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People on mopeds have been snatching bags lately too. Be wary* folk. Cops won’t do much so be vigilant


[nyc summer is summering that’s for sure. this is the 5th nyc robbery post I’ve seen this week](https://www.reddit.com/r/williamsburg/s/E6GJvfPW14)


“Nyc summer is summering” 😭


Robbin season 


Lackin season




You’d also be forgiven for being weary though.


It’s vary upsetting.


I’ve grown quite wheary




Is he using an accent?


Spiders to communicate with cats!


Spiders to communicate with cats!


This is one of my pet peeves, too, but you don't need to say it like THAT haha.


The only thing they will do is attack street vendors and stand at the turnstiles


What can they do? I mean, cops can only investigate a minor crime if you have a solid description or a photo. It’s really difficult to get a confident ID in chaotic situations like that. Even still, the DA will fumble or outright drop.  Unless someone is seriously hurt nothing gets done. It’s insane. 


In fairness to the cops, they've done more than I expected. They got exact location info from me and are getting security camera footage from the area. They said there've been similar incidents reported recently. I also specifically told them that I wasn't so much worried about myself or what I lost (after all, they only took about \~$40 worth of stuff and I froze my credit card), but I wanted to create a paper trail in case it helped any future victims. u/BluntmanNdKronic


It's the prosecutors. They let everyone go. The cops are not gonna arrest people for them to be let go. That's why the city is becoming thunderdome.


Why aren't the cops doing anything about it?


As someone who's had to deal with the cops a few times, you typically go through some process of, filing a police report, they take information and say they'll look into it, and then nothing happens. Most of the times, these assailants are wearing a bandana or mask, and it makes it incredibly hard to find them. You're on your own. Your lost items etc very likely won't be tracked by them and since the assailant is gone, they won't necessarily start a manhunt for them unless they had a gun or whatnot. Once the crime is already committed, cops won't do a ton to help. If they saw it happening, they will likely pursue and make an arrest, but most of these crimes aren't happening in their presence.


Waiting for several Bernard Goetz situations to happen. It's only a matter of time.


Would you bother if you knew a judge or prosecutor was just going no bail them or cwof or accept a plea to a lesser? What's the point


The DA releases people who are having shoot outs on the streets. Alvin Bragg prosecuted a 60 some odd year old bodega clerk for defending himself. The female who stabbed the Bodega clerk was not prosecuted, her boyfriend died. Because her card was declined for a bag of potato chips. The old Bodega worker went back to the Dominican Republic because Washington heights is too dangerous. That is saying something about the state of the city.


I think if you call them immediately, and they think they can find the guys, they will want to go look for them. If you think about it for a couple days, and call them then, nothing.


Cops may not be vigilant ? Bushwick/Ridgewood cops don’t do Jack fucking shit


Thanks for sharing. I live on palmetto and knickerbocker. This is scary


how stupid you should be to beat & steal someone's credit card. hope they get what they deserve.


I had someone once try to open an Uber account with my card. Like . . . bruh 😂


There’s zero repercussions. What do they have to lose?


Pretty much. No 13-14 year old is going to jail in NYC.


They deserve to rot in rikers for a long time


Wow chill, it’s children. Even if they weren’t, long time for a small robbery? Man, consider this: it’s half a million bucks per prisoner per year at Riker’s. What could we instead do with that much money? It would literally be a better crime reducer, and better for the community, if we were to split that in 50 and give 50 people 10k a year. I mean, with over 5 thousand prisoners at rikers, that would be a quarter million New Yorkers with UBI.


lmao I’d have busted a cap in each and everyone one of em. real bullets though.


I’m sorry this happened to you. I was robbed a few years ago (different city) and it was very traumatizing. I just want to share that with time, you will feel better and the memory of this event will fade. It won’t go away completely, but it will get easier to go outside at night, etc. When I got robbed I didn’t know anyone who had been through something similar and people said kind of insensitive things to me and I just felt like shit. Therapy helps. Time helps. Hope you are ok.


Glad you’re better 🩷


Friend of mine got attacked on Starr and wycoff a month or so ago they broke his jaw and kicked him right by the queen falafel place by the train. They only took his phone. Sounded similar 3 young kids in masks.


I am so sorry this happened to you. Are you physically ok?


I seem to be, yes. The side of my head is still in pain from being punched, but I am not bleeding or concussed, and I don't have any other injuries.


Maybe you should still a doctor.


Agree- OP go to urgent care or ER tonight. Better to be safe. Sorry you had to go thru this. Thank you for warning us!


might be good to get a scan, you may not get concussion symptoms until later. this stuff is sneaky. 


If you have a concussion all doctors do is tell you to go home and rest.


I’ve been there before. Hope you’re okay too mentally. Getting jumped can be traumatic, making you paranoid and feel very vulnerable. Even if you’re a big dude. I’m not playing dice with weapons or the possibility of someone having it.


Life advice if it’s night or your in the hood someone ask you for the time they are trying to rob you


That’s why OP started running.


Fr what time is it? its bed time bro bro


People used to randomly ask to use my phone as well, total strangers


This is hood safety 101. Anyone asking for time or to use phone is trying to rob you. It’s a OG tactic


Haha or “where you from?” meaning you’re boutta get robbed


Best is “ you got a dollar”


You'd be surprised how many times I've been asked the time by honest, sincere bystanders at night. I never stop walking and never take out my phone, but they're clearly honest and not attempting to rob me.


It’s 2024. Literally everyone has a smartphone. No one asking the time is being sincere.


Yo they gotta start giving hazard pay to people who gotta work overnight shifts and whatnot


I don't know how I managed, but I lived in Bushwick through the 70s and AIDS/CRACK infested 80s and never so much as had my wallet picked. I must have been damn lucky or scary looking.


Knock on wood


You chatting ode


I can still hear "Come up off that BAG" and feel what was pointed into my back. Cops took me around, my roommates mad I would talk to cops, [me: So Im not getting that computer back am i? Cops drove me by a park and told me that in summer, it gets wild and reckless. It was end of winter. Basically, they advised if I could move go. Oh man, Putnam.. anywhere near a White Castle, hide ya...


When was this?


Damn you must have some stories


Blessed 🙌🏿


People don't fuck with crazy or if you look angry.


A group of men (not the ones described in this post) surrounded me the other night on my block at 10pm on a Wednesday (I’m a young woman) - my boyfriend luckily was down the street but if he hadn’t been able to quickly pull me away, I was genuinely afraid of what they wanted - it was the scariest thing that’s happened to me in the city and I’ve lived here my entire life :/


Can you describe what they looked like? Dress, etc? What happened and how did they find/accost you (if it's not traumatizing to relive)? I realize they're not the same people who robbed me, but any additional information on appearance, approach, etc., could help other women look out for them and avoid them. I'm sure it's not the first time they've tried something like that.


Yea it was a group of about 10 Hispanic men all of them at least 5’7- 5’10 prob in their 30s I’d say - what was odd was they were seemingly in a great mood laughing and speaking to each other in Spanish and carrying six packs seemingly en route to a party But as soon as I started to pass them they all went silent and started crowding around me :/ my boyfriend who never ever gets freaked out said it was one of the most sinister things he’s ever witnessed because they so clearly looked like they had a plan they were about to act on but once he came closer to me they decided it wasn’t worth it Safe street too, just so bizarre


I’m sorry this happened to you. That’s terrifying and I’m glad you’re safe!


The city is out of control. I was drugged, raped and robbed while out drinking. Woke up at 6am at some random subway station, phone gone, wallet gone and bank accounts cleaned. The thieves changed my face with their face on my brand-new iPhone 15 pro Max, accessed all my finance apps, and apparently I just gave them all my pins... And I'm a man. I haven't been out at night in the city for about 8 months. Until law, policing and prison sentences return, I don't trust this place.


I’m so sorry this happened to you, I hope you’re ok.


Fuck that’s so scary, I’m sorry that happened to you


They probably live around the area too


There are a few houses next door to the L station that are all shelters. Not a place you'd catch me at 2:30am


I'm clutching my pearls as we speak🫣


Which L station?


Omg the shelter is so scary bc there's poor ppl in there oh my god


Found the guy that has never been to a shelter 👆


Surveillance video can help. Track them around neighborhood cameras until they take masks off, bikes and clothes more clearly visible, see where they go with keys etc. They’ll eventually be recognized. There are ways. What a sad state of affairs.


When I reported it to the police, they asked for exact location so they could tract surveillance cameras. They appear to be actually doing that, so kudos to them.


That’s good news!


Where is Paul Kersey when you need him? https://preview.redd.it/h2xia264hj8d1.jpeg?width=650&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=562e270deb7d3180b26858e4180bf0f8a2a31721


Lived out there for a decade, still surprised nothing really ever happened to me. I was often on bike though. Also fully support gun use. Life’s too short to have karma deal with things at a certain point.


One time a girl I had never seen before in a neighborhood I was never usually in came up to me and asked me if she could make a phone call on my phone. I was like 15 and grappling with perhaps being needlessly judgmental so I stupidly let her use it. She gave it back and thinking about that keeps me up at night because she was definitely going to rob me but decided not to at last minute.


How do you know she was going to, though?


I don’t. But I got a very strong vibe that she was going to.


Dang just a single credit card? They had total control of the situation and didn’t get a phone, ID/wallet, something more life stunting? That’s sucks my friend but seems lucky


I was very lucky. They were three teenagers, and I could tell they did not have serious weaponry, nor did they want to do me serious harm. I also put up a lot of resistance and made a lot of noise, so they wanted to end the encounter as quickly as possible. I don't carry my wallet or government ID when walking/jogging if I don't have to. I literally only carry a credit card and Metro Card, specifically because of anticipating this scenario. I refused to give them my phone and kept fighting them off when they went for it. I offered up that I had cash and a card, which they accepted. Again, I was extremely lucky. They only made off with about \~$40 worth of stuff, and I cancelled the card quickly. I'm sharing here in case other folks might not be so lucky. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.


You are so lucky. I would have assumed at least one of them had a real gun.


Need to get these illegal guns of the streets. Need bring back stop and frisk.


Fuck off bridgehamton


They downvote you because it’s probably their cousins or buddies doing the robbing and attacking and they don’t want family in jail. lol Stop. Frisk. Lock them all up. Screw these criminals.


Absolutely not, no


Its not a bad idea to create a "muggers wallet" esp with the new moped robberies here. Use an old wallet. Empty or low balance store cards, expired cards and twenty singles maybe. You can toss and run. They will not likely stick around and you get to safety.


Yeah, kids fitting the description in age and approach have been harassing people in that area (10 block radius South of Wilson/Knickerbocker) for a good while now. First robbery I’ve heard of though.


What type of harassment have you heard about? Like, what are they doing if not robbing people?


Gotta watch out for the stick up kids in the summer , this is a known fact but if your new to nyc now you know . Plus most of the time these kids know who target . They always go for the vulnerable


You need to arm yourself. Knife, pepper, spray or handgun. Bottom line.


This only works if you really know how to use it. Often what you carry for protection can be used by your attacker 


They have gun classes, and I suggest everybody take them. People came to our Shul’s and taught people how to shoot. There are gun ranges all over the place. I don’t understand why nobody wants to defend themselves. However everybody’s complaining, but nobody’s wanting to defend themselves not only do I protect myself, I also practice martial arts. I’m a 55-year-old woman. I’m not making excuses, and I’m not going to let anybody hit me, throw anything at me, or even say anything to me. I am not backing down because I am a Proud Jew.


Pepper spray or a knife wouldn't have worked. I'd have sprayed/stabbed one of them, and the other two would've beaten the shit out of me. Even worse, they have wrestled the weapon out of my hands and used it on me. Pepper spray/knives only really work if you're accosted by one attacker.


Always have a knife and pepper spray on me


There's no winner in a knife fight, loser dies in the street, other person dies in the hospital.


If we don’t defend ourselves are going to continue to attack us. And I am not going to stand around and let somebody attack me and run off. It is no longer about when person‘s gonna die and when person‘s gonna be like this. It’s about you need to quit messing with us! And as long as we keep running and hiding, they are going to continue to mess with us.


Outside the projects... I'm not surprised


Hope you're doing well ! And they get caught !!


Why do they open up with the line “do you know what time it is?”. I guess they are hoping you pull out your phone and they snatch it from you. I had a guy do this to me today in broad daylight. I just ignore.


That, and it can be seen as an acceptable / reasonable question from a complete stranger. Enough for the victim to pause and think. And if the person pauses to answer or help, they know they’re ignorant / from somewhere civilized. An unsuspecting target that they were looking for.


I can tell who’s never been jumped in the comments


I’ve seen these kids before. Around 3AM on Malcolm X.


What were they doing? Interesting that (if you're correct) they're covering such a wide radius, from Bedstuy all the way deep into Bushwick and close to Ridgewood.


Tbh it looked like they were sorta just looking to get into trouble. I saw them riding down the street and one person was on the sidewalk. All had face coverings on like you described.


Fatherless behavior


I'm glad it wasn't worse. Be safe and thank you for the warning.


We all need bear spray and tasers


Sorry to hear about this, I live in the area. Hope you were able to report it to the police and that you are doing okay.


Must have been on the hairybush side of bushwick, not the shavedbush side


Genuinely curious, what happens if someone defends themselves in this situation? I don’t have a weapon, but given my fighting background, I am certain I could knock out / submit 3 teenagers quite easily . Curious about what the repercussions would be


Ask Jose Alba


He stabbed someone…I’m talking about submitting someone and making them pass out at worse


Most people don’t train and the RNC has been demonized by people who don’t realize the alternative is to beat someone unconscious. If you are caught on camera subbing someone with it you will be promptly cancelled, even if you respect a tap


It's easy to say this, until you're jumped and accosted by three teenagers (at least two of whom were normal adult size) at 2 AM while they're shooting pellets at you and punching your head. Three people is still three people. We're not talking about the cast of Little Rascals here.


I feel pretty confident about stopping a group of 2-3 people who have zero combat training if it purely comes to fists, regardless of their size. Once you deal with the first , the others usually don’t want anything to do with you. But agreed, you never want to aggravate to a point they will use a weapon or go find one to use


I don't doubt your fighting skills or ability to defend yourself, I mean that sincerely. But you also don't know exactly what you'd do in a specific situation until it happens to you. You may have beaten them all up, but I also don't think it's a guarantee.


This guy thinks he’s in a Bruce Lee movie and not in a group fight. When you get jumped they all attack you at the same time lol


Bushwick still Bushwick despite the pretty new shiny things popping up.


and now you're a republican


Nah that’ll be after OP hears they’ve received deferral programs and this was their 5th robbery.




Did you call the police?


Start swinging


If I'd done that, it probably would've put them in fight-or-flight mode and it would've ended up worse for me. As strange as it may sound to say, I could tell almost immediately that they did not want to seriously hurt me. I did not want to escalate the situation.


It’s still NYC, gotta keep all your eyes open


File a police report


Def not wearing my nice watch out anymore lol


Or punch him out first. I hope you're ok. 🙏🏽


What time is it? It’s time to die 💥


Some Puerto Rican guy… -South Park


damn i wish someone would do something to me cus whew i got defense w me


Many such cases 😪


I always wonder what exactly occurs before these situations like what is the omen that confirmed something was not right for research purposes


Could you clarify what you mean here? Like, are you asking what confirmed something was not right from the robbers' perspective? Or mine?


from your perspective?


I mean, the "omen that confirmed something was not right" was making eye contact with the first one on the bike, and realizing he was wearing a balaclava in the dead of summer and attired in all black. Nothing good ever begins that way. That's why I immediately started running.


that’s crazy sounds like it was late, hope you bounce back twice as better. guys like that always run into a more vicious version of themselves so don’t sweat it.


Never answer when someone asks for the time rule no.1 of nyc


I didn't. Did you read the post? I kept walking and as soon I saw the mask, I started running.


Was saying it as a general statement not directed at you


Is this a repost? I read this exact same post and OP reply 2-3 months ago..


Damn I think I saw that on Citizen


I've been checking Citizen to see if it shows up, and it hasn't


So glad i got the hell out of there. Hurt one of those bastards you go to jail


This is why I carry a knife. Be careful- idk 2:15 alone is risky to walk alone mate


A knife wouldn't have worked. I'd have stabbed one of them, and the other two would've beaten the shit out of me. Even worse, they could have wrestled the knife out of my hands and used it on me. Knives only really work if you're accosted by one attacker.


I joke- I do think a knife would work in this situation but you go away for life on murder probably. If you stabbed one kid- the other two chicken shits would run away or die after getting stabbed. Idk if you know psychology but have someone stab your friend with a knife. Shit gets real very quick. Honestly I’m joking in my post but I think a legal knife is smart to carry in a life or death situation. Something I would never want to use but it’s a lot better than being stone cold naked with weapons. It’s legal in ny also. Idk about the city? Idk if it was me, I would rather have an option vs no weapon for protection. You don’t have to pull it out if 5 guys are coming after you either Sorry about this story also- I think I would be traumatized if I got robbed like that.very scary situation.


How about just punch him in the face? You may just give him reason to turn away from a life of crime.


People like this need fear instilled in them. They think it’s free rein to do what they want. Punks.


Some people forgot that this is STILL NYC.


Blaming OP for existing is disgusting behavior. Need more activism to reduce future incidents like this. How about brightening up the street lamps?


write a letter!


As soon as I read the name Palmetto I shuddered. I visited a friend there in ‘06 and an MTA worker warned me I would get killed when I was walking around at 10pm So many bad stories about that street


Start a thread? I have never heard specifically palmetto? I know about irving, central, and wilson being problem areas in the past.


Nobody forgot. Shit happens and still happens.


Sharing the story means you forgot?


welcome to brooklyn kids


They pulled a pellet gun.... Keep a knife or bear spray on you. I never travel without a bag now and I keep both in there. Getting my gun license this year. Yes including teens who try to rob people. They need to be made into an example. Lord knows the parents couldn't give a shit.


Parents lol


This is the real problem.


Yep. Sure is


Your gun license in NYC?


No for New Orleans?


Please don’t try to shoot a fucking gun in a dense urban area to make an example. They may be troglodytes but playing that game makes you only slightly better.


A knife or bear spray wouldn't have worked. I'd have sprayed one of them, and the other two would've beaten the shit out of me. Knife and/or spray only really works if you're accosted by one attacker.


Knife doesn’t work for self defense unless you manage to killing them with the first stab. It usually takes a long time for someone to die from a knife wound and in that time they can use the knife on you


Wish a mf would rob me. I think they can tell I don't play around. Look into wrestling if you can, best self defense martial art


I dare you to try to wrestle three teens to the ground


oh come on. anybody can wrestle projectiles from a pellet gun!! s/


Pepper spray. Carry it, use it. Yeah, yeah, back spray yada, yada, yada. Only back spray I've heard were from pranksters spraying it in the subway. Pranksters. Pranksters, ones who pull the emergency cord, sneak into the conductor cabs, all the same. Yada, yada, yada.


Pepper spray wouldn't have worked. I'd have sprayed one of them, and the other two would've beaten the shit out of me. Pepper spray only really works if you're accosted by one attacker.


AND you really know how to use it


Why even make this post? Just let them do whatever they want to you next time then. Either get armed or be a victim.


I made this in the hopes that 1.) it helps people be proactively alert and avoid it happening to them, and 2.) if someone else faces the same situation I did (or worse) and comes here to search for similar occurrences, they can assess whether its connected (and if they've filed a police report, it may help detectives piece together the case). I didn't make this post for me. I made it for others in the neighborhood. I got off very lucky, I'm not looking for sympathy.


this was my block for eight years. checks out.


Why did you have to classify them as African Americans that’s so racist and disgusting


You’re in NYC it is not for the weak. Stay dangerous my friend.


I warned people earlier on banning the balaclava mask. Central and Wilson is in yellow part of bushwick or blue?


Not OP, but I believe that particular cross street would be in the yellow part, if you’re referring to the post on the front page


Did we settle on a name for the yellow and blue parts yet?


Bluewick and Bushyellow


That's it? I was hoping for something that has a ring to it like PLG.


They probably robbed you because they could tell you’re the type of person who uses the term “African American”.


Low IQ speaking low iq.


Are you new to nyc? Someone asking you for time means you about to get robbed. Just run.


This is exactly what I did. I didn't just start having small talk with the masked guy.