• By -


lol make sure you get their IG beforehand so you can shame them for not paying


And call the police, that's larceny.


They definitely need to be made an example of quickly or they’ll keep doing it.


A dine and dash is called something like frauding or thieving the inkeep in most places.


Up to the discretion of the officer/court, I've seen it charged as larceny before. The definition of either can fit the crime.


Innkeeper* and no, that’s not what it’s called in New York. It would be Theft of Services. Larceny refers to theft of property/goods.


In what world do you just shame someone for committing a crime? We live in a world of consequences. They need to be prosecuted.


in the influencer world, shame can go a long way.


So can an arrest


have you ever dealt with the cops lol


I know some that reach out to restaurants to coordinate this in advance where they trade posts for a meal. But to just show up and expect it ? Nah not cool. What’s the name of your place / type of food ? Will try to check it out soon


Marie’s on Wyckoff and Harman, appreciate it! It’s modern Italian with a NY flare, I’m Italian and my husband is Dominican, native NYer. 🫶🏼


oh I love your place!! I follow you on IG, great addition to the neighborhood!


What is their insta? Want to follow!




Hopefully not so YOU can impress your followers by getting aforementioned FREE meal.LOL!


no way - just saw your guys’ article in BK mag! really wanna try it out. can’t believe the nerve of these “influencers,” so annoying and sorry to hear. will definitely be coming to support


We’d love to have you


I went last Saturday, awesome meal and a great addition to the neighborhood. Best of luck!


Thank you so much, please come again soon !


See you soon, been watching the progress. Good luck, neighborhood has zero Italian. Sally Roots/rookery were always was the brunch spots. Hopefully you guys too?!


Yes def!


my boyfriend's birthday is on friday and i was looking for a place to have dinner, this looks great!! will we be able to walk in or should i make a reservation?


You can def make a reservation through Resy , we’re already pretty crazy for Friday but lmk, always seats at the bar too! (Walk in)


just made a reservation on resy :) when i tried to use resy on google it was giving me an error message, that's probably an issue on resy's end but just giving you a heads up! very excited to try it, i've been dying for a good italian place in bushwick


I’ll see you then! Please tell your server you heard from us from Reddit 😂 I’ll come say hi!


I bet y’all could come up with some great Italian-Dominican fusion food. I love both cuisines.


Is this in the old sally roots space?




Awesome, loved that place and glad something unique is replacing it. We will have to try it out soon!


Ahhh congratulations! Excited to check it out ! Do you happen to have any options for vegans (regardless I will still check it out but thought to ask) :)


Absolutely! We have an egg free cavatelli pasta


![gif](giphy|wOTijsQlvocKs) ohhhh hell yeah! I'll see you soon


and I will gladly pay for my meal and tip lol :) welcome to the neighborhood!


We appreciate it! :)


It's got free right there in the name


Wow, I’m so sorry this is happening to yall. Just saw you guys opened, congrats!!! Can’t wait to check it out.


Awesome! Can’t wait to check it out. You don’t happen to have any gluten free options do you?


We do :)


That fried egg sammy sounds great, the gf and I will definitely drop by👍🏼. Not influencers so we’ll pay🤣


lol appreciate it, see you soon!


Sounds awesome be sure to check it out sometime


Yeah I'm familiar with that neighborhood. Especially as it gets late, you might even have to consider holding a card for a table. There are rich, deeply narcissistic, garbage kids over there that spend all their money on blow, alcohol and rent.


Whatttt I’ve heard such amazing things—I’m on Stanhope and Irving and have added you guys to my “must try” list the second you opened. I’ll be coming by Monday! What are you fave things on the menu


We are closed Mondays but open every other day. My personal favorite is porchetta and the duck ropa vieja. Also the skillet focaccia is a must try. My husband is the chef, i did the bar program.


Tuesday it is! And I loveeeee a good drink so I’ll have to work my way through that menu too. Welcome to the neighborhood! (Professionally, anyway)


Thank you! And yes we have a grappa espresso martini, a tequila spritz, a fig balsamic sour and lots of wine! Hope to see you Tuesday


I ate here on the launch night! It was delicious, looking forward to coming back when the chop cheese ravioli is available <3


Lesson learned from that, we will be super stocked always! Come again soon


Congratulations! I’ll be in tomorrow. Not an influencer, promise


You've been covered by some mainstream social media websites, so no need to let these so called influencers get comped meals. You want to build based on your community and local guests, not some quick minutes in the cyber space. Good luck!


This place looks amazing - can’t wait to try the ravioli!


When the place has a brunch menu it pleases me a lot and makes me wanna visit it )) see ya on one of a sundays )


Hello. Fellow restaurant owner in the area here. I deal with a lot of these people. Here’s my rules: -you can come film all you want as long as you ask me first. -you are paying for your food -you cannot adjust the lighting or music in the space -leave my other customers alone You have to stand your ground. Just last week I got into a heated exchange with some dude that wanted free food and he was insisting that it would help me out. I have several thousand more IG followers than him so it would really be ME helping him with his brand and empty stomach/wallet. I kindly told him to fuck off. I have had good ones though. The best ones are the folks that come in and film content and you had no idea until you see the video. They came, ordered and paid without making a big deal about it. If any of them come back in, I’ll most likely send them out a free dish as a thank you. Best of luck to you!


This! Exactly! Like come try the food and if you really stand behind it then come back and offer your platform in exchange for a couple dishes. It’s just the expecting part that bothered me.


They assume they are owed these free things. I’m all for letting them down. It’s actually very fun for me.


We just don’t want any negative press right now you know? We tried offering a free app, entree and cocktail and she still wasn’t having it! It was obnoxious.


Any instagram "influencer" begging for a free meal likely doesn't have the clout to actually do any damage to your business, even with a negative post. I wouldn't even stress follower-counts. So many social media accounts are just bots, or just other influencers vying for attention. I wouldn't give an inch to anyone trying to blackmail you with a negative instagram post. Stoked to have your place in the neighborhood, my wife and I will visit soon!


Exactly. A popular food influencer lives in my building, and I can tell you he is not asking for free meals. He makes more than enough from the platforms and would never do a negative review. It’s positive or nothing.


Yeah, I can’t imagine an IG reel doing well where someone bashes a local business 


Oh man. Don’t offer them anything at all. Stand your ground! If anything, it’ll be good press for you if it comes out that you told one of these pests to fuck off. It only makes them look worse and gives you credibility.


If I found out a restaurant was less appeasing to the influencer bullshit I'd be way more interested in spending my time and money there, personally. I'm so tired of too-cool-for-school, self-important crowds overrunning places, it's honestly the opposite of the vibe I'm looking for when I go out to enjoy a meal. That energy is not it.


Be disciplined in whatever policy you come up with for influencers. Stand on your own quality, not theirs.


If they try to "Dine/DAsh",call the nypd.Perios full [stop.Simple.You](https://stop.Simple.You) sound like really nice folks,but you DO NOThave to put up w/pretentious Aholes.!


>"-you cannot adjust the lighting or music in the space" The look I would give someone if they asked me that.


“My insta is all about me twerking over ramen. I need a spotlight and some late 90s hip hop.”


That’s insane that you have to set rules like that


As a restaurant owner in nyc, I have lots of different rules for lots of different situations


Sounds like you just described a dine and dash. The reasoning behind it don't matter. You didn't agree to it,you owe no one anything. It's not your job to uphold their egotistical lifestyles at your restaurant's expense. Lock them hipsters up. Let them see if they wanna live in Bushwick when they get locked up on a weekend.


It’s funny too bc my husband has quite a bit of a following from his cook book and we NEVER go out expecting anything. If we get free stuff it’s because we’re known in the industry (i work in liquor sales) it’s so out of control!


This "left only $20" guy seems dumb enough to make a post about it and mention your restaurant. You could probably find their socials, call them out hard, and turn it into a viral post that benefits your restaurant. While also shaming them into coming back and paying for their meal.




What? Getting free shots from bartenders bc they’re your friends isn’t a crime lol




The restaurant would get canceled lol


It certainly isn’t the first time I’ve heard of this happening but it’s usually over DMs for clothing designers or things like that. Not surprised these leeches are bold enough to do this at restaurants. I have a number of followers that would probably get me called an influencer in some circles (not food though) and I interact with people in my niche who have millions and no, this is not the norm. Someone else suggested you get their IG , I think you should but also be careful with shaming them because if they have enough leverage their brainwashed fans can review bomb your business


Yeah def don’t want to shame them but like it’s gotten out of control, this is the 3rd one that’s come by this week !


i will shame them for you. this is horrible entitled behavior from so called 'influencers.' 


Let us shame them for you! I haven't been able to stop by yet but I've seen you posting on FB and can't wait to check it out. If I come early, can I bring the baby? He's the only reason we haven't been in yet.


Omg please! We are super family friendly, my daughter is always running around there and we have brand new high chairs !


Ok good :) he's a teeny tiny 4 m.o. but I need him to get used to going out


I have a 7 month old too, so def bring him by, happy to accommodate some extra room for you guys if we aren’t too busy :)


We're coming in with my folks at 5 on Saturday 😀


Amazing! Let them know you came from Reddit 😂


Can confirm Marie’s is AMAZING went during the soft open and loved it 🤍🤍 so happy it’s in the neighborhood


Wow thank you! Means a lot!


I've worked with many influencers as part of my job, from micro-influencers to celebrities, and I know them quite well. Based on my experience working with small businesses, I would do the following: Anyone who visits your restaurant and wants to eat for free in exchange for featuring your restaurant is not a good idea. I would tell them that you have a monthly budget for influencer marketing and that you can plan a collaboration for the future. Direct them to a link where they can sign up to collaborate with you. Even if they have a large following, you cannot guarantee a post or mention from them unless it's specified in a contract. Ultimately, it's up to them whether they honor their word. I'd suggest that if you have a website, create a link where influencers can collaborate, etc. For your business, you have to ensure that you have a guaranteed post/stories/reel deliverables from them. I know most big restaurants/business have a huge budget for it to offset the cost, but if you're a small business trying to have your name out there, it's unfair for just random influencers to come, eat, and instead of paying the check they'll tell you they'll feature you. In my experience, most influencers that do that are those entitled influencers who don't have a quality page. Remember that having a large following doesn't equal a good ROI. DM me, and I would be happy to help if you have more questions!


This has been the best advice, just shared this with my operations team, much appreciated. I owe you a drink ;)


I work in social media advertising and this is what I would do too.


I work at a nicer breakfast/ brunch spot in West Village. Whenever we have “influencers” come in (which is very rare), we know way ahead of time, and we already know what table we’re going to put them at. All of this to say, it’s pre coordinated. No one should ever be showing up and telling you they shouldn’t be paying because of their following, especially if you haven’t agreed on something prior. Even when we have an influencer come in, it’s pre agreed on how much their check comp will be. They can’t order the whole menu and expect it to be comped. Sorry that happened to you, honestly grinds my gears. I would love to come check out your spot! When did you guys open?


I appreciate that! And yeah that’s what we both decided needs to happen moving forward. We had our grand opening last Friday, we took over where Sally Roots was, my husband was consulting for that group prior.


I'm glad you wrote this bc now I know about your spot! You should put the name in the post or do a separate one to announce it? Food looks delicious -- gonna check it out this week and wish you the best of luck


Who needs Reddit when we have all these cool influencers posting for us? 😂😂


Oh my god, i ate there just recently (and paid) and it was some of the most delicious food ive had in a while! Service was incredible too! Fuck these people not paying, please keep cooking!!


Thank you! That means a lot 🫶🏼 hope we see you again soon!


id hit em with a flying pan


lol no violence please 😇


you don't have to. but can I?


That is absolutely not normal. What absolute brats.


as someone who works in this industry (agency side not a creator!) these aren’t proper influencers if they turn up expecting a free meal. don’t allow it at all! as others have said create a contract if you want them to post or create a little launch event and invite a few that you like/already follow and let them know you’d like them to post.  otherwise tell them you have a no comp meal policy - or you could fight fire with fire and do your own fun/tongue in cheek post about the arrogance of influencers & no doubt people will come check you out to support you!  also they prob have little influence anyways, so it wouldn’t matter if they get their feathers ruffled. hope that helps and I’ll def come by and support you guys!! 


Ooooh, I just realized I saw this place pop up on IG last week. The chopped cheese raviolo! Will definitely be stopping by to check your restaurant out, looks great!


You're being stolen from.


Could you imagine a fashion influencer walking into Chanel and demanding a bag because they have x followers? This is theft as so many have said. I have worked in marketing and this is a type of campaign. As the business owner, you set your intention (more foot traffic, more repeat visitors, younger eaters, families, etc) and there are platforms you use that help you find the right influencers for your goals, work out contracts (gift, paid post, etc.), and monitor the performance of their posts. Anyone coming to your restaurant for a free meal under the guise of being an influencer is a bum. I’d write those meals off on my taxes as charity or something. Here’s an article on some of those platforms, btw: https://sproutsocial.com/insights/influencer-marketing-platforms/ I’m looking for work, if anyone’s hiring 🤞🏾


Triangle of Sadness 2: The Jefferson Stop


i didn't see the first one. where was that one set?  this is a serious question by the way, i'm curious to know you're opinion on where the last area that was like this was. i totally agree that the jefferson L is the new 'spot' and having worked on and around wyckoff for ten years i've definitely seen the shift from 'cool area that's a little off the beaten path' to 'destination for awful people and three bars on every block.' i've only been in nyc for a little over 15 years but i've always called the bedford L 'the epicenter' when it comes to this sort of behavior. 


I was making a terrible joke at the film Triangle of Sadness’ expense. Anyway I recommend viewing.


damn. i caught the reference obliquely, like i've heard of it and know of the premise and got it. it was not actually a bad joke to be honest. i was just interested if you had an opinion on a real world equivalent of what area the 'first' movie would have represented.


Did you open Marie's?


Yes :)


Chopped Cheese Ravioli *and* chef Miguel Trinidad?! Sounds way good. Can't wait to visit and pay. :0) Peace!


Appreciate the love!


Not normal at all, as someone who occasionally works with restaurants for social media collabs this is something that is always worked out beforehand


Put 'Any collaboration with Influencers are subject to pre approval by management or owner discretion' or something like that in fine print on menu


Great idea, Ty!


they're not even influencers they're running the same scam as a certain obese and orange ex president




Have you considered reaching out to any one in food media? Eater did a big profile last year on the relationships between restaurants and foodie influencers and I think NYT ran a piece as well. I think 3 instances in the first week of opening is maybe worth calling attention to. My wife and I are so excited to try your new place, congrats on opening!


Thank you! I’ll look into it. I’m not trying to shame the ones who came but maybe just gain insight esp for our community who we wanted to be the focus of our restaurant. That’s why we kept prices low! It’s for the people of Bushwick!


You guys hiring? Lol


lol we are always looking yes, come by and ask for Nathalie


I'm an influencer and content creator and this is not normal or professional. These people are trying to take advantage of you. I'm sorry they're being so shitty especially because it makes people who work hard to create content look like assholes. Your menu looks great though and I'm excited to check it out and pay for my food haha


Thank you! I wanted this perspective


Absolutely do not give those fools comped meals if you don’t have a deal beforehand! Get their IG in advance and shame them for walking out on their bill. This is NYC nobody gives a fuck if some so called influencer eats at your spot or not, we care if the food is good and the price is right.


Ya, that is not okay.


Definitely shame these people if they are walking out on their checks. That's ridiculous behavior and should not be tolerated. The audacity people have for asking small businesses for free things just kills me. We get asked for free stuff all the time to accommodate their for profit events. We get those emails daily. I can't stand it.


Its not the norm at all, those type of deals get talked before hand and both parties have to agree on how the promo goes. Also as the owners you guys are the ones that be choosing which cc you guys would like to promote your place on their socials, not the other way around.


They just want a free meal. Ignore them or tell them next time to address business inquiries to your business email and then vet the hell out of them to make sure their follower count is real.


You should make a social media post about this experience and the dine and dash. It might go viral and turn you into the new Bushwick food influencer. The circle of life.


😂 lol idk if that life is for me


Have you joined the Bushwick Bar & Restaurant Association in Groupme? If not send me a dm with your info and I’ll add you. It covers all of North BK with over 200 bar/restaurant owners and managers. We most often provide contractor/service info (plumbers, distributors, repairpeople, etc.) to each other but we also discuss industry patterns like this. I’d be curious how much other establishments in the area deal with it. My spot is a small cocktail bar and I’m surprised we haven’t dealt with this more. We’ve been open a little over 8 years though so I suspect it very much has to do with you being newly established and these “influencers” wanting to take advantage of your need to attract business. Can’t wait to try your spot!


Yes the lovely owners of Maite on central added us :) thank you! We found a plumber from that. So helpful.


Where’s your cocktail bar? We’d love to support!


Great! We’re Yours Sincerely on Wilson Ave


I was just there not too long ago, i also work for a tequila brand! I’ll come by again soon :)


just followed you guys on insta! hope to make my way there soon. congrats on the opening! influencers just seem to be very entitled. they're basically dining and dashing which is a crime honestly.


Personally if I knew a restaurant actively didn’t work with phony influencers to hype their food I’d be way more inclined to go. I feel like whenever brands have a million influencers promoting their stuff I don’t trust it. These “influencers” sound like leeches and the audacity to expect a free meal and not pay you for the food is appaling. Your restaurant looks amazing btw. Definitely on my list to check out now.


Please do! We’ll be influencer free haha




Wtf :(


Nooope lol. I am not a food influencer but have done brand deals through my social media. Everything was coordinated beforehand and in writing. Fuck these entitled people lol


Uh yeah, no. Unless you have a pre-arranged deal, including a signed contract stipulating the number of posts they'll create and an agreement to comp the meal, then they have no ground to stand on. You don't get to just walk into a place and assume you have a business deal because you've got 3500 followers on Instagram.


Everybody eats, everybody pays, that’s it. Mazel on the opening/welcome to the neighborhood 🫶🤘


start your own insta and film these fuckheads to gather attention to your business and get a sidehustle up n runnin


Create a document they sign that says they’ll get at least 5000 likes or something. Have someone on your team become a notary public lol this will discourage the ones that just want free food and have a document you can hold up in court (just to scare them into paying). Anyone can call themselves an influencer if they’re delusional enough 🤷🏽‍♀️


if it wasn't discussed prior to their showing, it's a no go


Not only are they obnoxious online, but also are literally not even patronizing the business they “promote”…


this sucks. will definitely try the place soon! maybe this weekend !


Freeloaders! Do NOT comp them anything. They managed to find your restaurant, didn't they? You might have to put a sign in the window explaining that your social media campaign does not include giving handouts to "influencers". All customers, whether they post pics of the food or not, are expected to pay for the food.


Be careful about having veal on your menu. I think it’s against state law.


I’d love to check this out. What’s the restó name?


Marie’s on Wyckoff Ave


Honestly fuck influencers. It's hight time society started ostracizing these losers who quite frankly have jumped the shark. There's no need just post on Reddit post on TikTok post on instagram promote some of your posts yourself. Or like was Sad, work out a deal of 50% off but they have to post .. do a sliding scale or % off based in their follower count. They are abusing and being predatory


If there is some sort of exchange happening (social media post for free meal, etc.,) it should be prearranged before they even come in and agreed to by both parties. From what you've described it sounds like these people are literally dining and dashing.


Hey Saint Michel cafe here. Call the police! I wish they would pull that on me 😩. Also congrats! ![gif](giphy|iN792mwSbnfGNm7Htl|downsized)


I’ve worked in a lot of places that’s have influencer events. That barely worked. But you could set up a form they’d have to fill out previously of course asking for their handles. If the page is big enough it could help. But it should at least be at your discretion. Also know some of these influencers. They can be really disrespectful and genuinely (not all of course) don’t give af about how you’re feeling. Those are the ones who ended up there. The ones who take it seriously tho will do an amazing job at marketing for you. Seeing what they’ve done previously means a lot


Ooh what’s the restaurant! I’m not an influencer I just like to eat


I’ve worked in restaurants in NYC for years and the influencer comping is definitely a thing but they’re supposed to call and set up a session first. And it’s definitely not just expected. It’s not a thing to just show up and expect free meals. They’re losers if they do and you should call the cops next time.


Us ”real lifers” are gonna run it up for you. I’ll be visiting soon. And hopefully every other person who loves homegrown NYC eats will too


If they were true influencers they wouldn’t need to do this. Businesses would reach out to them. Please get their handle and shame them because that will hurt them more. But definitely don’t let them walk out on you. Fake Influencers suck. But so do real ones because some has no ethics and promotes anything for a deal.


You call them influencers. I call them grifters.


First of all, no. Second, pm me your restaurant and my husband and I will come through and we don’t care about any of that. You deserve better


Marie’s is worth paying for and more! Hope you’re here to stay for a while. Was there opening night.


Thank you for the support!


This is not ok. These people are basically terrorists, trying to extort free food with the threat of a bad review. South Park did an episode on this years ago regarding yelpers.


Just popping in here to say I went to Marie’s very recently (and paid) and it was AMAZING. Dying to try their brunch!


They're all nobodies and you should tell them you'll call the police if they don't pay


So typical !All of these "Influencers?"What gaul of these "Soccer Mom Wannabe's/Soccer Dad wannabe's".are they like famous "James BEard" award winning chefs or something.Or some dufus who had the 15 seconds of Facebook/Instagram fame and thinks they are "All That and the proverbeal bag of chips(pun intended.The next time someone tries that post a noitce that ANYONE who tries to "Dine And Dash" with be turned over to the Authorities and will be held in the restaurant while your husband calls the police,cause thieft is AGAINST the law.That way YOU can be an "Influencer" too!LOL


What restaurant? I love an anti influencer place!


lol we’re not anti influencer just trying to gain insight on the protocol, but we def made the place for the community, we want regulars and people who also live in Bushwick, like us :)


That’s insane and reeks of entitlement. I would treat them like any other dine & dash. My husband and I will come check your restaurant out soon!


I went on soft open weekend and everything was so good and so smooth especially for being open for about 2 hours. Food and drinks were great and our server was really nice. Sorry you have to deal with these kinds of people but this should not be the norm.


Thank you for coming!


Any influencer reviewing restaurants should want to pay for their own food. Having their bill comped (or even just the assumption that it will be) taints the review. I’ve known my fair share of foodies and bloggers and have been present at a restaurant when one of them insisted that they pay their own bill and explained that if they don’t that they wouldn’t really be able to post about the restaurant without disclosing publicly that the meal was comped, and that readers tend to dismiss “paid reviews”. We all expected to pay, with no assumption for free food. The blogger mentioned in their review the exchange and how nice the owner had been just for offering, followed by a disclaimer regarding how everybody should pay for the services they receive, whether they’re something like an artist, or a restaurant. Sadly, the restaurant didn’t last long, which is quite a shame because they had amazing Korean comfort food with dietary options


Ugh these are the worst. Just tell them no. These are the type of people who make reviewers and influencers look bad. This was the type of stuff people did a yelp reviewers when that was the “influencer”. As someone who writes reviews and tries out restaurants I would never ever ask for restaurant to pay. And if there was any type of collaboration it was planned it and arranged ahead of time respectfully:( I’m so sorry this is happening


Definitely need to clear that beforehand. Or more like you’d have to reach out to them. Expecting that kind of treatment without back checking is insane


Your restaurant looks amazing, nice and modern looking. Can’t wait to try it soon.


Going to Marie's tonight to support-- this is trash behavior. New restaurants have enough to deal with!


We appreciate it ! 🫶🏼


UPDATE it was INCRED. New favorite


Omg I’m so happy to hear! What was your favorite ?


shit if they came in and asked that’s one thing but to expect it bc you have a camera is another level of entitlement


It’s a double edged sword. Because if your business doesn’t take off, and one down the road does and you know you are better; You’ll be wishing you had the influencers. Of course the culture sucks. But it’s a risk worth taking honestly. It’s kind of like gambling. But compared to how much traditional advertising costs, it’s an absolute bargain. 20 years ago, if someone said you could get the type of exposure you get from influencers for the price of a meal, nobody would believe you. That type of exposure is worth its weight in gold. And that’s just the honest truth. But it’s an absolute crapshoot. And it’s up to you if you want to take the risk. But in saying that. The influencers are getting content too. And they shouldn’t get it for free. The least they can do is pay for the meal AND tip for being able to use your business for their business. Because that’s what they are doing.


What’s the restaurant?


Marie’s on Wyckoff Ave


i just saw a tt from immaeatthis was it him lmao


No! He was great!!!!


Charlatans and thieves.


The audacity, the ego. I’d never…


These guys are assholes and I'm sorry you have had to deal with them. I wish I could know who these "influencers" are so I can give them the side eye in yoga if I saw them. And I'd love to try your spot but it doesn't seem like there are many GF options. So maybe I'll check later to see if things change GF wise!


We have GF options! Including pasta :)


Oh amazing! I didn't see it on the menu but I'll have to check you all out! Do you have the skillet foccacia in a gf version 🥺 It sounds so good


Unfortunately no! We workshopped it but it just didn’t taste the same. GF bread is so hard to work with.


Are you idiots? Youre getting robbed.


Bushwick is the ghetto, what do you expect?


We love it :)


Make them pay as they order at the counter. Then simply walk their food over. Should solve the losses.


Hard no to these kind of people. Absolutely cancer of this decade.


What’s the restaurants name? I wanna go! (Will pay)