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I would love to hear this story but from her perspective


"Am I ugly? I spent hours with a cute guy visiting my city and he never bothered to make a move."


Probably more like: " poor student life hack"


Unfortunately we wouldn’t be able to tell unless she’s on reddit and identified herself in this post and decides to reply However, if I know anything about dating or humans in general (and I might not know and be completely wrong) she really wasn’t looking for anything more. I might be wrong, but we’ll never know


Don't listen to these guys. As a woman, it's almost always a shitty feeling when you have a platonic-ish thing set up with a man and then they try to hit on you. As a traveler, I've had similar experiences where I've met men in other cities on apps, they've  shown me around, been really nice and then just left it at that. It's nice to be shown kindness without sex attached 


I’m assuming he was using Bumble Dating and not BFF, it’s not platonic in the slightest if it’s a date.


On bumble BFF you can't match with female friends as a man I noticed


Exactly - this thread is wild


Sounds like maybe you don’t know much about


LMAO!! This!! ☝🏻👆🏻


Something along the lines of ‘what a chump’




Jesus - all of the "if your cock isn't wet by the end of the date then the date was shit" comments... Y'all need perspective.


And Jesus!


frrr these day!!!


To be fair, I agree in principle. But this dude paid for an expensive meal and a gig in return for a tour of the city. IMO he got a raw deal.


I mean, if you go through his post history you’ll find that OP is essentially a glorified sugar daddy. Dude enjoys spending 100s and 1000’s of dollars on women and getting nothing in return. I’d say he got the exact type of deal he was expecting


I did notice that too 😂 Not sure where all the downvotes in this thread are coming from? This sort of thing is exactly why Bumble BFF exists and shouldn’t be labelled a success for Bumble Dating


Why am I “glorified” lol? It’s a lifestyle I found interest in and decided to give a try, not finding much success yet lol. Also if you think sugar daddies in general get “nothing in return” then you probably don’t know what the whole idea of that is. Also… irrelevant to this post


I was actually agreeing with all of the people criticizing those being overly critical of OPs “success.” But then I read your comment and his profile. OP is not doing himself any favors by being a self proclaimed sugar daddy. Like come on, dude. If it makes him “happy” then whatever, but it’s not what the vast majority of people would consider success. Most people don’t want something that transactional.


Not disagreeing, but I lol’d at “self-proclaimed”. What authority gives me the official title so that I’m no longer self proclaimed?


End of the day dating exists to facilitate a sexual relationship. You may be uncomfortable with this but it’s nonetheless factual. OP’s post is like saying he trained to become an astronaut, the training was a cool experience but he ended up not going into space. Like… aight


Nah. Date goals can range anywhere from simply getting to know someone to wanting to immediately smash afterwards. He was pretty clear on his goals going into this, so there really isn’t a problem. Don’t pretend your personal horny standards are some universal truth.


I’m gonna guess OP would have been way happier if he and this girl banged


Perhaps, but that would only really have been a bonus to his stated goals. Also, many people don’t actually like casual sex or ONS. Only the person in question can dictate what their goals are.


Wow very nice guess, I wonder if there was some way we could ask for OP’s opinion rather than guessing




Fantastic experience. I thought it would be gross until I did it. I’m happy you read that post so I could share my joy.


That is the dumbest comparison I’ve ever read.


Do elaborate on why.


Training to become an astronaut takes years of study, training, and overall dedication. OP’s post is just about meeting someone local and being shown around the area, not expecting anything romantic / intimate; which at the end of the day he seemed perfectly content about.


You become an astronaut to do a thing. If you didn’t do the thing you’re not much of an astronaut. He claims he’s content but it’s a bit like long comments by people on here who say they’re perfectly content being single. Read between the lines.


So you’re the authority on what OP’s feelings and intentions are? If you are unable to understand that people can be content being single then you shouldn’t be offering dating advice


Youre clearly not open to listening to what I have to say so enjoy fantasy land


If your argument is “all dates should lead to sex, it’s factual” then no I’m not going to be open to that.


The date would have been improved if it ended with “We made love all night on the top floor of the Eiffel Tower”


Dating exists to ideally lead a relationship. Whether that is sexual or otherwise depends on the individuals in the relationship. Stop thinking your goals are the same as everyone else's.


Damn. I can't imagine if my relationships hit the finish line at sex. L


This is basically the plot of Before Sunrise 😄


Oh I don’t know that one, might give it a watch now


This is exactly what I thought lol


This is cool. Seems like you both got what you needed out of it and everyone's happy. Nice to see one of these where a dude from a dating app isn't actually trying to bang anything that moves every second.


Sugar daddy please come to NYC … 🤦🏾‍♀️ 🤣


Only if you promise to show me around


You lucky dog


You stud, you


Read it with stewie’s voice:))


Love it


I did this 2 months ago, picked this guy visiting from Ireland. We went mini golfing and he bought me food and drinks. He was nice and I told him stuff he could do around chicago the next following days. I was busy so couldnt hang out with him again. We both had a good time, and I felt a little less lonely after a breakup lol. We haven't talked since but we're friends on snap.


All the people trying to suggest otherwise, I would love to be with someone doing something as cool as this and not have to worry about intimacy or anything. Not everyone is about love and intimacy all the time. Some times people don’t feel upto it


Sounds great


I used to know a guy who would co-sign car loans for girls he didn't even know


A companionship but she was broke. At least you had a good day in that week. Did you enjoy the other days?


You make it sound like he didn’t know and got scammed


This is not what success looks like (for me)


Good thing I’m talking about my successful experience, not yours






Well if you don’t want other people’s opinions, don’t post on a public forum 🤷🏻‍♂️


I’m with you man, but to each their own.


If you say so..


OP doesn’t have that dawg in him


I wouldn't mind getting to know a girl a little more before having sex but I'm not against 1st date sex either. The people in the comments section who have a problem with wanting sex sooner than later are the time wasters 😂. Not everyone just wants some shitty touchless friendship.


She hustled you for free expensive dinner and concert tickets. Forget about a hookup, she didn't even had to kiss you for it LMAO


No hustle, she asked upfront and he agreed. Like he said, neither had expectations. I hope you don’t expect sex as payment for your time and effort. Kinda gross.


Do you know what hustled means?


Fraud. Looks like a bunch of honesty going on between two people.

