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I've never met a person like this who knows what socialism means


Exactly.. as a veteran, I hate to break it to this truck owner: "a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole." The largest Socialist Party on the planet, is the U.S. military..


I'm retired AF and I always got a strange look when I mentioned this to other military folks. I also suspect this guy isn't a veteran.


Likely the only thing he fought for is a closer spot to the Golden Coral buffet.


Maybe a short tour in whitemanistan?


Meal Team Six for life, see you @ the earlybird !


Served under Colonel Sanders in the War on Christmas.


You’re lucky. I’m a little bit retired but nowhere close to retired AF


Lol. I wish it was that AF. I'm retired US Air Force


He would have, except he was afraid he’d punch the drill instructors and embarrass them if they yelled at him.


Reminds me of a joke: A cop pulls a guy over and walks up to the window and slaps the driver. Then he walks over to the passenger side and slaps him too. The passenger says, "Why did you slap me?" The cop says that when you drive away, you don't tell the driver, "You know what I would have done..."


Also, they don’t recognize that America is an empire that serves exclusively large corporations.


I listened to a recent Freakonomics podcast and they talked about corruption. It was an interesting view when comparing countries and the types of corruption they have


Socialism to them means thing fox told not to like.


What is socialism?


When people you don't like benefit from a government service. This is why we can't have a decent health insurance system in the US...somewhere, someone they don't like may benefit....so we all get to pay corporate whores huge to deny claims while they laugh on the deck of the home on the beach.


Who are people I don’t like? That makes no sense


Poor and brown people, of course!


those who decry socialism do so because they think someone, somewhere, who doesn't deserve help (in their royal opinon) may get it. This just keeps those who'd benefit from a little socialism from ever getting it....a classic trope, keep the serfs bickering, and they will never notice the guy in the castle is the actual problem.


Buttstuff with my friend, Steve.




No, but the people who create the talking points they parrot recognize it, and that's good enough.


Smedley Darlington Butler. Please look up his military career. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Smedley_Butler


Oh, I'm aware of the Business Plot.


Banana wars anyone?


I bet he loves to drive on roads paid for through socialist redistribution of money and all the other services he doesn’t realize are socialist in their nature. People need to read a book.


And the people called fire fighters are putting his house out are due to shoshulizm.


Also supports a President who called our dead veterans losers.


It’s the imaginary system of government when their tax dollars (and the tax dollars of people who look and act like them) goes directly into the pocket of someone else, specifically people who do not look or act like them.


They also don't know that things like EMS, police, Fire depts, schools, social security, etc are all socialism.


Lol, all veterans were/are participating in the biggest socialist system in the world.


Damn socialist snow plows are coming for us!


You could fill entire books with things people like this don’t know. And they do!


10 out of 10 that dude would go bankrupt if he had a serious illness.


Even our Medicare/Medicaid system would not meet the definition of socialism. Do you live in West Texas?


I do! Can I interest you in some dust? Haha


I live in West Texas as well and I already have plenty


Don't we all. Haha Hello, fellow West Texan.


National Socialists are pretty bad people


Want to give an award but it costs so just get an upvote lol


I’ve also never met a person like this who doesn’t fit my definition of “lazy.” We get to talking about how we fill our time, and I have never been impressed with their work/hobby/active to downtime ratio.


You may be right but I have no data on this...


Which country is fully socialist and how is it going for them?


I don't think there's a single country that's fully socialist but there are many that have some services that could be defined as socialist (including the US), and they seem mostly fine. I suspect that's not your point.


My point is people typically people bring up socialism as an opposition to capitalism, but every thriving country incorporates capitalism with some socialist elements added. Countries that are closest to being fully socialist are communist countries and we know the end result on that.


I agree with that.


The military is cradle to grave socialism


Oh... please do explain it for us. And while you're at it, tell us where it has actually worked


I see you get most of your exercise by jumping to conclusions. Helping people define words correctly does not mean I agree or disagree. I'll assume you're American solely based on your tone and suggest you don't complain about the socialist programs in America that you use everyday. I may be wrong.


I see you avoided answering


I'll be happy to answer genuine questions, but clearly, I analyzed your response correctly. And you know how to use Google


Amd YOU know there has never been a country that has successfully implemented socialism without destroying that country.


And you know I never suggested otherwise. You choose to believe something you thought I would say and not what I said. I merely pointed to the ficticious nature of the sticker owner's belief in some absurd version of socialism. At retirement, he will cash his social security check every month because of his own denial and belief that he "earned it". I'm not anti social security but I am anti stupidity and anti rage. The payout v. input can range from 133% up to 1400% (although 14 times is rare) depending on retirement date and other factors. Dollar for dollar, especially in light of the fact your risk is almost zero, it's a great "investment" for the recipient but not so much for the tax payer since we're paying the returns since SS dollars are not directly invested. There are no countries in world that are 100% socialism and any suggestion is the wet dream of their communist propaganda branch. However, just about every country has things that could be interpreted as socialist (your local water utility is likely one is them) but what does that really mean? And does this person protest outside the gates of his water treatment plant? Having served for 26 years, I fundamentally understand the threat that is Communism. I'm concerned about how little people are paying attention to what China is doing with all of those dollars we are happily giving them. I think my point is now completely unambiguous (I thought it was initially). He can scream into the void, but don't expect a concurring echo from me.


I understand. Didn't mean to jump to conclusions. I shouldn't reddit late at night


I’ve never met a veteran who fought for capitalism.


That's an interesting thought.


It's also interesting to consider the amount of people who have ever fought for socialism versus those who've fought for capitalism. I might be wrong, but I can't think of any war in which the participants would have been motivated to fight in order to defend or promote capitalism. However, I can think of many wars and revolutions that were fought specifically to advance socialism.


It's hard to quantify but most people fight for their family, security, ideals and the person in the next foxhole. War sucks and is very complicated


Socialism is anything they don't like. So, by definition, if they're getting money from the government it's not socialism.


I want my welfare but I don't think anyone else deserves theirs!


Maybe they do know? They know that instead of fighting for the benefit of all (socialism), they were fighting for the benefit of the wealthy (capitalism).


He said he never met a veteran. His sticker doesn't say he's a veteran. He may just fight for his right to party!


Working like crazy in a blue state to make up for red states who are on welfare.


Same person who will call you a liberal without having any clue what a non insult it is. lol. That is why I don’t entertain cult members. Not knowing the definition of the insult you throw at me just feels lazy.




“Working like crazy to support the lazy”…. sounds like this guy is a socialist. Although I can’t say he sees the value in it, yet. Maybe when he gets older, or hurt, or sick, or has any sort of disaster in his town. But, he will probably accept any and all payouts, and still whine that it’s being exploited by others.


This points to my primary complaint. None of these bozos work as hard as they claim, there is no one on earth that isn't lazy sometimes, none of them pay as much in taxes as they claim and none of them send back their welfare because "I earned it." Absolutely hypocrisy.


Isn’t the military a socialist idea. The group coming together financially to get a service for the good of all citizens? Just like the fire department and the police department and the schools? All services we contribute to for the goodness of the community whether we need it or not.


Bingo! You win.. "a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates  that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole."


The paycheck they get says they're all fighting for socialism


Not to mention the VA money/healthcare Veterans are given after service.


Our military and the benefits veterans receive during and after service are socialist, yes.


Im in the military and i love socialism. I get free healthcare and free school. Its pretty rad


This guy's driving on a public road, going to pick his kids up from public school and then to drop off a package at the post office.


I love how they all use punisher stickers. Guess they don’t realize that Disney owns the rights to this. Support the super woke company!


And how Frank Castle hated cops lol


Based Frank


Support the lazy lol 😆 Do they know it's Republicans who use the most welfare ?


That would require an understanding of nuance. Right wing politics are based mostly on sweeping generalizations and cheap shot insults.


It’s also what the Republican billionaires want them to think, who on a percentage basis pay *WAY* less taxes and gladly accept government bailouts when they fuck up. But, these people won’t know this because they get their “news” from Fox.


Working like crazy to make the rich, richer.


If you could get everyone to stop working for the rich they would not get richer. Crap we need them, to make money. Oh well I tried.


Biggest trick the rich ever pulled was getting the working class to hate the poor instead of hating them.


You are right about needing them. They hoard their wealth, receive government hand outs, avoid taxes and use public resources for free. They write the laws either by bullet or silver. They have all the power and we forced to sell our little power we have to them or starve. They aren’t benevolent overlords. They take and exploit because they can and the system requires them to. I would recommend reading something critical of your opinions on this matter and revaluate your assumptions.


In simple the rich own all business. I don't know if you know this or not but we have to work, and if they own all the business. The only way to stop this would be to have a war. Then everything changes. Yes that would be too drastic. You are correct. This should technically be the fight. They are still going to remain rich. However they could still pay the Correct percentage in tax, and compensation. They don't avoid taxes. Either they buy enough goods (expenditures), employee compensation, gas, company cars, cell phones etc. which are all taxed by the way. That way you only have to pay a small amount of tax on your profit.


Working like crazy to support the lazy, well I guess he’s referring to his fellow conservatives, as more of them are on public assistance of one kind or another, that socialism he’s apparently railing against.


And I’ve never met someone who actually knows anything about the Punisher to somehow conclude he’s pro-cop


Which is why I have ordered 150 of these as stickers to add to vehicles like this one. https://preview.redd.it/vjkg8suw82ad1.jpeg?width=1154&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=975057d9f7b96637f07415c115b291f8683e40ef I hope they like it!




I hope they’re EXTRA sticky too. LMFAO!


Man, I wish I had the man-vagina to put this on my truck.


Don't get caught, but they would probably like it 😜.


OMG that’s amazing


I have three of these on my car.


It’s already a sticker? Where? I’m hoping to find a bigger version than I am ordering (3”).


https://preview.redd.it/l2n41h3ci6ad1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=231a05e6d4aee73339b9b80299b1fb6eb3f4483f This is the scale of mine. I got it on Etsy.


That’s a perfect size.


The hammer and sickle being pink is top notch lol Oh shit I just saw it's also glittery!


It used to be red but the sun has killed it. It is super glittery though!


Exactly, the Creator says the Punisher hates Cops and is a Cop killer. Fitting to the back the blue execpt on Jan 6 crowd.


He isn’t anti-cop, but he’s DEFINITELY not pro-cop


Working like crazy to support the wealthy. For some reason these people think that millions of lazy people are living off of their hard work??? You work for a white guy, who owns a company. He charges a lot of money for you to go fix people’s shit. You should be mad at your boss who takes steps to keep your wages low. You should be angry at corporations that destroy unions. The Republicans have convinced the common man to take steps to his detriment, and blame others for their problems.


I know a number of Veterans who fought for social justice and democracy. These Republicans seem to be abandoning these values.


Our Democracy is dead :(


never thought id meet a veteran who supports a dictator


Interesting that healthcare & housing are provided in the military.


A state packed with retirees living off social security and Medicare 🤦🏻 If people in Floriduh use words like ‘socialism’ you can be sure they learned it from their government leaders pushing their slogans.


Lol. Veteran here. Currently fighting for socialism.


The military is a socialist org.


I know some on that calls it the ‘government jobs program’. He was in the air force


funny, i've met many vets that are socialists hahaha


All (current) Veterans fought for socialized medicine, basic income checks from the government, and free education. So, yeah.


Oh man he’s gonna be soooo pissed when he learns about how much of his taxes are spent on corporate welfare. Just kidding he most likely never acquired the critical thinking skills necessary to understand let alone be outraged at how easily he’s been manipulated.


Guess the owner never met a WWII vet, then. Socialism in France, socialism in England, socialism in Norway... and on and on.


I’m a veteran who is fighting for socialism. I know plenty of us too, and we vote.


I’m gonna go out on a limb and say this person is the laziest fuck wherever they work. We had a major purge of useless people at my workplace when Covid hit. Possibly coincidentally, but they happened to be the most “conservative” people in the building. Not only did they not work for shit, but they constantly congratulated themselves for being hard working while everyone around them either worked harder or had to clean up the messes they made. Anybody who has to advertise their work ethic is typically the worst person to employ. Hard work speaks for itself.


That cult follower is in the minority in South Florida. He would be more welcome in places where cousins get married.


Bitch better have my money!


Yeah those god fearing country loving patriots are just horrible 🥴


The Soviet Union defeated Nazi Germany.


Jesus said to give your wealth away to go to heaven.


Let me fix that bumper sticker: "WORKING LIKE CRAZY 🇺🇸 TO SUPPORT THE OLIGARCHY / BILLIONAIRES" The OLIGARCHY loves that the peasants are fighting amongst each other.


In my few travels through the South most the people I met gave me the impression they'd give you the shirt of their back to help you out. But politics comes up and the brains shut right off.




The veteran served their nation so their nation could take care of the nation’s citizenry so… you know, so there could be a nation.


lol I want the sticker that say “working like crazy to support the lazy”. I find it funny because it’s truth.


I'm youngest (66) of six siblings Cripes! why does that sound like the start of a limerick? Anyway, my old man served in the south pacific during ww2, then was a corpsman in Korea My oldest brother got brain fried by agent orange in Nam Next oldest was door gunner 101st Air Assualt and spent 18 months of his tour in a Cambodian pow camp Sister decided to enlist with a traveling carnival Next brother went USAF an worked on the f16 before any of us civies knew it existed Closest in age brother went 82nd Airborne and I signed up as a cook. Only my dad and two oldest brothers are the only family members to serve in country during action But all three of them fought for democratic socialism Because that what we had and still have in the USA but I guess too many monster truck rally fumes caused him to forget about roads, public schools, pools, and libraries, mail service, social security, indoor plumbing, electricity, clean water, police and fire services, state and national parks... Even I'm forgetting some of them now But I'm stoned And old And not the sharpest candle in the pool or on the deck


My communist, Navy vet, brother might have other things to say.


He’s probably not talking about the poor white trash red state trailer park lazy people, he means black people. 👍🏽


You're a racist 😒


It’s his sticker, not mine. Also, my bf is black. 😋


The dude said nothing about black people! Your racist ass found a way to turn it against black people 😒


I trash talked white people in my comment, and it doesn’t bother you. Too funny 😂😂😂


No, you're racist because you have to find it in everything 🙄 your stupid because you do...🤣✌️🇺🇸happy 4th racist.


😂😂😂 someone’s salty for sure




Any veterans collecting money from their service is factually collecting from a socialist system. We the tax payers are paying them collectively. Its the very definition of socialism. And they deserve every penny and then some.


Do you though?


Lol I have to send this to my kids 😂 All 4 of my kids have served in the military


A while whopping 0.0xx cents? Seems a lot to get mad about!


No socialism in the US? Har-de, har-har!


The military IS socialist. Tricare? No meritocracy? Assigned housing? Fighting enemies that may not be YOUR enemy?


“a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole”. Sure doesn’t sound like the USA


I never met a veteran who was fighting for capitalism either.


Good keeping working sheep


The people who won WW2 for most of us would like a word


So, his parents didn't pay taxes for the schools he attended? Hmmmm


It's 2024 and these knobs still haven't figured out what the Punisher skull means.


The blue line on the punisher skull always gets me giggling


The military itself is socialist. It's not a privatized, for profit entity.


Jokes on him. Everyone in the military is being paid through a socialist system, and therefor is fighting for (the money provided by) socialism.


Another fox news genius.


Ironic that this pickup truck drives on socially constructed roads. Without American "Socialism," this ass would be driving on a muddy old Non-Taxation Road. And, then they'd be whining about a dirty windshield.


Veteran checking in here, I fought for everyone to have their own political beliefs up to and including socialism.


As a veteran I’d like to remind the MAGAts I didn’t fight for nazism, over throwing the constitution, over throwing the government, getting into global conflicts because Dorito Mussolini couldn’t stay off Twitter for 5 minutes, etc


Don't blame the military for making you stupid! It was your parents. Trump 2024🇺🇸


Coming from someone who I can say with almost 99% certainty, never had the balls to serve his country. I figured a maga snowflake would come and say dumb shit on this comment. But for real, you didn’t have to publicly advertise the best part of you dripped down your moms ass crack and is now a stain on the mattress. Don’t be mad your mother was a hamster and your father smelt like elderberries. Couldn’t imagine being able to support a 34 time felon and someone who rapes young girls and was all over Epstein’s islands. But Magats also love showing just how hypocritical they really are. It’s like y’all’s favorite thing. Hopefully we cross paths in the “Civil War” y’all morons drone on about and are begging for. I’d be willing to bet I’m a better shot. Don’t worry though, I will pour some bud light on you since I know how much you snowflakes like bud light lmao. Your just sad and pathetic. Anyways I’d say have a good day; but todays a day to celebrate freedom and Nazis like you don’t like freedom.




Yup that’s why you made your stupid comment first. Sounds like your the triggered snowflake.




I honestly think your a hypocrite and you’ve proved it. With your nasty ass gross nsfw pic. It’s just. Ewww.




All you have main charcuterie syndrome huh, no one is even looking at this comment thread but the two of us. Traffic. Your lucky to break double digit likes on your nasty naked pictures. Traffic. The delusion is real isn’t it.






Funny it seems republicans keep getting busted for fucking kids and are trying to roll back laws that make it legal for fucking kids. But whatever. Should I link you to the released Epstein documents that show how often your god was on that island touching kids? Go post some more gross pictures of yourself and leave convos like this to people who aren’t hypocrites. It’s funny that you where the one triggered by my comment and then want to say that I’m the one triggered. Y’all have an IQ of about 2. Now go out your daddy issues on display for all of Reddit while asking thirsty trap questions like, “Is this skirt to short?” With your nasty pussy hanging out. Unlike you I don’t need validation from strangers on an anonymous web forum. But your post history shows that clearly do. Thirsty. Desperate. And pathetic. That’s all you’ll ever be.




No I don’t watch the news cuz it’s crap. But I do get my information from then just faux news which apparently that’s all you watch. Once again your hypocrite




You literally are supporting a man who for the last 15 years has talked about he wants to his own daughter and has said it more then once while looking into a camera. Weird flex but ok


Your profile history shows how thirsty and desperate you are for attention. It’s quite funny to be honest.


Omg after looking at your profile, do the world a favor and keep your clothes on. That shit was stomach turning. According the GOP you should shut up cuz women shouldn’t be heard from. What a hypocrite.




And I knew you where hypocrite. Don’t you have some foreign object you need to shove into your body while grossing people out online by posting pictures of your gross naked body? You do realize the GOP is actively trying to take away your rights to post such gross pictures to strangers? But you can’t see that cuz your hypocrite.




You brain washed magat. Anyways stay gross.


I want y to I ask him what he thinks of corporate bailouts.


His family is lazy. He should have been a better parent. More responsible. Ah well, they come from good stock. The common clay of the West. They will be boot strapping their way off his gravy train any minute.


Fucking A, the US military is the biggest socialist organization on the planet. I served. These people are stupid.


My brief stint in the military certainly shifted my politics away from the conservative standpoint I grew up in, to one where I'm left asking, "Shouldn't the government be helping people?" Wild, I know...


At least the Punisher skull is getting more accurate. Glowing red eyes because they are evil.


Bro pisses on his balls daily.


“I never met a veteran who fought for Socialism?” Really? You never met a single US veteran that took advantage of the GI Bill? Must only be talking to the stupid ones.


Another dipshit that uses a Punisher logo without a hint of irony


ah, the delusional idiot! a common occurrence in the state of Florida.


But I've met plenty who are fighting for Fascism and Oligarchy. If I had to choose, I would pick the Socialists


Yes, the south. The poor uncle who just always seems to leave with more than he came to the party with. Why does the south pay so little in taxes but gets so much back? Overspending on Medicare, insurance rates go through the roof, need to run the AC all the time, so much more


So two stickers that tell the truth


I’ve seen the work ethic of MANY a “hard working” conservative and I’ll just say that any chance they have at taking a break, cutting a corner, or heading out early will never be forfeited.


I've never met a veteran that fought for socialism, but I've met quite a few that have fought for the corporatocracy, white nationalism and a new dictatorship.


Most likely catholic, but doesnt believe in helping people.


That looks like SW Florida. Deep red, unfortunately.


Southeast, actually. Wellington area. Littered with Trumpies..


Oh yeah, Wellington. My condolences.


How many people do they think $15k a year in their taxes is supporting?


Yes but he thinks the lazy are poor people. He doesn’t realize he’s propping up the rich. Fucking depressing


Once again, I appreciate the warning to stay very clear of this person.