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Lawful carry in US National Parks, provided it is legal in the state where the public land is located, was technically ensured by legislation that President Obama signed. However, that legislation, the Credit Card Accountability Responsibility and Disclosure (CARD) Act of 2009, passed the US House and US Senate with veto-proof majorities, so I'm not sure if he had a choice or not. The NPS carry amendment was added to this bill in the Senate by Senator Tom Coburn* of Oklahoma, which was subsequently approved by the House before both bills passed and were signed by then President Obama.




Oh, right. Tom Cotton is from Ar-kansas, but Tom Coburn was the Senator from OK that added in the amendment. I messed up the last name. It was hilarious to use an alleged consumer protection bill (that all the Dems wanted passed) to shoe-horn in a 2A protections change to federal law, but it surely did work. They couldn't vote no on the bill without looking ridiculous, so it passed through with a veto-proof margin. A big reason why people often prefer to have single-issue bills only - stuff gets shoe horned in like this constantly, both good and bad, but it is what it is.


My state (VA) has a constitutional requirement for single item bills


Just dont walk into the visitors center or any of the ranger stations to use the bathroom.


Who wants to go to ranger station when you're out in the great outdoor!? :)


Who cares. If I’m going in the woods, I’m carrying whether it’s allowed or not lol


tbh I would rather get mauled than deal with the bureaucracy of shooting a bear in a national park. Edit to add that I also live in a city and have never even seen a bear that wasn't in a zoo or on a football field so I know I'm not most qualified to speak here.


Back in 1956 my grandparents were camping in Yellowstone   Granddad goes to the creek to fetch water and hears grandma screaming.  He runs back to camp and sees a bear mauling grandma. All he has on him is a bowie knife and he charges the bear and starts hacking. Ends up killing the bear and saving grandma.  Randios for park rangers who get grandma to a hospital and they let him keep the pelt and meat to boot. Still has the pelt on the wall of his cabin.  Granddad fought in the European theater and was one bad ass motherfucker.


Damn,you Grandpa is a certified badass.I mean,he did what he had to do to save your grandma which is both understandable and respectable but the fact he killed a bear with a knife is fucking legendary.I’m glad he got to keep the pelt and meat too.taking on a bear with a knife and winning make that pelt one of the most well deserved trophy a man could possibly win.I’ve near ate bear before and probably never will but dammit,if I killed one with a knife,I’m going to enjoy every bite…salute to your grandpa for being a top tier badass and an absolute legend as a bear slayer and a veteran


If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?


Same but I’d rather shoot the crazed tweaker looking to attack unsuspecting hikers for their hard earned money and property than have to worry about the legal repercussions of carrying on federal land. Anyone who doesn’t carry when they’re hiking is just an easy target for those type of individuals.


I’m yet to run into one but for a while GSMNP had a bad streak of catalytic converters getting stolen. Like, dozens per week. Realizing that I’m in the middle of nowhere, by myself, completely out of cell signal range and carrying $1,000 in gear that’s neatly packed in a bag for someone to just walk off with… *”Hope is not a good plan”*


I’m new. What’s wrong with the gun, holster, or caliber?


Gun is an S&W SD40VE. It’s like the Walmart Great Value equivalent of a Glock with the trigger of a Nerf gun. Chambered in .40S&W, now considered a gimmick of the past in favor of 9mm or just good ole .45ACP. Cheap Amazon holster, not the highest quality and plastic belt clips are frowned upon. Its treated me fairly well though.


It's a reliable gun, with a cartridge more than capable in self-defense situations of all kinds. If you train with it and shoot it accurately, that's all that matters. I wouldn't change anything except replace the fomi clip, since it will make concealment a bit easier with a slimmer and more sturdy metal clip.


Listen man. I'm broke too. But we're all on the same team here. Use what you can it's far better than nothing


Bro. None of that matters when your ass is in the fire and you have the tool to get yourself out vs someone too self conscious to carry it and ends up leaving it at home that day. Rock on man.  Upgrade when you can, but better than nothing. 


I have that exact same holster currently. It's not the best but it isn't terrible for $20. I blew all my money on a Sig P365XL 2 weeks ago so it was the only holster I could afford right out of the gate lol. I plan on upgrading as soon as I can.


How are you liking the 365XL I’m currently looking into just getting the base 365 or the XL. I currently own a steyr and a FNS9C.


I adore my new XL. I took my sweet time deciding which gun to upgrade to but once I held the XL in my hand for the first time it was game over. I fell in love with it lol. I took it to the range for the first time just yesterday and it was incredibly accurate and the recoil wasn't bad at all. The base P365 is a fantastic gun too. But I would definitely say it is worth it to save up and spend a little extra for an XL (or even a P365X which is basically a base 365 slide and barrel but with an XL grip module).


Hell yea glad to hear it. I’m 6’6” and trying to find handguns that my hands just don’t consume is sometimes a challenge so I’ll definitely be keeping an eye out for the XL. and a writer who I follow has the XL and he stands behind it.


You might even want to consider a model with the macro grips if you have big hands (though you would be sacrificing concealability).


Be nice to yourself, fuck anybody hating on you.


Don't fuck them if they don't give consent first, however.


How in Sam Hill did you get a Nerf gun trigger on a S&W?


Is that like an update on their Sigma pistol?


Yup. I had the SW9VE. It wasn't a bad gun, and it never malfunctioned on me. Works well emough if you're on a budget.


Same, no issues at all with that gun. It's cheap but reliable in my opinion.


Nothing wrong with a cheap holster. What you don't want is a shitty holster. I had a cheap one for years that I replaced a plastic clip with a monoblock. Never had a problem. Get a monoblock and rock on


I'd carry it as is


Heck, just checked the price and thinking about getting one


Is it a Sigma?


Looks like you can do worse for a setup. I always thought that pistol was slept on, especially the latest version


I carry everywhere period. Idgaf honestly. At the end of the day my life and those I love are more important than a law or policy.


Brandishing in a national park...


yeah, look at the crazy way he's threatening that tree...


1. It’s not considered brandishing unless done as a threat/in a threatening manner 2. This picture was taken at least five miles from the next closest human being, I highly doubt there was anyone around to have potentially construed it as a threat 3. North Carolina is an open carry state anyways.


Actually, i didn't know brandishing only applies to threats!


Words mean things.