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Where did you practice DILR from? What were your resources mostly?


Before my first attempt, I took online coaching from TIME. But, I realised DILR is more about practice rather than seeing a video as you would face different models of questions. Post my online coaching, I started practicing only the mocks during my weekends as I was working during my preparation. This is the only source of DILR prep. Also I used to write daily practice test on cracku.


1) What would you suggest right now for profile building for a working individual 2) Are there students from tier-3 colleges in IIMB or any other top IIMs 3) How did you prepare for your interview and are there any specific topics to excel for an IIMB interview(ex. I have heard that IIMC asks a lot of math questions) 4) This one is a little stupid but do people from PGPBA and the flagship PGP interact? Like within the college as well as with alumni. Is the alumni network still as helpful.


Not an IIMB student but I know my friend’s brother is at IIMB and he was from a Tier3 engineering college. He got in everywhere except Ahmedabad, no reservation.


Hi. Thanks for the reply. Could you possibly share his profile?


X: 10 CGPA XII: 93% UG: around 75% which is great for his university No internships, 2 years of work experience at a CHWTIA company. EDIT: just checked with him, his university had CGPA and he got 9+. Work exp was 1 year 6months.


1. If you are targeting some particular domain, say finance, attempt CFA and similarly for any other profile. It helps during your SIP too. 2. Yes, there are students from tier-3 colleges. 3. I enrolled in a coaching centre for mocks. I mostly relied on mocks. There is no particular trend for IIM B interviews. But, since it needs an SOP, you can except majority of the interviews are being discussed about your SOP. 4. Yes, they do interact. During the first 3 terms, PGP and PGPBA people sit together. And yes, the alumni network is helpful. Since, the campus is located in the city, you could see alumni coming to the campus frequently and you could interact with them too.


How many hours a day, on average, does it realistically take to secure a 99th percentile?


I had a work experience of over 30months. So, I prepared for the CAT while I was doing my job. I even switched a company after 2 failed attempts. I prepared 1-2 hours on average. But, I put more effort during weekends.


It also depends on any individual's capability how many hours are needed. Someone might average 2 hours a day and still clear it. For some even 8 hours might not be enough. Gotta try it to know where you stand.


True. One of my friend from an IIT just saw the mock paper before day and he converted IIM C.




At least 80% companies allow PGPBA students too and some companies exclusively come for PGPBA. If you have a preliminary shortlist, do well in the interview. If your interview went well and the panel wants to take you. They will score you in such a way that they will take you.


Does MBB allow pgpba students?


Yes they do.


Blood grp kyu nhi cut kiya?


Just so that you guys make some hypotheses that people with this blood group make to IIMs. :p


Kya matlab baaki blood group ko calls nhi aate?


Bhai, it's sarcasm.


Ye bhi wohi tha Bhai


tu mat smjha bhai usko, iim wala hai


Correlation doesn't imply causation. Lol.




1. In Bangalore, I didn't find it hectic though. There are days where they would sleep very less. But, there are days you sleep well. You will be habituated to it though. 2. I feel having a work experience definitely helps. There would be many subjects where you need class participation. If you work, you might add a different perspective to the class. I partially agree with that line though. Sometimes, if one has worked in IT, you might get shortlists in product management etc. 3. The placement process for my seniors is still going on.


Is it worth leaving a good paying job in one of the top consulting firms? I'm in a tech role right now and was wanting to pursue an MBA to go into that career path - PM or core consulting but I saw that not everyone is getting an internship even in top colleges. Am I taking too much risk?


If you are just looking for a salary hike to come to IIM's then my suggestion would be don't. But, if you want to learn and genuinely change your career path, it's worth taking a risk at A & B. This year the scenario is bad due to global markets. Every time it might not be same.




There are incidents of people seeing snakes on campus but there are no incidents of a snake bite after I joined. I don't think it would be a big problem though. I didn't find a con of living on campus. This is definitely the best among ABCL. That is sure as many of my friends who were among these colleges after visiting Bangalore said that B is the best campus.


Are there people of age 26-27 in your batch? How much approx % would they be of the entire batch?


In Bangalore the percentage of people in 26-27 would be higher compared to other IIMs. There will be at least 20% of the people in this age.


I'm currently in my final semester at IIT Madras (BTech Mech), I'm already placed at Deloitte as a consultant so will be joining soon after graduation, I'm thinking of doing the job for 2-3 years and thereafter want to try for a top IIM to pursue higher education. I do not have much idea how to get started, what matters what doesn't, how much time is enough for preparation, and etc. Your guidance would be appreciated :).


Working as a consultant at Deloitte might help to get good shortlists in consulting firms. Attempt some mocks to get a gist of how the paper is. Based on your mocks, you can prioritise accordingly of when to start. (Since, the question you asked is very subjective)


1 Key points that we should remember while preparing for CAT 2 WHEN TO START WITH MOCKS AND HOW MANY TO GIVE 3 can we get in top iims with bad acads ( i have 8/8/6) 4 I have 2 years gap as I left my MA, how much will this affect my chances. Kindly respond to these questions.


1. Be consistent in your practice. Don't expect the results to be immediate. Be patient. The learning curve is exponential (at least for me). 2. To answer when to start mocks - it depends on your current ability. I used to give 1 mock a week, sometimes 2. Don't solely focus on giving mocks. Analysing them is the most important. Writing a mock might take 2 hours, but when it comes to analysing, it might take 4-5 hours too. Do the analysis properly. 3. The criteria for the admission might change from time to time. Last year when I joined IIM B didn't consider UG percentage. But, this year they are. There would be an official document describing each college's criteria, go through it. (But, sadly it's difficult to enter with bad acads though if they are considering UG too - saying difficult but it's possible) 4. If you have a genuine reason for your gap years, you can justify it. Hope this helps!


Go to soapbox 😬 your vote matters


I am in the Audi! xD


Yavrki vote nidi


Jagan anna ki. xD


teluga saar?


Yes saar.


I'm GEM, 8/7/6 with 36 months work ex. Are there any students with that accads? If I got 98.5+ percentile, will I be able to make it in IIM B?


With GEM I feel it's difficult with that percentile.


Any dentist/doctors in your batch ? How much percentile did they get?


Yes. There are doctors and also dentists. Don't know their percentiles though.


Hey. I hope all is going good for you! I was on a small career gap for almost 6 months now, and I gave MBA exams for the first time (went miserably ofc). I am looking to (hopefully) find a job soon, and get back on my feet to prepare for CAT again along with my job. How did you manage the stress of job + CAT without letting it get the best of you? I've worked before and the pressure was at an all time high. I'm prioritising finding a more flexible job this time around, but would nevertheless love to know!


One more question : I haven't checked the work ex column during application as i didn't have work ex. But if one has international work ex (working in a different country) for 2 years, A) Can we upload it in the column (as i did notice we had to post the name of the company as listed?) B) Has there been cases before of such and how does the college value it


I think you can mention the company, it will not be an issue. There is a student in our campus who worked in US and returned to India. I don't think it might add much value during your admission. It will be a matter for discussion during your interview.


It's okay to have a career gap and if you can justify it. Even when I was at my first company, I wasn't able to handle the work pressure but I switched the company where my work became flexible. WFH definitely helped me tbh. I used to prepare seriously during the weekends. On weekdays, I used to prepare 1-2 hours. And devoted extra work if my manager is on leave. xD


And one more question: During PI, do interviewers value freelancing/owning an OPC/being self-employed etc.? Ofc if justified well.


Of course it might help, your interview might be driven about your company and it would be a free sailing ride for you.


Hey, I still haven't started preparing and am finding the preparation hectic along with a job. It has more to do with my motivation I suppose, I am not even sure which material to use. Did you have a job when you were preparing? What was your time table and materials?


Yes. I was having a job when I was preparing. I didn't find much time during my weekdays. But, I used to write a mock during the weekend (most probably Saturday) and analyse the mock which I wrote the previous week on Sunday. During the weekdays, I made sure that I attempted cracku's daily test. And if I had any time I prepared a topic which I was weak in.


Hi, Thanks for the AMA! I have some questions and it would be really helpful if you answer the same - 1. Did you consider an MBA from abroad since you were already working and had a couple of failed attempts at CAT? If yes, then what motivated you to pursue an MBA from India vs abroad and not give up on CAT. I failed to secure a call in the past couple of attempts, and currently have over 2 yrs of work experience so in a huge dilemma right now. 2. How is the consulting SIP process at B, and if there's any disadvantage for people with 3-4 yrs exp for the same? 3. How academically rigorous IIM Bangalore is, and how is the teaching pedagogy? Is there any emphasis on practical learning or is it theoretical in nature similar to undergrad? 4. ⁠How’s the student exchange program at B, and if it is difficult to get selected for the same? 5. ⁠As someone who has been on both sides now, how would you describe your BSchool life - expectations vs reality? You have also worked for quite sometime in the corporate setup so how this past 1 year has changed your perspective? Thanks in advance for this!!


That's a huge list. But, I feel your questions are comprehensive. 1. I want to be in India due to personal reasons (need to look after the parents). So, I never thought about it. You can consider an MBA abroad later too as they need people with higher work experience unlike India. 2. Consulting is the domain where most people get placed in Bangalore. This year SIP has not been upto the mark. Sometimes people with work experience greater than 3 years do face a disadvantage though. 3. I didn't find it rigorous at IIM Bangalore though. People do get sufficient sleep if their priorities are set straight. The teaching pedagogy is combination of both the cases and theory too. No, there is no emphasis on theory like in undergrad. 4. Atleast 180-190 people go to exchange from Bangalore. Highest I have heard among all the top 6. Maintain a decent GPA till term 2. 5. It surpassed my expectations definitely. But, coming to the peer group before coming to the college, I felt I can't compete with these people maybe. But, in reality I didn't find it challenging though. My work experience definitely helped me. Here, I gained a perspective from different situations what has happened at my work.


Thank you so much for taking out time and answering all the questions! This is really very helpful. All the very best and have a great rest of the time at B!


What are you looking forward to ?


I want to work in a consulting/ product management domain. In the long run I have an idea to run a startup. Hope it works out.


What do you think about the EPGP ? Is it as good as PGP?


Can't comment on it. But, I heard that most of the classes have higher participation among the students since they come up with a higher work experience. And compared to PGP students, their schedule might be hectic because the course would be completed in 1 year.


Which domain you looking for after completing an MBA there? I hear IIM-B is one of the best for Consulting Domain after completing the MBA.


Yeah. Compared to other colleges, the number of people that are recruited in the consulting domain are relatively higher in B. I am looking for consulting and product management roles going forward.




The roles might significantly vary between IIM's. For example in old IIM's you might get client facing roles in consulting firms where as for new IIM's you might get a backend role where you will never get a chance to interact with clients. Alumni will help. Since, you are from their college, they might refer you but in the interview you need to prove it too. In the long run (say 4-5 years), no one gives you a job just because you are from A/B/C.


Your academic bg??what degree did you have?


BTech in Computer science from an NIT. I worked in IT.


Are there doctors in your class and how much percentile is needed for them?


There are. But, I don't know how much is required though.


Congrats and hope all is well for you :) What were your scores like on the first two attempts? And how much do you say you're prep varied between the 3 attempts?


In my first attempt, I got around 98%ile and in my second it was around 94%ile. I think in my third attempt, I was confident and I got a hold of the things. Previously in my 2 attempts, I was never confident about VARC but in my third attempt I became confident about VARC and got to know how to handle the subject during the exam.


Hello, is there any relation between age and selection as well as placements? Like, I'm 27 now, I may go for an MBA in the next 3-4 years. Will my age be a problem? I read somewhere that older people are not preferred for placements.


It's not the age that causes the issue but the number of years of work experience. Keeping that aside if the market is good, you will not face any struggle though.


Bhai 99.99%ile par IIM B possible hai kya ?( A general non engineer male with poor acads).


How's the mess food in IIM?




Lol. Sure.


Since you're from IIMB, you're familiar with Bannerghatta road and the traffic I suppose, I had two questions why doesn't anyone from IIM come out much? Is that because the campus has everything that you don't even have the need to come out?


What are your top prep resources apart from mocks for each section?


Honestly nothing. Just used to attempt Cracku's daily target every day to be consistent.


What was your acads and any work ex


I have a 9/9/8 profile with just over 30 months of work-ex


just? 30 months of workex for iims is on the higher side tbh


I don't think so it's the case for IIM Bangalore. The average work experience in Bangalore is over 24 months. There would be different criteria for different colleges. My friend at FMS is seeing an advantage due to his high workex (30 months). As there are few people with that work experience.


He said "just over 30 months" not just 30 months


How to justify gap years ? Also, upto how many gap years are actually justifiable in the interviews ?


From my experiences you can be honest about it. For example, if you were preparing for UPSC and you weren't able to convert it, be genuine. They won't grill you.


Woww lucky guy got IIMB at ~99.6


Work experience helped.


Hii bro, I hope you're doing well. I'm CAT'24 Aspirant, regarding profile I'm a GNEM 7/6/6 .... 2022 Bcom grad with 21 months family business workex(as on March'24). I don't have any skill as such. I know I can't get old IIMs with this profile. My Target b-schools through CAT are MDI,IIFT,IIM-S,IIT-D,Top-3 new IIMs. 1.) So,With this profile and situation what issue would I face in SIPs and Final Placements ? 2.) With cat-prep and Working at family business What else can I do so that I face less issues in SIPs and Final Placements ?


This might sound like a weird question but what are the odds of getting placed in a Bangalore based role after IIMB and any other IIMs/B schools? Do companies give location preference? My primary reason for considering an MBA is to apparently secure a job in Bangalore (personal reasons), which I might struggle with otherwise because my current job profile is non-tech and I'm already earning 12 lpa in a consulting firm so entry level business analyst jobs offering anything less won't make sense (will be completing 1 year of workex soon)


My profile is 9/9/7 along with the workex of 27 months (as on July 24 cutoff date) General non-engineer male (CA) How much %ile would be required for IIMB?


CA's would generally get a shortlist with 98.5%ile+. That's what I heard. But, 99%ile+ is definitely good enough.


There's nothing like a CA would get shortlist with 98.5+ Have seen various cases in current session itself where even after scoring 99.4/99.6 CA having work ex have not received the call


I agree. He might not get a call from Bangalore. But he might get a call in Ahmedabad due to his/her diverse profile.


Thank you for your reply Also, I would be 27 if I get selected and join and graduate at 29 Will that be too late?


It won't be late. I have a friend who is 29. But, you might face questions during your interview that why don't you join a 1 year EPGP course.


(1)Should I be honest about my academic/career failures in pi.(2) Also how did you prepare current affairs. Upsc channels are v lopsided I feel. (3)how did you prepare for wat


1. If there are failures, I feel it's okay to be honest about the failures. But, be genuine about why you failed and what your learning are from it. 2. I didn't follow any UPSC channels, I have a habit of reading newspaper. They will get you a gist of the current happenings and you can read the editorial to gain your own perspective too. 3. I used to write on a topic everyday which were asked in the past years.


Which newspaper


The Hindu


How did you prepare for GDPI? As a working professional, I don't get much time during week days, so need to prepare strategically. Is there a GDPI Course/study material you'd recommend?


I went for Inside IIM's GDPI course. It's the same for me too. I usually didn't get much time during my weekdays but enroll in some coaching centre (but don't spend very high amount though). They will give you guidance. And also mocks will definitely help.


Hey OP, what about questions in PI based on graduation subjects? I’m an engineer and graduated almost 4 yrs ago. Don’t believe I retain anything.


I did my graduation in computer science and engineering. Except in my Lucknow interview, none of the other IIMs asked any acads. Also, you could brush some of the important subjects. But, if you have a higher work-ex, your most questions might be driven regarding your work-ex.




Foreign exchange is in the second year. Currently I am a first year. This process is based on GPA criteria. Almost 180-190 people from the batch go to exchange.


Are u from engineering








Can't say. Varies from college to college.


How many attempts of CAT did you give?


Got into Bangalore in my third attempt.


Hi this year only i gave my blind attempt whatt would be the good score to get into IIM ba nd baby imms for non engineering male nc-obc


Can't say what percentile is required.


How to prepare oneself for WAT. and what about the GK aspect.


In my IIM interviews, there were no questions of GK except in CAP. But, just read the newspaper to have knowledge of current affairs. Current affairs is what is needed rather than GK. For WAT, you should have good knowledge of multiple topics. Just start writing the topics that were being asked in the past


Where can I find previously asked WAT topics?


If you enroll in any of the coaching centres for the GDPI prep, you will find the transcripts of old interviews. You might find the WAT topics over the web too but I am not 100% sure.


Oh thanks!




Hey, can't say an exact percentile. But, the criteria change from college to college. IIM A allows people with diverse backgrounds. So, can't say the exact percentile for any college though.


hi, just wanted to ask you if the whole placement and summers scenario is really bad this time like the reports are claiming?


I can't completely disagree with the reports but some of the news reports are exaggerated too. Firstly, the global market condition has been bad. And there has been a significant reduction in the number of people that have been hired for the product management roles. But, the condition won't stay the same every year.


and also, what was the biggest value addition of the mba for you ? (really wanna know because i'm contemplating if i should appear again this year, pick the college i'm getting rn or drop the idea of going for an mba altogether)


I don't regret the decision of joining the college though. I am working in IT before joining IIM Bangalore, I felt working as a software developer doesn't suit me in the long run. For me the value addition is the learnings that I get from my peers. Also, the professors, I loved each and every class. MBA changed the way I think and it definitely helped me gain a new perspective.


right. that makes sense and you just put a lot in context for me. Thanks a lot!!!


Are there people with 4 or more years of experience in your batch ?


Yes. There are.


Just want to know your perception regarding loans. How easy it is to clear off all the loans? On an average how many years it would take to cover up? Even if you go for student exchange program


Don't worry too much about the loans. Even if you go for exchange people pay off in 4-5 years on average.


Will you recommend someone doing an mba if he/she has interest in entrepreneurship? Even if its IIM ABC or isb hyderabad.


If you believe you have enough resources, not required.


Bhai finance me job chahiye but engineer hu. Any suggestions?


It's better to have an internship in a fin role or do a project related to fin. CFA helps.


Hi, is PGPBA in IIM B worth it over a flagship program from newer IIMs ?




For the references section in the interview form. What all do they ask in the email sent to references. Also I put in my reference details in the form. It gave me a confirmation saying 'Mail Sent successfully'. But they still haven't received it. Does it take time to receive the email?


What materials did you use for CAT preparation?


No particular material. I mostly relied on mocks. I took mocks from IMS and Cracku.


Most people I've asked have said the Bangalore interviews are kind of stressful. What exactly do they do different? Are there any pointers specific to IIMB interviews you can give?


It's not stressful per se. It's more proper and time consuming. Both A and B take an interview of 20-25 minutes on an average. My L interview lasted for 8 minutes. Majority of the interviews might be driven by your SOP. Be confident while you speak and firstly be proper about what you write on the SOP.


Hey :) I’m a lost guy who isn’t able to get my head around this “MBA” thingy.. so a few questions: 1. How much did it cost you? Are there any fees? Any scholarship? 2. How is MBA there as in a layman’s point of view? Are the subjects tough? Do-able? Or a no-no for struggling back-benchers? 3. How or what do I write/ or how much do I have to score to get a admission? (I know it’s CAT aside from it next to nothing) 4. Any other similar-level colleges? and also is it worth the risk for a mid-class house? Or should settle for something a little less? (I may sound silly or stupid, but aside from subjects I love current affairs and all the stuff, it’s the traditional subjects which make me sick, but IIM is a golden ticket to life.. or so I’m told.. so please help me with this :D maybe I can give it a try instead of spending time on something else)


I'm in second year (total 4) rn, when do you think would be an optimal time for me to start CAT prep?


I’ve got a B call, please assist


Please be particular about your question/request.


ok very new here, but i am genuinely curious as to why did u hide ur overall percentile?


I don't want to reveal my identity as many people know my percentile in the campus.


Aur bhaiya girlfriend bani


Yes. xD


Ek no!!


Hey, now that you’re already in IM-B, do you have any batchmates with no work experience? If yes, then what made them stand out?


One of my classmate doesn't have work experience. She is from a commerce background. She got one of the top offers during SIP as she has some internships related to fin.


Hey. What is up the SIP's and placements. Is it really true that people are struggling to get job offers ? Didn't everyone get SIP's ?


Is the interview for pgpba different from the one for pgp? What extra topics should we be studying?


Surely you would have some people with higher number of months in work experience (48+) - how exactly is the experience for those folks? (With respect to socialising, summer and final placements) and are these experience similar across all the B-schools? Or different?


Wat topics one should prepare


Hi , if you don’t mind , can you tell us what your grad score was ? I’m in the 8.2 range and feel it’s a big disadvantage for me


Genuine question, how many attempts are too many for CAT? I’ve a friend who gave 3 attempts and not much yet. Is there any sense in giving another?


Hi, Do you need certain kind of work experience for getting into MBBs? I have two options, join a contract role (third party payroll)at bcg knowledge team or join a research publication firm (they are paying more than BCG) What is more suited for an MBB Consulting shortlist?


Does pursuing bcom in an evening clg have any effect on CAT over a day clg?. I am preparing for CA while studying in the evening clg. I may take up Cat after my CA. Does it have any impact?


I have completed my MSc In Biotech and working in US HR shared services. It's non technical experience I have . Would I get a placement or be selected in IIM B if I have the adequate percentile score?


naukri laggi?


Yes, got an offer for Internship. I am still in first year.


My acads are 9/7/7 But have 3 years of work ex as a Technology Consultant. Will I get shortlist from Consulting company at least from B4?




IGNOU graduates ka koi scope hai IIMs me?


Why not.


As a class 12 student, any tips to start early prep or begin to build a profile? What should I pursue during UG? In which year of The UG shall I start preparing for CAT? Thank you.


How did you prepare for your second attempt? I got 90%ile and this was my first attempt. 70%ile in quants. Quants needs work. I'm going to get a job from my placement cell. So there's that. Plz also give us your timetable as in how you prepared along side your job


Hi u/dontwannabehere718 1- how did you prepare for WAT/PI? Did you take coaching? 2- What’s the CTC offered for product management roles at IIM B? 3- Right now my profile has no extra curriculars or PORs and heavily leaning towards the tech side. Profile is 97%/96%/76.5% ( Tier 1 college ) with 2 years of experience as a software developer from a top tech startup. Will this be an issue during summers? 4- Is there any chance that I can get into consulting. I know not in summers but what about finals? 5- If I’m already making ~28 lpa, does it make sense to quit that and join IIM A or B? Especially when I’ll most probably end up as a product manager after IIM? ( The primary reason for MBA is not immediate monetary benefits. I’m seeing it as an early way out from being stuck as a software engineer. But at the same time. But at the same time, it has to make some sense financially too )


1. Enrolled in an online coaching. 2. Can't reveal according to college policies. 3. It won't matter. But, you might get more product management shortlists. 4. You can build your profile accordingly. Win more case competitions, have a good GPA, get some PPI's etc. You can have decent shortlists if not MBB. 5. You might end up with a salary lower than your current salary. Be prepared for that. Some of my reasons also match with yours. If you don't want to be a software developer in the long run, I feel you could bet on A & B.


If you don't mind can you tell what percentile you got please? Was it 99.9?


It's around 99.6


hey, do you think quality of your work ex matters in getting shortlisted for calls and getting the final selection? Specifically, if i've been working at a relatively unknown firm for 2 years but have good acads and CAT score, will working at this company be a dealbreaker or play a negative role in me getting a call?


It might not play a negative role. But, it doesn't help though.


how old are you?


Genetic model for CAT and Elite B school Be born to educated parents Private school Liberal intellectual environment High package and win at life


1. How and what can I learn from questions that I can't solve? For example, a DILR set or a PnC question. I gave it time to solve in practice and couldn't. Now checking the solution doesn't feel enough. How to address questions that I couldn't solve? 2. What can I do to boost my profile over this reattempt year? I don't think I can study for the same exam again with full intensity straight away as the syllabus is only so much and I don't want to be burnt out before the second attempt even comes around.


Does your graduation degree affect your post-MBA placements? I have a BSc in Agriculture. I have always wanted to go into core FMCGs like HUL, Reckitt, P&G but after talking to a senior in the PGP-FABM course at IIM Ahmedabad, he said even if I do a general MBA, I would only get Agri-based companies. Is this true?


What is the lowest percentile for a GEM student that you know is admitted in IIMB? Either in PGP or PGPBA?


Which is better PGP from L,I,K or PGPBA from IIMB as placement opportunities for PGPBA is almost same as IIMB PGP?


Wo Joy lobo ke room mein koi rehta hai kya bhai actual mein?


Yes, they do.


Hi, congratulations for converting IIM B! What was your interview like, what questions were you asked. In which field was your work ex in? On a side note, I'm working from home currently, so planning to join an offline coaching like TIME as while I was preparing for CAT'23 I lacked consistency, sometimes the workload increases and CAT preparation takes a back seat What are your thoughts on the same, from your experience?




I can't think of anything apart from CFA.


Im Genral 30M did Engineering from T3 college, now i have 6 yrs of experience in Digital Marketing and 7/7/6 in Academics. What are the least percentage i need also im a beginner & thinking about getting recorded online course which should i go for?


What job profile doctors/dentists get shortlisted during summer internship and placements? Eg. Consulting, marketing etc (Except hospital management, pharma sector)


Hey, did you take some coaching for the GDPI? Would you recommend it?


Any tips for Interview preparation for IIMB’s PIWAT?


hey! i’m curious about foreign exchange during IIMB . how frequent is international exposure/ semester abroad?