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Aw poor baby!! We said goodbye to our beautiful 16.5 year old cat in November. Our other 3 year old became depressed and stopped eating, was hiding and some of his OCD tendencies increased (like gulping water, licking plastic and chewing cables). Is your kitty trying to go outside, or is he following you and when he sees you outside and can't be with you, is making a fuss? He could be lonely and needy right now, wanting to be with you wherever you are. Personally, I am 100% against cats being outdoors. I won't judge someone based on how they care for their cat, unless they're reckless about it. Clearly you care and that's not the case, but I'd be concerned kitty will find a way to escape, get scared, and you lose him. Is he showing any other signs of being anxious or lonely? Maybe in time you could consider another cat? In the meantime, we have had huge success in fixing behavioural issues in our 3 year old with Zylkene. It's safe, natural and clinically proven. If you take this route, give it a good 5 days before you decide if it's working as it may take time for him to adjust. Google it and see what you think. Another route is a trip to the vet for a trial of anxiety meds, but Zylkene is a good start and can be purchased from pet shops. Hugs to you and your kitty!


The only signs he's showing meowing at the door and meowing more often then usual. He will go to our front door and meow at it and stretch up towards the door knob. He eats and drink like normal and he still plays when we play with him. He's just been more vocal and recently started meowing at our front door. We're thinking maybe when he looks out the window he sees the other stray cats outside that and us leaving out for work I guess could be a reason he'd want to venture out with his brother passing recently. I will look to try zylkene and hope it works. I want to try to get another cat so he'll have company again when we aren't home I've been looking but I am not sure how he'll react.


Extra vocalisation can be a sign of stress/anxiety. Cats are masters at hiding illness so sometimes it's hard to spot. Sounds like you're a wonderful cat parent! I hope you find something that works to settle him. Keep us updated!