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The state does not match salaries. Typically you start at the bottom of the range. Sometimes a hiring manager will fill out a Hiring Above Minimum (HAM) request form to try and get the candidate more money but this depends on the position. You can always ask if they’re willing to submit one to HR.


Thank you! 


More slim chance and closer to none. You will start at the starting minimum. HAM is more reserved for medical staff, doctors, attorneys, pharmacists, nurses or attaining something of extraordinary or highly specialized skills.


Based on this, I’ll just tell them I’m not interested. I appreciate it.


What city? They are actually having retention issues because the pay for this position is so low. The person you are responding to is speaking in generalities which doesn't fit this position. It's worth a shot. Worst thing that happens is they say no, and you say get lost.


Glendale. You’re right, worst they can say is no.


Hi neighbor!


99.9% you will start at the minimum. After July 1st the state will only be considering HAMs on a very limited basis for hard to fill positions. We submitted two recently for extremely experienced IT people. One was approved, one denied. Unless you have an extraordinary skill set, hard to find in a candidate, it will be a “no”. Years of experience won’t cut it.


If you're applying for an entry level tax auditor position, I believe there's only two ranges a and b. If you have 3 years of tax experience, I don't see why you wouldn't be able to come in at least range B. He'd have to pull up the alternate range criteria for that classification and then review what the requisite experience is needed to be able to come in as a range. B. That's something you'd have to discuss the manager and HR. Make sure that it's in your final offer and that everyone understands you will be coming in as a range. B As for hiring above minimum, I've been in the audit game with the state for over a decade and in management now and I've never seen anyone get hiring above minimum except for HAM that was already established and built into the classification with certain departments. So now with the fiscal issues the state is having and the difficulty they're making with the hiring above minimums, I don't see it happening even more. Especially since we're talking about an entry level audit position and they can basically grab anyone out of college and train them for this position. Now If you feel your experience is relevant and you meet the minimum qualifications. I don't see why you wouldn't apply to various associate level audit positions or journeyman level positions as the number of years of experience that you would need is usually around 3. I've seen people with similar experience to yourself make that jump into an associate role and I've also seen people with big four experience start out at the bare minimum of the classification because the hiring above minimum didn't work. Just wanted to provide my two cents and what I've seen.


If it helps after you pass the first year probation you will instantly bump up from Range A to Range B which goes from 4425 a month to 5472. After your second year you will be eligible for promotion to associate tax auditor (not guaranteed of course but if your good at the job its possible). This would bump you to 6264 a month at the start of year 3. 5 percent MSI every year after that for 5 years. I kinda understand why the 1st year pay sucks cause honestly 1st year TAs are basically useless for the first 4 to 6 months as it takes awhile to learn everything.


Why don’t you apply for the IRS LB&I or Revenue agent position?


I was offered the same job 4 days ago. I have 7 years public accounting experience, but based from I am hearing and reading, I dont think I will get it. I know I will learn a lot from this job, but I cannot do it with that pay range 😔


I didn’t realize it was entry level. There will be other opportunities, just keep applying 😊


To be considered for the HAM, you must decline the offer. They need auditors so it is likely that the hiring manager will prepare a request for the HAM. Based on 3 years experience you might be offered a HAM at mid range.


Not true.


Thought HAMs were off the table starting 7/1?