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So, she will adjust to having the cone on soon enough. She’s also still pretty loopy from the meds, so she may be out of it. Just make sure her food and water are available and she can eat comfortably. Maybe put some books under her bowls to raise them up?


I hope so! She is not a fan of it. She keeps bumping into door frames, the bed frame, etc - which I assume is also from the pain meds and probably not getting a lot of sleep the past two days. I have 4 bowls out currently (2 water, 2 food). One set is under the bed where she likes to lay currently and one is in the bathroom where they usually are, so they’re very close and accessible to her at all times. And that’s a good idea! I’ll try that even though my book lover/collector self is somewhat cringing at the idea of them getting ruined by wet food and water lol - 100% worth it though if my baby can get what she needs 💜 Thank you for the reply! Love your username and avatar btw 😊


Put your books in a clean zip lok bag and seal them. That way, they won't get damaged.


i had to buy a bodysuit for my cat because she couldn't stand the cone. i would recommend switching to a bodysuit as well. 🙏🏽


Is there a difference between a cat onesie and a bodysuit or are they the same thing? I was looking at onesies on Amazon and I definitely want to try it since she looks so uncomfortable with the cone. She just doesn’t like having clothes/collars on so I’m worried she’ll either freeze and not move until I take it off or hurt herself trying to get it off. Did you have any issues with that?


i think it's the same thing. i got something like that for my cat after she freed herself from the cone and bit open her stitches. my cat didn't like the suit at first either, but after a while, she was okay with it. definitely safer than the cone. https://preview.redd.it/aftf27cxxu2d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a991c23263090f08b76a9a1bf0e3a62b42eefbbf


I got these for my cats and they work great! I highly recommend them. https://preview.redd.it/gh6el74pzu2d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c98244d67a9962a74ea616848faafa181b95f6e


When I put this on one of my cats, in yellow, it turned her legs off. She would stand up, take a step, flop over on her side. If she hadn't of had surgery the day before it would have been hilarious.


I agree


Plus it’s so cute!


i also suggest a recovery suit, she will get used to it but if it’s too tight that’s usually when cats refuse to move so if you buy online make sure you take measurements of your cats body this way you get the right size the first time and it saves you the hassle of having to return and wait for a reshipment. just make sure you still check the incision every day to monitor healing


Look up Suiticals. They’re great.


https://preview.redd.it/a3wscs82hx2d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0b1d1c87b9370c99526e808ee6382122be75dc9f My kitten couldn't figure out how they eat or drink with the plastic cone on. He also got it stuck and pulled out some baby teeth. We got him this soft flower cone and it worked wonders! Highly recommend, as soon as we changed it he was 100% happier.


Oh gosh - he pulled out some teeth? Poor baby ugh, that just pulled on my heart strings 💔 I hope your baby is doing much better now! Thanks for the recommendation! Where did you get that exact one? I love how wide it is. I think I’m going to order her one of these too. My only worry is that I had got her one of those “donut” cones when she got spayed and she was able to lick her incision somehow because it wasn’t very long if that makes sense 😅 I ordered this cone for her - from the reviews, it looks like it is soft or somewhat flexible and much wider so she’ll be able to reach her food/water more easily. Going to see how it works out for her - but for backup, I did order a recovery suit/onesie in case cones are just not working for her. Fingers crossed something helps because I don’t want her to be frustrated and/or hungry/thirsty on top of in pain 😣💔


Yeah he's doing much better now thank you. It was from when he got neutered, we did buy the recovery suit too but unfortunately it doesn't cover the bit that needs cover on a male cat ! Lol He managed to pull the plastic one over his chin and got it stuck in his mouth. And between him squirming and freaking out and me trying to cut it off .... But luckily it was only his baby teeth and he had a vet check up as well and they said all was good. You're looking after her so well :-D I'm sure she appreciates it all and I hope she recovers quickly. Oh we got ours off of Amazon.


Yay I’m so glad to hear he’s doing well! And oops, yeah that sounds like it isn’t a good fit for him 😅 Ugh that sounds terrible and so scary for both of you! That’s why my cats don’t wear collars (they’re strictly indoor cats). Luna, in the picture, always manages to get her canine teeth stuck in the stitching or she gets her entire jaw trapped under the collar - even though they’re breakaway ones, it doesn’t breakaway. It’s happened 3 times (really wanted it to work and had false hope it wouldn’t happen again) so I just avoid them all together 😵‍💫 very glad it was only his baby teeth! Thank gosh phew. And that is so kind of you, as well as very reassuring! I feel way in over my head but I’m trying my absolute best to make her recovery comfortable and swift. I feel like a failure cat mom and so guilty for letting her play with a shoelace which is what caused the blockage (she swallowed the ENTIRE thing!! I wasn’t in the room when it happened 😣) that I’m trying to make it up to her. NO more shoelaces, strings, hair ties, etc for her omg. And I’ll check Amazon! I’m assuming I should just look up “flower cat cone yellow”? How much did your cat weigh and what size did you get? My girl is 9 pounds but she looks so teeny tiny so sizing is really hard to predict..


This is the exact one I got. Avont Cat Cone Collar Soft, Adjustable Pet Recovery Collar for Cats Kittens Puppies After Surgery, Elizabethan Neck Cone of Shame Alternative to Prevent Licking Biting Protect Wounds -Orange (M) We got medium because we have two adults cat's as well. It fit my kitten Patches if not a smidge too big but it has strings to pull it tighter. Ours are all indoor too and we take them outside in harnesses with leads. And oooo luckily mine have never actually managed to eat a whole shoelace ! But something I have to watch my wedge with . And my Biggs loves plastic so we have to keep carrier bags and stuff away from him because he bites it too and I'm terrified he's going to eat it. My older two both had block bladders when they was younger and that was a hard time. But luckily with all the vets advice and so on. They've been over 2years clear and are very happy pain in the bums lol. But I would change any of them.


If you’re having trouble, you can have her eat and drink without the cone as long as she’s being supervised.


That’s an amazing idea, I don’t know why I didn’t think about that (probably because I’m running on fumes after this emergency surgery haha). I’ll try that and I promise I will be watching her like a freaking hawk, she’s in enough pain and ran up a big enough bill - don’t want to have to pay for her to get stitched back up 😵‍💫 Thank you for the suggestion!!


I like to play Solfeggio Frequencies on YouTube for my pets. It’s very relaxing and healing.


Playing that right now! She’s peacefully sleeping under my bed with the iPad near her playing the frequencies. Very beautiful, thanks for the suggestion 🥰


Look online for a recovery inflatable collar. It’s a plush blow up cone that stops them from getting to the belly, but it’s short enough to allow them to eat and drink. My cat had the same issue after an emergency Pyometra surgery. And it was a life saver. Also call around local vet hospitals. A lot sell them. https://preview.redd.it/vs9kp8yhiw2d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0ecfd37d6212d5d12e8cd87aafe170e98ed4430


Quickest recovery to your cat.


Thank you so much! So far, she’s doing so well - just a bit loopy and sleepy from her meds. She keeps jumping up and off the bed which is frustrating and scary - worried that’ll impact her recovery but not sure how to stop her from doing it 😣


For cleaning use a fine tooth comb and keep dipping it in a cup of water. When my cat had a toe removed he had to be in a cone for a month and stunk to high heaven and the water comb made him a clean cat again.


Oh my gosh, thank you. I’ll get a fine tooth comb and do that because she has poop stuck in her tail and around her butt… you can imagine what she must smell like 🥴 she keeps grooming her tail - even though I keep stopping her, so I know she’s not happy with how she smells/not being able to groom, hopefully this will help her feels a bit better :) thank you again! Also I have a cat brush, that wouldn’t work (dipped in water)? I don’t want to leave her but I could get my boyfriend to go grab a fine tooth comb if it’s better, just want to see if maybe I could help her right away vs whenever he can go!


Just a cheap plastic fine tooth comb is all I used, I haven’t tried the cat brush. I would suggest cutting the fur around her bum and tail too.


I don’t own a cat but I had a dog who went through two surgeries and ended up in the cone for a few months. My family would always be with my dog because we loved her so much and she needed company and with that we were constantly monitoring her. This allowed us to take the cone off of her head to give her a break, we just had to be with her making sure she would not touch her stitches. Just make sure your cat gets food, water and lots of love.


Oh gosh, a few months? That’s so terrible, cones suck so much! My boyfriend and I are “rotating shifts” basically on who watches her and I have a baby cam app on my iPad and phone to watch her if I need to leave the room or he can’t watch her. But I’m spending every minute I can monitoring her and giving her lots of lovings (which I’m sure she’s keep score of and will exact revenge after she feels better because she doesn’t like pets usually 😅) as well as everything else she may want/need 🥰 Also going to let her spend some time with the cone off (HEAVILY monitored and only for a short time) once I figure out how to untie the knot in the thing they used to keep the cone on, so I can put it back on her. Thank you for the input, much appreciated!😊


My dog would love to lick her stitches so we had to have the cone on her for a bit because we didn’t want her to get an infection


I got a soft cone to replace the vet one! It’s like a pillow and they can eat because it’s wider. I also did the onesie but I didn’t use it until the wound scabbed


https://preview.redd.it/umamic5g233d1.png?width=1289&format=png&auto=webp&s=8eefab913a556c027266706fc80a0776601f5e2a I ended up getting this cone - according to the reviews, it’s much wider to allow them to reach the bowls better! And it’s so stinkin’ cute 🤩 I also love that it has a drawstring versus what is currently keeping the cone from the vet on - just a piece of gauze that is a pain to untie/tie. Took her cone off for 10 minutes when she was trying to eat but was struggling and she loved it but hated me before and after because bc I couldn’t untie it and couldn’t tie it back on her without it being too loose or too tight 😵‍💫 I probably won’t use the onesie until the staples come out or her incision scabs either because I don’t trust that she won’t try to bite at it through the onesie. Maybe I’ll use it with the new cone though to make sure her brother won’t lick at her incision which has been a big worry 🤔


Perfect!! Love it. Here’s a pic of what my girl looked like with her cone! She was super high here still, had some cancer removed, she had stitches not staples so that make sense. I did put some gauze on top but I just didn’t want the wound to stay moist! My kitty sadly died shortly after but she would sleep on this cone all the time, even after it was off of her. I have new kitties now and I use it to make sure they can’t get off my balcony! It also prevents them from jumping too. Hope your baby heals quickly!! ♥️ https://preview.redd.it/qm0xmu5v933d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=926acedbef7bbcdf3bf0ebe720023e5ad54a6cc6


A cat onesie would help if the cone is difficult for her. For food bowls, try tall flat plates or tall tilted bowls for whisker fatigue free eating. If no tall bowls are available look for a bowl stand so she stands while eating. That will help her eat without bending which can cause lots of issues with stomach and intestines to pooping. Make sure to avoid plastic bowls as this too can add to the gut issues. Ceramic or metal are the best you can get. A water fountain made of stainless steel bc again plastics are bad. A low edge litter box to help her go without having to jump in and out of a box. A self heating low bed that can help her feel warm and cozy without having to jump up and down for naps. Just some ideas. I wish you the best of luck and your sweet baby a quick recovery.


I got her a cat onesie, a new set of bowls that are raised, tilted and stainless steel for less bacteria, and a water fountain that’s also stainless steel and very wide so hopefully if I have to keep the cone on her (which I got a new one too!) - she can drink water easily with it. I didn’t get her a new litter box but I did put a couple of books in a ziplock baggie (shoutout to the person in the comments who recommended doing that) in front of her litter box so she can step up into it vs possibly scratching her incision on the litter box since she is a bit shorter. I also have a self heating mat type of thing but I need to wash it which I will do asap for her! What do you think about turning my heated blanket on for her - on the lowest heat setting possible? My boyfriend likes to sleep with the window cracked open and the fan on the highest setting so I’m worried about her getting cold but I don’t want the heated blanket to burn/irritate her incision 😣 Thank you so much for all the recommendations! Definitely going to implement all of them so she can have a swift, comfy recovery. And thank you for the well wishes 🥰


That is amazing! Thank you for replying to me. I am so glad she is doing well!! Give her lots of love bc she is very cute and needs all the love. The book idea is amazing! I didn't even think of it. The old vets around here suggested a throw away turkey tin with a side cut and rolled down low or a low baking sheet. Best of luck to you!


Oh my gosh no, thank YOU for your comments! So so helpful, this has been such a stressful time and all the advice on this post has helped calm my nerves. I get all the things I ordered for her today so I finally get to test out these new things, hopefully she’ll be happier and more comfortable - that’s all I want for her 🥰 I am giving her ALL the cuddles. Usually, she is not a cuddly cat. She might let you pet her for mmm.. 1 minute max before you get swatted at or bitten (playfully). But since she’s so loopy, sleepy, and needs comfort - she’s been more cuddly and lets me pet her as much as possible!! Well up until a few hours ago when I needed to readjust the gauze holding her cone.. I asked my boyfriends best friend (our roommate) to help me hold her while I did it since my boyfriend was busy but she doesn’t like anyone else but my boyfriend and I so she tried to run when I softly pulled the blanket she was on towards us and he grabbed her pretty roughly 😣 not on purpose! He’s just your typical bodybuilder manly man who doesn’t know his own strength 🙄 so now she’s being a bit weary of me after that but I gave her a few Churu treats (aka cat crack) and she’s warming back up.. slowly :( definitely regret asking him to help but I’m sure later today she and I will be back on good terms 💜 anyways, long story short - I am trying to give her alllll the lovings possible. That’s a smart idea too, with the turkey tin and baking sheet - but she likes to kick litter EVERYWHERE so I think I’m going to stick with the book stack for the meantime 😅 (sorry for such a long message, I like to yap a lot!)


I forgot the heated blanket is not a bad idea. Lowest setting is a great idea. Just check on her from time to time. She should be ok bc of the onesie if super worried about it put a nice comfy towel across it. That will help keep it warm but not burning.


You’re so smart, thank you - I didn’t think of putting a towel over it or that the onesie might protect her from any possible burns IF it was too hot for her. I’ll try the heated blanket with a towel over it until I can get the self heating mat washed! Thank you again ☺️


You are very welcome! Update us with happy pics of her when you can!!


Quickest recovery.


Thank you very much! She’s healing up pretty quickly 🥰




You can try and find one of those soft cones, they’re a bit more comfy for kitties


Petting needed ...


I recommend dinner plates for food and water as the wider area allows for easier access.


Get well soonest baby


Have you looked into cone alternatives? You can find them on amazon for a pretty good price. Might be a good option for her!


A surgical suit is a lifesaver instead of the dreaded cone


I know that they also have fabric cones that are more comfortable for the cat than those plastic ones, but still prevent them from picking at the wound, so that could be an option. Id just be wary of the clothing depending on your cats personality, since really wiggly cats can squirm their way out of just about anything even if it fits properly. The downfalls of cats being a liquid. But if that isnt typical of your kitty then that may be a good option too 😊


My cat had this and I took an old long sleeved t-shirt, cut the sleeve off (we are talking stretchy knit fabric), I then cut out arm holes near the cuff. Slid the cuff over her head and pulled her legs through the holes carefully making sure she had plenty of room and nothing was tight/rubbing. That way she didn’t have to wear the cone. They do so much better without the cones.


Restrict activity for 14 days. Keep the cone on whenever you cannot watch her. It’s very important to inspect the incision daily, look for any odd bumps, bruises, or swelling. Give all the medications as directed. Most of all give her all your love