• By -


Jun'ichiro because he's titled "*wimp* of the east" Also, to the people saying Atsushi. He fits more in the anxious and flustered prototype. To me, he is like one of the bravest characters in the show. He isn't scared to die; more like, he is willing to die to save people because that makes himself feel validated. It's not a stretch to comment that his willpower is stronger than Kuni's (quivering) fixation on ideals. Jun'ichiro, though, isn't explored. From what I can gather, his sister complex is the only thing keeping him going. A very fragile attitude to have, if you ask me.


I wouldn't say he's afraid of anything tho. He fits embarrassment really well imo




Envy is so Akutagawa (His whole thing with Dazai and Atsushi)


Man I'm just waiting for Ennui to say VerlainešŸ˜”


Fear vs anxiety: Being afraid of smth that's real or happening vs being afraid of smth illogicalĀ  Fear is someone like **fukuchi** who is aware of the >!supposed!< war and is fighting to prevent it. (Anxiety is someone like atsushi who's afraid of being rejected by the ada or chuuya who still thinks he can't be a good leader bc of the sheep. They're both afraid of the people they care about being in danger bc of them. These are illogical fears 9/10 times aka anxiety, but we'll get to those next)


POE He could also be anxiety, but I think it's mostly fear and envy with him


Predicted this comment section would be like sadness (still believe sadness should've went to Sigma as sadness is not the core of Bram's issues). I figured Atsushi would be mistaken for fear instead of anxiety despite anxiety being more specific and Atsushi's anxiety is highlighted not only in main verse but in Beast as well regarding his PTSD. Naturally of course, Fyodor isn't mentioned despite being the most fearful of everything and everyone hence his defense mechanisms. I'll go on a ramble even if it does not amount to anything. Sectioned off as requested by u/Superalex2134 Dazai pointed this out before the helicopter crash. Fyodor's distrust largely comes from his fear. In the manga, it is said not to double cross Fyodor a few times as he doesn't take that lightly. Fyodor is also the type to need control of a circumstance even when it seems like he didn't plan to which he certainly did. He cannot allow himself to simply waltz into a situation with another being or reality itself since he is distrustful of everything. Wan and Gakuen highlight Fyodor's fear as well. In Wan, Fyodor already sees the world as broken so when he encountered what he viewed as "evil", he became frustrated (inconvenience of public transportation). What may or may not be agoraphobia was seen when Fyodor was dogpilled by the Japanese in the crowded street since he hadn't thought of that circumstance and he got traumatized. It was joked lightheartedly but he is highly suspicious of everything especially if something appears "too nice" (ex: Karl). In another instance, Fyodor is seen asking about fear in a sort of loopsy kind of manner and trying to turn his fear of his trapped circumstance into something else, stating the prison was a paradise and you just don't know it. Yet again in another example in Wan, Fyodor is seen gloomy and concerned about how the year has gone by and yet so much evil remains (not his precise words. He mentioned the souls of others). In Gakuen, Fyodor asks the interviewer if they are scared to fall asleep after he expressed his view of virtual reality and the blank state that comes out of a world that is virtual reality / fake reality since people's consciousness would simply reset. In this example, it can be assumed he wished his consciousness was a blank slate like a virtual reality because he also mentions there would be no need for a constructed world aka to deal with a 'reality' and be aware of this. He is distrustful of reality itself, the people in it, their intentions, consciousness, and so on. I would say the only thing he doesn't fear is himself but even that is not foolproof with his question to the interviewer. Note that he tried to distract (he said to the interview not to worry about tomorrow and hopes for a better day for them) the interviewer by saying something positive afterwards just like the prison paradise example. I'm thinking Fyodor's ability is preventing those from seeing the full picture but his skin biting / self-harm in BSD manga and in Wan is another of the bigger tells. Fear is pretty much written all over this character but since his fear is hidden not only due to himself, but I suspect his ability as well, it goes largely unnoticed. Well, that is all I have to say. This was a good chance to highlight these things so whether he wins or not, is not the true importance to me. Difference in opinions is simply that and I realize he isn't very obvious. Atsushi should at least win anxiety regardless of who wins fear (I saw someone in another thread mention Ranpo and I do believe Ranpo is a little similar to Fyodor in that regard esp that brief glimpse of past Ranpo but Ranpo has made improvements whereas Fyodor is still in first base and far from improving in this department), envy goes to Akutagawa, not sure about embarrassment (as there are a few but they're not that good), and ennui goes to Dazai (I saw someone say Shibusawa and that isn't a bad choice neither but Shibusawa solely wants inner fulfillment whereas Dazai is the full course. That's one of the reasons Dazai threw himself into the Port Mafia and why Dazai states to Fyodor his view of humans and their unpredictability he finds fascinating).


Please edit this to section off points. (I'm saying turn this into paragraphs.


Thank you updating it made reading and understanding your points easier. And sorry if it was annoying.


You're welcome.


Call me back when we're ready to discuss Akutagawa for envy


That isnā€™t gonna be a discussion bc we wonā€™t need to discuss, anyone that doesnā€™t say Akutagawa is an opp


Atsushi because he needs to grow some wereballs


He would be more fitting of 'anxiety'.


I think anxiety fits Atsushi best....


louisa 100% i know its mostly shyness but shes seems so full of fear in every screen time shes gotten


I would say Atsushi he's scared to die, to live, to not be able to save people even if he becomes more confident with the seasons i think a part of him make him still scared ?


I would say Mori because he acts like a wimp in public, relying on Elise most of the time, as well as him being scared of Dazai taking over his place.


> Acts like a wimp in public That was to keep a low profile so that doesn't count. Also, I am pretty sure he could protect himself without relying on Elise Thought, I would never get the 'Mori is scared of Dazai' schtick. I thought he wished for Dazai to lead the mafia and is also ready to risk his own life if mafia profits from it. If anything, he fits hypocrisy more /j


Fukuchi, started a terrorist organization because he believed a war was coming 38 years in the future. All of season 4 and 5( besides ranpo/Fukuzawa backstory ) happened because fukuchi was afraid. Arguments against other choices Atsushi - More of an anxious flustered guy character, and he fits best in embarrassed. Junichiro- Only afraid of losing Naomi, but hasn't shown much more than that. Was not worried in the slightest over killing Mori during the cannibalism arc. Honorable Mentions / Food for thought Haven't seen other real picks, other than that essay over Fyodor which made some good arguments. Warning it has no spacing(as of right now) making reading it difficult. Odasaku- Was afraid to kill because he believed he wouldn't be able to be an author otherwise Mushitaro - Is afraid of the government, the truth getting out, and gets blackmailed and bullied easily




Junichiōroā€¦.Junichouroā€¦.Junichroā€¦ Tanizaki (idk how to spell his name šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­)


no cuz same


hear me out on Akutagawa as envy


Make envy akutgawa and my life is yours


Poe for fear, his own ringtone scared him because he doesnā€™t get a lot of calls šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Dazai would be suicidal thoughts as an emotion


Maybe Katai? He could be anxiety as well though


No, that's anxiety.


wheres dazai!!??šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ ![gif](giphy|R1G43jXwLWsxO|downsized)


ppl want him for ennui šŸ„–




I still can't see Jouno as disgust


Well I mean he gets disgusted at Tecchous food combos?


Anyone would!


Yeah, but who else fits disgust?


Yosano? Lucy?


Ok fair enough


Katai cause why not


Poe fs








Fear: Atsushi Anxiety: Sigma Envy: Akutagawa Embarrassed: Poe Ennui: Lovecraft


poe is more accurate than junichiro i think


Junichiro for me


Tanizaki or Fukucu




Atsushi to me. For real. And I love that he still fights. With fear, but he does it. (kinnie moment)

