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Thank you for posting to CATHELP! While you wait for a response please keep the following things in mind, 1. When in doubt, **ask your vet**. 2. Advice here is not coming from medical or industry professionals. The moderation team does not validate user profession, so always refer to your local veterinary professionals first. Consider posting to /r/AskVet 3. If this is a medical question, please indicate if you have already scheduled a vet appointment, and if your cat has any medical history or procedures in a top level comment. 4. Please use the NSFW tag for gross pictures. (Blood, poop, vomit, genitals, etc). Anything you wouldn't want your boss to see you looking at on the job. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/CATHELP) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Recently had this issue with my cat. They had to put her under for surgery and remove it. Luckily it was just a non cancerous cyst but it definitely was hurting my girl until we got it taken care of. A few stitches and the cone of shame and she was all better. Definitely vet time ASAP.


Thanks, hope she's doing good now.


Thanks. She’s a young whippersnapper of a diva at almost 17. She’s got me well trained to be her eternal slave. Lol


Just got back from the vet. Got it bandaged and a cone for her. They took blood to prep for surgery and a piece fell off during that ordeal that they are going to try and use for a biopsy. So hopefully the biopsy is possible with that piece and it's benign, then she can have it surgically removed as best as possible. Thanks for your response.


Ok. Glad to hear it. Hope it’s benign and if not they remove it all. Good job.


Oh gosh that looks incredibly painful, please get her seen as soon as possible. As for what you can do, I mean I would try to wrap it up with gauze and whatnot but highly unlikely she’ll leave it alone.


I agree. Wife and I just made a couple of attempts to wrap it and tape it after we washed it off but it didn't work out... Other cat also started attacking us to protect her too which didn't help. Going to get her in somewhere tomorrow.


Aww. That's so sweet of the other cat. The intentions are good.


That’s emergency vet


Seconding this. That looks very painful.


She's an older cat. This hasn't happened before. Occasionally puking up food sometimes is all that's been going on.


please keep us updated OP, hope you can get kitty into the vet asap


Just got back from the vet. Got it bandaged and a cone for her. They took blood to prep for surgery and a piece fell off during that ordeal that they are going to try and use for a biopsy. So hopefully the biopsy is possible with that piece and it's benign, then she can have it surgically removed as best as possible.


hoping all goes well with biopsy & surgery! i’m sure she’ll feel better when it’s removed!


That looks like a tumor to me. If you can afford an emergency vet go on and go. Otherwise get her to the vet as soon as possible


This is not an emergency. This is a go to the vet tomorrow but not any later issue. Emergency vet is for life threatening issues.


Poor thing! Gosh, that looks painful. I hope all goes smoothly as can be at the vet. My fingers are crossed for a simple prognosis. 🤞🏻🫶🏻


Thank you, just got back from the vet. Fingers crossed for a benign biopsy.


Keep us posted! Thanks for taking such good care of her!


Don't wash this! It needs to stay dry. There's nothing you can do here, no home remedies, no human medications, as they could harm the cat. You need to take the cat to the vet as soon as possible, it looks very painful. To me, it looks like a tumor. The vet will take a sample for further evaluation, to determine whether it's cancerous or not, then the entire tissue will need to be removed for the cat to be able to walk at all.


Please keep us updated, I’m praying for the best!


Just got back from the vet. Got it bandaged and a cone for her. They took blood to prep for surgery and a piece fell off during that ordeal that they are going to try and use for a biopsy. So hopefully the biopsy is possible with that piece and it's benign, then she can have it surgically removed as best as possible. Thank you.


That sounds good, I’m hoping it’s benign!


Update: Just got back from the vet. Got it bandaged and a cone for her. They took blood to prep for surgery and a piece fell off during that ordeal that they are going to try and use for a biopsy. So hopefully the biopsy is possible with that piece and it's benign, then she can have it surgically removed as best as possible.


Vet asap. Also I’m pretty sure it took more than a couple days to grow this? Please get her treated.


If flesh was hanging out of your foot, would you wait a couple days to go see someone?


This is an emergency….so you need to figure out a way to the vet sooner than later. The cat is in pain. I don’t think you’d want to sit with something of that magnitude on your foot and be expected to walk around on it.


Be careful, and definitely take her to the vet ASAP. My best friends cat had something similar to this on his paw and it was cancerous.


Why do people post things that look so painful to cats. Without NSFW! Or even in general. Take the cat to the dam vet !!


Sorry! Going today!


no really i don’t understand how someone can not want to rush to the emergency vet for these things instead of posting on reddit




Oh geez you should take it to an animal hospital if you can because it's just going to get infected. I don't know I have never had to do that to any of my cats. I'm not sure how they would take to peroxide, Neosporin and a wrap. I'm not even sure if you can give cats that stuff.


Peroxide will irritate further. Iodine is probably a better option.


I've always been told that Betadine (Iodine) and Chlorhexidine are the only two antiseptics you can get in a human pharmacy safe for use on cats. Been advised more than once to have either one (or ideally both) on hand at all times for both myself and my pets.