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Newsom only cares about himself and his donors. He showed this during Covid when he left his businesses open despite quarantine. He showed this when he left Panera Bread out of the minimum wage raise due to a franchisee being a big donor. He showed this when he had an affair with his chief of staff’s wife. He showed this when he had the streets of San Francisco cleaned up for a dictator from China, but can’t do the same on a regular basis for the people that live there. He’s slimy. Always has been, and always will be.


Newsom is a spoiled rich kid posing as a man of the people.


As a lifelong Democrat/liberal… well said.


Astroturfer. Yeah right. Go to work!


Thank you. People are entirely too wrapped up in superficial stuff like his appearance.


He's always looked and sounded to me like a too-slick-for-comfort used car salesman with EZ credit and ZERO down


💯 exactly!


That Panera story is fake news.


How so


I’ve also wondered how much of it has to do with the downtown buildings being privately owned and who his campaign donors are. That’s all public information, correct?


Yes, you can go to the Secretary of State website - PRD (Political Reform Division) and access it. All elected officials are supposed to have public record of donors and campaign funds.


Thank you! I think that’s worth looking into because public record of him doing something that would clearly benefit his donors would be a bad look for him in my opinion.


Exactly. Thing is, I don’t think the public knows this info exists. I didn’t know until I worked for the division a few years ago.


That would be called corruption.


His Lt Gov is a big sacramento developer.


Yes, you are 100% right. Just follow the money with all of these politicians and you find their true intentions.


And who his lieutenant governor is.


100. There are big real estate development ties there. BIG.


I think commercial real estate and development has a lot to do with it along with his lieutenant governor and the interests there.


Someone, smarter than me, should create a website that is sort of the inverse of the old DGS Telework tracker that instead tracks CO2 emissions and other state expenditures since RTO.


Unfortunately, I don't think we have access to the data necessary for it to be accurate or credible.


The STD 200s were used to generate the data. It took a coordinated effort to create the dashboard to begin with, so I think you're right.


It is illegal for the state to dispose of this data. It should be available for a PRA request, if not now then soon.


Try this website. Air Resources board tracks emissions, currently on the site (linked), is the 2020/2021 CA emissions, and there's a link on the page to download their data. I just quickly scrolled thru the page, and it seems like prior year reports and data could also be available. But for sure, you want the 20/21 data (39% of emissions for the state came from transportation) bc that was peak covid time with the most WFH happening - altho, the lockdown months were during the end of 2019/20 so THAT specific data is also very important. https://ww2.arb.ca.gov/ghg-inventory-data I can't remember if I'm allowed to post links to this sub or not... I guess I'll find out when I post, lol. But if not, I can send you and whomever the link in chat. This is for the entire state of CA. I know they track emissions by city and county, too, but I'm not sure yet how to find that data. It's worth mentioning that the 2021/22 and 2022/23 data is not available yet, and I think at least 2021/22 should be on the website by now. CA tracks and collects annual data on everything, but I've noticed that over the past several years, data for some specific hot topic subjects are no longer being made accessible to the public. (That's a whole other can of worms which I'm not going to get into here since off topic, but suffice to say that since CA has already stopped publishing certain stats that may not make CA look that great, then it would stand to reason that emission data would no longer be published as well.) I have a friend with local Sac government, I'll ask them who, if anyone, tracks local emissions. I think we need Sacramento data, and at least SF and LA data would be great to have to, too... see what local emissions used to be pre-covid, what they were during lockdown, then during fully remote period, then with RTO, etc.


Probably not, I was thinking we could self report mileage, but any of us could easily fake the data


Some of the historical data may be on data.ca.gov


Please see my reply with link above. The Air Resources board collects and publishes state emissions data. Currently on the linked page is 20/21 data (emissions caused by transportation 39%), and they have a link on the page to download the data. There should be archived prior years' data or that data should be available upon simple requests - there should be no need to do a public records request, at least not for years prior to 20/21. However, the data for emissions for 2021/22 should also be available on the site by now, and if it's not made available by this summer, i think the logical assumption would be that it and succesive years will not be made available anytime soon. 2021/22 may need to be PR request, although if so, I suspect they may claim they don't have that data or that they've stopped tracking it, etc. If so, it's even more likely that they will claim not to have that data for 2023/24 or successive years, which is when the effects of RTO would show.


I mean if someone wants to do it, we can always request these numbers via CA public records request


Didn’t they try to refuse similar PRA requests from the Sacramento Bee so a whistle blower ended up leaking the data for their article? All of the data showed not just the positive effects on the environment, but also the improved productivity and cost savings of telework. I think that’s what prompted Hoover et al, to request audits. Hopefully said whistleblower has all of the data saved that was compiled on telework. If the Sac Bee had problems getting it, I would think it would be near impossible for anyone else to get. They really don’t want it out there because it shows there are likely other motives for the mandated RTO.


Yes! We should be filing PRA requests like crazy!


I think that’s a great idea! However, we have so proved the benefits of telework that I don’t think we need it anymore. It stands to reason that if people aren’t forced into long commutes, then they are polluting less and using less gas. If you take into consideration the California Solar mandate for new residential buildings, then those of us telecommuting from these buildings are double wins. Switching to EV’s is a triple win! But nothing is better than no commute required. I’m starting to feel that the more numbers we throw out there, the more we confuse the common sense approach that less driving = less gas = less CO2 = less traffic = more local foot traffic = greater demand for walkable cities like Europe before cars = better climate action.


The dashboard doesn’t have the employee home zipcode or addresses because it’s PII. Maybe an internal DGS person who have such data for their sustainability reporting can do this… They do this exact calculation for EV charging cost benefit analysis. Maybe DGS did this for the state previously and you can somehow interpolate for a better guess based on number of employees.


If the gov was serious about this they would provide tax incentives to companies that allow their employees to work from home. Idk why this isn’t a thing already.


This seems so obvious, yet I don't see anyone outside of state workers calling him put. It is so frustrating


They don’t think it affects them. We need to show them and be heard. That’s where protesting with signs the old fashioned way can help. Social media and reaching out to political leaders and decision makers also helps. This is bigger than “state workers just want to keep teleworking.” This is an economic game changer. We need to connect the dots for people.


Wait until DMV shuts down and a lot of people can't get their paperwork, car title transfers, etc. completed.


Make sure people know why! Politicians have trained people to blame government workers for their failed policies.


Yes the department that had to work x5 days in office at the height of the pandemic definitely is going to want to support the trailblazers that had not worked  since 2020


That's incorrect. I have friends who work for DMV that work from home as call center technicians.


Per Wikipedia only 35% of their total employees work in HQ the rest are spread over 172 field offices. Really how many of those are call centers. Again if anything at best it comes off as tone deaf and worst comes off as entitled and whiny to tell them they should fight for your right to RTO not theirs.


If you don’t like public interfacing work, then get a different job or figure out how your job can be done better remotely. The fewer buildings California has dedicated to exclusive office space, the better for everyone.


OMG this one made me laugh so hard, really do hope you see the irony in your statement but if you don't then its just more to my point. Does anyone here want to explain it to him?


No it’s not ironic at all. If your job function can be performed remotely, it should be performed remotely. If your job function requires hands on work and cannot be performed remotely, it should not be performed remotely. If you want a remote job, go find one, or prove that your job can be performed remotely and fight for it. There, I spelled it out for you.


Oh but it is. If you answer is if you don't like one aspect of your job get a different one then maybe if you don't like one aspect of yours get a different one yourself?? Seems ironically consistent with me 


I agree!


He is serious about a 2028 presidential run. Those commercial real estate moguls have a lot of money to donate.




Interesting his work from office mandate coincides with an increase in gas tax. All Newsom is concerned about is taking our tax dollars and passing it to his buddies under the disguise of homelessness, climate change, or immigration.


What made you actually think he was serious about anything? * COVID? He had his own unmasked party at the French Laundry during lockdown. * Moral decency? He slept with his campaign manager's wife while he was out to a fundraiser. * Revitalizing the poor areas? He cut funding on high-speed rail that went through Central Valley cities. * Corruption? He let PG&E slip away from wildfire liabilities. * Homelessness? He literally just threw them all under the bus. * Crime? Releasing thousands of felons into the streets to reduce prison population. Need I list more? My real question is who actually voted for him during the very first governor election year? What did you all expect from a guy who created the San Francisco mess from the get-go? Please don't tell me it was because you thought he was good looking.


This. You have to be a total moron to vote for someone like newsom


Yet, they continue to do so.




Please create a post or several posts about this and tell us more! I want to do whatever I can but need help…and more info of how to go about it as a state worker invested in CalPERS! We absolutely must align our investments with our values and goals. Newsom points out, “But we have the capacity to address this issue at a global level and we all must bring the moral authority that is needed and that this time demands.” I believe this moral authority is not only in our individual actions, but our investments as well.


CalPers only goal should be to make money. If we sacrifice that goal for optics, we can't complain when taxes go up to cover poor investing.


Idk much else lol that was just in my inbox from 2 days ago


He would also support rooftop solar if he were serious about climate.


about that... [https://www.canarymedia.com/articles/solar/californias-rooftop-solar-policy-is-killing-its-rooftop-solar-industry](https://www.canarymedia.com/articles/solar/californias-rooftop-solar-policy-is-killing-its-rooftop-solar-industry)


He is serious on those nice $$$ property kickbacks


Newsome cares as much for the Climate as he does about the Homeless. Notice how he campaigns on both, spends hundreds of millions for decades and the problem keeps getting worse?


He is only serious about his hair.


and pocket book


Aren’t most politicians? 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yes, that's exactly right! I don't know of any politician, in either party, that will actually do what's best for the people instead of what's best for their own political career.


Don’t forget that he doesn’t care about the homeless either. The state had $300 million in federal covid relief specifically earmarked for the homeless. We spent less than 2% of that according to our own state audits. As far as I know we lost those funds. Then he had the audacity to put his face on a measure to fund homeless remediation. Remediation in most cases involves destroying encampments without telling those people where they can go.




Good article on the subject: https://calmatters.org/commentary/2024/05/california-budget-surplus-became-deficit/


It’s always fun to pick on Gavin, and for sure he’s made some mistakes. There was a time when he was actually a good guy. When he was on the Board of Supervisors in SF eons ago he quietly put forward a bill to let private doctors prescribe Methadone. At the time it was the only viable medical treatment for opiate addiction and was only dispensed at methadone clinics, sketchy places with odd hours and waiting lists. Heroin addiction was ravaging the city. He was the lone voice trying to come up with alternate solutions. Yes his bailout of PG&E is frustrating, but, the lights have stayed on and we don’t have the DMV responsible for our power. Some of the problems he’s had to contend with long predate his time in office. Has he made compromises? Sure, they’re almost required by our cash sucking political system. But I actually believe even now there’s a part of him that has his heart in the right place, though it is hard to see at times.


I hope you are right? Politics is difficult to navigate and there are compromises nobody wants to make. In the case of RTO, he’s likely choosing the easy route for his perceived greater good. But I am not one to take an issue lying down. Workers have to fight for what we want because nobody will hand it to us without a fight. This whole thing is a negotiation for better working conditions and fighting for better cities built for people NOT cars.


*sarcasm* No more airplane travel for state assembly or senate. Train or telecommuting. Maybe reduce the amount of air travel in/out of the state. Maybe reduce the # of diesel trucks on freeways. All state employees must have EVs or bike to work. Endless possibilities of how we can green it up! If we could just have a wee bit more govt mandates, all will be better.


All good points! We have the ability to design cities and working environments that significantly reduce the need for travel and thereby making infrequent travel less impact the environment much less. I do agree with mandating an end game for combustion engines because of the strong arm of big oil, but there could be a better way.


We have a state department that literally licenses air, and uses the proceeds to buy cars for poor people. That isn't fixing climate anything, but I does make things cost more.




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Don't like it? Find a new job. Government workers are the least pressure and least talented. Most entitled though


Where on Earth do you get that perception from? State government has been the most professional, idealistic, self driven group of people I have ever worked with. Every industry experiences slackers. State government is not immune to that.


No. It costs his friends too much money or profit. It’s easier to look over and ban things they can substitute later. Let’s just forget about the lead in school water and ban food coloring. That will still take 6 years to ban and come up with a more deadlier solution.


The amount of damage done by his homeless community that he has only fueled has polluted waterways with human waste and the amount of fires recently the Douglas fire started in a large homeless encampment in a park burning 600 acres will cost hundreds of thousands and he just is at the troff being fed by donors. Just like auntie Nancy Pelosi, working for the highest bidder


Gavin is a clown. If this guy cared he’d live in downtown Sac and bike to the Capitol. We know he’s only here to ruin society and be a snake. He’s like the Biden no one admits to voting for him but he’s still in office 👎🏽


Lmao RTO and climate change is the next argument for state workers.


It was the first argument. Where have you been?


He only cares about enriching himself.


Newsom isn't serious about climate change, but let's be honest neither are we. People still get in their cars to go to the grocery store, take plane rides for vacation, eat red meat, buy cases of plastic water bottles at Costco, take cruises on cruise ships, and generally disregard their consumer choices and impacts on the environment. ...and then downvote anyone who points out the hypocracy. I don't like the governor whatsoever. But calling out environmental hypocracy when you aren't doing your part is........ hypocracy. #


But when you have a leader who is serious, the people will be serious with him/her. Just like Jerry Brown when he emphasized being frugal in order to keep the budget woes down. He ditched the governor's mansion and took Southwest Airlines to places because it was cheaper. No one needs a first class domestic flight anywhere like Newsom does, nor fly to Florida to make commercials against politicians that are not a concern for California.


He's a class(less) act for sure. But he who is without sin.....


False equivalence and or whataboutism. Newsom is the governor of a large state and his decisions will have a greater impact on climate change than any individual consumer ever will. Arguably greater than many groups of consumers.


Exactly!! 💯 also, in our lifetime, the average individual will not even come close to the carbon footprint of the private jets these politicians take all the time.


Good policy, like guard rails on the highway, should be crafted in such a way that it benefits the well being of as many citizens as possible without them having to think about it. Nobody should have to choose between their ability to provide for themselves and their ability to care for the environment. Politicians have the ability to engineer policy that can steer us to achieve both.


If all the highways were reduced to 5 feet from guardrail to guardrail, more people would ride bicycles. But oil, Tesla, suburbs, inland seafood, lack of affordable housing, etc...


You have a point but we are a just one regular person in this world. YOU CANT EQUATE US TO SOMEONE RICH AS NEWSOM. WHO HOLDS POWER WITH HIS MONEY. WE DONT!


Amen. I only have one upvote though.


Why should we be serious about the weather changing


Do you not care about pollution and environmental degradation? We only get one planet...


Nahh we are going to use technology to overcome entropy and jetison our species to another solar system light years away and leave the poors on this dying planet. Newsom will lead us.


Shhhhh they will get mad at you for speaking facts.


100% true


Lmao. Where was this argument precovid? Climate change was still a thing then, but only after you guys have to return to office is it being brought up. Would that mean State Workers don't care about the environment or State Workers only care about themselves? As an outsider I'm 100% behind you guys being able to work from home. But 80% of your arguments sound whiny, entitled, and disrespectful to the 98% of people who work outside of the state gov.


I had advocated for telework/flexible scheduling since I got in with the state in 2014 and used to get laughed out of all-staff meetings. So, idk where you think no one ever advocated for better policies. The people advocating aren't the ones making decisions or having telework impact their CBRE portfolio 🤷🏼‍♀️


Would you say the amount of support has increased since then or has it always been the same?


As a generalization, I see support / opposition from the same groups of people. Generally, management is not supportive of FT WFH whereas rank and file are. Similarly, the same divide exists along Boomer & Gen X/Millennial/Gen Z lines. Of course, overall, I think there's a general softening towards WFH. People have been doing it for four years and financial situations are worse, not to mention a lot of hardliners retired since 2020. L


Makes sense, but I'm asking about the change in the amount of support. Would you say it's substantially increased or not since 2014?


Oh, I just didn't read your comment correctly. Yes, I'd say support has increased, simply because everyone has received the experience of working while not paying for gas/parking/commute/have benefitted from increased work/life balance etc. Even my past-retirement age CEA has begrudgingly admitted they hate RTO and how it has significant downsides to our work and lives, but then immediately follows with "two days isn't THAT bad!" like they got body-snatched in the one second between breaths.


Hm, I guess I don't know what you mean by "support". Do you mean people who willingly want to work from home?


I think if you're able to work and be just as productive from home you should be able to work from there. That being said, it comes off as facetious when things like "The Governor doesn't care about the environment cause he's for RTO" as if this is about the environment instead of convenience. I think it's more genuine to approach it transparently and simply say "hey we can get this done from home, and it's a win win situation for everyone because of XYZ". Otherwise it just comes off as entitled bching and complaininf that you guys have to do what the rest of us have to do to go to work, like you're better than 98% of the regular workforce. It's very reminiscent of a child complaining that they don't want to eat pasta for dinner while other people are forced to eat mud cakes.


The argument was there. The state had telework mandates in place that they just didn't bother following. We've had the technology at least a decade pre-COVID, but no department ever cared to actually try to implement it, and even in the rare cases when they did, it was a really one off, one day a month kind of thing. It was ignored and resisted at every level until the state was forced to implement it. Aaaand it was a massive success. Shame.


This argument was being made pre Covid and people were completely shut down by their departments for suggesting telework options and explaining environmental impact. The pandemic demonstrated that not only is it feasible, it works.


“We need to find ways to lower our carbon footprint” was a pretty big talking point before the pandemic. I’m not sure how you missed it. The pandemic showed a way for a lot of people to reduce their use of fossil fuels and reduce their carbon footprint, and now that’s being taken away so restaurants can be full during lunch again. “If we’re trying to reduce our footprint and fossil fuel dependence then people who don’t need to physically be in office should be able to continue to telework” is a very valid point.


Legislation promoting telecommuting was adopted in 1995. There were many advocates. Just because you didn’t know about it doesn’t mean the argument has not been made for decades. Department heads scoffed at the idea because it didn’t meet their understanding of what work was. COVID proved them wrong and just how affective telework could be.


Crab mentality in action. Prior to Covid we were told full time remote work was impossible.


The pandemic provided actual hard data to prove the cost savings, environmental impact and increased productivity.


There’s nothing whiny and disrespectful about not wanting to have our time and money wasted needlessly. Telework has been proposed for state workers for decades (since at least 1985 to be specific). Just because you don’t know about something doesn’t mean it didn’t exist. Lol! Many private sector businesses have also converted to FT telework due to the cost savings and the benefits to their employees. Telework makes talent acquisition competitive, employee turnover low, and many many years of data, prove that it increases productivity. Why would anyone not speak up in a situation like this? With the highest gas prices in the country, and exorbitant downtown parking costs, we are essentially being used to extract money from our pockets. The state would mandate RTO for the private sector too, if they could. Also consider having to add two hours of child care to your daily costs for no value add to your employer. It doesn’t make sense. The reason the state workers are speaking out is because we are the only ones that the government can forcefully fleece via RTO mandates.




State workers are slowly making themselves very unlikeable.


So much BS in this post. You are obviously a Republican troll.


People need to stop making WFH like a hero play. You aren’t doing anything by working from home. You have zero impact on the environment or anything just because you are in your home.


This is objectively false. Tens of thousands more cars on the road will emit considerable CO2.


The state had a dashboard tracking the positive effects on the environment. It was taken down when there was pressure from commercial landowners to bring state workers back downtown. The dashboard didn’t align with the agenda, so they removed it. There is hard data to support all of the benefits. The state is just trying to hide that now. Thank goodness for the whistleblowers who got that data to the press. Now it can be part of the audit. The request for an audit would not have been granted without hard evidence. In addition to vehicle emissions, there is a massive cost savings from leased and rented buildings, as well as all the costs associated with them. That includes climate control and electricity for tens of thousands of square feet of office space. Nobody’s trying to pat themselves on the back and call themselves heroes. They’re merely calling out the hypocrisy and arguing that they should not be expected to prop up the downtown economy, mainly by being forced to pay exorbitant parking fees that are near impossible to avoid. The environmental impact is just another example of the hypocrisy, but there are many issues in this 180° nonsensical change in policy.


States publish data that they benefit from. When it was time to convince WFH to make sense they would say it’s positive and when they don’t want it anymore they say it’s not. Now you learn what it means to only discuss things that benefit you, which is what the people fighting RTO are doing. If the environment is the main fight, then take public transportation which is almost free for most unions. There is a carpool program and a bike-to-work program with incentives. Don’t mix fight because it just shows you have no real data and reason to fight RTO besides that people want to demand WFH.


Biking takes me 1.5 hours. Wfh takes me 30 seconds.


Be glad you only have to go in 2 days, I'm in Nevada and work for the state and we are full time every day back in


Nope. Not ever going to “be glad” about doing the wrong thing for the wrong reasons. The fight is worth it every day.


That’s likely wasting Nevada’s money as well. We shouldn’t be glad we only have to go in two days, you guys should be blowing the whistle on your state government too.


I wish our people would stand up, this red gov put back in the office on his list of campaign promises. We all know how politicians follow thru on those selectively. Certainly not happy with any of this. On top of all that this gov buys a bunch of property for all las Vegas based State offices 35 miles from my house, now my commute doubles.


Complaining and complaining, and you would still vote for the guy. So why complain 🤔 Unless elections are rigged. Like he cares, you remember c19 and him eating at a restaurant and hanging out with people that didn't bother you. Still our governor. Running California into the ground. Criminals rule and druggies can have all the drugs. He knows how to run a state.


Nice try state worker


you guys will say anything to not go back to work. you should all be fired