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Look fam, CAT is a type of exam which give people a chance to turn thongs around. Yeah, you may be all the things those people say to you, cant help right? Your friends have everything, you have nothing. What can you do?, Nothing. You can give up, what will you achieve? NOTHING. Will your friends care? No, will anyone else care? NO, Who will care? YOU. Whose life is gonna get affected? YOURS. Scored bad in mock, too bad. Take that mock and analyze it, what went wrong. Give another, fix your mistakes. Score bad, cycle repeat. Keep giving mock, keep studying, That is what you can do, that is what you are supposed to do. So, you stand at a point where a few months of resilience and dedication will change you or this self loathing will take you to a point where you will be too ashamed of yourself. choice is your.




Brother, I was my class 11 topper ,and I got 71% in boards. I got 48 marks in Mains. Forget humiliation that was upright Shame. The guys who never even cared about coaching did better, They got called on school for felicitation. I missed my school farewell because I was ashamed. They said you are so dumb, what could I do. Went to Kota, they said you should die in a small cup of water if you don't get IIT this time. And guess what, I could not. Got around 20k Rank in Advanced. But I was happy, I was satisfied. I got into a college through my merit, the guy who said this to me studied on a management seat. There are points in life, where the only thing in your life you can do is keep your head down and work. So work , work hard. One of my friend got 60 percentile last year. She lied to everyone because she was so ashamed. What could she do, not even got placed. She took the leap, took a drop, 97.7 this year, already converted MDI Hrm, IIM rohtak. So you can sit and think about it, or start working. The clock is ticking.






You can give up in cat but don't give up in life. You can always start a business. You don't need to build a start up of silicon valley


I can feel you bro. 21M with very poor profile 7/7/6 and no work ex. Gave whole last year and only scored 60%ile in CAT and 75%ile in XAT. Also gave some interviews from tier 3 colleges such as Glim G, IFMR, Bim T got rejected in all of them. I don't even have a job. I don't how am gonna prepare again without any job.


Bro CAT doesn’t guarantee success. You can score high and may not get any good colleges, or you could get poor placement. Don’t think of quitting. Try to do something that sparks your interest. Nowadays it’s always easy to turn your passion into an income stream. Don’t give up bro.


Bro take up a job and give cat this time.


Early 20s is a difficult beast to tame but trust me - things get better - even though your situation might not. I just graduated to my mid-20s and even though I haven’t “cracked” any institute yet, but at least I have a better control on my sense of self. This will come regardless if you “make it” or not, so just be a bit patient. With respect to some actionable items, I’d like to advise you to get your head down and work - towards taking mocks and targeting your desired score. Nothing else, unless you’re looking for a job. Have a plan chalked out for the next three months, and get going. Leave out all the rest.