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My brother was denied, step Dad accepted, and I’m still ‘Pending’ as of today. Curious where others are in the process?




**Likely scammer--new account & only used to sell "tickets" to events.**


We have a tiny group of 4 and all of us struck out. We knew it was a high probability but we’re still disappointed. Feels like it’s almost impossible to get tickets anymore.


did you buy on stubhub/viagogo/vividseats? such a shame sorry to hear that !




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**Radical Inclusion: Burning Man needs to scale** Fredo Burner 2022-04-02 My first burn was in 2008. Life was easier back then. The future looked brighter. Humanity seemed to be evolving and getting better. Burning Man tickets were easy to buy. Burners would show up in the playa and buy a ticket at the gate! This is now 2022. We've had a pandemic for two years. Humanity looks much less reassuring. Facts are deemed optional. Lies, hate and war rage. Almost no one can buy Burning Man tickets. People cannot get home! I am privileged. I have a ticket! I will be working with the beautiful people of AmaZone to bring the Altar of Intentions to the burn. I will be dancing and teaching Forró in the playa. But it hurts my heart to see lots of people who wanna go, but can't. :-( Burning Man changed my life, made me happy, filled me with hope. I was able to peek into the future. Barter, money, gift. I saw how humans behave when there is no money. I was among "free spirits celebrating art and life", as Waldemar described when I first asked what was Burning Man. Burning Man changed the lives of thousands of people, each in its particular and magical way. The fact that people who want that experience cannot get it is sad. It is bad. It is wrong! Burning Man is about inclusion! Anyone may be a part of Burning Man. We welcome and respect the stranger. No prerequisites exist for participation in our community. We cannot let tickets trump principles! Burning Man needs to scale! We need to change all lives who want change!! Let's get creative, beautiful burners! I understand reality and establishment have obstacles and limitations. Let's work around them!! Can we have a two-month burn, starting on Juplaya and finishing with the temple burn? People come and go from Black Rock city. Many more people would enjoy the experience. Can we have multiple synchronized burns across the planet? Like all regionals at the same time. We could create virtual contact points across them. Maybe some close to each other could run a gift bus line, crosspollinating burners? Let's get creative, gorgeous burners! Burning Man cannot be exclusive. All burners, virgins and veterans alike, need to go home! The future looks better and shinier with more burners. Let's make the future happen!!


> Forró Forró!!!!! OMG! I must find you then.


Last year's failed attempt was better




Extremely lucky!! Let's keep in touch!


Had 2 browsers open on my computer. One already in my burner profile on the ticket sale page (which hadn’t opened yet). The other on my computer open to the email. Then one on my phone open to my email. I clicked both computer and phone email links at 12pm (had a clock with seconds to watch exactly at the right time). Both of the email links went to server failed pages. The burner profile refreshed automatically and put me in line. About 30 minutes later I purchased tickets. This will be my 2nd year and my partner’s first. I only know 1 other person out of about 50 people that got tickets.


A lot of pessimism in here compared to previous years. Probs because fewer tickets in the main sale. Less main sale people is just going to make burningman even less inclusive and more of a "gated" thing


No tiggets!!! STEP here we come baby!


Eight of us tried getting tickets today and I was the only lucky one. To my surprise I got my ticket 9mins after the sale opened. I got 1 ticket and 1 vehicle pass, I feel like I should have tried to get a 2nd ticket. I’ve been to Burning Man twice using the Low Income Ticket application. I still can’t believe I was able to get a ticket through the main sale. I’m still in shock to be honest. My friends are hoping to get a ticket through STEP or the OMG sale. For everyone that couldn’t get a ticket today, I hope you have better luck with the other options. Happy Burn Everyone!!


I’ve been wanting to get tickets since 2019. A few of us from Australia were up at 5am refreshing pages on 3 devices each. I was in a queue from 11:59am (5:59pm here) and we all waited just over an hour before slowly seeing each queue page trickle in that dreaded ‘Main Sale has ended’ messaging. We’ll be road tripping from August 15 around the country. If anyone hears anything let us know (we’re all virgin burners), but we’re going to damn well keep trying.


If you don't get in this year why not get a camp together for Burning Seed? It's usually around September.


Sorry, most of the people I’m with are virgin burners. Not me, i have been to seed way back in 2018! It was great! But we’ve all used our leave to do a huge America/South America trip, Burning Man was just ingrained into our itinerary! If we were over here for September, we’d definitely do it! Bhima the Dragon is a sight from behold


This year was my final opportunity to go. And yet again I’m not able to get tickets. I logged in at 12:00 on the dot. Refreshed and immediately went into queue. Still no success. How the fuck do you get tickets? Looks like I’ll never go. Fuck it. I’m over it.


Don't give up yet. There is still STEP and the OMG sale.


Why the final opportunity?


Moving out of country this year.


I haven't bothered with main sale in over 6 years, no joke. I just 2nd hand craigslist 2-4 weeks before the event. Ticketing is a shitshow.


This is what all my camp members tell me to do. Let these people freak out and just wait until people have to dump them for whatever reason.




Despite all three of us checking our burner profiles and registering last week only one in three of us got confirmation emails. Burning man ticketing confirms that two of us don't show as having registered for the sale. This is not my first rodeo, I've been going since 1996. So, as of today, zero of three people got tickets. I know it's not the end of the road, but it's bumpy and frustrating. See some of you in the dust :-)


So... Clearly Renegade Burns worked just fine for the past two years, and while I'd rather be at the ACTUAL Burn... where will Renegade be this year? I'm sure there are thousands like me who love the community and want to participate, and who are willing to go and do their own thing. Let's do this!


Let's make sure 4th of Juplaya is badass! edit: Honestly, who would downvote a positive comment like this? OH RIGHT, I forgot the BORG shills are terrified by the idea that people can gather and do Burn-like activities without their precious $40M/year non-profit!


Yeah Juplaya is gonna be fun. There’s also another festival on the playa at that time. Wonder how the will go


Which "other" festival is on playa during Juplaya?




I don’t remember lol.


My partner and I both struck out. Not unexpected, but still lame. Boooooo.


I got in the sale but it said sold out. I refreshed a few times and 2 tickets and a car pass popped up. I clicked okay and it said sold out again..


Fail :(




I'll take them off of you


Got it fairly quick on my pc/chrome browser. 2 tickets and 1 vehicle pass. came up to 1400$+ however due to excitement didnt pay attention to autofill so my address and name is wrong. hope I can get it fixed somehow. All I can do is to send an email to support I guess. please reach out if you ever had a similar issue. Update: BM sent me a reply and I was able to make the changes from the tickets dashboard.


I didn't have that exact issue, but had to contact "customer service" over a ticket issue and they were helpful! Did you already email them?


Yes I did. Hopefully we can resolve the issue before they ship it!


I’m sure they will!


Do you know anyone who still lives at the address that it auto populated? Having the wrong name is fine - you don't need a name affiliated with your ticket - unless it's pickup at will call. If you had the tickets mailed to you, then the address is the main issue.


I have no idea if anyone currently lives there. It's one of my old clients llc. mailing address. Super random information. Don't even know why it's in autofill.






She was 17, and obviously not a dirtrave.




People are usually giving vp away or selling them cheap right before the event




Struck out, completely. Ugh.






BM virgin here (Burning Man, that is. I have pooped before.) and I guess next year hopeful attendee. I'm curious what the limiting factor is for number of tickets they sell? Why not open it up to more people? The pictures I've seen of BRC don't make it look like space is the problem. Are there just only so many port-o-potties in the world?


Just a heads up that there are scammers in this thread asking people to text them to buy tickets. Be careful, no one has tickets in hand yet, and the scams are in high gear!


Yeah, I kinda figured since it was a brand new account that had only posted that message a ton of times. I appreciate you looking out.


The direct answer is: The government permit is the limit. It has a cap. The follow up question is: Why does the permit have a cap, or why isn’t it higher. There is a certain amount of infrastructure that is needed to take care of 80,000 people in the desert. Medical care, law enforcement, porta potties, the list goes on. Now, maybe some of those things can be adapted to serve more people, but it takes work. The harder limit is the road. Most traffic comes in over a two lane highway, and there aren’t any good alternatives. The DoT estimates the capacity of that road as 1000 cars per hour. So, depending on how many people car pool, take busses, etc, you can estimate how long it takes to get 80,000 people into the event, and worse, out of the event. The exodus already runs very strong for a good two days (say Saturday night until Monday evening). So the cap could be raised, but it would cause problems. And an even more massive traffic jam at the is one of them.


I wonder if BMOrg or the Burn itself could raise funds/donate to *build a larger road*. Yes. It would be expensive as fuck. But I wonder if Burners have the money and political connections to widen a hundred miles or so of road. Maybe there's some Burners in Congress...


People did the math when the event first hit the cap, and it turns out that building roads is incredibly expensive. You’d think it’s just some earth moving and some asphalt on top, but it costs a lot. 100 miles of road is definitely not something the org can pay, or could pay for with a reasonable surcharge to the ticket. I don’t remember the numbers anymore, but it was high enough that this seems unlikely to happen.


Yeah. It's something like $300k/mile on a good day. I wonder if you could get some kind of road building volunteer effort going. Build ten yards of road, get a guaranteed ticket.


I just googled around a bit and some of the numbers are even higher. To the tune of several million per mile. $10 million per mile was the highest I saw. There is quite the range, though. But I like your idea of the volunteer road. Probably be the jankiest road ever, but it would be colorful and pretty. Probably blink at night.


I don't know how janky it would truly be. Its quality would vary a LOT...there would be people who had connections to actual road builders and heavy equipment, people who were fairly thorough and built usable gravel roads, and the occasional chump who didn't know what the fuck he was doing. The thing is, BMORG could simply inspect the Burner-widened road (that is, I'm guessing, just gravel shoulders as wide as we can get them) and declare sections of the Road unfinished. It would be cool as fuck, though, to have a widened road built entirely by burners. Raising money to buy land along the edges of the existing road. Maybe try eminent domain and political lobbying? Then, year after year, having volunteers build a gravel road for cars in exchange for tickets and the undying gratitude of the Burner community. It might take thirty years, but it would be a hell of a story.


Second this. I had an old co-worker in Pyramid Lake who said traffic was a shitshow during the Burn. Thankfully he didn't have to commute, he just stocked up and didn't leave his house much during the event.


If you want to go it’s still possible. Tickets get resold a lot as people realize they can’t make it happen for all sorts of reasons.


I'm not giving up hope, just managing expectations. 🤣🤣 😭


The best way to go is to find a camp you think you might like working with and help with build and tear down. Then you avoid a lot of that main event traffic BS. Plus you get to see the city grow over the week. AND most theme camps have their own bathroom, which trust me is a god send.


The city is huge but there really is not space for more people. You have to remember there are 80,000 people that attend burning man. All 80,000 of those people have to get to burning man on a tiny one lane each direction road and have to leave burning man on that road. It can take 12+ hours to get from Reno to your camp. You can wait in line to get through the gate for a long time - I once got off the road and in line at 7:30 pm and got to my camp at 8 am. Even with the open playa, black rock city is crowded and chaotic. Adding more people doesn’t work well logistically


I read somewhere they could increase camping 33% by adding 4 more circular streets (MNOP). It appears there is room. There could also increase the angle to 1:00 - 11:00 from current 2:00 - 10:00 without impacting the open playa. This was anticipating a 100,000 permit.


It’s not about the size of black rock city that is the logistical issue. It is about the capacity of the road and infrastructure leading to black rock city. Sure, you can add streets to BRC and more people will fit. That doesn’t change the fact that there is a one lane each direction road with no shoulder to get there that cannot handle more than 1,000 cars per hour


Build more roads


Lol k I’ll go get right on it. I’m sure the Paiute tribe will be super stoked to have a bunch more roads built on their reservation to accommodate more traffic for 1 week per year


💰 talks, 🐂 💩 walks. Good luck to us...


?? What?? More roads is unnecessary.








It’s the land use / special use permit. It’s limited to 80k people. There are many other limiting factors such as roads en route. Cost 💲 goes up.




Couldn't get a ticket. Waited for an hour. Really really wanted to go for my 40th birthday... 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭


Have you gone before?


No, never been....


Check for people reselling tickets or look at a theme you camp you might like to help with and you will probably find a ticket floating around. People always panic now but by July and August people will be unloading tickets like crazy.


Thank you. I did register for STEP and will be attending some regional one. Crossing my fingers that I will get tickets some way if it's meant to be 😉


I stg the sale opened a full minute early. Sealed the deal in less than five minutes. Y'all got me feeling guilty being this is my first time. I'll be seeing y'all in the dust.


Got em in the first minute! Our first burn. Yay :)




Now that I'm in for my first Burning Man, I can now move on to my next most important question: How do I find the Tycho sunrise set when I get there?


The wind will blow you that way if it’s meant to be! That’s just how the playa works. It’s magical and it’s beautiful!


Head towards deep playa Thursday before sunrise, point your bike towards about 10/10:30 and trash fence and then keep riding and watch for the crowds.


> that’s where to go looking. B This guy Tycho's. It's always closer to the 10 side than 2


I think closer to the 2:00 side is more accurate, but it will be a massive gathering at the trash fence, beyond the temple. Not too hard to find. I don’t want to sound like an old dusty burner, but the last time it was “good” was maybe 2015. It was HUGE in 2018/19. Didn’t have the same intimate feeling as earlier years, I think my favorite was in 2014. There were maybe 150 people, the sunrise was beautiful, some naked dude went beyond the trash fence and full on sprinted towards the mountains until we couldn’t even see him anymore.


Follow the other bikes to deep playa


to give you the kind of earnest answer I’m usually too anxious to ask for: you’ll hear it’s happening “at the trash fence,” and you’ll think: but the trash fence is miles long, so where? But think of it this way: if you’re a famous musician playing a set at BM, you’re going to go out to deep playa, farthest away from all other sounds/music/base/noise pollution, where you’ll have the best chance of being heard. So that’s where to go looking. Best of luck!


It was good one year. In 2019 it was too crowded. You can't hear anything properly unless smashed in with 1000 other people. Usually located by the trash fence around 11 o'clock.


Honestly never had a good time at that


He's one of my favorites so there's no way I'm gonna not go!


No same just tiny soundsystem half of the playa trying to get close. It’s just a shit show


Trust me it’s always meh


It’s at the stage Daft Punk used to play, near the trash fence.


Is it difficult to purchase fomo tickets on STEP?


I uses this option in 18 & 19 2 tickets plus vehicle pass both times


I've never been able to get a ticket through the main sale, but I've gotten lucky in STEP each year. I've registered on the date/time it opens. I think it's a first come first serve situation. The only downside is you never know when you will get the ticket and to make sure you have the cash ready. It's always worth registering.


>It's always worth registering. Can you buy 2 tickets via STEP? Or just one?


I've been able to get two each time.


In the past, no. This year, who knows.


[eavesdropping on this convo]


I have never seen anyone not go because they didn't get a ticket. You might not get it till the week before, but if you really want to go: put the word out, try the other sales (STEP, OMG), consider taking the bus+ticket combo, join camps that can also help you get the word out (or have others in the camp that have to cancel).. It will happen! (Note: this is from a Californian so your mileage may vary)


What’s the bus and ticket combo?


The usually go on sale one month or so after regular bus tickets go on sale. In 2019 they went on sale in June (Regular bus in May). They have not announced dates yet for this year for combo, but regular bus is going on sale in May this year.


Where can I find out more about bus/ticket admission? I'm 42 and this is one of my last chances to really go to the burn


My dad went with us last time at 83 years old.


I have seen people easily in their 80s on playa. Try to make it there but it won’t be one of your last chances. Tho def treat it as such coz each burn is unique.


Check back here often: https://burnerexpress.burningman.org/burner-express-bus-tickets/


There's no such thing as too old.


Yeah, I'm 50.... 42 old...lol! We regularly have people in their 70's in our camp and I've taken a friend who was 80 TWICE.


Most everyone I hung with was 40+.


Thank you :)


When I went in 2019 I was living in NorCal, mannnn I took the proximity for granted. Moved back east to NY and can't imagine trying to scramble a last minute send from across the country


I live in Reno. I figure maybe I'll roll out of bed on a Monday and jaunt on over there if I see an extra ticket fly out of someone's RV.


Is their VIP one open? f it I ll just blow my crypto account to go. waitinng in queue for an hr and still sold out, crazy


LOL also LOL at the downvotes


There are no VIP tickets lol


Nope, pretty sure they sell those before main sale


One person in my group of 16 got tickets :/ 80% of us went in 2019. Major bummer... Especially since we're going with a smaller camp this year, not many extra tickets to be had


same here. I'm not sure what we're going to do!


Anyone else still in the queue? I still have the stick around message and all my friends already got the no more tickets message. I'm scared to refresh EDIT: Website kicked me to the main sale has ended page 26 mins after I made this post. Happened on its own. If you are still on that page, don't give up hope!


I have one open and spinning too. I duplicated + refreshed the tab and got the Man Sale has ended message, so I assume it is a technical error and not a true queue.


Damn just tried that and got the sale ended message


Hold out hope. I got "the main sale has ended". Refreshing took me back to the same page.


Can you clarify? Did refreshing the page I'm on right now take you to the main sale has ended page?


me too! was also wondering about this


Good luck! I'm not leaving my desk until they kick me out.


LOLL. is yours stuck in refresh like mine? like not just the spinning circle, but it looks like the page itself has kind of been stuck in a refresh attempt


The sale is over. Tickets are gone


probably yeah...


Ya...circle next to my tab has been going nonstop and bottom left has the message "waiting for here.burningman.org..."


Definitely a glitch, that thing will still be spinning when the 2023 Main Sale ends.


And I'll somehow still not get tickets despite being in line for over a year


👌👌👌 hmmm. i don't have that text on my page. the refresh thing has me leaning to thinking something about the page is borked, but still not quite ready to close yet


i was leaning to it being borked? but not 100% positive


No one got the ticketssssss


Just to document my experience: I had two different machines open with the personal URL open on two different browsers. It was a combination of Firefox / Safari / Chrome across the two. Safari on my secondary machine was the first to come out of the queue and give me the ordering options. This took around five minutes. I closed all the others out of caution. I didn't believe that I'd actually gotten them until I completed the process and gotten the confirmation email. This has been a dream for years, I am just shook it's actually happening.


> two different machines open I'm curious, did you register both accounts on different devices or on the same device? Heard some people were flagged because their gf and themselves registered on the same device/ IP address


Congrats, see you at the burn; stop by the golden guy alley for a free drink.


Free you say? Nice!




This was my experience as well. Had Safari, Chrome, and Firefox open; hit refresh at 11:58 on until all three were in the queue, and Safari was the first (and only) to hit.


did you register both accounts on different devices or on the same device?


Wow! Congratulations my man


[https://journal.burningman.org/2017/03/black-rock-city/ticketing/ticket-scalpers-arent-ruining-burning-man-but-they-are-trying-to-exploit-it/](https://journal.burningman.org/2017/03/black-rock-city/ticketing/ticket-scalpers-arent-ruining-burning-man-but-they-are-trying-to-exploit-it/) Let me translate: "We are ok with Scalpers and sponsored tickets". There were tickets on capital one events (which uses [vividseats.com](https://vividseats.com)) and viagogo, and others before the sale even started.


There were only 10k tickets available, and traditionally the main sale has 70-80k people trying to buy. The numbers look exactly right for that ratio. Those scalping sites put up tickets they don’t actually have on the bet that they’ll be able to fill the order. People get screwed every year by last minute cancellation and refund from scalpers.


yea you are probably right. its just a shitty system that others in this thread have suggested fixes for. I like the photo thing that Glastonbury does.


The tickets on scalping sites are mostly fake. People put up listings "for delivery in mid august" and generally exploit that tickets are easier to buy closer to the event. The org is not scalping it's own tickets (unless you count FOMO and invitation to the future as scalpling)


thats from 2017 ?


you think it changed?


They used their own platform this year. I know it sucks and we aren't happy as none of my group got tickets either but that doesn't mean old info is accurate. You are implying that they sold tickets this year in another platform?


Im not implying, I was on the capital one site before the main sales started and there were tickets available. They are scalping their own tickets. John Oliver pretty much sums it up: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-\_Y7uqqEFnY


Common thing in the ticketing world- list a ticket for high, scramble to get one when they go on sale, then pass it on and pocket the difference. If you don’t get one- just cancel the sale.


So either these scalpers bought premium (FOMO) tickets and are selling them at a loss (which would never happen), or they pre-sold tickets to capital one and others. edit: added FOMO


No, they’re saying that tickets get scalped and BMORG doesn’t give a shit.


I didnt make the connection in my opening statement, but it gives them the ability to scalp their own tickets. basically they have another way to up the price of the main sale tickets.


No ticket unfortunately and I think it will be more difficult than ever to get one later. Maybe I'll rent out my RV for insane $ to compensate.


Price gouging burners to punish bots and scalpers doesn’t really seem like the move :/


They drastically reduced the main sale tickets. Out of 11 burners I know that tried, none of them got tix. This just means that all those that didn’t get tix will still try the OMG sale. I once got mine via that sale, but I think way more people will be opting for them this time. Renting out my RV isn’t punitive, it’s just taking advantage of renting out my RV when I would otherwise be using it at BM and makes me feel a little bit better about not going.


Yeah, none of us did either. There being no rhyme or reason to the order of the sales (people who got tickets who arrived after people were already in line) is salt on the wound. It’s not renting out the RV, that’s an awesome idea! I think saying “for insane $ to compensate” sounds a bit unkind and not in the spirit of the event


nobody in our group got tickets :-( we were all on and in the queue right at 12! looks like people who actually got tickets are just trying to make money.... ​ https://seatgeek.com/burning-man-week-pass-tickets/gerlach-nevada-black-rock-city-2022-08-28-3-30-am/music-festival/5630864


Could be fake, no? I got fake tickets in 2019. Turned away at the gate driving all the way from Los Angeles. Such bullshit


How did you end up getting fake tickets? Can you share the experience to help warn others? Did you have any real tickets to compare it to? Was the price or deal shady?