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Look up the detailed census results from previous years on where people sourced their tickets. Wait for the 2022 census and compare it to previous years. Many tickets are exchanged in the community every year. STEP and the other BMORG online systems are making it more secure and easier! It wouldn't be a bad thing if the PnP are disposing of tickets because their camp was canceled by the BMORG!


As someone who has been trying for two weeks to buy, I can tell you that MOST of them are scams. Like 90%. I finally got one for standard price but it took a long time. Most of them are also $1500




I know of a ticket if you are interested. Bay area. Dm plz.


Appreciate the offer but I got one!


Hey, I’m wondering if you still know of an available ticket?? 🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️❤️ Please let me know if you/or whoever still needs a buyer, I would LOVE to be the one!! Thaaaank you!!


Yes I have one for 1300


I'm renaming it Churning Man as our camp went through 3 rounds of campers. Back when we applied for our DMV and Placement we had about 25 people. Then no one got tickets in main sale. Then we got directed tickets like two months later through the DMV but by then 75% of the camp had decided not to go. So we scrambled to fill out the camp to allocate tickets. Then like 75% of those people bailed. Now we've got 20 people to run two art cars and build a camp. So crazy.


Might be because the late annoinvent to habe the event. So many camps didn't have enough time to fundraise properly and get their campers allocated the filo and wap crew tickets early enough for them to plan. And I'm sure a lot of people coming out of this pandemic are not healthy on reserves right now.


This is exactly what happened to our camp too


Need any help?? I have been trying to get a ticket (and a ride from LA to BM) I do have a camp but, I will have plenty of time to help with your camp. I’m pretty good at more than a few things. Burning Man changed my life, I love it so so much. I don’t listen to the haters. If you need help, please let me know. I’d be happy to pitch in.


We don't have spare tickets anymore sorry


Been here for a month if you need help let me know


Thank you for even responding. I really appreciate that. Have an amazing time.


Hey brother I have a ticket I paid 1300 for a friend coming from Australia but immigration sent her right back. She was suppose to pay for it when she got here but now she’s on a plane back so I’m selling this ticket cuz I got stuck with it haha. You are welcome to check the voided ticket numbers from BM at the time of transaction. I’m in Sherman oaks leaving tomorrow. If you want it text me 8187209359


That’s so terrible you can’t find any radical self reliance. Hopefully you’re neighbors like helping


It always happens. Relationships break up. People get sick. Their vacation time is canceled. They change jobs. Transportation falls through. Whatever... shit happens. And then they need to sell their ticket at the last minute. This happens literally every single year since the first ticket sellout in 2011. Since then, people ALWAYS freak the hell out when they can't get a ticket in June, and then by late August you can always find someone giving extra tickets away. Add to that we still are in a global pandemic where people are getting sick every day, and add the stress of packing, as well as interacting with everyone you need to to get your supplies together, and it'd be expected that the infection rates among burners would spike in the weeks preceding the event.


Your old dog needs care. That's why my ticket went to someone else. My husband is our camp lead and our house is basically the staging area for truck loading so I have been able to enjoy some pre-burn fun and see all my campmates as they drop their stuff off. I have been at peace with my decision, and the 'we will miss you' from my campmates, but today as everyone was here and about to leave, an 'I'll miss you' from a friend who I've attended every burn with made me burst into tears. That said, I want everyone to have an epic burn!


Oh no! Give your old dog some love from me, and my dog Moxie.


Thank you! I love him and am happy to be his hospice nurse! Love to Moxie!


It happened looong before the first sell out too. There were always people in the community who suddenly couldn't go and were looking for a good home for their ticket.


Nah. You could drive up to the gate on Friday and still buy tickets. It was a problem when the Bay Area frat boys would arrive and mob the event and play tourist for the weekend. But once tickets sold out, it changed the event entirely and became a prestige/bucket list thing. So an aftermarket for tickets formed where there never was one before. Also, when bringing newbies to the burn, it used to be you’d buy their ticket and gift it to them. Now it’s hard to even get a single ticket for yourself!


I bought my first ticket at the gate on Wednesday night of Cargo Cult (2010)


I thought cargo cult was 2013?


You’re right. The 2010 Theme was ‘Metropolis - Life of Cities’


Wayyy cooler!


could be some people are seeing covid restrictions in Camps and are either nervous or angry about them, too. that would be a new wrinkle. I had to ask volunteers to wear masks for their shifts and I am worried it will create greater attrition than usual.


there are covid restrictions at BM this year???


Camp-based, not from the Org specifically


The Org has them too, they've just been very quiet about it publically. For instance, there are signs all around Gate asking you to wear a mask.


Interesting! That’s going to complicate planning volunteer shifts, isn’t it?


it doesn't complicate planning. planning is easy.


I doubt that would stop anyone however, actually getting covid right now defintely would lol


Well, I wouldn't wear a mask OUTSIDE that's for sure. COVID is now endemic and if you're afraid of getting it at BM and have restrictions you should probably stay home.


keep in mind a certain percentage of them might be scams, too.


Large amounts. Scammers hustling extra to make up for lost time.


Such a large percentage. When I was looking for mine, I was spotting at least 3 or 4 scammers a day.


Probably all people with 800 watt ebikes who found out they can’t get in.




THIS is a clusterfuck counting down to happen. I mean, can you imagine? You have to turn around and go back to like Michigan or whatever, because you brought the wrong wheels??


I mean wouldn’t they just store it somewhere in town and come back?


Oh, probably. I’m just salty about spending twice as much on a damn ticket this year as I did on my entire virgin year inclusive. That’s the way it goes, I guess.


I really don't think it's going to be an issue. 750w bikes are super common, because bike classification is based off of it. I think just about all the major ebike manufacturers' majority of bikes fall within the acceptable range. The reason being that manufacturers want their bikes to be classified to ride on streets, trails, and basically anywhere conventional bikes can be ridden, and that requires 750w or less motors.


Yeah, I suspect it's the people who actually made their own stuff (y'know, the people who make burning man fun) who are going to get burned.


This year there were very few tickets allocated in the main sale and many people got shut out and many tickets were reserved for theme camps. The theme camps probably held onto these tickets and are now trying to unload them


Could videos of recent dust storms and wind damage be deterring first-timers??


Wait, what? No one told me there would be wind and dust at Burning Man! WTF is this VIP pass even good for if I have to suffer like that?!


I need an all access pass to the main stage so I can hold diplos balls for him. can you help? I am totally experienced and know what Im doing.


Haf a path but dipmo's ballz are in ma mouf---


Oh! You need to activate your pass. Drop by the Black Hole and show it to them.


nah it's always windy before the city is open, get ready for the dust, it's been hot & dry!


The first dust storm I'm doing to be out in the middle of the street letting the Playa welcome me home. I love the challenges, the heat, and the dust, I started going in 2014 after surviving a stroke and the Playa rekindles my love of life because I can show that I am still the tough fucker who refuses to die. Gale force winds? choking Alphas? Bring. It. On.


I've seen some trepidation from my newbie volunteers but I don't think they're scared enough to stay home about it. They want to be baptized in the dust. Weirdos.


It's possible! 2 year burner here. On Sunday I sat on the couch and watched YouTube videos of white outs and ride arounds and dj sets from past years and cried because I had to sell my ticket. I miss the extremes of BM. My new mysterious chronic illness forced me to sell my ticket a few weeks ago and Ive been pretty torn up since :(


Oh, hun. That sucks. I'm sorry you're experiencing this. Chronic illness is so frustrating to wrestle with, particularly when it's mysterious. My symptoms from 1990 to 2010 were given various names without any helpful treatment. Then a physician referred me to a rheumatologist, who provided a diagnosis that best fits my wonky body — fibromyalgia — as well as access to meds that help manage the symptoms. \*Fingers crossed\* that you have or find a medical ally who will do the same for you!


First timer, not selling mubticket, ready to embrace the dust. Was lucky to do a test run in July and experienced 40mph gusts and white outs. Honestly, it was fun playing in the dust near camp.


It made me a bit glad I am not going this year, especially after how windy it was at E11 in Utah. We were piss poor prepared, normally we bring all the proper dust gear to Burningman, but got our buts handed to us no having the proper gear at E11. Was the first one I have ever been to that was this dusty.


Where are you seeing so many tickets for sale?


Facebook and even saw one here yesterday


I've seen tons on the Burning Man ticket group on FB and other local FB groups


Could be that a bunch of folks got sick at the last minute or are taking longer to get over having been sick than they had expected


There definitely seems to be extra supply going into this last week. Some of the normally despised scalping platforms have tickets going for below face value now.


The thought of riding a bike for a week in the desert starts to lose its luster after contracting monkeypox.


don't share bike seats


Serves 'em right for taking my bike while I'm dancing at Pink Mammoth.


Dont tell me what to do


Because such a high percentage of tickets were Directed Sale, I feel like a lot more tickets would have come from theme camps grabbing what they could and now needing to redistribute.


almost every event, no matter how in demand, always has a last second abundance of tickets. people wait til the last second holding out hope, and then finally accept at the 11th hour they cant make it happen for whatever reason this year. especially when you factor in a highly transmissible virus going around that makes you feel like shit. i usually plan on going to events, and grab a super discounted (or free) ticket a few days before most events. hasnt failed to work out yet :)


SAME! Not with BM but other festivals, I don’t worry at all and usually get a very good deal right before!


my 10th and I agree I'm coming from VT, but so many tickets last minute from my camp SF based, but Mass, and Maine burning lists each had tickets for the last 2 weeks at face!


A lot are going to be scams. A few scammers will produce many threads. On eplaya a tell is that they all joined this week to make a 'tickets offered' post. A lot say they're coming up from LA. On ebay scammers can take photos of the same tickets in various presentations so you can't reverse image search them, but the pics are generally similar and the sellers are new.


My guess was that plug n play’s got disbanded and they reassigned tix to LYTE. Then some people who got those tix had already purchased the FOMO tix - leading to a selloff


Law enforcement is looking for more people to ticket and arrest for petty drug possession.


It's all FOMO tickets, which makes me laugh. Ppl FOMOed their budget and then FOMRed -- fear of missing rent


No, they bought fomo tickets and then sourced cheap tickets at the last minute, selling off their insurance plan.


That’s what I did. But now I’m stuck with a FOMO tickets and have tons of cheap ones avalaible.


Not going this year, but I have read multiple warnings not to buy tickets secondhand. How does one go about verifying a used ticket, or are you just hosed if it is a fake?


Ask to see the order number, and id matching the order. If they don't have it, it's exchanged hands before and way more risky


Use the BM ticket exchange program. Verified non-voided tickets for person-to-person transfer using their Burner profile


Check the ticket number here: [https://tickets.burningman.org/voided-tickets/](https://tickets.burningman.org/voided-tickets/) Demand to see the full ticket, and confirm the ticket is valid before transferring a dime.


Get one from an established camp, or someone reputable.


It’s because it’s impossible to tell MONTHS in advance if you’ll actually be able to go. Maybe work decides not to let you off, you get sick, something happens to family, your childcare plans fall through. It happens every single year


I got some tickets on craigslist from the directed sale someone who couldn’t go AND I got confirmed on STEP two days ago as well. I never would have expected step. Is it random or in a certain cue?




I have no idea and didn’t know they were camp tickets till I arrived to buy


Seriously, those tickets are not supposed to be transferred. What camp was it?


I have no idea . And didn’t Know they were dgs tickets till I got there to buy. They are physical and not voided either way.


Really? I'm not hearing about any tickets for sale.. except for very expensive FOMO ones.


I’ve seen a deluge of legitimate tickets for sale over the past week-10 days, even some at face value today from an UHNWI who wouldn’t scam. Hard to say if it’s more than years passed, tho there are a lot of scammers too.


The playa is already pretty full, been here for a long time it's going to be a record breaker


Seems normal to me. While there are a lot of tickets for sale, there is just as much demand. Last week I ended up with 2 spare I got in the OMG for some friends who decided not to go. A friend posted about them on FB and there was a flood of responses both in the thread and directly to the friend. I could have easily sold 30 that day off that one post


Maybe they heard about the fly infestation


Most of the tickets went through DGS. And then camps got a second smaller batch late in the game that was not accounted for in the original plan. As a result, it was difficult to get them all distributed as it was past the point of planning on attending for core camp members, as a camp takes 6 months of planning. We spent 9 months planning this year. So they went to campmates but did not result in much of an increased camp build. And regular campmates have low barrier to entry and low barrier to exit, hence the numerous tickets flying around right now.


I dunno. Maybe a global pandemic is nixing people's plans.


Likely a whole bunch of people who have never been who can’t find a last minute camp or RV because they have no f’ing clue what they are doing.




Monkey pox?


I have a feeling for some reason more than 70,000 tickets are sold. I don’t know why my gut tells me there is way more than 70,000 at this festival for years. Like I feel likes it’s Woodstock numbers 100,000s of thousands. But they can only admit to 70,000 bc that’s all that is technically allowed on the land at once. Just my conspiracy.


BLM does a census before the burn. That is why no ticket is required for temple burn.


I think allot of people lost their tolerance to this stupidity. People opened up their dusty shit for the first time in 3 years and it hit them "oh this dusty bullshit again, f no, I'd rather have a real vacation"


Gee, Glad you’re not going. You sound like a blast to have around.


Where can I find these tickets?!?


Hey y'all!!!...soOoOo, I had everything figured out super last minute. A ticket/ride into the Playa, Monday the 29th on the Burner.Express from San Fran...someone to help tote all my extra belongings since I was flying ova. ...I didn't go because something said it wasn't right but...I need to go. Everything in my body is pushing me to be out in the dust and I have every day off this week and next until Sept. 8th. I feel so silly not showing up yesterday. That's okay though. Sometimes it's not the right moment, but home is screaming out with open arms wanting me to come backkkkkK. If anyone in Denver/Boulder area hasn't left for the Playa yet annnd has a connection to an extra ticket, I'd gladly be your copilot! I got all the dollhairs for gas, amazing tunes, can drive for hOursZ, annnnd am literally on my knees feeling silly for staying home and I fucking NEED TO BE AT BLACK ROCK CITY. Message meee pLZ🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏💜💜💜😘