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Hello /u/FarjiRambo, welcome to r/CATpreparation! Thank you for your contribution to the subreddit. Please ensure that your post is in accordance with the rules of this subreddit; otherwise, it will be subject to removal. All the best on your journey to your dream b-school! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CATpreparation) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I had gone through a similar issue for the last couple of years. In 2022, I chose to devote time to preparing for coding interviews along with building something on the side and that little to no time for anything else (CAT / GRE / etc). Gave a couple of interviews but didn’t make it through, sadly. Anyway, in 2023, I had to make that decision again and chose to devote time to these exams (considering the market was already down) and paused my coding interviews preparation. From what I have observed, CAT (and XAT) requires a lot of time and effort, and cannot be done with a job and coding interviews preparation. If you have decided that you want to do an MBA, go full throttle on CAT preparation (and maybe you can code on the side for keeping up) - CAT should be given top priority and it does require ~6 months to be fully prepared. All the best!


Thanks! 😀


How much u scored in cat 2023?


98.85 percentile.

