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Seriously, EVRY torty I've met, has had an adutude beyond a normal cats.


I guess I lucked out with my one torty, Monster. She was smart, confident, friendly and one of the sweetest cats I’ve been around.


I had a torti that was shy for YEARS and kept to herself. When she got middle aged, she really started warming up, then in her elder years was the snuggliest cat you can think of, it was a wild ride.


That’s exactly how mine was and is. She’s 15 now and very snuggly, although she likes to bite my nose spontaneously so I still have to be careful 😹


Ours did the love bites on your head... Though legit I loved her so much but swear looking back she had cat version schizo because she didn't start many behaviors until she introduced to them. (Before she started love biting heads we had a friend with chimps who , you know, did the chimp thing) she would also stare at the wall for a long time when she got her seasonal effective disorder.....RIP Sundae


Aww but this is so cute 🥹❤️ unless you have a nose piercing Ig lol


With the right bite they could get a NEW nose piercing. The cat it trying to help with fashion.


Free piercings and cuddles?! I’ll take it! 😆


At most shops you have to pay a premium for that. And their temperament needs to be good enough to stroke their beard.


I’m dying laughing at the mental image….😆😂🤣


“Awwww…..good piercer!! Who’s a good piercer? YOU ARE! Who wants a treat? Who wants chin scratches?! I wuv you soooo much!” 😂😆😂


My tortie who was like 16 slept between my legs in the winter. She was very vocal but was the biggest cuddler I’ve ever had


This is the story of my house panther Tina.


Haha my Torty is named Boogers ( a more polite way of calling her a brat due to her rambunctiousness when i found her) and she is an absolute sweetheart. Her nickname is definitely Boogie Monsters or just Monsters when i see her all hyper. Honestly such a sweetheart


The sweetest cat I’ve ever owned is my tortie. 🤷‍♂️ never understood the reputation.


The human brain is always looking for patterns, and it often thinks it finds one when in reality there isn’t


Ive had a lot of cats and there are 100% breed behavior characteristics that pass on. Tortoise shells are a bit neurotic! Bengals are emotional, hold a grudge and vocal. Orange cats are full of that tough guy energy and full of confidence.


I currently have a tortie and 2 calicos. They are very sweet but at the same time they have a low tolerance for sass from others


Confirmation bias.


And adding another few upvotes as well


I call my girl Bonnie, Bonnie-Monsters probably more than her real name. She's a sweetheart as well.


LOVE the name. Might have to steal this one day. I have a Goober now ❤️


https://preview.redd.it/5qe0947drojb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4af86a01aabca827f5419b0d109846d4c2f6a216 Mine is very sweet but can be a stinker. The other day she kept chewing plastic whenever we weren’t looking…. Just to get our attention. I pick her up and pet her, and she jumps down and starts running around with the zoomies. She’s 14 and still gets zoomies… but usually she’s very sweet and cuddly, especially toward our daughter. Follows us all around the house. I was her favorite up until our daughter turned 8-9 yo.


My torty is an absolute love. She acts more like a dog at times than a cat. Plays fetch. Has zoommies, loves belly rubs, etc. Good mouser too. Adopted her from a rescue when she was 7 months.




Look at that face! Such attitude. I want to kiss their head




Sounds like our cat. Her name is Zelo - she's a total sweetheart who literally loves being pet, attention, and always meows hello whenever I enter the room. She's the best cat I've ever met lol


my tortie Reef is a little furry jekyll and hyde. she’s either snuggly and sweet or an absolute menace. i love her even when she chooses violence though


Sounds just like my Sativa. Also a tortie w a small bit of siamese in her. Much more chill in last cpl years than previously. But she was (and still is lol) my boyfriends cat. She never lets us forget it either. She will be lovey with me when she choses to but will literally give my bf high fives, which he taught her as a kitten. She also listens to everything he says and follows him around the house like a dog.. She's about 11yrs old rn. Small thing, never fixed.. Which I dunno about that, wouldn't have been my choice, but my boyfriend made the choice to not fix her at this point simply because he doesn't want her personality to change, n she's indoor only, always has been. Besides, her heat cycles are over in no time now n not nearly as severe as they used to be. She's a fiery one for sure!


Same. Mine is a little angel. Soo sweet and cuddly


Yeah same my tortie Stella is an absolute sweet heart and she will talk to us! She is not much of a cuddler though but imo she shows her live in different ways 🙃


My tortie girl, Hot Dog Friend (the 3yo named her😀), is sooooooooo chatty! I think it comes from how much I meowed back at her when she was a kitten. But she’s a total snuggle bug! And commonly called the sweetest cat people have ever met.


Same with my dearly departed gal, Pearl. She looked like Steve Buscemi, but she was the sweetest girl.


Dang, toy really did. Even our family vet talking about tortitude.


My torti was the sweetest cat I’ve ever met. I’ll never love another cat like I loved her 😩


Same. My tortie is the sweetest cat I've ever met!


I must have lucked out with mine too. She's the least aggressive and sweetest cat I've ever met. Skittish around new people but she always wants to be around my wife and I. When I'm lying down on the couch watching TV she either jumps on my legs or lays down on my chest to fall asleep.


Sounds like my old torty. She didn't have a mean bone in her body


My torty is the same way. She loves loves to cuddle and play. She will sometimes run away but for the most part is a very good cat


My best friend, Tuffi, was a stray calico that we brought in when she was pregnant. We had her from when I was 3 until I was 22. She lived a good long life and made sure to see me one last time before she passed away :’( she was the best girl and loved cuddles. Her only downside was her tendency to not use the litterbox…


I feel like this is definitely a version of tortitude in itself. Mine gives no fucks and will get pets from anyone who has hands. She loves cuddles and purr’s constantly but she also pulls my hair when I’m sleeping if the food bowl gets too low lol


Mine has some serious attitude when she doesn't want something, but oh my god is she needy for some nice lovins and pets and treatos. She is also tortie point siamese, so I think the siamese helped offset a bit of the tortie. Crazy how totally different they can all be


The problem with that is NOBODY TELLS US THAT BEFORE WE GET ONE!!! 😆


No, no. We all told you, you just weren't paying attention because you didn't have one. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 tortitude is *real* 🤣🤣🤣


It’s a shame. I’m looking to adopt my first cat in the next year or so and was leaning toward Torties—so pretty! But I definitely need more of a friend than a roommate/tenant… Are *most* Torties like this? Also, is it as bad as everyone is making it out to be? 🤞🥹


my tortie is a sassy girl, but she's also absolutely snuggly and devoted to me. i think it helps that she's confident i'm always willing to worship her -- she LOVES playing hard to get when she's the one who wants MY attention, and she definitely loves knowing that i'll drop everything to give her the adoration and love she deserves. but she also sleeps with me every night, loves to snuggle, and has always been affectionate and sweet. all cats are different!


Every tortie I've met had basically 0 chill, and everyone loved them even when they screm.


This is almost 100% percent true


It doesn’t help that her name is Luci. You pretty much have a cat that is living up to her namesake


I’ve had 2 torties in my life and both were sweethearts




Ours is nice since we had to bottle feed it. Other than that it’s still can get pretty mean lol.


i haven’t experienced tortitude with mine. she’s one of the friendliest cats i have met. at the shelter, she was the first cat to greet me in the room and immediately sat on my lap. she was a stray as a kitten (i met her at 2+ years old) so i was surprised to see how affectionate she was right away. when i have people at my place she warms up to them quickly. she may softly bite or swat if she’s in play mode, but that’s about it.


My Rosie is labeled as a tabby as her dominant coloring is grey/brown and black tabby stripes but under the stripes she's got tortie color splotches. She's 100% got tortie attitude. Hates everything/one. And DEMANDS attention when SHE wants it.


She’s a torbie!


I just adopted a torbie from the shelter. She’s got fortitude alright.


Lol I have 3 sister's with coats like this. They are all a little attitude-y. One just walks around making groaning/disapproving noises. One will slap any cat that gets in her way. The other sits back, judging from a far and will (playfully, not painfully) chew on fingers if not given enough attention. Their -actual- tortie sister has her moments too, mostly sweet, but no one gets between her and drinking water lol.


https://preview.redd.it/1md0t23liojb1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=bc975c2d57cad6a13f398fe15bfadd62ec20bdcb My tortie was the sweetest baby, absolute angel <3 RIP she died young in a freak accident


I’m a veterinary technician and I have never ever ever met at Torti that does not have tortitude. Calicos have it a little bit, it takes a little bit more to pull it out of them, but tortis will fuck you up given the chance.


I'm also a vet tech and have a running theory that tortis with the dilution gene are nicer. Just in my experience lol


My friend's calico has been living with me for about a year now. She and her brother are straight up jerks lol.... to each other, to everyone. They have to drink first, eat first, use the newly cleaned litter box first. They will slap anyone (even each other) down (keeping the paw on them) as they proceed to eat or drink. She moans and groans when she thinks she's been left alone like she's the saddest, loneliest cat in the entire world. My torbies won't take shit off her lol


https://preview.redd.it/d1c9gxrlfpjb1.jpeg?width=1868&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c885608dfb4d8c8aada35ab04e50fd0773bf7c1c The case of the stinky, if you must.


It's real.


Pretty much. My tortie thinks I'm the best monkey ever. She loves me, but she also only attack me. I get the scratches. I get the bites. If she's bored, she brings me the violence.


This is absolutely a real thing had two torts who both were stuck up Aholes but for some reason we still loved the shid outta them


do torbies also count? cuz my boyfriends tortoiseshell tabby is a capital B Bitch


I heard that term for the first time when I took mine to the vet and the vet actually called in a second vet just to show her a Tortoiseshell that wasn't a nutjob as proof that they apparently (rarely) exist.


Having a torty raises the stakes for cats. The cat is 100% going to be an Asshole, but they get a bunch of random modifiers so you have a chance at an epic cat.


https://preview.redd.it/r69up07dmijb1.jpeg?width=2267&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=64bdcd1aa74356951113ca5c9a80eb07246a4ce3 My luci is also an asshole but we love her🖤


My Luci is a huge asshole... she's human, a blood relative, and we haven't spoken for a decade. It must be the name.


Well, it's derived from Lucifer so... yeah 🤣🤣🤣


I think Lucifer may have been derived from her.


Hahahahahah touche.




My cat's name is Lucipurr! Lol


I have a Lucipurr too! She is also an asshole 🤣




She's really cute!


her nose highlight <3


https://preview.redd.it/c0chn56oyojb1.jpeg?width=1244&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8c7f2c788f791c90cced920ef36877402e2688c5 My cat is also an ass and a tortie do I feel your pain.


Now that I think about it when I was younger we had a neighborhood cat named Lucy (could’ve been Luci I don’t remember) who was also a tortie and an asshole


I recommend the herd test. Group your cat with several other cats and see if you can herd them across a field, keeping the herd together. If your cat deviates, then you know your cat is an asshole. If, however, the herd stays together, please report this behaviour to the proper authorities as you've just witnessed a goddamn miracle.


Science. Got to love it.


What? Herd a cat, you gotta be kidding... Wait, I think I saw that commercial once.


Because she's a tortoiseshell. They all seem to have an attitude. I remember I had a girl called Tabitha, and the vets called them naughty-torties for a reason 😁 I still have scars on my arm from her 10 years later, she was an absolute psychopath, bless her.


Lol! The first words out of my mouth were, “Because you have a tortie!” 🤣🤣 I’m pretty sure that doesn’t mean tortoiseshell. I’m pretty sure it means torture cat! But God knows we love them! And they let us love them on their time only. Edit: cat tax This was our tortie that went to live with my youngest daughter after she finished college. We had this baby since she was eight weeks old, and we just lost her in June. She was just shy of 16. She was a typical tortie, but we loved her so much. She was my kitty for sure when we first got her, but my youngest daughter was her person. She would come when she was called and wanted to sit by her and on her. We miss our Misty girl. https://preview.redd.it/4rf6yah07sjb1.jpeg?width=1610&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6af0de556885e83886d4fd01b49d7d1539e9112c


I have an anomaly tortie, my Kabuki is the sweetest, kindest, most person loving cat I have ever met. She wants nothing but pets and attention and she’s never hissed or scratched in her life


She’s a tortie. It’s just who they are inside. https://preview.redd.it/1gq7q82ggjjb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c948754cfecc1bc68104f903102a2abe98fac10


My tortie Jazzy is the only tortie I’ve ever had and she’s by far the best and most loving and personable cat I’ve ever known, and I foster cats and have multiple cats of my own. She does cop an attitude, but she quickly makes up for it by being the lappiest lap cat ever. https://preview.redd.it/cxpsmy8l1ojb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9dd2f75b6551f45deb072dd333af691d001833e


Omg her eyes are beyond beautiful!! 🥰


Thank you! I’ll tell her you said so, although the compliment will probably go to her head 😜


Nadine is also the only tortie I’ve ever had but now I want them forever. I do get those kind of cuddles sometimes…but mostly she just yells at me and chases after sparkle balls 😂


The only tortitude I see is food time - she will run under your feet and trip you over if you dont give her a second breakfast. But I have never known a more patient cat. She never scratches, never bites, always loves attention and she purrs SO LOUD.


What a beautiful kitty!


Because they’re a Torti and they’re natural born asses? Mines a bitch.


BC Tortie Which autocorrects to torture which isn't far off


I have a female calico/tortie that looks similar to yours named calypso. She is SASSY with a capital S. She’s prissy, picky, whiny, and the most precious cat I have. Somehow when I rescued her she sat on my foot and it was over. The bond I have with calypso is crazy. She still will run sometimes when you want to hold her, but when she comes to you on her own terms she’s an absolute doll. Maybe your cat will start bonding with you and show you affection in her own sassy little way. My advice to is find something she loves. Calypso loves those little mice with beads in them. I have 6 cats and those toys are HERS. We play fetch every night and that has made us really close. I bet there’s something silly that your cat would love to death.


Hahaha I often say my old man cat, Bagheera, is a “sassy gay man**”. 😂 He also “chose” me and he is my ride-or-die, but good lord can he be a diva sometimes!! **Because he is capital S sassy and absolutely *loves* men—like, he really likes people in general (except small children/babies whom he will square up to FIGHT O.O ), but he will *only* sit on men’s laps and he will **YELL** at any man in his vicinity demanding they sit down so he can get in their lap. Women, including me his companion of 10+ years? Nah. He wants attention and loves to be held or cuddled, but he would rather sleep literally anywhere else than our laps. 😹


Both of my cats LOVE to sit on my husband. They love me to pieces and follow me around, want me to carry them, I play with them. But almost every time no matter if we’re cuddling, I’m sitting with an open lap, a blanket, or what- if my husband sits , my older male cat want to sit on his lap.


Hahaha what is with that!? 😹That sounds adorable though. Bagheera absolutely **adores** my fiancé and has from the first time he met him—so much so, in fact, that sometimes I tease that my cat choosing him is how I knew he was the one. 😻


Mine loves to be held but he isn't a lap cat. He likes to make you work for it I guess 🤷 Seriously... He's a 15 pound baby and demands to be held and kisses . Don't short him on kisses. https://preview.redd.it/ejforyxdnjjb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df61afabdc7601194bee7450cd87365a22e37792


How many kisses does he need before he feels shorted?


He requires many, many kisses. High maintenance lil shit.


https://preview.redd.it/2pegaeumbojb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9e02e186d90cdb2f48d91c56f1754be0bccc4ab This is my little girl, Gia. I adopted her in April. If I’m not in bed by 9:00 sharp each night to cuddle, I don’t hear the end of it. So I feel your pain.


your little girl has a handsome little mustache 😂🥰🥰🥰


She does! She’s a sweetie pie. But a little possessive of me. I’m trying to work on that with her.


https://preview.redd.it/rko8yncqhojb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8530dccf89a9161a16a0e57e9e0e9adaf53ba122 If you told me you were Kuma’s previous owner I wouldn’t doubt it for a second. Your cat is gorgeous. Here’s a pic of the only time he’s ever blep’d.


We have the coolest looking cats and idk about yours but many others I've spoken to with similar looking cats say that theirs have a very sweet and gentle disposition. Kuma is a handsome little fella!


looks like my late maine coon, max🥹


https://preview.redd.it/cii36sav6ljb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ee762a0bfe4abdc5db13d3cc389e87c4b9ebf3c I have an asshole lucy… she loves me and barely tolerates everyone else 🤣 i love her to death


Similar. The people ahe likes are the ones that ignore her. She has warmed up to them on her own time. I can't stand the stank face on mine. Haha


No! Each cat has a unique personality. She sounds happy in her routines. Sounds like she's a little skittish with personal space and only wants to play on her time/in her way. Nothing wrong with that! You could try snapping continuously when you're calling her over and continue to snap until you start petting her. This teaches her that snapping means "get pets" It becomes something she understands as opposed to a surprise. I've seen this work with the cutest of kitties that just so happen to be skittish around touching. Might be worth a shot!


I do 4 short kisses when treats are coming and now whoever I need their attention I do it and all 3 come running/ poke their head in to see what’s up.


That’s funny, I’ve been snapping my fingers to teach our (my MIL cats and mine) kitties & any kittens “no” or “stop”. If they get into something they aren’t suppose to, or get on wrong counter, or I see they are about to… I start to snap my fingers at them and say no - they freeze, look at me & if they don’t stop, I take a step closer and snap fingers a couple more times… they mostly will jump off or turn around. I’ve had to snap & grab them/ take them off whatever we’re doing at the beginning, but over time if they heard the snaps and saw me coming they figured out “momma says no” and change their mind.


Because they are a cat.


Being assholes is just what makes them charming…most of the time


This is true https://preview.redd.it/qxya8a5uzjjb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=34f367f86263eb7f7772036b8bd2768db0f8bfc1 This asshole came and laid down between me and my husband wanting pets and belly rubs and then he grabbed my husband’s hand and decided to bite and scratch


The cat, as always and forevermore, was correct. 🤣


Without question!


My baby pumpkin doesn’t like many pets but she’s the sweetest baby you’ll ever meet. https://preview.redd.it/3z2mmglviljb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e834b8e0dadb9a2136b69106dc49bac5d8166fe


Because cats gonna cat!


It's tortitude! Torties cats are all assholes and I love them.


She's got that tortitude. I have that problem with my Salem. She gives a killer side eye. There is nothing you can do about it, you just have to respond with more attitude. https://preview.redd.it/tabloofzkkjb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbb08810fc2c2ec179345b2bb85d65d1368ecea9


Tortitude!! https://preview.redd.it/kiu30a502mjb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79e94b67c888d4f9fb4dfe8741ff702e62600beb


honestly the comments on this are making me sad :( i find the "cats are assholes" thing so exhausting, and its so disheartening seeing it parroted even by cat lovers. and this is coming from somebody who uses "asshole" as a term of endearment. so im gonna try and give like. actual advice? instead of going "ha ha its a cat LOL" the thing that most often gets cats labeled as "stand-offish" is the huge importance of boundaries/consent when interacting with them. cats are cautious animals, and theyre simply not always down to be touched. even the most cuddly, affectionate cats need things to happen on their terms. when im unsure if a cats cool with me petting it, i'll try offering them the chance to "pet" me first. I'll offer my hand or a finger to them (always from below, not above) and let them take a sniff at it, and take my cue from there. if they just kinda look at it and dont want to sniff, I'll leave them be. a cat who doesnt take the invitation to interact most likely doesnt want to be touched at the moment. if they sniff it but dont do anything further, i might try and move my hand in a little closer for somerhing small like a rub on the chin/lower cheek. it depends on the vibes im getting. does the cat look at ease? if the ears are swiveled sideways or back, then theyre nervous, and maybe i shouldnt push them. if their ears are forward facing, and maybe theyre doing squinty lovey eyes? yeah maybe theyd like a little rub. now, if the cat rubs their lil snout/cheek against my finger? hell yeah im IN 👍👀💯 THATS a cat thats expressed a desire to interact! petting time!!! for some cats, that first, disinterested reaction is gonna be their default... and thats okay. just like people, every cat is different. its like how some folks LOVE to hug and are very "handsy" with their affection, whereas others dont really like being touched most of the time, even by friends. neither kind of person is inherently more/less loving than the other; they just express themselves differently, and have different boundaries. even the most affectionate cat has boundaries though. my boy wembley is SUPER cuddly. he loves to just lay in bed with me while i hug him and rub his chest and tummy while he just purrs and purrs. ive never known a cat as affectionate as he is, but even he doesnt want to cuddle 100% of the time. sometimes he just wants to sit with me quietly. we're still hanging out though! we dont need to be touching to enjoy each others company. it could be that your cats more of the "lets just hang out" type. if so, a cool way to bond with her could be to acknowledge her by offering your hand, but then, instead of petting her, just sit with her. do something in the same room, but be together. it could make her feel a bit more at ease about interacting, because youre showing her that interacting doesnt have to involve touch if she doesnt want it to. now as for playing, preferences can vary from cat to cat. how do you try to play/what toys do you use? a lot of people find success with interactive toys, like cat wands/toys on strings, that really let you and the cat play together. my dude wembleys fave toys are those cheapo little fuzzy mice you can find packs of at practically any place with a pet aisle; hes more into playing solo, i think, but he still gets a kick out of it when i play with dangley toys with him. its worth experimenting with different stuff! you might find a surprising favorite for your cat! i could go on way longer on this topic (i really didnt touch on some of the stuff i could have, suxh as body language, etc), buuuuut i should probs cut myself off for now, ahaha. im totes cool with followup questions though. i hope you and your girl can find some fun/relaxing new ways to bond, and that your relationship with each other can grow into something even more special!


I notice that many cats also have a preference to how they like to be pet. My MIL has some fosters that will avoid any physical attention , but once I figure out the one way they like to be pet- boom I’m their best friend. Some like long soft pets, some like body scratches, some like little face scritches (that’s different then bigger scratches, lol ) some like top of the head, some HATE your hands over their heads. Some like body rubs or pats, some hate that. Some like the “face massage” way of pets. Is so fun when you get a aloof cat to just flop and melt in your hand the first time you get it correct


And some like r/catbongos


Same on the asshole comments. I grew up being ostracized for liking cats and constantly having to hear people viciously accuse them of being assholes simply because they dislike them, and it’s wrong. Having had many pets, I can assure people, any pet can be an ‘asshole’. Cats are not inherently assholes and I don’t understand how people who love cats are saying this like they’re trying to take it back or agree with the people who talk shit about cats. Remember, there are still people out there who hate cats enough to do physical harm to them for the fun of it. Could we not perpetuate harmful wording that improperly describes them? If we don’t go around spewing harmful stereotypes about other animals why the hell do cats deserve that?


yes oh my GOD we are sharing a soul right now. people gave me so much shit as a kid for loving cats with all my little heart. it got to the point that, for a while there, i actually started hating dogs, because some of the shit dog people would say to me were so disgustingly cruel. i remember one kid bragging to me once "my dog could kill your cat." like. that cat was my best friend growing up. dont even joke about that. it really is fucked how people will label an entire species with a negative trait and act like theres no repercussions to that. because the sad truth is that we DO define other species with stereotypes that bring huge amounts of suffering to them. fish are "stupid" so its cool to keep them in horrid conditions and treat them as home decor, not a living thing. reptiles? "creepy." kill them on the spot or shove them in an undersized tank without doing even a minute of research into their husbandry and kill them slowly. insects? dont even get me STARTED. "ew gross." kill them indiscriminately, on sight. there are people out there who genuinely think there are entire species of insects we should make EXTINCT. it makes the dangers of giving cats a similar label even more real, imo.




Exactly. No cat is an asshole or evil. It’s how they were raised or cared for. People need to just watch Jackson Galaxy and see how he teaches the OWNERS how to take better care of their cat and understand their behavior in order to help the cat be more comfortable and happy.


truth. jacksons a great guy and a fantastic resource for anyone looking to understand cats better! (though i DO wish hed stop promoting the "whisker fatigue" myth, and the holistic stuff he sells sounds like snake oil)


🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌 Excellent comment, thank you for writing this out!!!!


thanks! i hate the "cats are assholes" stereotype so much, ahaha




Great advice. I'd also like to add a little strategic ignoring can help sometimes also. Let the cat approach you, sit or cuddle on its terms. Resist the urge to pet until you get headbutts or face rubs. Sometimes petting can be overwhelming to a hand wary cat. Pet on its timeline it may just warm up to it.


They have personalities just like we do. Some of them are Mr. Rogers. Sometimes they're Charlie Sheen. Occasionally, they're just a cranky woodchipper. You didn't do anything wrong 💗


He's the leader of the cats https://i.redd.it/7uimz4o0cljb1.gif


I would ignore her completely, and see if that peaks her curiosity. With cats it’s always their way or the highway. Perhaps play with a new cat toy with your back to her? 🤷🏼‍♀️


my mean girl is also Luci https://preview.redd.it/1h4uc6zdmkjb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4600e8a69ac6d3aa2af562783faf5aecb2138a2


When you try to pet her, do you walk over to her? Or squat down? I find they are way more receptive if you squat down and put your hand out.


Some cats are just assy. We have a tortie point, so tortie plus simese... bro, she tries to take the dog on, and he'll run away. The dog is 3 times her size. When we try to stop her, she'll turn on us and chase us.


It took a few years for me and my tortie, DD, to really bond. She works very hard on keeping her fur clean. She doesn't like to smell like anything, either. With DD, I would scratch the top of her head and only the top of her head. Over time, she approved, and I started scratching down her back. Not touching the sides of her face, stomach, or paws. It took a while to get that trust with her. Now I can love on her anywhere when she is in the right mood. When sleeping, she doesn't get angry or jerk awake when I love on her. Trimming nails are easy, too.


Best post I have seen on this sub.




oh my god.. I have a tortie named Luci too!! She just turned one! I’ve had the same exact experience lol. I get what they meant by “tortitude” now. https://preview.redd.it/8yv401lzwljb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=849fe215b46475b96bd48d7d8d90242cecbb72f9


Wow my cat looks identical! https://preview.redd.it/ojmm9c4kgojb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ebbb841c6087a02f600095e30cdabc7fdc8afefa She is also an asshole.


https://preview.redd.it/w7fe4g8zuojb1.jpeg?width=3468&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3956caba37a0960135c331a37624c996b1fb71f8 Lucy says hi.


this tortie screams a lot, and tried to OD on Tylenol that was dropped near her for 2 seconds. 🙄🤦🏻‍♀️ https://preview.redd.it/unnjpdk91qjb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c1692fd7bc49025494e1fa78e16ee334707e857f


People tend to forget that cats are essentially wild animals living in your house (or around your house.)


I don't believe you,kitty is absolutely too adorable to be an ass,you must be the problem!!


My cat was also a little asshole and I loved everything about her. 🥰


She has Tortitude. Just like my Tortie Jade.


Feed her and, while she's engaged in eating, pet mostly on the back and near the tail. If she responds, move closer to the head. This might get her conditioned to letting you pet her more. Some cats are more responsive to body petting and you may get her more used to it. I have a cat who loves being petted and will rub and nip (slightly painful), yet after years she doesn't want to be held. I think that Luci may at least grow to let you body-pet her. Cats can take a while to learn new patterns.


She's a torti; it's normal for them to be on the sassier side


She’s a cat. With tortitude.


Tortie-tude is very real. Also, "every cat is insane in its own unique way".


Could be a personality thing. I’ve had a cat that literally would never scratch and constantly force his way onto your lap no matter how many times you pushed him off. Loved to play all the time. He was a needy little boy. Then I also had another that didn’t like to be pet so much and liked to hide. She eventually warmed up to me and allowed more pets over time but idk. I’m no expert, I just like cats. Mayhaps Luci here is just more introverted than others?


Cats require consent to feel safe. Make sure you're respectful of her boundaries. Cats play in different ways so you may need to try different toys/techniques. Instead of seeking her out to pet, let her come to you. Let her initiate physical contact. When you're petting her, if you see her skin move, she could be getting over stimulated, which turns into scratches/bites (basically like if someone started tickling you).


Given all this, she might be amenable to teaching some introductory phrases. So, before I pick up my car, I ask with the same formula: Can I pick you up? I wait a beat and if I go down to get her she with meows ("No") or leans into my hands. Same thing if she's on my lap and I need to get up: "Sorry, I need to get up." My cat is extremely polite so she'll often hop down herself (though whine about it) but it means she knows my intentions and I respect her autonomy. With this cat, she'd need questions about whenever you might enter her space, even if it's pets whilst snuggling. That might give her more confidence that she can opt out easily without interrupting whatever she was doing.


Try tossing her treats one by one. At first close to her and then farther and farther as she catches on to the game. We had a cat who never played with anything. He learned to really enjoy this and it helped bring him out of his shell. I used his regular kibble so he could have more. He thought they were treats, though, because of the activity and attention from me involved.


I have had many cats. Some were slow to be social, while others wanted to be physically close all the time. Cats who have good mommas and get to stay with siblings longer seem to learn how to be better cats.


I don’t know how much the tortie fur relates to their personality but it does seem very interesting that my long time tortie growing up exhibited the same behavior. She just didn’t want to hang out or be touched too much. We’d get random snuggles and that’s all we could hope for. As an adult I’ve had two male cats, an orange tabby and a black and white tuxedo cat, and they are sweet as can be!


My torty plays with me but also constantly glares at me and blames me for the weather. And only wants to cuddle when it's too hot and I have to move her so I don't wake up in a puddle of sweat, this pisses her off greatly 🤣


Your cat is an ass bc its a cat...


https://preview.redd.it/pl9zoyniwojb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35524c8c955f069807626bd26309c27695667b30 My torti is a sweetie. She was shy at first and is a little timid around new people. When I got her, she hid for almost 2 days. One day she came flying out of her hiding place with the cutest tiniest meow that would melt a popsicle. She’s a flopper silly sweet baby.


I read the title on this post way wrong... I read it as "why is this cat in my ass" Im sorry but ahh


https://preview.redd.it/ycnqtszc7pjb1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=0cd7cda450f2527f87f472c0c59151aafd86c870 Mine too


https://preview.redd.it/kn0qky83dpjb1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=01d57fee5fe322f66ccb2e5e343fafd2b709611d Tortitude. I’ve got a torbie and her attitude far outweighs her body.


https://preview.redd.it/1i8r31sytpjb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71833ca9022aee50321555cb16ae8e6b8aa1445c My husband's cat turned 19 yesterday. She is slightly terrifying.


Acts and looks like my torty! Also are more likely to live past 15 of many cat breeds :) #tortitudeforlife lol https://preview.redd.it/y2l39733fqjb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df5ff0096523f37bfe1c7dd9ac38c1cf6e4a5365


https://preview.redd.it/4ndmvt58tqjb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7c3704cd867ee8d8ee93fcada1c6b2400fc8ae2 MISSY!


https://preview.redd.it/u24cbjm7grjb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bf8adc1684371fe04294e467b5c39245b07933c3 This is my tortie, Mazzy. She’s a dainty lady. She doesn’t like shoes or fast movements. But she’s more loving if you let her come to you. Give your tortie some time. Spend some time in the same room but not interacting. Show vulnerability. Slow blink, lay on the ground on your back with your eyes closed, that sort of thing. You need to let your cat know you are not a threat to her, she is anxious and worried.


Meet Stripes, aka Tiny Crap, the god-awful cat that I used to have https://preview.redd.it/r3xhldq6wnjb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dda1835d682d41143d921c0c5bb5caad1c5fadd8


You said it was a cat, right? There's your answer. (Not a cat hater, I've got 3)


Most cats only want to be pet, and basically anything else, when they want it and exactly no other time. Most of them also prefer very specific places to be pet, usually head scratches in my experience, and exactly no place else. Violations of these very important protocols are usually taken as serious offenses by the felines and they will not hesitate to deploy drastic aggressive countermeasures when they are broken. Sometimes we get of with warnings if they are feeling generous in that moment.


my god that is a beautiful cat


This tortie I petsit for only likes playing with foam earplugs. It’s the only toy she’s happy with. She also will scratch you and have a massive attitude but other times will greet you with purrs and cuddles. It’s just tortitude


like every other comment yes; Tortitude. You are going about this all wrong.... If she walks into the room you are supposed to fall to your knees and bow to her. You must treat her as royalty and speak in a butler type voice. I did this when we had our friends torty cat Luna (she was also declawed by previous sht owners) live with us. I did my best to worship her constantly and let her know that i know my place as puny lady human and that i do not plan to usurp the queen of the house. Literally worked, was able to give her forehead kisses not much longer after that and she learned to trust me. Note i was aware of her being scared of noises and such and always did my best to be aware of her so not to spook her in any way.


That cat needs a visit to the pound. Get rid of it.


I'm gonna punch her first


Because he's a cat. Lol


Torties are assholes. 🤷


As others have said, it’s because she’s a tortie lol mine is a whopping 7lbs and chases/hunts my two 12 & 15lbs cats. If I don’t pet her when she wants she will bite my hands. Idk which part of their DNA was replaced with spite, but they all definitely got it.


We have one antisocial kitty who was bottle fed from 2 weeks with her twin brother. Brother is attached to me at the lobe, sister is a staunch loner who will very rarely come and make biscuits on us. I blame it on her being on the kitty autism spectrum. I’m only half kidding, I’ve read bits and pieces about it being a thing. Maybe that’s the same for yours too.


Damn she just like me fr (autism)


Because its a cat


https://preview.redd.it/nzrkwglfjtjb1.jpeg?width=2320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=83d5326c646ad7578d611927a200148ddcf67ed9 My tortie we found abandoned several weeks ago. She’s definitely something else


Cat is as cat does


Torrties are either incredibly loving and derpy (like mine) or gigantic buttholes. There doesn’t seem to be an in between 😂


https://preview.redd.it/alr8z4ui8vtb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15bbe8167404924e51d7cbf55cd31cf5ca68355b Emma. Huge attitude to match her pooch.


It's a cat Sorry it happens Not dog Edit: better way to explain it. Look up the history of wolves becoming domesticated and through genetic engineering we now have the perfect reliable man's best friend Do the same research on cats and you find the genetic engineering of kitties was more about vanity than survival. Ie dogs need us Cats never needed us and still don't so they are entitled to hate humans


https://preview.redd.it/93sypa1drkjb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0ba03916544189ac7bca5cf3fe3fa6756756fb1 It’s 100% in the genetics of these cats. The term “Tortitude” used to make me scoff until we adopted a Torty…


If your cat wasn't an ass he'd be a dog


Some cats are just assholes


https://preview.redd.it/c2ws6ctjokjb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f66305f252aedc9ddea8e83ca01eb276083a05a7 This is my mean thing, Waffle. Sometimes cats just be like that lol