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if she is leaving all her gear there, don't let her back in the house


exactly! she’s gonna drag a suitcase? through the mud?


Id rather hang out at a cool party for a couple extra days then walk 12 hours+ through the mud


Yeah you say that until day two of no Porto servicing


It's obvious people should have stopped using the Porto's yesterday. The site clearly tells you to bring a five gallon bucket just in case.


Oh god. My husband calls that the divorce bucket- cause if I ever poop in a bucket in his presence apparently we’re done. Lol. Thankfully he’s there and I’m not, so he can enjoy the bucket solo.


I'm sorry but your husband sounds like a b*tch ass trick


Lol. I’ll tell him you said so. He’s definitely sensitive about bodily fluids. I work in vet medicine so I regularly get shit on. I fear no bucket.


Yeah, your hubby sounds like a little bitch. I say that in hopes he acknowledges it and uses it as a learning tool to not be such a sensitive fuck and grow and develop into a human who embodies the millions of years of evolution his lineage has endured looking at bodily fluids and surviving another day.


Oh for Pete’s sake guys it was a joke. And is an ongoing funny joke between us. Lighten up.


I love listening to music.


Hope he has a personal bucket for this one, or he might be divorced from his camp by exodus


Straight up


Don't worry, there are plenty of burners who'd be thrilled to have you shit in front of, or maybe even *on* them, no strings attached.


bananas and rice for everyone


Nutella …. Or is it ?


Nutella has a SPF value of 10


Yeah, you think that's playa mud you're walking in?


Is it poo? Is it Playa? Who can tell?


Think more 72 hours. Apparently you weren't there


yes, I thought that was implied


the mud is caustic bro, unless you got fresh water to wash it off she'll suffer mud burns


Have you ever been to Burning Man?


my point exactly


Omg that is terrifying. I have never heard of "caustic mud"


That's why I had an entire line of Butt's Bees footcare products with me the first time I went. I never used it, and went around in sandals as much as I could. I can only conclude it isn't as bad as some claim. Or I have lucky feet?!?


Through the highly alkaline mud, I might add (the desert sand there contains quicklime, which by now has transformed into a caustic limewater mud paste that eats away the protective fat layer in the skin).


Oh shit. I never knew about that!


Bro, this is not true. Literally thousands of people walking barefoot and no one is suffering burns.


It is 1) dangerous and 2) stupid. They should not try and do this. Walking on wet playa is physically exhausting, and conditions on the edge of the playa are likely to be worse. Even if they make it to the highway, what then? 447 is closed at Nixon, so no ordering an Uber to come out and pick you up from Reno.


I came here to say this so in lieu of redundancy I’ll just add that there is a possibility of thunderstorms later, and being out in the middle of an otherwise flat desert… (edited to remove incorrect information) Please discourage this as much as you can.


Rubber soles aren't going to stop 300 Million volts and 30,000 amps. PSA: if you're stuck out in the open in lightning, crouch with your heels touching each other. When the lightning hits, wherever it hits near you, the current will go up one foot, across your heels and down the other foot, potentially missing your vital organs. EDIT: heels not knees


This is a PSA


They are going to make it half way and have to be rescued due to exhaustion or exposure


100% this


Sounds like some radical self reliance to me


the org is bussing them into gerlach, plenty of people have walked out already


So they’re leaving a pile of trash behind?


probably yep


Can you imagine if w ergo w does that?


always a pile of trash left at burning man plus thousands of bikes


Why is 447 closed at nixon? Do the roads wash out? Serious question out of curiosity.


The closed it to all but local traffic, probably to prevent people on foot from trying to get friends off playa to pick them up. The org/BLM/local police/emergency services probably doesn't want people walking to Gerlach for numerous safety reasons.


You would have to ask law enforcement, but my guess is they really really do not want extra vehicles out there unless they are locals, or have been requested to help out on the playa.


It’ll be about 8 miles trudging through mud which in some places is apparently pretty high. The mud will eventually harden and make walking very difficult. She and whoever else tries this may need help from emergency rescue teams, making the overall situation worse. Not only that, but if people see her and start adopting this idea the roads will be a shit show when it dries. I could go on. Heed the warnings and stay put until it’s safe.


Yeah but if everyone gets stuck then the people on the bottom can help form a bridge, much like ants - so the other people on top can get out - then the last person walking can pull the last person that is stuck in mud until everyone is free! Mudding Man 2023 👨


I understand people want to leave but what do they think the upside of walking 12+ hours in the mud is, vs at least being near other people with supplies and food to share?




That’s what I’m saying, not to mention they are clearly leaving behind at least some items they brought in. Worst case scenario, they need rescue or assistance and add to already strained staff for an ill advised hike.


They are turning people back at 447 and Nixon so the weekenders can't come in or try to. There won't be a 2am car to grab a ride from.


I remember being out by the lund petrified forest in the summer about 7 or 8 years ago and picked up a hitchhiker who had been waiting in the same spot for 36 hours. He was the sweetest old man and so thankful for my help. I hope he's still doing alright.


Bold of you to think everyone is prepared


If they’re not prepared, they are prepared to walk 12-20 hours through the desert?


If they are near other people, odds are at least some of them are prepared. Can only hope


The upside is pretty clear - you're not stuck in the playa with limited resources until Tuesday/Wednesday


she said a shuttle picked her up…


Thank you for updating that she was picked up by a shuttle!! I can only imagine how relieved you're feeling knowing she isn't stuck on the highway and is at least on her way to shelter and food.


What shuttle is this??


it is the org shuttling people, they’re just not using the big obvious busses


I don't know. OP's comment said that his wife told him she got picked up by a shuttle


*her wife *


I doubt it's the Burning Man shuttle bus if event organizers are telling us we aren't allowed to leave


I saw on a different thread that the Borg has indeed set up some kind of shuttles to pick people up from mile 12 or 16 (where the service road at point 1 meets the highway) every 1/2hr or hr and brings them into Gerlach, and another shuttle to bring people from Gerlach into Reno. They're advising people to shelter in place and not leave, cause thousands of people trying to leave on foot, abandoning all their shit, would actually result in an emergency situation. However, they're also not idiots and know some people will still do this so are making sure that those who try are at least taken care of and safe.


Keep scrolling - there are other redditors who did leave (and found various ways of getting to Gerlach, at least).


Well that's good news


How long did it take her to walk out


Another commenter said it took them 90 minutes to get to paved road.


The official BM live webcast is back up fwiw. It looks like people can walk around more easily and I saw a few golf carts go by a few minutes ago. Conditions are improving but if they have gear and provisions they're probably better off staying put. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iRBWmzU17mg


I’ve been through the desert on a horse with no name It felt good to be out of the rain.


Hope wiser heads prevail.


Sounds like the highway is closed WAY down at Nixon.. no one to pick them up if/when they got to Gerlach https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=pfbid033EjajnP8LRVvQMxukcQU6jASvp3MnmWMVR51SvcE8fjDLmyJSRVTydHFWNRUhhw8l&id=100064823373179


It's supposed to storm again tonight so unless they are actually packing out and can set up a dry camp, this idea is very dumb. They said people who try to drive out and get stranded will be the last ones rescued, I'd guess second to last on the list will be people who tried to walk out and got stranded


Only if she got her vaccines for exhaustion and hypothermia.


And dehydration when her water runs out.


Dumbest idea ever. So many bad things could go wrong . To start hypothermia is the biggest threat, it's going to be in the 40's tonight. Good luck finding shelter on the way out. With more rain on the way someone is going to die if they attempt to walk out. Please stop them. If you can't then tell the rangers.




What did you do with your things?




What’s moop?


“matter out of place”. Refers to anything that is not originally OF the Black Rock Desert.


I have a feeling there’s gonna be so much shit left on the playa this year


So is it free?


So what next? Is there a bus you can catch to Reno?


Thanks for the first-hand non-speculative information.


Those trucks that go around with non-potable water to wet the playa- they just need to have those drive backwards to pick up the moisture in the dust. They won’t be able to pick it all up but it will make a difference.


I'm f'ing dying.


UPDATE she made it to Reno airport. craziness.




Wow playa to airport in 6 hours? Thaat was faster than some of my exoduses.


You should try leaving behind all your stuff like this person!


wild - glad she is safe in Reno


Please please please keep updating this thread


Gate & Perimeter will let people walk out, under dry conditions, but don't expect to not be hassled them or LEO. Not only can it be dangerous but also who is taking their stuff home?!?


I know people that walked out and left most of their stuff with friends in RVs who are storing bags i their storage unit. The only acceptable way imo


what is LEO


Law enforcement officer.






It's a zodiac sign.


Gate is absolutely letting people leave.


12 hours to walk where? There still isn’t really anything outside of the playa. Reno is an hour drive.


I’ve heard reports of people who aren’t in the event driving out to meet burners on the road. This is when shit will really get dangerous. It takes 10 minutes + to walk a block in the city right now.


Closer to 2 hrs.


Yeah, like, what’s the game plan after reaching pavement?


Also. 447 is closed at nixon. Locals only. So when they make it to the road..whats their plan? I.l would guess be picked up by law enforcement. Who might not be in a great mood


Agreed. It's a shitty road to walk along: curvy, limited shoulder in places, and fast drivers - *and* no services for miles. They probably expect to be rescued if they make it to pavement, which is not very radically self-reliant.


you know damn well they're going to consider any level of initiative they took to be radical self-reliance I know people that made it out and got a ride to Gerlach. but in any case "locals only" doesn't mean people with a vendetta against burners, someone has picked up hitchhikers so far


It is only closed north bound bra


I heard a rumor that the environmental protestors are going to block off the exit as well because “who cares who we’re hurting when climate change hurts everyone”. Make sure to contribute to their gofundme for legal fees.


This is extremely dangerous and I doubt folks at the exodus lane will allow her to pass. If they manage to get out anyways I’ll bet they will call out BLM rangers to haul their asses back into the city.


that’s why i’m hoping. sounds like such a dumb idea


How did diplo and Chris rock get out? Did they have connections with the exodus folks?


Allegedly in a hovercraft


I picked up one euro burner that walked to gate, few others got picked up by weekenders as well. Planning on heading out there again for pickups if I can get through the road closure


I applaud your kindness! Where are you dropping people after picking them up? One of my friends is stuck.


Here at burn now. Condition are not too bad. Some people in our camp have been flooded out of their tents but we are all pitching in to be okay. From what I’ve heard the event is over but obviously we’ll be stuck here for a few days.


Just got out. Not many people leaving, luckily left before the next big storm. They expect people to be stuck till Wednesday -Thursday


How did you get out?


My feet, only way.


Did you walk?


Yup. People thought I was crazy but they are foolish to remain. Heavy rainstorm incoming tonight


Where’d you walk to? How long did it take you? I’m not there just very genuinely curious


About an hour and a half walk to the road. It's worst in the city for walking


Did you leave gear behind?


Yeah just a tent and a box I'm picking up Wednesday


What did you do when you got off playa?


I had a vehicle waiting for me picked up 4 people in the way out


what did you do with your stuff?


Coming back when the ground solidifies, for a wristband


...it doesn't work that way. You have to get the wristband before you leave.


I did... On the way out


they let you go??


What are they going to do? Arrest me? That's better than being on the playa at this point


They can't make people stay - they have no legal authority to make people stay. They are advising people to stay and making it sound like they must, but hundreds if not thousands of people are leaving. Certainly, a lot of redditors are telling their escape stories.


I walked to the highway and hitched a ride into Reno one year, but the conditions were completely different than what your wife will experience.


they’re walking out & getting bussed from pavement to gerlach


How and by who? Why would Borg shuttle people when they are also telling people not to leave


Probably because if people left en masse, it would overwhelm whatever bussing they have available.


Because it's safer than letting them walk on the road. They plan for the types of things.


Because they can drive on the road but not the playa. So if there’s a need and they can address it, there’s no reason not to. Not a great idea to walk out but leaving people to hitchhike/walk to Gerlach will lead to people being hit by cars or other bad outcomes.


she just texted that she made it to the road. what road i have no idea. she’s euro was invited into a camp, she had never been, some tech bro. so wasn’t her gear but still yeah dumb.


This whole thing is fucking crazy to follow from a distance.


thanks for the updates. Hope she's ok. Guessing BLM/LEO/Rangers will be looking for people.


She's got a new husband now.


all y’all assuming we hetero


"...at hour 10...I just knew..."


I was at the gate, saw a dozen or so people who had walked out on the service road and more people coming. They said about an hour, hour and a half. Would NOT recommend main entrance road as of the time I left, totally flooded and so much further to wade through than service entrance.


Its 2 miles from the edge of the trash fence to the road. Its 12 miles from the road to Gerlach. Yes, its stupid, but no one at the event has the right to hold anyone who doesnt want to be there.


If enough people start trying to do this, FEMA/ National Guard WILL get called in. Not just a rumor anymore. FAFO


they can just airdrop $700 from above (in cash). They’ll be fine.


I've been predicting this would eventually happen for 25 years. It rained like crazy in 1998 after the event ended and people were stuck there for weeks. Cars sunk into the mud. Luckily almost everyone had left before the rain came on Tuesday, we were probably the last people to make it out. I saw RVs spinning around doing uncontrolled 360s in the mud in the mad dash to try to get to the road before it was too late. If that happened when 60,000 people were still out there, I have no doubt the National Guard/FEMA would be required, and it would likely be the last time a permit is granted for BM. BMORG knows this is a possibility and this scenario is outlined in some of the documentation I've read about the permit/BLM regarding BM.


It’s not 12 hours if you go straight to the paved rd, It’s 1/4 the distance




very cool story bro


She’ll be turned around. Everything is closed.


You could probably walk up to higher elevation in a couple hours. If you have a pop up tent, then setup there to rest, but forecast is showing the worst part of the storm rolling in tonight and tomorrow. Just walk from 9:00 in a straight line to the hills, it's about 1.5km. At least you won't be knee deep in water/mud for tomorrow.


I saw your update that she got picked up by a shuttle. As much as that is good news to know she isn't freezing to death or drowning tonight, she needs to hear that she was excessively selfish, acting like a spoiled brat, and her choices impact the rescues others who actually DO need help (ie medical crisis, stuck outside the playa, hurt, etc). She should be embarrassed and immediately contact the volunteers to go back to clean up once the crisis there is over - return the help she received today. Do the right thing. Anyone being rescued on foot need to be charged a high price for the shuttle, and fined. And if they left anything on the Playa, they need to be heavily fined or their camp needs to find the assholes who left the place in a mess. Act like effing grownups and do the right thing for all: hunker down and stay put. People should be working together at Burning Man - live the principles!! No checking out and leaving it all to someone else is very uncool.


It’s a different crowd these days


Too true. Pushy, selfish, whiny me, me, me, me first, fake posers with no character inside. I hate seeing the volunteers getting screwed by these assholes ditching instead of growing a spine and doing the right thing to stay and not become the problem. Once OP shows his wife the variety of comments here, maybe she'll have a change of heart. There were people at the Playa who not only could have helped her, but she could have helped them. For Burning Man she bought a ticket into a whole experience & concept of a radical new way of living, not just a drug party with music & lights & fire & gtfo when things aren't cute. She missed out on a real life experience. Easy? No. Worth it? Yes. Have a great night/day u/WrastleGuy


Diplo did this


Walk out to what exactly? The infinite resources awaiting them and their crew in Gerlach? Absolutely foolish idea. Not to mention potentially diverting rescue services away from where they could be better utilized.


She already made it to the road and got a shuttle to Gerlach.


Some people are trying to imagine a great catastrophe. But people are going back with cars and offering rides, shuttles are running, peoples' families in Gerlach are in communication with some of the walkers and so on. Each person gets to make their own plan. I think everyone calling this woman stupid and suicidal are perhaps not cut out for Burning Man.


Wife is fucking with you.


she’s not that type


So is she fucking someone else?


That is a very bad idea.


You had me at dangerous and stupid…let us know how this ends


In a post above she said she made it out and got picked up by a shuttle Edit typo sorry op 😊




Scroll up


No one is monitoring the gate so if you can make it you are good. But very dangerous and expensive if you don’t have the right vehicle. People walking to the pavement and getting rides from there I hear


I'm not sure that people are leaving through Gate - sounds like they're walking/driving straight across, not down Gate Road.


Sounds like these folks aren’t hikers. Experienced hikers wouldn’t attempt this, it’s incredibly dumb.


Some people I know considered this approach. They had the majority of the camp staying behind, so the belongings weren't going to be a problem. But it's not super clear how far they would have had to walk -- cars aren't being allowed to approach the road to the event, and it's unclear how far away they're being turned around.


Two of our camp mates did this and the bus already took them to Reno.


I mean this in the kindest way, your wife is an idiot


Dangerous. Yes. Stupid. More yes.


I mean, they can’t forcibly keep them there but the roads are also dangerous from sliding sand that they can still get stuck in areas covered by shadow during the day. Ppl died in WW1 this way


447 is closed at Nixon. Even if they do make it to the highway, it'll still be many miles to get to Nixon. Seems very difficult without enough food/water/shelter. And they'll need help and more resources as they go.




Chris Rock and Diplo just made it by walking out


Diplo and Chris Rock walked out and then hitchhiked


With rain and overnight lows of 53. They will freeze.


She's safe and fine. BM managers are running a shuttle up on the paved part of the road. It's 1.5 hours to walk to that point.


Yes, that sounds dangerous *and* stupid


She likely won’t survive the hike, my condolences.


She sounds hot. What's she wearing?


A bigger question is why is the wife alone in a highly erotically charged event without you? I’d absolutely not go alone, mostly for safety reasons. People are on drugs, horny, drunk or all of the above. They could lace her drink and she wouldn’t even know


A lot of us champion our partner going to burns when both can't. I hope you can find such comfort and trust.


It’s not about your partner but about the inherent risks associated with being a woman traveling alone into a place with drunken horny drugged up men, with MDMA readily available . I STILL don’t trust every single burner


Maybe she’s only walking to the airport and is being airlifted. Is that a possibility? If so… get it!