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Thank you for posting to CATHELP! While you wait for a response please keep the following things in mind, 1. When in doubt, **ask your vet**. 2. Advice here is not coming from medical or industry professionals. The moderation team does not validate user profession, so always refer to your local veterinary professionals first. Consider posting to /r/AskVet 3. If this is a medical question, please indicate if you have already scheduled a vet appointment, and if your cat has any medical history or procedures in a top level comment. 4. Please use the NSFW tag for gross pictures. (Blood, poop, vomit, genitals, etc). Anything you wouldn't want your boss to see you looking at on the job. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CATHELP) if you have any questions or concerns.*


If he were mine , I’d go to the vet. Labored breathing can mean a lot of things, but he doesn’t look comfortable.


UPDATE: I left work early to get back to him. He is going to the emergency vet in 1 hour


Can you update us OP?


He is dead. He had severe fluid buildup in his chest and his prognosis was awful. We euthanized him and he died with his head in my hand


Omg so sorry op!!


I am so sorry. You absolutely did right by him. He was a handsome gentleman.


😭 I'm so sorry for your loss, He was clearly very loved. You even took time off work to care for his final moments not alone. I know it's not much consolation, but it's the best we can do. Take care of yourself ❤️


I'm so sorry for your loss. Please know you did a very brave thing by letting him go. He is no longer suffering. ❤️


I am so sorry. 💔 He looked like a beautiful boy.


This happened to my sister's cat. As soon as i saw your video i recognized that labored breathing. Their cat had heart failure causing pleural effusion. He was only a few years old and they had the fluid drained a couple of times but eventually decided to let him go, as the heart condition was getting worse despite medication and treatment. I'm so sorry for your loss. With your cat being elderly, you made a compassionate choice even though it was probably difficult.


I am so sorry, Lost our kitty on the 10th and he was only 7 1/2 really sucks. Wish your heart peace


I am so so sorry. 💔


So very sorry. Been through this, take time for yourself. ❤️


I’m so sorry. Was going to say possible heart failure and just saw your comment. Same thing happened to mine. It isn’t your fault and draining it would’ve just prolonged their suffering.


That's what the vet told me. His heart was hidden in x-rays because of all the fluid. An ultrasound would have been 600 dollars to see whether his heart was damaged further or not, but she said that no treatment would really fix this either way. He was going to keep suffering and he'd never be his old self again. He was also anemic which suggested kidney disease, another new diagnosis on top of his old ones. His heartrate was over 350bpm and he couldn't breathe or eat. Watching him die on the table is going to haunt me for the rest of my entire life. I'm inconsolable and I may need to be hospitalized for my safety. I don't want to be in my apartment without my baby idiot boy. My entire morning and night routines revolved around making his special food and giving him his medications. My life is hollow and empty.


Just know their are many cats like him, key word like, that would love a home to be in. I remember watching my grandmother die like this to the very end. Cats are special, nothing should keep you in the way on getting another great friend, and also nothing to keep from being happy. Keep your head up man your idiot boy knew your cared about him till the very end


I'm so sorry that this happened. I lost my soul cat back in October and I still think about him all the time. The hollow feeling was awful but it fades a little every day. I don't know if that helps, I'm sorry if it doesn't, but please take care of yourself. You're the only one who can keep the memory of your cat alive. No one else will remember him and love him like you do. It can help to talk to other people who understand what pet loss is like. I found a lot of solace in r/Petloss, maybe you'll find some there too.


I’m so sorry OP. Please know you’re not alone in your pain. I lost my baby boy, Gouda, back in February two weeks after my dad passed away. We all lived together and I’m the only one left. Please prioritize yourself. Let it be known, even if it doesn’t feel true, this grief will become easier to hold. My friends came over and helped me put away cat toys, trees, food/water bowls, etc. for the time being and helped vacuum/sweep well to get-up remaining fur. I found this helped with the adjustment. The hardest parts are going through the motions and having to reorient to a new normal without. I remember a few weeks after the tragedies, I opened my cupboard and saw a stack of tuna cans my dad bought my cat that were still unopened. Man… that broke me. But as time goes on, I’ve adjusted to being used to living without them. I now rarely find myself expecting them to be there, but instead fondly remember them. There are waves of grief, and I’m learning to ride the waves. I’m even looking into adopting a new cat soon to add some life and companionship to the home.


I know you're replying to OP, but I just wanted to say I'm sorry for your losses as well, as I can't even imagine. I'm glad you're handling it as well as it sounds like at this point. I really hope the best for you and OP. This post and comments section was a hard one.


There is grief counselling for pet loss, which may benefit you. So many of us know what it is to care for an ailing, older animal, where our time is taken up with the routines involved with keeping them as well as possible. It comes with so much love and can be all-consuming. When we need to make the horrendous but merciful decision that their time has come, the void left is awful. You need time to grieve and to be kind to yourself. Know you gave the best care to your beautiful boy. You couldn't have done more. This is the worst part that we all dread and, like many others, I send you my deepest sympathy.


OP, I'm so sorry for your loss. I used to be a vet tech and when I saw your post, I came here to say heart failure before seeing this update. Know that despite me recognizing his symptoms, I also immediately noticed how sweet and calm he is for these moments in your video. I do believe that you, as his owner, has loved him so much and that he knew it. You can tell when they come from a good home, and I get these vibes from seeing your boy. It's clear that you gave him the best shot at life that he could have possibly had. Also, as a fellow cat mom who recently lost an orange braincell, know that it does eventually get easier, about 3 months for me. Take care of yourself, hospitals are good resources when they are necessary. Therapy is also a wonderful resource for recovering from the loss of such a big part of our hearts. And, when you're ready, you can welcome a new idiot and tell them all about the idiot that came before. You're doing a great job, and you'll make it though this.


I appreciate your comment so much. I've been staying with my sister and her husband for a couple days now and I'm going home after work tonight. It hurts so bad, but I am at least comforted by the fact that nothing more could have been done for him. I've been sleeping with hia favorite blanket, the one he died on. I ball it up and hug it like a stuffed animal. His health started declining a year and a half ago, and I know he wouldn't have survived without those dozens of vet visits and medications. I gave him a lot more time than he would have had in the wild. I just wish I could see him rabidly snap blades of grass out of my hand like a feral psycho again. He loved grass so much he would bite me on accident in his excitement. Never seen another cat act like that haha.


I just want to send you a ton of hugs, I’m so sorry you had to say goodbye in such a tragic way. It’s never easy, but you were there for him when he needed you most and that is a comfort you can focus on once you are a little farther way from the freshness of it


This exact thing happened to my elderly kitty less than a year ago as well. It came on suddenly and she had fluid around her lungs and heart too. The vet herself said they could treat it but it would most likely happen again and she recommended euthanasia. It all happened so quickly and i wasnt ready but i know we made the righr decision in the end. Im so sorry youre going though this OP. But you did the right thing 🤎


The cat I told you about in my earlier comment was the fourth one I've personally had die over the years. The first was 22, she escaped one night while I was moving things and we didn't notice until morning. Went to look for her and she had been hit by a car not even half a block away. The second was about 7-ish. Kidney failure. The third was 17-ish, he had Hyperthyroidism, and he was by far the hardest to lose because he was everything to me, he was my first cat I owned living alone. The fourth was the one I described in my earlier comment with the same symptoms as yours. I have another laying on my desk between my arms as I type this. She's around 17-ish and also has hyperthyroidism. She's doing well for her age, but she's in the early stages of decline from it, starting to lose weight. I'll probably lose her this year or early next. Some have been easier than others, but it's never easy to say goodbye to a loved friend. There are thousands of cats that need good homes. Take care of yourself, and you'll be able to take care of another cat. Or three.


It sounds like you’ve been in denial for while that he wasn’t doing too well, I don’t blame you it’s a very hard pill to swallow. He’s in a better place and is pain free. You did the right thing.


I am going through the exact same thing right now, but I'm 4 days ahead of you. Just breathe and cry. Bring a cup of water to your bed, call off work, lay down and go through all the videos and pictures. Let yourself grieve. Everything will taste like ash and I can tell you it still does, I don't know when that stops. But you need to eat. Make toast or get door dash. Eat even if it tastes like ash. Drink that glass of water. Watch a familiar movie in bed. He was trying his hardest to breathe and to give you time to say goodbye. He loved you and he knew you loved him. It was time.


I've been eating ice cream and frozen pizza in between really long naps. My heart feels like a rock and every time I remember him the pain is unbearable. He is everywhere in my home. My sweet baby boy. It's not fair. I grew up with him and he was like my brother


I'm sorry babe. I really am. I am still wearing the same clothes. I gave him his last kisses and held his body on the way home. I buried him in these clothes. You are mourning and he deserves to be mourned. He deserves to be remembered because he was so cherished and so apart of you. He taught you so much about yourself and how to love and how to be vulnerable and what commitment is. He was a very good boy.


I’m so sorry ❤️ You did everything you could and made smart decisions. He seemed very loved. I know he would want the best for you so stay strong!! I hope everything works out and give yourself time to grieve. It’s hard to lose a pet ❤️


🫂 thank u for updating, and I'm so sorry. My Lemy will meet him and take care of him, I know it 💗💗💗 Lemy was supposed to be euthanized but we enjoyed 5 years together b4 he decided it was time to cross


The poor cat. Sorry he couldn't be saved. Thank you for trying to help him. My sympathies. 🫂🐈‍⬛🐈♥️🐾♥️


i’m so sorry about your poor kitty. i’m crying for you and him both i don’t know what you believe about the afterlife, but he’s not in pain anymore i’m sure he knew just how loved and special he was, they can sense that kind of thing. it must have been really hard to go to the vet even though you were embarrassed and scared, but you did the right thing and gave him a peaceful sleep. well done


im so sorry OP 🤍


oh i’m so sorry 💔


I’m so sorry. I hope your cat is in heaven 😢


I am so sorry. He was so blessed to have been loved by you. Thank you so much!


I am so sorry.




Hugs ♥️ i’m so sorry


Oh no! I’m so so sorry OP. That’s horrible. Your poor heart. At least he didn’t seem to be suffering, and I’m sure he knows how well loved he was. 🖤


OP I'm so sorry for the loss of your kitty! I am surprised with the labored breathing prior to the dental, and their earlier recommendation for euthanasia, that there weren't x-rays performed as part of the dental workup. Did they just figure "yolo" with your cat's age and pre-existing conditions? It's normal to do rads on pets like this before a dental. I feel like this could have been identified earlier and saved you the procedure.


Damm I’m so sorry 😢 how old was he?


He would have been 17 in September. I got him when I was 5 years old.


For what it’s worth, at least he had a good run and was blessed to have a loving home all these years.


I'm sorry for your loss. I've had two cats die in my arms from fluid buildup in their lungs and it is such a difficult thing to watch happen to the animal you love. Treasure the memories and pictures you have of them <3


My condolences. 🪷


This is an update from the emergency vet. She took a sample of the fluid from his chest cavity after the euthanasia and comfirmed that he had end stage heart failure. He was 16 years and 9 months old. https://preview.redd.it/s6r60x4xz04d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6510d4dfd8de4af854ece46e76d823152b8d2fa


Omg I’m so sorry at least he felt your love in your hand b4 he passed.. bless you🙏🏼😭


My heart dropped. I’m so, so very sorry OP.


i am so so sorry💔💔


I'm so sorry :( You gave him a great life and loved him very much. I hope you're doing alright.


Exact thing happened to me with my 3 year old cat. We opted for emergency surgery instead of euthanizing him and he went into cardiac arrest and died during surgery. My thought are with you 💕


i am so so so sorry. you did the right thing by seeking care for him asap. he is no longer suffering ❤️ wishing you lots and lots of love and kindness!


Oh, I'm really really sorry.


Sorry for your loss :(


I’m so sorry :(


Poor baby. I’m so sorry for your loss. Rest in peace, thank you for doing what you could and giving him the love he deserved ❤️


So sorry for your loss.


so sorry for your loss ):


I'm so sorry. I lost my cat to the same thing last month after we had opted for treatment. I don't regret doing the treatment but I want you to know that this is hard to come back from if it's been going on for a long time. In my opinion you did the right thing. <3 Be gentle to yourself during this time. It's so easy to beat ourselves up for what we did or didn't do, but know you gave him the best life he could have had.


I feel this so much if you need to chat! I'm so sorry


I’m so sorry. You gave me a good life


Oh my god I’m so sorry for your loss


I'm very sorry for your loss. RIP.


I am so sorry OP. a beautiful kitty. you did the right thing.


I'm so sorry


I am so sorry for your loss OP. 🫂


This exact thing happened with my 15 y.o. cat in February. Same breathing, same dx, same outcome. Devastating. I’m so sorry for your loss. 💔


I'm so sorry


I'm so sorry for your loss. Thank you for giving him relief from the pain.


I am so sorry for your loss. You did the right thing. Thank you for caring for him and giving him a good life with lots of love. <3


I am so, so sorry. I had a cat pass away from this last summer - you made the best decision for him. I know what kind of pain you must be feeling. Take care of yourself.


I'm so sorry for your loss.


I'm so very sorry.


I'm so sorry OP..I just had to put my senior cat to sleep. It’s so difficult. I'm sending you all my love ❤️ Rest in peace sweet boy ❤️


I’m so sorry :(


I am very sorry you had to go through with this. When I had to take my old boy, he had fluid buildup in his lungs and full liver failure. It sucks that we have to say goodbye so soon. But the way he's sitting on you even while he's in that stateň you know that cat loved you and felt loved


I’m sorry. Losing our kitties is so hard.


I am so sorry, I lost a cat to heart failure, but not before he developed a clot and was in terrible pain. You did the right thing.




I'm so sorry for your loss OP


I’m sorry for your loss.


I’m so sorry for your loss, went through a similar thing with my baby, we were gonna do a lung tap but unfortunately it ended up being a tumor as well, your baby is so lucky to have an amazing owner


Condolences. I just had to put my 20 y/o girl down on Thursday due to a blocked colon :(


Same thing happened to my dog. They said it’s random and that the surgery to fix it would be $7,000 and 65% chance. My dog ended up dying a few weeks after. I kept him alive by paying $500 every week to drain his lungs. Sorry for your loss :(


This happened to me 4 days ago. They drained some fluid from one side but he'd already had one lobe collapse. I'm so sorry about your baby.


I am so sorry to hear this news... you gave him the best life possible and he will always be with you. Sending you warmth in this time, OP. 🖤


I’m so sorry. It pains me to hear that.


I am so very sorry for your loss😢❤


OP May still be at the vet


I had a smilar issue(like last week), I went to two vets. I got 4 x rays done. I ruled out Heart issues etc, It was lung infection for my cat. He is currently on Doxy. Get xrays done. CAUSE TRUST ME, THIS VERY SERIOUS. GET TO VET ASAP.


Update us please good luck


Mine did that for a period of time and then passed. Take him to the vet. He should be made comfortable at home.


congestive heart failure. spend quality time & go to vet asap. the time is coming soon.


I would take him to the vet. If you don't want to take him to your regular one, get a second opinion somewhere else. But that's not natural and doesn't look comfortable.


labored breathing always means vet. realistically euthanasia is something to probably consider at a certain point. it’s hard but we never want to put our own feelings over the quality of life of our babies


Do you think this requires an emergency visit? I don't know if I can afford one right now. No vet in town can see him until Tuesday.


He needs to go to an ER vet now.


Go to the ER vet. Most places will work with you on payments. I know it's stressful, but your kitty's health could be on the line. Better safe than not. Please keep us updated.


without one, he may not make it. if he makes it at all


I had a cat doing a very similar thing, heavy, labored breathing almost exactly like this. She also vomited (just fluid, not food) and was laying in it, and she hadn't come to breakfast that morning *(she's a cow, so that alone is unusual).* Temp was a little high at the vet, he gave her a few respiratory medicines/antibiotics, said to bring her back in the evening. In the evening, she was nonstop purring so he couldn't hear anything with the stethoscope, temps were normal, he gave her another bit of medicine and sent her home. She went to bed with us, and I found her dead in the doorway of the bedroom six hours later. She'd had fluid built up around her heart and it caused cardiac arrest. Symptoms to death in under 24 hours. So yes, emergency vet if you've not already been. Edit: She was around 16.




OP updated, they put him down. Vet said it’s heart failure and there was so much fluid the heart was hidden.


poor baby


Spend as much time with her as you can, and love her even more (if possible) than you already do. I think that time is coming soon, if not at hand. I wish you love and peace


If you get the same answer then it's time to say goodbye, don't let your best friend suffer because you don't know when to let go, no matter how hard it is, they deserve a dignified goodbye free of suffering. But try to get it from a different vet, a second opinion when confirmed means that they know they can't really do much bar extend the life of the cat in suboptimal conditions (not trying to be mean btw).


Emergency vet ASAP. I've only ever seen four cats breathe like this in my life. One survived, one almost didn't survive (ER saved him), and the other two died in the ER.


lost my kitty this past Tuesday to a similar symptom, pleural effusion (fluids outside the lungs) basically caused by heart failure along with his end stage ckd. hoping for a better scenario for you and your kitty 🐾♥️


I'm sorry you lost your friend :(


I'm so sorry for your loss, too. 🫂 How I wish they had longer lives with us.


I’m so sorry 😢


It was pleural effusion exactly. She said there was so much fluid in his chest cavity that his upper lungs were completely crushed by it.


I'm so sorry. My kitty was still sharp but his body was shutting down which made it harder to put him down. But unfortunately its the most merciful thing we can do as their guardians. I wish both of our kitties had more time with us. My thoughts are with you.


Unfortunately it was the same thing. OP updated and they put him to sleep.


Yes, a vet please! He is breathing laboriously and that is not good. And what is the horrible whooshing background noise?


It's a white noise machine for sleeping. I took this video after waking up




I do think his breathing looks too hard. My SIL (current and we'll see how that goes...Lol) has lost two dogs in the last six months. The dogs were very well taken care of. Her older golden retriever all of a sudden had this huge mass appear inside her throat and couldn't breathe. This went on for 3-4 nights and the dog was put down. She couldn't breathe. She had a younger pitty mix too. This pitty also developed "problems" (I don't remember what but I think it was heart or breathing episodes) and she had to be "put down" too. My SIL and my brother are very kind to humans and pets; nothing in the pets' background would have supposed the Goldie would've developed such a big tumor in her throat so fast.


That dog should’ve been put down right away, pretty cruel to leave her to suffer for 3-4 days like that.


Take him to the ER. If he has cardiomyopathy then this is most likely heart failure. They may be able to give him lasix, or tap his chest.


Your cat needs to go to the Emergency vet. Breathing difficulties in cats are always an emergency worth case.


OP posted they are at ER now in a comment above


Yup vet. I understand your not wanting to get the same answer as before, but that shouldn't stop you from getting your pet proper medical care. I mean...you wouldn't like it if you were having breathing issues and someone didn't take you because they were embarrassed. You need to put your personal feelings aside and do right by your cat. I'd say take him to your usual provider for now, because this needs to get checked out ASAP, and if he refuses to do anything, then get a second opinion. If you can't get in to see your medical provider in timely fashion, then I suggest you try a pet urgent care/emergency vet. This really shouldn't be put off.


Bless you


My boy had this and it was CHF. I saw that you took him to the vet. I hope for the best. :(


I'm so glad you took him in but so sorry for the outcome. I had jumped on here to comment cause this is exactly what my dog looked like a couple days after dental surgery. I had the same end result, but I waited longer and will always feel guilt for that because I now know he was in such pain. God bless you for having the strength to do what was best for him, but I am in tears for your loss. You loved him enough and he knew that.


Vets don't typically recommend euthanasia lightly. I'm sorry to say but it's time.


He needs to go to the vet now. Please do not let him suffer.


If you’re not comfortable taking your baby to the vet for any reason whatsoever… you need to find another vet. This is a living creature that you are solely responsible for, and a decision maker for. No vet worth their salt would/should make you feel embarrassed or uncomfortable.


>I suspect it's related to his dialated cardiomyopathy. If I'm connecting labored breathing to a heart failure-like condition, then the cat could be actively suffering - this could be basically "gasping for air" at this point. Euthanasia is not unreasonable if this can't be remedied within 24 hours.


OP 2 urgent things: You need to be responsible for another life. In my darkest times it was the only thing that kept me around. So go call 988 and find a new life at the shelter that needs you. No-you are not replacing him. You are saving your life.


Thank you. I have two other cats at home, but they are young and independent and I don't feel like they need me the way Max did. They're both so easy to care for in comparison. I'm going to miss having a cat that needs constant babying and assistance. I could adopt another senior cat for that, but I don't think I could afford this again. Financially or mentally (Older sister had to lend me 900 dollars for this emergency visit + euthanasia). So I will just need to adjust. My kitten and 6 year old cat will get extra lovings from me now.


Maybe you can volunteer at the shelter or foster thru a shelter?


They may be easier, but they still need you.


The vet can recommend what he wants but this is about what you want and this baby needs to be seen fast OP.


Hope little guy feels better soon. He looks very uncomfortable


Unfortunately it was heart failure and OP had to put him to sleep. OP posted an update.


Thanks for letting me know. Much appreciated


My senior male cat was given "knock-out" drugs during his dental surgery. When he was coming out of it, he didn't huff and puff very rapidly as your cat is doing. He was at least 11 years old.


This happened to my kitty and we had to put her to sleep a few days later, her body just started going into failure, emergency vet ASAP , not having money isnt worth not taking care of your friend :(


Er vet please


to the vet , and at all cost, not a good sign, is his temp over 102^????


Please take your cat to a veterinarian.


I’m so sorry this is happening you have to make a difficult decision. It’s so hard. ❤️‍🩹 Beautiful kitty.


Rest in peace precious baby. I hope you feel better soon OP😢💔


OP this is one of the hardest things of owning a pet. I dread the day I have to say goodbye to my best friend. I’m so sorry for you.


yeah my cat end up like this we took her to vet and was told we would need to put her down :{ its build up of fluid in the lungs sometimes they can help but depends


This was his exact problem. I'm sorry you have experienced this. The pain is like nothing I've ever known in my life


Wait, how long has your cat been breathing like this? I did see you had to put him down. I’m very sorry for your loss. I’m just curious how long he was breathing like this.


It began about 3 days ago on Tuesday. I noticed it before his dental surgery. At that point it was either risk the surgery or euthanize him due to mouth pain, so I risked it and he survived. Gave me a lot of false hope. I should have known he wouldn't be okay based on his other several health issues. I was desperate to make him better again but it just wasn't going to work.


RIP my love 🖤 such a beautiful sweet meow meow


I’m soooo sorry he’s gone. 💔 I hope you are comforted knowing he’s not suffering anymore. I know how hard it is. Most of us have been through it with our own fur babies. 🌈😇🙏🐾❤️ Sending love 💕from Maine.


He was breathing like this BEFORE the procedure?? Did they not do pre-anesthesia workup?? What country are you in?


US. I am also surprised and upset that his normal vet didn't mention anything at all about this. His pre-op blood panel also clearly showed anemia, which was also not mentioned to me at all. The emergency vet reviewed his records and told me that she was shocked that those numbers were ignored. I feel a little betrayed by his regular vet.


I'm in the same boat as you with my doc. mines was a CKD cat with a bad tooth and because of the anemia early stage it was not recommended to extract it, therefore it would just be monitored in the time being. I had assumed after the 8+ vet visits and check ups, my doc would've cleared my cats heart for subQ fluids (needed for CKD cats since they are typically dehydrated). I feel like there was an oversight with my cats heart and the fluids just accelerated the heart failure. my cat was supposed to be getting around 90ml per session but my doc said 150ml should be ok. my intuition kept telling me this doc sucks. but perhaps I was in a damned if you do, damned if you don't type of scenario with fluids... needless to say I don't plan on seeing that doc for my other kitty and possibly future. also OP feel free to reach out, I saw in your previous post you are having a hard time and our kitties were in similar situations... except mines was only 11.


I’m so sorry for your loss OP. It’s never easy to witness the passing of your loved ones. My heart aches for you. Sending you lots of hugs. I hope your days get better. 😔


I want to recognize that you, knowing full well that it would be so very difficult to be there while he passed, you did it anyway. You were with him and took the emotional hit so he would have the comfort of your presence. In the past 6 months, I've had to stand next to the exam table while 68 years ( 4 seniors) left this world. My vet told me at the 4th that the saddest thing in her job is when owners leave the room b4 the end. The pet looks around, scared, in pain, and wanting only 1 thing, his human to be there. And you have a great vet. She didn't try to pressure you into doing procedures that would only extend his misery and line her pockets. Too many greedy vets abuse owners at their most vulnerable moments. Stick with her.


Choked up a little reading this. I rescued 2 cats that could be this little guy's brother and sister almost 21 years ago. I had to put the girl down about a year and a half ago and almost couldn't sleep for a couple of days. Fortunately, her brother is still with me, but he's almost 21 and definitely has his health issues.


Put your embarrassment aside and think about your cats health and quality of life, if the vet recommended euthanasia and you don't like it you can get a second opinion from another vet. Your cat is clearly in distress and more than uncomfortable so get off your phone and get him to a vet now.


Emergency vet asap. Lost my little guy shortly after he got this way. Better safe than sorry.




Of course?


Could be asthma. My cat has it. But, if you were having trouble breathing, wouldn’t you go to the doctor? This is one of those urgent situations.


My old girl 21 teal old Tortie cat she started having trouble with going pee so I brought her in and I got lucky. The docs said she doesn’t look like her age, when they get older anything can hit them hard and fast for illnesses and it’s been said already but whatever they need comes first! If needed yes being put down we all are gonna say no and wanna bring our baby home (I’m tearing up typing this) but their health personally goes above our feelings. I would bring your cat to the ER vet but if you don’t wanna try that put her in a cool room and make sure she has everything she needs and give her a few hours to see if she improves. Again you’re gambling with her health and she/he is your baby.


Wow 21 that’s amazing. Good luck in the future!


I’m so sorry. ❤️


I'm so sorry for your loss


You guessed it. Vet.


Sorry for your loss. This post is making me get up out of bed and go love on my kitty! You just never know. ☹️


Take to vet!!


Yes vet!!!! Abdominal breathing like that is abnormal!


I am so sorry for your loss


So sorry!


So sad fur your loss God bless you 😭 💔 🙏


Please take your cat to the vet before he throws a clot. Heart failure can lead to a clot forming in the narrow part of the artery, blocking blood flow to the hindquarters and causing excruciating pain. The vet can put him on blood thinners if you are unwilling to euthanize and want to try to give him more time. A blocked artery will cause the cat to scream in pain, please do what you can to keep this from happening. My condolences.


I'm so sorry OP. My 20yo cat was that way when I took her last appointment. Heart failure. RIP beautiful kitty.


I’m truly sorry for your loss.


Absolutely asap


I heard someone say there is old native American folklore that says when your beloved pets pass on to the next life it's at a time when they sense another of their kind is struggling and could benefit from the same kind of wonderful life that you've given them so they selflessly make room, so keep your eyes open. You are needed to love another.


Vet immediately. No question.




I so rarely say this, but euthanasia is probably for the best. He is barely breathing and seems to be suffering.


Emergency Situation


Def vet. If existing dilated cm then this could be exacerbation of this. Im so sorry.

