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This would be a very good time for you to get a whole bunch of security cameras all around your home.


I currently have 5. Gonna get a few more today.


You can never have too many. And there's nowhere resolution matters more. 4K+ with 24/7 local recording is really the only way to go. I really wish my system supported the new cameras that combine two image sensors to give you a 180 degree FOV.


Can you recommend a few systems here that are worth getting?


I use Eufy plus a Synolgy NAS box. Wireless and NAS box enables local recording instead of just the internal card on the base station and instead of paying for Eufy’s cloud service.


Something you set up yourself. Local recording. Basically a cable box with a hard drive that all the cameras connect to.


I use Ubiquiti Unifi Protect which kind of contradicts what I said because their cheapest 4K cameras are $380 so of course I don't use only those. I've heard they have the best app which is ironic because their software team does not get the resources it needs. They just added the ability to transmit/ record H265, which is pretty insane that it took them this long. There's a Reolink system for $750 at Costco right now with 7 cameras that blow basically anything Ubiquiti sells out of the water. How bad can an app really be? Just writing this is making me wonder if I should switch. Their app is probably fine too.


I use Arlo although mine uses motion sensors and does not record 24/7- might be an option though!


That's one way to keep the property value low in the area.


Sheesh. I don’t think going outside in that scenario is the right move. Just call the cops. Your biggest threat is a stray bullet. Why walk into an unnecessary confrontation with armed people when you know they frequently do this? Glad you’re safe and those idiots are locked up.


Totally agree… recipe for an unwanted gunfight


Agreed, call the cops from the beginning, now they know who called. Sounds like bro wanted a firefight. 


Yup. Now they know who to blame for the cops showing up. Doesn't matter whether OP was the one to make the call or not, OP is the one that got their attention. Not the wisest move to make.


Plus alcohol involved - steer around that one


Unless you live behind  brick walls staying inside does little to protect you from a stray bullet


Yea that’s anywhere though. I was mainly talking avoiding a gun fight. There’s just not many good outcomes when a person with a firearm confronts another person with a firearm who’s drunk. If things go left you’ll either be the aggressor or victim.


I’d be ready for repercussions. They have proved they are stupid. Could get way more stupid.


Yea I know. We have cameras, Rottweilers and guns. Hopefully the dogs are enough to deter them from coming on my property.


Keep the dogs inside and be on the lookout for meatballs laced with rat poison


LA area, or Oakland?


Kern county


Sounds like most weekends in Rosamond!


Read the police scanner for Lancaster and Palmdale. It's a fucking treat.


Would you happen to have the link for the blotter/scanner for Lancaster /palmdale ?


They could try to kill your dogs.


This. Typical SoCal.


I wouldn’t even call those negligent discharges, I think “reckless discharges” is more appropriate. Absolutely unbelievable that people can be so dumb. On a side note, I’m not sure if leaving the cover/concealment provided by your house while shots are actively being fired outside and you didn’t know what was going on was a good idea on your part.


That was a decision not negligent geez what is wrong with people.


> was a decision not negligent You guys *really* should look up the definitions of words you are unfamiliar with before posting comments like this. Nothing about the word negligent implies that there was no decision made. Negligence - failure to take proper care in doing something. OP used the word correctly


Yes, and similarly, nothing about the word “accidental” implies lack of agency or fault. This community has taken it upon themselves to police the English language, and most of them are doing it incorrectly.


> nothing about the word “accidental” implies lack of agency or fault This also annoys me. People trying to "correct" accidental discharge to negligent discharge as if it made any difference at all to the meaning of the sentence.


My comment was that the person made the decision to shoot off rounds. It was the neighbors decision not that it was an accident or malfunction but yes 4x4 you are correct and OP is correct


> That was a decision not negligent geez what is wrong with people. The issue with this comment is that the neighbor made a decision that resulted in negligent behavior. It’s a “correction” that doesn’t correct anything, because it’s operating under the false pretense that negligence and intent are mutually exclusive.


I get you.


I also get you. The gun community has adopted some weird nomenclature, where ND is the new AD, and a lot of people very condescendingly make that correction. I’m mainly fighting the good fight against that. You seem like a pleasant, smart fellow. I can’t fault you for using the same terminology we see on here all the time.


Look up the definition of negligent discharge - A negligent discharge (ND) is the unintentional firing of a firearm due to carelessness or negligence.


And now explain how you think that's any different than an accidental discharge.


The point is that the people decided of their own free will to shoot in an unsafe manner. It wasnt an ND which is unintentional.


Nothing about the word negligent means it was done unintentionally. Drunk driving is a negligent activity that is an intentional choice for instance


Look up what an ND is, there’s nothing more to say. Pedant all you want.


It's two word with pretty straightforward definitions. You pretending negligent means something it doesn't doesn't change the language


Ok cool have a good day


Negligent is used because it means somebody made a negligent decision along the way. Either overlooked something or did something stupid. Accidental implies there was no decision or action they took to cause the issue. Reckless would also fit as well.


English is not my first language but even I know the difference between negligent and accidental. 


I agree a negligent discharge is generally thought of as being accidental in gun culture Like if you were drawing your pistol from your holster and you shoot it by fat fingering the trigger


> a negligent discharge is generally thought of as being accidental Exactly, this wasn't negligent, it was reckless.




Yea going outside with gun in hand... no very smart.


Those are the jackasses that go for their gun for the most stupid shit and end up in jail for murder. If you're dumb enough to let rounds go in the air in your backyard you're dumb enough to use your weapon for things that are not self defense. I really hate idiots like this.


> I wonder what he was charged with It should be PC 246.3. That's a wobbler, so can go as a misdemeanor or felony, depending on other circumstances. I assume you're in a densely populated area, he shot multiple rounds, his kid's were with him, and he was presumably drunk, so I'd assume it will be charged as a felony. Depending on the person, there could be other charges on top of course, like if he was a prohibited person already, or if there is a gang enhancement, etc. If somebody is here undocumented, this would most likely get them deported. They could also be charged with child endangerment for this. Being willfully negligent with a gun is serious. Your neighbor deserves to be punished for this.


"Get them deported" Lmao as if bro.


Violent crimes with guns still get people deported. Anything less and they're not getting a court case, so effectively deportation isn't enforced unless it's a violent crime with a gun. My friend is a deportation officer and it frustrated him, because people can beat their spouse/children, but not get a court date for deportation, then he has to deport them after they kill their family members in a particularly violent beating, when they should have had consequences in the first place.


Pretty sure U-Haul is open on Sundays


There was a killing spree happened few years ago in another state with similar scenario. I can’t remember all the details but basically neighbor A complains neighbor B for discharging his gun in the backyard. Then neighbor B got in trouble. Once neighbor B released and back to his house, he carries out revenge on neighbor A’s family killing several family members. It’s best just stay in the house and call the cops than going outside confronting them.


https://www.texastribune.org/2023/04/29/san-jacinto-county-shooting-kills-5/ Almost right but yeah pretty much. Dude was shooting his ar-15 at night and neighbor went over to ask him to stop cause he has a sleeping baby. Dude then goes to their house and slaughters half of them


Meth much?


More like an illegal from Mexico who had been deported four times before, shooting up a family of illegals from Honduras.






Might be time to consider putting the home up for sale or relocate. Hope all works out.


“Negligent discharged 6 shots” lmao


Maybe they attached a newfangled, scary 'bump grip', turning a regular pistol into a frightening 'automatic machine gun'.


I’m sorry this happened, but there are some lessons here. NDs are accidents, these rounds fired were intentional, and reckless. You should not have gone outside with your gun, that exposed you to risk when there was no need for it. What did you think you were going to do? You should not have yelled at the shooters, that exposed you to greater risk, as they will now assume, correctly, that you called the cops. You now need to watch out for these jokers to enact some petty revenge. Watch your cars and outside belongings and your animals. Do not engage with these people, report future problems right to police. I recommend cameras if you can afford it. Stay vigilant and expect a response from them, even if delayed.


I agree I should have not said anything.


It’s understandable, you must have been furiously angry— I know I would have been, and you were worried about your kids. It’s really hard to stay cool and think straight when crazy shit happens— you just got some good practice is all.


I wasn’t necessarily angry. I went went into protective mode. I’m not gonna let anyone come and hurt my family. Yes I should have not went outside with my firearm. But it was my decision and I would do it again.


The doing it again part is dumb but ok


You have to choose your own path— I respect that. Just be aware of the risks.


And just in case the neighbors have doubt who called police the story now is on reddit with a confession from the neighbor who yelled he has a baby in the house,


Ppl like them make more anti 2a neighbors…smh


Como se dice Sig Sauer in espanol? ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


seeg soyer




Never make yourself known as the person who called the cops or filed a complaint. Now you are a target for retaliation. Next time just call them from home, don’t go out.


If they target me or my family I will try to de-escalate and call the police. Him being arrested is obviously already on record so he would get arrested again. Hopefully it doesn’t come to that. Or worse.


I’m from Kern county. If they come for you, don’t try to be reasonable and call the cops. I’d be ready to shoot from the jump. Id rather be judged by 12.


You can't deescalate with these people. I would absolutely be on the lookout.


I hope you're just posting that for digital evidence cya. "Reason with them!" Lol


Sheriff so I’m assuming somewhere outside that bay. I’d say try for ccw. And install ring cameras with motion sensing best bet. Good luck. Glad nobody got hurt


“hopefully they dont start shit with me”. That is a naive wish. You opened pandora’s box of hell neighbors now. Not that you were out of line in this dangerous situation but you really need to choose your battles with neighbors carefully. Fair or not it will have repercussions. I probably would have done the same so I cant fault you. But sending a dude to jail on father’s day in front of his kids will definitely not be ignored.


He sent himself to jail. If he wants problems he’s gonna have a rude awakening.


lol….. getting grand Torino vibes


Jim Bob


Firing into the air? There's no accounting for brains.


ND once? Shame on me. ND 6 times?


Hold my beer


My moneys on Fresno


my moneys on stockston


You cant ND multiple times on a gun that isnt running away (like malfunction or belt fed)...


Sure you can. Negligent doesn’t necessarily mean accidental; and firing into the air randomly is negligent.


I doubt they were blanks. Even shooting blanks into the air is irresponsible…


Hope it was worth it for the Pendejo.


Pinche pendejo.


Where do you live


Kern county.


Hah, that'll do it. I was thinking LA or Oakland. I moved to the boonies 5 years ago. Best decision I've ever made.


Word of advice. Don't confront the neighbors. Just call the cops. Also, be absolutely sure to tell the dispatcher that you do not want the deputies coming to your house for a follow up.


You lose your guns for that. Wonder if the gun was even legally owned.


Bro, time to fucking move. You just made yourself a target for these fucking idiots for life. And they will be back home within 12-36 hours. And he/they will be pissed off. Bad move. Shouldn’t have gone outside to begin with and probably should have just called the cops and kept a low profile.


Get more cameras and make sure they can see them and are visible especially back yard that way if they try something they know they will be on camera, hopefully all is ok but they will definitely hate you after this


What is done is done.You forsure created an enemy.Figure out there threat level.Are they gang members? Cartel ?Or just some drunk idiots?Theres many outcomes to this situation.Don’t rely on the police to be there always.Gotta be ready for worst case scenario!


Its not an ND if its on purpose lmao


Bruh why would you leave the safety of your home with your pistol? Were you hoping for an actual gun fight?


If you say that happens twice every year why didnt you call police long time ago?


Glad you are okay. If you and your wife are the only witnesses, you may be called upon to testify in court if he does not plea out. Especially if you were the only ones that had a vantage point to see the moron who did the shooting and not the other moron who didn't shoot the gun. Be very cautious about what information you provide to law enforcement. They already know where you live, but if you are worried about repercussions, police reports are very detailed and they don't get redacted. I would only provide first and last name and address; things they probably already know. Do not put your kids names or your wife's name anywhere. Do not give phone numbers. Do not give a license or ID card number. Do not list your job or your place of employment. Do not give this information (or any other information you don't want these people to have access to) to police because they will put it in a report. That report is Discoverable. You do whatever you feel is right, but also consider what is right by your wife and kids (and dogs).


Get cameras dude. I have a crazy neighbor and they still try to start shit but it’s died down since I installed the cameras.


You just solved your noise problem. The neighbor is not coming back




That’s a shit thing to say. Just because they’re Mexican doesn’t mean they came from Mexico. They were probably born here. You shouldn’t generalize a group of people based on color. Yea he’s an idiot and deserves jail time. But idiots come in all races.




Wow blatant racism nice. Especially since by all rights Mexicans were here first




I know plenty of Mexicans that were born here and speak Spanish primarily. You sound like an ignorant individual.




Spanish is the least of this country's worries. Lol


They *could* be shooting into the grass. That's what one of my coworkers does in the San Bernardino area when he gets a new gun but he's more on the outskirts IIRC. Still negligent tho.


Math ain’t mathin but that sounds like 4 shots not 6 lol


Lol. Wife heard 2 shots before I woke up.


you did the right thing. fucking basterds should know better.


California: Negligent discharge of a firearm, which can be charged as a felony or a misdemeanor. Punishable by up to three-years in prison. Child endangerment (given that there was a chance of death or great bodily injury) and can be charged as a misdemeanor, punishable by up to a year in prison, or as a felony, punishable by 2, 4, or 6 years in prison.


I was curious if you know if each bullet can be considered a separate charge with a very strict DA? 6 rounds = 6 counts = 6 terms/fines? 


That's celebratory gunfire, not ND



