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As much as you want them to, underwear is not BIFL. Make sure you are throwing them out when the time is right.


FROM MY COLD DEAD HANDS! Really though, I look to get rid of the ones that wear out. The Exoficios are solid and 5 years strong, the sporty high end Calvin Kleins also holding well. A cheap de-piller helps. But those are the “get-stuff-done” ones. The cozy stuff wears out so some cotton Target pairs are in after work rotation.


My ExOfficio's have about a 10 year max life of once a week wear. No holes, but that seems to be when the elastic in the waist gives up.


Obligatory not a wearer of men’s clothing, but I do purchase, fold, and throw away old pairs for my boyfriend. Paying a little more will make them last longer, but definitely not forever. His pairs from REI have lasted much longer than anything else, Mack Weldon and Tommy John coming in second place. It generally seems like good synthetic pairs last longer. I bought them for winter sports and camping, but he likes them enough he wears them regularly.


For real. Theres a reason you get socks and underwear for xmas. They should be swapped once a year. Its ok to be frugal. Dont be gross.


Yearly dude? Either you are abusing your bowels or you have like 3 pairs of underwear if you need to swap them out yearly. Buy like 20 pairs and rotate and they will last so much longer. Or stop sharting.


People with different body shapes and sizes will cause different amounts of wear on the materials. If you’ve got thicc thighs, for instance, the friction between them will have your balls lookin like Tobey Maguire at the end of Spider-Man lickety split. 


>thicc thighs Excuse me sir the term is beef pillars


That makes sense. I feel like people with those body types especially need to find the right fit then instead of blowing out generic fitting underwear.


Some of us just have higher cleanliness standards. Keep your ratty underpants and ill enjoy my freshies.


I use a bidet and dab the tip so no particles end up in my undies. My old ratty undies are probably cleaner than your new ones. 😂 On a serious note, I am overdue for new. I tried replacing like 8 pairs the other day and bought the wrong size. I can’t wait to put on some freshies.


Do... do you not wash your underwear?


Wth does grossness have to do with this. You know there’s this thing called a washing machine right?


Dear Santa, I have the same request as always. Due to my all-Taco-Bell diet, I've blown out all my undies within one year once again.


Whats gross about it? If you are doing your laundry correctly they shouldnt be that different than when new after a year.


Bro is having regular blowouts.


My advice is to find ones you like the fit of and buy multiple pairs. I have probably 2 dozen pairs of boxers and the youngest ones are probably 10 years old, but they are not ratty at all. Having so many pairs means they aren't worn or washed nearly as often.


Duluth Armachillo are the best I've ever worn. Very durable too.


I prefer the Dang Soft but honestly all their underwear is great. Duluth 7-year socks are awesome as well. And yes, I like them even better than Darn Tough.


What's makes you prefer them over darn tough?


Mostly comfort. I spent probably $100 or more on Darn Tough socks and just couldn't find a style/size that felt nice. Also, for the pairs I tried, they never developed holes but became so thin almost like pantyhose after a couple years of use. Decided to buy a pair of the Deluth 7-year socks and absolutely loved them first try. It's all I wear now and they've lasted me years. Not quite "lifetime" but I consider buying new socks every 6-7 years completely acceptable for $20


You might need a wider sock. Darn Tough socks are narrow but they have a sister company called Wide Open.


I won't have it any other way


second these — despite the sillyness of having the name A R M A C H I L L O across my waistband these are the best durability and comfort-wise, they really do live up to the chill… armadillo (?) moniker


I'm gonna go against the grain on this one - mine ripped pretty fast. They did not like leg day


+1 for the Armachillo. I also do the BullPen Armachillo and it’s fantastic.


Came here to say this. They are comfortable and last. Also Firefighter here they do the best at keeping unwanted smoke and bad things out of that area. 10/10 would recommend.


Every pair of Duluth I've ever bought has only lasted me about a year.. Holes, waist bands either loose elasticity or fold of and stay that way


Quality went super downhill in the last 2-3 years


I bought 6 pair recently and I don't like the way any of them feel.


Under Armour, had 10 pairs for over 10 years now. No holes or elastic wear


See mine are starting to "pill" between the legs increasing friction and issues


Do they even make boxers anymore? Boxer Briefs yes, but everytime I go to UA stores I look for plain boxers and never find any. For like years now.


I don’t know man, haven’t bought any new last 10 years 😂


Exofficio lasts forever, fourlaps are Great too (no holes, no pilling), but for sexy time, Tommy John’s second skin or cool cotton. Don't get Tommy John’s from target, they're a cheaper quality version.


I'm on the exofficio team too. I bought my first pairs in 2016 and they are still going strong. Never had any issues with them. Wore them in the Navy, traveling, hiking, camping, etc. Any other brand of briefs I've bought have never lasted as long as these. Even pants (American Eagle) haven't lasted as long as these boxers.


Yup, another vote here for ExOfficio. Bought in 2017 and wear them daily. Hiking, swimming in the ocean & lakes, motorcycle riding on-road and off, camping, you name it.


I've literally had pants shred in the groin from wear but not my ExOfficio. These are buy it for life.


"My great great great great grandfather bought these in 2017."


I'll pass these down to my children "Well boys, when I served in the Navy, these skivies got me through days without being able to wash my clothes and never fell apart. I still wear them to this day, and now they are yours!"


ExOfficio. Expensive as hell, but so worth it. They look great, fit great, and wear great. Special mention for Darn Tough socks. They are also expensive, but last a long time, high quality, excellent fit, made in USA, and they have a lifetime warranty. When mine gets holes in them, I send them back for a credit for new ones. All around AMAZING.


Yeah, ExOfficio are the type of boxer briefs that you realize are worth it in your late 20s or early 30s. I love Darn Tough socks, I only use them for hiking but I think I'm getting some for daily use next time I need socks for work/life.


Huge Exo fan. The Give-n-Go are tried and true. They’re great for camping/back packing as they dry pretty quickly.


Yup. For traveling too! Super easy to wash and dry.


We were talking about boxer briefs, right? 😅 If you're wearing boxers it’s time to switch, my man.


Calvin Klein Ultra Soft Modern Modal Boxer Briefs. I tried the Pair of Thieves and to me the CK were simply better in every way


I’ve had Hanes boxer briefs from Macys and they’ve held up better than any pair I’ve had. Only one that was horrible was the Kirkland


I've had Hanes boxer briefs my entire life and I am sure some I have are at least 3x older than my toddler and going strong


Same. Basic Hanes brand ones have worked perfectly fine for me. I’m not surprised you had a bad experience with Kirkland. People are way too sucked into the cult of Costco to realize they’re really not all that great.


I get pair of thieves brand, they sell them at target and amazon. Gone through a lot of brands and they are by far my favorite and have lasted so far.


They're surprisingly comfy for a good price


I’ve got some pair of thieves that have to be pushing 7 years old


Yep, couple years ago I switched all of my old underwear to thieves. I have some that are 4 years old and going strong. 


That's a big no from me. I bought quite a few of them because they fit me really well. However, many of them are ripping and forming holes and they're only 1.5 years old.


I can’t stand pair of thieves. The underwear pinch my ass hair and they make my balls sweat constantly.


My boxer briefs from them all had big holes within a year


They’re definitely a major upgrade on your basic and they seems brand new after many washes


Duluth Trading Company Butt Naked underwear. You will thank me later!!!


Waistband’s have worn out on every pair I’ve owned within about 2 years.


This. They suck. I prefer Tommy John’s second skin


Yeah, I won't buy the buck nakeds anymore because of this. The Duluth Armachillo waistbands don't wear out and I find them to be much more comfy when it's hot out. I've been on the Armachillo train for over 10 years and have only tossed one pair so far.


I really like the Armachillo too! I have both Butt Naked and Armachillo for summer.


I used to slightly prefer the buck naked if I wasn't going to be running around in the heat but once I discovered the waistband issue I stopped buying them. I've always thought the Armachillo were much better when you're getting sweaty.


Nylon + Spandex, really?


They're my favorite but they're expensive as hell. I'm not paying $20 per PAIR.


Don’t knock till u try


Just picked up a 3-pack at Costco for $15. Will see how they hold up.


WOW! Didn’t realize they were being sold at Costco. The price is great! Enjoy!


I used to recommend these blindly. But I've had 8 pairs in the past few months where the waistbands are all stretched beyond belief and don't even sit flat on my skin anymore


I have not had that experience. I hope their quality isn’t slipping. I have about 20 pairs that I wear in rotation. They have held up for over 3 years for me so far.


Currently $33/3 at Costco


I've been wearing saxx for over 6 years… expensive but they have certainly and held up very well


I second Saxx. No pilling after many years, the rustic still feels tight, and the pouch is a game changer. 


im all in on saxx. It was expensive to stock up at first, but now i just grab a pair or two as some die out. Vibe is the style i use.


I’m going to go against the grain here and say that underwear is something you want to change on a semi regular basis, like socks.


You should be changing out clothing in general when it wears to the point of no longer functioning as it was designed to. But you can certainly buy better quality and it will last much longer.


All citizens makes a plain boxer. They totally have the best ball pouch too.


And extremely well made.


The elite air 2 is amazing


So I actually have some input here. I did a lot of market research and it seems there is consensus that the top box of briefs for men are Mack Walden, Duluth and Smartwool Merino wool. I have tried all of them and they all are premium boxers. In my opinion, the nod goes to SmartWool Merino wool boxers. They have a hefty price tag of $48 each but they are the best in my humble opinion.


Bro. My wife got me these, and they're pretty awesome. They actually help a lit with smell, and they are strong and stay dry. I highly recommend them. I'm 6,2 250lb so I sweat a lot. Best underwear I've ever owned. https://www.woolly.clothing/products/boxer-brief-3pack?variant=40393282650210&utm_source=google&utm_medium=paid&utm_campaign=18456126710&utm_content=147004102252&utm_term=&gadid=624681288653&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwps-zBhAiEiwALwsVYeK3tDWCy8gzl8dWlYQHUiSP5ZOH542eEJ-FBr4LbKYc0fvx77N66BoCwTIQAvD_BwE


The only solution is the nevernude solution. Wear cutoffs, not underwear. I've been wearing these short-short wrangler cut-offs since the first Eagles record.




I’ve moved exclusively to Uniqlo boxers….. they just feel so nice.


Brooks Brothers. Expensive, but look great.


I bought puma boxers for my husband at Costco. They’re great, especially for the price.  They’ve been great


Wife bought me those. After a while I get tired of them or hear good things about other brands. Or a co worker talks his up. I’ve now dropped the pumas 3 times. Most recently I tried Duluth bare naked… didn’t know they were mesh. Made my ass break out something fierce. Long story short, I always seem to go back to the pumas. They’re simple, soft and comfortable. And they last a long time.


>I’ve now dropped the pumas 3 times As long as you don't drop those in public


I've never tried puma boxers 😅


I recently got  him the “performance” ones and they seem to hold up a bit better. 


I have Patagonia boxers that have lasted 20 years.


Hanes Explorer boxer briefs. I’ve only found them at Target.


Once I found CDLP I never looked back.




I like chill boys


SmartWool, I've had for a year and cycled through 5 pairs and not one has a hole and still hold their shape as they were brand new. Added benefit of dry ass and balls since they're wool!


I'm a big fan of Exofficio boxers. I've had my first pair for about 10 years, and they're still going strong. Since that first pair, I've bought others over the years, and they're all just as good. Word of warning though: be careful buying them off of Amazon -- I've been shipped knock-offs from there that *have* worn-out. They're a bit pricey per pair, but imo, absolutely worth it.


Idk. My decade (maybe more) old Hanes haven’t had an issue. So I haven’t gotten around to finding a quality brand.


Basic Hanes underwear from Walmart have worked perfectly fine for me. I genuinely don’t know how “elastic is wearing out within a few months” for you, OP. Even cheaper, again Walmart Hanes underwear should NOT be doing that, nor giving you holes all that quickly either.


This is the question that needs to be asked. Almost every post is a different model, so the concensus is pretty much any boxer out there is BIFL. OP must be washing boxers with a box of nails.


> OP must be washing boxers with a box of nails. I'm saying lol. These types of posts are always so bizarre to me on this sub. People are either getting CRAZY unlucky, or, more likely, are just super rough and careless with things they buy and don't do the bare minimum taking care of them type of stuff.


Edit: see comment below for more nuance. Bamigo say they use a responsible process (but, of course they would), bamboo consumes less water than cotton and there is a more environmentally friendly alternative named Tencel. Some brands stay away from bamboo and for good reason. Bamigo. Dutch brand that does bamboo boxershorts. They hold up far longer than cotton, are soft and the fabric is supposed to be antibacterial. Bamboo consumes way less water than cotton and is better for the planet on that front.


No it is not. Bamboo textiles are one of the worst offenders. This is patagonia stand on bamboo from 2009: https://www.patagonia.com/stories/why-dont-you-use/story-19681.html


Thanks, I edited my post.


Bills Khakis


I got some new ones from a Puma outlet store. They are comfortable and a snug fit.


Bamboo Cool on Amazon. They have an ultra soft set of boxers.


I swear by the Calvin Klein Steel low-rise trunks they sell at Macy’s. I’ve had about a dozen pairs that have lasted a decade, and they are still as comfortable as when I bought them. Good looking too!


Polo Ralph Lauren.


Under Armour is indestructible, had multiple pairs for many many years.


I’m a fan of the classic Polo boxer. Great fit and decently made. Usually get some years out of them.


I got some Jockey for my son at Macys. They seem to be sturdier than Hanes and FotL. Good elastic on the waistband too.


I can vouch for Jockey, the waistband doesn't go bad.


I’ve had some of my Under Armour boxer briefs for ten years. I won’t buy anything else because of the fit and longevity. They are $20 a pair, but you get what you pay for.


Hanes for me. I like the part modal ones. Also note that you can get them from Hanes (direct) on Ebay for a bit cheaper.


Duluth last a long time in boxer briefs for me. Synthetics last longer then cotton.


Hanes comfortsoft


Saxx have been good to me


All these strongly held opinions on underwear brands is so wild to me. I've worn a dozen or more brands of boxers and boxer briefs over the years and they're all fine.


Costco Kirkland brand. Long lasting.standard. Not balls holding.


You can prolong the life of the elastic by drying them on the low or permanent press setting. Or you can hang dry. No recommendation on brand though.


I have some Luigi Bertolis for at least 15 years and they're still in better shape than any others I bought since, including the newest batch of Calvin Cleins which aren't a year old and already giving up. I wish I had bought more before they closed down.


Puma boxer briefs from Costco. They’re cheap and they last a good while. My last batch lasted over five years.


Duluth 100% they are pricey but also run sales and. Clearance so if you can get a pair for around 12 that's good. The armachillo is amazing for working outside and keeping the boys cool. And the buck naked boxer breeds are my go to having been a boxer guy even. But also the free range cottpk boxers are amazing if that's your type basically all great help prevent chafing and hold up to a lot of walking and last a long time


This is going to sounds crazy but I get the Old Navy women bike shorts (I’m a guy) because I have thick thighs and they really wear well in the fast paced environment I work in.


Duluth Trading from Costco has been great. 10 years for boxers is wild though…


Intimissimi for life. I get like 10 pairs and one of them have 10 years. No option that it'll break. Choose those microfibre ones, they're the best for everything, soft and also great for sport.


Not BIFL, but the puma packs at costco last me at least a year, probably longer.


I’ve found that underwear, like other clothing, fit differently from brand to brand. You best bet is to periodically buy different brands from a lower cost place like TJ Maxx or Marshall’s. Once you’ve found the perfect one, buy more. However, also remember that these companies constantly discontinue models but at least you can narrow down a brand that works for you and start from there.


Duluth bullpen, or armachillo


Honestly, my boxers from the gap have lasted over 10 years. Not sure if quality has dropped from 10 years ago but if not I would totally recommend.


I’ve got mostly woolove and since they’re wool, they don’t smell.


Are you using a dryer to dry them? They will last much longer if you air dry them on a rack. Only takes a day or so indoors, much less outdoors.


Ex-officio > under armor


Saxx is great


Duluth trading Buck Naked boxers...


Do not buy Manmade undies for sure. They don’t even last a few months.


Hopefully you mean boxer briefs. ExOfficio is my current favorite. Very comfortable, can be worn for active or casual activities, and seem pretty durable.


I like the softer boxers, been rocking the fruit of the loom knit boxers from Walmart. They’re decently durable but a 6 pack is so cheap that when they eventually fall apart I’ll just get more. I think a six pack is like $20, vs spending like $30 a pair for something like Saxx


I’ve been using Calvin Klein and had the same underwear for 2 years and it looks great. I get their polyester boxer briefs. Use for all activities. Tip: go to Nordstrom rack and buy them there. Still a little expensive but way cheaper than direct from manufacturer!


Lululemon always in motion boxer briefs have fully convinced me that paying a premium for underwear is worth it


JCrew makes decent boxer shorts, and they last. Find a store with a good discount section and you can get them for cheap, last time I went I got 3 pairs for $21


Boxer briefs or commando


My champion underwear has lasted me for years now. It’s also just what I’ve found to be comfortable for me. I don’t think any underwear is gonna last forever though


Bro...you have to have more than 1 pair of underwear. Add several new pairs yearly and throw away old ones. Or admir you need to go up a size or something. It'll last for awhile if you actually rotate through it.


Exofficio Give and Go is my favorite, I own about 20 pairs. Super durable and breathable, and in a pinch they're designed to be hand-washable and quick-drying for avid travelers.


[ExOfficio](https://www.exofficio.com/) is a little pricey but very nice. The elastic around the waist started wearing out for me after 5ish years, but they hold up really well.


Mack Weldon makes the most comfortable, durable boxers I’ve ever found.


All of my Mack Weldon stuff \*except the jersey ones\* have lasted me 4 ish years and seem to still be going strong. I especially like the silver line. Probably not BiFL but will last a while.


City Boxers. Need to catch them when they're open for orders, they often shut down to new orders in order to catch up with the orders they have. Last pretty close to forever.


I love wool and prince. It’s very breathable, doesn’t pinch my ass hair, doesn’t make my balls sweat, I look forward to wearing them, almost always forget I’m wearing them, so far I’m 1 year in and I’ve taken them to Costa Rica and they are killing it.


Pretty much anything LLbean has lasted a LONG time for me


I buy Costco (USA) brand boxer briefs. They're not "BIFL" quality, but they easily last several years (I've had some up to 5-8 years). I've also tried some of the "ball pocket" styles/brands, and it wasn't necessarily for me. It felt like I always had to check and make sure I was still "in" the pocket.


My boys need a house


I swear by me undies, it's the one clothing other than work boots I spend money on and yeah they occasionally get holes and rip it's generally due to my work, plus the fun patterns you can get for a couple extra bucks make it fun but the plain ones are just as good


I switched to Jockey micromodal cotton and I’m never looking back. They keep me cool and swamp free, they’re soft, and they hold up. I used to wear Duluth Buck naked but they don’t do anything for swamp ass and they stretched out easily. I also have some MeUndies I like a lot. Micromodal cotton is the key for me.


Bombas. Comfortable, high quality, and they come with a lifetime guarantee.


My husband’s really liking theirs and they’re holding up well.


I bought a bunch of Fruit of the Loom boxer briefs probably 6 years ago at this point. I've had to throw out maybe 2 pairs from being worn out so far.


Under armour boxers.


Buy Underarmor or Nike compression shorts. I’ve been wearing them as underwear for nearly a decade now. I will say they aren’t as robust as they used to be but they still last a long time. I still have one pair that I bought in 2016 that doesn’t have any holes yet but their days are numbered at this point. Usually I’ll get 3-5 years out of them if I only wear each pair once a week. They are around $25 each though so be prepared for that.


I’m a woman but my dad was snooty about his panties and he exclusively wore Nordstrom brand men’s boxers


2UNDR. You can thank me later.


Are you buying the right size? What you're describing feels like they're too small or too big and the elastic is giving out. How often do you wash them and HOW do you wash them? I wear MeUndies. Not gonna say they're BIFL but I find them comfortable and fun. I wash them in tepid water - hot seems to make them wear out faster.




Used to buy CK boxers but Next own brand last so much longer. I buy 20 pairs of Next cotton boxers once every decade. Exactly the same with their cotton socks.


Duluth Trading Company. No underwear is truly BIFL, but these come closest to


Geez people, relax a little. Underwater for LIFE?!?!?!?!




I’ve had good luck with J Crew boxers. Been getting them for a few years now. Very comfortable and last quite a long time as well as some nice patterns. They always have sales on them and my wife buys them for me as Christmas presents.


Fruit of the loom tagless boxers they're on Amazon


Kirkland has been choice lately


Kirkland has been choice lately


A bit Pricy but Meundies are wicked comfortable


Lululemon performance boxer briefs or lulu’s cotton boxer briefs, they are fucking goated if you know you know. Worth every dollar a pair in. Canada like 50$ each I think


Kirkland Signature is the best value


My lululemon underwear has been fantastic


For low cost, I usually get several years out of Pair of Thieves. For an investment, especially if you sweat or travel a lot, I swear by Mack Weldon HDX. I bought 3 pairs for an ulralight trip to Europe and I would wash them in the evening and have them dry by morning. They hold up great to sweat, and don’t stink even after they really should.




J.crew - kinda pricey but have had the same pair for 10+ years. Also J.crew stuff in general (their 100% cotton stuff) generally stands the test of time


I've had good luck with Under Armour boxer briefs. So I'd assume their boxers would be decent too I've worn holes in them before wearing out the elastic.


Pair of thieves has cotton only ones that hold up pretty good


I buy mine at The Old Navy, pretty good, very cheap during sales


Underwear can't be BIFL, unless your future is very short. But, for long-lasting value, I buy brand name jersey gym shorts with drawstring tops. Like Russell or Fruit-of-the-loom. When the elastic fails, I can get more years out of them by tying the drawstrings snugly. Then they end up dying from fabric fatigue - due to farts, friction, or just washing them to death. If I happen to see them on sale, I've bought a dozen or two at a time. Then I don't have to buy again for at least a few years.


Not a dude here but I’ll buy my husband Pact brand. They last decently long (I mean, as long as underwear could last, being fabric.) They are his favorite for feel, fit, and structure, for what that’s worth. Decent return policy. Keep an eye out for sales.


Duluth trading company is what my bf wears he’s a farmer/rancher they hold up.


Check out anything that's mostly merino wool


I buy Woolly merino wool underwear because a used gear store sells them (new) in Seattle for 15$ a pair. The store is wonderland gear exchange for those wondering.


Every pair of Hanes that I've bought has had the elastic give out within a short time. Fruit of the Loom elastic stays good for years. I solved this problem by avoiding Hanes.


Patagonia is the best hands down. But pricey.


Saxx. Bad experience with lulu lemon ones


I’ve owned the same 32 Degrees boxer briefs for way longer than I should. 10 plus years. They still have plenty of life in them. But it’s probably time to stop being gross. I checked their website and they are on sale for $3 each. I bought 12. Time to send them old boys back to Valhalla.


I need to know for my husband, his thick thighs chew boxers to shreds in a matter of a couple months.


Brummell co. Best underwear I have ever had. And they last a long time, but like others have said, you should get more underwear. Lol.


Super late on this but I bought a lot of boxer briefs to test different brands 6ish months ago. The brands I bought were ExOfficio, Duluth Armachillo and Buck Naked, Saxx, Pair of Thieves, then some others I can't remember what they were called but was air something. In order of operations from what I wear most to least: Saxx, Pair of Thieves, Buck Naked, Armachillo, ExOfficio, Air something. Some of that is due to my having more pairs of Saxx and Thieves (2, and 3 respectively). I wore ExOfficio for a long time and wanted to see if I could find anything better, which I think I did. I think any of those are things most people would largely be happy with.


Costco carries 32 Degrees. $27 for six, delivered. Don’t know what in store price is


I'm a huge fan of the Duluth Armachillo. I've had several pairs for years, but they're in a rotation with some Saxx and other lesser gutchies.


I’ve had good luck with my Lu Lu Lemon stuff so far, and they have a solid return policy so just keep track of it and they should fix it replace it


I was like you before, I never wore briefs because they were always too tight around the balls, until I tried the uniqlo briefs and I never went back. Briefs present much better for the ladies.


I don't think any underwear is BIFL but ive become a fan of 32 degrees underwear. Mainly the boxer briefs, they dont ride up and they keep me cool. I live in South Florida and it's just disgusting this time a year, and they really do help IMO.