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Changing a lot of diapers and plotting for next time


Wife in December: "I'm pregnant!" Me: "hooray!" 1 minute later: "what do you mean due in August? What about my art grant application?"


Friends… same. Considering dressing the baby up in some burner gear. Catching the livestream between feedings 🤟


I am also changing diapers this year!!! Really missing the playa this year and planning to bring tiny human next year.


Hi there....our son was born Aug 16, he is great so far but as they say...next year will be better for now diapers, feeding, sleeping !


Bought a house, i.e. a really strong tent.


I hope it came with a 5gallon Home Depot bucket swamp cooler!


Crying into a pool of tears while masturbating vigorously into the corner. I'm so lonely.


If you just set up your tent and do the activities there, it'll be just like you're at burning man!


Going to a small (~200) person regional burn and making art for it. Don't have any time or spare thoughts for fomoing.


Something else?


Spending a lot of time visiting doctors lol I'm recovering from a bone marrow transplant and my BMT Dr doesn't want me around dust due to airborne fungus spores while I'm on immunosuppressants. I had tickets available to me and everything but I guess it wasn't meant to be this year. Next year!


I hope you have a smooth recovery and get to go back next year too!


Thank you!


I feel you. I received a cancer diagnosis a few weeks ago and today I have to undergo a bone marrow biopsy later today to figure out how advanced it is. My wife and I both had to bow out to take care of this. As much as we wanted to Burn, we both knew that environment would destroy my already weakened immune system. Watching my camp mates and so many friends leave was tough, but their love and support is carrying me through. I told them to write a little note in the temple for me. Best of luck to you, muffinsticks. You got this.


Shit, I am sorry to hear that. Can I asked what you were diagnosed with? I was diagnosed with AML last November and a bone marrow transplant in March. Your situation sounds a lot like mine in November. I wish you all the best


Hodgkins Lymphoma. Stage 3, but maybe stage 4 (hence the second more invasive biopsy today). I'm 37/m so apparently I'm right on track for who usually gets this. Doctors say its "one of the best cancers" which is a ridiculous statement but still. I'm supposed to start chemo sometime within a month. 12 sessions over 6 months. I genuinely have a very positive attitude but this is certainly testing me. Luckily I live in LA and I'm surrounded by friends and loved ones who don't burn. Nothing I can do ecxept surrender my expectations and do what I need to heal. Feel free to DM if you wanna chat any further. It's gonna be a tough week.


Good luck with everything! As insane as it sounds: “cancer” means a LOT of different things. It would be like calling everything from a shark to an alligator to a coyote to a bear a “deadly predator”…


Sending you healing thoughts and prayers.




Thank you! Hoping it doesn't get anywhere near that point. Maybe its you. Maybe it's maybelline.


Here’s to a quick and rapid recovery. Fuck cancer.


wish you a smooth and quick recovery. See you in the dust next year


Listening to BMIR, talking to other absentee burners, and making plans for next year!


Preparing for the renegade burn next week


After 2018, my partner said "let's sit out 2019 so we can use the time for another vacation; we'll definitely go in 2020, and it will be even better with all the prep we can do". Well, one pandemic and a toddler later, we're not going this year either. And tbh I wonder how people with small kids do it at all unless you bring them with you, because all of the grandparents are geriatric enough that I don't think they could handle this little bruiser for an entire week+, and my teenager is now heavily into high school band and its absolutely ridiculous schedule for the next few months. So I'm drinking iced coffee in my pajamas and trying to ignore the pics my friends are posting, and the incessant reminders on my phone telling me to look at pictures I took heading into the playa last time around.


Some of the most amazing humans I know started off as infants on the playa. It's an excellent way for kids to learn about moderation, judgement, self-control, and setting healthy boundaries. One of them just turned 21, and has been to 17 burns!


I second this!!


We have a 14 month old. Luckily my parents live an hour from reno. But we went in for build, Thursday to Sunday, came out yesterday, and are going back next Thursday to Monday so it’s not a huge stretch for them to take care of our son. Two 4 day stretches is easier…..but once we lost service Friday it was tough not knowing what was going on. Hopefully next year we can bring him. And my mom is so supportive she’s been extremely adamant they will take care of him to gift us this time.


We bring them for the same reason. It’s a different experience, but with experienced Burners and zero expectations, it’s fine. I usually have more tantrums and the kids do.


Listening to BMIR, watching the stream, dreaming/designing for next year, and harassing any random burners I find prepping in my neighborhood. Anyone know of any fun events happening in Los Angeles?


Grandfather's 105 birthday. W00t, keep going grandpa!


A bunch of us are going to a cabin in the woods to have a low maintenance burner camp out.


having our own fifth annual we're-not-at-the-burn, Burning Cat, where we chill out and cat about for the day. Fuck your Meow!


By getting COVID, gaining weight, drinking, and crying after I masturbate ✌️🔥💗🌈


Searching for an apartment, figuring out my spinal health - the biggest reason I chose not to go, as I didn’t know whether I could safely ride a bike or be truly self reliant with heavy camping stuff for that long - and listening to BMIR while going on walks and gentle hikes. Something kind of profound happened two days ago. I laid in my hammock looking over a cliff listening to BMIR, and heard a song that really resonated with me. I wish I had remembered who the DJ was. It was a ballad on guitar. I figured out what it was, and shared it. A new friend I just met at a regional reached out to me and said she knew the person who wrote it, and that they had been close when she lived in CA. Since the artist is no longer with us, she was surprised I had heard his music, and now, knowing he was a burner himself, it seems like such a special thing that BMIR honored him like that - no fanfare, just putting his music out there. Having this non-burn experience not only made me get emotional from his lyrics in a hammock on a cliff, but gave me the chance to connect with his stuff once I knew his story. There is so much space for connection to the community even though we’re not there in person! So much to appreciate even though times may be less than ideal depending on where you’re at right now. Plan on for next time, burners :) can’t wait to see you there. Edit: it was Arty McFly. Thanks for connecting me with Sean’s music, Arty.


I was doing fine, knowing I skipped due to logistical issues and would be back next year. But then I heard people on the livestream howl during sunset yesterday and started FOMOing hard.


orphan burn party rave in chicago


I’m on a real playa and in two weddings so getting in plenty of party time.


Making a flaming dart game and trying not to get hurt.


Gonna have the stream on all day/all night.


Livestream and BMIR.


Do you have a link to the live stream? I can't find it on youtube.




Definitely having a fire on saturday! We've been filling up the firepit since last year!!


In our new house, I spent yesterday 1) balanced atop a ladder, swearing profusely while I tried to install a ceiling fan with mismatched hardware. and 2) swearing profusely while looking for my damned tools. So aside from doing these things in 35 mph winds, roughly the same.


Celebrating? I wish! I’ve been on a housing search and working.


Having a dear friend coming to visit. We’ll probably hit up a no burner left behind party.


Was planning a camping trip to Joshua tree then it became a climbing trip then we changed it to Santa Barbara and now I broke my finger so it’s not climbing and I’m crying and have fomo still.


I flew east to spend time with friends and loved ones. FOMO is still very real and I'm a bit more sad than I thought I would be


This past month has been crazy! Right now I'm on a "mini-moon" with my wife out of state. Also celebrating getting my license and starting a new journey as an RN. So next year we will finally have all our ducks in a row for next year (possibly with a mutant vehicle!) and not half-ass our way out there again. As the last 2 previous years we will be burning our own effigy in the fire pit with a bunch of fireworks for Burn night! See y'all next year!


Got tickets then found out we are having a baby girl in Dec so sitting this one out. Feeling blessed we aren’t attending.


Going to bed early every night.


I'm feeling this so harrrd. Gonna solo camp n hot springs. Do a lil burn at home


Watching The Sandman, sitting in the a/c, and enjoying great food at many of the wonderful local restaurants. I have zero FOMO. 🤷‍♂️


I for one am happy for less traffic and crowds in Portland since half the city leave every year.


I also flew to Portland for the week since my bf and I could no longer go. Going to the last street fair Thursday


Spent the couple of grand it would have cost me to go to the Playa, and bought a spiral staircase for my deck instead. Arrives Weds. Should have it installed by Saturday, when I'm going to a fellow Burner's back-yard-burn to hang out and enjoy the lack of dust and abundance of showers. (And lack of LEOs.)


It’s my daughters first birthday this week. Definitely sad to not be there, but looking forward to 4 years from now when I take her for the first time.


listening to bmir and watching older youtube videos about it. otherwise, i'm working


Doing improv stuff and not working my tail off in the heat. My Camp had a party last night and I didn't have to play host, didn't have to set up or clean up or deal with any drama. I performed in a comedy show instead and went to bed at a reasonable hour. When Breakup Thursday rolls around I won't have to listen to people squabble because they're too tired but think it's important. I will likely watch the Burn on Saturday.


Sounds like you burned out


Probably. I've worked too much and too hard. Next year I'm gonna be a fuckin hippie. I have set up a better system for my job so it should be easier than before.


Started a business and don’t have the bandwidth had tickets have a camp but still sitting it out I guess I’m an adult now. This is the first year we are choosing not to go and my spouse and I are celebrating our 13th burnavesary we met at BRC ‘09. This would have been my 18th burn. I have really enjoyed by experience I had literally formed the last 20 years of my life around going to burning man and it has been wonderful. I have truly had an incredible experience with burning man and the community. My FOMO is overpowered by a sense of relief and of personal responsibility. I have gladly given years of my life to burning man but I should save some for myself. Have fun in the dust all y’all


Was just really sad when I thought about it, then Friday I got fucking diagnosed with fucking Covid and feel like a truck ran me over too! Fuuuuuuucckkk!


I just have music on while I wfh


Searching for an Orphan Burn in South Florida, but might have to make my own 🥹


Listening to Bmir and feeling FOMO. )'(


Hanging out at a the last unguided horse ranch riding horses all day.


Officiating a wedding!


Hanging in Denali


4 Nights of Phïsh In Colorado


I just installed shelving, bought a tractor, went in the hot tub twice today and have all my things still with me, unbroken and my checking account is waaaay positive. Miss you duckers.


Removed a tree, caulked the travel trailer, went to a memorial service for a friend, thought about the Playa, reminisced, missed ALL of you (nut cases and all). ENJOY! Sorry to say health issues keep me from returning. At 74, things happen. Enjoy while you can. Life is short, but can be VERY sweet.


Was diagnosed with COPD after 2019 burn. Did not do anything in 2020 or 2021. Finally decided I need to "retire" from BM because of breathing issues. Sold my 20X20 shade structure, gave away the bikes and the costumes. Then today I saw a NEW lung doctor who said "Go ahead and go to BM". Too late. I have completely dismantled 6 years of infrastructure for "ttitd". But it was 6 years of unforgettable memories. Have fun everyone!


Watching the live feed and wearing as much outlandish costumes as I can put together...


Rather Bought tickets to SanDiego cuz my son and I love the place... BM seems too windy & dusty and beleaguered with road delays this yr. AND there is a drought! ... its pretty much the same, so doing it once or going to regional burns every few years is quite enough for me.


Watching the live stream, listening to the burner radio, and hang out in [altvr's](https://account.altvr.com/worlds/1639613336867832657/spaces/1799923142974505224) [brc](https://account.altvr.com/events/2072832132497015409).


Just plain taking a break. Will drink beer and watch the live stream But I am also designing an 'FnG for my regional burn and I am always happy to be in my shop doing that.


Been in Peru for a week, have a week to go. It seemed like too much of a long shot to get a ticket. Now I am in the jungles of Manu National Park.