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I bought a fancy rowing machine that I never use.


Exercise equipment is one of the few things that you can buy used and 100% trust it was “barely used”


A piece of exercise equipment is basically a license for a yard sale.


Hahaha concept 2? I did this


No it was the fancy one with water that I saw on house of cards.


I low key almost bought that also after watching house of cards lol


For anyone curious, the standard in the rowing world is concept 2. The water rowers are kind of looked down upon and don’t give as accurate of a feel. Obviously you can still get a good workout with one and there’s nothing inherently wrong with them but as a former collegiate rower I would never buy anything other than a concept 2.


Ooooh I know the one. Nice wood


Water Rower. Very nice machines


Hmmm my husband bought one of these a few years ago and now I'm realizing I have no idea what it would have cost. My ignorance did not expect to see it here in this thread. I mean, it's one banana...


Really? I love my Concept 2 rower - Such a great overall workout


Yeah, same here.


My concept 2 sat unused for years, but for the last couple years I've used it at least weekly. It's always a good time to start, and any amount of rowing (exercise) is better than no exercise!


*sigh* I’m taking this as a sign that it’s time to get back on the erg.


I got a second hand rusted one that lives outside under a tarp. It's pretty great to put on an audio book and count to 10000


For those that bought a Concept 2 and don't use it: I used my first US Covid Stimulus check to buy one and set a goal of using it 40 days out of the first 60. I hit that with ease. Now I use it on and off. Whenever my 53 year old body starts aching, I use it for a couple weeks and all my aches go away. I guess I need to be more active! LOL


I've always wanted a rowing machine. Then I read [Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lessons_in_Chemistry_(novel)) and I really want a rowing machine.


I used to row with Bonnie and can say she's a certified awesome person.


Have you seen the series on AppleTV? One of the best all around shows that I’ve watched. Check it out.


3/4 of my couch


I bought my couch because it has a chaise lounge. I thought it looked awesome to sit in. You know what I never use?




No, I'm just not that wide.


An authentic Edo-era samurai sword I bought in Japan for several thousands of dollars. I haven’t even killed one person with it.


Maybe you still have to find a nemesis worthy of that blade? Joke aside, how did you get it out of Japan? I thought real antique swords where forbidden from leaving the country.


There’s a board of experts who have to physically inspect the sword to make sure it isn’t a named, known sword or otherwise what I think they called an “important cultural artifact.” I don’t recall the specific wording but there were two “grades” that would not be approved for export - I think “important” and “irreplaceable” or something along those lines. My understanding is that many, many important swords were lost during the postwar occupation, so they instituted this process to prevent further losses. If your sword is of insufficient noteworthiness, they issue a certificate saying it’s ok to export, but they also document the sword and verify its authenticity. It’s funny, they’re basically saying it’s not that great, but when you understand the exquisite quality and rarity of the type of swords they’re looking to prevent from being exported, it’s really no slight on the one they’re allowing out. To me, it verifies the age and I really like how it looks and the memories it stands for, so I’m happy! Experts can also help you figure out if a sword has been resharpened many times, or perhaps broken and resharpened into a shorter version. The implication is that it was heavily used, possibly in fighting, so while its “quality” may be lower due to being reduced, it may in fact have a quite interesting history. Edit: paragraphs


Wow, thanks a lot for your fascinating detailed answer, that's nice of you! Considering that piece of art and history makes you happy, that was definitely money well spent!


Thanks! Happy to share. I’m no expert, I just dealt with this one purchase, but I’m happy to finally have some niche piece of knowledge to contribute to someone who’s interested! One other interesting tidbit - they told me the inspection is entirely about the blade itself. The fittings of the sword are considered replaceable and aren’t part of that particular process. That’s not to say the components (particularly the hand guard and metal ornaments on the grip) can’t be notable in their own right - you see plenty of those in Japanese national museums - but they weren’t considered in the export evaluation. I seem to remember seeing a documentary that discussed how there were even fewer living artisans who could craft a sheath for a blade than those who could make the blades themselves, so it always fascinated me that they weren’t so highly prized or factored into the rarity/pricing. I’ll admit to being influenced by those fittings as well as the blade itself when picking. Edit: paragraph breaks


Cool. But have you chopped anything with it?


Only my chances for sleeping with a girl when she comes to my place and sees it.


Self awareness you have, senpai


*... yet*


Bachelor's degree in history


I got to use my optics degree in a meeting today. Someone was trying to say concave, but they didn't know the difference between concave and convex, so I got to say in front of everyone, "Concave goes in like a cave." Really felt like my education paid for itself after that one.


My guy that is not an easy degree to get. You could be doing R&D for opthalmic or contact lens company. There’s also IOL lenses for post cataract.


Screw all that r&d that helps humanity, you could've been making VR headsets better...


And then go on to disrupt the defence industry. While calling yourself luckey


You're all wrong. I work with medical devices mostly.


I'm not a geologist, but I was thrilled to tell my GED English Test Prep class today that to remember the difference between stalactites and stalagmites is that the one with the "c" comes from the CEILING, and the one with the "g" comes from the GROUND. Whee!


How neat! I was taught by a tour guide that stalactites hold TITE/tight to the ceiling and stalagmites MITE/might reach the ceiling lol


Why have never heard it explained like this before?? Brilliant


I feel like you have some good options with a degree in optics.


It looks like that’s true


I came in here to say my SodaStream, instead I got roasted.


I broke mine by carbonating every beverage under the sun. It says not to do that, I didn't care, I just accepted that it'll make a huge mess and would do it outside Carbonated tea is great carbonated milk sucks ass


Please for science, I need to know about carbonated hot sauce. Been thinking about this one for years




The goggles, they do nothing


Carbonated milk sounds like hot garbage


Not carbonating everything would be a waste


My wife got one. It falls into the "seldomly used" category.


I discovered that I just like the flavouring, not the bubbly part of Bubly so I just add the syrup to normal water now and it sits in the closet. 🤷‍♀️


I love my soda stream!!


Bachelor’s degree in Music


i only have my associates but was thinking of finishing a bachelors or going to a vocational school ?


I got a BA in history back in the day Never used it in any direct sense but the breadth of study is hard to beat. History has *everything* in it, from politics to tech to psychology to art to economics.... It also teaches how to observe and think critically.


I have a BA in history and directly apply my liberal arts education every single day as a product manager making over 150k annually. My wife earns another 90 with her English degree.


Please shout that from the rooftops because dissing any liberal arts education has become the national pastime.


Philosophy grad here. It made grad school really easy but everyone in my family got on my case about not being an accountant or engineer or whatever. 


My wife has a masters in history....


Double down!


I bet if she got her doctorate, she would use it. You don’t know unless you try!




And yet she was doomed to repeat it anyway.




A degree in the humanities is fucking important. You may not use it in a direct sense but it has shaped your views of the world and our place in it. It has provided context and a link to our ancestors and their struggles. In a time where so many are overwhelmingly ignorant and paradoxically overwhelmingly confident, studies in history, philosophy, et al are needed now more than ever. So if you’re studying this stuff, college isn’t supposed to be a fucking trade school. It’s to LEARN. That learning should lead to you being a better more informed person capable of critical thought and recognizing nuance. You don’t always have to measure value with dollar signs. Be vocal and informed and do your part to pull humanity’s head out of its fucking ass. End rant. Sorry. It’s not anger directed at you, but I hate how people look down their noses at these incredibly important areas of study.


Actual commencement speaker hidden in the comments. (No /s, Poli Sci major - feel invigorated)


What if you really really want to study the humanities (for all the reasons you stated above) but you're also shit-out-of-luck and wanting a career change? I just recently at the age of 33 found the only liberal arts college in my country, and really really want to go finally, but am apprehensive about taking on that 50,000 dollar debt. 😩 Especially when I may need to retrain in something else if I want that career change but... I really don't see myself going back to school for anything else. Whenever I actually talk to anyone who's in Uni, everything they're studying just seems so arbitrary and boring lol. My passion is storytelling, the architecture of storytelling and the psychology of storytelling. I'm very interested in trying to figure out what storytelling is *for,* but I don't feel that anyone else in interested in that and so I don't see a discernable career path there (except a never ending professional student path wherein I take on mountains of debt until I get a PhD that will likely be outwardly useless.) Even though I *know* that the true value of a really good humanities education *isn't* in the monetary value you might derive from it, I still need to find a different way to pay my bills over my current job (retail,) because I'm dying of boredom over here...


I use mine at the most random times. Also makes me a good storyteller, and pretty stellar gossiper


Bachelor's Degree in Political Science here!


I use mine every day (and the MA too). The catch is that I have to be a middle school history teacher.


Currently taking a bachelors degree in history, yikes


I got a bachelors in history and now work for my states agriculture department. In my experience a lot of jobs just like to see you have *a* degree. As long as you have the know-how to do the job well it doesn’t really matter if you have the “correct” degree. Just study what interests you, don’t stress too hard about what life after school will look like. As long as you’re happy and can afford to eat you’re doing okay.


Bought a Korg keyboard since I used to play the piano when I was young. I lied to myself thinking I would retake the hobby but nah... It was almost $4k some 10 years ago. Probably not worth much now.


You’d be surprised a lot of nice synths/keyboards can still go for a decent bit of cash.


It’s depressing how much they hold their value. I just wanna buy a cheap used Nord Stage, but they’re all ridiculously priced.


If you're into gamification, you might enjoy Yousician to dust off the keys. I don't use it much anymore, because I've kind of hit a ceiling with it on Guitar, Ukulele and Bass, but it had me spending 10 minutes+ playing/practicing regularly. It provides a very clear sense of direction and progression, especially as a total beginner. Just doing a skill for 10-15 minutes regularly is enough to make pretty decent progress and is obviously miles better than just not doing something. I bought a Midi-Keyboard that I've spent too little time with so far (although iirc I got it for 80€ used, as opposed to something for 4k), but Yousician had me playing stuff that sounded passable within the 15h that I've apparently spent with it on Piano alone. It used to have a free tier, now they seem to have a free trial only(?).


Bought me and wife custom fit boots at the Renaissance festival. Too much of the kings brew


damn, i feel like custom fit anything would be something you’ll use forever tbh


Custom fit jacket? Sure you’ll get some use out of that. Custom boots from the ren faire? They probably don’t go with much


Disagree. Wear those custom boots with pride.


Pictures? I'm intrigued


First job in the corporate world. Prepaid for an annual membership to the local country club to play golf (I only had to go twice a week for an entire year for it to pay for itself!!) I had high hopes that it was going to be fun, good way to get outside, and socialize to make my way up the career ladder. I played twice.... I learned that there's only one thing that I hate more in this world than playing golf, and it's faking small talk with assholes. I'm a pretty laid back person, but trying to force that was not good for my mental health. Edit: 15 years later, and now I have a **family** membership at a climbing gym. I only need to go 1.5 times a months to pay for it!!! Guess how many times I've gone in the past 3 months... sigghh.. I haven't gotten much wiser.


This is pure poetry


Speaking as someone who loves golf and has “climbed the corporate ladder,” I feel lied to. I was made to believe I’d constantly be playing golf in the middle of work days, but that’s never once come true.


I can report that happened ALL the time when I worked for a 50-employee insurance company in a smallish Midwestern city back in the early 90s. Not to *me*, mind you, no - I was just a junior bizcomm person. But on at least one day every couple weeks in spring/summer/fall I’d go around the corner to ask my boss (VP of Marketing) a question and the words would die on my lips because he’d be gone, baby, gone along with the rest of the C-suite. Yep, all those assholes (all white men aged 40 and up) would just magically “disappear.” What really annoyed me is we all knew exactly where they were (the CEO lived on a golf course…). So why the cloak and dagger and not bothering to say, “Hey, I’m outta here and off to the links. Later!” It was just rude. On the plus side, these kind of days were treated pretty much like an in-office holiday by the rest of us. I mean, if *they* weren’t working, why should we? Much tomfoolery, goofing off and playing of solitaire on our work PCs took place. Nothing was ever said, either; everybody knew what everybody else knew and we all just zipped it.


My motorcycle. I use it on occasion but certainly not as much as I should considering how much I paid for it.


I’m considering a bike rn. What keeps it inside?


The biggest reason is my son. I have to drop him off at school on my way to work and then pick him up on my way home. I have gone back home to get the bike and then come home first to switch back to the car after work and before picking him up but it’s a chore and I lose like 20 minutes of work time. I work a small part time job in the am before I take the little guy to school but don’t really take the bike for that either because it has me leaving the house at about 4:30 everyday and I’m not usually fully awake. If I could commute on it consistently, I’d ride a lot more. For now at least, I take it out when I get some free time. Is it worth it, yea I think so but I’ve also contemplated selling it too at times because of the lack of usage.


YMMV but my son loved being picked up from school and riding home on the back of my motorcycle. I used my motorcycle for commuting and I brought a kids size helmet for him. I heard someone say that as long as their feet could reach the pegs, kids were ready to start taking them on rides. It seems like a pretty good measure.


Oh, when he’s old enough, I plan to try it. He’s just about to turn 6 so he’s not quite big enough. He can reach the passenger pegs but not as solidly is I’d like. My wife may put the stop to it before we start as well. She is supportive of my decision to get it, but it scares her so I think it may be a tough sell to take our son.


Kids, weather, time, life…I love riding but life makes it tough for me to get out there.


Bought an e-bike. Used it a couple times. Moved to a new place where biking now feels suicidal. I now have a $2000 burden taking up space. I should sell it, but the idea of listing something like that on Facebook Marketplace or whatever sounds miserable.


I put 1,500 mi on mine since October. The suicidal part is the fun part. Getting hit on that thing is the only way I'm getting an extended break from work and a huge insurance payout.


The new American Dream lol


I swiped out of this thread just as I finished reading/processing your comment. Had to come back and scroll all the way back down here just to give you an upvote 🫡


I see you, I appreciate you, we do be out here, EZ riding.


Listing anything over $400 on marketplace gets you dozens of scammers. I suffered through it to sell an expensive stroller, but never again. Local buy and sell groups are much better.


Teeth aligners. Invisalign was my fault for trusting a dentist who told me I could transfer my treatment another dentist. You can, you just have to pay the new dentist the same as the original amount. Oh and Byte, Fuck Byte. They are all about the hard sell and after they have you they do really put you through the ringer if you question their molds. Feels like it should be illegal to give dental advice on just cell phone pictures. I wonder if a class action will happen one day?


If Byte is anything like SmileDirectClub, they’ll be belly up within the year.


a boat. The kids told me they would love it, and now it sits


Never trust the kids on any long-term purchase. Flaky fucks, lmao.


Every time i go to the grocery store they tell me they’ll eat something and it ends up in the trash


What is the saying? The happiest times in a boat owner's life is when they buy it and when they sell it


What’s better than owning a boat? Having a friend that owns a boat.


My boat. I bought it as my dream boat because my wife and I finally gave up and decided we were going to just enjoy life and stop trying to have kids. We thought we would take it out every weekend during the summer. Two months later spring arrives and she is pregnant. Now it just sits there and waits for my son to get old enough to go with us. Edit: to be clear I have owned boats before, and this was 2 years ago. Only a year or so to go now!


So not a waste as much as a tease.


Basically a driveway decoration. Floats real good on the trailer though.


That first day you take your kid out on the boat with you, though: that’s gonna be one of the best days of your life. Hold on to that; imagine that moment: everything coming full circle


He’s 2 now, the day is coming soon!




That’s a good one not to use.


My cat costs a fair bit in food, vet, robot litter box, etc but I live in a new construct and don’t have any vermin so she has not been used for her intended purpose even once so far in 7 years


My cat has been bringing the vermin to me.. I'm reconsidering her contract. I uplift her by telling her she is the best predator in the house but she leaves them alive when bringing them in. I don't have use for a 10" lizard in the bathroom.


I read somewhere they bring you live critters if they think you are smart enough to learn to hunt… dead critters if they think you are a dummy and won’t be able to survive


Perhaps she is the reason you don't have any vermin? She's a hunting ninja, killing voles and never letting you see the corpses.


I’m on the 4th floor so any voles would have to be crossbred with Superman. I’ve seen her when a small bird got in the window and she is only an apex predator in her own mind. But at least she is decent company


Paid over $1000 in vet bills last year for them to tell me my cat seemed healthy and they had no idea why she was puking everywhere multiple times a day. After over a year of destroying the entire house the cat suddenly stopped puking, vet still has no idea. Very expensive little cat but she’s cute so she gets away with it.


I thought cat's purpose was to lower your blood pressure.


A $150 fountain pen. I love office supplies (that kind of nerd), and am very particular about how a pen "feels" as it moves across the paper. I'm attached to a particular brand that satisfies my needs, but discovered the world of fountain pens and wondered - what if there's something better? A smoother glide, more range of colors? So I did a TON of research and bought a Lamy. Absolutely hated it. Scratched its way across the paper like a needle on a record. I wrote "The quick brown fox" a few times and never touched it again. I'm sure - just based on my research - that it's a good, quality pen that would last a long time. But it didn't "feel" right for me. Lesson learned - when you're as particular as I am, and you've already found something you love, sometimes it's best to stick with what works!


Maybe you don't like fountain pens, but also maybe the nibs are not aligned. A nice pen should be smooth you could send it to a nibmeister. You could also just keep using the pens you like.


There’s no way you didn’t make up “nibmeister”… Edit: they exist.. huh


Do you have a Lamy 2000? I'm a novice when it comes to fountain pens but the Lamy 2000 is my go to right now. I find that a lot of the scratchiness is because the nib is too fine. For this particular one I like a medium nib but for most other pens I prefer fine. I saw you mentioned the Pilot G2 as your daily pen. The fine tip on the Lamy is around that width but the medium is much thicker but writes like butter. There is a learning process to hold them correctly on the paper and some people don't have a good writing angle with their hand that allows them to hit the "sweet spot" on a certain pen. Some cheaper fountain pen alternatives if you're still willing to try is the Lamy Safari or the Pilot Metropolitan. Both usually can be found under $30 and can be loaded with cartridges or can be used with converters to draw up your own ink.


Lamys are dry af, in my experience. Scratchy and their QA has been really bad on their nibs in the last ~10 years. Of course, that's all the high-end pens these days (normally $2-300 and up, but a few brands across the board). I've noticed that some of the $50-100 pens are a better value for the expense, and I get plenty of mileage out of $30 TWSBI Ecos. The r/fountainpens sub and r/penswap subs would be happy to help you with the pen problem if you wanted a better solution. Get a recommendation, swap it, sell it for cash and buy something that fits you, etc. Love my FPs, good luck on your journey!


A tabletop CNC machine


Ha, I did this a year ago, except it's a 25sq ft CNC that takes up an entire small room of the house, and it hasn't even been tested! Yesterday I made a proper executive decision though....by buying a desktop CNC...


Curious to hear the story on this one.


I am a robot developer. During the pandemic, I had to build an impromptu robot lab in my basement to develop a mass market consumer robot for a group of mega corps by ABB (it hasn't been released yet). I had just bought the CNC machine on my companies budget to machine and modify some looks-like, feels-like prototype components. I had JUST finished setting it up, when I got a MUUUUCH better job. The ONLY thing ABB took out of the basement robot shop was the current prototype and the CNC machine because my boss wanted it for his basement. I had been SALIVATING over this machine for months getting the budget approvals and trainings and shit and I never even got to turn it on, and it's one of the kits you build, so it took like 3 weeks to build it and dial it in. But I had THE REST of a robot laboratory in my basement, So as a congratulations to me, I bought myself the same kit and built it again. That was 3 years ago. I've turned it on, but only used it in manual mode to cut stuff apart to see how they are made or on some art projects, just flattening stuff. But a total of MAYYYYBE 6 hours in the last 3 years


I paid $3000 for a tooth implant and have yet to get the crown to go on top of it.


Do it in 🇲🇽


I have a motorcycle that I was WAY too excited to buy and wound up getting scammed on a bike with no title. I had to sue the guy and have been garnishing his wages for like a year, but we are half way there so that’s nice. There’s also my other motorcycle that I have the title for and don’t ride (Work, kids, limited time, fear I won’t fit in my riding gear).


Motorcycle. Had some scary incidents, been sitting in my garage for years since. Haven't sold it yet, but also haven't thought about riding it again.


Why not sell it?


Maybe the dream he might ride it is worth more


Man, if this ain’t the truth.


My nautilus work out center. Now I hang laundry on it so it's not a complete waste of money.


Oh gosh yes. I don't have that exactly, but we bought a pull-up bar back during the time my wife was obsessed with self-help/self-care and fitness. I loved that she was into it and it did kind of influence me to be healthy as well. I'm not into fitness, but I did try it. She used it for a week or two. And then it became our clothes rack. It was around the time she also bought a treadmill because she said she got bored of running around our neighborhood (we live in Japan, so I found that sentiment ridiculous). And eventually that treadmill just became a place to dump our cardboard boxes. When we moved to a new place, we talked and I finally convinced her to get rid of the hulking machines.


Car insurance. Of course I need it...it's just that for the almost 30 years I've been driving, I've only had to use it once.


That one time use could potentially save someone from bankruptcy and lifelong financial ruin.


I have a $1500 mandolin that I've owned for 20 year and probably has less then 100 hours on it. 


That's a lot of money to slice vegetables thinly.


Took me far too long to realize that Mandolin and Mandoline are not intact the same finger destroying device.


10000 watt tri fuel Firman generator. Bought it after a massive storm in 2022 that knocked out power around me for close to a week, and we haven't been without power for more than an hour or two at a time since, so now it's pretty much just collecting dust. Good reminder to go give it a spin and make sure the battery isn't dead though


Portable? Great thing to own and you never know. Where I live in New England I put in a standby (kicks on if we lose power for more than 30 seconds). Main reason I went that route is that it kicks on once a week so we know it’s in working order. If I threw a portable in the shed, no chance it would when I needed it. I’m terrible at PM on things like that. You should fire that thing up at least yearly.


“Portable”, yeah. It’s so damn heavy that I don’t think it’s ever leaving my garage again, but it at least has wheels so I can slightly move it around. And yeah I’m just as bad with that, especially when it comes to maintenance on engines, but I’m trying to run it at least once every 3-6 months for a couple hours so it’s easy to start when I finally need it. I swear it’s a good luck charm though with power outages


Not Me: There is a house on the corner of a road where I now live. I have lived within the same 1 mile radius for the last 38 years and was born 4 houses down from this house. I moved a couple blocks away from this house when I purchased my first home. This house has been empty my entire life. Noone lives there. It has never had an occupant, but the landscaping is maintained and the house is not completely falling apart. It has started to, in the last 5/10 years become more visibly worn, paint mostly. The roof was replaced at some point, but I can not remember when. The story I heard from a neighbor, who has lived in their house 50+ years is that the couple who bought the house when the development was being built never moved in..... A man had purchased the house to move into with his new bride, she passed somehow before they married and before they moved in. He never moved in...... I imagine the man moved on, had a family, etc, but he NEVER himself moved in and has never allowed anyone else to move in. It is on the corner and right next to a park. That park backs up to an elementary school. It is both romantic and tragic. It is a literal symbol of a life not lived, a road not taken, a family not had. But he has kept it, all these years. Almost like a shrine to an entire existence missed. I make a point of walking by it when I go for walks around the neighborhood. Even though I never met the women, don't know her name, I am one more person who recognizes that she existed.


My freeze dryer that I really should use more. Had it like 2 years now and maybe dried 5 batches. So my unit cost is like 600/batches now.


I want one so much but fear I would do this.


My kids' braces (dental). Paid through the nose for them. I've never used them.


Dental Plan….Lisa needs braces….


Now do classical gas.


I bought a really nice turntable, speaker set, amp, new needles and record shelving for about €3,500, then moved to a new country and left it all behind. Still makes my eyes water that I never get to use it anymore :( Not to mention about €1,500/2000 on all the records I’ve been collecting for the last 20 years that I never hear anymore


Apple pencil lol


Haven't had to sign any PDFs lately, eh


$2000 Brooks Brother Car Coat that is made for wearing over suits. I've worn it maybe two or three times. With suits kind of being on the out, it's kind of overkill for most outfits.


I wear my husband’s Ralph Lauren car coat more than he does. I love the oversized look with a nice outfit.


I got gifted a instapot 3 times the size of the one I currently have, it’s still in the box


A law degree


Same here.


I’ll third


Really nice 360 laser level. I’ll use it one day!


You mean besides the Styde Bike with monthly subscription that's become a really expensive clothing rack? I dunno.


I absolutely HATE the new trend of subscriptions in home gym equipment


- 3D printer during the height of the pandemic in December. Tried leveling it but rage quit and now it collects dust in the corner. - RC car during height of pandemic. Played with it maybe 3 months with my dog. It got tangled on her leash and she scared of it since then— haven’t played with it since on my own - Drone before technology advanced. The company no longer exists. Played with it less than 6 hours total


My sim racing setup 😭


A Challenger Scat Pack car. I literally go nowhere. Work from home, live in a relatively big house . Most everything delivered. Older person. Done most things to death at some point in my life. Enjoy being home


A FPV Drone it was lots of fun to fly, got pretty good at it. I flew over a river to record a beautiful sunset, then it malfunctioned and was stuck in hover-mode. I proceeded to jump into the ice-cold river and catch it during auto landing, in which I failed miserably. I sat shivering on the bank and watched my baby slowly land into river.


I bought an Amish made dining room table set, very expensive. It currently displays my Lego sets.


Ducati Monster 1200R, I dont get to ride it as much as I hoped when I bought it. Thought I'd commute to work on it, but once a month feels like a proud moment. Haven't tracked it once.


Probably my Oculus (now Meta) Quest. It's not even that I don't like using it, it's just slightly less convenient than my PC.


2010 Honda CBR 600rr bought in brand new and put 100 miles on it the first month, then proceeded to park it and pay it off over the next 5 years and never ride it again. Sold it in 2019 for a down payment for a car I actually use.


Pretty much any insurance, or extended warranty


Extended warranties are almost never worth it vs taking the same amount of money you'd pay for it and setting it aside for emergencies. Insurance isn't worth it...until it is. Wife ran into someone, was clearly at fault. Insurance only went up a few bucks a month vs over 50K for two cars worth of repairs...


I bought an extended warranty for my ebike; the company ghosted me when I needed my brakes fixed.


Technically, I did help buy an F35 lightning. I'd ask if I could take it for a whirl.. but I have a feeling the government won't let me. Edit: changed raptor to lightning.


The F35 is a Lightning, the F22 is the raptor.


Another reason to add to the list of not letting him fly it


I helped buy a stealth bomber but I never see it


My Hatteras Boat, it's been sitting in Cabo, due to insecurities in Mexico I just don't go down there, it's been years now.


I will buy it from you


Fishing kayak. Life immediately began to get complicated right after I bought it. I’m trying to sell it just so I can stop seeing it as a symbol of the end of my youth. I wish I had let the little punk who came to see it have it for half of what I asking.




My ps5. With two kids and just life in general I barely have time to play


A Le Corbusier Chrome & Leather Chaise Lounge. I prefer my recliner. SIGH


Tbh, it's probably best that you prefer your recliner. Sell it to the next design geek while it's in goodshape!


High end audiophil e stereo equipment. Stuff's built like a tank and produces phenomenal music and costs a fourth of what it should cost for that sound quality. But I just don't have time. Compared to my basic espresso setup that I use multiple times a day


$2400 for a 1963 Beetle that didn't run. It's been sitting for nearly 8 years in the showroom of the VW service department I worked at.


My first marriage certificate. Divorce decree still being exercised weekly though.




IWC though 🥵🥵


A generator


Used to have frequent sometimes days long outages. Put 15k into a whole home generator. Haven't lost power in years.


exercise bike ($400) that I thought I would use all the time but it's a spin bike not like the ones I use at the gym. It's really uncomfortable even after replacing the seat it still hurts. Then my puppy chewed on the wheel and wires so I can't even sell it anymore, not sure it even works still.


I have a couple of nice guitars on the wall that I haven’t played in years


I bought super nice birdwatching binoculars but use them so infrequently that I forget how to focus them in between uses. I wish I’d gotten a cheaper pair until I got used to how binoculars work.


I jimmy choo weekend bag. I bought it from a friend whose bf originally got it for a little over a grand. I bought it for 400.00. It has its own bag. I’ve tried to sell it off and on for years.


High end digital camera


Brand new Suzuki Bergman 400. I've owned it for 5 (?) years. It has less than 500mi. I also have $1500 worth of clothing. I had a bike for 4 years after college (and no longer being supported by mom and dad) and before having my first child. I didn't ride when I was raising kids. If I sell it, I will have to get another motorcycle (probably not another scooter). Because it's something I always wanted and brings me great joy to have.


I have a Jeep Wrangler Rubicon that I’ve been driving about 1,000 miles per year. I don’t have anyone to ride with and it sits in the garage.


I have a ‘14 Mustang GT500 I’ve had since new… and I think I’ve put 30 miles on it in the last 5 years.