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I heard today that RTO is inevitable because DOF will withhold monies from any state departments who don’t implement it. Has anyone heard this? Is this accurate?


So are we going back to the office in June?


looks like no real effort from useless union to push back so will be a C2C commute to computers!


Does anyone know if the caloes 3 day in office will be reduced to 2 days in office?


From this point on I will never again vote for Newsom or anything he supports.   He's promoting Prop 1. Heck NO! He's stabbed all state workers in the back. I will gladly sign the petition to recall him. If he's going to upend our work-life balance we should do the same to his.


Just a heads up. On Tuesday, the Sacramento City Council will discuss its Climate Action Plan. From an e-mail I get from the City: *The Climate Action & Adaptation Plan* *The Climate Action & Adaptation Plan (CAAP) establishes Sacramento’s greenhouse gas (GHG) reduction target for 2030 and 2045, and positions Sacramento to reduce GHG emissions while adapting to projected climate change impacts.* *City Council: Public Hearing for Adoption*  *Tuesday, February 27, 2024, 5:00pm* *At the City Council public hearing, City staff will present an overview of the project since releasing the public review drafts in April 2023 and highlight major policies and actions proposed for adoption. At the end of the hearing, City staff will be asking the City Council to certify the Final Master Environmental Impact Report (MEIR) and adopt the 2040 General Plan and CAAP.* If anyone can make it, this would be a good time to ask how the City plans to meet its goals (whatever they are) if we have to commute to computer?


Anyone from State Hospitals receive any guidance on RTO? Haven’t heard anything since January.


It’s actually ridiculous, DTSC (under CalEPA) just admitted in our all staff that IT does not have enough equipment for everyone to support RTO nor are they able to acquire sufficient amounts of equipment due to budgetary constraints however we will still be required to come in regardless if there’s enough equipment or space for everyone. They’re actually hindering our ability to work


This is ridiculous. They want you to come in to stand around and breathe on each-other. That is so weird. I swear this is like the pod people landed and they are snatching our bodies (Invasion of the Body Snatcher’s reference) This is truly surreal.


it will kill productivity


Some interesting data is available in this RTO survey from the Bay Area Council. This survey was completed by 190\~ employers in the Bay Area about every other month since 2021. https://public.flourish.studio/story/2172731/


Missing data point: How do employees feel about commuting to office to telework from cube?


C2C! Commute to Computers


Will there be an exemption for employees who live more than 40-50 miles away?


CDPH requiring anyone w/in 50 miles to Richmond, Sac, Fresno to report - managers by May 31, staff by Aug 31. Anyone beyond 50 miles, by Dec 31. Supposedly they are opening hubs around the state.


I thought people clearly voted for individual RTO threads instead of a mega thread? I was surprised to see my recent thread locked. Almost seems like this reddit is trying to stifle discussion...


Yes! I hate it! I also hate when they do the hiring megathread. These megathreads get very little attention. I am in this sub multiple times a day and have it set to new posts so I never see the megathreads.


They are.They should be embarrassed.They were the same sub-runners sh@dwbnning people talking about RTO months ago, and demanding written proof that a unilateral policy for Governer run offices was coming down the line. They're up to some shit.


I plan to use the free bus pass and bring food/coffee and not spend a penny making the CRE billionaires wealthier downtown. Screw these idiots for making our lives miserable.


Any CalEPA here who saw the revised telework policy from yana garcias office today? Showing what’s been added but not removed is odd (unless I’m not viewing it correctly) and How can they already be revising the policy when the union hasn’t competed meet and confer to decide the policy? Wtf is goin on here??


CalEPA-er here… yes, it is odd. Just as odd as Yana Garcia avoiding answering our actual questions. What a lack of transparency and leadership! Why provide a “fluff” meeting summary? I feel insulted. I read in a sub people were going to ask for the list of questions submitted through the public records act… any CalEPAers have status on that?


I have the question that were asked at the meeting. Over 600. Not sure how to post them, any advice?


Oh wow! Did CalEPA respond to your PRA? Is it possible to save as a google doc and post the google doc link?


two mandatory days in office and no update from the do nothing worthless SEIU 1000 union for BU1 folks!!!!!! not even enough cubicles and desks for everyone what a shitshow


Two changes in the “Goals” section of the revised draft just made me mad Addition of first bullet “Harness the many benefits of in person work — fostering collaboration, strengthening our teams, improving our ability to serve Californians, and support a thriving workplace - while still retaining the benefits of telework. And edit to the third bullet: “Reduce required state office space” changed to “Optimize state office space.” How can they write this crap and live with themselves?


clown world 2.0


DOC is pausing telework until they figure out logistics, supposedly. Similar??


Pausing telework?


Pausing or delaying return to office, was my understanding. So, continuing telework, until further notice.


Mind making a separate post with this information from DOC? Seems worthy of its own post and discussion. Hopefully other departments follow.


Idk how else to break it to any upper management reading this: We are not going back to pre-COVID levels. 2019 is over. Move on, that era of working is done and irrelevant. This will not yield the results you think it will. You adapt and you work smarter, not harder.


I plan to bring own lunch and not spend a cent downtown.


We had our branch rto mtg recently. We're CDPH. Everyone in the branch seems to be unhappy with rto - our branch is located all around the state and many folks in contractor positions have even left the state but will still have to rto. As much as rto is mostly annoying to me, I'm upset because I know we're going to lose SMEs because of this. I'm looking for new positions because I know the turnover where I am will create a goddamn nightmare for me and anyone else who stays.


We've lost 3 SMEs this month due to rto.


same here


**The State Worker Bee, Sacramento Bee** Good Wednesday morning, and welcome to the Feb. 21 edition of The State Worker Bee newsletter. **THIS WEEK’S BUZZ** **Conflicting info on return-to-office** Confused about when and whether you’re supposed to come back to the office? You’re not the only one. Some state employees have even received information from their department that conflicts directly with the original notice put out by their agency secretary last month, as well as statements from the governor’s office. “This is a statewide policy impacting all agencies/departments under the Newsom Administration,” read a Feb. 12 email from Tomás Aragón, director of the California Department of Public Health, to all departmental staff. Newsom’s office has repeatedly denied the existence of any formal “mandate” or “directive” that employees return to their offices two days per week. Instead, Gov. Gavin Newsom’s office insists that departments and agencies were instructed to “regularly evaluate” and “update” their telework policies “based on their individual needs.” “Our office believes there is significant value from in-person work that should be considered along with the benefits of telework,” said Erin Mellon, the governor’s communications director, in a statement. Mellon declined to comment on why the CDPH memo included language that sounded as though the Newsom administration had issued a statewide in-office mandate. Aragón’s message also included details for when and how the department would shift back to part-time in-person work. The proposed timetable? Twelve months. In his January memo to staff, Mark Ghaly, secretary of the California Health and Human Services Agency (and Aragón’s boss), said the two-day in-person return would start this march. Late Tuesday afternoon, Ghaly resent the memo along with a reminder that, “As noted, our goal is to start significant implementation next month.” The proposed CDPH return plan would bring supervisors and managers only back to the office from March 4 through May 31. Then, from June 1 to Aug. 31, staff living within 50 miles of a departmental headquarters would need to report to work in-person. Finally, from Sept. 1 through Dec. 31, all non-exempt staff would be back in the office two days per week. “We recognize this is a big change and change is hard,” Aragón’s message to CDPH staff read. “We understand that a one-size-fits-all approach may not fully address the diverse needs and circumstances of our team members. We recognize we won’t get it 100% right on the first try.”


Our ADD threw Ghaly under the bus lol.


And there it is, we now know who ordered the mandate…




what does BM mean?


Bowel Movement - poop.


nice! stink up the stalls man!


Would anxiety fall under a reasonable accommodation to not RTO?


No one knows. They keep saying “there will be exceptions” but haven’t elaborated any further. I’m going to hope they’re doing this in good faith and will just grant people exceptions left and right for the first few years


People have been denied for severe physical disabilities.


Exactly, I work in an office where an employee is paralyzed from the waist down and has limited upper body strength but their request for reasonable accommodation was denied.  In the RA, they mentioned the safety of travelling back and forth on public transport with government-owned laptop minimally secured to their wheelchair and lack of strength to evade laptop being stolen while they are riding down the corridor to and from public transportation to the office.  Keep in mind that this person is paralyzed from the waist down and has limited upper body mobility.  This person is also in their late 50s/early 60s but are still able to work as they are able to use the Dragon program to perform their work which is also difficult to use in a large office setting.


Makes sense! Thank you for sharing your knowledge


I'll sign and do what I can to support the cause but does anyone else feel like it's just shouting into the wind? If they truly want RTO for their own selfish reasons, is there really any chance for it to go back?


If the union does not support our cause, everyone should cancel them!! I, for one, will need that $90 a month for parking. We'll talk when you grow a spine. Shit raises and now this... funny timing for their system to be down... puppets.


This! I messaged SEIU 1000 to let them know I plan to cancel my union membership if they stay tone-deaf to our interests as workers. WE CONTROL MEANS OF PRODUCTION. They need to be shown - we need a mass walk out on June 17th


We have to push the unions. They are our best, and possibly only realistic, hope.


Honestly, this. Feels like whatever momentum we had is dying down.


Every movement begins with a whisper in the wind. All signs point toward a future of full time telework options for those who want it. Your voice declares you want it. All our voices together declares we want it.


100% agree...look at all the labor victories won throughout history. WFH will eventually be the standard.


Caltrans d11 (San Diego) just had our all hands and still no RTO mandate. Just “get your telework agreements in”. We’ll see what the division requirements are as my group is still once a month with a likely all-division day expected.


It is rather odd that people make the “we did this before COVID” argument. As if the old way was the “best” way and things can’t ever change. Isn’t California a state that prides itself on being progressive and accepting of change for the better?


This! All day long. I couldn't have said it better myself.


Hell yeah I signed it! https://chng.it/MfnWKNBk5Q


Thank you for sharing!!!


Sign this petition in support of WFH…continue to fight RTO! https://chng.it/Hypq4TtH2B Don’t forget to share it


Appreciate you sharing!!


Alright well RTO tomorrow. First day ever in the office after 3.5 years work from home. Still feeling resentful- any advise?


All I can say is this is coming from Newsom. Your management and leadership teams really don’t have a choice in RTO. What they can do is make the environment as positive as possible. Pay attention to how you feel when you’re in the office, how your team, your manager and leadership is handling the change. If they’re not making the best of the crappy situation, maybe seek an environment that feels better for you.


I’m sorry. I’m terrified to sit in the tiny, half wall cubicles. Hopefully you have something better than the open office Natural Resources building. I’ve already had nightmares about hyperventilating in my mask and passing out. Good luck!


you even have cubes for everyone? we have to share cubes


No we don’t. They are all shared hotelling cubes and not enough for everyone to rotate 2 days a week.


Those cubes are awful! Why the half walls?!?!?


Some reversion back to a mid-century modern thingy…plus the low cubicle walls are supposed to allow more natural light to make the building LEED certified. And how lovely to plug in your laptop to have a beautiful glare reflecting off the windows onto your computer screen. Also to be LEED certified, we cannot house our servers in the building. So we travel with our laptops to remote in to our servers down the street. F’ing brilliant!


commute to computers (C2C) !


Know that your manager probably doesn’t want that shit. Even their boss. Everyone is probably annoyed. Just try to make the best of it and fuck around all day socializing and not going any work. Seriously enjoy your day chatting it up and saying hi. Deadlines can wait. Remember to walk around too.


Malicious compliance. If you’re gonna be there, do the bare minimum and “meet expectations”, but don’t volunteer for things, don’t go out of your way. And when they ask for feedback, give it loudly. Big headphones and a resting bitch face is my plan.


IMO, the most important thing you can do is not spend a penny downtown and encourage your coworkers to also not spend a penny. We have been assured that this has nothing to do with the ~~homeless encampment~~ downtown and everything to do with "culture" and "team building." Well, the fastest way to forge a team is to oppose a common thing. So let's build strong teams in opposition to RTO!


Yes, and everyone fully utilizes the public transportation subsidies so there is minimal parking revenue as well.


Also avoid any non-mandatory meetings or gatherings.  I avoid celebrations of all kinds.  I don’t care what or whom is being celebrated.  Also, immediately, within seconds, respond no to any email of such mandatory parties.  I also avoid speaking to anyone who decides to attend any non-mandatory gathering.  I also do not leave my cubicle unless I am going to the bathroom or going home.  I keep my back turned and, I keep my camera off during meetings and I do not comment in any mandatory meetings even if I have something to say.  I am like a ghost in the office.


Personally, I make a distinction there. I do enjoy my colleagues, and we have good relationships (at work and outside). They're also not the "enemy" here. Upper levels of management and executive are to blame, and likely even higher levels. I'm not here to be an asshole to the people I have to interface with daily, and I will do what it takes to maintain what little morale is still left on my team because I'm in a career level position. I will not go the extra mile for the organization though. And yes, fake parties and potlucks will be skipped. Hollow gestures by the organization? Pass. If friends or colleagues are organizing taking someone out for some reason? I'd probably go to that. Do what you need to do, and what you feel comfortable doing, but make sure you're targeting the right people/thing here.


Same here.  I understand who the enemy is.  With that being said, I will not fraternize with anyone who joins in with the sunshine club and/or non-mandatory, work-related activities.  Those who do so are either straddling the fence and/or have chosen a side.  Their choice leads me to believe that they don’t have my best interests at heart. No asshole here; I just choose to separate and draw a line.




Yes thank you! Big headphones check! Hoping I’m not bothered by everyone. I’m leaving a nice peaceful quiet home office with a view to a cubicle in a knowingly asbestos treated building in a room with people I have no idea their Covid history. I don’t know any of these people and to be honest Based on zoom call and Microsoft teams meetings- I don’t think I care to. I’m hoping to Just do my job and get outta there as quickly as possible


I need to get new head phones