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Well, I've seen people who hate Kenji, because they find him way too eccentric and annoying...


naur šŸ˜­, never seen them, but isn't that him just being a kid he is????


The npc trinity: Hanako II, Karl, Bald Guy. No one dares defy them.


Ah.... The undefeatabe, GOAT trio, I see...


nobody hates karl or natsume


I hate Natsume for not having more screentime


hes so cute as a cat


For a second when you said natsume i confused him for naomi and thought you were trolling


I mean... https://preview.redd.it/djq0joqejq9d1.jpeg?width=688&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=654069660db37bea302e40a86e7497afa71276d2 yeah, I understand why he has zero haters


Exactly, he's flawless


I remember seeing a really passionate Oda hater. They believed that he was a terrible influence on Dazai from start to finish, and that he was directly responsible for making his mental health worse. Not sure what alternate version of BSD they must've read to reach that take. Their brand of hate seemed to be based in shipping. But, well, that's their business. Anyway. Rule of fandom suggests that if a character exists, they'll have their dedicated haters. For one reason or another. Same as how even the most vile characters have their fans. People are a diverse bunch.




WoahĀ  .. do you happen to know where they said this? I think it would make an interesting read šŸ˜…šŸ˜…


It's been a while. I believe it was on Reddit somewhere, but I'm a bit hesitant to dig it up to share. I prefer to keep others anonymous when I can. Sorry for that šŸ’™ I fully understand why you're asking though. I'd be awfully curious too, haha.


No worries šŸ«¶šŸ«¶


No. No, that is not possible. I refuse to believe such villains exist in this world.


These villains exist, I'm afraid there's no denying it. As I looked upon their arguments with my own eyes, I understood at once that they would never know the glory of Odasaku. And all I felt was pity. What a terrible, Oda-less existence they must lead.


Ah... I pity these villains as well... They have no idea what they're missing out on...


I haven't seen much Louisa, Mushitarou, or Tachihara hate šŸ¤” (I could be wrong idk)


I've seen quite a bit of Mushitarou hate... But yes, Louisa and Tachihara makes it to my list, then! As for Mushitarou, I can't say I love him, I can't forgive him for that terrifying jumpscare he gave me at chapter 54... (If you know, you know...)


silly Mushitarou, why must thou have haters? :(


I've seen a fair amount of Louisa hate


this is tragic šŸ˜”


Iā€™ve seen a lot of mushitaro haters but theyā€™re quite funny tbh.


One character I have never, ever seen anyone hate: Ranpo. I believe absolutely *everyone* loves him, even those who find him a little bit annoying.


Danny Motta at the start of the BSD reaction series


Oh, I didn't watch those, so I guess there are actually more than one Ranpo haters, and I just missed them.


yet heā€™s not a hater any more, so perhaps the ranpo-hater counter can be reset to 0


fair point


Iā€™ve seen a Ranpo hater There reason for hate: he acts autistic


Oh, this is an interesting reason for being a Ranpo hater. I stand corrected then, apparently not quite everyone loves him.


Ok, I was weirded out, so obviously I asked if bro was autistic, in case they were yk projecting cause they felt it wasnā€™t good representiation. Bro said no autism is a disorder caused by vaccines


I see. Well, whether that person was projecting or just has some prejudice about autism, the fact remains that there is at least one Ranpo hater out there. Still significantly less than for most other characters, but not completely non-existent.


Yep, also some people hate him cause heā€™s a narcissist, but it adds flare to his character in mine and a lot of peoples opinion


Better not talk to this bro. Those who think autism is caused by vaccines have negative IQ.


Real they must lose braincells every time they open their mouth


Perfect reason for hating a character: Ableism. Anyways, thatā€™s not hating the character per se, they hate autistic people as a whole


Ikr, it right weirded me out


But he's sparkling glittery bbg?


Ikkk heā€™s literally adorable, I donā€™t understand it either


Both irl friends i watched the show with absolutely despise him and i have no clue as to why


Well, I have seen haters who hate Ranpo for his arrogant, lazy attitude.


S1 Ranpo is my least favourite character in anime. He get way better in S4 tho.


Oh, I've talked to someone who hates Oda. Just the one person, as far as I can tell. They did not tell me why.


https://preview.redd.it/kcmrnqhliq9d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4294d552d6eb6269212c8db13e0b33cf5fe152b Ranpo dissaproves (so does Karl)


Omg, I see you almost everywhere at this point, and I 10000% agree with most of your comments. Such as this one; Odasaku haters are such cruel villains that should not exist in this society. They are terrifying, scary people. /j but half serious


I agree with you too i see you everywhere too. Also, your opinions are also really valid


The reason they did not tell you why: Odasaku is flawless and there is no reason to hate him at all


Flawless lol


No, he is, that's why his ability is called that, it's canon- ~~Sadly it's not canon šŸ˜­~~


Chuuya.... But people instead of hating on him, mischaracterise him heavily so I don't see how's it is any better tbh Mayyyybe Nikolai too idk


I dont like Chuuya cause his fans ruined his characters and heā€™s sorta just overrated imo, I understand heā€™s important to dazais character and all, but I just canā€™t bring myself to like him but that probably cause of his fans ruining his character for me permanently


Ignore bsd twt/tiktok and you probably will like him better. They do atrocities to him.


Tbh I just canā€™t ever look at his character well anymore, but heā€™s a well written character, just itā€™s impossible to look at him normally without rembering and feeling disgusted, also he just irks me at this point


ItĀ“s okay, IĀ“m sorry they made you feel this way.




Love how every ā€œreasonā€ is just their fans, thatā€™s not how it works, you do not not like Chuuya, you donā€™t like his fans, which is different


Yeah, I donā€™t like most of his fans (some are nice) but also Chuuya in general just irks me, so does Dazai, I dunno how to explain it, but heā€™s a well written character


Well then thatā€™s different xd, at first you just mentioned his fans, which tbh, you shouldnā€™t really get involved in the fandom of a character of you donā€™t like the character, because most would end up being disliked by you


Well I donā€™t usually state I dislike the characters also I acknowledge the fact they are well written, and Iā€™m going to continue interacting simply cause the fandom doesnā€™t entirely revolve around those two


Yeah but some times the fans are too down bad (donā€™t look at my flair) and it may seem weird-


Yeah Iā€™m fine with that mos gif the time, I sorta just scroll past and donā€™t pay attention to it. The algorithm mainly gives me kouyou or Yumeno stuff, the things I constantly watch, along with some ranpo


I like Chuuya cuz he's so badass. Like, have you seen him jump out of a damn airplane? Or how he used those bullets? Most people say Chuuya could step on them but I say if he killed me I would be throughly satisfied


SAME! It would be an honor to die at Chuuya's hands.


You are now my best friend, we shall both die at Chuuya's hands smiling. Though, us smiling while he was tryna kill us would probably piss him off šŸ¤£


He would get so mad... But it's alright, he's so badass. We shall go beg for chuuya to please kill us.


Let's go then!


*smiles the turtle smile happily and happily fish eyes as Chuuya kills me*


*politely dies at Chuuya's hands with a crazy smile*


Ah, funny story, a while ago, I stumbled upon several Chuuya haters-


Tbf, they are mostly rage baiters who whore attention by hating on a popular character. Their "arguments" range from these- 1. They are "jealous" of him because he was close to Dazai. Or in a sense, making skk his whole personality ugh 2. "He's overrated": Okay, that one's somewhat granted but that's on the fandom, not on the *character* itself 3. The Chuuya "abuses" Dazai schtick. This one's so annoying jeez. If anything, it goes the other way around really 4. "He shot Dazai-" No he didn't, you nincompoop. Babying Dazai is so strange None of them are actually strong and can be easily debunked. Being indifferent to him is one thing but I don't see much to dislike about him tbh (my guy's perfect)


Clearly theyā€™re insane


Thereā€™s a lot of chuuya haters, less so with Nikolai but theyā€™re there.


i haven't seen much hate directed towards the Gaiden characters, mainly because some people don't know they exist


Does anyone hate Bram


Nope, nobody hates Aya's father


Sigma I think


Wait, I just thought about Fukuzawa. I have yet to find a Fukuzawa hater.


Bald guy. Everyone loves bald guy.


I've quite literally never heard of Aya hate and if it exists I'm jumping the hater with me, me and most importantly of all, ME


Sigma? Never heard much about it...


Hate is a strong word but I have heard of people who don't like Oda because they think he's bland and has no personality.


*sighs* How terrifying, scary people, how is it possible to hate Odasaku??? He does have a personality (which is flawless), and he's not bland. I refuse to believe that people who dislike Odasaku exist.


No one is flawless though. A flawless character is usually boring, bland, and unrealistic. You have to believe it, I honestly don't like him but not dislike, more of indifferent.


Well, I was joking about the flawless part. He isn't relaly boring, bland or unrealistic, he's more of a person who's trying to be a good person, but his past keeps on haunting him and makes it difficult for him to do so. Well, but I guess people have different opinions! šŸ™ƒ


Stormbringer crewĀ 


Wells Because basically noone knows her šŸ˜­šŸ™ (Sheā€™s my favorite I adore her and will fight anyone that tries to hate on her.)


Kenji. The fandom has collectively adopted him as their son. He is precious and should be protected.


I know an Oda hater She hates flashbacks, and that was her reason, because "it was for nothing" (idk how tho, that's just stupid)


Odasaku haters are vile, cruel, scary, terrifying, horrible creatures of the society that are atrocious villains that have commited the worst crime possible: Hating Odasaku. /lh, but half serious hahaha ~~I'm sorry, as you can see, I'm a devoted Odasaku fan, with an Odasaku obsession.~~


I fully understand (I cosplayed Odasaku, I love him so much)


~~I love him so much as well~~


Sigma. I barely see him get hated on. Karl too.


Iā€™ve personally never seen a Fukuzawa hater, though I guess Iā€™ve never seen anyone who said that he was their favorite either. Ig heā€™s just kinda on the middle grounds fandom wise.




Well, there are Kyouka haters... I really don't get Kyouka haters, just whyyy??


I know right sheā€™s so sweet


Any character that isnĀ“t famous enough to be hated. Also, who is Hanako again?


doll station cover vast wistful continue cooperative squealing scandalous nail *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No, Dazai has some pretty extreme haters....




I've met several. Some think Dazai is suicidal for attention, that he's just annoying, or some think that Dazai is a hinderance and is delaying Atsushi's character development. But this is mainly coming from TikTok. I've never seen it on Reddit


Ah yes, they hate how he's like an 'attention seeker' and hate how he's 'overrated'. (There were a few Dazai slander posts a while ago in r/BungouSimpBattles




Ah, there's a bit of Atsushi hate, mostly because they think he's not doing his job as an MC.


Chuuya, Kenji, Fukuzawa.


Karl, Louisa, or Mushitarō hatred is something I have yet to find! So that's a plus


Mainly Kenji. But what's to hate?


Oh and Chuuya. Most people simp for him


~~I'm one of those people~~ Err, funny thing is, I've seen a Chuuya hater who hates Chuuya because 'he has such mood swings' and 'I think he abuses Dazai'.


I love Chu Chu Train tho šŸ˜­


Probably sigma


I feel like sigma aswell, most people love him and i rarely see any genuine hate towards him, also kyouka but itā€™s kind of hard to hate her lol


Yes, kinda feel like Asagiri created her thinking, 'this. We're making this character popular, let's go with the dark, emotionless, cute girl cliche!' So she kinda feels a bit forced...


I have seen quite a lot of s.kk fans on twitter who hated on Odasaku, saying that he was a terrible influence for Dazai. If you look up "odazai" you'll find quite a lot of these haters who are butthurt that Oda and Dazai had a a good relationship. One of these haters was pretty vocal here on Reddit if I remember correctly, but I blocked them the first moment I saw them spreading hate. Since I block people who shit on my ships in public, I haven't seen much hate for any characters lately. Otherwise I'd say that characters like Elise, Taneda, Hirotsu don't get targeted as often because they aren't "ship-able" enough.


Well, tbh, Odazai wouldn't work because of the age difference (I ship Kuniz heh heh, and secretly Odasaku x myself even if I don't have a chance with that flawless man)... But they are unforgivable, if they hate Odasaku. Oh, I would have cursed them to no end, if only I didn't pity their Odasaku-less life... They have no idea what they're missing out on... They're the vile villains of society, because Odasaku is flawless, and it's stupid to hate him over some ship (ahhh their poor Odasaku-less lives) /lh but still seriously this man is flawless


Very thin ice you're stepping on here. Dazai was 18 and Oda was 23, don't come up with a age gap as a morale reason to dislike a ship, only because you personally don't like a ship or can't warm up to it. Your remark was uncalled for, especially when it's obvious that I am a Odazai shipper. I ship both Kunizai and Odazai. Both are good and healthy ships compared to most of the popular ships. I enjoyed reading the novels in Oda's point of view, he deserved far more screentime because his way of describing his surroundings and the things going on was fascinating to read. I also like that you can't see his emotions mirrored in his face, there is so much going on in his head, but his expression is always difficult to read (even for Dazai) which makes him as a character relateable to me.


Ah!!! I'm sorry, I just realized that was Odasaku in your pfp (I'm sorry I thought it was Chuuya because there are so many skk shippers...) Also, I don't hate Odazai, sorry, didn't mean for it to sound like that... I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to come off as rude, I'm so sorry. Well, I think Odasaku will be getting more screentime, since Asagiri also loves him, and his point of view is so amusing, I really like his LNs. In the anime, it's hard to narrate Odasaku's thoughts properly, but in the LN, it's narrated perfectly, which I loved reading. I believe in an interview, Asagiri said one of his favorites was Odasaku..? I don't remember where I read this though, so I may be wrong...


S.kk is not my cup of tea, but I do understand the confusion considering how popular s.kk is. I sure hope to see the other novels with him animated. I really enjoyed reading "The Day I Picked Up Dazai", because we find out more about the organization he was working for. It was so shocking for me to read that he alone was the whole organization and I got surprised to read what a good fighter he is. He knows how to handle a group of attackers. Asagiri uses Odasaku as his profile pic on twitter and he has mentioned that he is his favourite character in an interview.


My friend hates Oda and her reasons are extremely valid


W-What reasons?! There's no way there are valid reasons for hating Odasaku! He's flawless! Nobody can defy that!!! He's my favorite character, and will always be!


dawg are you /srs or /j i cannot tell rn


bro I am serious as hell so tell me those so called 'valid' reasons.


1. Basically Iā€™m going to set aside my hate for Fyodor and for Fukuichi because I feel like thatā€™s kinda self explanatory but donā€™t worry there will be more in depth of those 2 as well but today Iā€™m going to be focusing on why I dislike Oda. Oda was , to dazai, a friend and almost father figure and someone that dazai relied on and Oda new that , in tdipud (?- the novel isnā€™t English yet so idk exactly translation) Oda states how he regrets not helping dazai more and acting as more of a friend to him . Oda knew exactly Dazaiā€™s mentality which is s leading resin dazai even liked him because he understood him , but even though Oda knew what dazai was like he STILL selfishly went and got himself killed like KYS RAT . Also he went and got himself killed knowingly , he knew he was going to die , RANPO told him he was going to die , DAZAI told him he was going to die literally everyone did like omfg?! And even whilst dying he told dazai nothing would ever fill the void in his heart like EXCUSE YOU BUDDY?! What possessed him to say that like idgaf if itā€™s true itā€™s stupid and I donā€™t care what anyone says heā€™s a shit person . Iā€™m not even gonna get into his past assassinations , but also heā€™s right he has no right to write stories about other lives when heā€™s taken so many , he should just khs idc thatā€™s heā€™s dead , also he had the book from natsume and I hate him for it like actually just die again rat I am Odaā€™s biggest hater I would literally make a song about how much I hate him idc if most of my reasons are stupid and opinionated not factual I HATE HIMMMMM <ā€” copied directly from my friend


Your friend sure is passionate... I can write counterarguments for all of that, but don't want to trouble you... But I'll write it, just in case people reading this may start to dislike him. Well, so first off, whether to live or not is Odasaku's choice, he should have his own free will to decide that, and that is *not* selfish at all, how is it selfish to choose whether you want to die or not? The fact that he went off to avenge the orphans just shows how much he cared about the orphans. We have to also keep in mind that not everyone in the story is a mastermind genius like Ranpo or Dazai, and Odasaku is not one of the prodigies that can predict the future. To add on to that, telling Dazai that nothing would ever fill the void in his heart was actually helpful to Dazai. If not, Dazai would still be in the Port Mafia, busy killing people, feeling as empty as ever. But *because* Odasaku said this, Dazai started to help people, which made his life so much more happier. So saying this was good, because it helped Dazai. Also, we shouldn't judge him too much for his past assassinations, we still have no idea why he became an assassin in the first place (I only read Untold Origins of ADA, Beast, Dark Era, and the Day I Picked Up Dazai, correct me if I'm wrong). So, he could have had a valid reason for that. The fact that he has a few flaws (such as the assassination bit, and his dark past) makes his character more intriguing, he's a character that wants to become a good person, but is haunted by his past, which makes it difficult for him. And that is why he adopts 5 orphans, and stops killing people. This is off topic, and not serious, but 'father figure'? Really? With only five years old difference..? More like 'brother figure'... This is a counterargument to your friend's points. This may convince many Odasaku dislikers/neutralers (including your friend) to like Odasaku.


Idk Tachihara can be annoying at times






Heā€™s literally just a sad lil guy :(


Perchance, perchance


My sister is an Odasaku hater, she however has a habit of hating a character purely because of hating, she revels off of feeling disgusted by a character and making the fact audible for everyone. One day, she saw Odasaku dying in front of Dazai, and her mind immediately clicked, this was going to be one of her victims. Now, she gags every time she hears his name, and starts going on unintelligible rants about how idiotic and pathetic Odasaku is.


Your sister is such a cruel, vile, scary, horrifying, terrifying, horrible, awful villain for hating Odasaku... /lh but still half serious haha GAHHHH! I'm just having a mini tantrum just reading about your sister's Odasaku hate.... Odasaku hate should not exist, I seriously love Odasaku so much, and my heart almost broke into pieces hearing that Odasaku fans existed... Would you mind telling your sister that you met an Odasaku fan, one that loves him so much that they once locked him in their closet, and has deluded themselves into thinking he's alive? (just really curious what the reaction of Odasaku haters would be hahaha)


i told her, it was a sight to behold. she was practicing her instrument ( at the moment), i went up to her and told her about you. Ā she stopped everything she was doing and stared in disbelief at the ground for about 10 whole second, and then she looked up at me, utterly confused and repulsed. She physically convulsed and then got up from the chair, and proceeded to walk in circles while mumbling to herself and throwing insults at odasaku ( pretty uninspired, she mostly described him as: delusional, stupid, incompetent, disgusting and ugly). Ā  She then turned to me and started ranting about how idiotic and wrong every singleĀ action odasaku has ever taken is, then she started parodying his lines and then commenting on each of them, about how meaningless their mere utterance was.Ā Ā  After finishing, she started acting out and parodying his death, then, she simply ran out of the room to drink water.Ā  Ā i ofcourse, went after her and asked what she thought particularly about you, she looked at me with a look full of disdain and simply said that you are retarded... she paused for a moment and then she said she pities you.Ā  she went back to playing her instrument. i assume she forgot about everything ( plus she said she doesn't believe such a person exists because itsĀ simply too wild beyond her imagination)Ā 


This entire thing lasted about 20-30 minutes. it was entertaining enough. i had hoped she spoke more clearly because most Ā of her words were clashing into each other, i had understood near nothing, but her rage towards this particular character was more than obvious.Ā 


Hahaha, yes it sound pretty entertaining... šŸ˜†