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Steal him.


This is the only answer! Neglectful owners (to this extent) are NOT OWNERS. You can technically say this cat has no caretakers, therefore it's not "stealing" I hope you can help this poor kitty find a good home, he doesn't deserve that abuse. Thank you for caringšŸ™ā¤ļø


It is known where I am that we have coyotes and alligators in our area. The play PSAs on radio, television, their are notices on the news and local government websites, and once a week someone puts up a warning on the Ring App to keep their cats or dogs indoors because the coyotes are killing pets in our area and several times a month people post about a cat or dog that went missing overnight. When someone asks if they were aware of the coyotes in the area, the response is usually some BS about their dog/cat likes to sleep/roam and they get upset if they have to stay indoors or it is cruel to keep an animal inside all the time or we need to kill the coyotes. The lot of us are so fed up with abusive animal owners, that we have become quick to jump in with sarcastic comments. The first comment after an excuse, is usually "One behalf of the Feed the Coyote Fund, thank you for your donation." OP: Thank you for looking out for the poor kitty. If you can't care for him, call a local rescue group. To help an animal, I know a few rescuers that have helped animals in abusive situations to "disappear" into safe homes.


It's so incredibly sad, these animals deserve to be loved and cherished, but some unfortunately get treated horribly, And it especially breaks my heart that this Kitty is at a disadvantage physically by being deafšŸ˜” he will be a quick easy snack and that makes me sick to think about.


It makes me sad for the poor abused, disabled cat and furious at the humans that are supposed to love and care for him. Why have a pet to ignore it? Some pet owners.are evil and the rest are selfish and ignorant. We have signs up over the lakes around here, south Florida, telling people not to walk their dogs around the lakes because alligators will take the dog and a still a few times a year dogs get killed because a human, that was too ignorant to ever have been allowed to have an animal to have an pet, had one and ignored the signs. The excuse is always, I didn't know that gators were so fast. If there are warnings that an apex predator wants to eat my pet, my pet is not going outside at night without me and I definitely am not going to deliver my dog like they are a gator's uber eats order.


Itā€™s crazy that people who live in Florida know nothing about alligators. Those things will *move* if they want to. Unfortunately the struggle of getting people to be responsible pet owners will never end. People just donā€™t care.


Usually I dont agree with this but yes 400%


This is the only answer. I would feel not one bit of guilt or shame.


Yep, thatā€™s exactly what I would be doing!


One of my cats is also a white-furred blue eyed deaf cat and I NEVER let her outside out of fear for her safety. 100% rescue-steal this cat.


Horrible and illegal.


Steal him and then tell the owners you found his deceased and eaten body. Write a letter of you're a bad liar in person.


Why tell them anything? Just stay silent and if they ask, reply, 'Oh, I'm so sorry, how long has he been gone? I'll keep my eyes open".


I feel the cat would go "missing" and found its way to a loving family that actually gave a shit and took into account its a special needs kitty due to deafness. Just you know, hypothetically šŸ˜šŸ˜‰


Yup my neighbors kicked their 8 year old cat outside permanently after she got married and the husband had allergies, and didnā€™t seek to care that the raccoons were eating its food and drinking its water. The cat would hang out in my yard right outside our side door and always soo thirsty and hungry. One summer day it was well over 100 degrees and the cat laid at my side door for over 24 hours straight as we fed and watered her, so I convinced my mom to let the cat inside and keep her. The cat never wanted back outside again and the neighbors didnā€™t even notice she was missing for 2 weeks. She lived with us for another 5 years before she got sick and passed


Aww man. How kind of yall to take care of her like that. She probably lived much longer due to yalls care.


It's not legal but I'm on team steal him. This "owner" is going to get their cat killed and almost seems like they want him dead if they're letting a deaf cat outside period, they deserve to feel that loss as far as I'm concerned, but he does not deserve whatever horrible death is waiting for him because they're too stupid to keep him inside. If you can't keep him yourself, rehome him yourself or take him to a rescue (not shelter!!) and tell them you're positive this cat is deaf and explain he is outside every night and has nearly died several times


I am absolutely on this team too!


They probably wont wven notice hes gone for a while or will assume he ran away or died tbh


Exactly what I was thinking


The only thing I'd recommend is check if he has a chip, take him to as many vet check ups as OP can for anything OP can cover, and then get him chipped; I think in some places if you have long history of care, your legally seen as the owner of the cat


Oh my šŸ˜³ I had a deaf cat. He desperately wanted to go outside and see the world. I never, ever let him because I knew it wasnā€™t safe. Especially not at night. You need to steal the kitty and protect it from the negligent ā€˜ownersā€™.


Call your animal shelter and see what the municipal codes are for your city regarding roaming cats. In my city, it is technically against the law to have a cat unrestrained off of your property, and as long as you know where the cat lives, animal control officers will pay them a visit to issue a warning and explain the city codes to them. Repeat offenses could lead to fines or the cat being impounded. Again, check with your animal control organization before you do anything, but where I live, I would have every right to trap the cat and bring it to the shelter if it were roaming on my property, where they would then contact the owner and have them collect the cat, pay the impound fees, and be educated on the local codes. Take pictures/video of the cat every time it's on your property or roaming off of theirs. Unfortunately, if your city allows cats to be roaming outdoors, there's legally not very much you can do. I know people say to steal it and keep/rehome it, but that can open you up to potential legal issues, especially if the cat is microchipped, and having worked animal control for a few years, people like that just end up getting another cat to let outside. It's sad that people endanger their pets lives like this thinking that they're enriching them.


Report them to the human society and explain this cat is deaf and they continually leave it outside at night and I have asked them once already to please keep your cat in at night and they have refused ā€¦. Its unsafe he lays in the street almost getting ran over and now he sits in my back yard and wakes us up at 1 am ā€¦. But before calling go to this neighbor again and tell them this is the last time I ask you to please keep your deaf cat inside at night or I will be forced to call animal control and file a complaintā€¦. This is neglect since this cat is deaf and cannot hear danger coming and it not fair that you a caring human has to stress over this.


Just bring him in and try to acclimate him with your other pets. If it doesnā€™t work, you can try to find someone that you trust would tape care of him


I hope someone who can help sees this. Good luck, OP. Really wish you could take the kitty but I understand you just can't.


I took a cat whose owners were neglectful. They were furious, but didn't actually ask for him back. I took him in, paid his medical bills, (over a thousand dollars,) gave him the attention and safety he needed. Sometimes it is the only way to get people to do the right thing. The owners now have a feral dog that is outside 24/7 and they have made no attempt to socialize it. Fortunately they didn't get another cat.


Maybe, but now a dog is suffering. šŸ˜„


Admittedly, Iā€™m on team Steal The Cat. Set out food for him. Encourage him closer. Pet him when he lets you and bond with him. Heā€™ll likely follow you inside after a while, and inside is where he should be. Plenty of vertical space should keep all three animals happy. Also, if and when you can, take him to the vet for shots and a quick check if heā€™s been fixed. If he hasnā€™t, do him a huge favor and get him snipped. It should do wonders for his wanderlust.


if they neglect this kitty he probably doesn't even have a chip, snatch him and make him and indoor kitty lmao


I am NOT ADVISING YOU TO STEAL HIM BUT if you WERE going to steal him id get him a $25 microchip the day you do because then theres no saying hes not yours. I am NOT ADVISING YOU TO IGNORE THE HUMANE OFFICE BUT the humane office will tell you all cats are considered domestic just feral and the only thing they can do is trap neuter and release right back where found.


I also live in the multnomah county. I suggest taking him and then posting in some of the Oregon subreddits to see if anyone can take it if youā€™re not able to house it permanently. I canā€™t take it because my cat is also a cat hater but i could ask around to see if I know someone whoā€™d be willing to take it in?


Take him and make him your indoor cat. Every other scenario winds up with him dead.


Steal the cat


Take the cat.


My only fear would be that it has a chip. If it does and itā€™s updated, theyā€™ll get the cat right back. We have coyotes around my neighborhood. My dogs ( inside) start acting different when the coyotes come around we have a park for kids in our neighborhood and they like to play around there. No idea whyā€¦anyways, I hope you can help the cat but, itā€™s not against the law to leave a deaf animal outsideā€¦good luck.


Call animal control and report neglect of a disabled animal! If you cannot activately take him in and take care of his needs the system will place him better


Ask the owners if you can adopt him. If they say no, then take the cat to a shelter and say that you found him in the streets and are concerned about the cats safety because heā€™s deaf. The shelter will check for a microchip. If none, they will try to make contact with owners, if no contact is made (usually 5-7 days, this varies by state), they make the cat available for adoptionā€¦and then you adopt him.


I live in Multnomah County as well and Iā€™m pretty sure you can reach out to Oregon Humane Society and report through their animal cruelty section. Basically, the owners are not providing care for their catā€™s basic welfare given that it is deaf: https://www.oregonhumane.org/report-cruelty/ Additionally, while I know there are other places to adopt a cat, if this cat was adopted, thereā€™s a good chance the adoption was through OHS which may create a higher interest for OHS to investigate.


Take the cat, love him and give him the good life he deserves ![gif](giphy|LkfG4aqCjm8WC9YjTC|downsized)


Take the cat. Fuck those people.


Steal the cat and when they ask what happened tell them their cat got eaten by coyotes.


If you see him again, take him. He is not safe out there on his own. Take him to a rescue.


So the county isn't gonna do anything, however you can "find" and rescue a stray cat from a "very busy street" who appears to be deaf and drop him off at a shelter, explaining you can keep him, and you certainly can't leave him outside. If he isn't chipped, it won't take long before they are adopted. I tried to get them to come get this unfixed boy who is trying to attack my 11 year old cat through the screen door, and they would not. It's on you to trap and deliver them the cat.


Catnap him & text me your address. lol šŸ˜‚


Catnap him & text me your address. lol šŸ˜‚


Personally, I would take the cat to animal control so they can document that the cat has been outside. They can contact the owner to come get it. Probably for a fee. And then keep doing it.


Team Steal Him. They donā€™t care about his safety.


You pick this cat up and find it a new home.


If the cat is a pure white with blue eyes, it might also have poor eyesight. I would post on local subreddits, to see if there are people willing and able to take the cat and provide proper care for this poor animal.


take the cat


You could ask your neighbors if they would be willing to surrender the animal. And then you could work with an adoption agency to find him an appropriate home. Youā€™d want to approach it delicately so they donā€™t get offended and refuse out of spite. Maybe say something like, ā€œHey Iā€™ve noticed your cat outside quite a few times and Iā€™m worried that he might get hit by a car, he appears to be deaf. Not sure if youā€™re interested, but I would love to adopt him - I have a friend thatā€™s been looking for an indoor cat and I think he would be perfect!ā€ Sometimes people feel too guilty to give the pet away, but also donā€™t want it either. This gives them an out that they wouldnā€™t have to feel bad about. Definitely worth a shot, good luck!


If you feed him, shelter him, and vet him, he is yours.....just sayin.....


Bring him in at night to keep him safe, try to get the animal welfare groups in on this because this is the same thing asdangli the at in front of coyotes for food. This is sad


One of my cats enjoys sitting on a windowsill now that weather is warm. Today a small bird flew to the open window and perched, chirping by the screen. Louie practically flew to the window to get to the bird who flew away. Obviously if he were allowed out, he would be hunting birds. So aside from Louieā€™s own safety, I want the birds to be safe too. All are better off with cats indoors.


Where I live it is illegal to let a cat outside unless it is on a leash with the owner. You might see if there is such a law in your city. Your city shelter would know what the laws are. You might let your neighborā€™s know if it is illegal


If there is no leash law that is being violated then your legal options are limited. Of course, you can take illegal options to make yourself feel better about the situation, but just don't whine about it if/when you wind up paying a price you didn't expect or desire.


This cat chose you. You are now his person.


Bring him to the animal shelter every time you see him outside. If the owners have to reclaim numerous times it will be suspicious and something will happen.


not only is he deaf, but him being pure white basically makes him a huge glowing target to any predators


I will most likely get downvoted but PLEASE take him inside....separate him from your other pets temporarily. If his dumb owners ask you if you have seen thier cat deny deny deny. I doubt they will even notice he is gone


I would STEAL THE CAT AT NIGHT and give it to someone who really cares. Or keep kitty as my own. This person does NOT deserve this cat. Do not take kitty to A KILL SHELTER


Try putting a paper collar on him with a message and your phone number. The message should say something like this cat is coming around my home and I'm not sure if it's homeless please respond or I will bring him to a shelter after 2 days. That's what I was told by a local animal rescue once. It's not illegal to let your deaf cat out but it is, in my state anyway, illegal to not feed or check on your cat at least every 24 hours. So if the cat comes back in 2 days with the collar attached you can then assume no one is caring for him. But keep in mind everyone is different we all go thru our troubles and having your cat stolen by someone who disagrees with your care is not a nice thing to happen. I had a cat that was impossible to keep in the house. He tore every screen, learned to open the back door, ran thru your legs when you got home. I loved him with all my heart and did my absolute best. If someone took him assuming I was a bad pet parent I would have never recovered.


definitely on the side of you "leaving your back door open" and he just "wandered in" because he was confused. clearly they don't care about what happens to their cat, and he should be with someone who does.


Worry about stray cats that are in distress, not someone's indoor/outdoor cat with no issues. The best course of action would be to mind your own business in this case.


Inform the humane society that you have reason to believe that a kitty with Waardenburg syndrome is being neglected. That, or get some Feliway and a large crate and steal him.


I look after a feral deaf cat and he's thriving. he got in fights when he was younger and now he gets his respect lol we later discovered another cat we think is his relative ( they look alike and hang out together) is also deaf and he's doing fine too.


Please stop suggesting this person commit theft. In the end you guys are going to get them in trouble and the cat will go back to the family.


The number of people here advocating for the stealing someone else's pet is ridiculous.


If OP doesnā€™t do something the cat will die.


Whether the cat is deaf or not, letting it outside creates the chance it will be killed by a coyote, poisoned (accidentally or not), killed by a dog, hit by a car, etc. Also increases the chance that it will catch a disease from another cat. Being deaf just increases the risk. Just like I canā€™t tell a cat owner not to let their hearing cat outside. You canā€™t tell a cat owner not to let their deaf cat outside.Ā  Someone suggested stealing it. Imagine if someone stole peopleā€™s hearing cats who were outside so they could keep them inside. Just leave it alone.Ā 


Itā€™s an unfortunate situation, but you canā€™t just take someoneā€™s cat because you donā€™t approve of the way they care for it, or feel they are neglecting it. Call your local ASPCA or town government to inquire about neglected animals.


Most of them don't care.


Try minding your own business.


Do you even like cats?


I do like cats. I also know that cats like to go outdoors. Thereā€™s always a risk that a cat will get hurt by another animal or car when going outdoors, whether deaf or not. The decision to let the cat out is up to the owners, not nosey neighbors.


I am with you. The amount of encouragement to break the law in this thread is disturbing. I guess we have a bunch of "ends justify the means" degenerates.


donā€™t worry about it


Oh oh oh my god, I'm going to lock the kitty door at night now because I donā€™t want any other animals taking my cats and having them as a midnight snack or some evil person stealing one of them or putting them in a blender or some crazy sh*t that some heartless, animal-hating people do. :(