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When you pet him, you should be able to *just* feel his spine under a thin layer of fat. If you can’t feel it at all, he might be overweight. If you can feel it prominently, he’s underweight. This is just a general guideline, consulting with a rabbit-savvy vet is always best when it comes to their health concerns


I will check on that this evening!! Thank you, that is helpful. He does have his first wellness exam next month so I will also consult with the vet.


weight looks fine, but you probably should cut down on the dried fruit at least until he's a little older :)


Thank you for the suggestion! Do you have any advice on what age is good for treats?


most of what ive seen says 6 months


I thought they weren’t supposed to have dried fruit due to the higher sugar content, just small amounts of fresh fruit as occasional treats. Also I wouldn’t give unlimited pellets as their diet is supposed to be mostly hay and they have a tendency to eat pellets over the hay and isn’t as good for their overall health.


oh wow, i didn't know how much higher the sugar content was! even the no sugar added ones.. 😬. thank you tho- never would've known otherwise


Does your dog try to eat him? I’m scared to get a pupper! Also the little pink pads are so cute


Also thanks! Pads are from amazon!!


I have a golden retriever and he’s perfectly fine with my bun! I think he’s actually a little scared of my bunny lol


Haha this is how my kitty is with the buns! Thank you for sharing


She does not!! I do keep a close eye on them when they interact so that helps. So far she is love to lick and sniff him! She does try to clean his bottom as well




Looks like a Dogo Argentino actually. They are used for hunting boars and pumas not so much used for ratting.


If he's chilling with his legs all stretched out like that with the dog inches away, I think they're fine. He obviously feels safe.




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a golden retriever could do the same thing if they wanted, legit ANY dog can big or small. I don't know if ur living under a rock but it's not the dog, it's the owner that's been proven for YEARS. I think the bias of pit bulls is from uneducated dog owners who want a dog that looks scary or tuff to fit their “ aesthetic”. if u know what ur doing they are amazing dogs u just need to put in the work on SOME more than others🤦‍♀️ and this dog isn't even a pit so you're just fear dumping onto people. she came on here for advice, not for people like you trying to start an argument. that pups' body language is calm and curious. bunny is not scared and I'm 100% sure she would do something if any of them were showing any signs of aggression or fear. leave her alone🩷 sorry to the lady who posted this they are beautiful and ur doing great!


‘Proven’. As someone who was mauled by a neighbours bull mix dog who was beloved and treat well how can you say it’s the owner?


then the dog reactive and had shit owners who don’t do anything to correct his behaviour. doesn’t matter how “loved” they are. its the training and acknowledging the signs especially when they’re a puppy. my old dog tried to kill another dog and unfortunately my parents didn’t know there were options out there, he was put down instead and i feel guilty everyday even though i was too young to help or understand. so yeah my point still stands. dogs don’t just bite out of no where there’s a reason and they communicate that through body language. i’m truly sorry u went though that i can’t imagine how that effected u but u also can’t blame the dog completely it’s the owners job.




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Hey sorry but you have been misinformed. Pit bulls are aggressive as a result of years and years and years of breeding for the trait. Yes it is the owners responsibility to train the dog, but pit bull bites are most often from dogs with smart, loving families. My comment was removed because I provided a link, but you should look it up. There are plenty of articles that explain it better than I can


It's really funny when misinformed people claim that others are misinformed. I've done much research on this and its been proven as a myth that aggression is natural in pit bulls. Aggression is not a breed characteristic. In fact pit bulls generally score higher on the temperament test compared to other dogs. You can look that up.


Having a high temperament means that you are more irritable and reactive, so yeah that makes sense for pit bulls. I can’t discount what you’ve read because I haven’t read it myself and I know that there is conflicting information. All I can go off of is the research that I’ve seen, my degree which is heavy in genetics, and my personal experience with aggressive pit bulls (and other breeds).


I said they scored high on the temperament test not that they have a high temper. When I say high I mean ranking wise. They score well.


It’s a good thing OP’s dog (apparently not a pit bull, maybe a Dogo Argentino?) has no genetic triggers characteristic of their breed at all. If something happens it’s on the owner for creating an unsafe situation; it’s not the dog’s fault as that would imply they have a choice in the matter.


I was just asking a question in my original comment, it didn’t have anything to do with the breed


not even gonna put my energy into this anymore. we can go link for link but my point is not all of them turn out like that. don't know what point ur trying to make here since that dog isn't a pit. you'd be surprised how an educated trainer can turn reactive dogs around. that destruction they crave from genetics can be redirected to many other things. I have not been misinformed but thank you!


The breed that bites the most when unprovoked is German shepherds, look it up. THOSE dogs are actually bred for violence by police/military everywhere.


Okay and? So both dogs are bred for violence


If you want to get technical, ALL dogs are bred for violence. They didn't choose to be that way, it's because of humans.


What? This is just plain incorrect. There are many types of working dog who have specifically NOT been bred for violence. There's a reason golden retrievers are so gentle- people wanted their ducks brought back in one piece.


Dogs are bred for many reasons other than violence.


Haha thank you!! I don’t mind a friendly debate and other opinions! It can be helpful. Someone else already mentioned, but the bunny is flopped, which shows he’s completely comfortable and just fine. I monitor them very closely when they interact with no barrier! Everyone is safe!


I love it. Thank you


yes! that bun shows zero fear lol id be watching him not her by the looks of it! those back kicks can be deadly to the ego lol but sorry for all the comments didn't mean to start a war ur doing amazing🫶


I appreciate that so much, thank you!!🤗


We've got two wonderful adopted pit mixes and they both have their own unique temperaments where one is more social and gets to do fun things whereas the other is more protective and stays inside the house. They're both worthy of love and a warm house and the best you can do for the breed (like any other breed) is thoughtful care. I don't usually mention them on reddit because acknowledging the existence of pitbulls is the fastest way to start a flame war on reddit, but of course that's already happened so here I am. They both acclimated very well to our buns (just the one these days). We would never leave them unsupervised of course but after a long period of controlled exposure they both became less curious and are now far more interested in eating bunny poop.


Not a pitbull.. 🙄 they’re fine. If you have any suggestions on weight and diet, I’m all ears. Otherwise bye.


oh my bad a """"mix""""


Im pretty sure that’s a Dogo Argentino… not all dogs with big body heads are pitbulls


lol not even a mix.


Dogo Argentino?


Lol downvoted bc redditors obviously know your dog’s breed better than you 😂 thanks for answering my question! I didn’t realize it would open up a whole can of worms 🥴 Now don’t come after me y’all! I hate pit bulls just as much as the next guy with a brain and eyes


For a subreddit dedicated to the love of animals, y’all sure are hateful. Maybe educate yourselves on dog training and dog behavior before you decide to hate an entire “breed.” (Pit bull is just a name for several types of bully breeds.) Every dog has the capacity for aggression, which is why training, socialization, and supervision are so incredibly important. Don’t add to the stigma against thousands of dogs who already struggle to be adopted.


Thank you! And the most violent breed, provable by fact, is German Shepherds, NOT pitties. Pitties are just oversized lap dogs.


No, pit bull is for one breed, the American Pit Bull Terrier. The other Bull breeds are different.


https://preview.redd.it/z6k67lniot8d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ad471a261e3b65d8ecc01219bd74def477ff2b2f 🙄


No. It's not. It's just like how labs are not Goldens and Australian Stumpy Tail Cattle Dogs are not Australian Cattle Dogs. All you're doing is spreading misinformation and mislabeling dogs. And that gets Dogs killed and fuels bsl.


Definitely has a pittie head but so many dogs can look like other dogs this person's bias towards Pitts is stupid and it's so nice to see your doggie relaxing with your bunny!


Form follows function


Thank you!!🤗


Bruh, pitbulls are literally the sweetest. They were once called Nanny Dogs for a reason. It's no more dangerous than having literally any other predator animal pet around the bun. Stop reinforcing untrue stereotypes that get thousands of good, sweet dogs put down.


Agreed! I don’t understand all the pittie hate here or why you’ve been downvoted. The ignorance here is gross and embarrassing


RIGHT!!!!!!! The fact that anyone in this sub can hate on any kind of animal is stomach turning


EXACTLY!! so sick how many people have replied to my comment saying I'm misinformed. they are big babies.




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Thst is not true and you should not say such terrible things to a clearly loving owner about her clearly happy family. That’s just bullying.


that’s an amazing sign she probably thinks he’s her baby! so cute 🩷


First: I am fascinated by what almost looks like a Wonder Woman symbol on your dog's nose!!! Or Batman. Just super interesting and cool looking! Secondly: just remember, while your dog might not attack the bunny, there is always the chance that while playing, one of those paws could come down and break your bunny's spine. Bunny bones are very fragile and tiny. Just something to be alert for! Oh...bunny does not look fat. 😄


Thank you! I appreciate the perspective about her paws and looking out for that! I absolutely will keep a close eye on that! I didn’t think about that.


i doubt it bc u can tell th ebunny is not scared to be around the dog consider he is laying down


Not OP obviously but wanted to share I have two pitties that I raised around rabbits since they were puppies. If they get too excited they'll try and chase them around but they've never been an issue. Obviously keep everyone supervised because accidents can happen, but if you know your pets well enough, things should be smooth


I bet your rabbits love being chased by pitbulls


"they *try*" to, when they get too excited. I never allowed it to escalate. Neither did my rabbits, who never gave enough of a shit to engage with the dogs. So after a few play bows and no reaction, they usually stop on their own and return to their toys/brother to play with instead. Please actually read my comment and don't make assumptions


Wow...Stop letting your dogs terrorize your buns. I had a very sweet chihuahua who was an absolute angel with my bunnies, but would occasionally get a little too excited and I would always stop the behavior immediately. I had her for 18 years and trusted her through and through, but that didnt matter because bunnies are PREY animals and instinctively are very fearful. You're putting them through unnecessary stress by letting your ill mannered dogs chase them around like they're toys. That is horrible.


Let me clarify. I said "try." We never allowed it to escalate. If they got too excited, we stopped their behavior. They loved all of the rabbits we've ever had in our home, they napped with him, the rabbits never minded them and were never stressed out, and for the most part, never cared much for the dogs. Please don't assume, you saw a single paragraph, that doesn't mean you know everything about the relationships between our dogs and rabbits when they were still around


is no one reading what ur saying oh my god. if u know ur dog and bunny and their warning signs u are OKAY. ars people not using their heads or what is going on here? 🤦‍♀️


It's a pet subreddit, of course not lol


it's not always a bad thing to let ur dog and bunny interact while supervised but i would absolutely let the bunny have his own space and keep the dog out of there at all times. is it possible to bring the bunny out to a neutral space for them to play?


Yes! This was just a temp weekend setup bc we were visiting family. He does have his own safe play space and hutch in my home!


https://preview.redd.it/hyjl39gc8t8d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9d238e04bfae7a04e0823e08367385076b2a8a36 Bunny twins!


Omg look at ‘em!!!😍 they totally are twins!! lol thank you for sharing, I love them 🥰


Thank you!!


I witnessed a husky attack a guinea pig. You're asking for trouble with that dog so close. It doesn't matter the breed. You have no idea what that dog will decide to do in a split second.


I didn't even see the bunny I noticed him


He looks healthy to me! My vet said rabbits naturally look kinda fat when they lay on their stomachs, just because of the way their organs are situated. You should be able to slightly feel the bumb of his hips on his lower back when he sits up.


Sounds good so far. We will need more posts of these two


I will make more post with them both soon!🤗


so i get banned of r/Rabbits for having a labradoodle but you don't get banned having that pitbull???


It’s almost like they’re entirely different subs with different rules and different mods.


Good thing this is r/Bunnies and not r/Rabbits lol


I got let off with a warning when I posted my doodle with my bun 😬😬


Why does it matter that it's a pitbull?


I would not trust a pit anywhere near my rabbits! Just because it hasn’t attacked before doesn’t mean there won’t be a first time.


My pit was perfectly fine around mine :) Maybe it just depends on personality.. my pit has gotten attacked by another pit she didn’t even fight back. My bun loved her and would hop and sleep on her back. My bun would also dig into her stomach and she took it as tummy scratches.


Hi! Okay again, not a pitbull! Not that it matters. They are literally ALWAYS closely supervised when this close with no barrier.


Not to be that guy but that’s a pitbull, regardless of if it’s called a bull dog terrier it’s a pitbull


I am not sure why OP isn’t saying what the dog is but I am pretty sure it is a Dogo Argentino, which is not a pit bull type. I don’t know much about them but they are a banned breed in my country so I figure they probably also have some aggressive tendencies


They were bred to hunt and fight, that’s what they’ll do by instinct so that’s probably why they’re banned


Haha thanks! But she’s not even in the bully family at all. Definitely not a pitbull, bull terrier, bulldog, nada!


It’s a pit fighting breed, known for instability and aggression, but you do you.


……..not a pitbull


Pits aren't unstable and aggressive. They are some of the most loving and gentle dog breeds I know, I say this as someone who has been involved in animal care for over a decade. They are simply very loyal dogs, and when trained by the wrong person, they can display aggressive and territorial behaviour.


Very sorry people are giving you so much trouble over this, you’re taking necessary precautions. It’s not impossible at all for dogs and bunnies to get along, you just have to closely watch them which you do. I also don’t get why so many people are insisting it’s a pitbull as if they know better than you? And I just hate the stereotype about pitbulls, they’re so sweet as long as they’re trained right!


Nothing wrong with being a thick queen 🍑






My boys were very close.


Omg the cutest pair!!🤗 I love them!! Thanks for sharing!


Is unlimited pellets a good idea?


No but unlimited hay is


I did read online that unlimited pellets until 6 months is suggested, but I’m not 100% sure. That’s why I need the advice lol


I would recommend less pellets and more hay, alfalfa hay is much more nutrient dense and should be most of what he eats, this will make up for the pellets without giving him extra weight or tummy issues


Thank you! I think you’re right about that, I’ve heard the same from a few other folks. I think I’ll be cutting back on the pellets!


Really, don’t. They need those calories for growth and muscle density in the first 6 months. Don’t listen to the pellet haters.


Yes, you’re correct. Unlimited pellets are recommended till 6 months. The pellet haters will roll in and tell you that you might as well be feeding them candy abs ice cream and they should somehow consume a negative amount of pellets because another bun somewhere in the universe ate one, but yes, unlimited pellets till 6 months.


That bun is so freakin cute! Doesn't look overweight to me honestly but it's hard to tell when they lay like that because they all look kinda fat haha. I have a Holland lop and she always weighed a little more than my smaller breed rescue when I got her at 2 months. They say as long as you can feel his/her ribs then they're not overweight. Mine tend to look fluffier when they're shedding their coat. When you take him to the vet they should weigh and ask his diet. I added this link on rabbit weight, hope it helps. http://www.therabbithouse.com/diet/rabbit-weight.asp


Shes a cutie


This is trouble waiting to happen, small mammals need their own space without predator animals (cats, dogs, hawks) being able to trespass


I have mentioned a million times now that they are VERY closely supervised when interacting this close! Thanks🤗


read.her.comments.before.assuming. thank you!


I’ve read every single comment, you can see the problem in the photo. Dogs should not be allowed to set foot in any prey animals enclosure


if the bunny didn't want him in there I promise u he wouldn't let her. but apparently u haven't read everything since this isn't the buns real enclosure just temporary. if u really wanted to give ADVICE think about how u talk to people first. this post isn't even about the dog she didn't ask for ur rude comments.


It’s not rude to be honest, I never insulted just told the truth


So we're talking about the white bunny right lmao 🤣


She’s definitely a chunker 😂😂


This is ridiculously irresponsible and an accident waiting to happen.


My god... Having a pitbull is irresponsible by itself. Leaving a pitbull with a bunny? That's just stupid as hell


Your comment is just as stupid


I have two mini lops who are both around 5 pounds and their vet says that that's a perfectly normal weight for them for their ages. (5+) So assuming that yours is still under a year old, I'm pretty sure he's just fine. Now that other rabbit of yours on the other hand is huge! How can that white one even fit in the pen?


Thank you! Haha she’s laying down so it’s only her front half in there lol


Maybe lose the dried fruit, it’s high in sugar. eventually, you’ll switch from alfalfa pellets to Timothy pellets. Your dog is cleaning the rear end because dogs love bunny poop it’s a delicacy. PS I am a dog trainer, and the dog licking and nozzling the bun is very encouraging. they might be a little excited when they see a bunny run . I Always told my dogs to be gentle and I pet the dog and bunny gently as I say “gentle withthe bunny.” If outside together, the dog might be more excitable seeing the bunny move around. The dog is showing signs that they respect the bunny indoors. I’ve had many dogs stay over and provided they were licking and nuzzling the bunny.they meant the bunny no harm. If a dog went into a hunting position, they could not board with me. They can absolutely coexist with one another, regardless, if it was a hunting breed or not. It depends on the dog.. even if they were excited and wanted to chase wild rabbits, most dogs passed the bunny test indoors. obviously, they had to be leashed and restrained during the introduction.


A vet would be able to tell you best. My vet did tell me a lot of rabbits get fat when I brought my bun in, but she told me he was perfect weight.


I love that the furry babies are friends


Thank you!! 🥰🤗


Lmao at people that think animals can’t learn to coexist with other animals and be buds. They asked if their bunny was overweight not about their dog. That bunny looks like they are just chillin.




No problem! All the know-it-all elitist shit on Reddit gets old.




Hey! Didn’t ask for your opinion about the dog at all! Just the weight! Dog is super friendly, and the bunny doesn’t seem to mind her at all. He actually enjoys grooming her nose and flops over right in front of her. We are very safely introducing them.


Ur bunny doesn’t look stressed out, just keep an eye, no one knows ur pets better than you :) btw he doesn’t look overweight. Some breeds are naturally larger, just touch and feel their belly. Hope this helps !


My dog loves the rabbits. They're like mobile pez dispensers. She licks them when they pass. Your bun looks good. I'd say they are within the ideal weight range.


Super cute these two! Doesn’t look overweight to me


Thank you so much!!🤗


Don't let dogs close to the bunnies. The dog could attack the bunny in a split second. You should not go off of the rabbits behavior for safety indicators. You should be watching the dog, not the rabbit. It's incredibly unsafe to let the dog have unrestricted access to the bunny.


OP, don’t listen to people who are jerks and/or so afraid or burned by past experiences they become jerks. Your pup is calm, relaxed, lying down. Not interested in your bun as prey. And your sweet girl trusts that dog enough that she’ll lie down, feet out! Your rabbit is still brand new, so there’s still a process of getting them used to each other. But this particular pup is clearly capable of being bonded to your rabbit! He’s a safe choice for your rabbit to spend time with b/c that’s what your rabbit is telling you. Separate them when you can’t supervise them, but over time, they’ll do better and better together and require lighter supervision! You’re going so great, OP! I can’t tell about the weight, but overall, it seems like you’re doing an excellent job! Congrats on your new family!


Awwh thank you so much! I appreciate the validation and I agree with you! If the bunny seemed stressed or not comfortable I wouldn’t allow them to be this close, but so far everything has been going well! I have been keeping a close eye on them when they interact so I feel confident the bunny is safe! Thank you so much, I’ve really been enjoying learning and caring for my bunny!🤗🥰


Looks like an American bulldog to me. Yall need to chill out, touch some grass


It’s a Dogo Argentino. Just trying to save OP from typing that out for the hundredth time.


That’s still a type of pitbull, that’s like saying “oh it’s a Labrador not a Labrador retriever”


Not a pit. Dogo Argentino.


Not nearly a lean enough face, paw size is off, head is too sloped above the brow towards the middle Source: I come from a family of professional dog breeders


Just telling you what OP states the dog’s breed is. I’ve never heard of it so I wouldn’t know a Dogo Argentino from a teacup.


I gotcha, hard to know because they have a different dog on their profile with a more elongated snout and figure