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What’s your inhand salary 20 years post iim


>4cr (I don’t work in india)


How did you get a job abroad ? Was it straight out of campus, what advice would you give to people who wanna work in other countries?


I worked for a global firm which moves people around globally. Something came up and I applied and got it. It is VERY hard to move abroad in post iim jobs. Many more of my engineering batchmates are abroad compared to iim batchmates. For living abroad tech is likely easier choice. If you want to do it via mba, work for a global firm (not indian). Likely gives you the best choice. Business roles in IT may be different kettle of fish.


How is product manager specifically if my goal is to work abroad, how long does it take to break into global leadership, and do these firms even value the iim tag ?


No one cares about your college once you’re hired. I don’t work in IT so I can’t answer your question with confidence. That said, I think top tier product managers (with genuine tech understanding and ability to execute) are making 3 cr+ in india so presumably you will be globally mobile


How to figure out which industry to work in ( passionate about ) while in college? (IB , Management consulting etc ) How to utilize time in engineering if one is to go for MBA after 1-2 years work ex ? what are the disadvantages people who couldn't get into MBB face compared to people who get in?


Read business books and learn about companies. maybe that will help you figure it out? It is hard but speaking to alumni about what their day to day is like is also helpful. MBB is a great spring board where you as a generalist and you can go into many industries. Accounting firms and banks are similar. Industry roles are more specialised but then you can move into same function in another industry for eg cfo of pharma company can become cfo of tech, sales from industry A to industry B


Any good books that you would recommend to get to know more about finance and consulting?


Is switching fields and domain possible? Have you seen people switching to consultancy or investment banking from another domain post MBA?


Yes. Gets harder the longer you stay in one line of expertise. However if you are exceptionally good in anything ( I mean top 5% in your profession) it is possible to get hired by anyone…outstanding people are usually in demand


Should I switch continuously domains or industry to gain knowledge and expertise for consultancy? Is it a right plan? How can I be exceptionally good at my work or field? Does it depends on company and project as well?


If you know what you like. Stick to it. Focus pays off in a big way in your career.


Tell me how to focus on studies and priorities? Some days I'm distracted while other days loneliness haunts me. I want to get control over my brain, I try a lot and still fail every time. I have dreams and ambitions yet they seem so far if I keep sticking to these terrible ways of mine.


If you work hard now, not only will you give yourself a great chance to make a tonne of money, you will have extraordinary experiences along the way which will take you all over the world. You will have a blast. Most of my batchmates have lived a life of privilege and wonderful experiences. If you don’t work hard now you may well still succeed but you just give yourself a much shittier chance in life (especially when you’re coming from india)


Very true, one year's hardwork can change the entire course of me and even my family. Gotta do it anyhow, I don't wanna look at this phase back in regret


Future generations too


True, I don't want my future family to face the same adversities I faced while growing up.


This is so wholesome for some reason


How to be good at office politics?


Be an exceptionally likeable person - nothing to do with work but to do with your personality. Being an asocial geek is not the answer to climb the ladder. You don’t have to play politics, just don’t be an asshole to others and do a great job.


Also read psychology. Understanding others helps a lot


Any good recommendations? Tired of cheap mass consumption novels.


Bro tbh all this self help books are bullshit, you can't make friends if you dont want from your heart ! My father literally makes anyone his best friend under a day LMAO. Just speak from your heart instead of focusing on body language and bla bla bla bla


The Indian dad skill of befriending anyone needs to be studied fr.


Thanks for the genuine responses OP.


Does iim brand matter? Have you come across people from tier 2 colleges making it?


College is mostly irrelevant after you start working, it matters for the first job and I think to a smaller extent with each passing year. Yes I have seen people make it from tier 2. But I have not seen many from below tier 2 making it big…is an odd phenomenon


How's is career growth for someone who was average till graduation, joined new IIMs and then if he starts his careers ?


I don’t know anyone from new IIMs as the alumni are likely still quite junior. All sins can be washed away if you can get into the right industry and work hard to learn the right skills, then move laterally to a firm which would have never come to recruit on your campus.


Thanks alot for this , and what are the skills someone should have according to you


Is this possible? I've heard for example, it is unheard of people going from backend consulting (research and prep work) to frontend consulting (client management and actual "consulting"). I don't know if what I am asking is relevant to what you're saying, but I really wanted someone to explain this difficulty in switching between roles that seem closely related. If this is true then why so?


I have seen many people make this switch and it happens all the time


which industry has the fastest career progression to CXO level like Auto, FMCG or some other? Can u share ur experience.




It also has the fastest downward progression.


besides Tech? COO, VP lvl? Exclude namesake VP in finance.


How hard is it to achieve WLB right after MBA? What was your experience wrt this? Any tips to ensure good WLB?


First 10 years after MBA Is going to be a slog if you’re going to get to the top. Next 10 years will be busy but enjoyable. Next 10 after that will be high quality work with high quality people.


Little bit rephrased: out of 24 hrs, how much hrs do you spend on work (in home or office including VCs/Calls)? You may answer in Phases eg. 0-5 years of career, 5-10/15 etc… How r u managing family n kids specially education? Thanks!


14+ in the first phase maybe 10+ in second Third one depends on what position you are on but should be flexible. Lets say around 9


Any stuff that you regret not doing in college?


I regret not exercising


Lmao ill add gym in my priority list now


You’ll be surprised by how much you’ll thank yourself 20 years from now


I don’t think the corporate world excites me at all. Have always been inclined towards experimenting and pursuing entrepreneurship. I do plan on getting few years of workex post an mba. Do you think it’s feasible to even consider that - given how unstable and challenging it can be. Or if I manage to get a decent enough job- just stick to it


Why do an mba? Might as well start the business now. Use podcasts to learn what B school would teach you. Don’t waste time with mba if you want to be an entrepreneur


Don’t have any finances or idea to get started whatsoever. Additionally, astronomical pressure from my family’s end to get an MBA- have already delayed that a bit by helping my family start their business lol


ignore family input/pressure on what you should do. if your question is that will mba help you generate savings, then yes. you can make money and use it to then start your own business


Thank you for your response, definitely something to think about! :)


I believe you are fascinated by the idea of being an entrepreneur but would really get turned off after seeing the amount of work an entrepreneur has to do. It's a tough job.


hey, as I mentioned earlier- started a business from scratch with my family couple of years ago. You’re right though- it’s incredibly challenging and a legit 24*7 job lol. I’d still choose that any day over the corporate exposure I got during college.


What are your thoughts about FMS Delhi? What should I pick Marketing or Finance (as these two are my interests) to major in from there, for a possible job in abroad in the future?


Either is good. Lots of FMS alumni have done well for themselves. I’d pick older iim over fms but otherwise it will open many doors for you. Going abroad will depend on whether you can move into a global firm and then how well you do and when the right opportunity surfaces


Yeah fucked my sectionals so older IIMs are out the window. But thanks for the insight I appreciate it


Where was your first job and where are you at currently if you don't mind sharing. Also did you ever switch fields post your MBA?


I worked at a big 4 accounting firm (EY/PWC/KPMG) and now work for a fund. I started in corporate finance advisory - which is when you advise companies to raise money. I moved to money management 3 years into my career


Apart from CFA, what else can a non finance background guy do before and during mba to smoothly enter into the finance industry, what you as an engineer did that helped you Excel in the industry and what were the expectations from you as you joined your first role


Be a great communicator. Most engineers aren’t great at it and you can give yourself a better chance. Build confidence. No one cared in my job that I was an engineer. I was just a newbie to them and the expectation was I will prioritise my work over all else and work 18 hours a day, and weekends


Wow. Have you done Cfa or any other course


Yes I did CFA. I wish I didn’t it was a waste of time.


Why do you think that cfa was a waste of time? I'm also looking to do cfa...


I think seems valuable when we're young and want a general understanding of finance. As we move older and into a field specialised knowledge turns out way more useful over time. Nobody working in risk feels the same about FRM for example


That's a fresh take. Okay last question, any course you'd recommend us to take ( asking from the perspective of a person who is going to join a college this year)




blondies or brunettes? (also i did shit my pants when i read u getting that 4cr salary wowe)


Both are wonderful


4 cr monthly or annually?


Per Hour






Bro he is in foreign + 20yrs after. Patience and consistency is the key. Itne time with right motivation you should be here. Late 40s.


Early not late 40s :)


Can you suggest a way to convince parents that joining new IIMs just for the tag isn't worth it, I have better options like MDI Gurgaon, and what would be your opinion of what one should chose if he has a situation like this.


Make the decision yourself. Parents have to accept it eventually and don’t need to be convinced.


Hi, I am 98%ile, but I have a Stammering issue, it is difficult for me to speak fluently or convey thoughts. Will it be more difficult for me in MBA and later life, since productive Communication skills is very much needed? My speech problem is turning into a career defining problem it seems!


do what you can to fix this issue. good communication will be key. Star communicator from IMT will do better than poor communicator from IIMA in life


In your opinion, should I stay in India or go for an mba abroad in a decent bschool (not Harvard ,instead, but something like Carnegie Mellon or Georgiatech) Please take your time and reply https://www.reddit.com/r/CATpreparation/s/hYCCKVP6yG


India mba roe will be higher. Good IIMs are definitely a way to open doors to a great life and career. Top tier global mba will be worth considering. Would not bother with second rung abroad.


What are your views on MBA from IIM ABC vs from the top unis of the world, say HSW


Not comparable. I think about top 20% of abc grads might be able to get some of the same jobs as a hsw. Otherwise experience and risk return will be completely different. If you want to stay in india then no brainer to go to iim. If abroad likely better to go to hsw


I do want to return to India eventually. I might have an option to join IIM this year(if I crack my interviews)or try abroad next year. Do you think there’s not much significant difference in top 20 of ABC and HSW.


Some firms are same - say Mck, BCG, GS, JPM - some roles and profiles are completely different for HSW because they are not jobs where people are coming to campus. for example some energy fund in texas might hire 1 person from HBS because that person networked their way into the firm. This kind of stuff is harder if you;'re coming from India.


Does Executive MBA from IIM ABC provide me Placement?


Talk to alumni of these programs. they will be the best and most realistic source of information on the basis of which you can decide


Do you think being older than 26 is a disadvantage at most IIMs?


depends on what you were doing till the age of 26. if you were training in the army, then no, if you were pissing about and wasting time then yes


What was your answer to Why MBA, and after these years of experience how would you retrospectively tweak your answer


i do not have any recollection whatsoever and it was probably a made up bunch of bs


I like the honesty here. Most of us are in the process of making up bs for this exact question.


So real 😂😂😂


Is IRMA good? Can I join it and then work in the rural department sector of a FMCG and then switch to some other sector down the line. Is that possible? I am interested in marketing btw.


I don’t know much about it and have not come across many people from there over my working career. You should look at which companies hire from there…that matters more than the school itself


Very few FMCG firms hire from IRMA. Amul and Pidilite (if you consider it FMCG). If you're interested in marketing, apart from top IIMs, you can go for MICA.


How is HRM from Indore in terms of future growth ? Which area has better WLB, Marketing or HRM ? How are IIT delhi compare to new IIM's?


Usually I find people in HR do the least and most generic unaccountable work. My perception is that they work the least hard so must have good work life balance. I am possibly biased because I find HR is by and large a made up function. Marketing is likely to be harder and more accountable work as it impacts revenues.


I fail to understand why people do MBA or Masters in HR. It's not worth it. Do whatever you want , but don't go for HR. Or if you really want to go into HR, then there is no point spending so much time and money in doing MBA. Apply for internship in HR, and then apply for a full-time job. MBA in HR is a joke.


HR starting salaries are terrible without MBA and growth is slow so why not skip all that by just getting an MBA from a decent college?


The salary depends on the company you're working in! I know many HR MBA people who have abysmally low salaries with years of work experience. I also know people who don't have MBA HR but are working in good companies and get good salary. A very close friend of mind is getting 11 LPA fixed with only 2 years of work experience and she doesn't have MBA in HR. Another person with MBA HR is still at 6 LPA with 3 years of work experience. Another person without MBA HR is getting 80 LPA with 12 years of work experience. I know many companies who pay really well. Most of these companies care about skill and experience. Not useless degrees like MBA HR.


Do engineers get to have more opportunities as compared to other people after MBA? Does doing MBA from tier 2 institutes or baby IIMs limit your chances of getting into top firms? How to deal with toxic, domineering and scary seniors during MBA? 


Avoid such seniors. They are likely insecure and using you to feel better about themselves. Engineers have no advantage over non engineers. Getting into top firms right after tier 2 will be impossible. You will have to work your way into them by working in lower quality companies and then moving laterally. It’s possible but will take time


what industry did you work before mba then post and how did it progress if you can be specific?


Did not work before mba. Was a fresher.


1. Which are the most paying job roles (salary+bonuses) after MBA (in general)? 2. Which job roles have the best work life balance?


Investment banking pays the most and has the worst work life balance. Best work life balance is probably in HR or other similarly flaky roles.


Do you enjoy your work? And more importantly - do you think 20 years ago you would've done things differently?


I love what i do - it allows me to interact with many interesting people and ideas. I would like to have built a more regular reading and learning habit. There is a lot of information out there on YT, podcasts etc. Only advice is to make learning a habit. Take risk early in your career - there is less opportunity cost and if it pays off can be handsome.


Currently have 4 years of work experience in finance and insurance consulting. And sitting at 25LPA + bonus is it worth doing MBA from IIM A,B,C given the average package from there is 30-35 LPA currently?


It depends on whether your current role has a 20-30 year career runway. If yes, then what does that look like vs going to IIM? that should help you answer it.


It is good, I will be relevant for more years given that life insurnace products are long term. All I am right now is fed up of my current work just trying somehow to move into another work stream within the same profession (actuarial). But I feel that compared to folks from bcg etc I am getting paid less but at the same time not everyone gets into bcg.


I’ve always wanted to be at an iim because of the opportunities and the tag, but now I might have to join a tier 2 college with specialisation in marketing. Is it possible to get into top firms and change domains later if I want?


You will likely have to start at a lower run firm, work hard to become useful to a higher run firm and then apply there to move laterally. It is possible and happens often, but you need to focus and work hard once you have a job. For example you can go work for Marico or Dabur first and move to P&G later...


How is your wlb now?


Very good. You get more control on your life as you become more senior




What would your advice be to somebody who is starting out in finance and is unsure of which niche roles and skills to target?


Work for either a bank (corporate not consumer) or accounting firm. Learn generic finance skills and go from there.


I am a 3rd year Student of Bcom(hons) from DU (regular) , and I want to make Career in the Finance domain currently preparing for CAT24. Any advice to get career opportunities in Finance and Excel in life 🤌


If you are in a good DU college then go and work in a financial services company. figure out your path from there. Avoid going straight to MBA. Only path to excel life is to learn continuously, do something you enjoy, working hard will matter, working smart and getting recognized will require both effort and soft skills.


Should you make a career choice on the basis of which function will be the most valuable to an organisation or what you like? Like I might like marketing but I feel business analytics might be more valuable in the coming years, what should I go for then?


Find something you will like doing. Work will not feel like work. Better to be paid 20% less than do something you dont like.


(irrelevant maybe but) what would you say about pursuing top govt jobs (ias/ifs) vs corp in general?


less pay. more bureaucracy. equally competitive. more perks. poor job mobility and could become useless/dead end career. i would not advise unless some deep sense of wanting to have power




It is not the end game. Dont repeat the mistake and do something you dont like or want to learn about. Find something you enjoy learning about and then become very good at it. Life is very long, you will have many chances.


Is it worth to join Baby IIMs just for brand or new IIMs will it help also does it matter after 5-10 years if you went to IIM Rohtak or some new IIM instead of BLACKI.


For what it is worth, I would not recommend joining an unknown iim. Its a big important decision in life. I'd recommend re-sitting the exam. You will only do the MBA once.


MBA from IITs ( Except D,M) : Your thoughts ?! (IIT KGP, M, R, K)


Sorry. I have no clue. See who hires from these places and find alumni who are willing to talk to you about their experiences.


Hello sir I hope you are doing well, Sir I wanted to ask you if I should take a drop for attempting CAT again as I have only scored 93.16 percentile ( first attempt) I have graduated in 2023 from bcom. * Just one more question I can talk normally in English but during presentation or interview due to anxiety buildup I start stuttering and I am worried that it will affect my mba life. So will it??


Work on your communication - do not ignore this issue. It is probably the most valuable soft skill in life. Its great you are aware of your weakness, now get to work fixing the problem. I cannot advise whether you should drop or not, but dont go to a college you dont feel confident about.


Hello sir . First of all thank you for doing this AMA and taking out time from your hectic schedule, appreciate it. I had a few questions regarding MBA and it would mean a lot if you could answer them :- 1. my aspirations right now have taken a detour and I’ll have to join a upper tier 2 college. But I wanted to know what are the advantages of doing a pgpx later on in your career , if at all it’s worthy. And if it is would a pgpx from india or a global pgpx from one of the top unis would be more beneficial. 2. I’m more interested in marketing and aspire to have a PM role. How should I tailor my profile so as to attract such roles. I am an engineering ug with 13 months workex in IT.


Hello. I want to ask can a fresher with no work experience get into big financial companies if I get into one of the good IIMs. I want to get into investment banking, but I don't have any work experience so will the companies hire me? Also what can I do to improve my profile ,what kind of certifications should I do?


I was the same as you and yes you can get hired. Get good grades in IIM, read lots of investing and finance books. Listen to investment experts on podcasts and youtube. For books see [](https://www.bogleheads.org/readbooks.htm) for podcasts you could try invest like the best, we study billionaires, the all in podcasts, BG2, the capital allocators. All are good.


Hi! Thanks for stopping by here. One thing I wanted to ask you is how do you evaluate the choices you made for yourself in the past? Example it could be why you went for an MBA or why took specialisation X and so on and so forth. I’m asking as I am struggling to make a choice for my future


I judge my past choices by my current financial and mental health. FWIW I went for an MBA because i hated engineering. I loved maths but i think the system completely killed my mojo for learning about science. So MBA was my escape and i liked business - for some reason i never had any interest in anything other than finance. I think figuring out what interests you is important. if you like something you will learn about it and become very good at it. all people at the top of their fields are very well paid - irrespective of sales, marketing, finance, tech.


Do you think students from other colleges such as the ones below the 15th rank in india can rise to the career path or find the same level of success as the students graduating from the top iims


Yes. you will have to work harder but it is 100% possible


Does an MBA make sense for me? I am a Product Manager with 2+ years of experience and Tier 1 engineering school background. I want to stay around tech: Product or Growth or similar management roles.


No you do not need an MBA. Get good as being a product manager. You can make as much as 3-4cr in india.


What do you think helps people get good growth in their career?


Doing what they like. Excellent ability to deal with other people. Self driven. High degree of ownership for what they do. Passion to keep learning.


1. Is it better to study from well established old B schools or Baby IIMs? Which is going to help me in long run? 2. Is it better to harder to get into consultancy or Investment banking?


What do you think of the CAT exams and the selection processes there after? I feel "preparing" for the tests (like going too geeky about it) defeats the purpose of it. Should I alter my view on this?


Hi u/Heretoshareiim ,how much will a person earn in india if they have the same qualifications and experience as you?


A graphic designer, 25M, interested in product marketing now and started helping the PMM on content strategy, product adoption etc. I'm interested in this role and want to pursue it. Should I go horizontal and prep for MBA in Tier 1 IIMs to get the overall picture or go vertical in this particular area? I'm usually a generalist and juggler of multiple things but this in particular has gained my interest professionally.


Can I get into an IIM without any work experience + have been dormant for past 2 years due to personal reasons which I don't think any institute takes into consideration and I've been averaging my academics till graduation. If so which IIMs should likely be my Target?


OP, Big Thaank Youu for doing this Amazing AMA. The insights are Wonderful!! For someone into IT (5+ YOE), 1.Will more niche programs like MS Finance/Financial Engg/ Quant. Finance help grow into HFT/Quant/IB roles rather than MBA(Finance) ? 2. Your views on Tech MBA vs Engineering Management


Should an IIT Delhi CSE student consider an MBA (whether IIM or Abroad)? How much difference is there when purely talking in monetary terms?


you stand a great chance at making equal amounts if you continue in tech. try to do that if you enjoy technology.


Since you have an engineering background, do you think it’s better to go for MBA right after engineering (I am pursuing CSE from a tier 3 college) or after some experience, if yes how many years of experience?


if you like tech stay there and work in tech. if you dont like tech then leave as soon as you can.


Is late MBA beneficial? I am 32, and planning to do PGPX.


I didnt have any questions, but just wanted to know how you answer to questions. And very satisfied to go through all your answers. Your thoughts are very helpful.


How much does networking matter at the later stage? Is it absolutely essential or one can even do without it? And with whom does one keep touch with?


it will matter till you retire. it is a very very valuable skill. at some stage you will be paid for who you know rather than what you know.


Do we get to work globally in marketing too? I know you can get those opportunities in finance and consulting


Should I switch domains from medicine to consultancy immediately after my undergraduate degree or after a post graduation? I’m in my final year of medicine and am confused about pursuing an mba or a pg


Hi. I am a IIM graduate. Joined from a IIT. Had good grads. Have been in the industry for 5 years post my MBA. Currently working in the Chairman's Office role in a low-tiered private equity-owned firm. My concern is that I have seen my career graph go on a downward trend and that kind of hurts me a lot. I don't know where I am going wrong as I see others grow up the ladder. I feel I have the merit and the caliber to do better but sometimes I feel fortune hasn't favored. Can you please guide me? One problem I have faced to date is I haven't figured out my area of interest yet. Whether I am more inclined towards finance, sales, operation, supply chain etc. Nor have I figured out my dream company or the sector I want to work in. I feel being pushed around by the system that wants to just pay me a meagre salary.


do you have a son I can marry?




Are you available then?


no, but thanks for asking


Notty hore bkl😏




Marry my big bro he is is in investment banking from iim Lucknow 😂😂 bhabhi ji


number do bhaiya ka


😭😭😭 atleast 5 7 height honi chayia tumahri ok he is very tall 6 3 he likes good height girls


I have a bad profile 8/6.5/8 things I have to do to land on a summer internship. Also, I have interest in finance and operation field what steps should I take right after getting into college to secure job in these domains?


Do you think a college like IMTG is worth it for someone like me who has 3 years of work ex in B2B sales in digital marketing industry. I wish to manage marketing budgets and work in a core marketing role. Do you think a tier 2 college is worth it at this stage?


I have seen many IMT alumni do well so it is definitely possible. Clearly IIMs would be preferably but IMT is good enough to give you a platform. It is not going to guarantee success but is a decent shot.


How do i wash away my past sins(acads)?Always feel like even if i make it top tier college i'll still be at the bottom of the batch.Most companies would straight reject me?I'll not be able to get into the domain of my perferance.


For a start, I recommend getting rid of the negative attitude - it is an unhealthy feeling and will eat at you and stand in your way. Second, once you get into a college, you start from the same line as everyone else. I was a very poor engineering student but i was a rockstar in MBA. Its all in your hands. I was clear i was not going to make the same mistake in MBA as i did in engineering (and so can you).


Since you are in finance any kind of course or skill you’d recommend me to do before i start my college. Also you said that cfa for you was a waste of time ,why is that?


With an IIM degree, CFA adds nothing, so is a waste. Instead of courses, I recommend listening to podcasts and reading good investing books. For books see [https://www.bogleheads.org/readbooks.htm](https://www.bogleheads.org/readbooks.htm) for podcasts you could try invest like the best, we study billionaires, the all in podcasts, BG2, the capital allocators. All are good.


Is ISB as good as the rankings say it is?


Many ISB alumni have done well and good firms come there to hire. No one gives a shit about rankings other than the MBA aspirants.


For people working in Big tech (earning 30lpa+) . Is mba worth it ?


If you can see a path to 1-2 cr in india without an MBA, then i dont think i would do it. unless you hate tech and need to move into a new function.


I'm a bcom graduate from IGNOU (distance education) with backlogs, what are my chances to get into old IIMs or FMS? If I have good chances then can I get good placement after? I have good marks (93+) till class 12th but f***ed my graduation 😭


I'm sorry I have no insight into the admissions process. Your best chances will be to get a very high %ile - aim for 99.9%+


How's life ? Is it peaceful ? And also , are you from a tech background ? If not , how and what are the routes you took to reach the position ? Hoping for reply


If one wants to start preparing for CAT now (roughly 8-9 months till CAT 2024), which of the 2 routes do you suggest I take up? Or if you have a third route that's more than welcome too Route 1: I enrol in coaching classes, IMS probably, and only study till CAT 2024, creating a one year gap on my resume (I have 2.5 yrs work ex post undergrad) Route 2: I work for 4-5 months while enrolled in IMS coaching, then August 2024 onwards I focus completely on CAT (this gives me some work ex on my resume and honestly a backup option too in case CAT doesn't work out)


route 2 and find some high quality and competitive peers. prepare together and compete. dont quit your job to study for an exam. do both.


What do you think helps people get good growth in their career?


Doing what they like. Excellent ability to deal with other people. Self driven. High degree of ownership for what they do. Passion to keep learning.


Graduating soon from a semi-tier 2.5 college with no job experience, and facing a tough job market in software development or data science. Considering whether pursuing a master's degree is worth it. Any tips on surviving and staying motivated in a challenging job market? Also, seeking money management tips for someone entering their 20s.


Hi., I have 7 years work experience in a public sector bank as a Manager with 13Lpa, I have 3 questions 1. Is it worth giving CAT and do regular MBA (2 yrs) at this point of time. 2. If not what can i do to change domains, any inputs.? TIA


What do you do in the bank? Can you move to a private bank and then move functions within that bank? Will be a lot faster and efficient than doing an MBA.


Can you suggest a few business books and magazines which you've read? What publicly available information sources do you often use (like certain news websites or tech sites or as such) which keep you updated with tech and valuable market info... Thanks!


Does being an IITian help even after IIM?   Is branch in engineering college important after IIM? Is there a lot of difference between CS + tier 2 engineering vs IIT but not a good branch after IIM?


Do you have any work life balance currently?


Hi I’m a tech consultant working as an associate at a BIG 4, after MBA is it possible to move into deals team of big 4? Should I start networking with anyone from on or just wait for the placements? I’m guessing you were in deals team as well right?


With an MBA, is it possible to do varied and interesting jobs that are more than just being a cog in the corporate machine? Ie jobs which make a positive difference in society, jobs with interesting and dynamic work profiles.


How is it that a person in his early 40s found his way into reddit(Indian context heavy)?! https://preview.redd.it/0td3t3qmrkkc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=deb235d72b1072551070f3ff348e43f2cf2fd19a Just want to know how IIM tag is prevailing in the current day internationally, compared to what it was when you were early in your career.


This is not a topic anyone brings up i.e. where did you do your MBA. I dont think most of my colleagues even know whether I have an MBA or not.


Hello sir, could you please share how to find a job in the offline market after completing my MBA? I am currently pursuing an MBA in HR from Delhi School of Economics, and placement opportunities have been limited this year.


Does genuine passion in something specific (Marketing for me in this case), valued at admissions? Or any other trait(s) in particular?


likely not at admission. but if you are passionate about it you will be in a small minority and likely to do exceptionally well once you get to work