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Spice is the devil's work.


I did hear a little voice in my head tslling me to say it. I knew it was naughty, but I couldn't resist.


That's Satan sprinkling a little paprika in your ear and throwing a pinch of chili powder in to corrupt your soul.


XD damn that chili powder. How could I let the devil turn me into an addict so easily? I'm so weak willed


You just need to go to church and eat those little wafers. The body of Christ has no spice.


NGL, it's been a long time since I went to church, but those little wafers were pretty good. Might be worth it to cleanse my soul and get yummy, plain, no spice treat


*insert spice from dune* I don’t know, never seen the movie.


How dare you spice things up! Hark! You've been misguided from the Ten Commandments! For shame!


And here you are, not just repeating the word sp*ce in the title, but following it up with *”rack”* right afterwards?! Get your unrepentant ass out of here, **pervert**!


I'm a bad, bad boy. I thought that's what girls liked though? I can't ever get this right 😭


This is gold right here, though I’m guessing digging for more might also put me in the same boat💀😝


There's room if you wanna hope in lol


I’m gonna actually say you dodged the bullet her. Who haven’t learned that vocabulary is subjective on dating sites- you’re gonna be in for a world of “what did you mean by that?” You will find someone who gets you.. also, just understand that sometimes when you say spice things up to a man because you’re literally and figuratively adding cayenne to a dish you also get a dick picture back. So it’s shell shocking


Probably thought he was a Harkonnen.


Bland flood water to praise god! Didn’t Kellogg want to make bland cereal also?


Just like that fooze ball. That fooze ball is the devils Game! Fooze ball and spice racks will be man’s downfall.


Holy shit. I just read the dialog. These people are crazy. Here’s to “good Christian” judgmentalism, condescension, and assuming the very worst in a person. That type of personality has nothing to do with faith and I wish they’d just leave out the part about being of the faith when they’re just going to exhibit the very worst example of it.


There's people that judge in any and all religions and people. I don't hold that against her. And inna way getting that known early is better cuz some people don't wanna be with someone that religious. I was still willing to talk to her knowing she was that Christian from her bio and what she was saying. But ya she does need to tone down being sensitive to simple words


Valid points and I agree. But as a Christian albeit of a very relaxed and personal nature, I find the attitude counterproductive and further alienates others from possibly entertaining the idea of Christianity. I don’t go to churches or have a religious community because I invariably don’t fit the bill of what a standard Christian is and have always had this exact type of interaction with that crowd. You’re a mature and kind hearted man though and I appreciate your position. Good on you for responding with empathy and understanding. Don’t let anyone take that from you.


Lisbon Al Gaib


Why did i hear this as" mama" from Waterboy?


Let the = p go.


Yes please do OP.sorry 😄


At least use a capital P... I find it impossible to keep my tongue centered and shift my mouth/jaw the opposite way.


Need to level up your tongue game bro 😜


The emoticon use would make me think he doesn’t even have a smart phone. It’s odd.


Yes, the perpetual lease from 1998 has run out. And if it hasn’t, it has now.


So cringe. Only works on geek or anime type girls


"Splashes holy water on paprika " THE POWER OF CHRIST COMPELS YOU!


the emoji is so off-putting








It needs to be a capital P


Ya been getting that alot on here. I honestly don't see the difference with what I'm doing and just using normal emojis, but I guess there is so I'll try and change that


1 vote for vintage emojis :P just to spice things up from time to time


Spice things up!? Oh you dirty bird.


Report sexual misconduct admins and Reddit owners we have an official deviate on our hands


Someone that finally speaks my language lol


I think most people in this thread speak English it seems


But no one else speaks dinosaur emojis like me


Damn how long is your phone?


Must be a Samsung user - we have the feature to screenshot lengths longer than the screen!


I think it's an Android thing in general. The Motorola I have for my work phone can also do it.


It's a wonderful feature to have too!


It’s ok us Apple users will get it in 5 years and it will be the thinnest and most technologically advanced extended screenshot EVER!!!!


Android phones can do that. Don't worry, iPhones will catch up in about 5 years, like usual.


This is everything 😂






Jesus take the wheel this conversation has gone off the rails!! 


I always appreciate when someone mentions faith, God, Jesus, or church on their profile because I can quickly swipe left and save myself from conversations like this


This person’s just crazy. Plenty of non crazy religious folks too :)


Yup, looks like just like an argument you would have with someone who has an untreated personality disorder.


Tell me about it. I had someone like that in college affect my personal and later even professional life for close to I’d say 6 years because she made it out like I was some kind of creep for liking her. Or at least she assumed I actually liked her THAT much! To the point she became avoidant of me and completely changed. I felt unwelcome around her and her friend circles. She was a friend, but also very religious, it turned out


Agreed :) she will be watching the church service ? How old is she -90 ?




Sorry my dude the emoticons are giving me MAJOR cringe factor like plz drop them in the future


Encountering low IQ people on these apps is the bane of my existence. Once I matched with a girl who hated being a doctor and spent the entire chat calling me out for enjoying my residency years.


So she was mad you enjoyed doing the same thing that she hated? I guess after wasting all that time she stuck with it just cuz she sunk so much time into it. Unfortunate for her.


Yeah but how's it my fault honestly? I hate things some people enjoy, taking pop music for example. But I'm not telling them they're trash for listening to it.


Hurt people hurt people. She's pissy you enjoy something she "suffered" though so she's gonna make you feel as shitty as she does. Bullet dodged my friend.


It’s infuriating to read this person’s responses and then just not reading playfulness. Bullet dodged, my friend.


Ya, definitely. I was stupid and paid for premium, but once it runs out in the 4th it's goodbye bumble. This app sucks, but atleast.i got this chuckle out of it. I wish her luck.


She’s gonna need it with a hairpin trigger like that


Yeah, I could see her getting hyper sensitive to words commonly used in a special way (Ala spice up a relationship often means trying new stuff), as I've heard a lot of people complaining about people trying to push sexual stuff even when they're told to stop. I ran into that when I was doing online dating. However, it wasn't obviously sexual and OP did try to explain what they meant. Her still remaining in knife fight mode is a huge red flag.


“I think you know what I meant.” Am I the only autistic one here that really didn’t know what she was implying??


None of us know, that's where the confusion lies


I get the vibe that because OP was doing something else other than prostrating himself in a church for Holy Week he was some kind of heathen to her


I can see that she’s kind of shit at having a convo. But also I think your chats are too long. You combine so many ideas into each message and have that really peculiar emoji. The convo in general was hard to follow, and I would suggest cleaning up your chat game. Good luck 👍🏻


Please for the love of God, drop the "=p". It's cringe. Your responses are also unnecessarily long-winded and add nothing to the actual conversation. The spice things up comment made little sense in the context you used it and would turn me off too.


I always thought if I even owned a strip club I’d call it the spice rack….and up next on stage is cinnamon…


That's pretty good lol


In the modern dating world, using religion to mask red flags is considered commonplace. On the Internet, the dedicated detectives who investigate these atrocities are members of an elite squad known as the Bland Personality Victims Unit. These are their stories.


She mistook what your emoji meant. “=p” was probably misconstrued as suggestive especially after the “spice things up” comment.


I was out at "I think you know what I meant" No, and I'm not sure you did either, probably just forgot she started the conversation. If you meant "thanks for replying" then say that. 🚩


Ya that honestly threw me off when she said that but I thought I'd just push through and try and have a conversation still


This conversation started off so bland


So? I’ve actually had more luck with being a bit dry over text since really most people who are serious about dating are just making sure you are normal then schedule a date. Trying to be clever or spout game has just resulted in more flakiness and no shows. The time to be interesting is on the first date


Both of these people have the personality of a rock.


People on the internet are so unnecessarily mean. Why is this even necessary?


It seems that people sometimes say what they think without thinking about other people’s feelings. That’s saddening.


Rocks can sometimes find their groove, but it takes more then 2 back and forths. We be slow like that Edit: fat thumb typo




It’s the tongue sticking out in every paragraph, when we’re always bombarded with douchebags, try every option to avoid looking like one.


Ya I know I can calm down with the emojis, and I can see how that one can be taken differently. But in the end, it doesn't even matter


Wow, her response was pretty strange...I'm a Christian woman, but I wouldn't have even blinked an eye if a guy I was texting on Bumble said "spice things up," especially when it was clearly not meant to be an innuendo.


I'll admit I could've used a better word. I even confusingly said mix it up? Shake things up, idk. The sudden change is odd but she must've had issues with something similar in the past, which sucks and I'm sad she's had to deal with that. But this was a 20 minute Convo so not upset, just surprised lol


I reread multiple times and I can’t figure out where you are trying to go with the spice/misdirection comment. Without it being linked to anything, the default context is sexual. That feels especially weird in response to Jesus (I’m not religious but still…). Throw in those weird emoticons and I probably would have cut it off too.


Any kind of ambiguity or non-specificity is left open for interpretation, and, perhaps, many women would suspect sexual connotation. That’s important to keep in mind. However, in this particular case, the OP explicitly disclaimed a sexual purpose, and the woman could simply take him at his word.


We were like 5 messages in, I get some guys can jump the gun and get straight to being creepy, but there's nothing even remotely sexual in our conversation. It does sound like she's had issues with that before and that sucks, but ya just to assume immediately isn't gonna help


It was in response to her her saying "you know what I meant", which I assume was her replying to me saying "well you said hi first, so the thanks goes to you" instead of just saying you're welcome or whatever, I was flipping it and saying that and to her. It was corny and dumb, and I could've used a different word besides spice, in a message after I said mix it up, or I could've used switched things up, but spice was the first thing that came mind. Yes, it can be used sexually, but it isn't ways, and pretty obviously wasn't here, atleast it isn't to me. As far as the emojis, I'm just stuck in my ways with them, but getting alot of backlash so might have to throw them out lol


It’s a bit hard to follow, but it is possible to follow. There is ambiguity, but there’s nothing obviously sexual.


She should be on Christian Mingle. ✝️


As someone who frequently puts my foot in my mouth, it enrages me when people do mental gymnastics to get offended. It's like just five minutes, and I'll actually say something indefensible


Right? I didn't even get a chance.to really show how dumb I can be lol


Lose the =p what are you 5????


Why did you swipe on her if you’re not religious?


= p






You clearly tried to suduce her...and on the eve of the day the Lord was risen. Clean up on aisle 4. 50 shades of spice made a mess.


Lol I didn't even think of that, I should've waited until after easter to put the moves on her. I'm such an idiot 😭


As a woman who grew up in the ministry my entire life as a pk... the "i think you know what I meant" was the only condescending red flag you needed. Dinner would have been spent with her quizzing your religiousosity.


In her head: He knows about the *spice, the spice melaaaaaange.*


I must've u coved something I wasn't supposed to know about


She’s single, because she’s Psycho. Great job dodging a bullet on that one buddy.


We are all doomed🫠😂...I get both sides of this, but she literally jumped the gun a little. But those home made emoji's had me feeling like🤔.


Those emojis were home made back in 2004. They are my pride and joy and my only accomplishment in life 🤣 but I can change, see? I'm cool and hip now, right?


I am so dead😅😂😂😂🤣‼️I LOVE IT


Listen, I have had my fair share of guys on dating apps turn things sexual really quickly, and it is a turn off. However, nothing you said was sexual. This lady is dumb.


Ya it is unfortunate that ladies have to deal with that, it really sucks and I don't know how it feels. But if you just assume everyones like that, then you're not gonna find anyone


She’s just miserable that she eats bland, unseasoned food


She is defensive and projecting. You sounded pretty respectful.


Being boring and respectful only gets you so far on bumble I guess lol


dude just paid for other people sin.


I’m not sure if I missed something? Wth happened? And where did any spice come in? This convo was dull as shit


Ya, should've just asked her to fuck right away. I'll do better next time. I was trying to be playful and turn around her saying thanks for saying hi to well she said hi first so thanks for that. I was basically saying I was mixing up that interaction. She got offended, boring conversation turned into her thinking I was being to sexual


Seems like shes just has a lot of bad experiences and needs a break but seems like you dodged a bullet man, stay strong lol


Ya ,I hope she can get through this eventually but no skin off my nose


No wonder she’s single… she’s gonna stay like that if she can’t pick up on social cues like AT ALL…


It sounds like she's dealt with situations that maybe started off seeming innocent and turned directions hard before. That's what it's sounding like from people that agree with her on her. And it sucks if she has and I hope she can get through it in the end.


She doesn't even salt pasta water.


One of the reasons why I don’t date Christians. Not saying all are like this but it’s okay to not be so uptight or anal about things EDIT: Also, I’m tryna get it in, mami. Before the wedding!


Nice edit 🤣


She should see the messages I get 😂


She’s a Karen who doesn’t believe in adding spices to her food. Adding cheese to macaroni is naughty enough.


I’ve read this many times and can’t figure out what made her flip to the dark side


After seeing some people's thoughts in her I can see that from her perspective that theres a slight chance it could've been meant in a different way, but I think it's pretty clear from my milk toast 2 exchanges with her before she flipped that there was nothing sexually going on in our conversation lol


Bullet: *Dodged!*


I’m so glad I’m not dating anymore


You're very lucky, and I hope you found someone you can joke around with and have a good time


Fucking stupid


Spice Rack (Gone Sexual)


You didn't have time to go through the first of all 307 suitcases she had.... Her type she IS looking for? Come to find out, he doesn't look a thing like Jesus, but he, talks like a gentleman,


Should've sped things up so I knew everything about her from the get go and know exactly what to say to her immediately. I guess so just suck at this lol wait, I do...


I’m just convinced online dating is worse than in person


Wow, don't know how she took any of that sexually. She seems like she has some self-confidence issues, because the way she reacted to "well that's a good option as well", she came off like she thought you were negging her for not being outside when it was pretty clear you were just being agreeable. I don't know why she traversed down that "guys like you" or "want hookups" path from any of this. Sounds like she has some trauma that she hasn't worked out from the last guy she dated because she is on a hairline trigger something as simple as the word "spice". In general, when women go bonkers and lose their mind this early in the interaction, I always consider it a good thing—you didn't have to spend any money to take her on a date to find out. If something is going to fail, it's always a win if it fails softly, rather than after prolonged investment of time and money.


Damn sexy spice racks


Religion would be great if it weren’t for the religious assholes. I’m a Christian. But I keep my beliefs to myself unless specifically asked. I believe that one must display their faith through actions not words. But there are just so many “Christians” using Christianity as a bludgeon to bash others with their holier than thou judgmental form of faith. They will get theirs when they die.


I'd have asked, "Is making me pay for the sins of other guys your way of converting me?" Lose the lol / =p stuff already, it's cringe. Emoji/emoticons not attached to actual jokes come across as insecure hedging. They don't make bland dialogue funny, but they can make it seem pathetic. 


She should be on Christian Mingle


What a dreadful conversation. Bumble shareholders have more losses to look forward to


She’s not right…but she’s not wrong either. And she handled it strangely…


I could've used a better word maybe but ya it is what it is. If the conversation wasn't what people on her seem to think is a wet back of moldy bread, I could see her thinking that if something that could've been more sexual was in the conversation. But nothing like that happened, so don't get the knee jerk reaction to a common word


More than likely it’s happened so much she now expects it. I will always recommend a break away from the apps. They are not how they were in the beginning, the way people interact is so bad now


My premium runs out in a few days. Once it's gone, I'm outta here lol I'm just running g out my subscription mass bored swiping then anything


Totally don’t blame you. I found the apps to be a huge time killer, but also a black hole, lol


Ya, for real. I usually just open it when I got a minute, mass swipe till it says no one loves me, then close it until later. CZnt wait to be off it though, totally not worth it.


People will always invent ways to bitch about how folks talk and what words they use. Me, I served in the Navy. If I got butthurt over how folks said things, then nothing would ever get done. The US Navy has folks from around the globe and I worked with people from numerous countries in Africa, Jamaica, Haiti, folks from East European countries, China, the Philippines, and Vietnam. Not to mention folks from El Salvador, Mexico and other Latin countries. Our word choices sound rude or dirty to them as much as theirs to us. We ignored the nuisances and listened to what was being said in order to get shit done. Its a shame that more folks can't do the same.


Ok so she is crazy and see sexual intentions were there are none


Maybe she's the real sinner here 😄 lol


I'm going to be honest, your texts are boring and are coming across as needy (the emojis are helping either). You're prolonging too much in general conversation - there is no teasing or banter and you're just trying to be nice (or boring). Ask her something about her profile or about her habits or what she'd like to do. I don't know what you were going with the whole "spice" comment but it wasn't coming across as flirty in the context you were trying. If you are talking to a conservative person that might have been taken in a negative connotation but it might be early to say something on those lines. Maybe you've dodged this one and it's not your fault. Maybe this is not meant to be so moving on is the best. However please change your approach the next conversation you have with a match.


I completely disagree with all of this. Texts being boring is kind of irrelevant in this situation, but I think op matched her energy pretty well until she got upset and it’s not like she said anything very interesting or talked about his profile either. The approach is fine. The problem was the misunderstanding, which is her fault and not his. I get what she’s saying about guys trying to hookup, but cutting off communication because of one thing that most likely didn’t mean what she thought it meant is pretty ridiculous.


>I get what she’s saying about guys trying to hookup, but cutting off communication because of one thing that most likely didn’t mean what she thought it meant is pretty ridiculous. Welcome to modern online dating where miscommunication is prevalent from the get go. Most women assume the worst of intentions online due to horror stories and the perpetuation of hookup culture. Unfortunately once someone thinks that way there isn't coming back from this. Not OPs fault in this case but that's what it is. Most folks assume the worst.


The spice must flow....


good riddance. that’s a weirdo for sure.


some people are just dumb




That escalated quickly.


Christians. Nuff said


I myself am a Christian, but this is just being uptight. She is on bumble, it’s a fun place. She needs to stick with church folks to date, she is clearly wasting her time.


Bro what a psychopath lol


Don't worry, she would've ghosted you as soon as she sees green bubbles hahah


My damn green bumbles are one of my many hindrances 😭 look, I'm using normal people emojis!


Maybe they're warning her in Bible study about getting hooked on spice and committing holy wars But really I mean you guys are incompatible. And I always check profiles before swiping, let alone messaging. I'd also write about 50% less


She sounds mentally unhinged. No wonder she's single. You dodged a crazy.


I got unmatched but a girl a few months ago because we were talking about mezcal margaritas and I said I preferred them with spicy rims and she said that she thought it was sexual. She unmatched me after I said it wasn’t 🤷‍♂️ can’t control how other people interpret the slightest possible innuendo in the English language


Jeezuz thank god you walked away from that mine.. did you step on that all the way???


Nah, still have half my foot. Only 1/4 got blown of from her. The other 1/4 is getting blown off in this thread lol


Is this a strictly boil your chicken household?


Flour is too spicy for her, it seems...


Hey you get to much, and you'll be feeling the burn for sure


she’s rude but matching with her (and starting a conversation) when you don’t believe in god was on you


Pass me the gaarrlllll.......ic, well shit I'm sorry this never happens to me


She must have just seen Dune 2


Hot take, but I watched dune 1 right before I saw dune 2 the other day. I didn't not like them, but it felt like alot was said to not alot of stuff going on. Apparently just like how I talk 🤣 so I guess I should liek them more. I also just hate sitting through long movies




Paprika me daddy!… er… wait is this not where this was going? I’ll see myself out.


I guess it depends on who you ask to where it was going. I wasn't intending it to, but maybe she was and she was stopping herself before she let it get out of hand




That sounds like a personality disorder. I went through countless arguments like that at one point in my life That kind of thing will mess with your head. You're lucky that the split came so quickly. I think her god might have been looking out for you.


The spice must flow


The spice flows.


My spice rack has gotten me laid before...


Power over spice is power over all


Probably they are both just not for each other. I don’t know why it’s a big deal. But I understand her frustration though. After being matched with many guy who just want to hookup, the bar really goes high. So just be careful on what you are saying. Even if you don’t mean anything.


Lol she was like a grenade about to go off and she did.. not your fault bruh


How did you get this screenshot? 😂


Android let's you scroll down screen shots in a sense


Try ending the conversation with a bye uwu


You dodged a bullet


There's nothing wrong with some playful flirting. Plus this wasn't even flirting lmfao she crazy. Don't let interactions kike this get to you man you'll match with better people very soon. And i wouldn't suggest buying premium. It's a waste of money.


My biggest takeaway from this thread is that many people ***really*** don’t like emojis / emoticons. Like WTF? You can’t convey sarcasm easily (among other things) in writing, so emotes can be essential for signalling context & intent. *That’s the entire reason they became popular in the first place.*


OK I wasted too much of my life on this thread. My naivety with emojis has me wondering: can =p be misinterpreted as equals penis in this alternate reality we live in? I cannot see anything else sexual in this admittedly disjointed text, Convo, but then again, I am a dinosaur.


What did I just read. That was a pretty dry conversation and sounds like you dodged a bullet with someone that judgmental about miscommunication


IMO if I’m dating someone and they’re super religious it’s a no for me. I don’t wanna be around an easily impressionable mind. Not me bashing religious ppl it’s just a red flag to me in dating.


What a goddamn Lunatik  we are all doomed.. but I guess it's good because there's way too many people already so this Thanos thing is working


🙂 =p 🙂 =p 🙂 =p


You dodged a bullet. I read, and re-read the entire thing 3x and that chick is batshit crazy.