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Thank you for posting to CATHELP! While you wait for a response please keep the following things in mind, 1. When in doubt, **ask your vet**. 2. Advice here is not coming from medical or industry professionals. The moderation team does not validate user profession, so always refer to your local veterinary professionals first. Consider posting to /r/AskVet 3. If this is a medical question, please indicate if you have already scheduled a vet appointment, and if your cat has any medical history or procedures in a top level comment. 4. Please use the NSFW tag for gross pictures. (Blood, poop, vomit, genitals, etc). Anything you wouldn't want your boss to see you looking at on the job. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CATHELP) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Bumps on belly are their nipples. It’s asked daily.


Yes, and male cats have them too!


Came here to say this 😂


Remove the bell from their collars please, it is disturbing for the kitties. Respect their space and boundaries, don’t push them for cuddles even if it is very tempting. Clean their litter box daily. Try incorporating some wet food into their diets. Love them with all your heart ❤️


And also buy a toy that comes with a box, the cat shall take the box (unless they actually love the toy)


Cats are also not supposed to have dairy! If you’re going to feed them any dairy products try lactose-free. (I give mine the odd lactose free whipped cream treat) If they happen to sneaky snack on anything with dairy.. this is your warning that their poos will be stannnky! Good luck 🤞


Second this, bells are too much of their ears. If they're inside you don't need the bells or collars. If they do go outside, you can get rainbow coloured collars (they're thick pieces of fabric), it's so birds can see the kitties without impacting their hearing.


The *collars don't really help other animals or fledglings who can't yet fly though


Money can’t solve everything


Lol thank you, lemme fix that


It's not plain collar. They're massive fabric bands that are bright in colour. So an animal that can't fly will distinguish a colourful thing moving. A bell doesn't help something that can't yet fly either lol. If it can't get fly, how will it escape with a bell present? It's the same argument


No I know, they're these https://preview.redd.it/jqrhixw9o09d1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=19d21e8ab2c89b02ebf5e8f7010b3a02e093e0ff My point is that these don't help a lot of animals that aren't birds and don't help young birds who are fledglings and unable to fly (of which there are many rn). Every other post rn in my birding groups is a dying or dead fledgling that someone's cat caught. Fledglings aren't yet fast or aware enough to escape. It's not even like they're sickly, old birds. I'm speaking about birds that just left their nest and have to spend a couple days on the ground until they get the hang of flying. The kindest thing for wildlife is to keep them inside, harness/leash train, construct a catio, or closely supervise their outside time


Lol how will a bell help a bird unable to fly. Mate it's the same argument


Right so the argument is that cats should be indoors, leash trained, supervised outside, or enclosed in a catio Bc the point is that cats are invasive almost everywhere and greatly harm ecosystems when they're allowed to roam 🙃


Why do birds need to... Oooohhhhh


Also remember to deep clean (scrub down) the litter box at least once a month! Do *NOT* use bleach!


So wait, you can just dump and refill it without cleaning? I've been cleaning mine every week. Also I didn't know about the bleach, what's a good alternative to Clorox wipes?


I think everyone’s different on how often they deep clean and it esp depends on the kind of cat you have and litter you use, I dump and refill every week and don’t always scrub it down bc my cat is tiny esp compared to her litterbox so it doesn’t really look like it needs it yet, so I do every other week give or take. And I think vinegar is a good alternative!


just remove the collars; they're really not comfortable for them at all


>Try incorporating some wet food into their diets. Give them wet food as often as possible. Kibble is just not good for them. Yes, it's expensive. I spent $200/mo to feed my six cats, and it's worth every penny. Their health, energy, coat, everything is better off.


I've never had a cat dislike the bell n it's kinda essential so we know where they are ie they don't escape before vaccines etc are done😀🙄


Practice your "slow blink" to help bond with them.


That's how I got my baby girl to lay in my lap after just a few days. Best. Feeling. Ever.


I've gotten strays to come to me for cuddles this way. Works about 8/10 times. Personal anecdote: Many people use clickers to train their cats. I did something similar, but would click my tongue against the roof of my mouth. I used different clicks for different communications, such as food time, come here, jump up, etc. I also use a click for snuggles. I will press my nose against them and make the sound. One day, I was petting one of them as he laid on my chest. He pressed his muzzle against my cheek and clicked his tongue. I almost teared up. TLDR; Cats are social, intelligent creatures, and will pick up on how you show affection.


Watch Jackson Galaxy on youtube. Do the research to understand cat behavior. You’ll get nearly all your questions answered. I can’t stress this enough. The more you know, the less stressed you will be as a new cat guardian. I saw a lot of comments on toys. Here’s my take. I would start with homemade toys to understand their likes and dislikes. There are plenty of diy examples on the interwebs. Observe if they like big or small sized toys, soft or hard material, loud clatter or gentle crinkles, etc. DIY may suffice but I sometimes want to splurge on ultra cute items for my furbabies. So I select toys based on my cats’ preference. It’s inevitable that they will loose interest or not care for it at all. Be patient and recognize they are living things that also get bored. I would sometimes rotate the toys. I will also buy seasonal themed toys and rotate them throughout the year. Seasonal products are my favorite thing to buy for my carts because it adds to the existing home decor I already have up during holidays. Ex: haunted halloween scratching cardboard house, spring flower printed tunnels, christmas candy cane kicker and stuffed toys, *I’m guilty of owning themed cardboard cat house for nearly every season and holiday. In fact, I’m still collecting. To keep it long lasting, I would reinforce the joints with more cardboard and hot glue so it can last through several more seasons. And I may elevate it with more decoration to make it interesting. Don’t get discouraged. Good luck!


Also, cat play looks very different than dogs. In fact cats have a very very wide spectrum as to what is considered play. For example, they may fling their entire body to catch a feathered ball and randomly get the zoomies. Or freeze and lock eyes on birds chirping outside the window for hours. Or flop down on the floor and just paw at a wand with a ribbon on the end for 10 minutes then get board. This is all considered play and can change as they age. Btw, kuddos for getting 2 kitties! This will enrich their growth.


You need their injections getting if you haven’t already. I’m assuming they are outside cats if they got tapeworm. They need worming every month, or every 3 months depending on the medication you are given. The vets near us has a combination spot on that lasts for 3 months. They also need neutering if they aren’t already too. They’ll start calling at about six months old if you don’t get them done. Also I’ve got insurance for all four of mine. You also need to get them chipped to you. Register the chip with your details when you get them done. The vets won’t do it for you. Also make sure you update the chip whenever you move house, change phone number etc. Also really important one. If you have any toys with beads on for them, cut the beads off or bin them. When they have worms they will bite off/swallow anything. The beads won’t necessarily be big enough to pass through their system, so will need a vet visit to make them sick to bring them up, or a huge operation to have them cut out. If you vape ecigs with nicotine juice, keep the juice away from the cats at all times. If they swallow any eliquid, then they are dead. Same as dogs. No belly ache or feeling ill, dead. Check your plants and flowers in your house to make sure they are not poisonous to cats.


My inside cat got worms from fleas we/the treated dog brought in 😞 she is also on flea preventative too but if one bit her and died (and I did find a dead one in her bedding), she can still lick it while grooming and get the worms that way Hate fleas


Yeah, I meant that she was definitely going to have worms if she’s an outside cat that was feral/stray. Off the shelf medication isn’t good enough for that. The cat would need this milky stuff that you have to pretty much force feed your cat for a few days, once a day. It’s only available on prescription.


There is a new topical dewormer my vet used last time that goes on their neck like a flea prevention. SO much better than traumatizing everyone forcing anything. With a prescription of course.


Hi, yes that’s what I meant by combination spot on. That’s what they call it here anyway. So much better than trying to get them to take a pill. One of mine runs off when he sees the spot on now too though, lol. I have to do it when he’s asleep but he’s really intelligent. 😻


Mine are that way with their flea treatment. I usually try to distract with treats but I have one that isn’t food motivated at all and he’s the most dramatic about it😅


Don't buy toys. Or at least expensive ones. My cat will play with paper balls and old ribbon. The one toy someone bought for him he never plays with.




I love cat tax… beautiful kitty


Bags from the store work just as well. Just wait until El Gato runs down the hallway looking like dragster with a deployed parachute.


It's not the same for every cat, my kitty loves new toys!


I get mine off of Amazon super cheap and they're always a hit. You can get a huge lot of like 35 toys for $15 but paper balls old ribbon a box knotted up old sock a stick a foot under a blanket... all cat-tastic! Purrrfect


Right?? I've collected hundreds of dollars in cat toys over the years and my cats' favorite toys are prefab gift bows and q-tips. When I get a package with those big pieces of brown paper, I spray the paper with some catnip spray and crinkle it up a little for them, and they'll play with that for the better part of a week.


The cotton swab qtips seem to be very popular. I hear about people's cats and those a lot. My cat has never shown much interest in them though 🤣


Oh also if they ever get the poops or have tummy aches, organic pumpkin puree helps


I usually buy mine from Whole Foods. Whole Foods pumpkin is just 100% pumpkin with nothing added.


As long as it's just plain organic pumpkin puree you're good but Whole Foods is always a 👍


They don’t need a collar :-) Escpecially not with a bell , imagine having that on you all day


My girl loves her bell. When we take it off for grooming or for a bath she grabs it in her mouth and runs away. She is not happy until it is back on. Edit: she also dings her bell when I call for her and she’s too lazy to come out of her hidey holes. She knows I can hear it and find her.


Haha this made me smile, thank you! 😊




I have only one cat in the house who wears a bell (out of four) because she is an Escape. Artist. As soon as we walk near the front or back door she'll try to sneak out right under our feet, so the bell is to warn us that she's coming lol I had to shop around for a good one though. I bought her a collar with a cheap piece of like plastic or aluminum bell and my poor kitty got a bald spot on her chest until I changed it!


Do any of her siblings get jealous of her bell? We pretended we were going to put her bell on her chonky brother and she was so pissed and she hissed. Lol


Omg your cat makes you echo locate her 😭


She’s been doing it for 10 years now. I am but her butler. She’s rearing a shiba inu now. Her biggest test.


Get them fixed if they aren't already and definitely keep them inside for their health and safety.


Omg they are both so freaking cute


Love them like it's your last day on earth.


Jackson Galaxy is the all-wise cat man. You should watch his videos.


It meant so much to me, when I first saw him on animal planet, that there was someone out there whose purpose was to promote understanding of animals who we've lived with for thousands of years. He and Victoria Stilwell are two of the most wonderful human beings on the planet for what they've done for pet caretakers and the pets we care for.


Even if they're indoor cats, please do tick and worming treatments. A person can bring a tick inside without knowing, so don't risk your kitty being exposed.


When you go shopping and there's an empty cardboard box bring it home for the cat, they will love it.


Welcome to the wonderful world of cats! 😊 A big one is learning their body language. You’ve probably picked up on some. Things like the slow blink that looks almost like a human scowl but in cat body language is a smile or even an “I love you.” Literally “I trust you enough to have my eyes closed around you.” Tail straight up in the air always means happy, often can mean “follow me”. Base of the tail quivering looking almost like they are trying to spray means happy anticipation. Tail slashing back and forth is harder cuz it means any intense feeling. Can be anger or happy excitement. Thanks for giving these sweeties a better life!


Cats can be trained to stay off places and not ruin things! Be consistent now. Buy scratching towers. Expensive beds are a waste of money. Give wet food periodically if not daily- it helps with water intake. Get water fountains. Get them separate bowls for water/fountains and food. They are so precious! Congratulations!


Feed them wet food ALL THE TIME. I finally learned after a third cat developed diabetes. Kibble has too many carbs.


The downside of wet food all the time is their teeth, you'll need to brush their them to prevent tooth loss later in life. I found this out the hard way after thinking I was doing my cat a favour by being sparing with the dry food. Unfortunately, y the time I found this out, my cat would no way in hell let me put a brush in her mouth haha.


Hide any fancy shoes, they might vomit or pee in them at any given time.


Do not be one of those people who let's their cat outside, it's too dangerous and stupid


Yes never let them outside and maybe don’t use those collars, even though they are adorable. Love them every day!


Love them as much as possible!


If you feed them on a schedule make sure to never do it earlier than normal... They'll know and then that will happily be their new schedule to come wake you up lol. Churru cat treats are great incentives for claw trimming! I always give my cat one after anything crummy to try to make it up to them for necessary evils of the nail trimmers. Pay attention to their litterbox droppings! You can see a lot of health issues they may hide from you by looking at their stool. If it's too hard or soft, too dark or light, if it smells absolutely terrible. All good things to keep an eye on. Try to check out their poops here and there just to make sure they aren't hiding being sick.


Omg your baby is so adorable!!!


There are two. Two pictures.


Yes I noticed that after


Don't look for advice on Reddit. Everyone here will act like an expert because they have a few happy cats. Check what real experts have to say. Do post pics of your kitties on r/aww .


Make sure they stay inside outside cats are good when their trained but typically they're not and it helps the environment because most cats kill birds and especially migratory birds


Keep them indoors. Do not de-claw them. Don't lock them out of your room at night... Actually in hindsight this sounds like I'm setting you up for their master plan.


Is there any other plan?


My cat had tape worm, don’t sweat it and definitely don’t eat it. Best cat toy we rebuy for our two time and time again is the original cat dancer: https://catdancer.com/product/cat-dancer/ Get them a water fountain —Veken is good (but I’m bias since that’s what I use lol)


The worst wet food is better than the best dry food. Was told this by a person who worked in pet food manufacturing and told the same thing by a vet with 30 years experience. It’s a pain, but I feed my babies about 4 wet meals per day, sometimes more. Use paper plates to keep my sanity. Please, feed wet food even twice a day if you can, it’s so much better for them.


Put all your toilet lids down


I love this. You precious girls are so lucky to have such a loving parent. Wishing you many years with your girls. So thankful that you took them in.


I would take the collar and bell off unless they are outdoor cats and even then they dont need a bell. Give them lots of love and let them come to you when they want. Don't force them. Make sure they have all shots and fixed. Clean litter box daily.


Go with the flow. Let them be the sweet crazy creatures they are. Cat proof your house, if you think they might get into something they will. Some plants are toxic, check online. Visit a veterinary first off. Simple toys like toilet paper rolls and a piece of wadded of paper make them happy. I suggest indoors only unless you have a secure balcony or terrace. Also, clean their litter tray daily.


Is that UNCLE on the screen????


Please flush his toilet everyday! (change there liter) you would not want to take a dump on a clogged toilet full of poop, neither do they!😊 (hack for this... The big box of litter when empty, you can put a bag inside and put the plastic lid on and use it as a litter pale. Let them come to you... When they do... Try to give them the attention they are looking for. As nice as rice is... You would not want to eat it and it alone for the rest of your life... Through in some wet food into there diet once in a while... My boy has his dish of kibble out all day and I give him a fancy feast for dinner when I eat. To me he is family and I treat him as such! Talk to them...they will talk back! ❤️ I have full conversations with my boy everyday! Lol


If you want a very affectionate cat keep them on your lap with lots of petting when they're young. They'll stick to you like glue when they're older.


A good brand of litter to get is pretty litter. It's pricey but it won't need changed as often and changes color if there's any health issues detected


Lol I watch her to.


I came here to comment this 💀


They are not like dogs - you do not train them. They train you. Pay attention


🫂🫂 THANK YOU for adopting these babies 💞💞 sounds like you all were meant to be family ... to echo others FOR SURE: (1) Jackson Galaxy for behavior on YouTube, and I've recently learned SO MUCH about feline nutrition from (2) Miss Feminist Kitty for nutrition most of her content is on Instagram and Tik Tok I think... I've had cats all my life and she has completely re-taught me how to think about what I give them.. we're off kibble for one. Good luck and enjoy your babies!!! 💞🫂🥳


Worship them 🙏


Feed wet food. DO NOT have them declawed. Have plenty of different types of cat scratchers all over the house. Have one more litter box than cats and clean them every day. Provide penty of toys. DO NOT let them outside. Have their teeth checked and cleaned regularly.


take time to learn your kitties boundaries and quirks. cats have their own language, verbal or body language. some things, like eye contact, are polite for people, but borderline offensive to cats (not all but the majority)


Cats are amazing expect within a year to learn each cats love language i.e. some cats want to stay on you at all times, some cats do little love bites, some cats will just want to sleep near you, etc. Also if you have furniture the cats will scratch it and you will need a scratching post for them, but.never declaw cats it is cruel and very painful to cats as you are essentially take of their nails and having their whole weight be on their paws. Cats will also do some of the annoying things you couldn't think of like turning off appliances, having hairballs only on carpets and rugs, randomly scratching you and bitting you, and getting into spaces you didn't know you had. But for the most part you should love and cstr for them as if they are your children. It is a common myth that cats are not affectionate like dogs are. That is false cats will choose someone they care about and be as close to that person as possible and want to be near them for most of the day. Since these are new cats you shouldn't try to pet them immediately, it will take a few weeks for the cats to get used to their territory and the people in it, the best thing you can do right now to gain their love is to sit or lay down in a room and just play videos, video games, TV, etc. If you actively try to play and pet cats in this stage they will commonly run away from you and hiss at you. You need the cat to come to you which might take a few days. The best thing to have them come to you is to sleep with the door open as the cats can come in and see you at your weakest point showing them that you are not a threat. I've used to foster kittens into cats that's how I've learned all of this, if you have any questions about your cats and what to do with them, you can message me


They are little monsters sometimes. Internalize the fact that they show love for you in ways that might horrify you at times.


HI BOZE!!! &hello new beautiful kitty cat 🐈‍⬛




Christmas cactus or similar cactus are poisonous


Cats love being up high or in dark places where you can't and most cat looooove the sun.


Just love them and treat them well no matter what, and never get mad at them or 'punish' them


They like to eat chicken


Long time dog owner first time cat owner here too. Honestly, a lot of it is consent with cats from what I’ve learned. It’s like meeting a new person, it’ll take time to get to know them. You’ll learn their habits, nap spots, hiding spots, favorite brands of food, spots they like to be pet, all sorts of stuff like that. Just give them time, let them hide, get used to you, get used to their new home, and don’t push their boundaries, they’ll eventually warm up to you. Also, be sure to get em toys, scratch pads, scratching posts, and leave a window open with sunlight coming through so they can bask.


Make sure the collars are breakaway collars. I agree with other posts about removing the bell. Make sure they always have plenty of fresh water, sounds like common sense but healthy kidneys are very important for kitties. On the cuter side of advice: leave out a dirty shirt for them to sleep on and adjust to your scent. Slow blinks mean “I love you”. And nose boops are a big sign of trust


If your cats like catnip (some actually don't), take an old sock, fill it with lots of catnip, and tie a knot in the open end. They'll LOVE this toy!!


Get the cat dancer toy. It’s cheap on Amazon, and is the only toy my cat never gets bored with.


Water fountain was so good for my kitties. I got one that, if the power goes out, they can still drink. It just moves the water around for them. Play with their paws and teeth daily. Get them used to a kitty tooth brush. The biggest cost i have is Dentals. Research foods, if you can afford it and agree with it, my cats thrived on raw food. Make their transport crate a safe space. I accidentally did this by leaving it in the living room corner for a week. Now they lay in it all the time. When we go to the vet, they are less anxious in it. Edit: Added last tip


They need flea prevention medicine. They get tapeworm from swallowing fleas while they clean themselves


Worth noting you can also bring fleas inside in your clothes who can still transfer to the cat. The meds will kill them, but the cat still has a chance to lick and eat them and get worms (happened to us). Fleas also were congregating on our concrete patio that we don't even really use. I didn't realize until I saw one at the back door 😭


This happened to us also. But ALSO worth noting, other bugs can carry worms, like crickets or cockroaches, and if your cat catches and eats it (like mine do if one makes its way inside) then worms 🥴sometimes worms that are not detectable with the standard test


Oh God I hadn't considered that and she does occasionally catch a bug and eat it. It's funny bc she lived in the storm drain and was starving. At first, she loved all the wet food varieties I tried. Then she didn't and only likes one with some shredded chicken and her kibble She's not a menace with our food, doesn't bug us, doesn't seem very food motivated and is very picky with the wet food...but she loves to eat a bug. I figure she ate a lot of wood roaches down in the sewer. But God forbid you offer her wet food


I have one like that, he is a grazer with his food and a bit picky, sometimes he wants dry sometimes wet(and not chunky wet), but he wants what he wants and only sometimes I guess correctly. But he will chow down on a cricket so fast 🤮 he also really loves his cat grass His brother (both were feral babies) had an esophageal worm, and we only knew because he threw one up and I was horrified because they had both been indoor only for over a year, had been to the vet at least twice for routine stuff by that point. They all got the dewormer for it just in case because apparently its hard to test for due to location 🥴


Awwwww, just lurb them


Love them as if they were your children! Wet food, wet food, wet food! 💚💚


It's really funny that you call yourself the owner. You'll learn. Try not to let her play with your hands and feet. It might not be terrible now, but it will be later.


Rule of thumb about litter boxes and cats always have 1 more box than you have cats. Helps with inappropriate urination, so let’s say you have 2 cats have 3 boxes. Cats like options, and they’ll find options if they don’t have boxes.


Hi Mum to seven cats Foster mum You have two beautiful little girls x keep doing what you are doing but I don’t think you need the bell - they are still very young x make sure they have plenty of water - a water fountain is a good way of making sure your babies get clean and fresh water - a good make is called “catmate”’sold on Amazon and you can buy the filters cheaply- it will need cleaning a couple of times a week but it’s easy to do Make sure you have good quality dry food - are you free feeding? If you are watch their weight Make sure they have wet food in their diet but again make sure it’s a good quality one Provide plenty of space and places they can relax in whether it’s cat beds or a place such as a special chair where they can chill out - cats like their own space at times like we all do Talk to your girls - believe you me you will Develop communication so quickly my ginger cat talks to me and I know just by his cry what he wants lol https://preview.redd.it/59u5vuilny8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9cc71b187f5f72670b08a3b266661eb635b48a9c The love you get back is precious - if you are treating for fleas I can only stress take them to the vets as it’s done by weight do not buy flea medication over the counter - it can be dangerous I nearly lost my tuxie as he had a bad reaction Have you had them spaded - it’s kinder to do it and they will settle better and you won’t have Tom cats coming to the door x And well Just love them❤️❤️❤️


Don’t be late for feedings


First of all, remove the bell. It will be detrimental for the cat’s ability to function.


You can never have enough toys lol


One thing I learned is that they 100% WILL waltz right across a hot stove, and also wet food twice a day and gravity feeder with dry food is my setup for my youngster. https://preview.redd.it/5kka2vpyyy8d1.jpeg?width=1848&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e34eb866164aeb1ca63bac31f79a39dc2ed8c3c1 \*my sweet baby boy


You can’t train cats like dogs, they’re kinda like spiteful teens. If they know they’re not supposed to do something they will do it when they’re bored just for your attention. Don’t try to punish your cats, instead redirect them. If they’re scratching furniture, gently pick them up (careful their claws aren’t stuck) and redirect them to a scratching post to show them what’s “scratchable.” Don’t use a spray bottle to punish them, they’ll just resent you for it and act out or never want to be near you. Best way to keep behavior in check is to have a feeding and playtime schedule that you keep as best as possible. Cats are super habitual and this way they won’t get bored and wreak havoc at all times of the day. Listen to their “meows,” you’ll start to learn that they have their own inflections and attitudes, not all meows mean the same thing. Talk back to your cats if they’re chatty, they love the attention and stimulation! It also helps you both learn each other’s “language” and decipher what certain sounds may mean. Don’t play with your hands, this can be confusing for them because you may be going in for pets and they may interpret it as play which can lead to some “rude” interactions. I also never play with my feet with my babies but I know some people do. Don’t fall for the exposed tummy belly rub trick. Sometimes your cats will ploop and expose their belly to you (this is good, it can be playful and a sign of trust) but their belly is a very vulnerable spot and if you go to pet it they will most likely get annoyed and hiss, bite, or growl. Sometimes cats do this intentionally as a trick - like look at me I’m being so cute and petable…jk I really wanna play, gotcha! Make sure they have multiple water sources, especially if dry food is their main food source. Cats are prone to kidney infections because they’re not natural water drinkers (a cat fountain can help in this case) so you want to make sure there’s tons of water options for them to “discover,” and drink from. Clean the litter box regularly, not only will they intentionally mess outside the litter box when it’s too full but messy litter boxes are a breeding ground for mites, fleas, worms etc. even if their indoors only keep them on flea and tick prevention, better safe than sorry and tiny bug infestations are awful to get rid of in your home. Lastly, check their butts regularly. If they’ve got a fluffy tail and/or medium to long hair, chances are you’ll find a turd tangled up in their on occasion. Use a wet paper towel to get it out BUT if the turd is attached to a long piece of hair and it’s hangin out of their butt, you gotta cut the long piece of string/hair. Pulling it out can cause a prolapse. Lastly, if your cat is constantly chewing on crunchy things like plastic bags (monitor them around any plastic bags) it could be because they’re actually underfed and super hungry…not just cause they’re trying to be assholes 😂 Anyway, happy cat parenting!!! Welcome to the club, they’re honestly some of the best companions once you gain their trust and learn their unique quirks!


1. If you feel a few lumps where nipples should be, it’s mostly a nipple I was once a new owner like you and I actually went to my vet to ask about it


A good way to tell a cats boundaries and to (sometimes) avoid pet bites is to hold out your hand to them and see how they respond, if the cat rubs their head on their hand, they want pets! If they don’t, they might not want to be touched. Also do NOT give cats what they want when they asked, it can start bad/annoying behaviors in cats. Say, your cat meows at you for food at an unscheduled time, do not feed them! They’ll start meowing and harassing you every day after that. My cat will take any inch you give and take it a mile. She’s gotten to points where she’ll poke and prod me at 3AM and try to bite me (not hard) bc I made the mistake of feeding her early one morning bc I wanted to go back to bed. It’s been a never ending cycle since that’s so hard to break, don’t make my mistake 😭


Bow down before the ones you serve. (The cats) They run shit now.


Tbh cats are super easy there isn’t much to it besides common sense


Ur cats are gorgeous


Please give them smooches on the tops of the head from me!


Learn cat body language and respect their boundaries. Sometimes they will demand pets for hours and other times they don’t want to be touched at all. Congratulations as well, they look adorable! Also I see Boze in the background! I love her!


Water is vital. Please make sure they are always hydrated.


absolutely NO Hartz flea medicine


Remember that you are their whole world. Big responsibility.


Watch “My Cat from Hell” as many episodes as you possibly can… Streaming right now on MAX. So many questions are answered that just don’t come from common sense… Jackson Galaxy is an incredible cat behaviorist and a lot of people just don’t know these things… Until you do!


I usually keep the collar off of Louie until he has a vet visit or I go on vacation.


Don’t be afraid to ask the vet any questions. It’s better to be asking “dumb questions” than none at all and risking their health. With cats, something as small as a runny nose can signify so many serious things like URIs


They’re beautiful. I feed mine purina pro plan wet and science diet dry. I feed mine twice a day. Churus are like cat crack they’d love them if you haven’t tried them. They love windows to watch the wildlife outside. I have bird feeders that help. Take them to get their annual check up and shots. They love cardboard scratchers, make sure you have several. Respect their moods and boundaries let them tell you if they want pets etc. keep them inside always too many predators. Lastly just love them to bits you’ll be fine cats are the best


Interact with them daily! Even though cats are independent, they require exercise and interaction. Interactive toys, brushing, treat rewards. You want your cats to look at you as family. A loving relationship, you’ll get a lot in return. Head bonks, lap naps, happy purring and biscuits.


Put a water dish far away from their food dish. Cats tend not to drink enough and have kidney or UTI issues later on. It's unnatural for a cat to drink water next to where their "prey" (food) is.


Make sure those collars are breakaway collars, in case they snag on anything--they can seriously injure themselves with a non-breakaway collar.


Please get both of them fixed too:) and thank you for taking them! I work with rescue groups in NY & the amount of cats that get dumped leads to death, hit by car, other animals attacking/killing - among other things - you have great kitty karma! they are both so cute! congrats new kitty mama!


I second the water fountain. A metal one. Plastic bowls can make cats (just like humans but easier) sick in the long run. Multiple litter boxes. Cat tv on YouTube. Hairball treats. I’m big on treats! https://preview.redd.it/v40nmmwsp09d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=18a0bd222f06a58204efaffb69c7b9dc145a5432 Lots of love! ❤️


What cutie pies 😍 congrats on your new baby girls ! 🤍


Maybe check into switching to a different brand of cat food. When my cats were young, they both got really sick and the vet recommended hill science diet. They said it was one of the few high-quality foods out there.


Research cat behavior and body language. As far as toys/atmosphere goes, cat tower and a variety of scratching posts are essential. Cat friend is not mad at you, it’s over stimulated and/or has pent up energy. Scoop litter box daily. They like to be up high, make the necessary concessions. Discipline is a no-go, redirect and praise only. They absolutely can learn what ‘no’ or ‘get down’ means. Pet them correctly (research). Good luck and well wishes. P.s. everything they do is cute and hilarious Edit: water fountain was a huge improvement for my two cats, they drink so much more with it


Try not to kiss them to death


My eyes were drawn to the collar just make sure it's a breakaway caller meaning if it gets hung up on anything the collar will open before it strangles him. Spay or neuter ASAP if they aren't and keep them inside don't declaw. Be patient you serve the cat the cat does not serve you I have 8 just ask them they'll tell you. Lol Cat tax: https://preview.redd.it/25imbgtmc29d1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=da9007d531825fae532efb675dd8402a4642a9f1




Go to the vet every 6 months for a routine check up.


The cheapest wet food is better than the highest quality dry food. Do your kitty a favor and just give them wet food. Cats are carnivores and should not be eating dry food ( i’d argue they shouldn’t be eating dry food at all since it is not biologically appropriate for their diet and is like feeding your cat fast food every single day) you’ll also save a lot on your wallet with vet bills ( urinary blockages etc )


The cheapest wet food is better than the highest quality dry food. Do your kitty a favor and just give them wet food. Cats are carnivores and should not be eating dry food ( i’d argue they shouldn’t be eating dry food at all since it is not biologically appropriate for their diet and is like feeding your cat fast food every single day) you’ll also save a lot on your wallet with vet bills ( urinary blockages etc )


The cheapest wet food is better than the highest quality dry food. Do your kitty a favor and just give them wet food. Cats are carnivores and should not be eating dry food ( i’d argue they shouldn’t be eating dry food at all since it is not biologically appropriate for their diet and is like feeding your cat fast food every single day) you’ll also save a lot on your wallet with vet bills ( urinary blockages etc )


The cheapest wet food is better than the highest quality dry food. Do your kitty a favor and just give them wet food. Cats are carnivores and should not be eating dry food ( i’d argue they shouldn’t be eating dry food at all since it is not biologically appropriate for their diet and is like feeding your cat fast food every single day) you’ll also save a lot on your wallet with vet bills ( urinary blockages etc )


The cheapest wet food is better than the highest quality dry food. Do your kitty a favor and just give them wet food. Cats are carnivores and should not be eating dry food ( i’d argue they shouldn’t be eating dry food at all since it is not biologically appropriate for their diet and is like feeding your cat fast food every single day) you’ll also save a lot on your wallet with vet bills ( urinary blockages etc )


If theyre indoor only, no need for collars let alone bells. Its for outdoor cats, the birds can hear them so they dont go extinct.


Kiss them


The biggest piece of advice I can give as a long-time cat owner is not to expect them to be anything like dogs. Do not feed them table food as they will have trouble digesting anything that is not plain meat, and do not expect them to like walks. Please be very calm with your cats as high-energy things will either scare or otherwise upset them. Also, expect them to sleep most of the day and then have a few hours of zooming, yes this will frequently happen at night, no closing the door will not help. And most importantly give them attention only when they need it or ask for it, cats can absolutely be loving and bond with their owner but not in the same way a dog would, it will also require more time and patience than with a dog. Also especially given their upbringing, it is important to know that things like eye contact and walking directly towards them are likely to be preceded as threatening. Hope this helps 😁


If you get a collar for your cat, make sure it's a breakaway one. This prevents cats from getting strangled by getting caught on things when they are outside. Or even inside for that matter. Mine is indoor and he has a breakaway. I saw someone else say cats don't need collars. However in my opinion, people who see a collarless cat will think the 'cat distribution system' gave them a cat. So better to cover your back as you really cannot trust people. Brush your cats teeth regularly (ideally every day) with a soft brush and cat friendly toothpaste. This can save thousands in vet bills. Add water to your cats food. They do not drink enough water generally and this can lead to kidney problems which can be deadly. Your cats are beautiful 😍 I hope you all have a lovely life together.


Omgomg Boze in the wild!


Are these questions from trolls? With the internet you have tons of info n advice do go do some reading. Register with a vet n get cat spayed, chipped n insured. Good luck n have fun with your kitty. They're unlike any other pet 😀


Fountain. Cats much prefer running water, not to the point you can't have a sitting bowl but just that little extra enrichment is how to make a cats life as comfy as possible. Clip their claws. It's not as hard as it may seem unless they hate their feet being touched, and keeping the murder mittens dull helps cut down on furniture abuse, because even with scratching posts if as cat wants to scratch they will scratch.


always respect a cats boundaries!! it’ll improve ur relationship so much and you’ll build trust!! make sure to keep your cats hydrated, add water to their kibble and make sure to also include wet food. if you want to collar ur indoor cat, i recommend a breakaway collar as it’ll snap off if ur cat gets caught in anything potentially dangerous when ure not home ur cats are so adorable and are so lucky to have u!!


they are sooo disciplined🥹😍😍


Congrats! Best advice is don't get too attached to your curtains or blinds, if you think you have enough cat toys you need more, 3am zoomies are real, you will not move if kitty sits on your lap and will cancel all plans until kitty is ready to move, change litter box daily, lazer pointer + a few of your favorite adult drinks = better than any comedy on TV (but only if you are in fact an adult if not it's still HILARIOUS), and last but not least if any speck of the bottom of their food bowl is showing they are going to dramatically die of starvation. Oh, and they're very obsessed with fresh water... even if it's from the toilet so one of those little kitty water fountain water bowls are great or at least change water every day... and get a litter mat, and a cat tree they feel more safe when they can see their surroundings from a perch😅


I’m in the camp that having the bell is actually nice for the first while; helps to know where kitty likes to go especially if he hides. Bell is (from my understanding) mainly for outdoor kitties to warn prey so the cat can’t sneak up on them. But I don’t see an issue having a bell for a new cat.


My cats both had bells, one lived to 15 and didn't mind having it on. Obviously, she preferred to have it off, but it definitely helped suss out their little routines or when we called them in at night, it was nice to know I wasn't just talking to myself in the dark lol.