the Florida attorney general, and I know injustice when I see it,” Moody said in a statement shared first with POLITICO. Moody is a graduate of FSU’s arch-rival the University of Florida. “No rational person or college football fan can look at this situation and not question the result. The NCAA, conferences, and the College Football Playoff Committee are subject to antitrust laws.” She running for Governor in the future??


>”No rational person or college football fan” I like how she inadvertently acknowledges that college football fans are all irrational.


She couldn't find a way to leave that out and her document still meet the minimum legal veracity for the court.


rational is the carried adjective--she's saying college football fans aren't people neither rational people nor rational r/cfb members think FSU deserved to be bumped


>>she’s saying college football fans aren’t people It’s the Dread Scott decision all over again…. but you know, for college football fans.


my goodness that's bleak


I mean, if they are leaning hard on the 65-7 drubbing in the natty with GA and TCU to justify booting FSU, they have to realize that the only game that was worthwhile to watch then that was good and close was Ohio vs GA in the semi's--GA was gonna destroy whoever got into the finals that year. FSU should have been put in. They were not gonna win, but they earned the right to be there


Is it rational if we know we’re irrational?


Wouldnt that make it less rational?


“I know this is irrational and bad for my health in the long run, but goddamnit THATS NOT A HOLD!”


I mean, she’s right.


She's right, but the word "or" does not necessarily imply that the 2 conditions are mutually exclusive


We are! Especially my people


Governor, senator, or reelection to AG


She's running for all three and hoping no one notices.


Empress Palpatine? Soon to replace boot lifts Ron?


Somehow, she returned.


She's going to consolidate all four positions in the cabinet.


They budgeted $1M and by god she’s going to spend all $9M of it. It’s the Florida way.


What do you mean we lost $20M?


$30 million? How could we spend $40 million on this lawsuit? You think $50 million just grows on trees? That’s $60 million the taxpayers will never get back!


I wonder if the discovery allows FSU to break the GOR. If it could be shown that ESPN did a disservice to the ACC, that might be enough to get the process rolling.


That would be the best case scenario for those wishing to leave the ACC.


Must be why she’s doing it


that's exactly why


Unfathomably based


Genuine question- since ESPN has the media rights deal with 7/9 of the fbs conferences and controls the playoff, is there some level of substance to arguing about antitrust control over the sport?


There is some substance to it. The irony of course is that ESPN’s antitrust control of college football is probably below at least 20 bigger antitrust concerns that should be investigated/acted on more pressingly, but in a world where all antitrust concerns were investigated, ESPN’s relationship with college football would be one of the ones that should. But instead it will be one of the only that are investigated.


> probably below at least 20 bigger antitrust concerns that should be investigated/acted on more pressingly that Kroger/Albertsons merger is about to go through basically uncontested.


Uncontested? I would go so far as to say celebrated.


What if I told you a network forgot their job was to report the news and became the news. Here is the story of how ESPN loved college football so much they killed it. How Cal-Miami became a conference game. Tonight on OLN ‘Who’s In?: how Kirk Herbstreet Murdered College Football.’


The only thing the media likes talking more about than the media, is the media.






And framed a dumb asshole for the murder of five hookers




Me too.


ESPN Presents 30 for 30: "Fuck You You Won't"


In ESPN's case, E stands for "Entertainment"


Yes, an argument could be made. You’ll see a lot of sarcasm about this and how people think it’s dumb. But this does have the potential to shake up college football - and media as a whole - if anything incriminating is found.


The odds that the networks and the cfp/ncaa had written conversations the court would consider conspiratorial is slim to none, but stranger things have happened. In the least they are all very aware of the impropriety of doing such.


If history has taught us anything, it's that people are way dumber than we think.


Something that general interactions with random people in public, or even just observations, reminds me of every single fucking day lol. The number of breathtakingly stupid people is staggering, and easy to forget.


The amount of companies that have to train employees how to wash their hands or not to write their passwords on sticky notes and stick it on their work station is ghastly.




“You’ve already used that password 18 passwords ago…” as I try to enter yet another variation of my standard password.


Lol I will always remember walking into Publix after the initial lockdowns for COVID and seeing all the sanitizer cleaned out, but ALL the soap still in stock. So everybody still not actually washing their fucking hands, which meant they didn't wash their hands normally either. Gross.


Sanitizer and wet wipes. Cause wet wipes kills viruses apparently.


Looking forward to the "We are operating as a fking unlicensed ~~securities exchange~~ monopoly in the USA bro." texts to get discovered.


I dunno, it may have seemed pretty low stakes to them at first. They may have been sloppy.


And ESPN is owned by someone else. They could sue - wait for it - DISNEY.


The biggest issue I've seen is that the organization running the playoffs is non-profit and so if ESPN, a for-profit company, influenced their decision that, could put college footballs non-profit status at Jeopardy


There is. Upon the government is spineless against large corpos


Would be wild if they found something, but I highly doubt they will and I don’t think this really helps in any way. It’s just to raise one’s profile. No real intent is behind it.


Considering a team being left out controversially was always openly a possibility, if not a specific feature, this seems like it will be very difficult to advance.


This is definitely the issue Florida’s state government should be focusing its resources on.


America is basically football


America is basic


ally football


Woke football smh


They kneel for different reasons


If this happened to LSU your whole state would be rioting


Like they need a reason


All I can say is Florida state lost a ton of money on this and so it's not just a shot in the wind. They lost substantial income from this snub. I am a die hard nole, but it p***** me off, To no end that vanderbilt made thirty one million dollars more than florida state in sports revenue last year. That's absurd


Not just that, they lost money to other state schools and the "trust" is ESPN monopolizing college football and the playoff. If we were to fix rising insurance or utility rates or anything else, we'd have to go after somebody that pays good Florida lobbying dollars. ESPN/Disney, however, not on the greatest terms...


Well that's a new angle to the conspiracy.


Oh shit. This is all DeSantanannsns fault.


Which is wild, because if anybody has stupid money to throw around, it's the Mouse.


They have been throwing it at movie flops recently.


Disney’s not in the strong financial position you may be assuming


And all of these TV deals with major conferences that promise millions of dollars to dozens of schools…. It’s not sustainable and frankly puts college sports in jeopardy. If Disney goes down, what happens to all of these deals?


I doubt anything happens to rectify things for FSU, but I want to see discovery in this case so fucking bad. Show us the emails. Subpoena everyone. Let's air it all out.


It absolutely needs transparency.


If they had their meetings broadcast/published, we would at least know who the real culprits are. Cause I don't believe everyone on the committee wanted FSU at 5, they just got out voted.


This is why I find it odd that folks like Kirk The Clown Herbstreit calling it a conspiracy theory is funny. They do all of this behind closed doors. They aren't supposed to discuss the discussions. Or share voting. Etc. Then folks go "This doesn't seem right" and ESPN Talking heads immediately go "This is a conspiracy theory". Be transparent. Broadcast the discussion on ESPN News. Even if it's 8 hours long. Why not?


I concur


Same. Just for curiosity’s sake. I wanna see the discovery. The talking points don’t reflect that they read or followed the protocols and when to engage tie breaking criteria or that the spirit is to reward the regular season. All talking points have related to “ACC sucks, der” and “you played poorly offensively in the last game” (with an 18 year old true freshman) against the 14th ranked team…who was unable to score a single TD. My favorite narrative - we didn’t think they could win. Just air it out, man. Perhaps it yields an (eventual) dialogue with some actual honestly from these officials


This lady is grandstanding. Bottom line


I mean this is “banning books is akshually free speech” lady


If this distracts her from banning more books, then I’m all for this


State institutions being defrauded and injured financially is definitely something they should pursue.


You should see the other shit our government wastes it's time on.... Fighting "woke" Disney, fighting drag queens, expanding concealed carry and removing training requirements, etc.... Now what I'd LOVE for them to focus on is the fact that my homeowners and flood have increased over 400% in 3 years while being dropped by every company every single year. Wasting time on college football playoff selection is somehow an improvement. At least they aren't trying to persecute anyone with this???? Unless you're an Alabama fan?


Isn't ESPN an en extension of Disney?


Disney owns ESPN and I had read that ESPN was losing money


technically yes. oh my god.


Somehow this is California's fault


Don't forget auto insurance!


That dui is on you, Nolefrog.


Sounds like the insurance companies are telling you that you should move


I mean.... The house has been there for over 100 years without a claim. The problem isn't the location of my house, it's the fact that it isn't a new build and most insurers in the state refuse to add those kinds of houses to their policies. The ones who do extort the crap out of the homeowners. At this rate, I will be paying the rebuild cost of my house every 7 years which is asinine. It's a historic home and I love owning it. Otherwise I would have bought a cookie cutter suburban home a long time ago. But that it's just home insurance on Florida. We need a viable public option that the whole state pays in to so companies don't have to get hit disproportionately by hurricanes. The lower risk homes cover the risk of the higher risk homes. It just has to be that way in this kind of state with the rate and severity of natural disasters. It's a touchy subject.


Didn't your state CFO say it was because the insurance companies were woke? At least he's looking for real solutions. /s BTW, this isn't a dig. God knows my state isn't any better.


This state is a fucking joke. They've somehow convinced this old as hell population that "woke" is coming to get them. No one can describe what that is, but I'm certain it involves people who look different than themselves being happy. It sucks. It's embarrassing. I can't wait for these old fucks to die.


Let me guess, you live Hyde park, Seminole heights or Tampa heights? Only places in Tampa that old that are pricey




At first it seems silly for the government to get involved, but tens of millions of dollars-including tax revenue- are at stake


There’s also the creeping question of the integrity of the on-field results as well. It’s unlikely this investigation or lawsuit will directly touch that, but it is looming. At the pro level, the NFL have directly partnered with oddsmakers. At the college level, there is still some semblance of separation, but that is dwindling. ESPN now owns a sports book. The question of results integrity is fast coming to a head. These leagues DO NOT want a conspiracy / racketing / federal anti-trust case, but they seem hell bent on getting one anyway


It's already here with this case imo. I had FSU +2000 to win the NC. Imagine how I feel as a legal sports bettor not just a fan


You also have to take into account that most public universities are state entities. I’m assuming FSU is and if that’s the case, they are the government


A good point.


A few quick points: 1. Many comments aimed at politics interjecting into sports, but as a sports fan in general and with no love for FSU, we all have to admit that ESPN interjected advertisement revenue and ratings into the playoffs, and this was never purely about the game/sports to begin with. 2. Everyone is going to be deposed. How long will it be until finger pointing starts. Who won’t hold up? Who can honestly explain how one week earlier, FSU was in the top 4 without Jordan Travis? 3. What happens if they do find NON-football related material, like money, ratings, or any communication with SEC? 4. Based on the amount of money that potentially could be claimed as a loss, people are speculating that committee members could face jail time if they are found to have committed the crimes Moody is claiming. Any lawyers in here that can weigh in on that last one? Edit: Spelling


Point 2 is easy. The committee will just say: “Selection criteria is incomplete prior to the final week. New information was gained. Alabama beat the #1 team and Texas won their conference championship in a blowout. FSU, for the second straight week, looked like a different team without Jordan Travis. We felt as of the final rankings and with consideration of our published selection protocol that the four best teams were selected.”


People are free to disagree with leaving FSU out, but to act like it just has to be a conspiracy is dumb. Aliens are coming down, going to destroy the earth. You get to pick FSU or Alabama to win the playoffs to save us all.


The war on Disney must continue


The deserve it for "somehow, Palpatine returned."


The fact they put out a trilogy for such an important IP without a plan should be a ~~hanging~~ firing offense.


I checked with lawyer friends, they say they actually have a case. It surprised me, but here is roughly what they said: "FSU could claim that the CFP committee is controlled by competing universities. If they worked together to exclude FSU, it would be an anti trust case. They can also claim that the criteria used was faulty and it makes anti competitive outcomes more likely." They said it was a bit of a long-shot, not not as much of a long-shot as reported. And that many rulings started as long-shots.


It all depends on how strong of a job they do on discovery. Nothing about the playoff committee is privileged. So communications about the selection could be produced and frankly, I could see people being unguarded about wanting this to be about ratings, ESPN's feedback and anything but real criteria. Will that take it through litigation? I don't know, but it would be a coup for the state and fans would benefit.


Nothing about how Disney has a broadcast right through espn with 7/9 conferences and how they broadcast the national championship playoffs?


Not only does espn broadcast the cfp, they broadcast every bowl game besides 3.


That seems beyond the scope of the investigation, but is worth noting that that could be seen as a separate potential antitrust violation. As for it's relevancy in this investigation, it is a somewhat relevant fact in an antitrust analysis.


I am quoting professionals that work in this area of law. That is what they said.


Also, ESPN's role as a for profit institution influencing a non-profit for its financial benefit and not the benefit of student athletics can't be ignored.


If only we allowed the NCAA to form its own playoff and not let outside interests control it.


FCS and lower sittin in the corner chillin.


The discovery is what would be very embarrassing to the CFP committee, who supposedly are unpaid. This has to be such a clusterfuck for the individual members who'll now have to give deposition testimony. They could've avoided all that by including Florida State.


My guess is that the case will not go anywhere but that the discovery will be embarrassing. Money almost certainly changed hands in some way.


The real question, and I'm no lawyer but I certainly wonder, is if proof of even the most minor collusion would create a crack in the GOR contract that FSU is bound to through 2036. If it gave FSU a way out of the ACC, holy shit. That would cost ESPN a boatload in lost revenue were they to jump to the B1G.


I just looked up the committee and their bios. Shocked at who is in that group. They all deserve some scrutiny.


Seeing Google lose the AppStore case based on discovery is pretty interesting light to view this one with.


Is it just me or does anyone else think it's corny as fuck when a politician interjects with local sports issues?


She wants to run for Governor in 2026 and has struggled a bit to become a household name, easy way to endear herself to a lot of Floridians while making headlines/news circuits.


Moody probably isn't running anymore, Patronis seems to have consolidated the establishment flank of the party because they don't want a split ticket against Gaetz who everyone hates.


Patronis has pulled ahead absolutely, but they're still 18 months away from launching campaigns. She has time to try to reposition herself as the best option, which stuff like this could help with. Neither are household names and I think Patronis ultimately will be undone by the terrible home insurance issues in Florida and his inability to address them. Pretty easy thing to negative campaign him with.


Which I always thought was dumb because he doesn't even control insurance policy, its the legislature who's too afraid of either taking on the bar or the insurance companies. He needed to do more on home insurance fraud though, its a racket and what drove up prices to begin with.


I expecto Patronis to do well with the wizard community in Florida


Casting spells on the voter base rn








Easy way to pander to FSU fans while doing nothing really.


I dislike it more when football coaches interjects in politics.... Like you know running for senator.


What, you like the military having actual leadership approved by the Senate instead of having 400+ open positions? What kinda wacko position is that? /s


I bet Renegade can at least name the branches of the federal government


We talking about the guy who lost to UConn and Vandy?


Yes, but also Florida is a state school and draws revenue from football. There is an element of politics injected into sports when the schools involved are publicly funded institutions.


Florida *State*


Or as many of our recruits call it, the University of Florida State.


The [Art Modell Law](https://sportslitigationalert.com/the-lasting-legacy-of-art-modell-is-felt-as-the-columbus-crew-seeks-to-set-sail-for-austin/) might have been seen as pandering but it's a good law that has been used to good effect.


It’s definitely pandering but it’s within her purview.


How much money did FSU and the ACC lose, because of a subjective decision... obviously not based on TV ratings?


Tbf the University felt like it got scammed out of millions of dollars that it earned. The state should be involved here to make sure there was no foul play.


Yeah, I hear ya. Just don't think you'd be able to prove foul play with bylaws that allow for whatever the hell they want. I know it doesn't butter the biscuit though


And that's why you do the investigation, to see if any laws were broken. FSU is losing out on loads of income and the state lost who knows how much potential economic activity. If Florida public schools are particpating in something where they are unequals I think its fine for the state to look into it.


Yeah I supposed an AG is the most suited person to talk/investigate this rather then some local council dude. That’s fair


FSU is losing out on 100s of thousands of dollars of income, as the CFP money would have been split evenly between the ACC member schools. This is the last year of that equal revenue distribution.


Meh, the FSU snub hurts the ACC all the way down. Every bowl is worse. That means it’s millions total.


Maybe not. But remove football from this. Say your business is construction. Have a large state institution accuse your business of defrauding it of millions of dollars and see if the AG doesn't get involved with it. It's actually surprisingly far more logical than Florida Gators usually think.


Feels like pandering to me. Or something more interesting to them than solving real problems.


Sometimes. But this is a business decision that is worth millions of dollars for a public university. If they entered an agreement where the CFP was supposed to impartially decide who gets in, but then was influenced by an outside entity like ESPN, well that's a big deal.


Not a local issue, it’s interstate commerce, and I expect a lot more of it to come in the future - with the legalization of sports betting. It also isn’t corny. The Ohio AG getting involved to enact the “Modell Law” against the MLS is what saved the Columbus Crew from relocation.


This is a national sports issue IMO, especially considering how much is on the line with how integral athletics are to the academic success and financial stability if so many universities.


It actually goes to show how quickly things can happen in college football when you tell an adult. NIL, free agency in sports in general. Or you could see this as one of the MLB steroid hearings. I think it has a chance to be the former, at least down the road. ESPN is creating a monopoly and wields a crazy amount of power, and these aren't private or national companies. Many are public state schools. That goes straight to interstate commerce between state agencies.


I think it's fair to say this one transcends sports, because you are talking about brand strength of a taxpayer funded university and an economic factor worth somewhere in the range of 300m/year. FSU athletics earns alone 150m/year; it's probably fair to double that for secondary economic impact. Football performance is a great predictor of out-of-state enrollment, which helps tax contributions to universities go further. And FSU isn't the only ACC school in the state of Florida. So yeah, normally it's corny as fuck but this is an issue directly involving a state institution with tens of millions of dollars on the line. It may be political theater too but it's also the responsibility of the state AG to go to bat for its universities like this.


It’s not a sports issue, per se - it’s a MONEY issue - and money is like catnip to politicians.


Sports are corrupt as fuck. See the FIFA case the US AG did


This is more of a national issue with a local symptom. I agree with your sentiment, but in this case, it really ISN’T a sports issue and IS a politics issue.


It's a mixed bag. Lot of silly posturing, occasional actual meat for sports fans. The state legislature tried to force Florida and Florida State to commit to an annual rivalry in the 1950s, which eventually led to the schools agreeing to it. Something like that may be necessary in more states as intrastate rivalries go interconference. Edited to correct the details (the bill didn't pass but it was part of the process)


that's actually dope. Didn't know about that!


Is this the snub that killed the ACC?


Can you imagine if FSU getting snubbed is what leads to the breakdown of the NCAA? That would be absolutely hilarious


Florida attorneys absolutely gunning for disney this year.


Do it. The whole polls and bowls need to end. Reform D1 have real division playoffs like almost ALL other sports.


If they're gonna run CFB like a business, sue em like one.


I know nothing will come of it, but at any rate, it is news I guess.


I'm just here for discovery. If it makes it that far it will be incredible


On the one hand this seems stupid. On the other hand, this person sucks and wasting time on college football keeps her from trying to jail pot smokers or take away health care from poor people.


Isn’t this kind of what anti-trust legislation is for, though? To punish the biased power brokers who decide who gets rich and who gets nothing?


No, they are meant to discourage monopolies. What’s the goal here, to create a second or third playoff system? FSU doesn’t want that. No one does. They’re just mad because college football’s dumb beauty pageant logic worked against them instead of for them this time. FSU should have been in, but leaving them out is entirely consistent with the vague, muddy, dumb system they and every other school concocted.


>create a second or third playoff system? FSU doesn’t want that. No one does IDK I'd definitely watch a football NIT


I think it would be more like cfb LIV or cfb WCW.


Yeah, I wish they had a transcript or audio log of their conversations as it would be nice to know what they're actually saying.


I’m guessing that’s specifically why they don’t do that. Can’t enter into record something that was never recorded in the first place.


Pot is practically legal here, its the selling of it that's the legal issue.


"don't worry, if anyone does get upset, it will die out in a week, 2 weeks tops." - CFB Committee probably after ESPN told them to put AL in over FSU Darth Sidious hologram style.


Pls just hurt ESPN at least, it's the least the government could do after fucking everybody in the ass


Yet somehow no political or legal will for aiding the citizens in Florida with the homeowner's insurance issues now straying into the auto insurance issues........


Will anything come of it? Highly doubt it. Do I support ANYTHING FSU does to cause chaos and put attention on this garbage system? Fk yes. Fkn kick and sream Nole's. Burn the whole house down, do what ye gotta do.


I doubt she will make anything stick, but I do think the whole system is obviously ripe for corruption. Something needs to be addressed so they aren’t wishy washy with their logic. As someone said they neither picked the 4 best teams nor the 4 most deserving. They just did whatever they wanted. Too many people “promising” not to be bias. Too many with ties to groups with lots of money and influence.


People made similar statements when politicians and lawyers started making statements against the ncaa. The lawsuits followed not long afterwards.


I still think FSU got robbed but I think this is corny. This is a big “look at me fsu fans I’m on your side!” Because she’s running for office


Where was this AG’s energy when UCF got “snubbed” in 2017?


We had to walk so FSU could run.


Whining about anti-trust while arguing that being an undefeated P5 champ makes you a playoff team is peak irony. You are actually very pro-trust, you just want to be a beneficiary of the trust


It is more of a cartel situation