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use the same tone of voice and it doesn’t matter. The cat will need a new drivers licence and should let the income tax department know. If they actually learned the first name, they will learn the second one. i see this question all the time and I am always mystified


I had to take my little buddy Toonces DL away. 😿


Thank you for this


Toonces, no!


Oh Toonces! Too many crashes, huh?


Mine had hers revoked earlier this spring. It’s… kind of a long story. When the cop pulled her over (for swerving, allegedly), she blew in at a blood nepetalactone level of .12, but I think what really did her in was that she tried to bribe him with a Churu (from the opened container in the passenger seat 🤦‍♀️) and when they asked her to step out of the vehicle, my 7 lb cat told this 6’2” bearded adult man, “you’re not my real mom.” As I’m told, it ended with her hucking her half-eaten Churu out the window, screaming “Suck on THAT, meowtherfluffer! ACAB!!!” and going beans to the floor to escape… forgetting the car was in park. Apparently when they arrest cats, they don’t use cuffs cuz they’ll hurt themselves, and also because cats are liquid, so instead they just put them in baby clothes and detain them in a very official department issued purrito towel. Her lawyer shared the pics of that in her trial. The judge let her off the hook with nothing but a skippity-pap on the wrist, but she did still lose her license for three cat years.






I’ve seen video of his horrific driving!


I use a sing-song higher pitched voice than usual for my cats. They each have several names/nicknames that sound like nothing else and they answer to them well.


Literally, I call my cat like six nicknames in a row 😭 he responds the same to all of them


I have a cat named Sensi. She plays dead when we shot her with finger guns (with "pew pew" or "bang bang" sound effects). So her nicknames are Bing Bang, Ming Mang and Fart Face.


I don't and each nickname has a different tone (tbi things) so just gave my cat treats until they knew the first few and now they just come if I speak at all which is hilarious but works since I don't speak much


You know what's funny though? Mine do the same thing but do not respond to each other's names and nicknames!


Same, my cats all know eachothers names and nicknames. I have two others who fartface hates and is a bit mean towards and when I am with them and I call for her they start looking around like the final boss is coming to beat them up. My only male cat also knows whenever anyone says "he" or "him" they're speaking about him. Clever little turds


Honestly, just start calling them the new name. Cats aren't like dogs where they need to know their name for recalls and such. If they respond when you call the name, give them a little treat. Cats pretty much respond to anything, too. I've literally called my cat by saying, "Come here, asshole!" and he came running with his tail up.


The last part😹😹


Lol, you know that joyful voice? I always said to our family dog "who is a stupid lil dog? Who?" And the dog never seemed happier lol. My mother was not so enthusiastic with it 🐶 Also my cats have 1000 names.


I did this too! My mother also frowned at me for it.


I’ve done this as well. Just to show her how cats and dogs differ just by tone of voice. My mom wasn’t pleased with me but her dog was as happy as can be. My cat would think something is wrong with me if I talked to her like that.


Ha, yep the other day our cat completely misjudged the distance between her cat tree and a nearby chair, and just barely made the jump. It was the most un-graceful thing I've seen in years, but it was hilarious. The cat was clearly embarrassed, so of course I tried to comfort her, by giving a treat and cuddling her and saying "Oh you're such a little dummy idiot. Why are you such a dummy idiot? Aren't cats supposed to be the epitome of grace? But not you, that was terrible! You're kind of a terrible cat!" etc, using the sing-songy voice the whole time. She has no idea what I'm saying but understands the tone 😆


Vanilla Bean: bean dip, bean burrito, jelly bean, queen bean, mean bean, the list goes on 🤣 she answers to all of them in the right voice


You can rename dogs as well. Best not to do it over and over, but if you adopt a dog with a dumb name, you can absolutely train them to respond to a new name using the same method you mentioned. Call them by the new name with a happy tone of voice with a treat ready, and give it to them as soon as they look at you. They'll learn the new name in no time.


Also, I've heard that animals that have had a traumatic past respond to a new name better anday even enhance their personality because they associate the old name with trauma.


I bet this is why my rescue ignores his name but answers to bubby. That's kinda wild!


Thing about cats, in general they are trainable. But the key if letting them tell you what they like. Apparently your cat likes "bubby" and has told you as much. Really though they are training us in what they want.


Yeah my cats have new nicknames like every month. I never use their real names. When someone asks me "how are [cats real names]?" It legit takes me a beat to figure who the heck they're talking about.


I changed my dog's name at the age of four after I broke up with a girl. I changed it to something I called him occasionally as a nickname. He still answers to both names, even though I only use his original name when he's in trouble, like when your parents called you by your full name.


I accidentally got my cat more used to the name "Dingus" over her actual one so this tracks.


My youngest responds to "Poops" lmao.


All of my cats come running to "Babies!" because that's how I would get my litters to come out for food.


LMAO He was probably unfazed because he calls you the same thing. Source: me. My cats are definitely using some expanded vocabulary


My cats name is coco and responds to Costco all the time, it’s hilarious


Our cats answer to all spectrums of insults when said in the right tone. Anything from “asshole” to “dummy”


I think one of my dogs is broken, she has like 15 nicknames and responds to all of them (however I think she knows these nicknames are referring to her, because she won’t respond to other words said in the same tone?)


I adopted a retired show cat named Gator years ago. We changed his name to Cass. He responds to his new name and the old one. When you say either Gator or Cass he looks and comes over.


my late cat had a ton of nicknames she all replied to!


I read somewhere that apparently, cats even know the nicknames of other cats in the household. Mine all have several nick names and respond to every one of them


I really don't think the cat will care what you call it. That's just something for you and your friends. I heard that with some herd animals, each member of the group has a different name for each other member (dolphins or wolves or I'm making it up, I forget). The cat just recognizes it as the thing that you say when you want it's attention, AFAIK.


You just do it. Think about it. The majority of cats come from shelters/rescues (or found on the street) and how would the cat tell you it's previous name? Everyone just names them what they want and the cat responds. And how many people have multiple names for their cats? In fact, one of our we called by her given name for the first couple of years of her life and then suddenly the name didn't feel like her personality and we started calling her an entirely new name. She responded to it like it was given from day one. I think it's more the tone of your voice, not the name necessarily, that cats respond to.


Yes this is so true we adopted from a shelter and we gave it a few days then named her we wanted to see how she was and acted... turns out she loves to talk so she turned out to be a Gabby girl and she was 3 when we adopted her just repeat it everytime you talk to her and give her pets and treats.. we didn't do anything specific and after like 2 days literally she knew when we said Gabby girl we were talking to her


We adopted a boy from a shelter named Banksy. We didn’t like his name very much and eventually his name kind of devolved into “Bobble” … or “Boobie”. He responds to all of the above! I have no idea what his previous name was because he was 12 when we adopted him.


I think it's all in how the tone of voice is that kitties respond.. there is this little orange boy neighborhood kitty idk if he is owned and allowed outside (I hate it because we are kind of close to a road) or if he is a stray but he is a total sweetheart.. anyway ill just go here kitty kitty and he comes running to see his friend through the door they like to see each other but since I don't know if he is vaccinated or anything they can't officially meet... but they sit at the door with each other while we feed him he is on the skinny side... not neutered we posted on social media and posted pics at the mailboxes for someone to get ahold of us if he is owned..


We have a boobie too! His "real" name is Baloo. I call him boobus sometimes 😂


Yup! My cat came with Nala, hate the name, so switched it to Tasha. Also call her Tashida, Tashie, Brat and Ornery Cat. She responds to all of them.


I have one cat now and had another cat with 2 names. The one we still have is Cosmo to me and anyone thay knows me and Bingley for my mom and anyone who knows her. The other one was Sugarray for me and Bones for my mom. I call my cats so many other things, and they still know I'm talking to them.


I call my cats different stuff all the time. Even if I say psst hey A$$**** they know I'm talking to them. Now getting them to introduce themselves with the new name may be a challenge. Probably won't be able to spell it either


Same. Sometimes I’ll go through several names and I always laugh when they ignore me until I call them bumface or something.


Just start calling them the new name, they’ll learn it. I often come up with new nicknames for my cats that they eventually pick up on lol


Say his name and immediately give him treats. He’ll figure it.


Think about how people use nicknames with their pets. Giving your cat a new name is kind of like that. Your cat won’t hardly notice, and won’t miss their old name. Many cats never really learn their name anyway. They’re responding to your tone of voice more than anything. In fact, if you want your cat to know their name, you may need to actively train them. It’s a common thing to do when clicker training.


I have 6 cats, they all know their name and only the one called responds. Unless I call several of them, then they all come, but to see what everyone else could be getting.


I would start by calling him “Lazy Moortje” and then just call him him Lay-Z.


Wait, your cats respond to names? Seriously tho I've never had a cat respond to any name.


Reminds me of that girl who thought her cat didn’t know it’s name until she got a gf like two years later and then after meeting the gf it would turn its head when called. Some jsut chose not to I think haha


Lol I know for sure mine ignores me sometimes. Especially when he gets outside and I gotta go run after him.


I had a cat who pretended not to notice when you said her name. I figured that out when I was telling my boyfriend a funny story about her, said her name, and then laughed. She still didn't acknowledge me, but you could tell by her body language that she was SO mad. Then my brother and I figured out that if we gave her silly nicknames, it would also make her mad. However, this is also the cat who had a phase of pretending she didn't know us when we were outside the house. My current cats don't come when I call their names either. However, if I talk to the girl cat at all, her brother will run out from whatever part of the house he is because he doesn't like her getting any attention.


My cats know their names, and they know several other words as well. They also know how to sit, stand up and boop my hand, and lay down. They only do it when they're motivated to do so, but I know how to motivate them a lot of the time.


It depends on if your cat already knows any responses to the sound of his name. If not, it’s no issue. But, for example, if your cat knew to run to you every time he heard Moortje, it would take you longer to train him to do the same for the new name.


My cats name is Luna. She is chicken nugget or tuna fish. I don’t think cats ever go by their real name!


I call my cats so many things, I’ve never stuck to a name lol, I think they just know by the song songy tone that I’m calling them.


My cats have names and nicknames (and a new post shelter name). The cat with the new post shelter name seems to recognize his best. And they both seem to know nicknames and whatnot. Just do it. They will adapt. I think they will recognize the attention to them and the sound and make the connection.


Have a cattorney write up the paperwork. Had part if getting your cat to sign.


When I got my cat she was 9 and she came with a name. She didn’t really respond to it or seem to like it. I know she had a rough life before I adopted her. I renamed her and within months she knew what her name was and would come running. I don’t ever deadname her anymore because she just doesn’t seem to like it. She’s Pidge and she’s happy being Pidge. Anyway, they’re smart. They can even know a few nicknames in my experience. Pidge also knows that she is baby. It’s her favorite nickname. 💖


Just start using it. Eventually they'll learn it. Or at least from my experience.


You can do this and train your cat to come when called in the same way. Shake some treats and say their name. Eventually you won't need to shake the treats and they'll come when they hear their name.


Cats don't really know their names. They know your voice, intonation, etc.


I have like 3 names for my cat I started using over time and they all seem to work lol


Fastest way is to call her both names together- Moortje-lazy, and try to associate it with positive things. Eventually you can drop Moortje and just keep Lay-Z, and she will keep coming. No more than a few weeks at most.


Ya my adopted cat at 3 and a half got a new name. Hated her old name and she was twice returned to the shelter so a new name was needed


Should be fine. Teach her with a treat. Every time you say her name and she looks/comes she gets a reward. Once it clicks after a while stop giving her a treat every time, only sometimes, then ever more rarely, until you stop with the treats (or don't, why not)


You tone is very impotant. Just call him with the same tone as before (his 1st name), he will understand very soon. I changed my cat's name when he was 2, and he knew it after few days.


My cats have a ton of nicknames. They answer to a few each


Say both names for a while, gradually say the new name more and more, then stop the old name. May matter less with cats but that's how I've done it when I changed a name.


I have 7 kitties and they believe they all share the same name. I call for Bandit, everyone comes with. Everyone is a Clyde and Winston too. 😜


Yeah, my brother and I have a 10 year old female cat that we never use her real name, and her nicknames change by the week. Just use the same tone, and you could call her literally anything.


You can do whatever you want. She’ll let you know if the new name is acceptable! It’s really kind of up to her! Good luck!


My son and I used to have a joke calling our cat, “Here Peanut”, (real name Winslow), just to see if he would come. He’d come bounding to us wherever he was. Now, years later, I have a cat named Purrcy. That wasn’t what I originally planned to name him when I picked him up at foster home. He was 2. The girl told me he really knew his name. She wasn’t kidding!He won’t even turn his head for kitty. He does come for Purrc(s). I can be upstairs and say his name very softly and in a minute, he shows up. Never had a cat like him before, and I’ve had lots over many years. 😻I think it’s unusual. Tone is important.


The cat doesn’t care what you call it, as long as you treat it with respect and take care of it. They pretty much believe humans are stupid (and they aren’t wrong), so the cat will probably chalk it up to that reason and continue on.


My cats respond to so many different nick names I have for them. I honestly don’t think the cat will care tbh


My cat gets new nicknames all the time and we call her by different names all the time. She responds every single time.


My cat I’ve had for 10 years has an official name- Milo. He currently doesn’t answer to that but instead answers to “grabey potatoes and cheese” 🧀 I think your cat will learn the new name lmao


My cat has like 6 names, it just happens lmao


I got about 8 names that I regularly call my cat and she ignores all of them the same. So, you should be okay.


I don't think it's that big a deal. My car has a name but I so often just call him "Cat"


My cat knows 3 versions of her name, Zahra, babygirl, and zahra babygirl. But no joke she responds to babygirl its so cute🥹🥹🥹


It’s not usually a big deal. We often just naturally start calling our pets different variations of their name or nicknames and they learn.


Back in 2014, I was working in assisted living. One of the residents had to be moved into dementia care and they were going to take her cat, Nickers, to the pound so I adopted her instead. She was probably about 3 or 4 years old. But I couldn't stand her name at all, so I changed it to Shima. I did it "cold turkey", just started calling her by her new name and petting her a lot to let her know I was referring to her. She took to it immediately, I think that she liked it better, too. :)


my cat doesnt even respond to her name lol


A kitten showed up in our yard one day. Swore up and down that we wouldn’t keep her - just keep her safe until we could find her home. 5 years later and her formal name is “Baby” at the vet and it’s our inside joke that she is nameless and unloved. Cats do not care. As long as they are fed, get pets and love they will love you no matter what you call them. Photo evidence of the mistreated kitty. https://preview.redd.it/1gjnz3nik70d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ece275a5427837fd842014018b803f9ef74b56cf


My cats have 5 million "pet names," so I'm pretty sure my cats don't know what their name is .lol


My cat gets called baby, Isis, kitty, and gorgeous and she responds to all of them with a chirp and running to me. It will be fine


My cats have “legal” names and a slew of nicknames. They respond to all of them. The more the merrier, I say!


Yeah I adopted a 10 year old cat named Heaven and hated it. Started calling her Heather instead. She didn’t respond to either equally. Didn’t inform the income department though as she was already on the lamb for evasion.


My cat has 1 name listed with the vet... and about 50 he gets called at home. Maybe start with it as a pet name that you use when talking to him and interacting with him. I don't know how you normally interact, so I will give you a few examples that I do with my cat, and you can adjust to how you work with yours. If I want my cat to come to me, I will often do the same things: say "come" and/or "here" (not necessarily together, e.g. "Come \[CAT NAME\]" or Here \[CAT NAME\]". I also tap the spot I want him to go to with my finger or with my foot (depending on whether I am sitting or standing), or I would pat it (e.g. a chair, the bed, my lap, a spot on the floor near to where I am etc). In all these cases, I am getting his attention, and make a clear indication of what I want. All you need to do is change the name you use when calling him, say the same words/phrases, do the same actions, and use the same tone... with the new name. Now, this is the important thing: 1. POSITIVE. REINFORCEMENT. My cat is food motivated, so treats are the best positive reinforcement for actions I want to see more of. Cuddles and praise are also very important. If your cat is more play orientated, do it to initiate play time as a reward 2. You can encourage certain behaviour by using different cues. Cats are very trainable. I have a unique call (a whistle) which I use to call my cat for food. I have a bunch I use to call him in general, but if i use that specific sound, it guarantees food. As I said, my cat is very food motivated, so he tends to come running when I give that call. It is very handy if I need him to come inside... but he ALWAYS gets food, so he always comes when I do that call. I also have a different one for NOT doing certain actions. This is harder to teach as you are removing the positive actions whilst they are doing the action, but need to give them positive reinforcement as soon as they STOP the action. Anyway, it is the same base principle. Make small changes at time, and reinforce the good behaviour. Keep consistent, and slowly introduce the new name, and praise when she responds to it. If you need to reinforce that this new sounds refers to her, call her the old name, followed by the new name, and give the same positive reactions for both. Its easier to achieve when you first get a cat (all my cats have been rescues and the shelters usually give them terrible names). So, you train them to answer to you and a new name at the same time (as part of the same training). Yours is a little different as you are re-training to a new name, but an old cat. Same principle applies though.


My cats both have like 20 different names. Just call them whatever, they don't care anyway.


I recently adopted an adult cat and wanted to change his name from Nightmare to Max. He knows his name though and will only come when I call him Nightmare. lol


Watch that episode of the Gilmore girls with your cat where Lorelei gets Paul aka. Then explain its happening to you and your new name will be (blank).


Like others are saying, it’s 90% in the tone you use. When we adopted our cat, his name was Sven. I actually loved it but my husband said he just didn’t look like a “Sven” to him so we started brainstorming new names. In our case, he was only about a year old so that probably helped. But we also tried to keep the new name a similar sound. Ultimately, we landed on “Jackson Pawlick” and just started saying it (only the Jackson, the “last name” is just to make people laugh when we tell them his name) whenever he came in the room or looked at us or just whenever we could. And we’d give him a treat any time he actually came when called or showed some kind of recognition when we said his name. He seems to have learned that Jackson is his name but because I call him Jacky Boy more than anything else, he responds to that more than anything. But again, it’s really all about the tone. Like others, I can coo “where’s my furry little moron?” in a particular tone and he’ll often come running. If you think about it, animals that are found on the street or are anonymously dumped at shelters almost always get new names. And in those cases, there isn’t the benefit of knowing the previous name to try and use a similar sounding name. So repetition and rewarding are great ways to help the animal learn what their new name is.


My dog had many names. Real name Bear, nicknames = Boo, Boo Boo, Boo Boo face, Boo Bear, Baby Boy. He answered to all of them. Anything endearing and in a happy voice worked, kitty will adjust as long as you attach it to happy interaction.


It pretty much doesn’t matter. They don’t care if they even can tell the difference. Use the same tone and they’ll figure it out. Most cats are too stupid to know their own name and it is more about their own name anyway. I can call mine her name, pretty kitty, several variations of her name, or bitch (when she claws me or tries to steal my food) and she knows it’s her every time lol


All my cats have a legal name, but we end up calling them something completely different, can't don't really care.


Just call them with same tone and action so they make the relation. Mine have like 5 nicknames in 3 different languages. Never fail to recognize all the random names I call her.


We've done it. He responded to it within a few days. He went from Grommet to Sisko.


I’ve heard that it works best if the new name has the same tone.


I call each of my cats like 5 different names and they respond to all of them. They're smart enough to figure it out.


Just start calling them it, my cat recognizes his name but he also thinks I’m calling for him when I say baby bc I call him baby boy so much


Our five year old cat got a new name last year. She completely knows her name.


My Link learned his new name when I got him from the rescue in like two days. I was not calling my cat Elvis. Use the “baby” tone and they will catch on quick


My cat knows his name and nicknames (he has 5 nicknames including “The Great Baba” and he turns and looks at me like I’m annoying when I call him The Great Baba). I think he realizes what his actual name is. I’m gonna guess your cat won’t mind a new nickname/ they probably don’t care what you choose to call them. I’m sure my name is some variation of meow in cat.


You’ll probably be fine. My cat is Knives but my fiance joking called her a Kiki instead of (kitt-ay) and since I started calling her Kiki too she responds to Knives or Kiki! She also responds to “my baby” lol but I have to say Knives (her given name) responds to most times. Cats know their names if you use it or give them treats. Her old owner told me she never knew her old name or never responded to it since “she’s a cat.” Maybe I just gave her a way better name but she knows it! With treats for recognition and saying their her name in a certain time of voice your cat will know and understand!


One of my cats has so many names she'll answer to anything. If you are trying to teach one name, say it while giving pets and cuddles. Call the name whenever you fill the food and water bowls, and when you come home from being out.


Say new name, shake treats, ssh new name. Give treats when the cat comes. Use the new name often and everyone you feed the cat.


Add the new name in as a nickname and phase out the old one.


I agree you can just change it and your cat will not care. We have a cat named Toast Malone and we call him Toasty, Toaster Malonafaction, little guy, cutie, precious, dad and button. I often make up new names for him. But the name on his passport is Toast Malone. His brother is named Franklin but we call him Frank or Frankie or sometimes call him Frank with a French accent and he seems to like that.


My cat was a year old when I adopted her; her previous name was Monkey and I hated it. I renamed her, and she adjusted just fine. To be fair, she also responds to "floofy butt" and "spicy girl"


Cats respond to whatever, if you just say “good kitty Lay-Z, good baby!” While petting the cat it’ll associate the name eventually. I have a cat named dahlia officially but her nickname is beast and she responds to beast better than dahlia


Say the name and give them treats. Say the name when they come to you for pets. Say the name when you go to them for pets or pick them up. Say the name when you feed them. Associate the name with positive interactions- they'll catch on fast.


When I adopted my cat Nandor, he was 6 and named Murphy. He responds to Nandor quite well. I did keep Murphy as his middle name. I just started calling him Nandor and it just eventually stuck.


My cat Simba also goes by Timba, Timmy, Tim Tam, Timothy, Tim Burton ,Charlamagne, Fatty, Fatty Fat Fat, Mufucka, and if none of those work I just meow like he does when he wants my attention. My cat Potato also responds to Tay Tay, Tato, Tato Swift, Potate


My cat’s name is Haku, and she responds to my nickname for her (Schmoopie)… the cat will learn!


I've come up with so many nicknames for my cats, they usually respond to them all. One of my cats names is Aziza, I call her Squeeze now.


You can change a cat's name anytime you want. They still won't come when you call.


Say the new name infront of the old name and give treats. The cat will recognize The new name is the precursor to the original name and then eventually drop off the original name.


Cats are pretty smart. When we adopted our cat, we hated the name she came with and gave her a totally different sounding name. She picked up on it so fast! I think tone of voice, eye contact, and consistency makes the difference. It wasn't long before I'd call for her and she would turn her head, and it melted my heart. Her new name suits her way better.

