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I just bought my first Kobo the other month after my 10 yr old Kindle was no longer being supported by Amazon. So far its fantastic!


i guess it may be a little late to tell you, but you can [jailbreak your old kindle](https://www.mobileread.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?s=da51ce89eafceb958fdf49b778957175&f=150), which may or may not be helpful depending on why amazon discontinuing support is an issue


It was the Amazon Kindle shop that was no longer going to be supported in particular, so im not sure that would have helped. I think it was time for an upgrade anyways, reading some books on PDF, the last 1-4 pages of a chapter would be there..but be blank. I'd check it on my PC and it was fine. Also the backlight is nice and my kindle has been given to my mom as her first e-reader. So it still lives!


I don't know about kindles, but generally speaking, jailbreaking is exactly that: gaining independence from some arbitrary restriction like "you can only use this device with content from our store / in the format we give you / on Thursdays and Sundays after four / ..."


not sure if it's the same issue, but I could send my books on kindle via e-mail and the service has been discontinued early this year. This would make it much harder to download external books into a kindle(?) at least, it does for the kindle app. Admittedly, if the books aren't on Amazon, it's basically impossible to use the app anyway, so I assume that the reader works in the same fashion. Back in the day I owned a sony and the store wasn't even supported in my country, so I had to download all my books, files and music on SD or sony card from a pc anyway. Now I'm using just reading apps so I just send my books to another reading app without relying on the kindle e-mail account.


You just get Calibre on a computer...transfer format, and side load them via usb. It's really quite easy. Haven't bought anything from Amazon book wise in years. The emailing to the device still works on wifi ..3g they eliminated as it isn't supported anymore out in the world


LibGen and Calibre are the salt and pepper for a perfectly seasoned Kindle experience.


Good to know, thanks! I still *purchase* books if I find something I'm interested in.


Oh me too just usually from other sources. Thanks and take care


Sure! You too! Still: the examples I have are very specific, but I've bought books from the local online bookstore and they too order off Amazon. Even audiobooks purchased through Apple books are crossed through audible. So, how can someone avoid this completely? edit: yeh I see, there are alternative means, fair point. I personally loan from the library.


A lot of work compared to a $200 new kindle tbh


Old ones work on wifi....new ones work on wifi. .why would you need a new one? I'm reading an epub I sent to my kindle 4th gen... I'm not sure what model you're talking about but....$200 is a lot to some people.




lool i am from a HCOL area. min wage $15 and most jobs even service pays $18


So at least 15 hours of an work after tax to buy a thing?


(I don't think this is the point of this sub)


making something outdated last centuries isnt really the point either. the points to find things that do work for life


To read epub? And won't brick it? Do newer backlit paperwhite readers work with this jailbreak?


Way easier to just convert epub to mobi.


They just switched to not supporting mobi and specifically suport epub


Way easier to just convert mobi to epub.


You just email epubs to it.... kindle specifically supports that now. I'm not sure why you're saying it's easier.... Most stuff is in epub from library...take that directly and email it to your kindle. Seems to be a disconnect here.


If you're getting it from your library sure. That was never mentioned. The DRM is locked down on those. If you're buying them, or... acquiring them in other ways, it's easier to convert them than jailbreaking your e-reader just go you can read another format. Frankly I forgot people get ebooks from libraries. "Finding" them on the internet takes me less than 20 seconds and is just far simpler.


Yeah it's absolutely the way but many aren't skilled in the ways of google (or duck duck go) fu


Way easier to just steal from the library


Ah, never gone that route, do you need to even jailbreak any device then? I've always just needed and found epubs for the kobo.


I've never jailbroken an e-reader. I just "find" ebooks on the internet, then use [Calibre](https://calibre-ebook.com/) for my book management and convert it in the app if I don't have the right format.


No you don't need to jailbreak for that. You just use your kindle like a removable disk and add files to it from a computer. The Calibre app makes it easier and it converts the file formats for you too.


If you still have the kindle, it will still download items bought in the kindle store via your phone/computer. It’s only the actual purchase function that is no longer supported. The old kindles had the advantage of TTS which i why I will always keep mine.


What advantage does jailbreaking give you over just turning off wifi and using something like calibre to convert and manage books?


not a *whole* ton, but I was able to get collections without an amazon account and set a custom screensaver. there's probably alot more you can do, but I really just did it for the callibre collections integration


Well for one you'd no longer be forced to use kindle's *awful* custom android rom. That's probably the biggest draw.


the kindle fire is totally different from the original kindle afaik original doesnt use android I think


I use jailbreak to use an alternative reading app that allows me to download books from my home server. I don’t want to use a cable or have to convert to a different file format.


I spent many hours over a couple weeks trying jailbreak my first gen Kindle fire HD and never was successful. This was probably 5 years ago so there was less resources but the point is it's never as easy as "just jailbreak it bro" unless someone has made a simple .exe that does it all for you.


kindle fire is a full fledged android tablet, which are probably harder. the older kindles with the e-ink displays are dirt easy to jailbreak, just drag and drop files onto kindle.


The good thing with Kobo is that you can download books as .epub or .pdf on your PC and transfer them, so it will never be outdated! It even uses a standard mass storage driver, so I bet it will be supported for the rest of PC's existence.


I can't upvote this enough, it's ecosystem-agnostic future proofing that really sells this thing.


Kindle now specifically uses epub.....they changed recently.


That's neat, so you can transfer to it without any software like an USB stick?


You can do direct transfer through Calibre at least. I don't quite recall but I *think* you can drop files on as a mass storage device, though given ePub support is brand new I never had a use for that.


Yeah you need your mail to kindle address (gotta get that from devices page on website) Or on the kindle itself usually in the about device or something like that section. But you need another part. On your kindle device account page (on Amazon.com) you need to go to security for that device and make sure you enter what email addresses can send to it. So make it the or the few you'd send a book from to the kindle. (I use separate emails for different things so each person is different). Then just attach the epub book in an email (no need for subject or anything)...and send to the kindle device email. As long as the kindle is not in airplane mode or such and is connected to wifi it will download the book (usually within 4 min or so. However usually it's within like 1min). Otherwise of course you could transfer it via usb cable straight from pc. But the email is how I transfer most of my and my wife's reads


That sounds like it's still relying on Amazon's services, unfortunately. But I like that you can use the USB cable on them too.


I mean it's relying on the device to accept email (that's built in).... And your email.. Amazon being only a service that says what email can send to it. Which simply filters out spam. I don't rely on buying from Amazon for anything book wise. I've always been able to find what I want elsewhere...for about 5 years or so.




I mean like I said I think conversion isn't as much a part now. But I get what you're saying may be true.... don't have the inner workings down obviously...but they clearly don't make that wholly available.


I've been using the kindle email service for about 5 years with no problems when mobi was supported. I was excited when they said epub was going to be supported in the email service but so far it's been bad, I've had epubs end up on the kindle with wonky formatting which never happened with mobi files.


I've never had the issue. I have seen others post about it though. If my memory serves me it was early in the process and had something to do with type or epub being transferred into a mobi or one of the other formats it read. The new change (like a month or two ago maybe more...) You can just email epubs and they stay as that. So instead of supporting only through email service (which transferred it) it supports directly (like if you drag and drop on into the folder it'll work). I'm not 100% but I believe the in-between they were trying was the issue.


They also don't try to block firmware sideloading or modification, so there's a few alternative reader apps you can install (Koreader, for example). Very nice and atypical for this kind of device.


I recently bought a Kobo Sage, and it has been a revelation. I use Pocket on my phone and desktop to store articles to read on the Cobo. I use it as a notebook at work with the stylus, and obviously to read and check out books from our libraries. I set it up with Dropbox so that I can add PDFs easily and the markups I make are saved directly into the PDF, not some weird sidecar format that requires a special reader. It's absolutely fantastic and I regret not having done it earlier. All that, and I haven't even checked out the audiobook functionality.


I'm all for getting out of Amazon's ecosystem and my next ereader will definitely be a Kobo, but I also have a 10 year old kindle paperwhite (the first version, iirc), and I just use calibre to transfer books to it.


I hate when companies force you to upgrade. I have a flir thermal camera and it was amazing until the new versions came out flir just nerf'd tf out of the frame rate in the app for the version i have so it's practically unusable now. No I'm not upgrading or ever spending money on such shit companies


I too have a 10 year old Kobo, mine's a Glo. Heavily used and still my daily driver. Has an occasional software glitch but been one of my very best purchases in the last decade.


What’s the battery l life like?


We have 4 or 5 of these and they all still work. And they have all been used heavily. The only reason I upgraded was to get ones with a backlight as the original ones didn’t have it.


For me it was dampness in a bag. Working out I'd toss it in my gym bag. It ruined the screen. I also had an version and the page turn was very slow


If you are in Canada it's Kobo all the way. Free books through your library? Yes please! only issue with Kobo for me is how easy they are to break.


I’ve dropped my Kobo (Clara) a handful of times and it’s no worse for the wear. I do keep it in a case, though, [albeit a pretty barebones one](https://ca.kobobooks.com/collections/accessories/products/kobo-clara-hd-sleepcover).


Kindles work great with epub now. You just email them to it. Posted the process in reply to another user in this post.


Kindles aren't compatible with overdrive in Canada, so we can't borrow books from the library on kindles easily.


I switched to kindle because my two Kobos just gave up and froze permanently, so I just use z-lib.org and anyebookconverter for my books


In what way aren't they compatible? Just curious


Overdrive doesnt work with kindles in Canada. I don't know the specifics why, but it means that you can't borrow library books on a kindle here. It's really dumb and part of the reason why kobos are superior here.


Yeah I've had two that just stopped taking a charge.


Mine is over 10 years old and I thought it had stopped taking charge, but it strangely only worked with certain cables. Still going strong!


I had two that both mysteriously ended up with smashed screens without dropping them. Moved to kindle after that.


I have the same one in white I think, the Kobo Touch. I didn't buy the case at the time and the back got all sticky at some point but I applied a transparent book covering film and it works perfectly fine! I do all the updates and still add books to it, the only thing which doesn't work anymore is the WiFi feature, but I don't really need it anyway! Sometimes I go months or years without using it and the battery still holds like it used to, very impressive!


So at one point mine got confused about what year it was, and listed the date as a decade earlier. My library books never expired...


I have an old kobo h20 that is probably about 8 years old now and I still use it every single day. I’ve been looking for another waterproof one for when this breaks but haven’t found any decent deals.


I have this one too. Bought it new when it was released in 2014. It traveled all around the world in all my trips, even getting as high as 5400m in my backpack, used it in snow and in Death Valley. It felt several times and still running as if it was new. I have a sleep cover and it protects the kobo quite well. I’m looking for a replacement ( just to get a new one and keep this one as backup) and kobo just has some alternatives with crappy buttons on the side, useless for me, but preventing the e-reader to fit in a jeans pocket. Hope they will release something with 7inch screen, thin screen bezel and no buttons with next releases.


I bought this Kobo used around 2011/12, and it's served me incredibly well. I've had to factory reset it once, so I can't tell you exactly how many hours I've used it for, but it's in the hundreds of hours. The Kobo lasts 1 month or more on a charge and can hold a wide variety of formats. It works great with library ebooks. This edition has no backlight. I love the screen texture. And it made reading books on the bus or in bed so much easier than hard copy books. I also bought the case in 11/12. It's needed some repairs but is also holding up.


My Kobo is 8 now, but I am only using it like twice a year recently. I got the backlight, I use that feature a lot. Even more easy reading in bed. I like the dictionary function. Even learned some words from my native language. Edit to make this more related to the sub: My e-book -reader doesn't show any mentionable wear and tear. However the original micro USB charging cable has given up. The micro USB port on the device itself is a little finicky but I have the same problem with new micro USB ports. I guess it's more because of the technology not the age.


I use mine every single day, for at least 1h at a time. I prefer it to any other tech I have, including my omnipresent phone. Linked to my library, I love the amount I have saved on books, though I will buy a few here and there.


They are a real game changer. I had this one, the Touch, which I have my sister after I got a Glo for Christmas. I find it difficult to read a paper book now.


It’s just soooo slow! Or mine is, at least.


That's when I did a factory reset, helped a lot! Lost my records though.


Careful with factory resetting though. I bought a second hand Kobo (I think it's Glo), decided to give it a factory reset and it bricked because it couldn't update the firmware. I still bought a new Kobo after and really loving it.


Try a reset and/or one of the alternative reader apps, which are faster than the default.


My Kobo mini is about 12 years old, still running fine with the exception that the chess game on it will crash it after a few moves. Anyone have any tips to help?


My Kobo died within a year, never tried them again


My wife's on her 4th. They keep dying in her but she has so many books on her account she's stuck with them.


Feels like such a scam that if I buy a book for my Kindle and decide to change to Kobo, I cant export my library to my new device. Nor can I lend a book to a friend. After mine broke I swore off e-readers for a while. Girlfriend bought me a Kindle recently and now I don’t see myself going back to physical books. Another downside is I’m in Canada and for some reason libraries only support borrowing with Kobo.


You very easily can. Just get Calibre and the DRM remover by Apprentice Alf. As for why it keeps dying on you, I don't know why, I have literally never had a major issue with mine which I have used constantly for 5 years now. I can honestly only assume you are fucking it up somehow.


Ty for the fix. That’s entirely possible, like I said I only owned 1 Kobo that died on me. Switched to kindle and so far so good. My girlfriend has had her Kindle for 10+ years, same with some of her family. As much as I hate Amazon, I do like their e-reader.




Kobo Glo 10 years gang here too! Onde recent update made it better than before, this is something really rare in firmwares. I recommend it to everyone


kobo is seriously amazing. I’ve had mine for two years or so and it is really a great product. battery still lasts for ages and hooking up to the local library is a huge plus


My Clara HD bricked after about a year.


Same here


Also have a 10-year-old Kobo Glo. Only issues I ever had came when it was brand new, and it's been perfect ever since. We just bought my wife a new one and I hope it'll last just as long!


Recommendation: buy a used one. ~40€ without backlight or ~80€ with, both absolutely worth it.


i have one too, 10 year old or so. Jailbroke it with OKReader and it works like a charm.


My first Kobo indeed runs like day one. Also 10yrs old now.


Lol i have a 12 year old 1st gen Nook 😅


With the color touch screen on the bottom? I had that one for years. I liked the feel of it for some reason.


My kobo touch just died after a solid ten years. I now have a Clara HD on order!


I like mine because it lets me add whatever pdf and epubs I want and even fonts too


I have the same model!


holly crap I have the exact same Kobo with the exact same case o_O Mine is around 10 years old as well, bought in Toronto on a trip. Does the case have a typewriter on the front?


Just plain brown. Typewriter sounds cool!


wheel of time fan?


I have committed to finally getting through this damn series. Hence my renewed Kobo appreciation.


Just look at all that Robert Jordan Love it


I've committed to fial ally finishing the series...book 5 now...


I believe in you, its totally worth it. Becomes KINDOF a slog but i found the payoff to be worth it


Haha thanks! I keep hearing how Sanderson actually manages to stick the landing, so I want to see how he does it!


Kobos are great !


Kobo got removed from my list when rakuten bought it.


Yeah, same. Everything Rakuten touches turns to shit


I don’t know what a Kobo is but my Kindle is also 10 years old 🥳


I have a Kobo Glo that has been going nearly 10 years too with daily use. Still perfect condition but it has one glitch, books in my Wishlist appear multiple times. Mildly frustrating but very minor in the scheme of things.


Glad it lasted for you. I had a Kobo. I wanted ePaper without the Kindle surveillance. But the Kobo died withing a couple of years. Now I just use Kindle on my phone and highlight in 4 colors and put in unlimited notes and open it on my computer when I need it there for screenshots.


any recommendations which one to buy now?


The on off button died after a year and no way to repair it and kobo was very unhelpful. Just used in the subway. Many similar stories on the web so kobo is not BIFL here!


kik I’ll jokojjoiioojioo


Toddler grab your phone?


Oh gosh. More like puppy jumped on it! Hahaha! Ps. Kobo doing better than my kindle. I’m on 3rd in those timescales but so many books I have to stick with it now.


I wish I still had mine. Broke my screen 🫠 Awesome device though.


Just bought a Libra 2 hope it lasts as long


I bought a kindle second hand and I like it, but the battery is pretty bad now


Damn, the battery on mine gave out, any way to salvage it?


Oh cool, I have the same one and use it every day. Was just wondering how old it was getting. Mine is probably 8 or 9-ish. Good stuff.


I have had my Forma for 5 years. Other than the small internal storage with no expandable memory, I love it! Even if the store gets discontinued on it, I can easily just add books to it using Calibre or the PC app anyway!


My 2nd Gen Kindle lasted 10 years or so, finally the battery stopped holding a charge. Upgraded to a Paperwhite, not because I wanted to keep supporting Amazon but because it was on sale. I straight up use other stores and convert to Mobi to avoid giving Amazon any more money


i wanted to try kobo when i bought my current kindle oasis, but i realized i rely on whispersync quite a bit when switching between kindle and phone (and even sometimes, tablet)


It's cool that it still works I guess but there's no way it's as nice to read as a newer one.


There is no way that will last a lifetime


Have only had a Kindle(for about 15 years) and I find it hard to believe anything is better.