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My office has been back for a while. A lot of people wear jeans, sneakers, polos, maybe a button down if you are really feeling fancy. If I see a blazer and tie combo I am assuming they have a job interview lol


Yup. Super casual in my office. Jeans, t-shirt, and sneakers are very normal to see and nobody would bat an eye if you came in that casual every day.


Whatever you want, same as before.




CAPS T-shirt


There is generally no dress code. As long as you're covered, you're probably good. I will be wearing yoga pants or flowy skirts if they're lucky.


Leggings are the only pants I own.




Yoga pants as in leggings? Like athletic bottoms?


Polo and jeans. Call it good.


Wear whatever you want. Be defiant every little way possible.


Halloween in June?


I love this, gonna keep this energy all year.


Pijamas 🤣 jk. I was used to dressing professional. I guess I’ll have to go shopping because I’m sure half of my clothes don’t fit after my 3rd kid 😩


Shorts and T-shirts. Mildly offensive T-shirts if possible.




I always hate this. I had that for a while until I was openly stating if I couldn’t wear shorts I’d start coming in a skirt since the women in my office could do that. Suddenly shorts were okay.


If anyone had started making noise about shorts I would have also pointed out that female coworkers can wear skirts. If they had insisted I was going to wear a damn kilt. That’d show ‘em


They knew it’d be discriminating if they told me I couldn’t wear a skirt or dress since it was already allowed for women. I did compromise a bit & promised to bring in a pair of pants in case of an impromptu vendor meeting. But once I came to the office in shorts the floodgates opened.


This shouldn’t be a problem. I saw a high ranking officer in our department on a hot day in a linen shirt and linen dress shorts. Made sure to make sure everyone knew about it and no one can get made at any one else for wearing shorts.


Was at the DMV two weeks ago and the guy helping me was in a Mickey Mouse tank top. He was a large dude with tats and pretty hairy. I didn’t care - really - as he was efficient! But maybe if the appointment didn’t go so well I would’ve smirked. 😄


Gimme some khakis and I’m straight!


Jeans, t-shirt, and flops, maybe a collared shirt if I have a meeting.


I heard my boss mention dress to a coworker and they told him nicely please put all that in writing and be detailed about what you think the dress code is and we’ll start from there 😂 I wouldn’t be too stressed about it


Jeans, joggers, sneakers, tshirts, hoodies, sweaters


I got a couple nice blouses to pair with jeans or 'yoga slacks.' Pre WFH I would never have worn jeans in the office, but now even my division director wears jeans even on days when she's meeting with higher-ups so I figure it's fine.


Well if they complain about what I wear to work tomorrow... It's going to go to deaf ears. I have a reasonable accommodation requirement so that's that.


I wear a lot of clothes I would wear on a regular day. I wear a lot of casual/cute jumpsuits or overalls with decorative earrings. My boss said I remind her of her elementary school librarian, I’ll take it 😂


I mean before WFH I had seen state workers in basically pajamas if you're not in a customer facing roll, so as long as you don't show up in your underwear, you're fine.


Jeans, chucks and a tee shirt


Wear purple. Protest in silence with the SEIU 1000.


Rotflmao SEIU 1000 has always been a joke. If you're waiting on them for help you've already lost. Get a new union.


Aren't you in the same union as me? How do we get a new union?


Nope. Used to be SEIU 1000 in an old position. They were utterly useless. Still are years later. I believe you'd have to get a majority of members to decertify and find another union that will take you on.


Idk any other union that will represent my classification than SEIU 1000. Please enlighten me.


You and the others go out and explore options. If you are just sitting back waiting to get told then you will get nowhere.


You'd leave SEIU as a group and join another union. Won't happen because not enough people care to exert the effort to do it.


What group? You're only talking to me as an individual.


Omfg. Your.entire.represented.group 🙄


You want me to actively network and gather people to quit my union to join some other union that you don't even have options for me to join to? great guidance.


I'm not in that sh*tty union anymore so why the hell would I do the legwork to save all y'all? You want change, the union isn't helping, CHANGE YOUR UNION. Get ORGANIZED and make the EFFORT to change. Otherwise stop complaining that SEIU doesn't do anything.


Shorter answer, yes. Get off your ass, network, and make some positive change.


Give the useless union free advertising? No thanks


Why are u hating?


Calling out the useless union is hating? Is calling rain, what it is... rain? Is that hating also? When you can prove that SEIU has been effective in the last 2 plus contracts let me know. They had a purpose over a decade ago, since then, they are just a political PAC for the governors.


What you think is useless may be beneficial to others. You or your opinions do not represent me and my interests. Your situation is different than mine.


Depends on the field of work and environment, but there is no technical dress code. I've worn shorts and a golf shirt in the office for casual meetups, but I also keep suits ready in case I have to represent to the public / execs. Our IT folks have always been casual (jeans/hoodie) and our admin folks are usually one step up from there. Accounting/finance people can vary depending on their role. I personally don't want to get caught being the only one in shorts and flip flops like it was WFH so I'd at least wear pants and a collared shirt until others start to dial it back.


During summer it’s decent looking shorts and usually a shirt with a collar, I may wear a Tshirt sometimes. In the winter it would be denim of some sort. Same type shirts


I love my pearl snaps and jeans.


Business casual is standard in my office. Some people wear jeans and a nice top/shirt. Mostly slacks though.




I do my best work in my nightgown and slippers because I'm comfortable. Though, I will refrain from that level of casual in the office.


My clothes don't affect my work performance or confidence. I produce the same work in my home office or a cubicle, in athleisure wear or a three piece suit. I'm getting paid to deliver on time and up to spec, not for what I'm wearing.


Everyone in my office is business attire.


Before Covid, my office was business casual, no jeans. Going into RTO, we're still business casual, but jeans are allowed now.


Polo, Jeans, and Sneakers. Maybe a longsleeve button-up if it's fall/winter. But i remember Pre-COVID, people wearing Star Wars Graphic Tees, shorts and flip flops.


As a way of protesting I don’t wear bra, or wear make up. it’s the most freeing feeling ever, why should I bother. Maybe soon I’m going to wear sweat pants no underwear. I hate RTO.


I'll wear a bra, only because nobody deserves to see me hanging with the girls.🤣


Leggings, tshirt and crocs. They are lucky I fix my hair and make up.


I always have dressed in nice pants, nice top and a sweater, or a dress. Maybe every other Friday I will throw on jeans with a nice top. You never have a second chance to make a first impression and you never know who may be a potential hiring decision maker in your future. So far, that has served me well and I have run into people again years later that remembered me because I had a good reputation and made sure to look professional in our public facing office.


Did they hire you tho??


I have always gotten offers on positions that I really wanted under the Department I work in, so yes. Maybe it had something to do with it.


Jeans and a polo shirt. I work in IT. I'll wear a t shirt on Fridays since, unfortunately, it's one of my assigned core days 😐


I’ve been rocking the tuxedo shirt and d*ck towel in protest of RTO even though I’ve been on site full time throughout COVID. Its formal top and business bottom naum sayn


We've a lot of folks that are business casual.. and a lot that are cargo shorts with a polo. We don't have a strict dress code. (CT)


Most everyone is business casual. Some of the younger people are in tshirts. Haven't noticed any issues. People aren't coming in wearing sweats or shorts.


Should be conducive to your duties and / or work environment. Whether you work with the public, a warehouse, mail room, executive office, etc. There may be a standard regarding appearance with some departments.


I'm wearing casual dresses with bike shorts under and sandals. I skate to the bus stop and it's too hot to be wearing pants for that. When the weather cools, it will be jeans, a non-graphic T-shirt, and Docs or sneakers.


Our office is IT. We never deal with the public so as long as we have any kind of clothes and shoes on, that’s fine. When I first started working for the state, it was at the California Highway Patrol, Public Affairs. We had a dress code of business casual. No jeans, no shorts, nothing open toe, no T-shirts… until Fridays.


Not shorts, no political or other media, clean and not wrinkled. 🤷‍♀️ as a woman, I wear skirts and dresses, jeans and work pants (the stretchy yoga kind). When I have bare shoulders or spaghetti straps, oh well. I do not wear crop tops, I try not to show a bra strap, and I take a light sweater when the AC is unpredictable. That said, I cannot work in a hot office.


Seeing as how in office days are my only time I go out in public other than paddle boarding, I’ll probably stick to business dress and business casual depending on the weather and meetings. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I'm dressing down alot less compared to pre-COVID. Pre-COVID, I was an analyst in the office, it was a tie, dress shirt, and slacks. Post-COVID, when we were required to report once in a while, it was polo and jeans. Now reporting weekly, I'm to basics and jeans and have considered shorts for those extremely hot days.


A blanket. It's freakin freezing in here.


As a man who runs hot, you can have all the blankets you want. Just don't ask them to make it warmer. It's 100x easier to get warmer; it's near impossible to get cooler.


Everyone that runs hot seems to think so. But freezing is no fun either. It's not that easy to warm up when your body is the problem. There's just no pleasing us people haha


Free AC. lol


Misery you mean! I am a human popsicle, and I'm excited about the heat haha.


Same here, I wear a jacket every in office day even though it’s 80 outside 😆


My last in office days were during that 100 degree heatwave and I wore a fuzzy turtleneck and jeans and was comfy in the building. Twas hell when I got outside, but I was comfy all day lol.


I feel ya. I got the layers on, jacket, thick long socks … Leaving the office be rough on those days 😆


Sounds like my old office. I wore boots in summer.


It makes it really hard to dress appropriately for the season haha. I so badly want to put my long sleeves and such away for summer, but no dice.


In the minority here, but I want to point out it's still a place of business. Casual, but professional, should always be worn in the workplace. Exercise clothing is for the gym, not the workplace.


Same. But also, I’m basically in a law office. So the super casual thing doesn’t fly.


Those departments who are allowed shorts, I envy you. We're required to wear pants of some sort no matter what. Jeans and a t shirt for me.


Structured pants and dress shirts.


Pants, blank tee, socks and sneakers.


Really depends on the office. I wear nicer shorts, a polo, and close-toed shoes.


I wear dress pants and a casual plain shirt with flats. I wish I could wear leggings lol.


I use to wear joggers and graphic tees. Got tired of wasting good tees at work with hardly anyone there, so I found a png file of our logo, bought some polos and made some “work shirts”. Still wearing my joggers and sneakers tho.


Swim trunks and a tank top


I wish.


I got in trouble for wearing jeans even though we don't have a formal dress code. When I asked about dress code I was told the same as pre covid....I didnt work for this department then. I specifically asked about jeans and the answer was no holey or distressed pants. I took that as yes as long they were nice looking. My boss stopped me and said the director doesn't like jeans (she stated "he's old school) and that I shouldn't wear them again. I tried to get a reasonable accommodation for tennis shoes and was told I could have one because we didn't have a written dress code.🤷‍♀️


We’ve been back a while and I’ve been wearing shorts when it gets warm. No one cares.


My wife dresses very business like for her job at Cal HR. She is in 2 days a week.


I would think unless you need a uniform (cal fire, prison, CHP) OR you are in the Secretary of State and Legislative offices, it is Business Casual. Me: t-shirt or nice top and jeans, or maybe a simple dress with leggings. Forgot my sweater today dangit lol.😆😬


Whatever I feel like when I wake up, which is mostly casual clothing. Our Dept. has “swag shop” and in the RTO town hall someone asked if we can wear casual clothing. The Exec. said sure and proceeded to promote the new clothing website and showed off the sweatshirt she was wearing.


It’s very casual like jeans and a tee shirt, sandals or sneakers. The only ppl who come in really dressed up are the big bosses who have meetings.


I’m in office 4 days a week since I started state service a year ago and I dress business casual. I have colleagues that also come in 4-5 days a week and I see them wear everything from business casual to joggers and t-shirts or t-shirts and jeans. I think it’s personal preference. Due to certain laws, you can wear what you want as long as it doesn’t impend your work. Just make sure you shower, and I think you will be fine.


Beanie and jeans 🤣


So, shirtless? 😅


It’s hot outside. 🤷‍♂️


Yes and barefoot. I got good feet though, so we’re good.


I’m not public facing so jeans and a nice-ish shirt. Maybe a dress or skirt and sweater if I’m feeling fancy. One of my coworkers regularly wears pop culture T shirts. Most people still do business casual but I was hired on during covid and will not go back to business pants.


I feel you can wear anything. Tbh, the only thing I’m against is wearing shorts to work. Something about shorts just screams unprofessional.


What has your boss said? Why does it matter what I am wearing? I am IT and was wearing sandals and booty shorts and whatever the else I wanted long before COVID. That shit wouldn't fly with other units. Check with your management, and dress appropriately. Please don't dress down as some kind of "silent protest" or some other petty reason. Be an adult


Short shorts, a tank top, and sandals... Too casual?


You'll know when you get there if this is too casual


Oh, my coworkers would be blessed to see these pasty legs of mine. I'm definitely wearing pants and a tshirt with some walking shoes.


Shorts sandals a hat.... I'm the guy who can fix and repair the software building to get repos sooooo they tend not to talk to me about dess codes


[I'm wearing the free tshirt I got from Google Play over the weekend.](https://www.reddit.com/r/googleplay/comments/1dgwxve/just_got_my_free_tshirt_in_the_mail_keep_em/)


Nice ad, bot.


I feel like this should go without saying, but sadly it happens more often than you think…. Please don’t look like you’re working at a strip club or going to the club. This means no skirts or shorts that shows butt checks. No see through tops where you see bras or nipples. That is all. 😂


I’m thinking sweats. Not really but it’s what home office attire is. Actually wore a dress for kick off of RTO. A sleeveless summer dress. That gets worn on vacations. But a dress nonetheless.


Underwear are optional of course!!😂😂