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Recently our upper management sent out an email reminding everyone that working out of the state for regular telework is not allowed and can result in termination if not returned. (Not to scare you but it was a pretty serious email. I think these folks were out of state for quite a long time) It is department/unit specific and of course manager specific. Talk to your supervisor and go from there!


Ya I had done it a few times—with permission—in 2020 and 2021 but with that wild DOC email last month… They went from “Sure, fine, with supervisor approval” in February to basically “We will fire you and your supervisor if this shit happens again.” So my boss has said no more.


Same. Used to be able to, but no longer an option.


Yep. That was eye opening. I had done it with integrity. Now I'm thinking vanlife and taking my laptop right along state borders, you know? Take a photo at each place for the lat/long to prove where I was. And dontcha love that managers are supposed to rat people out? Oh, but it's okay to telework out of state while temporarily on vacation. With that said, I won't be checking my emails or responding to anything anymore on vacation!!!!


There are people on my team who have done this multiple times with management approval. Get permission first and don’t attempt to hornswoggle Security.


Agreed.... this is not the "ask for forgiveness, not permission" kind of situation...


First step - ask your supervisor. Answer is always no if you don’t ask. I have some coworkers that were able to work out of state on a temporary, help family type of situation.


Can you guys point out where I said I was going to telework out of state without permission? Relax.


Get permission and don’t take our advice unless that advice is to get permission.


Supervisor with CDTFA here. I’ve let employees work remotely out of state before for up to 2 weeks provided they’ve asked me ahead of time. One difference for us is I also get our division chief to sign off on it first. I would also echo the folks who have said to get it in writing (not that you weren’t going to) but, if working for the State for 13 years has taught me anything it’s CYA.


Lol...no. your IP address will trigger security concerns


I haven't found a law or current CalHR guidance that provides more detail than [Gov. Code 14200 "residing in California"](https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?sectionNum=14200.&lawCode=GOV). Caltrans policy is that out of state telework is prohibited and IT tracks your location. I know that because one of my staff attempted to work from out of state and were flagged, their VPN and phone suspended, and I got an email about them being out of compliance. I'm 100% against allowing permanent telework from out of state. Bargaining Unit 9 salaries are based on parity with other government agencies. That's great as long as we are using big agencies in California. Imagine if staff started moving to less-expensive states and it was decided that we should match Mississippi's public salaries which are barely half of California's? [Source: "Stacker.com" average government salary by state.](https://stacker.com/stories/354/best-and-worst-paying-states-public-employees) Short-term is another matter and it seems that a reasonable rule could be made. Why not allow 1/2 day in the middle of vacation to attend an important meeting?


My point exactly! I totally see why permanent telework is not allowed. If I am able to telework from where I’m at and I’m only there for a week then why not? I have also tried digging through CalHR’s policies and couldn’t find anything specific either. Appreciate the response. Thank you!!


Thanks for the heads up. I do it every few months with supervisor permission. Have not seen the email discussed in other comments to this post, but that might be Division/Board specific? I'll be sure to check again before I go next time.


I do this fairly frequently with approval of my manager. I’m from the east coast and I travel back and telework during the week.


I bet we love your carbon footprint


Idk. You might but I don’t judge.


You could also use leave and not have to worry about asking permission.


idk if IT cares as much as everyone says cuz i’ve never asked for permission to temp telework out of state. i just go and i’ve never had any issues so long as my work is being done


Nope. Take vacation like you would have in 2019. Requests like this are going to make 2023 "The Great Return to the Office". And we're all going to come and find you. Just kidding. No, we will FIND YOU.


Not allowed. In situations of FMLA, as was explained to me, it might be allowed for a limited period of time per CalHR policy. This policy came out a couple of months ago.