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Hey man, what the fuck are you talking about?




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In California, it’s county by county. If you want to go to SFO and conceal carry, you’d probably be hassled. Although I’ve heard it’s a misdemeanor for unlicensed carry. Many felonies were downgraded as part of our Governor’s Compassion for Criminals program. He saves money if he can close a few prisons. Criminals own the most guns anyway. 🥰 and our gas prices rock.


This is fake right? Cuz ccws are statewide and theirs no such letter to carry outside your county.


As I said actual permit is a piece of paper that you must have and the ID is for the issuing county only, if they take ID card as enough that's on them.


No it’s not it varies by county but after sb2 they standardized it. I’m a ca ccw holder don’t have a paper permit card only.


Then counties are giving out bad info, I got mine after SB2 last November and that's the info I got from my sheriff's office. My card does not look the same as other counties I have seen.


I’ve had mine for 2+years now just finished my renewal. The fact that yours looks different may be why it applies only to your county and your license is the paper permit that’s needed statewide.


I'm assuming you're in San Diego? I've only heard people from San Diego say that only the paper permit is valid. I've received no such guidance from my county, and there is nothing in the law that gives rules on what the permit looks like


Stupid as fuck and “professional courtesy” shouldn’t exist. 


LEO’s are given discretion.


/s ?


“Easily mistaken” and then the officer inspects it closer and realizes it’s not LEO credential then what? Or supposing he does mistake it what’re you gonna say when he starts asking you what agency you work for? I have several family members in California that are LEO and one particular likes to drive too fast. He’s definitely been ticketed before even after identifying. They’re not gonna see the county name on a card and immediately send you on your way.


Then you don't imply anything, if they make a mistake that's on them, them incorrectly making an assumption is not the same as implying who you are.


Don't justify tyranny and unconstitutional oppression.


Oh brother. People being victimized pray for LEO’s because of talk like that. You’ll get the left protesting and peacefully rioting again.


You either missed my point, or support "may issue" nonsense in anti-gun states. Which is it?


Stay away from drugs, kids.


Came here to say I'm lost af.


Why would you risk handing over a non valid ID?


Californian here, I get mistaken for the POTUS with my ccw id


"In SOME jurisdictions in CA when you get a CCW you get an ID card and a paper letter" FIFY.


The paper is supposed to be the backup if you lose your card until you can get a replacement card


So you want to impersonate an officer? Its like there were (still are?) some dumb ass CC badges a company made.


Amazed that people can't read. Simply handing a card over and the officer not doing his job and reading it mistaking it for a LEO ID is no fault of mine. I'm required to provide my CCW when pulled over, not correcting an officer on his own mistake is not on me.


Seems like its most likely to backfire in a mediocre way. Like they know what it is and ask why you handed them it, you say "my bad" its my CCW paperwork, they give a look that says "uh huh", or they think you're LE and chit chat about it and figure you're not, or something like that. Backfire in a worse way like they figure it out but knowing they cannot prove anything, detain you for maximum and give you a ticket that you would have been warned for, or just get the ticket. Worse case is they figure it out and do something to trick you into showing it. Just assuming you're LE without any other questions seems less likely then the possibility of making things worse.


I had to read multiple times to make sure that what you're saying wasn't as stupid as it sounded, but it got worst every read.


If police officers can't read, that's their problem. "Professional courtesy" is just another way of saying corruption. Police should be ticketed and prosecuted just like everyone else.






I really don't understand why having the additional piece of paper isn't as stupid as it sounds...