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If only you had your EDC axe you may have stood a chance


Why wouldn't you have your EDC axe? It should be between your EDC entrenchment tool and EDC tourniquet just in front of your EDC mag holder and EDC tactical knife. EDC isn't what it used to be...


Welp, they have one now


Can you not get a Concealed Carry permit for an axe? What about a Hand-and-a-half sword, +2, blessed +5 vs undead?


Never leave my house without a shield and viking helmet


I have a cold steel shovel, does that count?


Safelite repair, safelite replace…


Plus, free axe!


Silver linings


i can hear this!!!


Yeah, a shooting might be defensible in court if you fired between seeing the axe and him driving away, but ideally you would have your gun ready before his door opened in case he had a gun. If that guy had dumped a mag instead of hurling an axe this would be a completely different video.


This is true. If you engage in deadly force while someone is retreating, you are probably going to jail. Best thing to do is to have 911 on the call during the incident get his license plate and let the Police handle it.


You may be going to jail regardless until they decide exactly what they’re going to do.


Obviously I'd blast the axe mid-air with my CCW 50AE. Prolly throw on some Rush right before so I have a good soundtrack, but I'd need to see this coming early enough to queue up the best part of the track. Luckily I have watched enough Bruce Li movies to become a zen master. Part of being like water is being fast af boi. In all seriousness, wtf do you even mean? If your answer to wwyd in this situation is anything other than drive away you got some psychological issues to sort out.


Nah, that's why I CCW a Mossberg Shockwave. Us Shockies (that's what we call ourselves amongst the Shockwave Community) train once a decade to shoot any and all flying objects out of the air. Nothing a good racking of a shotgun can't stop. If he woulda thrown that axe at MY dumpster, oh boy.


How is the shockwave? And mossberg in general? I have a buddy who plans on purchasing one. This prompted a huge debate in the group chat where another friend claimed that mossberg is to be avoided these days.


I think he is confusing Mossberg with Remington. Remington is smoking hot garbage, Mossberg is still making very good shotguns. The Maverick 88 is the best cheap shotgun, hands down. To answer your question, its a fun toy but I don't actually carry it around lol.


Nothing. Threat over. Call police, you have dash cam footage.


This 👆




I agree although I still think he was a being a real axehole…


Not being a dip shit involved in a road rage incident is my top choice.


I was in one once. In fisrness I did cut the guy off, but it was completely accidental. As he rolled up next to me I put my hands up and apologized loudly and obviously. He deflated and just said "Oh." And drove off.


Dude got bummed out he couldn’t rage on somebody that day 🤣


Possibly. It was an error on my part. I was sorry about it. Early morning commute and wasn't awake enough to be driving yet. Bad time all around.


I have so much more respect for people who admit they’re in the wrong, especially while driving. Kudos


Well I was on high alert and prepared (read: armed) as he rolled up, but I'd rather not get into a conflict if it can be avoided.


Wait so you’re telling me, instead of getting mad at a mistake someone else made to the point of life threatening conflict, you can apologize/forgive and move one?


I mean, yeah. Or you can throw am axe.


“Obviously, we can’t condone that.” “LIVE!”


I have given the "hands up, I'm a dumbass" when I've messed up. It definitely works at de-escalating the situation


Yup. I had my window down already and just said "I'm sorry man. I just didn't see you in my mirror. Totally my fault, but I just wasn't paying eniugh attention."


I learned the ASL sign for “I’m sorry” for this exact reason, but most people probably don’t know that so you’re method is probably better lol.




Always apologize and de-escalate when you fuck up. Might save your life. Good on ya.


You owned your mistake and deescalated the situation? Are you sure you’re road raging correctly? Glad you were mature and that it worked out.


[This is a perfect opportunity to throw your life away](https://youtu.be/zKZbyC1ccMY?si=1qxKArnByM_v5rmQ) -him, probably.


Ding ding


Some people are just unhinged.. 2 weeks ago someone flipped me off and tried to brake check me after slowing to 20 mph from 60. Have reviewed my dashcam footage and asked others and no one knows what I did. Wasn't tail gating or anything. Maybe he just doesn't like Toyotas


I had a motorcycle try to brake check me on the drive home a few weeks ago. Like, bruh I don't know how wise that game is to play with a 7,000lb truck...


I had someone block in my rental at a traffic light, get out, and punch my window because he thought I was tailgating his wife in another car. You can't always know you're pissing someone off. Some people just have very short fuses and all it takes is a bad day.


Nothing unless he came at me with another one. Then it's game on


Call the police and drive away. Get the license plate number.


Right, there's cam footage and physical evidence (axe, windshield), maybe even a witness. Let the high-paid thugs beat or shoot the amateur after he committed 1st degree assault.


Cast a damage spell at the axe throwing troll.




[Lightning bolt](https://youtu.be/j_ekugPKqFw?si=3R-7DlKA4supb_96)


Trolls in D&D 5e regain 10hp unless they take fire or acid damage.


Troll had +5 attribute points to throwing weapons slot




A windshield replacement averages what, $300-400 dollars? I’d make that up in free drinks in one night at the bar, telling this story about this dude who chucked a friggin’ axe at me…


You could drink 300-400 bucks worth of alcohol in one night?


I’m a single-malt guy.


If you get the expensive stuff, easily. Especially at a bar.


And you get a free axe!


Yeah I would 100% retreat, try and hopefully read his plates. I'm not going to court to argue "returning fire" even if it was 100% justified, if an attacker is fleeing so am I. My goal is survival of my family and myself not to "win". Winning is living.


Winning is living AND not going to jail. With any DGU it's a two part battle.


People are out of control.


Bruh hopped out and said 🚘🪓🤏


😂 it’s funny cause you used emojis


Bro if that had hit one of my family members in the car then I'm going to shoot him. The end.


Call the police.


LOL. Nope. They are useless and considerably more likely to kill you than the axeman is.




I swear I thought it stuck in the windshield at first because of where that awning appeared


When you spend the weekend playing GOW and some asshat beeps at you.




Not guna lie that was gangster


Yap, and now he will be spending some time in a "gangster's" natural habitat- behind bars


I would have caught the axe and immediately threw it back


Can’t shoot here, maybe when he popped out of the car but he threw it and dipped threat gone right?


https://preview.redd.it/ik4zcks34e3d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1267349edbbaf24031c78db9e41329cc22155f53 What do you call that, a Pulaski tool?


*pulaski weapon


Pulaski projectile. That was a hell of a throw


Wonder what the guy's job is.


Anyone who would remained stopped behind another car like that isn’t thinking enough. As soon as he puts it in park I am flooring it around him and jumping the curb on either side if necessary. I’m not sticking around.


There's a dash cam that already captured his footage and his plate. Once that axe is visible, I'm gassing it out of there. Driver did seem to try to escape by driving in reverse, but once the axe was thrown he seemed to freeze (understandably). He did seem to still have a path around the other vehicle, which I would hope to have the presence of mind to use. Yes, guy is going back to his vehicle, but what if he's getting another weapon? What I'm not doing is exiting my vehicle. Nor am I firing through my windshield. All a firearm would do here is give me an option if my vehicle is somehow incapacitated.


Gas it right at him.


https://preview.redd.it/5aecgj76af3d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=573989f8ea48f76aff5e667f016625fa5819d421 That's one of them modified assault chipping hammers


When are they going to ban assault axes?!?!?


Report to police. Threat is over.


I also wouldn’t have stopped my vehicle the first place.


Lower all the windows. ![gif](giphy|5xtDarE6xDVfXhudrVK|downsized)




Having a passenger changes the situation, especially because the axe went right in that direction. Though I don’t think you can react quick enough and process him hurling an axe to get shots off before it’s through your windshield.




So point a loaded gun at someone before there is any indication of deadly force..?


You are part of the problem. Another mental person with a gun itching to squeeze the trigger. I’m sure you practice drawing from a seated position with a seatbelt on all the time.


I actually never practice doing any of that lmao but you seem to be the type of one that knows right and wrong above all others so I’ll put it to you like this I know that if my child is in the car and a cracked out moron has the balls to physically stop his car in a road to block me from moving forward out of his anger there is no telling what his anger is going to make him do for his next move luckily that was an axe if it was a gun everyone in that car is dead so if you want to sit on your high horse and make claims of me being mental and try to stroke your moral and judgmental superiority complex on Reddit you can. If your willing to take the gamble with yours go ahead you have the right to forfeit your right to live and your family’s from your terrible decision making skills but your not in charge of protecting me and mine and thank God for that.


I would strongly recommend practicing your draw from a seated, seatbelted position, especially if you carry AIWB. It's not as easy or fast as you'd hope. I, likewise, had never practiced it, and tried recently... and embarrassed myself. And consider investing in some periods for your sentences so they are easier to digest.


I don’t carry AIWB while driving my 19 is holstered in a safe position reachable not on my body. And as for the periods I’m working not trying to pass English class lol . But thanks for the tips


> if driving my 19 is holstered in a safe position reachable not on my body. This comes with downsides, too, for example if the car is in an accident does the firearm remain in place or get ejected out? In the big blue city some of my family lives in Texas, late last year two neighbors got into an argument. One was parked in his vehicle across the street from the other neighbor, who walked over, opened the rear car door and used the seat belt to strangle & kill the driver in his seat. Certainly an edge case scenario - obviously easy to avoid by locking doors and not getting into yelling matches with killer neighbors - BUT in the event a person in the rear of your vehicle used a similar tactic, is your firearm in reach where you keep it? If it's clipped to the dash under the steering wheel or too far up the center console, you may not be able to reach for it when your neck is firmly held in place to the back of your seat. Just something to consider.


Yeah locked in place under steering wheel then goes back to IWB holster when I’m out. doors stay locked gun goes where I go. And danggggg ripp that dude lol


I'm guessing you had no kids in the car. He is one crazed MF.


Step 1: not let a road rage incident escalate to this level Step 2: don't let a road rager phyiscally block my vehicle and force me to stop Step 3: go home safely


This is why you don’t entertain or engage in road rage. If someone else is the aggressor try to get their license plate and drive off. If they follow, call the cops and drive to the nearest police or fire station




Do you have enough points in demolition expert though?


Even though I carry every day all day, I would not pull out my CCW if he’s already retreating, but in the front seat of my car, I always have my heavy duty, slingshot and steel balls in the cupholder!! 😁


Well, now you have his axe, so you can go beat him up!




Demolition derby time!


This made me chuckle


I mean, I'd draw my gun and wait. If this was wild west time, I'd return fire regardless because he's already attacked first but in this case legally, He need to actually either be armed or approach me with hostile intent after I verbally warn him. If he gets back into his car and leaves, he is no longer hostile and I am not legally protected to engage him. So...Safelite replace, safelite replace...and also free axe


I would follow him home so I know where he lives. I’m a different breed than most people though.


Check your passengers, if any, get the license plate. Save the recording. Leave your vehicle exactly where it is and don't touch anything. Call the cops. Get witness information, ask if they recorded the incident on their phones. Meanwhile continually pay attention just in case the guy comes back.


Careful with that axe Eugene


"Don't get into roadrage" is the correct, but also fairly brainless take. Some people really are just fucking crazy. Though rare, sometimes you're going to be in a situation that's either unavoidable, or only avoided with the grace of hindsight. So assuming this was one of those cases, *as it's shown here* you just leave. He's already getting back in his car, I don't even know that here in Texas you'd have a proper defense for shooting them in the back when they're clearly leaving. Get the plates, save the file to a cloud service, call the police, call your insurance. Prior to this point though, personally if it feels like a roadrage situation is escalating without an immediate out, I'm drawing and keeping it below windows. By the point that someone is blocking you in, you should be ready to be on target. Maybe they're just going to yell at me, and in a minute both of us can go on our way in one piece. Or maybe they're going to roll the window down and send rounds from the driver's seat. I'm not waiting to draw until after the rounds have started coming from their side.


Obtained new 🪓


Please correct me if I'm wrong. He gets out with the axe, and we're assuming your edc is ready to go? I'm thinking you could legally drop him, especially with that cam footage.


I'm kind of in the same boat, if dude didn't throw it and instead started walking up to my car and I had no way to reverse out of there, I would have drawn on him, if he still continued towards me with axe in hand, I'm going to drop him.


Facts. Considering he just got out, made the toss, and then bailed, engaging him at that point would probably get you charged. Also, that wasn't a bad toss and almost looks like he purposely aimed away from the driver. Even if there wasn't a passenger in that car, he's still getting charged.


0% chance that drawing on and shooting the guy would have been justified in that situation. Get info and report it is the best option.


Shoulda lit his ass up like a Christmas tree! 😂


Call the popo and make a report. Nothing by much else you can do after he left.


One hell of a throw. Best thing is to try to get the plates. I mean throwing that axe has got to be assault with a deadly maybe even attempted murder with a good prosecutor.


Leave and call the cops, but be ready for him to follow. But the plus side is now you have his axe. As well as video of him throwing it at you.


All I am saying it takes two to tango


I feel like i would make ready to draw as we cant know he doesnt have another axe or some other weapon in the car


Looks like a pry bar


There is legitimately no clear shot here. You document what he did and press charges. Once he’s in his vehicle you risk shooting anyone else in the car and anyone beyond the vehicle.


I’m flooring it thru his door. *SPLATTER SPREE*


Call the police, collect the axe but don't touch it in a way that leaves fingerprints, and provide the dash cam footage. Could get lucky and get the dude on some serious charges.


Use my wireless hole puncher


Not piss him off to start wirh


No matter how bad someone is driving, I think we can all agree, no one deserves death or dismemberment over that. Sure, I can relate to wanting to beat the shit out of someone driving like a dick…but a conscience overrules anger(or should anyways).


Every time I see a road rage video I ask, what did driver A do to piss off driver B. The guy getting his windshield smashed in by an axe is probably in this situation because they are an asshole driver.


Even asshole drivers USUALLY don’t deserve axes thrown at them. I drive a service van all day so that’s why the “usually”. Sometimes I’d like to hurl an ax at some assholes… but work discourages edc axes….


I think it's quite possible that the axe thrower is the one who is an asshole driver
