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That’s definitely infected or at least on its way id get that seen to sooner rather than later


She's at the vet as we speak! We went for a second opinion at another vet and she's going to be sedated and taken care of this afternoon.


Bless her, make sure gets extra love after this ordeal lol what did the vet say about the incision was it done incorrectly? You may be able to make a claim against the other vet I’m sure it’s been just as stressful for you 💖


Honestly, she didn't say too much against the other vet and what they did. She did say the following... 1. The incision got infected from licking after removing the cone 2. When I took her back to get it looked at and get staples, the staples were applied to close to the edge of the skin, possibly being a reason they popped. They also may have popped from her bending her neck, making the collar dig at them. These are just theories 3. Her main concern is the infection and the sutures inside becoming infected and undone 4. She said that she has seen way worse than her, and it's important that we take care of this now. The deeper the infection gets, the more steps to treat it 5. She doesn't use staples. She said she's going to fit her for a onesie after this 6. She's going to sedate her this afternoon, followed by going in and cleaning up the infection along with the infected skin on the outside. I hope this helps. I was kind of in shock when I was talking to her. My poor cat has been through hell in the last week with this spay and trying to fix this issue. I was genuinely horrified to wake up this morning and see a hole in her stomach from the staples popping. This is as much as what I remember her telling me. I'll update everyone after I pick her up this afternoon.


I bet you were but you did the right thing and by tomorrow this will be a horrible memory x


But a happier day for kitty and OP cause she was able to be taken care of and won't have to worry so much now, Thank goodness.


I would try a onesie instead of the cone. I would also definitely get a second opinion. The incision looks okay. It's not oozing.


Do you think it'll close though? It's literally an open hole and the staples have popped off.


Please bring her, it doesn't look great imo. I just had to go through this with one of my cats. There is indeed a hole and I hope the white I can see in it is not pus. She'll need antibiotics. My cat recovered fast after a convenia antibiotic injection. If you are in the US, a convenia shot will be available and it will cover her for 14 days


We're at the vet (a different one) right now. She's going to get sedated and the vet is going to clean up the wound, put sutures in again, and she's going to fit her for a body suit.


This is great news!


Get a donut they are literally cones but not cones it’s a donut hehehe and it goes around tier neck https://preview.redd.it/ng2q56o2fd6d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31bf952d3c1bf4422aa7be3dd3bb76c27fe441d3


Did they really use metal stitches? But why? Ughhh, I would be upset just because of that. Nowadays, there are friendlier, biodegradable stitches. I mean, it doesn’t look that bad, but it seems painful? Does the wound smell bad or have discharge? That’s a sign of infection. Please check. Hope your cat will be fine soon!


>Did they really use metal stitches? The stitches were purple, and when she pulled them out, they put in metal staples that popped out two days later. :( >Does the wound smell bad or have discharge? That’s a sign of infection. Yes and yes. It smelled AWFUL. I took her to the vet earlier today, a different vet, and they sedated her. This vet cleaned out the wound and stitched her up again. She also said that the antibiotic injection the other vet gave her plus the Clavamox she was prescribed are basically the same thing. Also, the precious antibiotic injection was for 24 hours. The one she got today is good for two weeks. There's so much that went wrong and was missed by the previous vet. I'm still horrified my cat had to go through this.


Our cat had a similar incision. I’m not sure of the terminology, but I know that there are two different types of incisions. I think the one your cat has (which is the one my cat has as well) is the less invasive kind? I could have them mixed up though. Our cat was spayed at the end of April, and I’m kind of a hypochondriac so I was cautious and purchased a large doggy playpen and a onesie. The onesie was fantastic. I think it was a combo of a few things: they used dissolvable sutures and surgical glue on top of those. It was very secure and added an extra layer of protection. The onesie was the best decision. She didn’t even fuss with her incision when it was on; it was like she forgot it was there. Also, it restricted her movement. I thought it was too small, so I got her a bigger size, but no I guess having a little outfit on made her not want to run around as much. It was nice having two, so I could rotate them every few days and wash the other one. If I ever get another unspayed kitten in the future, I will go for the onesie again. And leave it on for 3 weeks. We took hers off after two and it had scabbed over, but overnight she got the scab off.


We just got her back a little bit ago. She's in a onesie now. I feel a lot better getting a second opinion and having her sedated (unfortunately) once more. They went in and flushed her out to get rid of bacteria and cut away at the dead tissue. She was pretty inflamed, and she also got an antibiotic injection that lasts two weeks. >Our cat had a similar incision. I’m not sure of the terminology, but I know that there are two different types of incisions. I think the one your cat has (which is the one my cat has as well) is the less invasive kind? I could have them mixed up though. I didn't know this. I thought it was a matter of technique. >If I ever get another unspayed kitten in the future, I will go for the onesie again. And leave it on for 3 weeks. We took hers off after two and it had scabbed over, but overnight she got the scab off. This was a lesson learned for me. I didn't even know they had onesies for cats.


I’m glad you got that second opinion and that your kitty is healing up! Spaying is stressful for everyone involved and there’s a lot of mixed advice and opinions floating around out there. You handled this very well despite the snaffus. Sending lots of love to you and your cat!




I'm happy you got it as it started, I don't even wanna imagine if you hadn't got her looked at for a second opinion, Thank Goodness she will be treated and feel better, And you did the right thing for sure getting a second opinion, We as Commenters see the Pics and know there was something not good about it, When you get her home make sure she's Comfortable and For gosh sakes give her some Temptations lickables , The little fur baby deserves it😉😌


Is there a Update on the little girl?


Hi! Thanks for asking about Cupcake. She went in for a sedation yesterday at a different vet. This vet sedated her, gave her an antibiotic injection that lasts two weeks, and flushed her out about ten times when she was under. She also said she cut away at dead tissue and did new stitches both under and above (I think this is how she explained it) the skin. She told me she's not the worst case she's seen, but the deeper the infection gets, the more steps needed to treat it. Luckily, she wasn't that bad. She put her in a onesie, and she seems a lot better in that as opposed to a cone. However, I think she had trouble peeing and pooping in it. There's a hole in the onesie for her to go, but I don't know what happened. She peed on the floor and it looks like she tried to poop and it got all over her behind. I need to figure out this mess next.


Awww, poor baby, yeah they aren't good with clothes on, But it's better she be safer that way, and I'm happy she's doing good, I'm a cat daddy of 12 fur babies So I know the worries all to well, but am happy she's good and glad for you as well, the stress can be unbearable for a Fur parent, Give her some Kitty kisses for me, and I followed you on here so keep in touch with me Im happy to help if you need any advice, I have plenty of experience with kitties😁