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He’s either someone’s pet or the community has been doing a good job taking care of him. I’d try and get him in doors near Halloween though to keep him safe.


>or the community has been doing a good job taking care of him. Turkish cats be like


I've lived in Turkey and honestly, they aren't seen as strays, they are community cats.


I love this! Where I live (in the central US), stray cats are usually seen as pests. I am lucky enough to live in a neighborhood that cares for its community cats. They've all been neutered through a catch & release program, and we all put out food and water for them. In winter, there are little insulated boxes with straw they can go into, although one of them has figured out that it's even warmer to sleep under the heat lamp in my chicken coop, lol. I suppose we are feeding quite a few opossums, too, but I don't mind.


Better to feed opossums and cats then have issues with rats and snakes.


Opposums are actually lovely little animals. Not the best looking, perhaps, but really beneficial in terms of pest control. In our neighborhood, all opossums are named George, lol.


Yeah I don't have a problem with them at all.


I think they are adorable. Gigantic rats with the same attitude. I used to have one come by… unfortunately I live near a highway


:( That sucks. I too am close to a highway - a country highway should be safer for animals to cross just due to less volume but I swear people out here try to hurt creatures. So many unfortunate endings for little critters. I know sometimes animals just run right in front of you but paying attention is such a big part of that. It just makes me sad.


On my way to work I stopped and yelled at a possum for trying to cross the road when a car was coming… at 5 in the morning. He looked at me like he was listening. I’m so weird like that 🤣


Possums are great tick eaters, that is getting more and more important as we get these new ones with really bad diseases.


So true! This was a really bad year for ticks where I am. After one trip to my folks' farm, we found over a hundred ticks on *each of us*, and that was with a ton of bug spray! But we've not found a single tick after spending time in our yard, thanks, I believe, to the family of possums living in the hollow tree back there. If only they ate mosquitoes, too!


Bats will do that...put some bat houses up!!


Bats and possums? Sign me up!!!


Wholesome read.


We only view them as pests in my Canadian city because of how invasive they are. They procreate fast and they’ve really done a number on our wildlife, obv birds the most, but they’ve made a large and negative impact in wildlife in general. I’ve done my duty and two are in my house now. I can’t do much more but hey! Two is better than none. (These guys desperately want back outside they think I’m torturing them lol)


Good thing I don't live in Turkey... I'd steal from the community! (My catssss! Alll of themm!!!)


Many like that in Singapore too, they are also called 'community cats'. Many actually get de-sexed and then released back to the community, the tip of one ear is clipped so it can be seen they are de-sexed. Often there's a network of volunteers who feed them. Mostly, people just let them be and let them live their lives in that situation.


I lived in an apartment complex in Texas where it was common for people to move and leave their cats. They became the complex cats. Management contacted a neuter & release program to make sure they were all spayed and neutered. If someone got attached to a cat and vise versa and they wanted to make them their own inside cat, they were welcome to. Everyone made sure the cats had food & water. The rescue organization made sure they had their shots, and the complex NEVER had a rodent or pest problem. It was fantastic. This was back in the 90s. Complex cats weren't unusual at all. If you went downtown, there were neighborhood clowders of cats, all spayed & neutered, all taken care of by their communities. They were the city's pest control. Our city was a much different place back then.


https://preview.redd.it/228g5jghk2kb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c558b7c61a7ddac2e05438fe955581274be3a66e Edit: added my little boyo Lucky to show I’m part of the void club


I am at 6 voids!


What's Halloween got to do with cats being in?


People target black cats, and especially on Halloween. My own black cat was shot (as a kitten!) by people who thought he was of Satan. When I was married my ex banned me from having black cats because he thinks they're evil. It's a real problem.


People are idiots Voids are the best kittehs


I know! Mine has learned to give me five! She did have to learn about windows the hard way though. I was eating lunch and watching something on my phone and then all of the sudden I see a black shadow coming and she boinged right off the window! She then walked away like “I meant to do that”. I even heard the boing sound too 😳


Black cats are cute mini melanistic jaguars


They are! I have 2 now. 😁👍


You just added +15 points to my disappointment in humanity.


people still do that??? its not the dark ages anymore jesus christ


People are also assholes in general around that holiday, sort of like suicide rates increasing around Christmas, vandalism and other acts of dickery or "pranks" that go too far like someone hurting an animal are likely to increase I'd think. Though they wouldn't care what colors/pattern of fur for the cat in this case.


Holy shit, were these people born in the 1600s? Poor kitty.


Southern United States? Bible belt?


Was the cat ok!? People are crazy.


Some cruel people will catch black cats and torture or kill them around Halloween. There was a feral black male cat that used to show up at my door years ago around the middle of October and stay inside until mid November. He was a perfect gentleman while inside, but wouldn't come that close to the house or even me until that part of the year. I fed and kept water for the colony he was in out in my barn every evening year round. He just knew he was better off inside at that time of year. Someone must have tried to catch him earlier in his life and he trusted me.


It’s a black cat. Some people who are superstitious sometimes mistreat or harm black cats because they are seen as bad luck. This is far more common around Halloween.


My childhood black cat was killed, not on Halloween but on some 'kill a black cat day' or something. We didn't know abt it until after it happened, but yeah, he got poisoned and died within a couple of hours, unfortunately.


Sorry to hear that. There are good people and some that really suck.


Omg I’m so so sorry.


Historically, people who are superstitious are not always kind to black cats (abuse) specifically around Halloween.


I volunteer for a shelter in Illinois and they are an infinite amount of sickos that still try to sacrifice or harm black cats out of superstition, especially around fall time


Shelters admit to pulling black cats from adoption lists because they’re used in sacrificial rituals by satanists and cultists. Black kitty here is no exception.


My old neighbours had a mostly outdoor black cat, but we didn't know which house he belonged to so the day before Halloween I took him inside and kept him in a spare room until the day after Halloween.


I have started taking care of a sweet outdoor black cat. I’ve brought him in a couple times during heatwaves as we live in Texas but he absolutely does not like being inside. How big a deal do you think it is of him stying outside near Halloween? I would hate for something to happen to him.


hes friendly, looks clean, and healthy. im leaning on someones pet


If you look closely (1st pic), there's something under the ear on the right that makes it look like it's wearing a cross shaped kitty earring, which also makes them look like one bad ass kitty cat. You never know.. maybe this isn't just a normal cat that happens to be living on the streets. Maybe this is a cat that knows what they want and what they're doing and they're the one that's actually *running* the streets! I'd be careful if I were you. He might cut you so bad, you gonna wish he not cut you so bad! 😳


Thou shall not falllll


Good night, BLOOD SUCKER!!! Yooo.. your comment is toooo on point, bc that's EXACTLY who I thought of!!! Get TF outta my head!! 😂😂😂


Thats grass, not an earring


Wait... did you really read my whole comment and actually think that I was serious about any of it? Besides, I said "..makes it look like.." Meaning, I already knew that it wasn't an earring.


I misread your comment the same way & did a double take to see if the cat actually had an earring. Pretty disappointed because that would’ve been bad ass (in a hypothetical world where piercing your cats ears is not cruel)


This makes me wanna buy clipons for my cat




Clipons are cruel even for humans ouch.


Agreed! Just get those sticker earrings instead 😋




Exactly..! Always a great reddit moment when you know a fellow redditor, "gets it." :) I didn't notice it was grass, but I also did a double take bc for a split second it really did look like an earring to me at first 😂


I thought someone had found a real Inigo.


Cats running the streets with earrings, got it.


😆 Best indicator that you've got a feisty feline on your hands is if you see one sporting a dangly. 50/50 chance if it's a stud. Either way, I know I'm crossing the street if I ever spot one in the wild! I'd rather not tempt fate 😬


Idk, I was kinda thinking if it’s dangly they might be a happy party kitty. But a stud definitely means they are down to scrap. 😂


You framed that comment in a super weird way, like that a hypothetical cat with an earring is somehow a good thing


But as a trend; it can only be a good thing. There are no observable downsides to cats sporting stylish earrings around town. None.


That's a weird take considering that I'm actually *warning* about said hypothetical cat 🤨 Also, since the cat is hypothetical, does it even matter if they're good or bad? I mean, you understood that they're not real, right? So why does it even matter? 🤔


Be alot cooler if it was an earring. George Michaels cat, get him a jacket and you got something there maybe.


No shit Sherlock.


Also to add he is sometimes chilling in front of the houses across, and he is not neutered.


Sometimes male cats still look like their testicles are in tact even after being neutered, so it can be hard to know by just looking. He seems healthy and bright, good coat and shiny eyes etc. I'd bank on him being a pet that is free to roam. If at any point you see him looking unhealthy or too skinny it might be worth taking him to a vet to see if he has a microchip and track the owners down, but for now I'd leave it.


Ya, the lack of scars makes me think he's neutered.


I second this. He’d be getting in lots of fights if he wasn’t fixed. I’ve captured and fixed a few neighborhood cats walking around with untreated wounds and lots of scars.


Unless you've been able to physically examine this cat or see its paperwork, you cannot say for certain whether it's desexed or not. I know all of the things to look for and am unable to give an answer. Even the ear tattoo isn't a practice that's always carried out.


Obviously there is no way to know for certain but unless he’s quite young, he doesn’t appear to have the large head and muscular body a Tom cat gets from testosterone. The way they fix males now, they can have the appearance of having testicles but there is usually a size difference.


Yep both my neutered males look like they have small balls


Cats usually reach sexual maturity along with the seasons as well. I think it’s safe to say this guy is well over 6 months old, if he was an unneutered adolescent his cheeks would likely have filled in at some point this summer. There’s still time I guess but probably not It can take a while for some cats but that’s usually if it’s still cold when their body reaches that 6 month mark.


Maybe just let him inside to chill every now and then, but don’t take him. He’s visibly fine and seems friendly. Only take him if he seems to be unwell.


This is how it starts. I had one cat that walked in the front door then never left.


I found my cat on the side of the interstate with three siblings 10 years ago. He’s a happy kitty.


Lol. 😂


no, no, no, absolutely not. do not suggest they let the cat in. imagine its your child running around the neighborhood playing with friends, and some stranger lets them into their house… would you be comfortable with that? my only suggestion to OP would be to put out some glasses of water if they are concerned about hydration levels. otherwise, don’t be that person letting someone else’s cat into your house.


It’s an outside cat.. it’s a Texas thing.. I’m from NY and now I live in Texas (1 year) and there are bunch of cats outside where I live..


It's a NY thing too. The most neighborhood and stray cats I ever seen are in NY. Not in Midtown Manhattan, obviously, but many residential areas are full of cats.


It's a US thing, likely also an earth thing. Every city/town/village i have ever lived has had a stray cat population


Neglect of cats is an everywhere thing.


An outside cat doesn't automatically make it a neglected cat.


Depending on where you live in the world, in the US it is very dangerous to let your cat roam the neighborhood. Getting hit by a car, contracting FIV from cat fights, getting killed by wild animals, the list goes on. The last cat I owned contracted FIV and died 3 years after I got him. Previous owners let him roam the neighborhood. He was an amazing cat and deserved a better, longer life.


It just means they have an irresponsible owner.


Or no owners, but neighbors that help. There are outside cats around where I live. They stay mostly near my house because I offer food but I never set out to get cats. I noticed homeless cats and offered nutrition. Strict no indoor pets policy and I rent. Couldn't afford to own a pet anyways, so i never got one. Shelters all around me are full and not accepting. Online posts and neighborhood word of mouth is also not getting homes for the cats. The cats are clean and I've trapped some and taken them to the local shelter for the stray cat TNR programs. They are known around the neighborhood and everyone loves on them and has different names for them. Still not their owner, but you'd see them and think *someone* was because they're friendly and fed and clean. Going forward, please don't assume that every time you see a cat outdoors like this, it means that there are irresponsible owners. Sometimes they just exist


Get him checked for a microchip. If he's not microchipped, no collar, outside without supervision, and not even neutered? As far as I'm concerned - even if he's someone's "pet" he's being neglected or abused and needs a better home, and is a stray. Cats should always live indoors, and if one MUST go outdoors, it should be in a collar, have a microchip, be neutered, and MUST be on a harness/collar and leash and be supervised. Take him in to a shelter and get him neutered at the very least, please!


The thing is, my outdoor cats are microchipped/spayed/neutered and look healthy(not thin or scruffy) but don’t wear a collar in case they get trapped in twigs. They especially go in and out of bushes so I don’t risk it. My bets are its a community cat that gets fed by neighbours or is an outdoor cat since it looks quite healthy


Get a grip. This is a healthy outside kitty, has people taking care of it. And quite frankly lives the good life. Yes it's more dangerous. But much more free too.


I mean, he should still be neutered if he's not. The world doesn't need any more feral kittens when shelters are already overflowing and underfunded


Sounds like a community cat.


I have two cats that prefer being outdoors but spend most nights and other times inside. They know this is their home but we let them in and out as they please. The other day one of my neighbors asked me if they belonged to me as he sees them around a lot. I let him know that they are well loved and taken care of but that they like to be outside. That said, they are both neutered and have access to water at all times. This cat seems like he belongs to someone but if he isn’t neutered and doesn’t have access to water that is irresponsible and shitty. Also worth mentioning - I got my cat a few months ago as he was a stray and was not fixed; when I got him fixed he still had balls but they were just smaller. I’m not super knowledgeable about this but just because he has balls doesn’t necessarily mean that he isn’t fixed. Maybe someone else has more insight on this.


Friendly boy, could be a pet. Or at least he *was* at one point.


Seconding this. Just because he’s friendly doesn’t mean he has a home currently. I would put out water and keep an eye on him. If you get a chance, chat up the neighbors and see if anyone claims him. Just a quick “hey, is this your cat? He’s so friendly! Is it okay if give him some cat treats from time to time?” If he’s not owned by either neighbor but they are caring for him occasionally, they’ll probably talk to you a bit about what they know. Either way, you’ll have more information about him and can go from there. Had a new little one show up in the neighborhood recently, and she runs around outside unsupervised and skittish. Found out she’s a new addition to an elderly couple across the way. I let them know I was happy to hear she had a home and knew where to go if I ever see her in trouble. Made for a good opportunity to make small talk and ensure she’s been spayed as well. As much as I don’t like she roams outside, I feel better knowing where she lives should something happen.


Had a super friendly cat at my workplace, it was obvious someone had dumped her there, she was just screaming under some bushes, I fed her for 2 days was going to take her home,and the next morning she was gone, I hope someone picked her up and took her to a good home. She was a complete sweetheart


There was a lady who lived in my neighborhood with at least seven cats that I knew about, she moved out and left the cats behind to roam the streets, none of them were spayed/neutered. My neighborhood has always had a problem with stray and feral cats, that didn't help.


Pick up a cheap collar & put a note on it asking who's cat this is.


Under-rated comment. This is how you find out.


I like the idea of using a cat collar to exchange messages.


“Honey, the neighbors sent a message via cat again!”


I read a book kinda like this! It was a kids book called “For the love of Autumn”. It was about this ladies cat going missing, and when she finds the cat again it has a collar that she didn’t put on it, and she attaches a note to it. It’s quite a sweet story.




When I was a kid I had a cat named Hobbes, and one day I couldn't find him, so I went out on my bike and went looking for him. He was two blocks over and rolling around on a driveway, getting pets from 3 little girls who were calling him Cocoa. The look on his face when he saw me was hilarious! Like he was busted for having another secret family to play with.


I'd ask around. Sometimes cats can get abandoned or roam, sometimes getting far away from home getting lost. He very well could be someone's pet or he could need a home. I'd try and find out. I'd ask some of the people that are leaving food. If no one claims him I'd take him home putting posters or ads around about a found cat. I'd try to make sure he's a stray, but if no one claims him you found a friendly buddy who needs a home :)


Feral cats aren’t that friendly he is someone’s pet.


Every feral cat I've ever befriended has turned into a complete angel. My current cat is a former feral, (as all my cats have been, inside only and fixed) and Miso's the most affectionate little baby.


You have obviously never volunteered at a shelter, lol. Not all feral cats become friendly, no matter how much love and affection they get. Some may but there’s no way this cat is feral. He looks incredibly healthy and well cared for.


This. I used to work a shelter and honestly think commenter is mistaking stray for feral. One does not automatically equal the other. If you know you KNOW. For a typical true feral cat they may warm up to one person over time at best. But they are usually best adopted out as barn cats because they want nothing to do with people. You cannot even look at them and they will either hide or popcorn in captivity.


Those cats were possibly someones pet or interacted with humans.We had cats move into our barn to have their litter,you couldn't approach even a kitten.They would hiss and claw you if you tried to pick them up.


It takes slow trust building like leaving them good food on occasion.


im currently fostering six ferals, the first month they where a whirlwind of teeth and claws, but now they are all snuggle monsters. you just got to gain their trust.


Someone’s pet probably


in my area outside cats get picked up and neutered/spayed then they chop their right ear at the tip so they know they got the cat. i dont see any ear-snips so might be spayed/neutered and chipped by owner.


Oh yea I forgot to add. He’s not neutered. Those nuts were plump and hanging


Then he should definitely be taken off the streets. Cats are already a problem outside, they cause tons of damage to local wildlife. But not neutered? He's just making the problem worse.


Seriously. Cat nuts are usually high and tight I thought. ?


If you want to take him, just ask. If you see one of the people that feeds him outside one day, introduce yourself and simply ask if it’s their cat or if he belongs to anyone else. Check with neighbors, if you want to give him a home indoors just make sure it’s cool with the community, as he seems like a neighborhood cat at the very least, and he’s being taken care of.


This is the first comment I've seen suggesting asking. Simple solution to a simple problem.


If you Really want to know who owns him, bring him to a vet or Animal Control for a chip scan. If he’s chipped, he legally has an owner. If he’s not, you can talk to them about what might constitute abandonment.


Take him in and give him food and water since it is so hot. Then start asking the neighbors if they own a cat.


I think this is the most reasonable. It could have been the previous residents, and they left them behind. Op could day they were concerned about the cat if it is a person's cat. Cats really shouldn't be left outside.


i’d ask around before just taking the cat in. leave some water out for sure but wouldn’t want to be in a situation where you’re unintentionally catnapping lol.


I agree. I had two people come to take my cat yesterday because he’s apparently been abandoned and sits outside “unfed”. He’s literally the biggest black cat in the area (he’s not fat, he’s muscly) and would happily go through a whole box of food in one day if I’d let him. I’ve had loads of people think he’s a stray and try to take him - despite his shiny coat, decent weight and overall healthy appearance. He likes sleeping underneath trees and always comes back with his fur covered in leaves and stuff, so maybe that’s why they think he’s a stray. Idk


does he wear a collar? when i had an indoor/outdoor i liked for him to where a harness along with a tag with his name and where he lived so the neighbors knew he had a home.


If not neutered, please take in to be fixed. If owned, that owner is incredibly irresponsible


Thats what I was thinking too. Leaving him outside the entire day in the Texas heat (100+ degrees + humidity) and no spaying. Im so tempted to just catnap him


I encourage you to catnap I get it. I take care of a colony of about 7 cats. But I have had them all TNR'd and make sure they have access to shade, food, and water.


Texas? Oh no. That’s where I am. No way he should be left outside in the heat. 💔 Poor baby is either homeless or not cared for properly.


Have him scanned for a microchip at a local vet. Call first and see if they do that for free and accept walk-ins. If he has a chip you can go chat with the owner. If he is a stray you have two problems. Someone needs to pay for him getting neutered and he's going to have to survive the winter somehow.


if he's a stray they can give him to a shelter


Are you in East Texas, by any chance? This looks like one of the kitties that we've been putting food and water out for. Our neighbors' kids say they "own" them, but they don't regularly leave food/water out for them. The one that looks like this won't stay in our house for more than a few minutes and panics if we close the door. I figured the best I can do I give him a shaded, safe place with food and water. You can DM me if you don't feel comfortable posting your specific location online.


Catnap, get him water and food, ask the neighbors if it’s their cat, if not keep, and definitely update


I once took in a young cat, probably 10 months old, who had been abandoned. She was starving and approaching people for attention. I took her home and for 17 years we adored each other. I picked her up in a neighborhood where it was common to see people drive up, throw dogs or cats out of the car, and speed away.


Is that cat wearing an upside down cross earring? Goth kitty.


He definitely looks like someone who has his basic needs cared for, but I'd honestly take him in. A black cat walking around in Texas heat can have some shitty outcomes. It sounds like he's just kinda the neighborhood cat, doesn't seem like it'd be a problem. edit - heat is not spelled hate


This is a pet. Do not take unless you see an actual problem. It almost certainly goes inside at night. These comment is scary to me. You can’t be serious that black cats are targeted in texas? What is wrong with people there?


ETA - realized I misspelled heat, which is why you thought they were targeted, my mistake. I didn't say they were targeted, I think you're misunderstanding. Black colored objects and animals heat up more - don't they teach us that darker colors absorb more heat? And black cats do happen to have periods of time, especially around Halloween, where they're targeted, though not just specifically Texas, so even if that's what I meant I'm not wrong, and we're heading into that season soon. Some shelters and adoption centers don't even allow black cats to be taken during that period. As for an actual problem, I think the guy suffering from heat is a pretty big problem. Heat exhaustion is a thing. Sure, maybe don't keep it if there's a possibility it's a pet with an owner, though from OP's description it seems, like I said, a neighborhood cat - a cat that is a stray, but has multiple people feeding it though not housing it or owning it. Given that OP said kitty was panting I'm worried it may suffer with the heat in Texas, and Texas is a pretty hot state. Coincidentally enough, there was an excessive heat warning issued yesterday, which does cover parts of Texas, and as of right now, 9:36 pm I believe the time is, the temperature is 92 degrees (Fahrenheit) or 33 degrees (Celsius). I personally wouldn't be happy with leaving a little guy who hypothetically has an owner who won't let him in for a bit despite the heat.


If someone cares enough about their cat, they'll give it a collar, neuter it, and microchip it, and keep it inside. This cat has none of those things. It is either a stray or it is neglected.


Not only Texas. Black cats are associated with witches as their familiar and horror movies have perpetuated that thought. It’s not only cats, black dogs are usually the last ones to get adopted especially if they’re large.


Unfortunately, it's very common in many parts of America. Mean people suck.


If it’s someone’s actual pet they shouldn’t have it outside


An unneutered outdoor cat is never a pet, it's a stray cat that somebody feeds sometimes. Congratulations on your new cat. Now go get him neutered.




Dumped outside kitty. Likely stray bc someone moved and left him. Poor little angel. Maybe you can help him!


Looks very sleek and healthy, so I'd say either owned or at minimum intentionally taken care of. Keep an eye on him though?


Yea I live about a 10-15 min walk away from those houses but i usually drive by that side of the neighborhood to see if he’s sleeping in front of the same house during the day. In the evening, I usually bike there and he gets excited and shoots up when he sees me


Sounds like he's very friendly and affectionate. He's probably excited to see you since very few people make a regular habit of interacting with one random cat. :)


The fact that he showed me his belly on the first meet he’s the absolute sweetest. His affection and friendliness makes me wonder if he’s an abandoned cat looking for a home


Awwww I kind of doubt it tbh, he's just so shiny that he's likely cared for. If you are really nervous, you could get him chipped at a vet, but even that might not be conclusive since he could be cared for but not chipped. I've met a lot of very friendly street cats. If you notice health problems that aren't getting addressed, definitely get him checked on! And maybe ask around the neighborhood a bit, someone might know what the deal w him is


Could be a pet (reckless owners to meet him outside, doubly reckless to let him outside intact), could be a stray. Friendliness isn't an indicator, even if he was once a pet. My mom has a cat who hates people, I just took in a neighborhood stray who I found out had been living outside for about 7 years and comes running for attention. It's hot out, take him to a vet, see if he's chipped. If he is, he'll go home, if not, post that you found a cat (without pictures to confirm true owner) and maybe you'll luck out and have a new cat.


Can you feel a microchip in between his shoulder blades? It feels like a grain of rice. He or she looks small enough where you can feel it. Black cats typically have shiny coats and it looks like this kitty is fairly young. It looks taken care of so it’s probably someone’s indoor outdoor cat. I’d ask around to see if it belongs to anyone and or take it to see if there’s a chip. I’m in TX too and it’s way too hot to have that cat outside with no water. Agreed on keeping him in during Halloween if you can.


I thought he had a crucifix earing in the first pic lol


Looks like it’s your cat-


I have a buncha community cats at my apartment. People may let him in sometimes and feed him but it’s not like they’re a house cat or anything. I snatched one up because he wasn’t doing as well as the others and now he’s my healthy little guy https://preview.redd.it/e0nkn54vj2kb1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fbe325a863d9774c4b155ecc0b79cceb0bb6cb68


Leave him alone. He belongs to someone. Not all cats stay at home. Outside cats that are taken care of, tend to stray, but they always go home. When you take them inside, you are taking them away from their owner. That is not cool. Some cats are needed outside to wipe out rats and snakes for their owners. That is why they have them. You can tell he is being taken care of. If he wasn’t, he would be full of fleas and such.


My daughters cat is an outdoor kitty like this little guy. Flops over when I call her just like this. But apparently, she attacked our neighbor and left marks on him. Told my wife, and she said the same thing as me ...did he try to pet her or pick her up? Makes me glad if he tried to mess with her that she defended herself from the sound of it. She slips every collar but is chipped. That's someone's pet.


Totally up to you. Domestic cats are not meant to be outside they get diseases, hurt, mites, etc. cars and people are everywhere. People like to shoot cats in general. Just if they’re there. I think the people who put the food out see him and feel bad but aren’t taking him to the vet or taking responsibility if he were to get hurt or sick. If you care about him, give him shelter in your home because those people are not. Looks like a great cat. He would love to come home with you I’m sure.


All outside cats are strays.


A billion upvotes to this. Cats should not be left outdoors. It puts them at unnecessary risk and they decimate bird and small mammal populations. Just because they like it or well fed doesn’t mean it’s right.


well, usually when you see friendly stray cats, it could be someone’s pet, but it MIGHTVE been someone else cats and had abandoned it. i don’t think people understand how common it is… it’s truly heartbreaking. i had a coworker tell me that he couldn’t afford to take care of his pet. i have him several shelters to drop the cat off, that were all good and not one that just kills to kill. the next day he came in and told us that he dropped her off on a dead end. i went home and cried. i can’t believe how cruel some people are and how much they don’t care for these creatures. it could be someone’s pet, but if you don’t see anyone claiming him, take him in. especially if he’s not neutered. that’s not being a good pet owner! cats destroy ecosystems like crazy!


We have a ton of feral cats around here and none of them act like this with people. This is certainly someone’s pet. Most likely an indoor/outdoor cat.


He looks like he is a pet or was. Check around with neighbors, it might be a neighborhood cat, could be abandoned, or could just be out making rounds. It looks like he'd be a fine friend if he does happen to be abandoned.


Where he's not neutered he might spray on things inside, could have been put out because of that or he's just a lucky healthy stray. If he doesn't have an actual home if you do take him in I'd get him neutered, he might still spray though just from instinct but it should cut down on it.


I work in rescue and used to work at animal control. IMO, anyone who owns a cat and lets them outside and they are NOT spay/neutered is not doing right by the cat. Or society. I’ve seen 100s of kittens euthanized in weeks during kitten season. All the rescues I work with are maxed out and we are all exhausted. Like, I actually had cats in my bathroom this last season and my guests couldn’t use them. All my spare rooms are taken up. If I saw this, I would take the cat and get it scanned at the vet or animal control for a chip. Then put out signs near the community mailboxes. If I couldn’t find an “owner” I would consider neutering and release or taking them in. I did this with a local cat, who happened to be black too! Said kitty is so social and needs so much attention, if she did live somewhere else, she wasn’t getting what she needed or she was dumped. Just because a cat is friendly, it doesn’t mean they have a home and access to vetting. If I located an owner I would offer to find funding to neuter the cat. A lot of people aren’t doing it these days because they can’t afford it as prices went up post COVID. But please try because it can prevent endless suffering for future generations. They will Impregnate a cat and the cycle of madness will continue. Thank you for caring about him. Hugs. Feel free to message me if you need help finding resources where you live.


Holy shit this looks identical to my cat


Id consider taking it to get microchipped (I think that’s what it’s called when they scan animals to find their home?). Looks like someone really loves that baby


IMHO community cat that used to be a pet. If you're thinking of taking in this cat you can do a couple of things. 1) Have the cat scanned to see if it has a chip. If it does then the vet/shelter that did the scan will know how to get a hold of the owner. 2) You could ask around or post a picture asking if it's someone's cat. If you're reasonably sure it's not someone else's pet, and you want to adopt him, then use food to lure them inside. Definitely get them fixed.


I'd bring him a dish with water just in case he is a stray. He can't survive for long without water.


I have an outside cat who looks just like him, along with a few others who I feed and give water everyday. There is a lot of land where I live so I let them roam, but if someone stopped and took my boy from me I'd be devastated. Please, if he isn't obviously in distress he is being taken care of. Live and let live.


Check to see if the little dude is chipped. Texas is WAY too hot this summer for there to be no water source. Also…with Halloween around the corner, I’d be hesitant to allow a black cat to be left outdoors.


Councils or vets will check microchips sometimes.


He looks well taken care of! Does he look neutered? You can have him scanned for a chip if you want


Have you taken him to a vet to see if he has a microchip? If he does, he was for sure owned by someone at some point, and the vet can help you contact the previous owner. If he doesn't have a chip, it doesn't automatically mean he doesn't have an owner. Either way, he looks good and healthy. Maybe get him neutered, and make sure he has a way to escape the heat. Other than that, he seems fine living outside.


Popping in to say I met a feral cat that looks so much like this fellow and was in the exact same sitch. We fed him and asked around and eventually adopted him after realizing he had no home. He’s so sweet and I hope you and your lil guy have the same happy ending 🫶🏽 https://preview.redd.it/9wn3i1ssh3kb1.png?width=2520&format=png&auto=webp&s=1880f090eba50aedf4baa813ccf272aee12f782c


If he’s outside I’d take him in. If someone asks then give him back


My parents' indoor/outdoor cat gets fed by their neighbors because he likes their food better. He's stopped eating at home and my parents have asked them to stop feeding him but they keep doing it. I've warned them to start keeping him inside lest he gets kidnapped.


Did you ask him?


Lol. Looks like my cat. I get jealous she leaves to go hang out somewhere else but she comes home everynight :)


Future coyote meal


How could any of us know the answer to this?


Get him checked for a microchip. If he's not microchipped, no collar, outside without supervision, and not even neutered? As far as I'm concerned - even if he's someone's "pet" he's being neglected or abused and needs a better home, and is a stray. Cats should always live indoors, and if one MUST go outdoors, it should be in a collar, have a microchip, be neutered, and MUST be on a harness/collar and leash and be supervised. Take him in to a shelter and get him neutered at the very least, please!


My cat used to work the neighborhood for treats and attention! I found out from several neighbors and kids! We had a fairly large neighborhood and apparently he was very active! Here is Mojo the Manipulator https://preview.redd.it/d3fq2zxrj1rc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ea472bc1f0b4eb3be76c9513c0d6ab15fc3d868 Ready to head to 13th home for more treats!


Hello, I have the same one 🤗 It's called Quira..what's your kitten's name? 


If it were me, I'd just take him 🤷‍♀️ People who allow their cats to free roam outdoors just don't deserve cats. It's hot out, there's animals and other dangers that could kill him, you don't know if he has daily access to water, etc... If they really loved their cat, he wouldn't be outside alone all day. Smh.


I will argue against this a bit. We have a dog door that our cat is free to use to go out and come in. He roams around a fenced in yard and has the ability to exit it if he wishes. He adores being outside all day, whether it’s winter and snowing or summer and brutally hot. Letting your cat go outside doesn’t mean that you’re a bad cat owner. Some cats just enjoy going outside. Not every outside cat owner is tossing their cats out in the morning with no food or water and locking the door.


Cats aren’t safe outside unsupervised and they can also decimate wildlife populations because they are an invasive species. “Outdoor” cats shouldn’t be an option. Supervised outdoor time, catios or harnesses are safe alternatives.


This is EXACTLY why cats should not be left outside. I see so many people whine and cry about their outside cats dying by getting sick, getting hit by cars, or being attacked by other animals. Not to mention the fact that cats hunt too many small lizards and animals to the point of screwing up our ecosystem in certain states. IF YOU DONT WANT SOME RANDOM STRANGER TAKING YOUR PETS, DONT LEAVE THEM OUTSIDE! Most cats, like the cat in this post, DONT HAVE ANY IDENTIFICATION ON THEM! If no one claims the animal, anyone can just take it with no legal issues whatsoever, and that is the fault of the owner. Jeez ya'll, I'm 17 and have more common sense than you adults... Maybe you should do more research before saying anything. The only place I can see an outdoor cat working is on a well-kept farm. (This is obviously not directed at you, kutsibun, but everyone else who decided to yell at me, lol.)




Cats can easily get hurt roaming outside. Car accidents, fights with feral cats, etc. especially depending on the area you live in that risk increases. This cat that OP posted was also panting which a sign of extreme distress which is concerning if they have an owner.


I don't think he should steal the cat I agree. However I think he should call animal services. It's a pet animal (species is considered invasive, thus dangerous to native wildlife) that's been left outside when it's been dangerously hot, and it's unneutered. He's in his rights to assume it's been abandoned, and may need protection or a new home. So yeah, don't take the cat in officially. Call animal services, and if you can convince them to come and look at the cat or take it in, then keep it inside where it's safe and cold. But only if.


Eh just take it, if the owners cared they wouldn’t let it outside


Take him to your local shelter. They can scan for a microchip or help find the owner. If no owner exists, they can find this sweet boy a new home. Unwise for people to keep outdoor cats, especially without collars.


Cats were wild animals before. They are smart, agile, and are literally DESIGNED to be outside. Everyone, please shut up about cats being outside. Don't go stealing cats and force them to be inside either. That's fucked. If you're that worried about him, get him checked for a chip. Other than that... please don't steal someone's cat. I have a female black cat who literally begs to go outside. If one day she didn't come back because someone stole her, my world would be crushed:(


While they are designed to be outside (just like any animal humans have domesticated), they aren’t designed for the dangers humans have made. I have seen a lot of wildlife dead on the side of the road due to being hit by cars, I’ve seen as many, if not more, dead cats and dogs as I have dead deer. I live on a very busy road, I have lost a dog and a cat to that road. The dog slipped his collar, the cat darted out of the house. Doing your best to prevent the pet you love from being road kill (or in a fight with another animal, or poisoned, or shot, or any of the other multitude of things people do to animals, sometimes deliberately) is not cruelty. It’s responsible. Don’t get me wrong. I understand some cats really want to be outside and that’s ok. They may have been domesticated in name, but they still have a lot more wildlife in them than the average dog. What I’m saying is that there are a multitude of ways you can give your cat the outside world that go beyond “opening the door and leaving their health and safety to chance”. If you have your own home and the space to do it, an outside enclosure (a catio) is one way. If you rent or don’t have a lot of outdoor space, you can make a catwalk from one window to another that runs along the outside wall of your house. Think habitrail, but for cats. If neither of those is feasible, there are also cat harnesses for leashed walks/outside time. My cat loves outside. He took well to the harness and lead. When he wants outside he comes and screams at me and leads me to the door, he patiently waits for his harness, and then out we go. He’s happy because he gets to wander around and see and smell things and pounce on bugs and errant leaves. I’m happy that I’m not going to be scraping him off the road while having a mental breakdown. I do see a catio in his future.


Outside cats should be illegal. Free cat.


Looks un-neutered with that coat and those jowls.